All Things Religion Thread

Balance's picture
Balance started the topic in Sunday, 29 Mar 2020 at 2:13pm

Here you go optimist

Not sure my instinctive need to stick up for the secret desire to be one day honoured rightfully with the role of Forum moderator (expecting a call any day)...

But anyway I couldn't help but read your troubles on another thread...unfortunately I found myself siding with everyone's posts...other than your own...except for the part where you were told you can't post here!

So I put my low IQ mind to coming up with a solution that suits all...and here it is...a safe place if you like

You can post anything you like about your beliefs...and no one has to read it unless they want! Easy peasy...

maybe you could even get Jesus, fat Buddha, Mohammed, and friends to converse in adult conversation here

Solving the world problems, one at a it taking a shovel as a way of moving that mountain

All the

PS...I actually was born again once, but I grew up, and grew a brain of my own...and realised it was all a load of shit!

southernraw's picture
southernraw's picture
southernraw Monday, 12 Aug 2024 at 9:35pm

I remember a certain poster you're obsessed with (B.D)) got banned and piled upon by a most commenters for a very similar comment @ashsam. I guess times have changed eh. Probably for the best because i personally didn't think BDs comment was anything other than a bit of banter.

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Monday, 12 Aug 2024 at 9:36pm



burleigh's picture
burleigh's picture
burleigh Monday, 12 Aug 2024 at 9:36pm

You guys need Jesus

southernraw's picture
southernraw's picture
southernraw Monday, 12 Aug 2024 at 9:38pm

Who's she @burleigh? ;-)

soggydog's picture
soggydog's picture
soggydog Monday, 12 Aug 2024 at 10:33pm
ashsam wrote:

Meet up with Jelly soggy, pretty sure he likes a doggy lol ;)

The guy is hilarious, few hot ones few cold ones. Barrel of laughs probably.

Beats that hot sweaty disturbing man soup Opti Info and yourself are getting down to salivating over all those dead brownie’s.

This one’s for Indo, I am currently educating myself, one foot still in construction one in education. The difference being that I’m spending my time educating myself to help people as opposed to you edumucating yourself to justify killing people. So take your condescending stories of edumucation and shove em down the eye of Opti’s dick you sick uneducated retard fuck.

southernraw's picture
southernraw's picture
southernraw Monday, 12 Aug 2024 at 10:43pm

Love your work Soggy and Jelly. Coupla proper legends imo.

ashsam's picture
ashsam's picture
ashsam Tuesday, 13 Aug 2024 at 7:07am

They are the same person

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Tuesday, 13 Aug 2024 at 7:51am
ashsam wrote:

They are the same person

They are both strongly anti semtic and very bitter hateful people with very little of substance to ever say mostly just ad hominem, but sadly i disagree they are sadly two seperate people.

The real question is where does this anti semitism come from?

If you go look back at the original thread on this issue, you will see from the 8th October they were already this way, so the roots are obviously much deeper.

Id say its just a lack of education and understanding on Jewish and Israeli history.

I have no interest in getting in pointless abusive back and forths with them(that they seem to get off on) the best way to combat their anti semitism and misinformation is with links to history and archaeology or just links to views of people that are qualified in things like urban warfare, even if it doesn't convince them at least other reading might go, oh shit i didn't realize that and go on to investigate things further.

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Tuesday, 13 Aug 2024 at 7:50am

^^^ Unless you're trying to be deliberately inflammatory, it's worth understanding that the same sentiment expressed by commenters here can also be read in Haaretz or parts of the American Jewish media.

If you want to continue your adult education campaign you need to acquire more nuance and understanding. You may lose some of your fixed ideas, but hey, it'll make you a better person.

ashsam's picture
ashsam's picture
ashsam Tuesday, 13 Aug 2024 at 7:59am
indo-dreaming wrote:
ashsam wrote:

They are the same person

They are both strongly anti semtic and very bitter hateful people with very little of substance to ever say mostly just ad hominem, but sadly i disagree they are sadly two seperate people.

The real question is where does this anti semitism come from?

If you go look back at the original thread on this issue, you will see from the 8th October they were already this way, so the roots are obviously much deeper.

