Olympic Frothhhh

I've got a shorter vid from 2000 SR

Owen Wright's book worth a read. Covers his bronze in Japan.

Owens book a great read...you thought your dad was a hard nut....

southernraw wrote:velocityjohnno wrote:I've got a shorter vid from 2000 SR
'bangs the flute into the floor for another battered Sav". hahaha!!
Hilarious VJ.
Gotta get these guys back on the Olympics program this year. All time.
For me the most impressive aspect of Roy’s athletic career was always the intimate relationship he cultivated with his pole. Lots of talk about marginal gains today, Roy was ahead of the curve.

Just watching the triathletes battling a strong river current and being pushed off to the side of the river, even the best of us sometimes have to concede to the water's flow. I get the iconic river location, but with the pollution you'd have to be inseine to swim it.

How good was Arisa Trew, 14, youngest ever Aussie gold medalist.
Took up skateboarding as she was getting too cold in the surf in winter.

I loved Arisha's skating and the Finland and Brazil skaters as well!

Continuing on the skating theme, if you get the chance checkout this film "Skategoat".
It's one hell of a story with some mind blowing skating in it.

Arisa Trew is the best AUS story out of the Olympics, imo. She has a great smile and for a 14 year old carries herself perfectly.

Good on Arisa....I didn't see the final but caught a couple of her earlier runs. She skates well. What I don't understand is how young the female skaters are. Obviously bodies change as they get older. On the other hand they should also gain strength and experience. I'd expect a 20 year old to smash a 14 year old. The men have Andy McDonald @ 51 years old competing for Great Britain. Theories anyone?

No, but I would be interested to hear any.

No idea how they reach that level so young. Well I do, likely fairly overzealous parents who send kids to training from 5 years of age. But still it’s hard to believe.
Is it a combo of the below?
- that style of skating being fairly new for girls when compared with the males? Similar to air / barrel attack coming up in surfing.
- older (20-30) females having children and no longer want to flog themselves in the skate park?
I can’t see a reason why a 25 year old couldn’t smash them physiologically though.

icandig wrote:Good on Arisa....I didn't see the final but caught a couple of her earlier runs. She skates well. What I don't understand is how young the female skaters are. Obviously bodies change as they get older. On the other hand they should also gain strength and experience. I'd expect a 20 year old to smash a 14 year old. The men have Andy McDonald @ 51 years old competing for Great Britain. Theories anyone?
Newly accessible sport so there's not that many older girls skating compared to younger ones who've taken it up since the last Olympics or whenever it crossed the Rubicon.
Also a physically taxing sport that sees lots of people drop out, men and women, after a certain age though perhaps the fairer sex feel those slams a bit more? (or perhaps I could get slammed for making that presumption?)

Some of the skaters are not just young, but also tiny. I reckon size and weight comes into play, especially having a lower centre of gravity etc..... not sure what helps develop better balance and girls often have a different flow / finesse and rhythm compared to some of the guys too - experience and confidence has gotta come into the equation, especially in the case of the 51 yr old brit.
- a lot of ppl I grew up with were mad skaters, some bombing hills and going on to do serious downhill stuff with the leathers and helmets etc. The street skaters and park/ halfpipe guys n girls always had a different mentality - the common thread was obsessively trying to master particular spins or rotations, this also was infused with surfing and snowboarding influences. Falling/rolling effectively to minimize injuries is also an unheralded art form in itself - being younger, lighter and more naturally flexible may assist this.
Some of the talent came down to hard work, some accelerated by simply living right next to a good skate park... any skill foundation starting as a youngster gains faster momentum through early exposure to certain situations (like the first vert drop ins from the top of a halfpipe etc) and in environments firstly where u have other ppl pushing the limits - so healthy competition between peers.
Another aspect could be simple positivity employed in the individual of 'I can do this' or 'I can make this' - some young skaters have a tendency to do things with less analysis or over analysis of situations so maybe a flow state is reached earlier or more effectively, and before a fear of consequences or a greater focus on self preservation takes over. In saying this, dedication and practice are the core ingredients - maybe youngsters with proper encouragement and help from parents etc who assist with them pursuing their chosen discipline learn and grow faster as they are not burdened with other responsibilities or commitments..... the era of professional sport has opened up new possibilities that were previously untapped and now these young prodigies are becoming the new norm.
Well done Arisa!

My two favourite skaters (after watching only 2 runs of 8 girls each) were by far the Americans; sorry names escape me. One was solidly built, had an unhurried smooth style. Clearly more powerful and boosted high airs. No rotations though. The other girl carved long fast surf like lines and fewer tricks, but when performed were technical and lightning fast - beautiful style. I'd like to go back and watch replays, but it's a crapshoot trying to find them on at the right time without forking out.

