The Daily Good News

You start first.

It's Friday...that's almost always good news.

Looks like all the children will be removed from Nauru. That has to be good news, even if they should never have been there in the first place.

Reasons to be cheerful part 3:
- Last Tuesday, first surf in a springy - fuck off you northeners, I don't wanna hear it.
- Family decision to expand Mexican dinners from two nights to three.
- Haruki Murakami's return to form.
- Berties Cider on special at the Bottlo.
- The buds my neighbour gave me, ostensibly for seeds because I want to grow some this summer even though I don't smoke, yet I did smoke it and it was good.
- New board anticipation. Double-edged sword this one, the excitement is real, so is the pain.
- Today, an unexpected delivery of old surf mags that completes my collection of Deep, while bolstering TSJ and SW.

My young bloke turned 18yrs old today.
Stoked we've got him his this far, relatively unscathed!

Congrats Rabs, it's a big milestone. I've got three boys coming up and I shudder at the thought of what could happen and how we're gonna guide them through it.
Well done.

Good news!....................................................................................................................................................................................................pot is still only $220 an oz in SA.

Edited Post: having my rant elsewhere, apologies for being negative in a positive thread.
I did buy a little boat this week, so hope to get back out and do some fishing.

@Stu, Cheers. A combination of unconditional love & pure luck I reckon! Good luck with three ;-)

So much for keeping it non political....
Anyway great link GS.
I reckon Jerry Lopez is the Jimi Hendrix of Surfing.
And its always a good day for some Deep Purple

Sorry Guy, strictly non-political from here on in. The best recent news for me! I have retired and consequently expect to triple my hours in the water.

Good news?
First grommet due in Feb.
Holy smokes!

Good stuff Goofball. Your life will never be the same.

Ah goofyfoot, there's nothing more rewarding than young'uns around your table. That is good news and means you get to design a whole bunch of new boards for them too...Better extend the garage rack. My grandkids are very small and Ive already got their little quiver started.

Congrats goofyfoot!

My daughter just completed her uni degree. Jeez I feel old.

Excellent news GF. You'll cop heaps of life advice between now and then so I'll spare the effort, but suffice to say you've got a big, exciting year coming up.
Get your surfs in now, and your new board purchases...

Great stuff Goofy! All the best with it mate.
GuySmiley, brilliant forum topic by the way. Cheers! Nothing quite like spreading good news....

Matt -yep that is true, in so many positive ways. Good luck Goofy.

That’s great news GF! Sleeping is overrated anyway haha.
More good news: our sport isn’t even a sport, it’s a dance with nature, that looks cool as f%#k to outsiders because, well, it is cool as f%#k! Best club by far to be in. Lucky us

Well done goofy that's epic, it is such a good journey! Congrats to BB for increased time in the water!
A tinge of sadness, satisfaction and elation here as the youngest completes Yr12 and exams, it's been a massive year for rites of passage, and his growing very much into his own independent man. Great opportunites offered to him too and it's all good character and hard working ethos that have permitted it. The last few years have been the best of my life, really the last decade of both wonderful young people growing up. Heaps of funny stuff, the constant return to nature for them, the new boundaries they push themselves. Best ever!
Being surrounded and loved and watched over, and healing. Working hard and going to sleep tired but happy. It's been an epic week.
Happiness today as I could help develop others in their interest. The bit I like the most is seeing the progression, the achievements. That I am alive and incarnated to do this, so good!
Oh yeah, and a new board! Such a special board! Cannot wait to surf & treasure it.
So a question to you more experienced surfers: how does it all change when children go their way into the world? More surfing for you? Was there still time to surf together? Did surf trips get better/bigger with them?

Goofy, that's great news. Congratulations!
Stu, happy to hear of Murakami. Will visit the wonderful Unity Books on Monday.
Jealous of your Springy surf. Still in a fricken 4/3 and booties (and a hood on windy days),...
...but yesterday was sunny and warm and I surfed two of my favourite reefs with not a soul around. 2ft super fast beachie this morning; excellent bank, and again no one around.
Summer is coming - even to Wellington. Surely. Maybe :-)
Only two weeks left of my horrible antibiotics. Beer soon, yay!

When the grom tipped over to the next level, with a driver's licence it was on.......Had to go and explore all "those spots" that we used to look at with the slide projector! With the comical jab do reckon you can remember how to get there dad? ha ha ha We've done heaps of those old trips now, with him at the wheel and his mates in tow. You've got all that to look forward to, its epic. Our new phase is doing the old trips down south NSW with only single fins, been great for the young blokes going off.

Good news is Tulsi Gabbard, on a few different levels.

Shit...'sposed to be apolitical in this thread so take the above on the other level.

@Island Boy.The stuff about avoiding alcohol on antibiotics is a load of bullshit. When antibiotics were first widely used after WW2 they were mostly prescribed for syphilis. The medicos decided that people were less likely have sex and become re-infected if they weren't drinking, hence the warning about not drinking while on antibiotics. For some reason this furphy has continued to this day. My GP concurs. Drink beer now my friend. I think this qualifies as good news.

Nice work veloocityjohnno. You sound like a proud man. What a grand feeling been proud is.
I am only half way through with my family, but i cant wait to see them continue and evolve into the wonderful humans they are becoming.

