All Things Religion Thread

Balance's picture
Balance started the topic in Sunday, 29 Mar 2020 at 2:13pm

Here you go optimist

Not sure my instinctive need to stick up for the secret desire to be one day honoured rightfully with the role of Forum moderator (expecting a call any day)...

But anyway I couldn't help but read your troubles on another thread...unfortunately I found myself siding with everyone's posts...other than your own...except for the part where you were told you can't post here!

So I put my low IQ mind to coming up with a solution that suits all...and here it is...a safe place if you like

You can post anything you like about your beliefs...and no one has to read it unless they want! Easy peasy...

maybe you could even get Jesus, fat Buddha, Mohammed, and friends to converse in adult conversation here

Solving the world problems, one at a it taking a shovel as a way of moving that mountain

All the

PS...I actually was born again once, but I grew up, and grew a brain of my own...and realised it was all a load of shit!

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Saturday, 10 Aug 2024 at 12:15pm
Hiccups wrote:

Is it possible that noinfo is so passionate about Israel being all genocidal, and calling people anti-semitic, because of his hatred of the types of people that have a history of calling for a free Palestine? Is it because he despises Islam? Maybe he just wants to spite the left? Perhaps just reasons only his pea-brain can comprehend? Plenty of meat to chew on this speculative bone.

The bigger question is why do many on the left like yourself.

Hate Jews? which is traditionally a far right thing.

Support the Arab colonisers who destroyed and displaced indigenous people and replaced things with Arabic and Islam both from other areas of the middle east.

Support governments like Hamas and PLO that go against every single thing that you guys believe in, these government are extreme Islamic conservatives that make Christian conservatives look moderate.

I mean FFS in places like Gaza alcohol and being gay is illegal and they still regularly use the death penalty , lets not even talk about women's rights.

The irony is Jews world wide are actually more left leaning in the USA they tend to vote Democrat and Israel society is very progressive in many regards more progressive than USA and even Australia.

Womens rights by far the highest in the middle east, abortion legal, gun laws similar to Aus, (but expect needs to change) thriving LGBTQI community with gay bars, yearly mardi gra, same sex marriage recognised, fuck even pot is decriminalised while maybe not technically legal you can quiye literally have a joint outside a cafe in some areas with no issues and they are leaders in medical cannabis, just a few examples.

But yes Israel governments have moved more to the right mostly because of the failures of past left leaning ideas like disengagement of Gaza that turned out to be a complete disaster.

Most of those murdered/raped/kidnapped on 7th October were left leaning due to the Rave but also most of the communities near Gaza that were raided are left leaning almost new age like, because they always said we can live near them, some even use to help Gaza locals who worked in Israel etc, also these communities Kibbutz are almost commune like very community hippy like.

BTW. I hate turning this issue into a left/right thing because its not or shouldn't be there is even people here like Rabbit who my views on this align strongly with but other things we disagree totally as he is very left leaning.

Personally i think most on the left that dont support the Jewish people and Israel comes down more to just being poorly educated on the history and misinformation.

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Saturday, 10 Aug 2024 at 12:11pm

I think we have just evolved to not support a particular team, just support whoever is getting bashed. fuck what fairies people believe in, if people can't keep their kids safe, we empathise.

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Saturday, 10 Aug 2024 at 12:16pm

^^ hell of a way to spend your Saturday morning arguing with @info, best ignore the steaming stinking pool of bum splatter. I’d argue the most odious person to ever comment on SN, a person so bereft of self, personal and social awareness you seriously have to wonder how he moves in his family and business circles. So so very predictable where he lands on any issue … and the cunt is apparently in indo with his family atm

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Saturday, 10 Aug 2024 at 12:30pm

I love how those that claim to be tolerant and peace lovers are constantly the most aggressive and abusive.

Missus at work both kids got the flue, time to kill.

BTW. Guy you seriously think you are not predictable on where you land on an issue?

You are far more predicable than anyone even me.

Even with something like Covid we would know where you would land, while my views on Covid were not at all predictable and didnt align with the more popular conservative view point especially in USA, same deal with my views on drug laws, abortion, gun control etc

Anyway keep trolling me mate, cause it only makes me post more not less.

Oh and how pathetic are you trying to bait me with some Elon musk tweet, not only in the Musk thread, but when no bite, you even tried here.

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Saturday, 10 Aug 2024 at 12:21pm

I'm painting, tidying in between, and listening to andrew ford on RN, sun is shining, my son has to be picked up from work in 3 hours. Life's good : ) How's your sat'day Guy? Bee-bop, jazzzzzz handsss....

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Saturday, 10 Aug 2024 at 1:03pm
indo-dreaming wrote:
Hiccups wrote:

Is it possible that noinfo is so passionate about Israel being all genocidal, and calling people anti-semitic, because of his hatred of the types of people that have a history of calling for a free Palestine? Is it because he despises Islam? Maybe he just wants to spite the left? Perhaps just reasons only his pea-brain can comprehend? Plenty of meat to chew on this speculative bone.

