The second half of the week looks much better for all and sundry.
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A longer, broader and more favourably positioned S/SE fetch will develop east of Tasmania on Monday and this will be a better source of quality groundswell through Tuesday and Wednesday.
This has had a dramatic effect on our surf outlook.
An amplifying node of the Long Wave Trough will impact the south-eastern corner of the country later this week.
Make the most of Saturday as we have an advancing southerly change expected Sunday that’ll wipe out most beaches.
There’s plenty of surf due for the next two days but local winds look to be a strong influencing factor on your chances of getting wet.
Late Wednesday will see the first of three new swells making landfall across the Mid North Coast, and they're expected to provide plenty of surf into Thursday - though local conditions are still a concern.
The general swell trend should remain very large from the south throughout Saturday.
A Tasman Low will form overnight in the central Tasman Sea, and a series of secondary lows and surface fronts wrapping around its western flank will maintain gale force S’ly winds parallel to the NSW Coast for several days.
We’ve got a couple of quiet days lining up ahead of a prolonged onslaught of southerly wind and southerly swell.