Olympic Frothhhh

southernraw's picture
southernraw started the topic in Sunday, 21 Jul 2024 at 11:42pm

Less than a week out. Bring the froth. Carn the Irakanjis. Carn the Aussies in all fields. I have EE for a sly gold
To get the ball rolling.....THE world record gold from the great Thorpedo, Sydney, 2000.

udo's picture
udo's picture
udo Tuesday, 13 Aug 2024 at 6:49pm


velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno Tuesday, 13 Aug 2024 at 7:31pm

Is that true about the medal composition? Oh man that's sad.

Here's some proper gold, the most beautiful design of them all imo


etarip's picture
etarip's picture
etarip Tuesday, 13 Aug 2024 at 7:27pm
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Tuesday, 13 Aug 2024 at 11:34pm

Yes VJ the medals lost their weight in Gold 100 years Back

2024 Paris mandated Green Games > Recycled Eiffel Tower Iron panel in each medal.
However! This needs a 'Non Toxic' anti foul Bio Rust Protection treatment.
Some smart person said they need a non toxic biofoul coating in order to 'Bite on Medals' (Damn!)
Note Paris will replace "Toxic Rusted Medals!" not 'Non Toxic' discoloured ones

2022 such bio processes became available & suitable for Shipping to personal keepsakes
Bronze Bio Foul agent coats & discolours the Medals & also flakes itself off but don't Chip the Medal!
Mostly noticeable on The more vulnerable Bronze metals / Medal but it's non toxic.
No! This ain't been reported in news as yet...but it will reveal itself over next weeks > or not!

Recycle mandate for Iron inlay necessitates the Non Toxic preservation but it blemishes the surface.

Tip! If ya know a Paris Bronze Medalist that is upset about the discolouration or loss of shine!
Ya could get it polished but avoid cleaning the Iron inlay as that's the reason for the anti rust treatment.

This is similar or likely the very same Edible Goop sloshed over recycled Paris Iron inlay medals.
In order to suck on them without dying or needing a Tetanus shot!
Could also be an expensive name for Coca Cola?

If ya get the whole medal polished then be sure to reapply anti-foul over the Eiffel Tower Iron inlay!
If not it will Rust Red Oxide or grow acidic white with Green / Pink Mould & such like an old battery.

It only needs to be treated with biofoul if ya intend to bite on it or if Kidz are about to suck on it.
Which Olympians do...so Paris needed the Bio Foul coating as a public health measure.
It's actually common sense but Media will not pick up on the Iron / Rust (vs) make a big deal outta it!
French are touchy about it as a Jewel House / Mint reputation is at stake!

Health Mandate necessitates replacing Toxic Rusted Medals but few would return a blemished one.

velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno Wednesday, 14 Aug 2024 at 10:03am


I'm beginning to think it was actually genius...

& thanks tbb, didn't know that.

southernraw's picture
southernraw's picture
southernraw Wednesday, 14 Aug 2024 at 11:19am
velocityjohnno wrote:


I'm beginning to think it was actually genius...

& thanks tbb, didn't know that.

Good on her i reckon. Amazing to see the amount of hatred people are showing online to one perdon just having a crack. Also amazingly most of these people had little to no interest in breakdancing before this but feel the need to bully her online. Lsugh, for sure, make light-hearted jokes, absolutely but the tearing strips off her as a human is fucked. Australia has become a nation of hatefilled trolls.
What i love about raygun is she did it all with a smile. I still piss myself thinking of just how funny the routine was. It should all b taken light-heartedly...unless ur an avid breakdancing fan....
Shes an Aussie icon, bringing to the world the true Aussie dag!

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Wednesday, 14 Aug 2024 at 11:55am

I also think she was creative and funny .

However , this is the Olympics and Australia should have had a serious Crack , at getting a Female breakdancer , 2 compete .

Otherwise , don't !

Raygun sounds a wonderful person , but competed like Eddy the Eel in Sydney , so far off the mark .

She must have known the judging criteria and got a ZERO !

It's like she din't start or finish , was it Dreamtime ?

The selection criteria , is different .

Unsurprising that social media came out and supported her , in a Huge way , first .

She was different !