The bigger question is why do many on the left like yourself.

Hate Jews? which is traditionally a far right thing.

Support the Arab colonisers who destroyed and displaced indigenous people and replaced things with Arabic and Islam both from other areas of the middle east.

Support governments like Hamas and PLO that go against every single thing that you guys believe in, these government are extreme Islamic conservatives that make Christian conservatives look moderate.

I mean FFS in places like Gaza alcohol and being gay is illegal and they still regularly use the death penalty , lets not even talk about women's rights.

The irony is Jews world wide are actually more left leaning in the USA they tend to vote Democrat and Israel society is very progressive in many regards more progressive than USA and even Australia.

Womens rights by far the highest in the middle east, abortion legal, gun laws similar to Aus, (but expect needs to change) thriving LGBTQI community with gay bars, yearly mardi gra, same sex marriage recognised, fuck even pot is decriminalised while maybe not technically legal you can quiye literally have a joint outside a cafe in some areas with no issues and they are leaders in medical cannabis, just a few examples.

But yes Israel governments have moved more to the right mostly because of the failures of past left leaning ideas like disengagement of Gaza that turned out to be a complete disaster.

Most of those murdered/raped/kidnapped on 7th October were left leaning due to the Rave but also most of the communities near Gaza that were raided are left leaning almost new age like, because they always said we can live near them, some even use to help Gaza locals who worked in Israel etc, also these communities Kibbutz are almost commune like very community hippy like.

BTW. I hate turning this issue into a left/right thing because its not or shouldn't be there is even people here like Rabbit who my views on this align strongly with but other things we disagree totally as he is very left leaning.

Personally i think most on the left that dont support the Jewish people and Israel comes down more to just being poorly educated on the history and misinformation.

Not left or right, Jewish versus Islamic or any other thing.
Just sickened by the unrestrained slaughter of people through bombing, shooting and starvation who are trapped and mostly being ignored by Western MSM.
Actually if I am perfectly honest I am more disgusted by the USA who are just as guilty as they could stop this shit with a phone call.
Doesn't make me anti American.
Bombs in Bali I was sickened by the fanatical Islamic pricks, but was never anti Indonesian.
I am though anti murderous carnts.

adam12's picture
adam12's picture
adam12 Saturday, 10 Aug 2024 at 1:25pm

Israel's enemies who breach International Law, I'm assuming you mean Hamas, are subject to the same law as Israel is. That is why the leadership has been indicted by the ICC just like the Israeli leaders were.
Israel is quite capable of defending itself and still comply with International Law.
It chooses not to.
I'll repeat that, it's important.
Israel is quite capable of defending itself and still comply with International Law.
It chooses not to.
But I can see there is no point discussing these things with you.
I forgot how irrational you are.
Enjoy your blood lust.
They are exterminating innocent people, they are committing war crimes. Not self defence at law, genocide.
Like the Nazis, the Rwandan genocide, Pol Pot, the Bosnian genocide.
Same fucking thing.
The attack on Oct 7, also a war crime, is not justification for other war crimes to be committed.
Like raping prisoners, like displacing civilian populations, bombing civilian populations, denying food, water, hospitals, schools and human rights to civilian populations.
Like illegal occupation of land, denial of human rights, denial of the human right to self determination.
These are not the actions of a legitimate State that you claim Israel is, these are not the actions of a "moral" army. These are fucking war crimes and crimes against humanity.
You can dehumanise the Palestinians, like Israel does, if that makes it easier to justify the crimes committed, but they are humans with the same rights we all have.

If the law can be ignored because a crime has occurred (Oct 7.) then we may as well just throw out all law and be badlands like Mad Max, like Gaza is.
Put Phillip Island in Gaza, See if you feel the same.
You say these bodies and rulings are a complete joke that nobody respects.
Wrong again.
That's why Bibi wouldn't dare fly into Geneva.
Why then does Israel bother to propagandise it's self defence justification?
So then you'd be fine with Israels enemies just invading and slaughtering Israelis, just like Oct 7,. because International Law is just a joke that nobody respects?
Fuck off with the skewed logic.
The logic of psychopathy.
You blame Hamas for their suffering since Oct.7.
You are wrong.
If one crime justifies another worse crime in your mind, there is no point trying to reason with or educate you.
Lost cause.
Carry on.

southernraw's picture
southernraw's picture
southernraw Saturday, 10 Aug 2024 at 1:33pm

I just want to flag this right here, for future reference. I do believe @indodreaming has become radicalised online. There is evidence of his acceleration of hatespeech on here that gets more extreme every day and is abnormally intolerant of those with opposing views.
I also believe he's putting the safety of all the normal commenters on Swellnet at potential risk, especially those of us who's identies are known, by creating a hateful and divisive place, one that could easily attract more of his ilk to these forums.
I ask swellnet remove him immediately for the wellbeing of their online community, but also so their website doesn't become embroiled in a media shitstorm when Indo finally starts to act on his lopsided passion, let alone the legal ramifications. If this was England right now, he'd be locked up for the language he's using.
If this seems implausible, it's not a far stretch. Where do all people become radicalised? Online.
Swellnet, you have a duty to your online community to stamp this out immediately.
I'm putting this comment here so it can be on record.

