Interesting stuff

Blowin's picture
Blowin started the topic in Friday, 21 Jun 2019 at 8:01am

Have it cunts

brutus's picture
brutus's picture
brutus Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 10:09am

therein lies your problem do not recognize past history , and how China is disabling the USA , created the Silk Road ( Victoria signed up!) and have a long term objective of World domination as they believe they are the superior culture and Nation!
The way they infiltrate the world, is thru business deals with different countries , and depending on how needy or greedy ( Perhaps both) the country is then wooed over by usually $'s...we only have our greed to blame fro reliance on China ..

Cromwell's picture
Cromwell's picture
Cromwell Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 10:15am

Guy, not sure that the current exchange amounts to much more than a dummy spit in each direction. We’ll see on that score. I hope your neighbour has brought his allegations to the attention of the appropriate authority. In the article coaster posted there are a list of policy changes that the US needs to make to adjust to China’s rise. Australia probably needs a similar review of its needs. One of my concerns is the short to medium turn risk of China perceiving Australia as hostile to it as a nation and racist in its treatment of its citizens and deciding to target the Australian economy with very serious consequences.......for us.

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 10:38am

Blindboy ....when are you going to acknowledge the overwhelming racism through which China views Australia ? Chinese racism towards Australia is overt and completely dwarfs any slight undercurrent of racial resentment towards them by Australians. China refuses any Australian the ability to own land in China or become a Chinese citizen . This is the most pure form of racism in world history.

When are you going to acknowledge that China is unapologetically hostile to Australia ? You think that short term economics is more important than survival of our nation ?

It is not necessary that we have anything to do with China. Beijing is 8000 kms from Sydney.

Brutus.....You are victim shaming. Your same perspective would blame First Nations for being invaded by the English.

I don’t get the references to history. The outcome for every Australian and their descendants will be enslavement and death. If you think that your children being driven from their land is acceptable because of some centuries old historical event then you obviously don’t have much care for them.

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 10:34am

Some of the posters on here sound like they are happy for Australia to continue in an abusive relationship with China , with Australia playing the part of the oft beaten spouse who remains with the domineering and potentially violent partner because they buy you nice things.

Sorry , I don’t subscribe to this form of subjugation. I wouldn’t advise a beaten spouse to remain with a violent partner until the potential of violence becomes a harsh reality.

Modern Australia existed without China for hundreds of years. We can do so again. Our independence is worth enduring hardship to maintain.

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 10:46am

Good summation from the SMH

The virus sweeping the world has ended globe-trotting diplomacy but virtual gatherings have flourished, as leaders swap notes on the battle against a virus. The G20 meeting was convened via a video link by Saudi Arabia on April 7 and it turned into a piece of performance art, vividly illustrating the limits of technology and the glaring flaws in the current crop of premiers, presidents and prime ministers.

The technical glitch came when a still hale Boris Johnson began to speak and no one could hear him. Either his microphone was muted or some other gremlin had infected the narrowcast but, whatever the cause, London wasn’t calling. The chief complaint with some of the other presentations was you could hear what they were saying. “If this is the best the world has to offer then we are doomed,” one witness noted.

The big problem lies with the heavyweights, the United States and China. Anyone who muses about injecting disinfectant should not be leading a boy band let alone a superpower. Even if he was fit for purpose, Donald Trump has never had any interest in leading the world. His chief political skill is in polarising domestic opinion and harvesting enough of it to win power.

But the enduring genius of America is its freedom. Powerful governors, academics and a vibrant media aren’t afraid to push back against the President. We know America’s flaws in vivid detail because Americans shine a spotlight on them every single day.

So, for all of America’s failings, it is infinitely better than the alternative; a paranoid and increasingly aggressive totalitarian regime that reflexively lies, controls all media, persecutes and jails its domestic critics and threatens the few nations that challenge it with retribution. Xi Jinping doesn’t get bad press because he doesn’t allow it.