Thank you all for the replies! P'tai, that sounds totally epic, I cannot wait. They have already organised their own trip DS after it is over, he is super keen to see the ocean there (I've mentioned it can be super heavy duty) - it's all them in their space. Stu's mention that his kids' BMX tracks were their space without the adult world being there was a good reminder to have. It will be nice as the travel and surf swings back. We did Single Fin Days a bit too, he would ride this priceless classic board and be saying "Dad its terrible!" haha! They have their moments, he flows well on a wave.
I remember reading of one family with adult children that all saved up their wages over the year and did a month in BC snowboarding every Christmas - that seems like an nice reunion.
Cheers GS, well done on what you provided your children with. I'm in awe to hear how it progresses. Swimming has been a great thing here too. I'll take that on board too, that you never stop being a parent. There was a time when I thought I would die any day, and remembering that I need to be here for others steeled me to keep going. The hiking sounds great, I might put out feelers for a couple of bigger trips in the next year.
& cheers Brainiac - you are in the best part, it truly is magic. Keep throwing seaweed at them!

some really good news.... the drug war is over in canada.
the quality, variety and low prices are astounding.
the eadibles are the best — measured, reliable dosage for the smoothest ride (cost $2.50).
It’s been a fantastic five months. Going to be hard to head home next week and back to average weed, no choice and sniffer dogs.

Thanks for the nice words everyone, it’s exciting that’s for sure.
Some fantastic other posts here too, great stuff. Hope everyone’s getting tubed

Another day with Gary in everyone's lives is good news

Gary would also like to congratulate Goofy on his impending arrival.
Gary is in the midst of a great holiday with his progeny. They're not old enough to surf yet, and the water around Gary's private parts of Victoria is still a bit cold for them to swim, but they've loved watching Gary catch a few waves on this tour and will be having a go when they get old enough. It's a damn good time, and it's been a holiday with plenty of surf.

VJ it's strange at 1st, our youngest (19) left 2 months ago and at 1st it was very weird just the 2 of us around, but that changes real quick and now it's minimal washing and cooking, more time in the water and we can do what we like...… good news
The other good news is when we catch up it's great, and we all relate now on an adult level which I find easier, but my wife still misses them at home as mothers do.
Last year I had a great surf trip with the eldest lad that believe me made up for the late teen years crisis and we now connect on a mate level now that is worth all the hassles.
Good news

Nice work , Goofy. Congrats to you and your lady. May she be the best little right foot forward grommette to ever regulate the MP.

great news Goofy, from a fellow goofy. Blowin both my kids turned out natural footers.

Blowin, do you know something I don't?

There’s a 50 percent chance that I do.

hahahaha good call

Congrats GF! Not quite at that stage yet, gotta find a decent girlfriend first :p
Good news is that I’m just boarding the plane home from Vicco and there’s a cafe/bar at the gate with long necks. My body is a wreck I’ve had 5 surfs in 48 hours and it’s November! Life is good :)

Craig you truly live your job & do it well. Kudos.

spent weekend camping with five families in a national park near where I grew up. Kids from age three to teenagers roaming around loving the freedom. Massive nature buzz. Encounters with shark kangaroos echidna red belly black snake sea eagle and dolphins surfing. Campground full of people from all over the world. Super chilled vibe. Weather everything from cold front storming through to blazing sunshine. Spent most of the time body surfing or pushing groms onto little waves. Felt very lucky. Also loving the positive stories in this thread.

Sounds sick lomah, so good to see the littluns roam free eh. Congrats goofyfoot and ill echo what others have said - get your surfs in now! The number of times swell arrives when I'm 'on duty' is uncanny.
Our littlun has just turned four so is old enough to question everything and form his own ideas which can be both profound and side splitting at the same time but he's still young enough to be unguarded. As much as the earlier years are cool and ever changing its so much fun just chewing the fat with him now. Its an absolute privilege watching a littlun grow and discover the world, our work means I do the majority of child care which has its moments where I feel like my head will explode but I wouldn't change it.
Not sure if he'll surf but seeing how its a total buzz for him jumping white water makes me think it won't be long before he ventures further out, swimming is coming on as well.
Good news today, after a bit of diy the littlun came over with a toy tea cup he'd put some water in and said 'a beer for you daddy because you worked hard' he got his own cup and we cheersed our 'beers'. Moments like that are priceless.

....... and you can get an all parks (except Kosciusko) sticker at a discount if you buy it with your rego. Bargain!

On Sunday, the 13th (2nd hardest hole) 410 yd par 4, smashed my drive just clipping a low hanging twig but laying up for a nice approach. 120 yd pitching wedge in, full swing, one bounce, plopped into the cup- Eagle!
Next hole, do-able birdie putt, farking 3 putted- that's golf.
My dentist gave me a voucher I couldn't read but handed that in and the whole round came to $15, lunch and onsen tax included.
Flat here but winning.

Back in Swellnet town, and what do I see? Well, this thread for one. And good stuff it is too. Especially with some of the other guff that's been given a run of late on here, by the looks.
Anyways, McEvoy! The lad doesn't disappoint! Cheers champ! Here's to a lazy few hundred not 'hard-earned'! And looking forward to a beer and a paddle in his home-town in a coupla weeks. Yeeeeew!
Dedicated to good news ....