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Saturday, 10 Aug 2024 at 1:58pm

^ to quote, '100%', @andy-mac.

(amateur political idealogues, that don't have empathy or show a penchant for dehumanising or barracking for a particular religion or race should be the first to be barred from the space-ark.)

Hiccups's picture
Hiccups's picture
Hiccups Saturday, 10 Aug 2024 at 2:07pm
burleigh wrote:
Hiccups wrote:

Is it possible that noinfo is so passionate about Israel being all genocidal, and calling people anti-semitic, because of his hatred of the types of people that have a history of calling for a free Palestine? Is it because he despises Islam? Maybe he just wants to spite the left? Perhaps just reasons only his pea-brain can comprehend? Plenty of meat to chew on this speculative bone.

Wouldn’t saying “free Palestine” make the Jews want it more?

Indo calls people that don't want genocide anti semites, but ignores a literal anti semitic comment.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Saturday, 10 Aug 2024 at 2:20pm
southernraw wrote:

I just want to flag this right here, for future reference. I do believe @indodreaming has become radicalised online. There is evidence of his acceleration of hatespeech on here that gets more extreme every day and is abnormally intolerant of those with opposing views.
I also believe he's putting the safety of all the normal commenters on Swellnet at potential risk, especially those of us who's identies are known, by creating a hateful and divisive place, one that could easily attract more of his ilk to these forums.
I ask swellnet remove him immediately for the wellbeing of their online community, but also so their website doesn't become embroiled in a media shitstorm when Indo finally starts to act on his lopsided passion, let alone the legal ramifications. If this was England right now, he'd be locked up for the language he's using.
If this seems implausible, it's not a far stretch. Where do all people become radicalised? Online.
Swellnet, you have a duty to your online community to stamp this out immediately.
I'm putting this comment here so it can be on record.

Ha ha put your crack pipe away son.

Standing up against anti semitism and hate against Jews and educating people like you about the long suffering Jews have suffered or the History or Israel & Judea or realities of urban warfare is not a crime, and having an interest in a topic is also not a crime. (just like your obsession with indigenous matters)

This thread is about religion and this issue is all about religion, its the land where Judaism & Christianity was born and where Islam came in 1,500 years after Judaism and claimed things like the temple mount and other holy sites as their own.

The 7th October Hamas operation was called the Al Aqsa flood after the mosque on the temple mount the Jews most scared site.

If the topic isn't of interest to you then fine, dont click the thread, i hate soccer i have zero interest in it, hence i don't click the round ball thread and many other threads i have no interest in.

Anyway heres some more education material for you

Muslim pogroms against Jews from 622 to 1967:

● 622 - 627: Ethnic cleansing of Jews from Mecca and Medina, (Jewish boys publicly inspected for pubic hair. if they had any, they were executed.)
● 629: 1st Alexandria Massacres, Egypt.
● 622 - 634: extermination of the 14 Arabian Jewish tribes.
● 822 - 861: Islamic empire passes law that Jews must wear yellow stars, (later adopted in Nazi Germany), Caliph al-Mutawakkil.
● 1106: Ali Ibn Yousef Ibn Tashifin of Merakesh decrees death penalty for any local Jew, including his Jewish Physician, and Military general.
● 1033: 1st Fez Pogrom, Morocco.
● 1148: Almohadin of Morocco gives Jews the choice of converting to Islam, or expulsion.
● 1066: Granada Massacre, Muslim occupied Spain.
● 1165 - 1178: Jews nation wide were given the choice (under new constitution) convert to Islam or die, Yemen.
● 1165: chief Rabbi of the Moghreb burnt alive. the Rambam flees for Egypt.l
● 1220: 10s of thousands of Jews killed by Muslims after being blamed for Mongol invasion, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Egypt.
● 1270: Sultan Baibars of Egypt resolved to burn all the Jews, a ditch having been dug for that purpose; but at the last moment he repented, and instead exacted a heavy tribute, during the collection of which many perished.
● 1276: 2nd Fez Pogrom, Morocco.
● 1385: Khorasan Massacres, Iran.
● 1438: 1st Mellah Ghetto Massacres, North Africa.
● 1465: 3rd Fez Pogrom, Morocco (11 Jews left alive.)
● 1517: 1st Safed Pogrom, Ottoman Palestine.
● 1517: 1st Hebron Pogrom, Ottoman Palestine.
Marsa ibn Ghazi Massacre, Ottoman Libya.
● 1577: Passover Massacre, Ottoman Empire.
● 1588 - 1629: Mahalay Pogroms, Iran.
● 1630 - 1700: Yemenite Jews were considered "impure" and thus forbidden to touch a Muslim or a Muslim's food. They were obligated to humble themselves before a Muslim, to walk to the left side, and greet him first. They could not build houses higher than a Muslim's or ride a camel or horse, and when riding on a mule or a donkey, they had to sit sideways. Upon entering the Muslim quarter a Jew had to take off his foot-gear and walk barefoot. If attacked with stones or fists by Islamic youth, a Jew was not allowed to defend himself.
●1660: 2nd Safed Pogrom, Ottoman Palestine.
● 1670: Mawza expultion, Yemen.
● 1679 - 1680: Sanaa Massacres, Yemen.1747: Mashhad Masacres, Iran.
● 1785: Tripoli Porom, Ottoman Libya.
1790 - 92: Tetouan Pogrom. Morocco. (Jews of Tetouan stripped naked, and lined up for Muslim perverts.)
● 1800: new decree passed in Yemen, that Jews are forbidden to wear new clothing, or good clothing. Jews are forbidden to ride mules or donkeys, and were occasionally rounded up for long marches naked through the Roob al Khali dessert.
● 1805: 1st Algeris Pogrom, Ottoman Algeria.
● 1808 2nd 1438: 1st Mellah Ghetto Massacres, North Africa.
● 1815: 2nd Algeris Pogrom, Ottoman Algeria.
● 1820: Sahalu Lobiant Massacres, Ottoman Syria.
● 1828: Baghdad Pogrom, Ottoman Iraq.
● 1830: 3rd Algeris Pogrom, Ottoman Algeria.
● 1830: ethnic cleansing of Jews in Tabriz, Iran.
● 1834: 2nd Hebron Pogrom, Ottoman Palestine.
● 1834: Safed Pogrom, Ottoman Palestne.
● 1839: Massacre of the Mashadi Jews, Iran.
● 1840: Damascus, ritual killings (Muslims, along with french Christians kidnapped, tortured, and killed Jewish Children for entertainment), Ottoman Syria.
● 1840: blood libels introduced to the Muslim world from Europe.
● 1844: 1st Cairo Massacres, Ottoman Egypt.
● 1847: Dayr al-Qamar Pogrom, Ottoman Lebanon.
● 1847: ethnic cleansing of the Jews in Jerusalem, Ottoman Palestine.
● 1848: 1st Damascus Pogrom, Syria.
● 1850: 1st Aleppo Pogrom, Ottoman Syria.
● 1860: 2nd Damascus Pogrom, Ottoman Syria.
● 1862: 1st Beirut Pogrom, Ottoman Lebanon.
● 1866: Kuzguncuk Pogrom, Ottoman Turkey.
● 1867: Barfurush Massacre, Ottoman Turkey.
● 1868: Eyub Pogrom, Ottoman Turkey.
● 1869: Tunis Massacre, Ottoman Tunisia.
● 1869: Sfax Massacre, Ottoman Tunisia.
● 1864 ● 1880: Marrakesh Massacre, Morocco.
● 1870: 2nd Alexandria Massacres, Ottoman Egypt.
● 1870: 1st Istanbul Pogrom, Ottoman Turkey.
● 1871: 1st Damanhur Massacres,Ottoman Egypt.
● 1872: Edrine Massacres, Ottoman Turkey.
● 1872: 1st Izmir Pogrom, Ottoman Turkey.
● 1873: 2nd Damanhur Massacres, Ottoman Egypt.
● 1874: 2nd Izmir Pogrom, Ottoman Turkey.
● 1874: 2nd Istanbul Pogrom, Ottoman Turkey.
● 1874: 2nd Beirut Pogrom,Ottoman Lebanon.
●1875: 2nd Aleppo Pogrom, Ottoman Syria.
● 1875: Jerba Island Massacre, Ottoman Tunisia.
● 1877: 3rd Damanhur Massacres,Ottoman Egypt.
● 1877: Mansura Pogrom, Ottoman Egypt.
● 1882: Homs Massacre, Ottoman Syria.
● 1882: 3rd Alexandria Massacres, Ottoman Egypt.
● 1890: 2nd Cairo Massacres, Ottoman Egypt.
● 1890, 3rd Damascus Pogrom, Ottoman Syria.
● 1891: 4th Damanahur Massacres, Ottoman Egypt.
● 1897: Tripolitania killings, Ottoman Libya.
● 1903 & 1907: Taza & Settat, pogroms, Morocco.
● 1890: Tunis Massacres, Ottoman Tunisia.
● 1901 - 1902: 3rd Cairo Massacres, Ottoman Egypt.
● 1901 - 1907: 4th Alexandria Massacres,Ottoman Egypt.p
● 1903: 1st Port Sa'id Massacres, Ottoman Egypt.
● 1903 - 1940: Pogroms of Taza and Settat, Morocco.
● 1907: Casablanca, pogrom, Morocco.
● 1908: 2nd Port Said Massacres,Ottoman Egypt.
● 1910: Shiraz blood libel.
● 1911: Shiraz Pogrom.
● 1912: 4th Fez , Pogrom, Morocco.
● 1917: Baghdadi Jewish Inquisition, Ottoman Empire.
● 1918 - 1948: law passed making it illegal to raise an orphan inJewish faith, Yemen.
● 1920: Irbid Massacres: British mandate Palestine.
● 1920 - 1930: Arab riots, British mandate Palestine.
● 1921: 1st Jaffa riots, British mandate Palestine.
● 1922: Djerba Massacres, Tunisia.
● 1928: Ikhwan Masacres, Egypt, and British mandate Palestine.
● 1928: Jewish orphans sold into slavery, and forced to convert t Islam by Muslim Brotherhood, Yemen.
● 1929: 3rd Hebron Pogrom British mandate Palestine.
● 1929 3rd Safed Pogrom, British mandate Palestine.
● 1933: 2nd Jaffa riots, British mandate Palestine.
● 1934: Thrace Pogroms, Turkey.
● 1934: 1st Farhud Massacres, Iraq.
● 1936: 3rd Jaffa riots, British mandate Palestine.
● 1936: 2nd Farhud Massacres, Iraq.
● 1941: 3rd Farhud Massacres, Iraq.
● 1942: Mufti collaboration with the Nazis. plays a part in the final solution.
● 1942: Struma disaster, Turkey.
● 1942: Nile delta Pogroms, Egypt.
● 1938 - 1945: Arab collaboration with the Nazis.
● 1945: 4th Cairo Massacres, Egypt.
● 1945: Tripolitania Pogrom, Libya.
● 1947: Aden Pogroms.
● 1947: 3rd Aleppo Pogrom, Syria.
● 1948: "emptying" of the Jewish quarter of Damascus, Syria.
● 1948: 1st Arab Israeli war (1 out of every 100 Jew was killed.)
● 1948: Oujda & Jerada Pogroms, Morocco.
● 1948: 1st Libyan Inquisition of Jews.
● 1951: 2nd Libyan Inquisition of Jews.
● 1955: 3rd Istanbul Pogrom, Turkey.
● 1956: 1st Egyptian Inquisition of Jews.
● 1965: 5th Fez Pogrom, Morocco.
● 1967: 2nd Egyptian Inquisition of Jews.
● 1967: Tunis riots, Tunisia.

