SupaWallace escapades

HA! Two old blokes trying to make the most of their twilight years , one’s currently got a dicky knee the other is trying his best to rehabilitate a dicky shoulder. I sure hope AW gets his knee sorted, he’s got a birdwatching jungle safari before his mentawai trip . I’m off next month , back to the left that always gives. The indo season has started well, hope it continues . Fishing tomorrow morning south & east coast penida , so hopefully can post some photos of catch, if not the view is always spectacular .

Wallace & Gromit: Vengeance Most Fowl

Supafreak wrote:HA! Two old blokes trying to make the most of their twilight years , one’s currently got a dicky knee the other is trying his best to rehabilitate a dicky shoulder. I sure hope AW gets his knee sorted, he’s got a birdwatching jungle safari before his mentawai trip . I’m off next month , back to the left that always gives. The indo season has started well, hope it continues . Fishing tomorrow morning south & east coast penida , so hopefully can post some photos of catch, if not the view is always spectacular .
Now, now, keep those old bloke references in check , I’m as sprightly as a 25 year old , fit as, drop dead gorgeous and chiselled to within an inch of my life, I wish, ( last year, remember Ashsam’s self analysis spiel , must have been drinking his own bath water and some other of his own bodily fluids at the time) I look nowhere near 60, I don’t think I’m 60, certainly don’t feel 60, don’t act like I’m 60, don’t wear incontinence undies yet, in fact I don’t feel anything these days if you know what I mean.
The only give away is a well defined receding hairline, it’s quite attractive I must say, few grey hairs have attached themselves to my scone around the ears and lamb chop areas.
I’ll challenge anyone my age or younger to dig a straight, near level trench, 600mm deep, 600mm wide and 20m in length in heavy soil with a crowbar, spade and mattock, I’d flog you all.
Now, where did I put those forms for my application to APIA, I’m a pensioner now, and I can’t find my prescription to Chemist Warehouse for 10kg of collagen pills, gonna be juiced to the eyeballs. AW
Edit. Looking forward to the bird and surf trip immensely and to meet the Mayor of Lembongan, Supafreak.

seaslug wrote:Wallace & Gromit: Vengeance Most Fowl
Hopefully not the wrong trousers!
cos, y'know.. we're curious.
PB & J, or 'the original odd couple'.
either way, stay social boys.