Which is why Xi is so much more of a threat to the world than Trump. The lies told by the Chinese Communist Party he leads are echoed around the world by China’s embassies. The biggest lie of all is that the virus currently infecting the world did not come from China.

The Chinese ambassador Cheng Jingye has disputed that the virus had started in a Wuhan “wet market”. It might not have started in a wet market but it did start in Wuhan. Given how explosively infectious it is, if it had started anywhere else, we would know.

Cheng Jingye threatened consequences if Australia pressed ahead with an inquiry into the origins of the pandemic.

If the ambassador genuinely harbours any doubts about its origin then, surely, it’s in China’s interest to identify the cause. It is absolutely in Australia and the world’s interest to limit the chance of another crippling pandemic.

"The Chinese public is frustrated, dismayed and disappointed with what Australia is doing now," the ambassador complained about the Australian push for an investigation into the origins of COVID-19.

It’s a fair bet that many Australians are a tad dismayed at the prospect of dying, being locked in their homes and having their livelihoods and futures torched by a communist party that punished the Chinese hero who tried to warn that a novel virus was on the loose in Wuhan in December. At best, we lost 20 days of preparation.

The ambassador has threatened retribution for seeking the truth. Students might decide not to come to Australian universities and tourists might go elsewhere. "It is up to the people to decide. Maybe the ordinary people will say: 'Why should we drink Australian wine? Eat Australian beef?'"

Here’s another uncomfortable truth about China: “the people” will decide as directed by the party.

To date Australia’s business captains and university chiefs have shown they can’t handle the truth. As long as the rivers of gold flowed, they were happy to urge silence in the face of the militarisation of the South China Sea, industrial-scale cyber theft, the arbitrary arrest of our citizens, rampant foreign interference and the imprisonment of a million Uighurs in Xinjiang. Silence means consent. That now includes agreeing to stay mute about the origin of a disease that has killed thousands, impoverished millions, threatened billions and cost trillions.

And if they understand nothing but money they should now understand this: China is signalling it’s an unreliable partner. Resuming business as usual where supply chains and income streams rely too heavily on a nation that views both as political weapons is to invite the next catastrophe. Of course we should trade with China but it has to be with our eyes wide open and consistent with a national interest that is not just measured in cash.

In the words of a former intelligence officer: “I don’t understand why Australian politicians think that we have to build a relationship of trust with China in order to do business with it. Russia and China understand each other perfectly because they don’t trust each other at all.”

Cromwell's picture
Cromwell's picture
Cromwell Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 10:53am

Easy to say for one who is independently wealthy enough to have retired early. The ones who would suffer from a breach in our long and mutually beneficial (not least to you personally) relationship would be the young and the poor. If you actually cared more about the well being of Australians than in occupying the lofty peaks of morality, you would not be proposing policies with disastrous economic consequences. As for the trust issue, I would think that there is very little trust between nations at any time. Each looks out for their own interests. “Trust” usually means no ore than their interests coinciding.

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 11:01am

On the contrary , Blindboy. Our young generation will be getting off very lightly indeed if Australia halts the Chinese incursion into Australia through economic boycott.

Every other aggressively expansionist , imperial state had to be confronted militarily. This means the death and ruination of tens of thousands of able bodied young men in a best case scenario and the violent mass destruction of society as the alternative .

China will not stop until we resist strongly enough to make it reconsider. The first step is economic decoupling. I honestly pray that the situation will not move towards outright war but it will not surprise me if it happens.

China is arrogant, racist and dismissive of Australia’s desire to retain it’s independence. The CCP covets Australia’s natural wealth and considers that their size entitles them to our homeland.

I disagree .

