# Bitcoin #


This is an interesting topic, i guess like most i missed the boat and IMHO way to risk to jump on now, i don't have much knowledge on the issue but my gut feeling is many countries could try to ban its official use as basically it's a perfect currency for criminals.
I think China already has banned it?

Didn't those twin brothers who Zuckerberg supposedly ripped off for FB have something to do with starting Bitcoin?
I honestly don't understand real money let alone this stuff...

I haven't looked too much into it, but i think it will be interesting to see if there is a second or third similar digital currency really take off (maybe already has?)
I heard there is about a thousand different ones, id imagine many will fail, but i could see if one or two got more popular i could see people jump on them trying to not miss the next bitcoin and in effect this will actually make it snowball and take off like bitcoin has.

Blockchain yes.
Bitcoin maybe.

Now after watching a video on Blockchain I'm even more confused.

this is an interesting discussion....https://m.

bitcoin.....yet another way for Big Data to eventuate into big companies controlling your life.
always keep cash for those dubious transactions.

Read as much as i could yesterday on this, decided I'm going to get a wallet and just punt $150 on about five different ones, then just try to forget about it.
If i lose the money no loss, if i make some long term great, but not expecting to snag the next bitcoin (already some that are already expensive)
From what I've read I'm going to punt on.
Ethrnum classic (as I can't afford to throw money on the original)
Most of those are cheap under 50c, but seems to be quite some talk about potential in articles etc.

fark! turns out that being a lazy-assed stoner has made me a canny investor.

Up to 10,000 now chook, I'd cash out, what a windfall!

Chook is my role model.
Need an intern ?
I can rub your weary shoulders as you buy low and sell high.

...enough for two ounces and a bag of mushrooms.

Have a look at IOTA @indodreaming

Ok will do Cheers

"Chook is my role model.
Need an intern ?
I can rub your weary shoulders as you buy low and sell high."
my natural incination is to buy high and sell low. i have this predilection for thinking things have inherent value and sell them based on how good they are, not what the market is. new surf board, but i don't think it's very good -- yours for $80. there is only one unit/coin. so the intern coffee room will probably be fairly bare bones.
my crytpo-fanatic, MK ultra-obssessed, paranoid pot dealer advised me hang onto it for the time being.

I'll never understand how a completely unregulated pseudo-currency coveted by gangs and druglords somehow became a savvy mainstream investment. You wouldnt buy shares in a company run by cons yet somehow this currency is completely different?
On a side note im also I'm bitter that I missed the boat.

It wasn't easy or fast process but I've got my Coin Spot account set up, deposited $100 plus and im ready to rock and roll...Yew!

gaz, you've got things the wrong way around -- it's the major banks that are run by cons and are laundering drug money and facilitating massive tax evasion....commonwealth bank, panana papers, that lot.
bit coin might be used by drug dealers but the very system isn't run by the cons. this is the start of something big, very big.

I like your thinking Indo, there’s often waves after the initial one. Who would have thought Instagram and Snapchat would get so big when Facebook already existed. Which ones did you like the look of? Would you mind throwing me a couple of links or clues on how to get started? Will only help your own cause I would imagine. Did you see the Australian government have backed an Aussie one, that might be a good one? I’ll buy you a Bintang on payday. You know if it did work out, holding on would be pretty hard. Can you imagine starting with $100 on bitcoin, once at the $100,000 mark you’d be wanting to cash in, now it would be what, 10 mil? That’s going to be a major challenge I think. Definitely worth a sly hundred and see what happens...

Have a read of the cryptocurrency reddit for a good starting point. Start looking into the bigger players like Ethereum, Ripple, Monero, Litecoin and go from there. Get an understanding of the tech behind each coin you want to invest in and try and determine the real world uses to determine its potential.
Power Ledger is the gov backed coin I think you are talking about. It has gone 3x since I bought into it (with potential to go much much higher in the next couple of years). This is still early days in this space and it is incredibly volatile but this tech will potentially change the world. Get in early if you have a spare bit of coin!

+ get onto youtube channels like Data Dash, Cryptocurrency Australia and Crypt0

How does it work when the bloke you are suing for failure to deliver only owns bitcoins?

