Interesting stuff

Blowin's picture
Blowin started the topic in Friday, 21 Jun 2019 at 8:01am

Have it cunts

AndyM's picture
AndyM's picture
AndyM Tuesday, 28 Apr 2020 at 5:56pm

That was some pretty searing stuff.

Cromwell's picture
Cromwell's picture
Cromwell Tuesday, 28 Apr 2020 at 6:02pm

Proved to have spread inflammatory lies ? Quick, change the subject. As usual. No care no responsibility just pump out the bullshit and move on! Toxic behaviour.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Tuesday, 28 Apr 2020 at 6:19pm

"That was some pretty searing stuff."

...and not a word out of place...

though he did overlook that when china realised the seriousness of the virus they shut down all domestic travel in china ....only to go on and conciously send 100 000s of their their probable infected people to countries across the globe...

then had the audacity to scream racism when other countries belatedly took similar measures to protect themselves

worth spelling that out, it was vicious and malicious beyond belief, not the behaviour you'd find from a friend, or even the shakiest of allies...

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Tuesday, 28 Apr 2020 at 6:13pm honestly think that I’m a problem but China isn’t a problem ?

Not sure why you’re so desperate to ignore every evil act they perform and just focus on what you think I do or don’t do ?

Behaviour doesn’t get any more toxic than threatening an entire country of innocent people just because they seek the truth and information about the virus which was spread by China.

I think you need to reassess what’s important in this world.

Pupkin's picture
Pupkin's picture
Pupkin Tuesday, 28 Apr 2020 at 6:18pm

Jeez, blow in, you're getting really, really weirder. I dunno if it's even the slightest bit funny anymore, ha ha or strange.

I said weeks ago, "isolation is going to do some weird shit to people. And it will be evident. It already is."

Now you're cracking whips and going all Hollywood Spartan?!

Anyway, what do the good burghers of Swellnet think about this 'funny' blow in effort?

"How’s the vibrants going full fuck-you to Australia with their unapologetic raping of supplies ?

Multiculturalism is our strength !

Even better when you consider that they’ll be prioritised over elderly at hospitals Australians if they get sick.

And don’t ever forget the ALP promise to allow UNLIMITED elderly parent visas for vibrants going into the elections. Imagine the situation now if the ALP had been elected with an extra million octogenarian vibrants competing for the hospital beds and rape- hoarding all the hand sanitizers and TP to onsell online ....yewwww !"

And this was a month or so ago!!!!

The hinges* have really, really fallen off now...

*Chinese made? Or some other 'vibrant' joint like Thailand? (where they make those 7S boards for VALs)

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Tuesday, 28 Apr 2020 at 6:36pm

and the problem facto?

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Tuesday, 28 Apr 2020 at 6:38pm

"Anyway, what do the good burghers of Swellnet think about this 'funny' blow in effort?"

he's getting a bit 'blowivated'

but he's right on the money

serious question, which part/s exactly do you have a problem with?

...besides whippy ...which was more theatrics than nastiness...

AndyM's picture
AndyM's picture
AndyM Tuesday, 28 Apr 2020 at 6:43pm

I appreciate the passion but at the same time, the chances of any large vessel let alone a ship of war berthing uninvited and unannounced in Sydney harbour is absolutely negligible.

As an aside Cromwell, HAMAS Melbourne - is that the Australian navy vessel that was built on the Gaza Strip?

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Tuesday, 28 Apr 2020 at 6:55pm

yeh the boat thing sounds a bit of a stretch, but I'm sure there's a story of deceit in there somewhere...

the rest is being shown to be common knowledge really

the movements across the world confirm this, governments are in on something way bigger than we know about. it seens there's way more going on than a cover up of a fuck up

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Tuesday, 28 Apr 2020 at 7:26pm

Great news today and more nails in Adani’s coffin - thermal coal down 17.3% today on top of weeks of falls.

Pupkin's picture
Pupkin's picture
Pupkin Tuesday, 28 Apr 2020 at 7:34pm

"...and the problem?"

"...he's right on the money."

I think you just answered your own question, Sypkahn.