Id say its just a lack of education and understanding on Jewish and Israeli history.

I have no interest in getting in pointless abusive back and forths with them(that they seem to get off on) the best way to combat their anti semitism and misinformation is with links to history and archaeology or just links to views of people that are qualified in things like urban warfare, even if it doesn't convince them at least other reading might go, oh shit i didn't realize that and go on to investigate things further.

Yeah I need to stop, will let them be the master of their own filthy minds from now on ;)

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Tuesday, 13 Aug 2024 at 8:10am

...wemember, stats fwom wast week are outdated... vormungerwing is a cool cwub of understwanding def and furverwing adult educwation involving imaginairwee facts ;)
- twashy now join z cwub hahaha, u can aww cum toogevver as vun big eggspurt cheer squad for z def and destwuction yay, it's time for z war expwosion jizz fest ;)

& wemember, you can pwomote eggspurt bwoodwust anawasis and intewigence anawasis on all fings murder and expwosion ;)

- bwing awong your bwaincells to z noinfo fwopti inbwed war gerbil hq and expwode aww ova zem, iswaeli histowee is a spwecialtee, also wemember zionist fwuffing is a must and facto bwuffing is essential for intewigence gavverwing ;);)

...gwab a armagweddon quote fwom z book of wevewation, put on a cool cwistian bandana wif cwosses... pwedge aweedgence to hasbawa pwopaganda and suck each uvver wif a new understwanding of modern day weewidgious nuttery and bwoodwust ;);)

- twashy vil weed z way wif his cwistian bandana now, go fawth in good faif and debate toogevver z merits of cwistian apokawiptic fantasy
...until u expwode aww ova each uvver ;);)

- take it away mentally bwoke twashcan haha, u and zis bwoke are z same bwoke yayyyyy ;)


indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Tuesday, 13 Aug 2024 at 8:13am
stunet wrote:

^^^ Unless you're trying to be deliberately inflammatory, it's worth understanding that the same sentiment expressed by commenters here can also be read in Haaretz or parts of the American Jewish media.

If you want to continue your adult education campaign you need to acquire more nuance and understanding. You may lose some of your fixed ideas, but hey, it'll make you a better person.

Okay i will try.

It is hard when you are copping abuse to not give a little niggle back in your delivery though even if your reply is information based rather than just abuse based.

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Tuesday, 13 Aug 2024 at 8:19am

- hahahaha infwomayshin based bwuffery
... & yes, indeed twashcan ;)

You need to stop, but, ummm can't ;);)
...time to pway ya helmet away haha


seeds's picture
seeds's picture
seeds Tuesday, 13 Aug 2024 at 8:18am
indo-dreaming wrote:
stunet wrote:

^^^ Unless you're trying to be deliberately inflammatory, it's worth understanding that the same sentiment expressed by commenters here can also be read in Haaretz or parts of the American Jewish media.

If you want to continue your adult education campaign you need to acquire more nuance and understanding. You may lose some of your fixed ideas, but hey, it'll make you a better person.

Okay i will try.

It is hard when you are copping abuse to not give a little niggle back in your delivery though even if your reply is information based rather than just abuse based.

I wonder if you even understand what Stu was saying.

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Tuesday, 13 Aug 2024 at 8:20am
Jelly Flater wrote:

- hahahaha
...yes, indeed trashcan ;)

You need to stop ;);)
...time to pway haha

The other day I paid compliments to ID for debating in good faith and it's time others did the same.

Don't have to toss out irreverence, but the conveyor belt of vids and kneejerk punchlines have to stop.

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Tuesday, 13 Aug 2024 at 8:23am

Short memory robbo ?

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Tuesday, 13 Aug 2024 at 8:31am
seeds wrote:
indo-dreaming wrote:
stunet wrote:

^^^ Unless you're trying to be deliberately inflammatory, it's worth understanding that the same sentiment expressed by commenters here can also be read in Haaretz or parts of the American Jewish media.

If you want to continue your adult education campaign you need to acquire more nuance and understanding. You may lose some of your fixed ideas, but hey, it'll make you a better person.