What is a Pogrom?

A pogrom is a violent riot incited with the aim of massacring or expelling an ethnic or religious group, particularly Jews.

Island Bay's picture
Island Bay's picture
Island Bay Saturday, 10 Aug 2024 at 2:46pm

"I just want to flag this right here, for future reference. I do believe @indodreaming has become radicalised online. There is evidence of his acceleration of hatespeech on here that gets more extreme every day and is abnormally intolerant of those with opposing views."

But you haven't, SR?

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Saturday, 10 Aug 2024 at 2:50pm
southernraw wrote:

Swellnet, you have a duty to your online community to stamp this out immediately.

Yeah, nah.

I've seen Indo's opinions change over time and they're anything but radical. I don't agree with some of them - sometimes vehemently - but he almost always debates in good faith.

You know, it's OK if people don't agree on everything, world keeps turning, sun keeps shining, and the waves, they keep breaking.

Drop the rope if the tension is getting too much. Walk away. This isn't a contest.

Island Bay's picture
Island Bay's picture
Island Bay Saturday, 10 Aug 2024 at 3:08pm

Bravo, Stu

The point isn't to agree with people, but to argue/debate in good faith. And given how much vitriol Indo has faced, I think he's had the patience of a saint.

burleigh's picture
burleigh's picture
burleigh Saturday, 10 Aug 2024 at 3:21pm

Well done Stu.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Saturday, 10 Aug 2024 at 3:23pm

Honestly i had a bit of a giggle when i read Southern Raws post, i just thought there was some weird kind of irony because i saw him get quite radicalised during Covid by that whole anti vax/anti lockdown/anti mandate thing and im betting his info he was getting was all online.

He even admitted to going to freedom rallies, to me thats pretty full on, ive never been that passionate to go to any rally or protest let alone sign up and join the IDF or whatever.

goofyfoot's picture
goofyfoot's picture
goofyfoot Saturday, 10 Aug 2024 at 3:28pm

I think the thing that makes Indo get people so worked up is that when he picks a side to be on he goes ALL IN.
Like he fucken LOVES when Israel bomb the fuck out of some imaginary or not Hamas hide out and will openly celebrate it regardless of how many innocent children were killed.

I think this sentence from part of adam12’s comment to Indo earlier pretty much sums it up
“ They are exterminating innocent people, they are committing war crimes. Not self defence at law, genocide.”

He still can’t see that though.

zenagain's picture
zenagain's picture
zenagain Saturday, 10 Aug 2024 at 3:29pm

Hear hear. Sorry Southern, I respect your opinion and your right to have one. Indo included.