Snuffy Smith's picture
Snuffy Smith's picture
Snuffy Smith Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 11:01am

As surfers or supposed surfers you would think there would be a level of open mindedness being pretty well traveled and all.Not so for some I wonder if Blowin or others with the same opinion towards China have read Mein Kampf or My Struggle I have.Your train of thinking is going in a direction that is repeating what we should of learnt 80 yrs ago.What is your final solution Blowin?What do you want to see really happen? let it all out.I don't think it's going to be pretty.

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 11:21am

Huh ?

Open mindedness ?

We in Australia are the victims. We are not threatening China, we never have threatened China. We have not infiltrated their political system. We have not made improbable and aggressive demands on China.

Australia welcomed China with open arms. We welcome Chinese people and allow them to become equal members of our community. We allow residents of China who have never set foot in Australia to buy our homes , our prime agricultural land , our mineral assets and our essential infrastructure.

None of this is reciprocated.

Instead , Australians are considered aliens in China. We can never dream of becoming an equal in China. We are allowed no possession of hard assets. We cannot even form a business in China without Chinese involvement.

And you know what ? Australia could probably continue to exist like this. We are fair and tolerant people. Just because China will not relinquish its racism and cultural superiority doesn’t mean Australia can’t continue to be a free and harmonious place.

But now China wants Australia just like Germany wanted France and Japan wanted Singapore in the last Great War. China does not respect our sovereignty. China is forcing Australia to become part of the Chinese empire against our will.

I’ve got to say ....people’s attempts to ascribe my perspective as xenophobic or racist are mistaken at best and a strawman distraction at worst. Frankly , I find it fucking obnoxious.

The beloved trope of the fake left - that of the racist White Australians- aren’t the only people being threatened with invasion by China. It’s also those First Nations people. Australians of Korean , Indian , Greek , Nepalese ancestry...every single Australian.

The Chinese government doesn’t care who you are . Even if you are Chinese you are to be oppressed, subjugated , imprisoned or put to death if you resist.

My solution is that the Chinese government do what they want within their country and leave Australia alone to do what we want. How resisting a tyrannical dictatorship who intends to bend the world to their evil intentions can possibly be misconstrued as “ narrow minded “ is beyond me.

Cromwell's picture
Cromwell's picture
Cromwell Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 11:21am

"Every other aggressively expansionist , imperial state had to be confronted militarily. This means the death and ruination of tens of thousands of able bodied young men in a best case scenario and the violent mass destruction of society as the alternative ."

So you are suggesting we declare war on China? Now that is truly absurd.

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 11:31am

China has already declared war on us.

To think otherwise is truly absurd.

VJ put this up yesterday. I suggest you read it . I doubt you’ll learn something. It seems that denial is a useful impediment for enlightenment amongst some on here.

Australia doesn’t want war with China . Even less do we want to become enslaved in our homelands like the Uighur . This is why we should resist the Chinese advance now whilst the pain is merely economic.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 11:49am

"To date Australia’s business captains and university chiefs have shown they can’t handle the truth. As long as the rivers of gold flowed, they were happy to urge silence in the face of the militarisation of the South China Sea, industrial-scale cyber theft, the arbitrary arrest of our citizens, rampant foreign interference and the imprisonment of a million Uighurs in Xinjiang. Silence means consent. That now includes agreeing to stay mute about the origin of a disease that has killed thousands, impoverished millions, threatened billions and cost trillions."

you've got your hitler's mixed up snuffy surf. its the chinese that are snuffing people out. its the chinese with concentration camps. its the chinese who are practicing racial supremecy

...we're just sponsoring it all...

sort out your hitlers mate, it blows my mind we are witnessing the atrocities of the nazi party all over again ...and it's in 2020!!!


with the benefit of hindsight, would you roll over for hitler?

I'd hope not, not many would, why do we bend over for china?

I've heard so many times on here from the morally righteous.... 'the standard you walk past is the standard you accept'

why do we do this with china?

walk straight past everytime...

ignore all that is so obviously void of morals

....again again and again....

why does this standard not apply to currently the most ruthless and racist country on the planet?