Okay i will try.

It is hard when you are copping abuse to not give a little niggle back in your delivery though even if your reply is information based rather than just abuse based.

I wonder if you even understand what Stu was saying.

C'mon mate, really?

Both sides need to stop the antagonism. Get some perspective: the war isn't going to be won on an Aussie surf site.

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Tuesday, 13 Aug 2024 at 8:37am

- "If war is ever lawful, then peace is sometimes sinful."

seeds's picture
seeds's picture
seeds Tuesday, 13 Aug 2024 at 8:41am

I’d argue Indo doesn’t debate in good faith because he continues to throw baseless claims of antisemitism and Hamas support at anyone who disagrees with his viewpoint.
You’ll note other than my comment above and one along the same lines a few pages back I’m not involved in these debates precisely for that reason.

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Tuesday, 13 Aug 2024 at 8:45am
seeds wrote:

I’d argue Indo doesn’t debate in good faith because he continues to throw baseless claims of antisemitism and Hamas support at anyone who disagrees with his viewpoint.

Well hopefully that ends now.

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Tuesday, 13 Aug 2024 at 8:48am

This Thread has attracted , a Conveyer Belt , of videos and links .

It's like a battlefield , bombs being thrown , left , right and centre .

I can't imagine , anyone looking at them ALL !

Most of IT , is a waste of Space and Time .

All quite hard to follow , 4 me and very tedious .

Bottom of the Barrel Stuff , perhaps .

soggydog's picture
soggydog's picture
soggydog Tuesday, 13 Aug 2024 at 9:01am
indo-dreaming wrote:
stunet wrote:

^^^ Unless you're trying to be deliberately inflammatory, it's worth understanding that the same sentiment expressed by commenters here can also be read in Haaretz or parts of the American Jewish media.

If you want to continue your adult education campaign you need to acquire more nuance and understanding. You may lose some of your fixed ideas, but hey, it'll make you a better person.

Okay i will try.

It is hard when you are copping abuse to not give a little niggle back in your delivery though even if your reply is information based rather than just abuse based.

As an educator I would recommend you stop mistaking education for confirmation of bias. You’ve had reply’s in good faith and you’ve displayed the same condescending air of superiority as the straight up abuse. That’s why I don’t waste my time with you anymore. I just tell exactly what I think.
And you are the only one on here gloating over dead people.

Stu, I’ll step away.

burleigh's picture
burleigh's picture
burleigh Tuesday, 13 Aug 2024 at 9:14am

Jesus Christ is the only answer here. Amen

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Tuesday, 13 Aug 2024 at 9:28am

^^ “ … you stop mistaking education for confirmation of bias. You’ve had reply’s in good faith and you’ve displayed the same condescending air of superiority as the straight up abuse. That’s why I don’t waste my time with you anymore. I just tell exactly what I think.
And you are the only one on here gloating over dead people…”

That’s it and while I have some sympathy for @stu’s admin role needing to be seen to be totally unbiased I cannot accept that @info can do ever “good faith” discussion. History tells me otherwise and that is why I have even greater sympathy for @southernraw’s call the other day to ban the peabrain.

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Tuesday, 13 Aug 2024 at 9:38am

"Good Faith " discussion , on a Religion Thread , on SN .

That bar , made me smile , Smiley .

Peace , B with U :) !

History , tells me otherwise .

It's a War thread atm .

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Tuesday, 13 Aug 2024 at 9:49am

@indo , in my opinion the abuse you receive at times is in response to how people can try to debate with you in good faith and are dismissed as being uneducated fools that are sucked in by propaganda . Adam 12 some time ago apologised to you for the way he was responding to you and had pulled himself up . To say that you don’t have time to read his links but did have the time to write back and attempt to belittle him is just asking for it . When you had a go at AW and told him to stick to plants because he knows nothing about war was really a dumb move . Baiting people is done by myself on occasions and I’m not alone. Seriously if you want respect…..start giving it , or is it a case of not caring about anything but your own personal opinion ? If you believe you’re the smartest guy in the room then it might be time to change rooms , who was it that said this ? “ Never be the brightest person in the room; then you can’t learn anything.
If you’re the brightest person in the room, you’re in trouble.
If you’re the smartest person in the room, you’re in the wrong room. “

mattlock's picture
mattlock's picture
mattlock Tuesday, 13 Aug 2024 at 9:46am

Ashsam been banned.........again?
What did I miss?

