Tail Pads, do we really need them?

Yer, na, hmm? I ask myself if I really need one every time I get a new board. I first used a tail pad (gorilla grip?) after I had a broken toe and it enabled a bit less pain when surfing. Then I realised I could slide my foot back until it hit the kicker, then it just became a habit. My short boards have them, anything over 6’10” doesn’t. They certainly don’t make me surf any better. I don’t even think the supposedly extra grip is really that much of an advantage as wax does the job. In truth I think the best thing about them is that they help me figure out where my back foot is or should be in a few waves on a new board rather than a few surfs. Did I mention they can look good and you can colour coordinate them to your board, fins and leggy etc . . . . apparently that’s important for some.

I reuse them when I can. Work them off with a scraper then reattach with contact adhesive. Haven’t had one come off yet.
Can’t really justify spending the $$$ or just chucking them out. It’s bad enough when you snap a board.

Can’t stand them.

Nope, they ruin the look of a board. Never have them

Don't use them.
As a surfer -> Lidder -> surfer they seem to have become mandatory over the last 15-20 years or so? When I surfed in the 80's they weren't really a thing except for the novelty full deck thing.
Mason and Torren don't use them.
Of course it's the surfing performance that matters but some of them look so bulky I figured they'd be annoying when paddling (which we spend more time doing generally).

Those ones that have a super dome in the middle feel rank.
It’s a tricky one, for those of us who have a tendency to get up with our back foot a little further forward than we’d like it can be a good reference point.

i have put full deck grip on my two most recent boards. cost about $150 which is a negative but the convenience is worth it in my opinion. no re waxes for the life of the board, and no melts or smearing (both underfoot and when trying to put wax on if the day is moderately warm). negatives are hard to identify other than cost, looks (for some), and possibly a need to wear a rashy - but i always wear a rashy anyway. i also believe the mass of the full deck grip is less than my usual full board wax jobs especially after a month or so. if cost isnt prohibitive i would suggest considering going like my back, sack and crack - wax free.

I switched to wax-only about six or seven years ago, and haven't looked back. Feels weird when I jump on a board with a tail pad now.

I hadn't used one since the 80's and was right off them but recently my age was causing a few pop up problems so I stuck one on and it is easier to know exactly where your back foot is. Now instead of wobbling around as I get up I'm gliding straight into my bottom turn like I used to. Also less wax is good although I've noticed some of the pros wax the pad and even their feet.

old-dog wrote:I hadn't used one since the 80's
You mustn't have lasted long... Gorilla Grip started in '85!

I tend to shuffle my feet around a bit, so they're useful as a tactile indicator. Particularly when switching between boards.

you can buy the stuff by the sheet, try diamond deck, cut to whatever size you want. The price of those tail pads they sell in surf shops is totally ridiculous especially when you're making boards for yourself to keep costs down.

Ive had the odd board without them, but much prefer them, gives you something to push off and prevents the back foot slipping of the tail.
Havent had a front pad though since by first custom in about 88-89 Gorilla Grip Damien Hardman full deck (black and blue)

I've got a 60/40 mix of boards with and without. Most of my every day shortboards have them and I do like that home position for your foot to naturally hit back on but on the other side of the coin don't notice it too much on the unpadded boards. Maybe just a mental thing?

I always use tailpads, doesn't feel right without one.. It's a mix of reasons; but mostly to prevent back foot slippage, you can push as hard as you can and your foot wont slip. Wax can soften under your foot and slip. I also move my back foot around a bit, so they give you a bit of reference to where your foot is. They can also lessen back foot damage to the tail area of your board. And they just feel more comfortable.
Had a full deck front and back foot grip once, loved it. Still need to use a little bit of wax though, around the edges of the grip. Not the rails though, never wax your rails!! Have always rode shortboards btw.
Even with the front foot wax-job I like it small and neat, not much bigger than my front foot.

@ thermalben, I thought I had an early Astrodeck tail pad in '82 but could be wrong, have never kept a diary.

Always thought it was a Herbie Fletcher invention but it was not...
It was Jim Van Vlecks 1975 - Herbie bought Astrodeck in 1976
Go slo mo at the start

gragagan wrote:I always use tailpads, doesn't feel right without one.. It's a mix of reasons; but mostly to prevent back foot slippage, you can push as hard as you can and your foot wont slip. Wax can soften under your foot and slip. I also move my back foot around a bit, so they give you a bit of reference to where your foot is. They can also lessen back foot damage to the tail area of your board. And they just feel more comfortable.
Had a full deck front and back foot grip once, loved it. Still need to use a little bit of wax though, around the edges of the grip. Not the rails though, never wax your rails!! Have always rode shortboards btw.
Even with the front foot wax-job I like it small and neat, not much bigger than my front foot.
So you never move your front foot?