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Wednesday, 14 Aug 2024 at 1:24pm

Holler for a Marshall! Pray some dude tucked bits in to orchestrate an Artistic Swimming Medal!
Mostly coz Men were sanctioned by IOC to compete & but all Girly nations banned their Pool Boys.

Some big hairy G banging Westerly Windina blowin with Lippy ... How ya like me now!
Please someone bob for a rotten Adam's apple core from the Pop Out Pool Floor...break the internet! Now!

Where's my Shitty Bronze Medal..."I am Pool Boy hear me Roar > Too big too ignore...
Oopsie! Wotz that!...That shouldn't be there...Oh Dear I think I've chipped my Bronze medal again...
Oh the Humanity...look away Gromz!

velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno Wednesday, 14 Aug 2024 at 1:36pm
southernraw wrote:

Good on her i reckon. Amazing to see the amount of hatred people are showing online to one perdon just having a crack. Also amazingly most of these people had little to no interest in breakdancing before this but feel the need to bully her online. Lsugh, for sure, make light-hearted jokes, absolutely but the tearing strips off her as a human is fucked. Australia has become a nation of hatefilled trolls.
What i love about raygun is she did it all with a smile. I still piss myself thinking of just how funny the routine was. It should all b taken light-heartedly...unless ur an avid breakdancing fan....
Shes an Aussie icon, bringing to the world the true Aussie dag!

Yep definitely fun & different: also, it put some Australia into the routine so I'm wondering if the genius is being so different & creating something new/new fusion of dance, just go and pioneer it at the Olympics...

flollo's picture
flollo's picture
flollo Wednesday, 14 Aug 2024 at 1:42pm

What an embarrassment. You can have a go at the local community event.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Wednesday, 14 Aug 2024 at 1:58pm

the thing is though...

she didn't have a crack

she knew she was out of her league, so did the most gutless thing ever, didn't even try

and stole some underprivileged kids spot in the process...

I hate these overused terms... but times like this, there's no other way to put it...

she reeks of white middle class privelage

if she wasn't going to take it seriously, she should have given the spot to someone who would...

or more importantly, could...


southernraw's picture
southernraw's picture
southernraw Wednesday, 14 Aug 2024 at 2:24pm

@flollo @sypkan. Why does it make you so angry?
If you have nothing to do with breakdancing and never cared about it before, why are you so upset about it? I couldn't give a flying fig about a breakdancer that danced badly at the olympics. Funny? Yep. Hell yeah! Fill me with rage and scorn? haha naah. Funny though, i saw one of the track races and an Aussie chick came last in all her races by a long shot, but....even though she performed terribly on the world stage, no one is talking about her. Why? Because no one really cares. The breakdancing was just a visual demonstration of what happens when you perform badly at breakdancing. It's a more visual representation of underperforming than the girl running,, so much easier to jump up and down about it.
Its hilarious how upset people are getting over something they didn't even know existed a week ago. haha

southernraw's picture
southernraw's picture
southernraw Wednesday, 14 Aug 2024 at 2:26pm
velocityjohnno wrote:
southernraw wrote:

Good on her i reckon. Amazing to see the amount of hatred people are showing online to one perdon just having a crack. Also amazingly most of these people had little to no interest in breakdancing before this but feel the need to bully her online. Lsugh, for sure, make light-hearted jokes, absolutely but the tearing strips off her as a human is fucked. Australia has become a nation of hatefilled trolls.
What i love about raygun is she did it all with a smile. I still piss myself thinking of just how funny the routine was. It should all b taken light-heartedly...unless ur an avid breakdancing fan....
Shes an Aussie icon, bringing to the world the true Aussie dag!

Yep definitely fun & different: also, it put some Australia into the routine so I'm wondering if the genius is being so different & creating something new/new fusion of dance, just go and pioneer it at the Olympics...