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Tuesday, 13 Aug 2024 at 9:52am

…. I’ll add to ^^ regarding people voluntarily “stepping away” and ask why?

I’ve also seen this before, along with people getting so frustrated that they say something and get themselves banned, and within hours or days @info is back as belligerent as ever.

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Tuesday, 13 Aug 2024 at 10:10am
GuySmiley wrote:

…. I’ll add to ^^ regarding people voluntarily “stepping away” and ask why?

I’ve also seen this before, along with people getting so frustrated that they say something and get themselves banned, and within hours or days @info is back as belligerent as ever.

Guy you've been known to follow Indo around the site and you often goad him into a response. It's wholly unnecessary. If people don't think the same as you then so fucking what? We're a surf site not the Pentagon's War Room. Learn how to disagree.

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Tuesday, 13 Aug 2024 at 10:51am
stunet wrote:
GuySmiley wrote:

…. I’ll add to ^^ regarding people voluntarily “stepping away” and ask why?

I’ve also seen this before, along with people getting so frustrated that they say something and get themselves banned, and within hours or days @info is back as belligerent as ever.

Guy you've been known to follow Indo around the site and you often goad him into a response. It's wholly unnecessary. If people don't think the same as you then so fucking what? We're a surf site not the Pentagon's War Room. Learn how to disagree.

^^ say what? I would suggest that it’s @info who accuses me of following him or in his words “trolling” him invariably when he can’t constructively counter my point. Sure I’ve goaded him in frustration like, let’s just say at guess 50 others here over the journey. Fuck it, how long ago did Blindboy leave (voluntarily) or VicLocal (banned) because of the mindlessness of the debate here with @info and others? And as for the rest of ^^ you have the wrong cookie in your crosshairs, I love diversity of ideas across ideological and philosophical lines - not me you should be focusing on in this regard and your war room comment is equally ill directed … from memory it was SN admin who allowed that horrible Israeli war topic on the home page for what seemed an eternity, was it not? Carry on the good work @stu …

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Tuesday, 13 Aug 2024 at 11:27am
Supafreak wrote:

@indo , in my opinion the abuse you receive at times is in response to how people can try to debate with you in good faith and are dismissed as being uneducated fools that are sucked in by propaganda . Adam 12 some time ago apologised to you for the way he was responding to you and had pulled himself up . To say that you don’t have time to read his links but did have the time to write back and attempt to belittle him is just asking for it . When you had a go at AW and told him to stick to plants because he knows nothing about war was really a dumb move . Baiting people is done by myself on occasions and I’m not alone. Seriously if you want respect…..start giving it , or is it a case of not caring about anything but your own personal opinion ? If you believe you’re the smartest guy in the room then it might be time to change rooms , who was it that said this ? “ Never be the brightest person in the room; then you can’t learn anything.
If you’re the brightest person in the room, you’re in trouble.
If you’re the smartest person in the room, you’re in the wrong room. “

In all honestly there isnt much id take back that ive said here, but that call at AW is maybe one of those rare ones that i said in a heated moment that id take back just because while I disagree strongly on a lot of things with AW he is 100% here for the right reasons and a very genuine person and from memory he didnt even give an abusive reply, which says a lot about him.

Adam though, he can give it just as good as anyone, so i make no apologies for giving it back at him.

BTW. I dont really have an issue with the abuse i cop, it honestly doesn't affect me and i try not to get involved and i even get a type of satisfaction in just ignoring abuse sometimes, which is pretty easy when its regular because the impact is lost.

I find it much more frustrating when people just spread misinformation or havent looked into something properly before making a judgement, yeah sure some things are opinion based, but other things are not.