I just don't get it

someone, anyone, please please explain this to me

there's a massive gaping hole that all can see, yet we are told its not there, a massive void of moral - but all is fine, all this faux outrage raging, swirling around it, whilst the true evil is ignored, denied, and wished away

it's like living in the fucking matrix with the 'glitch' repeating again and again before your eyes

...but the drones don't see it...


zenagain's picture
zenagain's picture
zenagain Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 11:38am

Seems like Blowy is carrying the torch alone here and I wouldn't mind betting that a substantial amount of people following this are in quiet agreement. I have to say I am. A couple of key points- yep, Australia got themselves this far because of greed, a greed that benefited few at the expense of many. Another word 'reciprocity', I don't even think the Chinese have a word for it.

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 11:43am

Snuffy Smith ....This is the evil confronting Australia. Please read this and grasp just who we are confronted by. If you truly can’t appreciate the reality of the Chinese empire and their now-undisguised goal of subjugating as much of the world as possible then I suggest you please desist from accusing those that do of being narrow minded and broaden your own mind instead.

“The Xinjiang re-education camps, officially called Vocational Education and Training Centers by the government of the People's Republic of China,[9][10][11] are internment camps that have been operated by the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region government for the purpose of indoctrinating Uyghurs since 2017[3] as part of a "people's war on terror" announced in 2014.[12][13] The camps were established under General Secretary Xi Jinping's administration[13][14] and led by party secretary, Chen Quanguo. These camps are reportedly operated outside the legal system; many Uyghurs have reportedly been interned without trial and no charges have been levied against them.[15][16][17] Local authorities are reportedly holding hundreds of thousands of Uyghurs in these camps as well as other ethnic minority groups, for the stated purpose of countering extremism and terrorism and promoting sinicization.[18][19][20][21][22][23]“

The last line is important. This is a million people who are living in their own lands and have been invaded by the Chinese empire and thrown into prisons and brainwashed into becoming Chinese.

Can you ever imagine what would be required to force you to become Chinese ?

Like most Australians, I’d be dead before that ever happened . Not that this worries the Chinese . They’d consider that a most convenient outcome.

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 11:41am

Cheers , Zen.

Cheers , Sypkan.

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 11:45am

Well said , Sypkan. :

“why does this standard not apply to currently the most ruthless and racist country on the planet?

I just don't get it

someone, anyone, please explain this to me

there's a massive gaping hole that all can see, yet we are told its not there, a massive void of morals that isn't there, all this faux outrage raging around it, whilst the true evil is ignored, denied, and wished away“

Pupkin's picture
Pupkin's picture
Pupkin Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 11:47am


The nips are getting bigger!

And the iso juice is taking its toll!

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 11:52am

"Australia got themselves this far because of greed, a greed that benefited few at the expense of many. Another word 'reciprocity', I don't even think the Chinese have a word for it."

yep yep yep

and the answer from the wise ones?

more greed

more submission

no reciprocity

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 12:01pm

my iso's been great actually

lotsa waves, watching beautiful sunsets, bit of time off, getting work done...

some good chats

so not even close facto

wrong, again again and again...

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 12:02pm

Repost comment:

“I agree. I don’t think there is any way the CCP can survive this in the long run. They have no real friends in the world, only the people that they buy with their money which will fast be drying up as supply chains move and their economy slows more and more. The fact that they are getting so blatantly angry just reveals their level of desperation. It also just makes things worse for them.”