VJ i think her big mistake was 'improvising'. haha. Although i rate her for it!

flollo's picture
flollo's picture
flollo Wednesday, 14 Aug 2024 at 2:34pm

She doesn't upset me that much to be honest. I tuned into Olympics to watch elite level athletes performing at maximum of their capability. And for many of them, Olympics are a platform to support their livelihood. This attitude of 'having a go' does upset me. There should be no one 'having a go' at elite level competitions. But maybe breakdancing as a whole shouldn't be there. Looks like it's dropped for 2028 and this disaster we witnessed just supports that decision.

southernraw's picture
southernraw's picture
southernraw Wednesday, 14 Aug 2024 at 3:05pm

hehe carn @flollo, you're just a wee bit upset. Yep, it's a gonner for 2028, ironically in a place where i'd imagine breakdancing is a bit of a hit! Ahh well at least we'll always have our memories of Raygun to live off now that it's been relegated back to obscurity.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Wednesday, 14 Aug 2024 at 3:10pm

a loada (misguided) assumptions in there southernraw...

firstly, I may never have breakdanced myself - beyond an unco. caterpillar in the dirt... but that doesn't mean I've never shown interest in it...

from the first time I saw a mate with a curious piece of cardboard in his carport circa 1980, to random performances at raves, to seeing indigenous crews have a dig...

I've been watching this shit for 40+ years...

always been interested in the graffiti / breakdance subculture thingy, ...from well before graffiti was even 'accepted'...

so there's that

the comparisons to eddie the eel, eddie the eagle, and the runner chick you mention are way off the mark, and kind of lame actually...

in all these instances, the competitors were clearly 'giving it a crack', with all they had... despite the odds against them,they gave it their all...

and much respect was given and earned

in this case, raygun decides she's not competitive, so didn't even bother to try...

the opposite of 'giving it a crack'

there's vids out there saying she's 'honoured' to represent at the olympics, and that she is 'serious' and wants to do something 'artistic' and 'original'...

then busts out the sprinkler!

about the most unoriginal un-artistic move ever...

bobs around with a bad skippy impersonation, then rolls around on the floor like a brick...

even being kind to her content, she didn't meet the dance criteria... she looked terrible...

it was so bad, it wasn't even humorous

sorry mate it was pathetic

I'm not really angry, more dismayed how she could squander such an opportunity

when I know for a fact there's literally loads of indigenous kids out there that could have represented way better


the whole thing is such an IP contorted conundrum

from her academic privelage and papers - that oozes irony in itself! ...to any criticism at all of her being labelled as 'misogynist'...

there's so much wrong here, is just wrong!

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Wednesday, 14 Aug 2024 at 3:09pm

Funniest thing I found about the Olympics was Aussies getting upset and pissed off at the USA for putting themselves top of the medal board with less Golds than us but more medals. So many triggered Aussies was hilarious.

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Wednesday, 14 Aug 2024 at 3:13pm

Raygun was our Eddy The Eagle or Eric The Eel. Little more than a joke.

What is interesting is the story about how breakdancing even became an Olympic sport .

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Wednesday, 14 Aug 2024 at 3:22pm

mm, not a long-term olympic sport, (like surfing if tubs aren't used).

I think there may be more to it, breakers and dancers are chat-rooming about it..  my (female) dancer mate said:

"There are theories she was doing a parody of the colonisation of breakdancing.  So, trying to be clever.  The point either way is she used it as a vehicle for her own agenda at the expense of the ‘community’ she pretends to support...
OR she was trying to speak for the whole of breakdancing by saying it's a subjective art form and isn’t a sport and shouldn’t be in the Olympics.  Either which way - she fucked it. But now she’s ‘viral’ so I think she got what she wanted - which was attention"

another quote:
"In a recent academic paper, Gunn and her co-author, Lucas Marie, argued that “breaking's institutionalization via the Olympics will place breaking more firmly within this sporting nation's hegemonic settler-colonial structures that rely upon racialized and gendered hierarchies.”

here's a raygun thesis, titled "Deterritorializing gender in Sydney's breakdancing scene; a B-girl's experience of B-boying" (requires downloading):

(anyone suddenly interested in gender-protest in olympic break-dancing could have a look at the refugee breaker Manizha Talash/ "b-girl Talash", who was disqualified after she wore a cape that said “Free Afghan Women” during her pre-qualifier battle):

southernraw's picture
southernraw's picture
southernraw Wednesday, 14 Aug 2024 at 3:20pm

@sypkan in all honesty, in those 40 years of interest that you've shown in breakdancing, how many minutes or hours of your life have you roughly invested in it? Probably the same as me....i've shown an 'interest' too in over 40 years.
Come on mate, give me a break. If this shit makes you angry, i'd imagine everything makes you angry.
And as a caveat, i did mention unless you were an avid breaker fan, you couldn't really get angry. Which i don't believe you are. But feel free to prove me wrong.
And totally @roadkill. The funny thing was, not one Aussie mentioned the Netherlands in their argument, who arguably should have finished higher than everyone in that mode of medal counting.