And i 100% know you understand this cause its exactly what happened with that boxer chick that you seemed to taken an interest in and i can imagine it must be frustrating to see people still stick with or support total misinformation because it was the first view they heard or the view they wanted to believe.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Tuesday, 13 Aug 2024 at 11:33am
GuySmiley wrote:
stunet wrote:
GuySmiley wrote:

…. I’ll add to ^^ regarding people voluntarily “stepping away” and ask why?

I’ve also seen this before, along with people getting so frustrated that they say something and get themselves banned, and within hours or days @info is back as belligerent as ever.

Guy you've been known to follow Indo around the site and you often goad him into a response. It's wholly unnecessary. If people don't think the same as you then so fucking what? We're a surf site not the Pentagon's War Room. Learn how to disagree.

^^ say what? I would suggest that it’s @info who accuses me of following him or in his words “trolling” him invariably when he can’t constructively counter my point. Sure I’ve goaded him in frustration like, let’s just say at guess 50 others here over the journey. Fuck it, how long ago did Blindboy leave (voluntarily) or VicLocal (banned) because of the mindlessness of the debate here with @info and others? And as for the rest of ^^ you have the wrong cookie in your crosshairs, I love diversity of ideas across ideological and philosophical lines - not me you should be focusing on in this regard and your war room comment is equally ill directed … from memory it was SN admin who allowed that horrible Israeli war topic on the home page for what seemed an eternity, was it not? Carry on the good work @stu …

Dude you do know its an open public forum everyone can see what happens here.

BTW Blindboy or Vic local didn't leave or weren't banned because of me, I dont know their situations on why they left or were banned but if it was based on any conflict with an individual it would have been with Blowin, they were his mortal enemies not mine.

Strangely enough while we didnt agree on much i kind of got on with both of them, i definitely dont hate them thats for sure.

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Tuesday, 13 Aug 2024 at 3:47pm

...ummm ;)

"accuse the other side of that which you are guilty"

- one observation of noinfo :

".....compliments to ID for debating in good faith" hahaha

- & noinfo's justification for his behaviour that (according to him) is described as being... ummm simply "information based rather than just abuse based." :

....."It is hard when you are copping abuse to not give a little niggle back in your delivery though even if your reply is information based rather than just abuse based."

- really???..... hahaha

... please consider this absolutely psychopathic pile of steaming bullshit which noinfo posted on page 93 of this thread - it's another false accusation and another post void of accuracy or truth - yet somehow he is able to apparently defend his input on here and proudly exclaim the content as being 'information based' haha :

- "He has a long history on Swellnet, he has also posted under Talking Turkey, Shatners Basoon, Dale Cooper, Factotum, Pupkin. (maybe more?)

At times he was even using a few at the same time, quite literally using them in the same conversation's to reinforce his views yeah quite psychopath like."

^ if @stu, or anyone, is able to decipher or adequately explain the lies and made up speculations put forward by noinfo above - then please, firstly point out where the application of a 'debate in good faith' is occurring hahahaha
...please also point out the 'information based' nature of the accusations and assumptions ;)

& noinfo then attempts to present this below :

- "I find it much more frustrating when people just spread misinformation or havent looked into something properly before making a judgement, yeah sure some things are opinion based, but other things are not."

^ compulsive lying coupled with spreading misinformation ( "....yeah quite psychopath like." )

- "Dude you do know its an open public forum everyone can see what happens here."

^ hahahaha..... yep ;);)

- and a lil something for the war gerbil to ponder, and even attempt to enact for himself
... seeing as though things are apparently 'information based' ;)

"A man is never more truthful than when he acknowledges himself a liar."

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Tuesday, 13 Aug 2024 at 4:16pm

Was going to stay off this thread, but think this article is one of the better ones regarding the tragic shit show going on ...
It's a pretty long read.
I wonder if the area can ever heal and live in peace?