If the othering use of 'vibrants', the weaselly tie to 'multiculturalism', the hysterical made-up figures (millions, I tell youse!), hysterical made-up outcomes (prioritising over our true-blue Aussie hospital beds), general bog-standard blow in bigotry (where exactly is Vibrant-land again?) and well, the creepily weird love of the word 'rape', seems 'normal' to you, then I guess congratulations/commiserations are in order?

Keep on scurryin'.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Tuesday, 28 Apr 2020 at 8:05pm

you really don't see any problem or pattern with china's recent behaviour?

no significant developments at all worthy of comment?

you really cannot appreciate blowin's frustrations at the pathetic little routine you and blindboy perpetuate?

JQ's picture
JQ's picture
JQ Tuesday, 28 Apr 2020 at 8:08pm

Hey Sypkan, perhaps you could direct me to where either of these two claim that they 'don't see any problem or pattern with china's recent behaviour' ?

Granted I haven't read every post, but I've not seen them say this. What I have seen is you and Blowin ascribing this opinion to them.

You do understand that it is possible to disagree with the theories you and blowin perpetuate without thinking China is blameless?

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Tuesday, 28 Apr 2020 at 8:09pm

you think blindboy's straw grasping desperate heart attack speculation example is a fair comparison to the atrocities recently undertaken by china?

I've never heard such ridiculousness in my life

a bit of 'false equivelance'' you might say..

the irony ...again...

Cromwell's picture
Cromwell's picture
Cromwell Tuesday, 28 Apr 2020 at 8:10pm

Pathetic little routine? Aaaah, you mean calling out lies, expecting evidence to support assertions, not conflating personal opinion with reality and refraining from making alarmist allegations likely to increase racial hate crimes.......little routines like that?

JQ's picture
JQ's picture
JQ Tuesday, 28 Apr 2020 at 8:13pm

Okay Sypkan, so I'll assume you can't direct me to any posts then. I guess it's just you and Blowin putting words in their mouths.

That's pretty lame stuff.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Tuesday, 28 Apr 2020 at 8:17pm

I've got 8 years of ommissions and excuses JQ, google em, it's all there mate, under various guises and profiles

you been following this forum long?

not dismissing you, I welcome your input, but there's history...

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Tuesday, 28 Apr 2020 at 8:16pm

"Pathetic little routine? Aaaah, you mean calling out lies, expecting evidence to support assertions, not conflating personal opinion with reality and refraining from making alarmist allegations likely to increase racial hate crimes.......little routines like that?"

the irony! ...again...

JQ's picture
JQ's picture
JQ Tuesday, 28 Apr 2020 at 8:16pm

Look I've been reading a while. I've not seen either of these two guys say the things you seem to think they believe. All they've done is disagree with you & Blowin, vigorously yes, aggressively sure.

But it's not this black & white picture you seem to think it is.

Again, it is possible to disagree with you two without thinking China blameless.

Cromwell's picture
Cromwell's picture
Cromwell Tuesday, 28 Apr 2020 at 8:20pm

sypkan if you think that being threatened with a whip is unlikely to cause a level of stress capable of causing a heart attack in vulnerable individuals, then you are simply demonstrating your ignorance of a well established medical fact as documented in the link I provided. Stressful events can trigger heart attacks. That you dismiss such a threat as trivial suggests you suffer from a fairly extreme empathy deficit.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Tuesday, 28 Apr 2020 at 8:29pm

what is there exactly to disagree with?

a virus emerged in china, china covered it up for whatever reason, china lied and made the WHO ignore taiwan who knew exactly what was happening on many fronts - endangering the world and displaying systemic corruption. china stopped all domestic flights, then callously sent 100 000s of their people across the globe speading what was their disease. china has blocked any efforts to get to the origin of the virus; for four months now!. china duped the world with their data. china is now getting all huffy and puffy now that the world is getting impatient with them contiually flouting world rules and conentions

which part do you 'disagree' with?

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Tuesday, 28 Apr 2020 at 8:25pm

"sypkan if you think that being threatened with a whip is unlikely to cause a level of stress capable of causing a heart attack in vulnerable individuals, then you are simply demonstrating your ignorance of a well established medical fact as documented in the link I provided. Stressful events can trigger heart attacks. That you dismiss such a threat as trivial suggests you suffer from a fairly extreme empathy deficit."


sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Tuesday, 28 Apr 2020 at 8:26pm

thats the first time Ive written that in all my life

thats all I have got

Coaster's picture
Coaster's picture
Coaster Tuesday, 28 Apr 2020 at 8:27pm

Here’s another perspective on China’s ambitions.