southernraw's picture
southernraw's picture
southernraw Wednesday, 14 Aug 2024 at 3:22pm

And in all reality, Filipe Toledo should be copping way more worldwide criticism if we're going to break down the nitty gritty of olympians not trying. He didn't even train for Teahupoo! haha

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Wednesday, 14 Aug 2024 at 3:26pm
sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Wednesday, 14 Aug 2024 at 3:28pm
burleigh's picture
burleigh's picture
burleigh Wednesday, 14 Aug 2024 at 3:36pm

Raygun needs an onlyfans account. Few of those weird/odd moves naked and she will be laughing all the way to the bank.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Wednesday, 14 Aug 2024 at 3:44pm

toledo scored though didn't he?

he participated in the sport he entered...

the disdain on the faces of rayguns competitors and judges says it all

she showed no respect

it was like walking out on a rugby field, playing soccer, getting smashed...

then we're all supposed to get behind her and support her...

because she's aussie man!

fuck that shit

she was shit

brought too much academic wank to ghetto contest

she should be 'deterritorializing' herself...

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Wednesday, 14 Aug 2024 at 3:45pm

Misogyny is the defence and team Australia are sticking to that.

In reality she was just crap at break dancing.

udo's picture
udo's picture
udo Wednesday, 14 Aug 2024 at 3:57pm

Utube comment :
Instead of Anna Mears gas lighting
Australians by telling us RayGun was the best choice, she should share exactly how RayGun manipulated the qualifying event which took registrations online through Raygun's own organisation Ausbreakers.
She should also tell Australia that the other 15 competitors at this qualifier were Raygun's own students and that the secretary of Ausbreakers was on the judging panel. Dancesport Australia, a ballroom and Latin dancing organisation was partnered. So it's fair to say that other Australian B Girls didn't even know there was a qualifier.

They have taken the piss.

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Wednesday, 14 Aug 2024 at 4:04pm
udo wrote:

Utube comment :
Instead of Anna Mears gas lighting
Australians by telling us RayGun was the best choice, she should share exactly how RayGun manipulated the qualifying event which took registrations online through Raygun's own organisation Ausbreakers.
She should also tell Australia that the other 15 competitors at this qualifier were Raygun's own students and that the secretary of Ausbreakers was on the judging panel. Dancesport Australia, a ballroom and Latin dancing organisation was partnered. So it's fair to say that other Australian B Girls didn't even know there was a qualifier.

They have taken the piss.

That is interesting. More to come no doubt. However, this is pure Olympic stuff, not quite at the FIFA level yet.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Wednesday, 14 Aug 2024 at 4:05pm
Roadkill wrote:

Misogyny is the defence and team Australia are sticking to that.

In reality she was just crap at break dancing.

sad and pathetic

especially when many can see there are any number of chicks who could've done better...

southernraw's picture
southernraw's picture
southernraw Wednesday, 14 Aug 2024 at 4:07pm

haha. Well he scored this time @syp. But in reality, he could easily have been given a zero. And again, wouldn't have angered me. Laugh yes. Angry. No. Big difference in how much it affects me. But you have to remember, Toledo is a two time reigning world champ. Raygun is a never heard of lecturer from Hornsby. Who is the bigger letdown? I maintain Toledo should have more spotlight on him than the Gunn. Although admittedly he's copped alot from the surf world.
@burleigh thats funny but i don't reckon she'll need to, she'll be making a killing in the next few weeks while the goings good.
@roady agreed. The misogyny thing has nothing to do with it. She went she failed,(but kinda won) we laughed, we move on.

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Wednesday, 14 Aug 2024 at 4:10pm



sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Wednesday, 14 Aug 2024 at 4:08pm

anna meares...

also sad and pathetic

purely coincidental she's so passionate about this and throwing dumb mindless tropes around...

and also works at same uni...

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Wednesday, 14 Aug 2024 at 4:21pm

"‘A disgrace’

However, fellow academic Professor Megan Davis hit out at Gunn and claimed her chief objective in going to Paris was for “subsidised academic study”.