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Tuesday, 13 Aug 2024 at 4:58pm

^^ yep @JF, seems there’s a twilight zone happening here, funny aye

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Tuesday, 13 Aug 2024 at 5:18pm

- haha yes @Guy
…one can only be smiley about the hypocrisy ;)

& @andy-mac, that’s another great article
…you contribute excellent ‘information based’ stuff (for a hummus loving terrorist) haha


andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Tuesday, 13 Aug 2024 at 5:24pm
Jelly Flater wrote:

- haha yes @Guy
…one can only be smiley about the hypocrisy ;)

& @andy-mac, that’s another great article
…you contribute excellent ‘information based’ stuff (for a hummus loving terrorist) haha


I do like chick peas! :)

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Friday, 16 Aug 2024 at 7:47pm



basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Saturday, 17 Aug 2024 at 10:52am

^ a little bombastically nihilistic, but nicely presented by lady mary and the aids guy (with english wintery fantasy, ironically). We have so many chemicals that have evolved and made us the gangly, squishy, ponderers we are, with our sense of justice and mercy and order and rightness.. we is wot we is. nothing more, BUT nothing less.

i.e. as there is no order or plan, the cauliflower we carry on our neck, is the only thing we have.

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Sunday, 18 Aug 2024 at 10:48am

Heya, @Optimist & @Pop Down (here on, I'll refer to you both as @popti). I don't mind this thread, now it's not in surfer's faces or up in lights. As you know, I am an friendly atheist, mindful and respectful of benign religious traditions, and a lover of long history.

I had the opportunity to sing in prestigious Aussie choirs for decades, and had some of the best experiences of my life, singing amazing pieces in amazing spaces, for me, what it was all about.

'Choir people' are pretty annoying to be on the road with (well, to be fair, about a third are) but as choirs are often harbours of social interaction and expression for those from leafy-suburbs, the entitled, teachers, the awkward or lost, it is not a bad ratio, and you forgive most things.

Being stuck on a tour bus overseas tests this to the max. Especially for me, I'm quite good at people, but absolutely NEED my space and autonomy. Or I get a kind of social claustrophobia.

I can handle being with people who talk but don't listen only in small bursts, don't have a lot of time for it. 'Choir people' look like that duck, quack like that duck, but are actually odd, in that they know what silence is, and listen well. They are an odd bunch.

I wanna post some of my fave spiritual choir pieces here, with something to watch that gives a sense of where I remember signing it most vividly. These are the kind of memories that are up there with having an amazing surf session somewhere unfamiliar, with people you share the experience with for a short time, before going back to your normal life. But with with a timeless music that moves you. Perhaps why I got into gamelan pretty hard.

Anyway, get some headphones, cos choir music is reeeeallly boring and subtle unless you give into it.

wax24's picture
wax24's picture
wax24 Saturday, 24 Aug 2024 at 6:17am

My headphones are ready. All things, in moderation, are wonderous and beautimous. Including choir music. Even the Amateur-In-Line-At-The-DMV version of held a certain sway.
Yes, Basey. Headphones are ready.

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Saturday, 24 Aug 2024 at 5:30pm

haha, well waxy/popti, here's ep 1: estonian composer Arvo Pärt 'magnificat'; Uk's fens' Ely Cathedral.

here's the audio:

(don't watch the film clip)

here's the vision:

(play at 0.5 speed, on mute)

(play them at the same time.. sound and vision ; )

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Saturday, 24 Aug 2024 at 5:40pm

^ that works crackerjack, Arvo Pärt clip with sound only (horrible clip), with the drone footage from Ely (Air-lee) Cathedral. I just watched them together a few times. Even better than sitting on a bonsoy boat roof, breathing deep, legs crossed, for feeling at peace ; )

wax24's picture
wax24's picture
wax24 Monday, 26 Aug 2024 at 3:48am

Hey Base
Loved em! I played em last nite (10:42a here now) on my shift. Lotsa admin shit to do, so perfect accompany.Weirdly (or maybe not?) it led me to Ambient Music Essentials (as divined by good ol Apple Music), and then to Pink Floyd, The Wall.
Before i knew it, time was up and i was done. At the coast, now. Dunno i’m gonna get wet. The mushy season has been extended by La Niña, and The Noah’s have shown up. And i’ve got a surly doctor that wants me dry. Beautiful day unfolding, in any case.
Thanx for the head start to it all.