goofyfoot wrote:gragagan wrote:I always use tailpads, doesn't feel right without one.. It's a mix of reasons; but mostly to prevent back foot slippage, you can push as hard as you can and your foot wont slip. Wax can soften under your foot and slip. I also move my back foot around a bit, so they give you a bit of reference to where your foot is. They can also lessen back foot damage to the tail area of your board. And they just feel more comfortable.
Had a full deck front and back foot grip once, loved it. Still need to use a little bit of wax though, around the edges of the grip. Not the rails though, never wax your rails!! Have always rode shortboards btw.
Even with the front foot wax-job I like it small and neat, not much bigger than my front foot.So you never move your front foot?
Not much usually. There's room for a little bit of movement. Moving my back foot is enough 99% of the time so I put extra wax above the tail pad. That's only riding shortboards under 6ft, never ride anything else.

gragagan wrote:goofyfoot wrote:gragagan wrote:I always use tailpads, doesn't feel right without one.. It's a mix of reasons; but mostly to prevent back foot slippage, you can push as hard as you can and your foot wont slip. Wax can soften under your foot and slip. I also move my back foot around a bit, so they give you a bit of reference to where your foot is. They can also lessen back foot damage to the tail area of your board. And they just feel more comfortable.
Had a full deck front and back foot grip once, loved it. Still need to use a little bit of wax though, around the edges of the grip. Not the rails though, never wax your rails!! Have always rode shortboards btw.
Even with the front foot wax-job I like it small and neat, not much bigger than my front foot.So you never move your front foot?
Not much usually. There's room for a little bit of movement. Moving my back foot is enough 99% of the time so I put extra wax above the tail pad. That's only riding shortboards under 6ft, never ride anything else.
Yeah fair enough, what about when it gets big? Still sub 6 foot boards?

It doesn't get over 6ft on the Gold Coast so no real need to haha

Ha yeah good point

Gland says 'Not the rails though, never wax your rails!!' Why not when it stops your hands slipping on pop-up? I defy anyone other than a JJF-type to notice a difference.

I once had full deck grip with hand bits you placed where you held on to duck dive.
Circa 1990. Can't remember the brand.
Ever since I have waxed my rails.

started using the religiously years ago to protect the deck’ found if they weren’t used the fcs plugs would rise through the glass

I'm a sucker for gadgets. Put grip on the tail all short boards mostly as a frame of reference for my back foot. Anyone remember the "Rocket Block?"
Apologies to FB avoiders.

Had something very similar but no wax comb, just a block of white plastic. Found in a bargain bin for a cupla bucks at Jetty Surf or Wavelength from memory.

Can't stand them, especially the ones with the big kick at the back that must do wonders for water flow over the rear rail and tail (that someone spent effort making as hydrodynamic as possible)

They look unreal i.f.

They look really good.

niggly wrote:started using the religiously years ago to protect the deck’ found if they weren’t used the fcs plugs would rise through the glass
This is the best reason for using tail pads IMO - protection from compression.

My first tail pad was a gorilla grip and it wore holes in my wettie knees (probably used to duck dive with the knee back then). Never bought another tail pad again, and love the feel of wax. I did score one of Mick Lowes sunset guns and it has full deck grip, its a bit like surfing in booties, feels awkward the first couple of surfs, but you get used to it and it doesn't bother ya afterward.

Only use them on thrusters.
I prefer low kick, no arch.

Fantastic results there i Focus, well done! Enjoy surfing them. We did solid chambered Paulownia board for young one's woodwork project.

Jamyardy wrote:My first tail pad was a gorilla grip and it wore holes in my wettie knees (probably used to duck dive with the knee back then). Never bought another tail pad again, and love the feel of wax. I did score one of Mick Lowes sunset guns and it has full deck grip, its a bit like surfing in booties, feels awkward the first couple of surfs, but you get used to it and it doesn't bother ya afterward.
There’s another thread - Duck diving, knee or foot?

Rarely use the foot anymore either, lower shin give me the best depth for a duck dive.

Foot for me, unless it's a bit of extra doubling-up chop right behind a wave and I don't have time - in that case, knee. I like my decks.

etarip wrote:I reuse them when I can. Work them off with a scraper then reattach with contact adhesive. Haven’t had one come off yet.
Can’t really justify spending the $$$ or just chucking them out. It’s bad enough when you snap a board.
I was just about to try this... what product do you recommend to reattach?

Kwik Grip works well or Sikaflex

Tail pads don't suit fish but shortboards and guns,mals and everything in between yes.
There is just something about a fish that makes it feel less flowing with a tailpad.


Well ive never bought one for a fish, never bought one for a blank board either but had some of second hand boards, didnt really notice them but my back foot was often off to the side of the pad in no mans land. Id be a fan of full deck grip if they still sell it though.For indo or hot weather here (temps on Christmas day reached 52' here)

They do still sell it - in large pieces
Versatraction is the clear thin alternative

Thanks Udo, i'll look into it. you ever used the thinner stuff?

No havent used it - Versa traction is exp
Here's some cheaper stuff

No need for pads never used them never will I really dont like them at all.
To me they feel very uncomfortable and awkward. When I borrow a board
with pads all it does is confirm how much I dislike them and theyre super
difficult to remove.
Just finished making a couple of boards last thing to do before waxing them up is to throw on tail pads.
So being a miserable tight you know what and looking at spending $50 to $60 on a piece of stick on grip just wondered what others think.
Back in the day never used them but at some point they just became normal and never questioned them, until now.
Any opinions?