Prof Davis is a key figure in the Uluru Statement from the Heart which proposed the Voice to parliament which was defeated in a referendum last year. She is also a pro vice chancellor of the University of New South Wales and commissioner on the Australian Rugby League Commission, which administers NRL.

“Getting zero points on purpose in three rounds for an academic study subsidised by the taxpayer both at a university and Olympic level isn’t funny and isn’t ‘having a go’,” Prof Davis said on social media.

“(It’s) disrespectful to other competitors.

“I’m glad most Aussies aren’t buying the Kool-Aid”."


Kool Aid...

I find it interesting how much the machine has gone all in constructing this '...very aussie, just having a dig...' narrative...

and, not least the misogynist bit...

found it interesting the ABC felt the need this morning to announce the 'raygun' wasn't on the plane with the other athletes...

avoiding a PR disaster?

seems not all are drinking the kool aid...

goofyfoot's picture
goofyfoot's picture
goofyfoot Wednesday, 14 Aug 2024 at 4:58pm
sypkan wrote:

toledo scored though didn't he?

he participated in the sport he entered...

the disdain on the faces of rayguns competitors and judges says it all

she showed no respect

it was like walking out on a rugby field, playing soccer, getting smashed...

then we're all supposed to get behind her and support her...

because she's aussie man!

fuck that shit

she was shit

brought too much academic wank to ghetto contest

she should be 'deterritorializing' herself...

You could argue Toledo showed no respect by being a massive soft cock, again, while the Brazilians who missed out on a spot would have gone for it.

I’d say ol Ray guns breaking career has finished after that. She was fucking horrendous!

etarip's picture
etarip's picture
etarip Wednesday, 14 Aug 2024 at 5:12pm


southernraw's picture
southernraw's picture
southernraw Wednesday, 14 Aug 2024 at 5:02pm
sypkan wrote:

"‘A disgrace’

However, fellow academic Professor Megan Davis hit out at Gunn and claimed her chief objective in going to Paris was for “subsidised academic study”.

Prof Davis is a key figure in the Uluru Statement from the Heart which proposed the Voice to parliament which was defeated in a referendum last year. She is also a pro vice chancellor of the University of New South Wales and commissioner on the Australian Rugby League Commission, which administers NRL.

“Getting zero points on purpose in three rounds for an academic study subsidised by the taxpayer both at a university and Olympic level isn’t funny and isn’t ‘having a go’,” Prof Davis said on social media.

“(It’s) disrespectful to other competitors.

“I’m glad most Aussies aren’t buying the Kool-Aid”."


Kool Aid...

I find it interesting how much the machine has gone all in constructing this '...very aussie, just having a dig...' narrative...

and, not least the misogynist bit...

found it interesting the ABC felt the need this morning to announce the 'raygun' wasn't on the plane with the other athletes...

avoiding a PR disaster?

seems not all are drinking the kool aid...

@syppo, if it was Shazza from Frankston instead of Raygun from Hornsby would you still be so bitter?
One thing i know about you from the years of swellnet, is you hate the ABC, you hate the Labor party, and your fkn hate universities!!! And i don't think anything will ever change your mind on that. Fair enough, but i think it's those prejudices more so than anything that you're fired up about.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Wednesday, 14 Aug 2024 at 5:19pm
sypkan wrote:

I've been watching this shit for 40+ years...

always been interested in the graffiti / breakdance subculture thingy, ...from well before graffiti was even 'accepted'...

so there's that!

Okay here's a test on how cool you really were?

Did you get the Graffiti stickers with bubble gum from the corner shop in the early to mid 80s?

I even got the first graffiti book Subway art, still have it and another that came out in the 80s Spray can art.

Thinking back mum was pretty cool buying the books for me, especially after being brought home by the railway cops at maybe 9 years old for tagging under a bridge, she was surprisingly cool even about that, she just liked the art side of things and encouraged it.

My tag was Zygo :D

etarip's picture
etarip's picture
etarip Wednesday, 14 Aug 2024 at 5:18pm

I’m certainly not angry. Slightly bemused, and actually a bit sad for those who probably would have given it a decent shot, If afforded the opportunity.

It’s been a while since I have laughed as hard as I did watching it for the first time, then watching all of the memes, videos, sound edits etc.
Yes, there’s been a lot of nastiness online too. That’s unnecessary and inexcusable.