I started my digital currency journey today only spent about $120 to test the waters and get the hang of it put it on Ethrnum classic, Stratis, Ripple, Sia & IOTA
Just going to regularly build up a portfolio of various ones try to build each one up to a original value of at-least $100 each, mostly going for the low value ones that articles etc suggests promising and spend a little on the mid prices ones that are expected to rise.
It's not just Bit coin there is quite a few that have values in the thousands of dollars and plenty in the hundreds of dollars, i figure even if you can get $50-$100 bucks worth when they are a dollar or less often only a 20 cents or so, if they rise even to $100 you could make nice money.
Obviously many will also go bust though.

@Shoredump I'm just a complete kook at this, like the grommet that hasn't even got wet and just has a Rip Curl T-shirt.
Ive read as many articles as i can on it all, and still am half confused, but got to start somewhere.
This is the site I'm using to buy through, bit of a process to set up though, but local owned/run said to be slightly expensive but apparently when you sell you get good prices too, from online forum talk they are good if you have problems and need support. (although mixed reviews, i just figure better than using some big one based in USA) https://www.coinspot.com.au
Heres a few articles I've read, fairly recent ones, i think you need to look at the more recent articles as imagine is the kind of thing where things change quickly
Obviously take it all with a grain of salt, but got to start somewhere, my method of madness if articles keep mentioning one that they think is going to be big and still cheap, thats the one i buy :P

Theres my point peterb. Converting legal tender into something worthless and completely unregulated. Good on the guys who bought 200 bucks worth and made millions but it just looks like gambling to throw ten grand of hard earned into it.

Cheers. I’ll give it a crack. No big deal if it doesn’t work

Bitcoin transacting through Blockchain ... yeah.

Pete, ....how have you been , mate ?
Read any inspiring passages ?
Felt the life leave the room as a woman walked away from you ?
Joyously felt the sun on your face for the few seconds before a cloud stole the warmth ?
Stumbled upon any moments of small personal victory ?
How have you been lately ?

I'm smooth, Blowin, sold two books last month. Writing another. Bumping into all sorts of old boys in the hills. You?

Theres a few other markets in oz you could throw that article at too blowin

Pissed basically.
That's the arvo to evening session accounted for , anyway.
A few waves and a shitload of laughs . I've just had the hell trip away and then straight into minding a flash hinterland house for a few days as I try and come to terms with an attempt at change of livelihood.
Strange times and exciting . Not a little bit stoned . With a lot less surfing than you'd credit a true surfer.
But !!!
I'm continuing the cycle of better times ahead and the promise of waves draws close.
Got a mate on a patch of land far removed.
He's sorting the beds and I'm looking into vehicles for land and sea . Exploring the immediate coast by sea and further afield by land.
Exciting times.
I've got to get the fuck out of the Opiate Coast first.

Gaz - tell me about it . They're all set to pop.
The fact that it was me posting it was ironic enough.
PS Speaking of - Did you get in on CPH months ago when we discussed it ?
Up 150 percent the last fortnight. Yewwww.
Ummmh....see the irony in my post now ?
The bell tolls ....

Quite likely its Blockchain that will be revolutionary, the impact of which will be felt long after Bitcoin has disappeared.
Bitcoin itself is hyped to the extreme, and its recent 'hard fork' with Bitcoin cash is going to lead to another spurt. Other crypto-currencies are not far behind - Ethereum being the next.

Nah I've watched it with some interest though. Definitely ironic that us swellnet folk are probably no more knowledgeable than the paperboys and taxi drivers from the thirties at the end of the day.

Bit Coin Cash value is now $1,754 end of October it was just over $400
If i had a spare $1,754 id probably jump on it..but i don't :(
I could blow $400 on one though...so i think i will just watch it and hope for a drop to similar levels.

These things are so volatile again Bitcoin Gold it hit as low of about $89 on the 23rd November and peaked at over $800 on the 13th, now at $300+
I mean i guess a lot of people would buy low, then sell on peaks..

Anyone recommend a site or app that has alerts that is decent.
Tried one app but it dint have bitcoin gold, had it listed but didn't allow to view or add alert.

Both Blockfolio and Delta have Bitcoin Gold and can set alerts Indo. Delta is a very nice app. I'm staying away from the Bitcoin forks for now, to much politics involved. All in with Power Ledger and Monero at the moment and the returns have been excellent. Looking at buying some Neo, Vertcoin, Lisk and Ark in the next few weeks as long-term holds

How do you know when new coins are launched?
Spewing i wasn't onto this a week earlier Power Ledger has boomed in the last few days, ad i like the concept of it, now do i wait for fall or just get some now :(

The Bitcoin graph looks Interesting ! ?