Too many people want to silence others because their views don't align with their own. This is not right.

seeds's picture
seeds's picture
seeds Saturday, 10 Aug 2024 at 4:15pm
goofyfoot wrote:

I think the thing that makes Indo get people so worked up is that when he picks a side to be on he goes ALL IN.
Like he fucken LOVES when Israel bomb the fuck out of some imaginary or not Hamas hide out and will openly celebrate it regardless of how many innocent children were killed.

I think this sentence from part of adam12’s comment to Indo earlier pretty much sums it up
“ They are exterminating innocent people, they are committing war crimes. Not self defence at law, genocide.”

He still can’t see that though.

He still can’t distinguish a Jewish person from a Zionist.
A Palestinian from Hamas.

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Saturday, 10 Aug 2024 at 4:23pm

what was that link @southern of (a not 100% in-the-pink) stu nettle that you posted jan 17th? can't find it.. layed out really well what swellnet forums are and how we should approach them.

I admire your interest in history @indo, and you are always endeavoring to educate yourself, I am too, endless things to find out about. Just wary of your bias, and the confirmation gloating when you find things that tick yr box. But that's probably on me.

If swellnet was an Open-Learning forum, I reckon you'd win (despite your lecturers finding you a little odd).

It's like you clocked out for a decade, between 30 an 40, and jumped in again as a vehement Young Lib, with a drive to present right-ness to lefties.

I can tell you want to be balanced, but have kinda lost your compass. I know you'll disagree, but as IB, zen and stu say above, that's all part of the fun. or as PoppaD might say: bon chance/vive le difference/I-just-got-back-from-an-exotic-trip-and-had-an-awakening.

in lieu of the above missing interview, here's a good sat'dy listen of the guy that has to monitor these forums all the livelong day(S) and would no-doubt prefer mucking about with his kids or reading a good book. touches on old-guard vs. new breed. Ironically, like punk, surfing has become a bit closed to the new.

(malcolm knox, bluebird and tim winton, breath):

"surfing is virus that attracts itself to a host" "the coast is the frontier" "something pointless and elegant" "thrills" "in the end the students surpass the master(s)" "toxic masculinity..."


adam12's picture
adam12's picture
adam12 Saturday, 10 Aug 2024 at 4:30pm

"What is a Pogrom?

A pogrom is a violent riot incited with the aim of massacring or expelling an ethnic or religious group, particularly Jews."

hooray for @Indo, he found the definition of "pogrom".

Here's some more to look up.... "genocide", "war crime", "Law of armed combat", "military necessity", "proportionality", "the Geneva Convention", "the Genocide Convention" , "The Rome Statute", "civilian", "armed combatant", "prisoner of war", "right of war prisoner not to be raped by world's most moral army"..
.., and "online dickhead", "know it all", "uninformed", "ignorant", "bias", "punch down artist", "moral vacuum",

Definitions are cool, hey @Indo.

burleigh's picture
burleigh's picture
burleigh Saturday, 10 Aug 2024 at 4:54pm

Every single human here has a bias, Southern is no different to Indo. Yet only one of these constantly calls for people to be booted from swellnet (you're not alone Indo)

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Saturday, 10 Aug 2024 at 5:08pm


And sadly often completely miss used like genocide & ethnic cleansing.

And the problem is its not just ill informed individuals like yourself that misuse and abuse these words as political weapons but also media, governments and even world organizations, and eventually these terms will become meaningless

For instance this is ethnic cleansing

And this is genocide

This is neither, this is population growth


basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Saturday, 10 Aug 2024 at 5:14pm

while we're all talking bias, I agree, @burleigh, how great we can play in a space where I absolutely love @southern's compassion, and can have a laughing fit when you call someone 'mr. academic papers' (hazzacoopr from memory). Fucken swellnet, eh?

southernraw's picture
southernraw's picture
southernraw Saturday, 10 Aug 2024 at 5:17pm

Seems the language indo has been using has been severely overlooked here.
Continually labelling people as hamas supporters, in my opinion, is a bridge too far in ethical conduct. That's suggesting that people here are supporting rape, murder and torture by hamas.
Look deeper into indo's escalation of his posts.
The guys a sicko.
But yep, have your laughs. That part of it doesn't bother me
Harbouring extremists does.

southernraw's picture
southernraw's picture
southernraw Saturday, 10 Aug 2024 at 5:20pm
burleigh wrote:

Every single human here has a bias, Southern is no different to Indo. Yet only one of these constantly calls for people to be booted from swellnet (you're not alone Indo)

nah just you , ashsam and indo. and yep i have for a long time called for that. I'm just amazed others allow you 3 to fester in these forums.