But are we supposed to just not talk about it, given all the questions about how it came to be?

It’s the lack of transparency in the ‘qualification’ process, the husband judge / coach, the lack of humility / self-awareness / humour in the execution and aftermath, and probably the hypocrisy of the position of deconstructing the patriarchy and settler colonial paradigm through…. appropriation and (if taking the piss) disrespect for an urban art form pioneered by the disadvantaged. From a position of absolute privilege, mind you.

Saw someone, somewhere, described it as the most middle-class white woman thing ever. But the funniest pile-ons / pisstakes online have been from other women. So spare me the misogyny speeches.

Just have some humility. “Hey, I saw that I wasn’t really up to the standard of the other breakers so I tried something left field - I guess it wasn’t great - but I hope I gave everyone a laugh. And congrats to the amazing competitors”

I’m not embarrassed for Australia. Who cares? Clearly not Raygun…

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Wednesday, 14 Aug 2024 at 5:55pm

a whole loada (misguided) assumptions there...


I love the abc

probably have it running in the background 8 hours a day, in one form or another...

I hate how misrepresentative it can be at times. and how it seems to have lost any sense of humour, and semblance of self awareness...

but it's still very good

labor party: would vote them over liberals every time! ...but never feel the need to anymore... so many better alternatives now...

like the ABC... I only hate how misrepresentative they also have become...

universities: loved my time at uni (sort of)... like you tried to explain to indod (unsuccessfully) ...they teach you how to learn, more so than any perceived importance of course content...

but the post modernist indoctrination clap trap that now makes up the vast majority of 'arts' content, is simply dangerous, and frankly... bullshit...

sciences, and other courses... are solid as... (excluding the dumbing down to cater for dumb rich kids)

don't mistake overt criticism for 'hate'

reluctant to use the term, after the rants and spiels I read here the other day...

my 'hate' you perceive, is probably only for the woke-ification of all three of the above...

it's gotten ridiculous

and cheap...

I'm old school, a 'battle of ideas' guy...

over dogma

post modernisation is pure religious dogma

manipulated religious dogma

which brings me back to raygun...

I find it interesting the people I generally follow on SM, that are always mindlessly pushing the woke barrow...

are all on board, vehemently defending raygun

whereas I take a very identity politics driven 'woke' view...

thinking it is an absolute disgrace this middle class white woman of privelage... edged out some marginalised 'person of colour' minority... probably indigenous... who has lived the life... and would have clearly done a better job...

I worked with indigenous kids, seem them dance, traditional and otherwise...

they move!

like liquid...

she's a fucking brick!

a white middle class woman brick!

who talks the talk... but appears to be totally unaware of her own predicament, privelage, and even papers...

^^^ what etarip said!!!

but especially this...

"...described it as the most middle-class white woman thing ever."

but you woke on dude...

velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno Wednesday, 14 Aug 2024 at 6:06pm

Well, it's all over bar the shouting and further post-doctoral research, all I know is I've now seen footage of the Sprinkler in an Olympic setting, the world truly is amazing.

etarip's picture
etarip's picture
etarip Wednesday, 14 Aug 2024 at 6:13pm

Well there’s that, and you can bet that in bars and nightclubs all over the world there will be tipsy punters recreating all those moves… and probably arguing their case with over-zealous bouncers. “But, I'm an athlete, this is Olympic grade breakdancing!”

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Wednesday, 14 Aug 2024 at 6:14pm
velocityjohnno wrote:

Well, it's all over bar the shouting and further post-doctoral research, all I know is I've now seen footage of the Sprinkler in an Olympic setting, the world truly is amazing.

hahaha, think you just won the internet today, VJ. have a sticker: https://www.facebook.com/100063222068854/posts/667065519999365/

velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno Wednesday, 14 Aug 2024 at 6:32pm

haha I've got more:

(from someone who was bad at sport and needed a surfboard)

udo's picture
udo's picture
udo Wednesday, 14 Aug 2024 at 6:36pm

VJ have you 3D printed our Leash Bars yet ?

velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno Wednesday, 14 Aug 2024 at 6:46pm

Designed my own fin systems plugs udo, can carve out of perspex of which I have some lying around, to give a bit of forward and back movement to FCS1...

but I've been too busy with this, gold medal for understanding qualifying rules

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Wednesday, 14 Aug 2024 at 6:42pm

The Conchords are on board.

southernraw's picture
southernraw's picture
southernraw Wednesday, 14 Aug 2024 at 6:49pm
sypkan wrote:

a whole loada (misguided) assumptions there...


