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Anyone got any Tom Hoye boards around 6 feet?
Fell in love with his craft after a mate gifted me one of Tom's old single fins he had rescued from Paul Gravelle's shop on a round-Oz trip, possibly one of the best surfboards I've ever owned. Took it to Tom and he dated it at 1978. Board has the original fin and is in excellent condition.
Managed to snag a more up to date 8'3 Da Claw secondhand from his shop, and while a little dubious of the radical design features at first I was blown away by its responsive and drive, especially in critical situations.
Had a couple boards on order with him before he passed.
Would love to try and find a Da Claw around six feet if anyone has one laying about - I know a few blokes on here have a fairly extensive collection.
Cheers, T

Our own thermalBen been selling a few boards.
Only one left.

The ‘with noseguard’ is a classic selling point.

Cleaning out the garage! Appealing to the mid-90's surfer with the Noseguard reference. Kids these days don't know what they're missing out on.

desoutc wrote:Anyone got any Tom Hoye boards around 6 feet?
Hit up Ape Anonymous next time you see him post on here.
Not sure if he's got any that size, but he has a few of them.

Every time I see the title of this thread I can't help thinking of spotted gums

nice one lostdoggy

thermalben wrote:Cleaning out the garage! Appealing to the mid-90's surfer with the Noseguard reference. Kids these days don't know what they're missing out on.
I personally know 2 people who have lost an eye from the nose of their board so I put one on every board I get unless its a really round nose.
Dont care what it looks like, I like having both eyes

lostdoggy wrote:Every time I see the title of this thread I can't help thinking of spotted gums
Well thanks. Now I can't browse the homepage without seeing spotted gum.
It's like those songs that are ear worms but this is an eye worm. Impossible to not see now. Faaaark.

Ha ha im the same every time i see the thread i read "spotted gum" and picture a thread on timber decks or something.
Good timber for feature walls and interior floor boards, amazing colours and grain.
But dont get sucked into using it for decking, it's pretty average hard to keep looking good and actually starts rotting long term, i know Merbau has some negative environmental aspects but it's an amazing long lasting timber and underpriced really im betting in time it will be more limited and expensive.
Anyway how's the colour and grain in spotted gum flooring.

indo-dreaming wrote:Ha ha im the same every time i see the thread i read "spotted gum" and picture a thread on timber decks or something.
Good timber for feature walls and interior floor boards, amazing colours and grain

Nice, looks like my flooring, didn't know it was spotted gum, one of my favourite trees, also interesting use of a tiled wall there that's not in a bathroom indo

udo wrote:Here's a thing of Beauty - MR 7'0 Bushranger
Ruined by that stinkin tail pad!



Think I can get 2 new Indo Guns from Jimmy Banks for that price


hehe udo

Geez that’s a find Udo. Flex tails by bush rat? I know Mitchell Rae does flex tails (Outer Island surfboards). Will have to check up on bush rat.

My mate! Ha.

Does buy/order a lot of boards, trying to create the 'right' one, so if he gets the price, good on him.

udo wrote:Yeh sure - but to up the advertised price $50 on both listed boards ...
8'0 is $1000
6'6 is $500
Aren't you meant to advertise 50-100 more than what you want and then expect the buyer to ask you for a slightly better price?
What's this guy on?
Bargain Boards - Fins - ETC - spotted - wanted