Cromwell's picture
Cromwell's picture
Cromwell Tuesday, 28 Apr 2020 at 8:30pm

Yeh sypkan, cut and run when you are on a loser. It, seems to be a pattern in this thread.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Tuesday, 28 Apr 2020 at 8:33pm

"sypkan if you think that being threatened with a whip is unlikely to cause a level of stress capable of causing a heart attack in vulnerable individuals, then you are simply demonstrating your ignorance of a well established medical fact as documented in the link I provided. Stressful events can trigger heart attacks. That you dismiss such a threat as trivial suggests you suffer from a fairly extreme empathy deficit."

seriously blindboy, if that's all you've got to prioritise your energies into amongst all that's currently going in in the world you have lost all perspective

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Tuesday, 28 Apr 2020 at 8:35pm

"Yeh sypkan, cut and run when you are on a loser. It, seems to be a pattern in this thread."

wtf are you talking about?

see above..

mikehunt207's picture
mikehunt207's picture
mikehunt207 Tuesday, 28 Apr 2020 at 8:42pm

Whatever you think of Blowin he has mostly just been stating facts, I admit I have missed the whip guy and heart attack stuff in the news) but otherwise if you really disagree with the anti China sentiment please post some contradictory information to argue the other side ; did and are China covering up and lying about the virus and its spread? did China then insist on sending their compatriots back to unis and schools in Australia and the world even with a pandemic outbreak going off in their country at the time? did the Chinese ambassador just threaten Australia with import sanctions on beef and wine also education and tourism because our government wants an inquiry into how the virus was handled? have Chinese warships been posturing in the south China sea, building bases on atolls and not to mention mapping Australian submarine routes just off the north west coast of Australia ? I hope this is all fake news fellas, please point me in the right direction rather than just sprout anti racist doctrine and lefty idealisms in support of the PRC. I don,t get it?

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Tuesday, 28 Apr 2020 at 8:40pm

"Great news today and more nails in Adani’s coffin - thermal coal down 17.3% today on top of weeks of falls."

Ive been following progress and its full steam ahead even those big MF mining trucks on site, railway happening.

Im a supporter of renewables but also support coal exports and Adani and after watching the new Michael Moore film, i dont think coal is going anywhere for sometime, no wonder they are so confident in getting these mines happening.

Cromwell's picture
Cromwell's picture
Cromwell Tuesday, 28 Apr 2020 at 8:43pm

Thanks Coaster, that is a great analysis of where China is now and where it is going. Much appreciated. I await with interest the views of the other commentators.

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Tuesday, 28 Apr 2020 at 10:05pm

Yep . Very interesting read.

States without fanfare China’s intention to conscript Australia into their empire.

Unfortunately for China , the wheels are currently falling off their plan. Whence they merrily envisioned the developed world begging to be involved in their “ rejuvenating “ Belt and Road program, which would provide a ready conveyor of necessary tribute to the Motherland , China is now confronted by the unpleasant spectre of being a global pariah after it infected the globe .

Even this was forgivable , but then China decided to press its advantage and allow the facade of neutral economic benefactor to slip completely.

As a handy example, consider that when the article was published ( Oct 19 ) , a mere seven months ago , Germany was unambivalent about its shared future and prosperity with China , now the relationship between the two countries would generously be described as shizen.

There is bipartisan condemnation of China within German politics.

Germany is in no way alone in this feeling towards their former business partners in China. Global trust in China has evaporated completely. Indeed , just today...” with China dealing with blow-back across the world over its "wolf warrior" diplomacy. Last week alone, at least seven Chinese ambassadors – to France, Kazakhstan, Nigeria, Kenya, Uganda, Ghana and the African Union – were summoned by their hosts.”

I think people will be amazed at how much the threat of war can galvanise the US nation and how this true external threat has always been the surest generator of their technological advancements. The US thrives on the idea of war . It focuses them as a people and removes the distractions that peace time provides .

There will be no more transfer of intellectual property to China. Companies are already relocating their manufacturing out of China. Japanese Government has underwritten the expense of moving their entire nation’s supply chain out of China .