This won't be a popular opinion but I always thought Skateboarding had done a better job of holding onto it's core than surfing.
To see it completely stripped of that gritty, urban component and counter-culture and turned into a kind of Disney parade performed by teenage girls was a bit cringe to watch.
Could not quite get my head around that completely vanilla presentation of skateboarding with the love hearts and selfies.
Maybe a glimpse into the future for surfing if we move to the tub?
This is how I always saw skateboarding- a bit raw and gritty.

The core is still there the orbits around it just moved to cringe and I’m ok with that. The skateboarding has been one of the only events I’ve stayed up for. Hearts and hugs included, there’s No question about the girls’ commitment, skill, technique, determination and fearlessness from what I saw. Concrete still hurts to fall on from the heights they were getting!

All medal winners have 1 parent that is Japanese. Japanese bodies are shorter with a lower centre of gravity and also have shorter leg bones. Park skating with spins etc works better with a lower centre of gravity etc etc. lighter bodyweight also aids in park.

"To see it completely stripped of that gritty, urban component and counter-culture and turned into a kind of Disney parade performed by teenage girls was a bit cringe to watch."
^ you're right freeride
- the days of draining pools to skate them is gone, and the era of filling up pools to surf is here ;)
... synthetic vanilla sludge all round
- the youngens may have the potential to bring back some flavour and colour, just not at any olympic arena ;)

I still skate and always have… mainly at the pump tracks as it’s really good for snowboarding preparation. I love parks with flow but don’t get high on banks and don’t drop in hardly ever. I got concussion about a year ago trying to drop in and was saved by my helmet, if I didn’t have the helmet I think I would have died.
I love the new skateboarding era. The young girls are killing it and making it fun and not so hard core.
Sunday morning at 6am the GC pump track is old guys still having fun. It’s just a lot slower and gentle…but a cool time for all. About 8am parents and young kids turn up and from 10 on it teenagers.
Less anger and aggression than GC surf breaks. Everyone gets on and looks out for the young kids. It’s a good vibe.

^ don't fret dill
- lucky u had ya 'helmet' on ;);)

^ You're a warped individual Jelly.

- haha it's true icandig
...lighten up ay, u can dig ;)
Keep struttin' ya stuff, no rotations though (not with those 'pants' u struttin)
- obviously bodies change as they get older ;)

I'll keep struttin, but can u dig it? ;p

icandig wrote:I'll keep struttin, but can u dig it? ;p
Great movie. Just rewatched that a few months back. A classic and never gets old.

Haha yep ;)
- and toady, u got good taste in japanese egg sandwiches and movies ;);)

Can't more core than Tony Hawk landing the 900 then burning off in a Mini then a mini-Japanese kid burning off a 900.

- not quite olympic, plenty of frothhhh ;)

The French have taken the Olympics to a new level , show casing Paris and their Passion 4 Life .
The world wide audience must be Off the Charts .
Alfred ( not AW ) winning Gold in the women's 100 meters , was cool .
The Culture of the women Skaters , came flowing out , highlighting Olympic Spirit .
While Nations are fighting , their athletes are hugging !
Our incredible performance in winning Medals , is a Huge Statement , 2 The World .
Australians have a crack and know how 2 have fun .
Surfing and now Skating , are being showcased World Wide and will generate more interest in both sports .
This Olympics , with spectators , in Paris , has been wonderful imho .
The Para olympics , will also be a wonderful example , of human triumph !
Even the Dream Team are trying 2 B nice .
The Wattle is Blooming , Green and Gold , lining the freeway from Byron to Melbourne .

^ you're a gold medal fuckwit noinfo ;)


indo-dreaming wrote:
What is this trying to say?

freeride76 wrote:This won't be a popular opinion but I always thought Skateboarding had done a better job of holding onto it's core than surfing.
To see it completely stripped of that gritty, urban component and counter-culture and turned into a kind of Disney parade performed by teenage girls was a bit cringe to watch.
Could not quite get my head around that completely vanilla presentation of skateboarding with the love hearts and selfies.
Maybe a glimpse into the future for surfing if we move to the tub?
This is how I always saw skateboarding- a bit raw and gritty.
That was really noticeable here, too. Enjoyed watching what the young girls could do in the bowls, and I wondered if peak skateboard age is now 14 and by 15 you are not elastic enough to be uninjurable, and have to retire!

Roadkill wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:
What is this trying to say?
I guess someone made the meme because Israel is in a war on five different fronts and its often perceived as Israel (a tiny Jewish state) V's the Arab/muslim world.
Which in once sense is true but in another is not true and more complicated than that some Arab countries are neutral and almost allies.
I guess it does show how even in sports how successfully Israel is and how much of a basket case most of the middle east is, but you can thank Islam for that especially for women's participation in sports.

Tony The Birdman , Hawk , has already proved that skateboarders can mature with age .
If the Sport is marketed properly , the Athletes will get big bucks .
These girls and women aren't frightened to loose some skin and blood , in the search 4 glory .
A Pipe or Half Pipe , takes up little room and can be built anywhere in the World .
Even in Africa and Asia , unlike a swimming/wave pool .

