Olympic Frothhhh

southernraw's picture
southernraw started the topic in Sunday, 21 Jul 2024 at 11:42pm

Less than a week out. Bring the froth. Carn the Irakanjis. Carn the Aussies in all fields. I have EE for a sly gold
To get the ball rolling.....THE world record gold from the great Thorpedo, Sydney, 2000.

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Wednesday, 7 Aug 2024 at 4:55pm

@vj, your lad sounds like he's living it up ;)
- obviously got a good dad too ;);)

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Wednesday, 7 Aug 2024 at 4:59pm
ashsam's picture
ashsam's picture
ashsam Wednesday, 7 Aug 2024 at 5:25pm

Another thread ruined by the fool of SN

adam12's picture
adam12's picture
adam12 Wednesday, 7 Aug 2024 at 5:27pm

So in the midst of a quite interesting and thoughtful discussion about young skateboarders @Indo decides it's a good time to butt in with some Islamophobia.
When they are discussing skateboarding.
I'd ask what the fuck is wrong with you @Indo, but I already know.
Get some help.

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Wednesday, 7 Aug 2024 at 5:49pm

^ well said @adam12 ;)

....and a stinky squeak :
- "Another thread ruined by the fool of SN"

^ hahaha, cheers for the honesty in describing yaself and your arrival here trashy!

... & another nothing contribution from another racist stinkhole fuckwit ;)



velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno Wednesday, 7 Aug 2024 at 5:51pm
Jelly Flater wrote:



Cheers & that was a beaut run, the boys got to do a bit of a hike the other day and see the other side of Treble Cone, reckoned it was awesome. Nearly got a free Kia today (the bird, not the car - it was very keen to get into the hire car on the way back from sightseeing).

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Wednesday, 7 Aug 2024 at 5:58pm

^ the vid of that run is a flashback to a decade of my life as a youngster, spent a yr in snowmass and then vail in late teens ;)

- real 'strength and power'



indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Wednesday, 7 Aug 2024 at 5:52pm
adam12 wrote:

So in the midst of a quite interesting and thoughtful discussion about young skateboarders @Indo decides it's a good time to butt in with some Islamophobia.
When they are discussing skateboarding.
I'd ask what the fuck is wrong with you @Indo, but I already know.
Get some help.

Funny how the most anti christian anti semitic people get so offended by any dissing of Islam.

BTW: the topic is the Olympics my meme was about the Olympics.

velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno Wednesday, 7 Aug 2024 at 5:53pm

Back to Olympics, if your wedding tackle knocked the bar and ended your Olympic pole vault run, would you accept the resulting $390,000 offer to do porn? What say you?

adam12's picture
adam12's picture
adam12 Wednesday, 7 Aug 2024 at 6:32pm
velocityjohnno wrote:

Back to Olympics, if your wedding tackle knocked the bar and ended your Olympic pole vault run, would you accept the resulting $390,000 offer to do porn? What say you?

Good question @VJ.
Here's another.
How come VJ knows what porn pays?
That's a pretty specific amount VJ.
C'mon @VJ, no one will judge you here.
We all did things in the past.
Fess up.
(My porn handle was "Bo Bo Rowland" by the way)

blackers's picture
blackers's picture
blackers Wednesday, 7 Aug 2024 at 6:34pm
velocityjohnno wrote:

Back to Olympics, if your wedding tackle knocked the bar and ended your Olympic pole vault run, would you accept the resulting $390,000 offer to do porn? What say you?

Reckon you could trade your"celebrity" for more by staying mainstream but whatever floats yer boat. It is a career path for some.

AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Wednesday, 7 Aug 2024 at 6:55pm
Pop Down wrote:

The French have taken the Olympics to a new level , show casing Paris and their Passion 4 Life .

The world wide audience must be Off the Charts .

Alfred ( not AW ) winning Gold in the women's 100 meters , was cool .

The Culture of the women Skaters , came flowing out , highlighting Olympic Spirit .

While Nations are fighting , their athletes are hugging !

Our incredible performance in winning Medals , is a Huge Statement , 2 The World .

Australians have a crack and know how 2 have fun .

Surfing and now Skating , are being showcased World Wide and will generate more interest in both sports .

This Olympics , with spectators , in Paris , has been wonderful imho .

The Para olympics , will also be a wonderful example , of human triumph !


Even the Dream Team are trying 2 B nice .

The Wattle is Blooming , Green and Gold , lining the freeway from Byron to Melbourne .

PopDown. Howdy,

Hope you’re cool.

Nice little write up.

I may well not be participating in the women’s 100 metres, but I’m always having a ‘crack’. AW

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Wednesday, 7 Aug 2024 at 7:03pm

- with a member that size not sure pole vaulting (as a sport) would've been my first career choice ;)

He's certainly got enormous potential if choosing to take the cash
- some of the olympic themed titles of the films could be :

...the hammer grow
...bulging discus vol 1 & 2

AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Wednesday, 7 Aug 2024 at 7:14pm

Pole vault/Surf themed movie. Pubular Swells. AW

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Wednesday, 7 Aug 2024 at 7:19pm

...morning of the girth

AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Wednesday, 7 Aug 2024 at 7:21pm
Jelly Flater wrote:

...morning of the girth

JF. Very good. AW

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Wednesday, 7 Aug 2024 at 7:23pm

Dong Island..

AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Wednesday, 7 Aug 2024 at 7:24pm
Jelly Flater wrote:

...morning of the girth

‘The Seen Iguana’. AW

AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Wednesday, 7 Aug 2024 at 7:29pm
basesix wrote:

Dong Island..

Basesix. Hi .


