Interesting stuff

Hmmm, yasss, fascinating.
As is this...

Well now that the Liberal/ Nationals have the election in the bag it looks like foreign backpackers will have more time to spend in idyllic locations like Noosa with the working holiday visas being increased from two to three years.
They just have to spend more time working in regional areas being exploited by the people who returned this government to power.
Another young backpacker, Emily, staying in Far North Queensland for her working holiday, moved to a house where a 40-year-old male landlord lived with six young female backpackers.
"The way the system works enables and allows these kinds of people to do these kinds of things, because everyone is so desperate to get this type of work."
“How good is Australia?”

Cheers blowin. It was a small day but beautiful water colour.
Hope your eye is healing up well after your operation?

Great shot.

The only charity i donate to is The Fred Hollows one.

The only charity i donate to is The Fred Hollows one.

i'm in need of eye surgery, in one eye -- it's a bit more complicated than cornea replacement and requires a few days in hospital.
i'm very reluctant to have the operation, given the risk of losing all sight in the eye, and i don't trust the surgeons. so, i figure i can live with how things are.

"I’d gotten so used to looking at the world through one eye that my brain had forgotten how to view things in binary."
Hmmmm, yasss, fascinating.

Good to hear your eyes have had such an improvement mate! Like chook I need to have some kind of eye surgery one day but I’m nervous about having a blade on my eyeball.
Probably not as serious as you guys but I’ve got pterygium growths on both eyes from a lifetime of surfing. I keep putting it off because it’s not affecting my vision but it’s slowly growing over my corneas. It’s on the to do list but I’m not looking forward to it.

tbb has Central Serous Retinopathy in both eyes
Imagine blotchy distorted Psychedelic fluro vision with eyes open or closed.
At it's worst it's Impossible to sleep,drive or read, so very exhausting.
Paranoid of 'walking' for falling into imaginary holes in floor and walls.
Diagnosis.(10 years ago)
A friend asked me why I was bizarrely bending perfectly good Fencing Nails.
I replied I can't find a Flat bit of concrete without hollows to straighten them....
He then said the concrete is flat & all my good nails were now bent...(Not good!)
Anyhow the next 3 months was a whirling dervish of lava Lamps for eyes...24/7.
My only wish was for partial relief, then one day it retreated a little then more.
Doctors say most usually recover fully in 6 months. Half I met can only wish so.
[factcheck] 1st disease treated by laser.
Today I'm left with several random blotches in each eye.
Each eye views straight lines bending opposite to the other as does all corners.
Each eye varies all objects in distance,thickness & depth
In my view a spinning Globe resembles a wobbling Potato.
A doorway is a shapeshifting portal.
This Screen is peppered in exploding shadows with flecks of dancing colour.
The Screen frame & borders/widths won't stop alternating in any direction.
Crews comments resemble a wobbly bowl of Alphabet Spaghetti.
tbb respects fellow CSR sufferer's rather mundane but good mono example...
Swirl several blotches in both eyes wobble in/out & multi colour tint for full CSR.
tbb mixes in Labrynthitis to offset the CSR.
Far as i can tell,surfers may get this from wave pressure in super sandy thick slabs.
Tell me! Basherz home away from home....What to do?
No! Neither ever leave me! I've tried reverse barrel rolls but that only brings them on.
A bit like when you're seeing stars (Not the nite ones) Yes! Like the cartoon ones!
Perhaps like 'peak tripping' with freaky wobbling stuff flying about the room.
Only it never stops. tbb lives with about 30% CSR & recurring mild Labyrinthitis.
Thankfully I no longer see Fluro Disco or fall this moment of time.
[footnote] Those Supermarket floor ads would freak you out.
No matter the laughter...I simply couldn't walk over one or i'd fall into the chasm.
You know like a Chocolate Bar rising from the floor becomes a real live event.

damn, basher. that sounds like some a freaky, frustrating condition.

Go blowin!
No fear of a knife or laser upon eyes...Salute to crew who've led the way!
GC doctor stitched a tooth on an eye to cure blindness...wait till ya read how!
No doubt tbb shit is weird but hardly ranks in most horrid 1,000 incurable ailments.
Admittedly both CSR & Labyrinthitis 1st bouts are overwhelming & last longest
Each bout seems less shocking but ever frustrating.
Bonus being they mostly trigger modest headaches & pain, fixed with rest'n'tablet
They do refer to some scar tissue problems in CSR procedure.
CSR is attributed to extra pressure upon eyes from within or outer body.
Bi-polar/Sleep apnea/Blood Pressure/Erratic heartbeat/Steroids.
External Air pressure from shock / pressure waves or altitude changes or bombing.
Obvious candidates...Soldiers/Pilots but mostly highlighted by routine physicals.
(Constant Face off with a heavy dirty Wedge slab will do it for our crew)
Labrynthitis is due to inflammation by virus (Colds) or Cold/Water Pressure
List includes Water Borne Swimmers,Divers,Bodysurfers.
Basherz plunge headfirst into filthy slabs at speed (Blows yer brains out!)
Go easy on the rad barrel rolls kidz...not stupidly like burleybodybash'nbuny!p.
[footnote] Yesterday at Hospital...GC doctors had tbb for 2 corrective operations.
Sent me out for top brass photos for operation last year!
tbb turned 56 this year that disqualifies me from 1st one.
Not being ideal 90kg for 6ft 1inch patient disqualifies me from the 2nd one.
Doesn't matter the $600 tbb donated to GC hospital...(fuck off ! Ya fat old bastard!)
Why bother with GP & Hospital visits knowing that bouncers would turf tbb out.
[mediscare] now Scomo's [Deathscare] 'Please Tick off Surgery form for the team?'
Feel better now! That never hurt a bit...10,000 form guides wave another goodbye!