Cromwell's picture
Cromwell's picture
Cromwell Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 12:02pm

Much of the criticism of China is well justified, but that is not the point. The points that need to be considered are; 1. What can we do that will make a difference? 2. What is in our national interest? For the first point, the answer is not much. Australia has very little influence in China and needs to use that wisely and in most cases that would be acting with other nations. For the second point it is clear that the Australian economy would require a long transition to reduce its dependence on China so actions that produce no change in Chinese policy but damage our trading relationship with them are pointless. Further, actions which incite racial hatred, intolerance and discrimination against Asian Australians are reprehensible. The fact that China is more racist does not justify racism here. If you look back you will see this chapter in a very long running discussion started with me calling out Blowin for praising the assault by a man cracking a whip and calling out angry abuse at people queuing at the Chinese Consulate. If that standard of conduct becomes acceptable then, like you zen, I might end my days living in Japan for the protection and peace of mind of my wife who is acutely aware of the everyday racism people of Asian appearance attract.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 12:17pm

how could she not? living in the same fucking house as you?

if that dude cracking a whip had dreadlocks and a different target it'd be 'performance art'

the reason that guy is acceptable is because people are so fucking frustrated with the likes of you not addressing the hypocrisy

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 12:15pm

our national interest is in leaving a reasonable country to our children, everything you say and suggest just keeps facilitating the exact opposite

Snuffy Smith's picture
Snuffy Smith's picture
Snuffy Smith Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 12:15pm

Haha so have you read My struggle or not?Your struggle seems real well to you anyway.I can't seem to find any of your views or information other than from Sky news or Some weird news services than have been bombarding my YouTube feed.Now don't tell me some of you have disappeared down that wormhole.Get your Hitler's right you say.I think you missed the point of what I was trying to get across.With what happened 80+ years ago is how did quite level normal Germans buy into being involved in such atrocities.Now my concern is this is a surfing website forum for sure shoot the shit speak your mind.If this is some peoples opinions on here I can't imagine what non surfing Suburbanites must be thinking hence the Mein Kampf scenario.You know skypan your last comments about China has the camps its China that's practicing racial supremacy it's China that's snuffing people out .You just described our own backyard to a tee.We have the camps... AYP lands .We have been practicing racial supremacy ...on our Indigenous people. We have been snuffing people out ...the slow genocide of our Indigenous people over a long period of time.Go read My Struggle and see where you are at in your thinking or not and keep going headlong into a struggle you won't be able to escape.Thats my vented spleen hanging out for you all.back to posting shitty music bye bye

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 12:18pm

Blindboy ...refer to your questions :

1/ Who cares about making a difference in China ? Australia has no desire to impose our will on them , only that we should be free from the imposition of China’s will. Whether our actions affect China beyond protecting our country is irrelevant.

2/. The priority of our national interest is to remain a sovereign social democracy. Australia will always be able to feed or house it’s people. Australia will always be able to look after the health and welfare of it’s people regardless of any economic situation. We are blessed of natural abundance. With this concern allayed , we should do everything within our power to defend our free society from Chinese domination this is the priority of our national interest.

The rest of your post is not worthy of discussion.

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 12:23pm

“Much of the criticism of China is well justified, but that is not the point. “

It’s the only point when China no longer tries to hide the fact that they plan to claim your country as part of their dictatorship.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 12:24pm

I don't need to read whatever, my job is living what you describe

as woeful a situation it is....

false equivelance

again again and again

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 12:26pm

assuming you mean APY lands

Snuffy Smith's picture
Snuffy Smith's picture
Snuffy Smith Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 12:33pm

Yeah I'll just edit it like you done with yours.haha

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 12:40pm

I don't know, I reckon the rest of BB's post is worthy of discussion.

A significant percentage of Australia's population are Chinese migrants. Agree with it or disagree with it, that's wholly besides the point, they're here, they're Australians, and any forward action has to consider the knock on effects of alienating them.

That's the reality of the situation, and if critics aren't addressing that they're either living in fairyland or they're the kind of people who prefer confrontation to solutions, in which case they should be ignored; whatever they do will be counterproductive to our national interest.

Many Chinese diaspora abhor the CCP, as seen by Tiananmen Square and the recent Hong Kong protests, however there are an element that remain loyal and whipping up racial flames will not only incite them but divide the loyalties of those expats who now call Australia home.