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Saturday, 10 Aug 2024 at 5:21pm

^ I guess that becomes a Luke 23:34... do you think he knoweth what he doeth, in that regard?

southernraw's picture
southernraw's picture
southernraw Saturday, 10 Aug 2024 at 5:24pm

This won't be the last of it Stu. Where i see a clear case of extremist views being pushed and left unchecked, i think it'll be up to outside forces to intervene. I did try to ask nicely. I don't give 2 shits about your website in thsi particular situation/context. I do care about the welfare of those using it and our community.

burleigh's picture
burleigh's picture
burleigh Saturday, 10 Aug 2024 at 5:29pm
southernraw wrote:

This won't be the last of it Stu. Where i see a clear case of extremist views being pushed and left unchecked, i think it'll be up to outside forces to intervene. I did try to ask nicely. I don't give 2 shits about your website in thsi particular situation/context. I do care about the welfare of those using it and our community.

Geezus, bit extreme mate

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Saturday, 10 Aug 2024 at 5:36pm

Extremist views..?

Mate, I can get on any news site, and if not the journos themselves then the BTL comments will have views more extreme than what Indo voices here.

I don't want Swellnet to be a silo of likemindedness, quite like the middle groundedness. Not sure why I'm making up words but I do give two shits about the website and all the people who inhabit it.

southernraw's picture
southernraw's picture
southernraw Saturday, 10 Aug 2024 at 5:39pm

Not surprised you'd think that. But keep bangin on about a chick being a man while right under your nose a guy is creating hatespeech and division, present would land him in jail in another country. Think about what 'hamas lover' represents from the person saying it, and the audience he's saying it to. Think about everything attached to someone saying that. It's not the same as calling someone a racist, or a bigot. You're directly labelling a person as aligning with a terrorist organisation, which....unfortunately in this day and age could make that person a target. It's gone unchecked way too long, much to my amazement. Indo has been allowed to sprout dumb simpleton bullshit for way too long. Just look at the indigenous threads. Extreme? It's amongst these threads and allowed to run rampant.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Saturday, 10 Aug 2024 at 5:41pm
southernraw wrote:

Seems the language indo has been using has been severely overlooked here.
Continually labelling people as hamas supporters, in my opinion, is a bridge too far in ethical conduct. That's suggesting that people here are supporting rape, murder and torture by hamas.
Look deeper into indo's escalation of his posts.
The guys a sicko.
But yep, have your laughs. That part of it doesn't bother me
Harbouring extremists does.

Dude you are off your rocker.

You get all upset because i call people supporters of Hamas or supporters of terrorism or Jihadist or whatever.

But on the flip side you have no issue if others here say i support genocide or ethnic cleansing or all other types of garbage.

Do i yell for them to be banned like some fascist?

Nooo...and while i dont agree with you i dont want you banned either or silenced, like ive said before i even have a weird soft spot for you because you remind me of myself when younger very idealistic and naive.

Personally i think there is the odd person here like Jelly Brain that have little interest in contributing to these forum's in a meaningful way but instead just clog up threads with ad hominem and endless personal attacks and just off topic nonsense.

I really wish Swellnet would reign it in, but thats just my opinion and it's their site they can do as they wish.

southernraw's picture
southernraw's picture
southernraw Saturday, 10 Aug 2024 at 5:40pm

Ok so i'll just label commenters as paedophiles, as homosexuals, as lovers. And you're ok with that Stu?

ashsam's picture
ashsam's picture
ashsam Saturday, 10 Aug 2024 at 5:41pm

Southern wants everyone gone that doesn't agree with him lol ;)

ashsam's picture
ashsam's picture
ashsam Saturday, 10 Aug 2024 at 5:44pm
indo-dreaming wrote:
southernraw wrote:

Seems the language indo has been using has been severely overlooked here.
Continually labelling people as hamas supporters, in my opinion, is a bridge too far in ethical conduct. That's suggesting that people here are supporting rape, murder and torture by hamas.
Look deeper into indo's escalation of his posts.
The guys a sicko.
But yep, have your laughs. That part of it doesn't bother me
Harbouring extremists does.

Dude you are off your rocker.

You get all upset because i call people supporters of Hamas or supporters of terrorism or Jihadist or whatever.

But on the flip side you have no issue if others here say i support genocide or ethnic cleansing or all other types of garbage.

Do i yell for them to be banned like some fascist?

Nooo...and while i dont agree with you i dont want you banned either or silenced, like ive said before i even have a weird soft spot for you because you remind me of myself when younger very idealistic and naive.

Personally i think there is the odd person here like Jelly Brain that have little interest in contributing to these forum's in a meaningful way but instead just clog up threads with ad hominem and endless personal attacks and just off topic nonsense.

I really wish Swellnet would reign it in, but thats just my opinion and it's their site they can do as they wish.

hear hear, pee the JF off with the foul language and vicious personal attacks.

bonza's picture
bonza's picture
bonza Saturday, 10 Aug 2024 at 5:45pm

“You're directly labelling a person as aligning with a terrorist organisation, “

Yep. Deal with it. Or debate it.

southernraw's picture
southernraw's picture
southernraw Saturday, 10 Aug 2024 at 5:46pm

Ashsam, deadset, i can't even b bothered with you. Too far down the bottom.

southernraw's picture
southernraw's picture
southernraw Saturday, 10 Aug 2024 at 5:48pm
bonza wrote:

“You're directly labelling a person as aligning with a terrorist organisation, “

Yep. Deal with it. Or debate it.

