Both those factors will drive a series of strong cold fronts this week, with no meaningful swell for the CQ coast due to the acute Southerly swell direction.
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No change to the outlook, winter cold fronts are now pushing across the south-east of the country with S swells for areas south of Fraser Island.
So with offshore winds expected and no tradewind or E’ly winds in the Coral Sea, expect tiny/flat surf to extend through this week and likely into next week too.
A surface low in the Southern Coral Sea is now tracking southwards, dragging swell producing E’ly winds out of the CQ swell window, for the first time in weeks.
Central QLD Forecaster Notes by Steve Shearer (issued on Wed 25th May)
This weekend and next week (May25-June3)
Central QLD: Get in while you can. Surf easing to tiny/flat by the weekend
Last days of an incredible run of E swell ahead, so get in if you can.
Sub-tropical troughs and the remnants of TC Gina near New Caledonia are maintaining a deep E’ly flow through the Coral Sea, which has seen plenty of surf across the CQ coast.
Through the weekend, short range ESE swell from the tradewind fetch will supply the dominant swell trains, especially in CQLD.
Following that an active tradewind pattern in the Coral Sea supplies another round of E swell for the region, with a trough of low pressure expected to form off the Capricorn Coast and energise further the E/SE winds off the CQ coast.
More E swell and SE winds into the medium term as the high sets up another trade flow through the Coral Sea. This will see increasing surf through the CQ region from Fri becoming chunky next week.
Pumping surf across the region since the last f/cast with more to come over the weekend.