Sure, it's easy to say those new Australians should be 100% dedicated to their new home, but if they're facing racial abuse and being marginalised then any realist can predict the outcome - not for all but for some - and that could be devastating to Australia.

Totally counter-productive and easily avoided.

So it's a delicate battle of hearts and minds, these matters always are. Direct the energy to the ideology of the CCP, not to the people living among us of Chinese extraction. Anyone who uses the issue as a cloak to disguise racial agendas should be outed immediately lest their white-anting bring us all down.

They do a grave disservice to Australia's security.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 12:47pm

yeh I edited, Im an impatient fuck with disfunctional keyboard. I didn't change the meaning of anything I said

how about we stick to that? what is said

you really have no issue with uygher concentration camps? live organ transplants? whatever other twisted nazi like experiments they're doing in labs?

racial supremecy

in 2020 smurfman!


Snuffy Smith's picture
Snuffy Smith's picture
Snuffy Smith Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 1:10pm

Yes Stu you hit the nail on the head of what point I was trying to get across .Now why I read My Struggle was trying to get a handle on how and why someone could incite such hatered and ultimately so much horror amongst seemingly normal citizens. Some current events are starting to mirror unfortunately that path.The hatered shown towards fellow humans is concerning and that's just on here a surfing website forum.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 1:17pm

".. why someone could incite such hatered and ultimately so much horror amongst seemingly normal citizens. Some current events are starting to mirror ..."

I know what you mean

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 1:17pm

Stu...It wasn’t worthy of discussion because the threat of racism in Australia is 99 percent confected .

Blindboy wants to raise the issue of the fella with the whip because it’s a distraction from the discussion on Chinese misbehaviour.

I’ll mention it here with you because you’re not disingenuous.

How many Australians ....Approx 25 ,000,000.

How many blokes cracking whips* .....1.

Does this really sound like widespread racism ?

China enabled the creation of another disease. Disseminated bullshit to enable its spread. Called anyone who acted to stem the spread racist and then threatened other countries if they dared criticise China or even suggest an investigation into the origins.....people around the world would be justified if they protested China loudly and visibly.


Here in Australia we have bent over backwards to accommodate China and the Chinese who move here. There has been so little racism directed at Chese people within Australia that it literally does not bare mention when you consider the aforementioned justification of people’s lives being thrown into chaos by China.

So yeah , Blindboy’s fairy tale of imminent racial tension is ridiculous. The claim that he would move his wife to Japan to “ protect her and keep her safe from racism “ is nothing short of hysterical.


That is why the rest of the post was not worthy of discussion. If I’d indulged a Blindboy he would have run the topic away from the genuine threat which is ....China.

*The fella with the whip was engaged in genuine protest at the Chinese embassy. He did not address or threaten the bystanders who remained languishing in front of the consulate. If they were threatened they would have left. They did not suffer heart attacks. There was no assault. The bloke was not charged with assault as far as I’m aware . If he was charged by the police it was political appeasement of the Chinese consul and it was maybe public nuisance.

That this is supposed evidence of the horrific plight that Chinese Australians face in Australia is evidence that no such plight exists. The plight of Australians and Chinese in incursion into our politics , academia , democracy and public discourse is very real.

Cromwell's picture
Cromwell's picture
Cromwell Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 1:22pm

Still at it! Still encouraging racist hatred and violence. Total empathy bypass!

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 1:25pm

If you want to contribute, Stu , why not suggest just what it is you think we should do about the China situation.

Yes, there is many Chinese in Australia who have been extended a generous welcome to come and share our social democracy.

We should not compromise our society to please them. They are not being threatened. If they don’t enjoy the open consideration amongst Australians about not wanting to become part of China and the fact that we must act in order to thwart Chinese incursion , then they have options:

1/ Join us as Australians. They have chosen to move to our country. They must accept that our wishes are to be respected. Recognise that whilst we harbour no ill feelings regarding their heritage , we choose not to become a part of the Chinese empire. This is not intended to offend .

