Random surf clips

"This is what I live for"... at thirteen!

That’s absolutely mental.


I can't even think of anything funny to say.
That was nuts.

Pretty rank that it's clearly his parents/manager captioning his insta posts. Fucking amazing barrel but.

With all the Desert Pt stuff of late -an old favorite Nicholas Chong Cartwheeling

The Right

Good clip. He’s a good bloke aye. I wish him a speedy recovery.


Some Gems on here

Pulse is pretty much the best thing on insta, I reckon.

Necro Demo'20 !

Awesome line, heavy section.

Nathan Fletcher and his near Death experience- farkn heavy

Yep! Straight out nutta Udo. Waking up unconscious on a rock is not on my bucketlist!

The surf ain’t amazing in this clip but it does look fun enough .
Worth consideration as documentation of just how well a 48 year old man can grovel in 2020. Also nice to see brief flashes of uncrowded Bali and an empty beach. Even though I fully empathise with locals who are struggling as a result there’s still a part of my heart gladdened to see the beach not overwhelmed by humans.
Kelly loose and ripping small Padma :

that seemed a bit more than a grovel to me: shapely long period beach break with offshore winds.
but yeah Kelly looking fast and loose.
so was Rizal.

Some more from Mullaghmore


Still not sure if this is inspirational or the ultimate schadenfreude .

You reckon you could go down right this minute and power paddle through 8 feet close outs for 50 minutes in a 5/4 steamer , booties and hood ?
There’d have to be a defibrillator on standby if I gave it a go I reckon.

Re post probably re Ocean beach , but still better reading than the weekend papers.

Jeebus, Wade looks sharp. The power!
So many perfectly timed turns, and so many barrels.

Watched that last night on the big tele IB.
Razor sharp and full power. Love that kind of surfing.
Can thread a tube too just quietly.

Unreal vid udo.
As above so below.
And not an air in sight.
It was like watching a natural footed 'Occy' (with a bit more of an extended goatee)
Will never know for sure but I reckon JC would approve of the 'AJ'

@H2O, that New Yorker article was a ripper read. Thanks.

There's something timeless about a big board and a tube suit isn't there.
They had an amazing early season over there last year hey!


Jerome Forrest
Big Raw Pipe
Lucas Godfrey is Tough !

That Jerome Forrest clip was epic Udo. Cheers. Sick waves very well surfed.

Once were Groms...he he

Twiggy Mavericks

rad line

More Pipe - mic'd up

That was sick Udo. I didn’t want it to end

Chelsea Hedges

John2 and Gramps
Don't think there's a forum thread for random surf clips to share...so here goes.