I love the abc

probably have it running in the background 8 hours a day, in one form or another...

I hate how misrepresentative it can be at times. and how it seems to have lost any sense of humour, and semblance of self awareness...

but it's still very good

labor party: would vote them over liberals every time! ...but never feel the need to anymore... so many better alternatives now...

like the ABC... I only hate how misrepresentative they also have become...

universities: loved my time at uni (sort of)... like you tried to explain to indod (unsuccessfully) ...they teach you how to learn, more so than any perceived importance of course content...

but the post modernist indoctrination clap trap that now makes up the vast majority of 'arts' content, is simply dangerous, and frankly... bullshit...

sciences, and other courses... are solid as... (excluding the dumbing down to cater for dumb rich kids)

don't mistake overt criticism for 'hate'

reluctant to use the term, after the rants and spiels I read here the other day...

my 'hate' you perceive, is probably only for the woke-ification of all three of the above...

it's gotten ridiculous

and cheap...

I'm old school, a 'battle of ideas' guy...

over dogma

post modernisation is pure religious dogma

manipulated religious dogma

which brings me back to raygun...

I find it interesting the people I generally follow on SM, that are always mindlessly pushing the woke barrow...

are all on board, vehemently defending raygun

whereas I take a very identity politics driven 'woke' view...

thinking it is an absolute disgrace this middle class white woman of privelage... edged out some marginalised 'person of colour' minority... probably indigenous... who has lived the life... and would have clearly done a better job...

I worked with indigenous kids, seem them dance, traditional and otherwise...

they move!

like liquid...

she's a fucking brick!

a white middle class woman brick!

who talks the talk... but appears to be totally unaware of her own predicament, privelage, and even papers...

^^^ what etarip said!!!

but especially this...

"...described it as the most middle-class white woman thing ever."

but you woke on dude...

Well i agreed with most of what you said surprisingly syp. (til that last line) Yes, as they say, to assume is to make an ass out of you and me. Apologies to jump to conclusions. And yep, uni's are pretty farked in that way. 100percent. Disagree with you about all the Raygun stuff but also, don't really care enough to argue it. I don't see the woke aspect of it though. My point all along is why the hatred towards her. What is worse? The personal vitriol aimed at her, or her performance where she 'had a go'? And like i've said all along, laugh all you want at her, poke fun, make memes, have people take the piss, debate it like here, but it's the really nasty stuff that's appearing on her insta and in other places on social media i've seen in browsing, that to me, just shows the people doing it to be much worse than her. And not sure if it was you or another poster that said something about priveleged, white, middleclassed chick....but i don't think there's anything more priveleged and white and middle classed than sitting on a computer tapping away in disgust on an internet website all day. There's just no cameras to show it to the world. Anyway peeeeeeace.
btw: On her return i can see a hiphop/breakdance trio in the making
Zygo, Sypdog and the Rayraygun.

velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno Wednesday, 14 Aug 2024 at 6:57pm

Actually... speaking of Eddie the Eagle style sports efforts, I have a question for you all,

Some years ago a mate suggested that if you can fund it, you can do the QS. He was thinking, in his 40s, of just doing the tour, having a great old time and partying, traveling the world, getting beaten in heats and getting to surf with not many out, and generally having a blast. It was an intoxicating idea.

Is it possible to Eddie the Eagle the QS?

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Wednesday, 14 Aug 2024 at 6:58pm
basesix wrote:
velocityjohnno wrote:

Well, it's all over bar the shouting and further post-doctoral research, all I know is I've now seen footage of the Sprinkler in an Olympic setting, the world truly is amazing.

hahaha, think you just won the internet today, VJ. have a sticker: https://www.facebook.com/100063222068854/posts/667065519999365/

Ha ha cool they were the ones, i think i even have a timber pencil case somewhere with them on it.

southernraw's picture
southernraw's picture
southernraw Wednesday, 14 Aug 2024 at 7:00pm

@vj, there was a guy doing that, just can't remember his name!!