Thought the better of it Blowy?
I reckon it was a reasonable post.

Can't disagree with any of that though it's debatable whether the drone was in Iranian air space or in air space claimed by Iran.
But at the same time as apparently refusing to get physical, Trump is still responsible for imposing on Iran the harshest sanctions ever seen - some say that an effective financial blockade is just as bad as a naval blockade, which is itself considered an act of war in international law.

Hang on, I thought politics was off the front page?
Now we get this??
One peanut in particular forced anything political into the nether regions of this site, and now he's snivelling back like nothing happened.
And double-posting the same post so one can get on the front page??
I know attention-seeking disorder should be pitied somewhat...but really?
The front page needs to be bombarded by this kind of ill-informed guff again?
There's a plethora of threads elsewhere covering all things Trump. One post there suffices surely. Why do we need another one here on the front page?
What's next China? Immigration? Aboriginal Australians?
Make up your minds.

What's ill-informed about what's written above?

The Jews- but you can't go there.

Paragraphs 2, 3, 4, and especially 7.
Anyway, Interesting stuff?

Those damn Jews, controlling the military-industrial complex along with Hollywood and the MSM.
One minute they're stealing sacramental bread and the next they're taking over the world.

Hey Facto, care to offer a civil rebuttal then?

Andy, politics was banished from the front page mainly due to the individual who is now desperately trying to sneak it back because...?
"I miss the discussions" ??
And under his terms?
"Without devolving into insult".
Laughable. From this individual who, through pure contrariness and insult, caused this situation.
But, but he's missed the discussions so much!
"Enough to have done something about it."
Born again! Hallejulah!
And as believable as Trump.
History will be the ultimate rebuttal for both of 'em, I wager. Sooner rather than later.

"Yep, Politico threads have been removed from the front page.
Totally happy for you guys to nut it out in these threads, but TBH we've been getting pretty tired of the front page displaying a revolving door of political commentary (via the 'In The Forums' latest comments). The Politico forum attracts a tiny percentage of our users, but over the last year or so, has seemingly occupied a permenant position on the homepage. I was hoping it'd abate post-election but the reverse seems to have occured.
We're a surfing site, and would much prefer to promote a broader spread of discussions around more relevant topics. Like surfing. Or waves. Or surfboards. Or surf travel. Or something kinda related to surfing.
We are planning a big makeover of the entire Forums section (a general look n' feel, plus some new functionality), but in the meantime this is a short term measure designed to improve the aesthetics of the front page.
Hope y'all understand.

Until such a time as discussed above eventuates (?), is this thread going to be apolitical - big P politics - or what?

Just a wee snippet of weekend world news.
UK Govt 'Record' 50+ resignations
US Govt 'Record' 50+ resignations
Oz (Previous Govt) 'Record' 50+ resignations
(Re: Wiki & assorted News.)
Western World Leader's 'Record' Resignations...
Turns out Right Wing leaders are biggest bludgers of all.
Jobs! Jobs! 100's of Jobs! They sure don't want them!
PS: Full rant is filed under Trump....Don't go there!

It has got pretty pictures though, hey TBB?

But Facto, you revel in that stuff, you're a key player.
I appreciate that you have a, let's say, personal issue with Blowin but if you don't like what's going on just leave it be or at least offer a counter rather than a sledge.
You've killed more threads than I can remember.
Yeah things can be frustrating but that's life, no?

Don't let 'facts' get in the way of a comfortable narrative, hey?
Keep calm and carry on.

Give it up.

This is no longer interesting stuff.............Hijacked.

"But Facto, you revel in that stuff, you're a key player.
I appreciate that you have a, let's say, personal issue with Blowin but if you don't like what's going on just leave it be or at least offer a counter rather than a sledge.
You've killed more threads than I can remember.
Yeah things can be frustrating but that's life, no?"
Good onya andym, always willing to point out hypocrisy, with a moderate voice of reason and the reasonable...
pretty funny the accusations and labels the self proclaimed brainiac is willing to throw around, always right and always free of guilt...
Be it 'toxic shit', ' confirmation bias, a heap of others, and some weirdass sam newman syndrome, the accuser seems to be the biggest victim and peddler of his own accusations...
seriously lacking any self awareness and probable complictness in our current state of debate.
Just like the guardianista's and corpro democrats...
funny stuff to observe from afar

speaking of which, and related to the trump iran discussion above...
I've recently had access to cnn news channel, bloody hilarious watching the presenters split hairs, and twist facts, trying their dammedest to paint trump in a bad light for no doubt doing the right thing re. the iran situation.
the bias runs deep amongst the minions
love or hate donald trump, you've got to give him credit for trying to avoid another ME war, and for sticking to his 'be less interventionist' election promise....
or not....
I'm guessing not for many people...

Silly to try and talk over the echoes facto.

love or hate donald trump, you've got to give him credit for trying to avoid another ME war, and for sticking to his 'be less interventionist' election promise....
Imagine what we would be talking about right now if Hitlary Clinton had of been elected president.

We would have been talking about a stable agreement with Iran and no risk of war. You want to credit Trump for not starting a war when he undermined that international agreement and unilaterally placed sanctions on them. Yeh right, usual Trumpista bullshit.

No sign of prices getting cheaper here.
When pies broke through the 5 dollar barrier that was a sign we'd turned into a high cost country.
Have it cunts