China will lose its manufacturing base just as it faces a China Virus driven demand shock as the worlds economies slow . The Chinese domestic demand is not strong enough to support the Chinese economy and there is no scope for growth.

China is in a world of economic hurt. This is why they are rapidly becoming more nationalistic in their rhetoric . The CCP maintained a social licence from the Chinese people to rule as long as they provided continuously expanding economic prosperity, with this premise now unrealistic, the CCP will probably try and turn domestic dissatisfaction outwards and create antagonism with the wider world. The CCP will focus the anger of its population at an external enemy.

Taiwan should be concerned.

As should Australia. We make an excellent location for a proxy war with the USA and our natural wealth is a prize worth waging war over.

I post this comment earlier after reading it on another site. It seems appropriate :

“I get the impression China thought that by sending all their best and brightest to learn (and steal) from the best in the West that they were going to play the West at ‘our’ own game and win. The Japanese kind of did similar – twice in fact, once during the Meiji Restoration which ended (ultimately) in them getting their head kicked in back in 1945 and the more subtle version which took force in the very late 1980s when the ‘Japan that can say no’ meme came to a crashing end. I feel like right about now China might be feeling a little sore and learning that the masters of the universe in the West have had many centuries of running this show and they didn’t get to the top by being stupid.“

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Tuesday, 28 Apr 2020 at 9:35pm

Esme still dreaming.

Cromwell, I get that China is going to act like the big new bully on the block like the US have done for much of the post war period but I'm not buying we ought to accept it from China (nor we should have in the past) nor should we swallow the efforts of the latest conga line of state employed Chinese historians and kids reckon #fakenews is new!

The Coronavirus gives Australia and the world an opportunity to reset any and all relationships with China and we would be ridiculously foolish not to take it. Right now like many I have zero tolerance for the standard Chinese government bullshit but frankly I think that's good, like a breathe of fresh air.

velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno Tuesday, 28 Apr 2020 at 9:47pm

That was a really good read. One takeaway:

"The other thing that happened is the Chinese pushed us out of it. The Asians have always subsidized capital-intensive industry. That’s the Asian model. The Japanese did it in 1900. It’s not new. The difference is China is 1.4 billion people. They are gigantic. The gravitational pull of that Chinese subsidy chased all American money out of hardware [and] into software. Out of capital-intensive into so-called capital-light investments. Now how do you deal with that? Well we can go to the Chinese and say, “Change your economic system or we’ll tax furniture” or whatever. I’m exaggerating slightly. I don’t believe we can force the Chinese to change their system. That’s been the Asian system since 1868. They don’t know any other way to run a business. So we’ve got to do some things on our own, and that will in some cases require subsidies. The way we give subsidies to defense companies. I hate subsidies. They lead to corruption, they leave inefficiencies, they’re the wrong way to do things, but in a national security situation, sometimes you do things in a suboptimal way. Having the Marines close, engage, and destroy is not exactly an economic value-added proposition either, but you do it for national security reasons."

velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno Tuesday, 28 Apr 2020 at 9:48pm
velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno Tuesday, 28 Apr 2020 at 9:50pm

And one more quote from the author of the article, answering a question:

"Question: I’m personally very interested in the rise of China and the effects it’s had on its own people investing in real estate in the United States and the effects that has had on my generation. And I’d like to know your opinion on the matter of Chinese citizens investing in residential real estate around the world.

David Goldman: Well, during the great housing bubble of 1998 to 2008, the United States ran a current account deficit each year of about $600 billion; it was enormous. And the whole world was flushed with savings. The Chinese were enormous savers—and many others, not just the Chinese. I was at that point the head of debt research for the Bank of America, and we sold vast amounts of mortgage-backed securities to the Chinese and thought this was safe with houses. This helped create a bubble in housing in the United States, supported [by] some very bad credit decisions; in order to create these bonds that we could sell to the Chinese, we dragooned every drunk off the street we could and put a mortgage in front of them and got them to sign it. I mean we lowered credit standards; we did outrageous things as bankers. It’s one of the reasons I left the industry. So that created a housing bubble, which pushed your generation out of the housing market. It pushed housing out of reach, so it had a terrible consequence for you."