Jelly Flater wrote:Some of the skaters are not just young, but also tiny. I reckon size and weight comes into play, especially having a lower centre of gravity etc..... not sure what helps develop better balance and girls often have a different flow / finesse and rhythm compared to some of the guys too - experience and confidence has gotta come into the equation, especially in the case of the 51 yr old brit.
- a lot of ppl I grew up with were mad skaters, some bombing hills and going on to do serious downhill stuff with the leathers and helmets etc. The street skaters and park/ halfpipe guys n girls always had a different mentality - the common thread was obsessively trying to master particular spins or rotations, this also was infused with surfing and snowboarding influences. Falling/rolling effectively to minimize injuries is also an unheralded art form in itself - being younger, lighter and more naturally flexible may assist this.
Some of the talent came down to hard work, some accelerated by simply living right next to a good skate park... any skill foundation starting as a youngster gains faster momentum through early exposure to certain situations (like the first vert drop ins from the top of a halfpipe etc) and in environments firstly where u have other ppl pushing the limits - so healthy competition between peers.
Another aspect could be simple positivity employed in the individual of 'I can do this' or 'I can make this' - some young skaters have a tendency to do things with less analysis or over analysis of situations so maybe a flow state is reached earlier or more effectively, and before a fear of consequences or a greater focus on self preservation takes over. In saying this, dedication and practice are the core ingredients - maybe youngsters with proper encouragement and help from parents etc who assist with them pursuing their chosen discipline learn and grow faster as they are not burdened with other responsibilities or commitments..... the era of professional sport has opened up new possibilities that were previously untapped and now these young prodigies are becoming the new norm.
Well done Arisa!
Really good post there Jelly I'm enjoying you prosing it a bit more.
Saw this stuff first hand, our youngest got into it at a young age and seeing him drop in triple overhead at HQ Leederville at 6yo was just amazing. Got to about 10 and shifted the focus to snow, he spewed for a couple of years cos at that time no snowboards were made as small as he was, so had to ski for a couple more years... Being fearless really helped, he was hucking double head & half snow jumps on the board at 14 on the medium/big parks and paddling out with me on double/triple head days. (Rock jump timing at 13 was hilarious)... In later years & with work he's discovered that injuries happen (last year, shoulder on failed big jump landing) and some of that crazy edge has been dulled. Still loves all the 360s and little ramp moves. That mad edge carried over into 4x4 in covid, as the boys escaped the clamping down by trying ridiculous tracks and mud adventures
Currently in NZ he reckons they've arrived at snowboard Valhalla, there are pros & Olympians and all sorts of accents around and one bloke launched into a big chute with a 1040 from the top of the mountain and he's happy to concede that level of madness to the pros...

Just watching womens park final replay now.
Was interesting to hear the expert commentator admit he had no idea how or what they were scoring.

^^ you can’t argue with @info being a gold medal carnt

GuySmiley wrote:^^ you can’t argue with @info being a gold medal carnt
You sure are a gold metal winning troll.

^ "accuse the other side of that which you are guilty" ;);)
Nice try fuckwit ;)
- did someone say troll :
"I guess someone made the meme because Israel is in a war on five different fronts and its often perceived as Israel (a tiny Jewish state) V's the Arab/muslim world.
Which in once sense is true but in another is not true and more complicated than that some Arab countries are neutral and almost allies.
I guess it does show how even in sports how successfully Israel is and how much of a basket case most of the middle east is, but you can thank Islam for that especially for women's participation in sports."
^ complete bullshit and racist islamaphobic opinionated hubris
Put ya lil sword away noinfo u pathetic cunt ;);)

Okay sorry Guy, i forgot you have nothing on Facto and his long history of trolling under quite literally half a dozen profiles, sorry Guy it's actually silver.
Ha ha Islam phobic coming from the guy that trolls the religion thread daily with just anti Christian hate and is a proud open Jew hater.

- hahaha 'gold metal' ;)
...noinfo, the eggspurt of inbred intelligent design and urban retardation ;);)

- noinfo, before u infect another thread with your viral false accusations, remember u have been unable to provide actual examples of all the bs u pretend to paint others with.
- to pretend to say ppl who are critical of zionist ideology are jew haters is wrong and just a display of your own ignorance and stupidity. It's obvious you are uneducated and just a bigoted fool (oops u spend an hr a day since oct 7 resuuuurching stuff hahahaha).
I also have nothing against christians and simply call out and make light of hypocritical commentary by supposed 'christians' who exhibit intolerance towards others and whom encourage violence and retribution ;)
- you are free to misinterpret things if u wish
...after all, its the trademark of u just being a simple cunt without a brain ;)
Carry on, el noinfo olympic record breaking dumbarse hahaha
& lay off the vape u farkn clueless ketamine horse dick muncher ;);)
Less than a week out. Bring the froth. Carn the Irakanjis. Carn the Aussies in all fields. I have EE for a sly gold
To get the ball rolling.....THE world record gold from the great Thorpedo, Sydney, 2000.