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Monday, 26 Aug 2024 at 8:31pm

brilliant, @wax, thanks for that.
here's to those that can walk and chew gum at the same time
and revel in the futile folly of our flawed and beautiful journey.
: )

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Sunday, 1 Sep 2024 at 1:13am

Hey, @wax and @popti (or anyone else who doesn't need front-page vanity-publishing as a pre-requisite to being present, haha), ep. 2:

1996, Warsaw was cool, kinda felt like it was an Edinburgh to Krakow's Glasgow. So naturally I enjoyed the salt mines and austerity of Krakow more, but Warsaw was so devastatingly beautiful, optimistic and heart-breaking;

Everything you see in Warsaw is what the tour guides proudly call ‘a re-creation’. Re-built from blueprints. For the last 80 years. Using a percentage of every citizen’s money. Still ongoing. Because Hitler said: ‘raze it’. Like a razor. Fuck ‘em all, he said.

One rare building left standing was a red-brick church, St Augustine’s, which was in the middle of Warsaw Ghetto, because it was used as a stable, stolen-art warehouse, and sniper tower, before the Nazis ran away, leaving the desolation and atrocity.

I had the opportunity to sing in St Augustine’s. We also had a day to wander Auschwitz with harrowing thoughts, and timeless choir music running round our heads.

It is all I can think about, when I hear about humans dehumanising and killing humans now.

John Tavener’s ‘Funeral Ikos’.. we sang it there.

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Sunday, 1 Sep 2024 at 1:07am

^ beautiful words:

"Why these bitter words of the dying, o brethren
Which they utter as they go hence?
I am parted from my brethren
All my friends do i abandon and go hence
But whither i go, that understand i not
Neither what shall become of me yonder;
Only God who hath summoned me knoweth
But make commemoration of me with the song:

But whither now go the souls?
How dwell they now together there?
This mystery have i desired to learn; but none can impart aright
Do they call to mind their own people, as we do them?
Or have they forgotten all those who mourn them and make the song:

We go forth on the path eternal, and as condemned
With downcast faces, present ourselves before the only God eternal
Where then is comeliness? Where then is wealth?
Where then is the glory of this world?
There shall none of these things aid us, but only to say oft the psalm:

If thou hast shown mercy unto man, o man
That same mercy shall be shown thee there;
And if on an orphan thou hast shown compassion
The same shall there deliver thee from want
If in this life the naked thou hast clothed
The same shall give thee shelter there, and sing the psalm:

Youth and the beauty of the body fade at the hour of death
And the tongue then burneth fiercely, and the parched throat is inflamed
The beauty of the eyes is quenched then, the comeliness of the face all altered
The shapeliness of the neck destroyed; and the other parts have become numb
Nor often say: Alleluia..

With ecstasy are we inflamed if we but hear that there is light eternal yonder;
That there is Paradise, wherein every soul of Righteous Ones rejoiceth
Let us all, also, enter into Christ, that we may cry aloud thus unto God:

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Sunday, 1 Sep 2024 at 8:32am

Time has come for the Flock to toss out their Holy sock!
Happy Hodad Day...are we meant to pray on this devout Holy Day?

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Sunday, 1 Sep 2024 at 10:22am

haha, no praying here, @tbb. no even sure how I feel about secular shit. bogans taking mum for granted 364, then burning her some toast with some servo flowers once a year.. not my idea of a healthy society.

like I say, I can walk and chew gum at the same time. The church appropriated the best-of-the-arts for a millennium. they had the cash and power. people seem to like egypt crap, same thing. so, if you can look past the propaganda the architecture, stain-glass, books, statues, music, etc. is amazeballs - enjoy it. That stuff is OURS. not theirs. or His. or whatever they think. go humans.. impressive beasts. (I can picture you pumping out illuminations in the scriptorium and wandering the cloisters, prior to Gutenberg making his printing press..)

happy Hodad Day, brother basher.

seeds's picture
seeds's picture
seeds Sunday, 1 Sep 2024 at 10:23pm

I've stood in some impressive religious buildings.
Amazing places.
Not once have I seen or sensed the Devine.
I see the work of amazing tradesman.
Go humans indeed!