Patrick's picture
Patrick's picture
Patrick Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 3:07am

Thanks for the link Coaster.

freeride76's picture
freeride76's picture
freeride76 Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 5:42am

So that created a housing bubble, which pushed your generation out of the housing market. It pushed housing out of reach, so it had a terrible consequence for you."

Yeah, but then the bubble burst, right?
Big time.

It never burst in Aus.

Optimist's picture
Optimist's picture
Optimist Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 5:52am

A great read coaster, I sent the link to my local member of parliament just to make sure they are paying attention. Recommend everyone do likewise.

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 7:45am

The effort to perpetuate the property speculation Ponzi is officially Orwellian .

Read this and consider just what it entails :

The freedom of Victorian tenants to choose where they live could be substantially restricted under new COVID-19 laws.

Legislation that cleared state parliament last week to combat effects of coronavirus on the state economy now requires renters on month-to-month leases to get a Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal order if they want to move out.

At the tribunal, they would need to prove “severe hardship” if made to stay put.

The temporary law is a significant departure from the original one requiring the tenant to provide 28 days’ written notice before leaving – no reason needed.

Human rights organisation Liberty Victoria says the change is “unprecedented”.“

Cromwell's picture
Cromwell's picture
Cromwell Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 7:48am

Guy, as I said back there somewhere, it is about using what influence we have wisely to achieve a national benefit. It is hard to see that the blunt demand for an inquiry into the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, no matter how justified, met those criteria. If there is sufficient international pressure China will probably allow an inquiry. If there is not, or they really do have something they do not want us to know, they won’t. In either case a lone blunt demand from Australia will not make any difference. It is a waste of our very limited influence. In my opinion the worst outcome for Australia would be the development of two trading blocs. This would make it impossible for Australia to maintain the balance between our alliance with the US and our trade with China. It is not about “accepting bullying”. It is about maintaining a complex relationship under difficult circumstances.

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 8:27am


If China had a shred of credibility it should already be neck deep in leading an investigation. They have placed the entire world in an extremely precarious position and the onus is on them to be proactive.

This shouldn’t even need saying. China has a responsibility to humanity to investigate the origins of this virus as forensically as possible.

But they refuse to do so.

An Australian appeal to form an international investigate body, after China has so wilfully resisted the necessity of doing so itself, is not untoward.

Evocative labelling of the motion as blunt is not worthy of discussion. The scientific inquiry is a global necessity and the population size of the initiating nation is irrelevant.

The Chinese diplomatic description of the motion as “ dangerous “ is telling. They have something to hide. If they have something to hide and their desire to perform their obligations towards humanity is not forthcoming, then the strawman argument that the Australian initiative is inappropriate is asinine.

Australia has been thrown into turmoil. Lives have been lost , our economy and society is thrown into chaos. Australia has a right to demand an investigation. If China refuse because it feels we aren’t being nice then.....fuck China.

In my opinion the best outcome for Australia is the complete disengagement from the tyrannical dictatorship of China.

Strange that Blindboy still regards Russia as an evil which should be abolished from the world stage and that he would never cast judgement on the US decision to ostracise Russia from its international dealings, but for some reason he thinks that China shouldn’t be regarded with the same disdain.

Australia is necessary to China. Their growth is predicated on access to our iron ore and coal. Without Australia....China crumbles.

Our future as a sovereign nation depends on removing China from our region. Short term economic pain is a very small price to pay to keep this hungry wolf from our door.

There is no middle ground with China. They view all those who allow them through the door as subservient. Trade without compromising our sovereignty is an illusion.

The Cold War is nearly two decades old and still there are those who would pretend it doesn’t exist .

Boycott China in trade and extricate their influence from Australia.

Cromwell's picture
Cromwell's picture
Cromwell Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 8:31am

No need for an inquiry then. Just send Blowin’s report to the UN. More importantly, the policies you suggest would cause a deep long lasting depression in Australia with catastrophic levels of unemployment while China would barely blink. Governments are elected to act in the national interest not to hold the highest peaks of the moral high ground regardless of consequence.

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 9:58am

Cromwell, I see what you’re saying, agree China like all sovereign nations need to be respected but a clear demonstration on how Australia needs to reset its own sovereignty with China emerged this week with the Chinese ambassador’s trade threats.

His words in a diplomatic sense are extraordinary and clearly highlight the CCP’s contempt of Australia.