Ha! Debate it?? Ur joking right?? Fark me.
Boys club in full swing tonight.

ashsam's picture
ashsam's picture
ashsam Saturday, 10 Aug 2024 at 5:56pm
southernraw wrote:

Ashsam, deadset, i can't even b bothered with you. Too far down the bottom.

Waiting for your sicko cooker mate JF with YT vids eh lol ;)

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Saturday, 10 Aug 2024 at 5:55pm

Hope y'all don't mind but I'm preparing a party for my almost-twelve years old twins.

Bought them a handplane and bow set each, neither of which they know about so they'll be surprised. They don't want for much these two - lovely little souls.

And as we plan tomorrow the wife and I are sipping grape juice and reflecting on where we were twelve years ago and how our lives have changed since then.

Which is all a roundabout way of saying I currently don't care what's happening on the other side of the world, nor do I want to be drawn into a pointless argument on this side of the world. I suggest everyone just log off, pour a drink, and talk with the people you love.

goofyfoot's picture
goofyfoot's picture
goofyfoot Saturday, 10 Aug 2024 at 5:58pm
stunet wrote:

Hope y'all don't mind but I'm preparing a party for my almost-twelve years old twins.

Bought them a handplane and bow set each, neither of which they know about so they'll be surprised. They don't want for much these two - lovely little souls.

And as we plan tomorrow the wife and I are sipping grape juice and reflecting on where we were twelve years ago and how our lives have changed since then.

Which is all a roundabout way of saying I currently don't care what's happening on the other side of the world, nor do I want to be drawn into a pointless argument on this side of the world. I suggest everyone just log off, pour a drink, and talk with the people you love.

How dare you not deal with this immediately at 5:58 on a Saturday night.

ashsam's picture
ashsam's picture
ashsam Saturday, 10 Aug 2024 at 5:59pm

Loved a bow set, my brother and I used to shoot the arrows as high as we could then dodge them coming down. Had 5 acres.
Wouldn't recommend it now though lol ;)

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Saturday, 10 Aug 2024 at 6:00pm



goofyfoot's picture
goofyfoot's picture
goofyfoot Saturday, 10 Aug 2024 at 6:01pm

My 5 year old has just been given a Nerf gun that shoots foam bullets. I’m constantly under attack now in my own home.

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Saturday, 10 Aug 2024 at 6:05pm
goofyfoot wrote:

How dare you not deal with this immediately at 5:58 on a Saturday night.

5:30 here. 4:00 in WA. and the world turns. nerf! is the best! Play it online with your folks!
have a great night all.. any tunes @blackers?

soggydog's picture
soggydog's picture
soggydog Saturday, 10 Aug 2024 at 6:24pm
burleigh wrote:

Every single human here has a bias, Southern is no different to Indo. Yet only one of these constantly calls for people to be booted from swellnet (you're not alone Indo)

And the other is a strong advocate for indiscriminate killing of brown people and those he deems less, but is also a coward and willing to just cheer on those doing the killing while having no skin in the game himself.

AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Saturday, 10 Aug 2024 at 6:27pm
blackers wrote:

Hope you still watching AW.

Blackers. Hi mate. Nothing to see here.

Nodded off, been up since 5am, needed my surf sleep for today.
A leak at 1am revealed all, shattered. Oh well, there’s next year.

Out of interest I heard a guy on SEN radio placed a bet second round , of $10K at $10 on Collingwood not to make the eight. He’d have a huge smile on his dial today.
Pain relief was a long surf today in beautiful conditions.

How’s things at the end ? AW

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Saturday, 10 Aug 2024 at 6:33pm

Geez you go out for the day …..

Whoever said ^^ @info debates “in good faith”, “sticks to the topic “ and “changes his mind” needs their fucking mind read. Seriously.

Proffering outrageous offensive arguments in ever decisive debates as the cunning weasel does is none of those things he is credited with ^^. He adopts the extreme position in every topic, wears it as a badge of honour so I have a great deal of sympathy for what southernraw ^^ above was saying - although as I said earlier best just ignore him …. someone said it way better recently… @info doesn’t do debates, discussions nor arguments he just does I’m always right.

bonza's picture
bonza's picture
bonza Saturday, 10 Aug 2024 at 6:39pm
southernraw wrote:
bonza wrote:

“You're directly labelling a person as aligning with a terrorist organisation, “

Yep. Deal with it. Or debate it.

Ha! Debate it?? Ur joking right?? Fark me.
Boys club in full swing tonight.

Boys club? It’s literally indo vs about 7 to 10 plus of you. Hate speech sheesh. Grow up mate.

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Saturday, 10 Aug 2024 at 6:56pm