2/ They can return to China if they cannot bring themselves to recognise Australian’s desire for sovereignty and the fact that we must defend it as their former homeland is threatening us .

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 1:32pm

"...Many Chinese diaspora abhor the CCP, as seen by Tiananmen Square and the recent Hong Kong protests, however there are an element that remain loyal and whipping up racial flames will not only incite them but divide the loyalties of those expats who now call Australia home."

I mentioned this the other week, and the most striking thing from chinese people protesting tianeman square and hong kong is that they all say western governments need to speak out

they criticise the silence

the enabling of the ccp to maintain the slave labour model

and now china's way out of control

and you guys want more silence

Im sorry, but its a festering wound that's gonna get way ugly before it gets better, it was allowed to fester for way too long

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 1:30pm

I don't know much (read: anything) about the bloke cracking a whip and I don't feel compelled to learn more either, however only a poor student of history could say that, under the current circumstances, Chinese migrants face no threat (and by extension our security faces a threat).

Not everyone is able to discern between the party and the people, some will express themselves in the most immediate way they know how. History is littered with such examples. I think it's fantastic that there's only been minor encounters here, but I don't think that necessitates relaxing our judgement.

I'd much rather people be totally upfront in a discussion than not.

Pops's picture
Pops's picture
Pops Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 1:50pm

"There has been so little racism directed at Chese [sic] people within Australia that it literally does not bare mention"
Blowin, perhaps not in your circle. In mine (ethnically chinese Malaysian in-laws, plus close friends), low level racism - intentional or not - is a daily reality and more overt racism still an occasional occurance.

I tend to agree with some of your concerns r.e. the CCP - being in an overly reliant position with a potentially hostile foreign power is bloody stupid - EDIT{Deleted comment accusing Blowin of saying that all chinese should be treated as potential agents of the state. Nonetheless conflating ethnically chinese people with the chinese state/CCP as you seem to be doing, intentionally or not, has real consequences for ethnically chinese Australians. It enables closet racists and supremacists} (few though they might be) to persecute innocent people. EDIT{Deleted comment related to above retraction}.

"So it's a delicate battle of hearts and minds, these matters always are. Direct the energy to the ideology of the CCP, not to the people living among us of Chinese extraction. Anyone who uses the issue as a cloak to disguise racial agendas should be outed immediately lest their white-anting bring us all down."
Well put Stu.

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 1:31pm

"and you guys want more silence"

Who wants more silence?

You've got a habit of lumping some nebulous collective together.

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 1:31pm

Blindboy. The link provided 4 anecdotal stories of experiences which can accurately be described as insignificant .

If you do not realise the immense strain under which Australians have been placed due to China then it is you who is displaying extreme empathy deficiency.

If this immense strain has only resulted in 4 possible cases of slightly miffed emotions amongst the millions of people of Asian appearance within Australia , then Australians should be congratulated.

I’m not discussing this with you any more as you have an undisguised lack of respect for Australians. Perhaps it would be better if you moved to Japan.

Particularly considering how Japan is completely free of racism.*

* Ultimate sarcasm.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 1:39pm

not you

shoulda made that clear

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 1:38pm

Stu , I’m not sure what you’re expecting...

“ I think it's fantastic that there's only been minor encounters here, but I don't think that necessitates relaxing our judgement.”

Relaxing our judgement ?

By your own admission, anti Asian racism is so insignificant that it does not really bare mention. Yet you think the situation will suddenly escalate ?

You are aware that Australia has been involved in multiple military confrontations with various Asian nations previously ? If they have been dismissed in favour of the harmonious society we now share , what exactly do you think is going to happen ?

Japan massacred Australians as thoroughly as it was logistically able and yet a generation or so later and they are walking the streets as our equals . It’s literally not possible to be anymore tolerant than that.

Anyway ....what was your answer ?