As an aside my neighbour is a scientist in a specialist manufacturing field connected with large Australian government contracts. These contracts have very high mandatory Australian materials and manufacturing requirements. A decade ago all manufacturing was done onshore but a large % is now Chinese based. My neighbour tells me for the last 3 years the Chinese operations have falsified documents, provided inferior materials designed to fail when made/tested here, stamped Chinese made components as Australian made and tested. My neighbour has refused to go along with any of this and is now banned from travelling to China to inspect critical plant, machinery and materials to validate how things are been manipulated. The goal here is to get 100% Chinese manufacture, sabotaging Australian manufacturing and getting all the IP that goes with it.

EDIT: just one of the contracts I refer to above is worth $200 million AUD and it involves critical safety components for a major infrastructure project. It is critical for public safety that the correct testing (to failure) specifications are used.

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 8:59am

There is no greater national interest for Australia than to remove ourselves from the clutches of China. Failure to do so will condemn future generations of Australians into subservience to a foreign dictatorship as a best case result.

I’m not sure if you’ve been paying attention, but China’s refusal to be accountable for its actions already has us on the edge of depression.

And now they are threatening to completely throw the nation into economic catastrophe on a whim , after Australia committed the inexcusable error of not wording a diplomatic proposal without first passing it through China’s prism of dictatorial censorship.

What more evidence do you need to realise that any future Australia may share with China is undertaken at Australia’s expense ? Continuance of trade with China comes at a price which includes our independence, our sovereignty and our freedom.

Australia is already broke thanks to China. Not sure which part of this you fail to comprehend.

Governments are elected to maintain the moral values we hold as non negotiable. You would have us enslaved just so that we may have a big screen TV .....until China decides that even this is not to its wishes.

Australia has been through depression before and probably will again. We survived as a nation and remain as the social democracy we choose to be.

You would have us give up everything for what exactly ?

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 8:58am

GuySmiley.....the proof of the Cold War between our nations is inexhaustible.

An appeal to a false economic dawn as means to peddle the continued silent invasion by China needs to be loudly and unambiguously rejected.

China is our enemy. This needs to be openly recognised within Australia if we are to stand any chance of repelling their strategic overthrow of our country.

brutus's picture
brutus's picture
brutus Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 8:59am

This ones for Blowin....and his Chinese rant...

Firstly China is a culture of about 5,000 years , USA/OZ about 200...the west plundered China , addicted their population to opium , let Japan invade yeah they don't like the West because for them they remember History and the raping and pillaging of their culture and Country....this is still a very fresh in their minds....and as they have a 100 year plan....yes they have a World domination plan.
We have sold too many assets already to them...and we rely on their imports of our rocks and gas.....if they cut off all business to Australia , we would be basket a business case .....massive unemployment, increasing debt , no $s for social services , a banana republic....and a very big dip in our lifestyles...

Is it right , no , did the Virus originate in China probably ......but look at the idiots in the USA who actually denied the virus was dangerous ,Trump on feb 24 declared that the virus would gone by April..........after being briefed dozens of time by his intelligence Agencies about the oncoming pandemic...he refused to do anything till mid march..USA Herd mentality response...lets see how the Mighty USA deals with a contagious flu........economic/health system....near collapse...
So be careful what you wish for as the Chinese could destroy all of our lifestyles and our Aussie Aussie oi culture!

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 9:06am

Not sure what the USA has to do with the fact that China is plotting and enacting a silent invasion of Australia ? Beyond the fact that our alliance with the USA is the only reason this hasn’t been a more forthright and violent event. In any event I will not be distracted by domestic politics in the US.

And Brutus.....history of China has absolutely zero bearing on current events.

China intends to assume Australia into its empire. This will definitely cost Australians their freedom and probably their lives .

There is no case , economic or otherwise , that you can present which alters the non-negotiable truth that this must never happen.

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 9:13am


garyg1412's picture
garyg1412's picture
garyg1412 Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 9:54am

Blowin I would say the history of China has a lot to do with current events that are not Covid-19 related. Pillage, plunder and humiliation in their past by foreign entities would still breed resentment today. Remember what the Treaty of Versailles spawned.

Snuffy Smith's picture
Snuffy Smith's picture
Snuffy Smith Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 9:59am

He washed Blowin's sheets......