Slitmus- Female Surfing Odyssey. AW

ashsam's picture
ashsam's picture
ashsam Wednesday, 7 Aug 2024 at 7:33pm
Jelly Flater wrote:

^ well said @adam12 ;)

....and a stinky squeak :
- "Another thread ruined by the fool of SN"

^ hahaha, cheers for the honesty in describing yaself and your arrival here trashy!

... & another nothing contribution from another racist stinkhole fuckwit ;)


Go back and have a look fool, I started the SB talk this morning, foul mouthed flog.

AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Wednesday, 7 Aug 2024 at 7:32pm

COccumentary. AW

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Wednesday, 7 Aug 2024 at 7:34pm

^ hahaha 'dong island' & 'the seen iguana' ;);)

...innermost limits of pure minge

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Wednesday, 7 Aug 2024 at 7:34pm

haha, nice AW.
what has SN after dark become?

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Wednesday, 7 Aug 2024 at 7:39pm

^ a celebration of olympic glory

...haha & calm down trashy, don't blow a hemaroid ;)

Save your garbage smell energy for your own film premiere

...flogging the stinkhole ;);)

- on ya bike haha

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Wednesday, 7 Aug 2024 at 7:40pm

'kelly in blacks and whites'?

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Wednesday, 7 Aug 2024 at 7:42pm

...the endless mumma, five mumma stories

AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Wednesday, 7 Aug 2024 at 7:45pm
basesix wrote:

haha, nice AW.
what has SN after dark become?

Hi mate. It’s all a bit of fun.

Let’s not become neuronic.

It’s great brain training.

No harm to anyone.

It highlights folk with good memories, and quick wittiness. Bring it on, it’s good for your upstairs department.

Elevator driver,’please take me to fast snapping synapses on the 3rd Floor’.
Thank you. AW

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Wednesday, 7 Aug 2024 at 7:42pm

Anyone know why they only do shortboard and don’t have Longboarding as well?

Juliang's picture
Juliang's picture
Juliang Wednesday, 7 Aug 2024 at 8:17pm

I used to like road skateboarding when I lived in Brisbane, but I like surfing better so I had to give it up , at my age one Little Rock or speed wobble could end in disaster!

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Wednesday, 7 Aug 2024 at 8:27pm

Men’s park live now

icandig's picture
icandig's picture
icandig Wednesday, 7 Aug 2024 at 8:30pm

Bo Bo - Pets Name?
Burnham - Street Name?
I am the Muffin Fairy - Like and Subscribe - find me on Only Fans.

blackers's picture
blackers's picture
blackers Wednesday, 7 Aug 2024 at 8:50pm
Roadkill wrote:

Men’s park live now

Cheers, awesome. Great vibe amongst the competitors, celebrating a quality run. Nice to see.

lostdoggy's picture
lostdoggy's picture
lostdoggy Wednesday, 7 Aug 2024 at 8:56pm

Oh, no!
Shannon is commentating.

etarip's picture
etarip's picture
etarip Wednesday, 7 Aug 2024 at 9:02pm

Is that the same lass from the surfing?

lostdoggy's picture
lostdoggy's picture
lostdoggy Wednesday, 7 Aug 2024 at 9:06pm


adam12's picture
adam12's picture
adam12 Wednesday, 7 Aug 2024 at 9:12pm
icandig wrote:

Bo Bo - Pets Name?
Burnham - Street Name?
I am the Muffin Fairy - Like and Subscribe - find me on Only Fans.

yep, Dog's name and street name, it was "Rowland" btw, but Burnham is better.
Yep, "BoBo Burnham", I like it.

Juliang's picture
Juliang's picture
Juliang Wednesday, 7 Aug 2024 at 9:35pm

These men’s park skaters are better than Felipe!

velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno Wednesday, 7 Aug 2024 at 9:46pm

Yep the men's park makes great night time viewing.
(Re: dodgy names, bro's breeding Venustus Cichilid was 'Dirk Diggler'. Ate the females though, not a ladies' fish)

Juliang's picture
Juliang's picture
Juliang Wednesday, 7 Aug 2024 at 9:50pm

Have to admit, the men’s park skating, is a whole lot more watchable than a 20 minute lull at Chopes .

icandig's picture
icandig's picture
icandig Wednesday, 7 Aug 2024 at 10:12pm

Thoughts on race walking?

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Wednesday, 7 Aug 2024 at 10:24pm

- looks painful
49 yr old in this skate heat now, called dallas oberholzer from sth Africa
...just ate it on first trick of first run

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Wednesday, 7 Aug 2024 at 10:24pm

yeh, makes you realise, experience is one thing, but the bulletpfoofness of youth can be such an advantage.. dallas was hyperventilating and covered in sweat stains before he dropped in..

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Wednesday, 7 Aug 2024 at 10:25pm

- hopefully he'll rise again
...looks a bit like this bloke ;)


basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Wednesday, 7 Aug 2024 at 10:28pm

haha, epic.. life abhors a vacuum
keegan palmer's in this heat?

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Wednesday, 7 Aug 2024 at 10:33pm

He won last heat, scored 93.78

blackers's picture
blackers's picture
blackers Wednesday, 7 Aug 2024 at 10:40pm

Was good too.

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Wednesday, 7 Aug 2024 at 10:43pm

...wild man ;)





southernraw's picture
southernraw's picture
southernraw Thursday, 8 Aug 2024 at 2:16am

Keegan X2 gold medalist. Insane!!

Juliang's picture
Juliang's picture
Juliang Thursday, 8 Aug 2024 at 4:19am

I think that men’s Park Skating is better than race walking , personally.

Juliang's picture
Juliang's picture
Juliang Thursday, 8 Aug 2024 at 4:22am

But I’m not knocking you fans of race walking.