Just keep accepting the Chinese empire usurping our society because you don’t want a Chinese person in Australia to feel uncomfortable ?

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 1:39pm


Read your last post and then my longer one. 

Really read it.

Most Chinese want to join us as Australians, but taking exception with Chinese people - as opposed to the CCP - is the sort of destructive white-anting that will do us more damage than good.

There's an imperative upon true blue Aussies to act in good faith, just as there is on new Chinese migrants.

Like I said, it's delicate.

And if we get it wrong, we'll be the ones who suffer.

Not a position I'd choose to be in, but it's reality.

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 1:40pm

Pops....I have never , ever said that every Chinese Australian should be considered an agent of the Chinese state.

That would be as foolish and inaccurate as saying that no Chinese Australians are agents of the Chinese state.

Pops's picture
Pops's picture
Pops Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 1:46pm

Blowin - my apologies then. I'll retract that in my post above. I had the impression that you had done so while flicking through posts, but didn't got back and read thoroughly before posting as I should have.

My comments r.e the reality of everyday racism still stand. It might only be minor for the most part, but I've seen it wear people down over the years, and seen the effects it can have on mental health.
Likewise my comments on the dangers of enabling the loonies among us.

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 1:49pm

Stu....after dozens of pages, find me one instance of attacking Chinese people .

I will attack them all day , every day if they are living in Australia and prioritising China through such activity as sending our medical supplies back to their home.

I will blast them for coming to Australia on a generous invitation and then trying to bring their unproductive elderly parents who place undeserved strain on our health and welfare systems.

I will lambast them for attending our universities and using our institutions of free speech and democracy to undermine our society.

This and more. Chinese are welcome to come to Australia and join us and to live as Australians. They are not welcome to come to Australia and try to forment a New China.

This goes for any race , colour , creed , culture .

Anyway ....this is a sidetrack .

Stu....Knowing that the Chinese government intends to subjugate Australia any way possible, do you not agree that the short term economic pain of disentangling them from our country is vastly less onerous than allowing them to continue undermining us from within using the corruption inherent in trade?

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 1:50pm

"By your own admission, anti Asian racism is so insignificant that it does not really bare mention. Yet you think the situation will suddenly escalate ?"

I've read a bit of history, so yeah, the potential exists. I don't see why Australia would be immune to it.

"Anyway ....what was your answer ? Just keep accepting the Chinese empire usurping our society because you don’t want a Chinese person in Australia to feel uncomfortable ?"

Nothing of the sort. I think we should be stronger with the CCP, while remaining cognisant that potential exists to enflame race wars, something certain groups would actively encourage for their own ends. Even if they'd ultmimately be destructive to ours.

That's all. It's not unfounded. Not pie in the sky. It's happened before and it can happen again if we're not careful.

Sometimes I get the feeling you're not aware of the delicate state of international diplomacy.

Cromwell's picture
Cromwell's picture
Cromwell Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 1:50pm

“....a Chinese person in Australia to feel uncomfortable...”. What about 3rd generation Australians who just happen to be of Asian appearance? Is it OK to intimidate them in the name of what? Smug, self-righteous completely pointless anger? You repeatedly encourage criminal behaviour. Your posts frequently contain lies. Your arguments, if they deserve that name, are a series of baseless assertions and paranoid delusions. The policies you suggest would be economically disastrous (though not for wealthy early retirees). Your posts are full of vulgarities, obscenities and insults. I would suggest that you try thinking through your views using a utilitarian model...... but you and rational thought parted ways a long, long time ago.

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 1:54pm

Pops....what you’ll find on these threads are endless strawmen and non sequitors.

I’ll say that Australia’s level of immigration is too high and list explicitly why this is so eg environmental pressures and then one of the local dimwits will say that my stance on immigration is due to racism.

See the utter disconnect there ?

Yeah , some strangely think that it’s rational and reasoned. Some don’t care and they just want to point the finger. One fella just likes the attention.