The Israel Palestine problem solving thread

stunet's picture
stunet started the topic in Tuesday, 17 Oct 2023 at 10:45am

Because the world would be a better place if leaders only listened to Swellnet commenters, we've created a forum that makes it easy for them to gather our thoughts.

Today's shit talk is tomorrow's policy.

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Sunday, 7 Jan 2024 at 6:34pm

The dill is entertaining as always . The dill previously bragged about handling out 100 $ bills to those that were doing it tough. I admire those that help others in silence , those that brag about it on forums are usually FOS.

goofyfoot's picture
goofyfoot's picture
goofyfoot Sunday, 7 Jan 2024 at 6:37pm

Optimist - “ There is an age approaching where there will be no war, no mma, no martial arts, no killing games , no weapons, no filthy corrupt war pig leaders, no women abusing porn, no covetous people and for 1000 years the earth will rest but an era of great tribulation will come first.”

As long as people like yourself believe in an imaginary make-believe leader and are brainwashed into thinking that their imaginary leader is the supreme leader over all other than there will always be war.
Believe what you want just don’t preach it on others. You cunts are the most dangerous people on earth.

An age approaching with no religion sounds much nicer to me.

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Sunday, 7 Jan 2024 at 6:51pm

Please don't be confused @Optimist, it is not your 'belief system'.. people are actually pretty tolerant here.. it is absolutely your judgemental attitude, inconsistency and lack of self-awareness that comes under fire.. you have just made 'vague protestant fundamentalism' a target as a consequence.

I have always wished you well, and continue to do so. But your views in this thread are absolutely irrelevant; people who believe they know 'God's plan', can't criticise others that think that THEY do.

I hear your plea though, in your wanting to share your funny thoughts among surfers, and getting smashed about.. prolly not fair.. dunno what the solution is there.. maybe take an interest in others a bit?

Interesting thread today!

tubeshooter's picture
tubeshooter's picture
tubeshooter Sunday, 7 Jan 2024 at 6:45pm
goofyfoot wrote:

An age approaching with no religion sounds much nicer to me.

I'll second that.

AndyM's picture
AndyM's picture
AndyM Sunday, 7 Jan 2024 at 7:01pm
adam12][quote=AndyM wrote:

Hang on, you told her that being good-looking was her only attraction, and that she was impossible to reason with, she hung up on you, and now you think she’s rude?
Keep going pops tell me more.
She sounds totally unhinged and irrational.

"Andy, she wasn't just good looking, she was fkn beautiful, but yeah, she was a feisty one. I seemed to end up with a few of those types back in those days. I knew I remembered something about her arguing with Pop on the phone about it."

Damn, my piss-take went through to the keeper.
I thought it was funny that Pops would have expected any other response from her :)

AndyM's picture
AndyM's picture
AndyM Sunday, 7 Jan 2024 at 7:04pm
tubeshooter wrote:
goofyfoot wrote:

An age approaching with no religion sounds much nicer to me.

I'll second that.

I know what you guys are saying but so far, what has started to fill its place looks really ugly too.

burleigh's picture
burleigh's picture
burleigh Sunday, 7 Jan 2024 at 7:09pm
Supafreak wrote:

The dill is entertaining as always . The dill previously bragged about handling out 100 $ bills to those that were doing it tough. I admire those that help others in silence , those that brag about it on forums are usually FOS.

The Dill also wanted unvaccinated people charged with murder if his mum caught covid from them and died.
The Dill will never have any credit in these forums. good for a laugh, but that's it

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Sunday, 7 Jan 2024 at 7:13pm
Supafreak wrote:

The dill is entertaining as always . The dill previously bragged about handling out 100 $ bills to those that were doing it tough. I admire those that help others in silence , those that brag about it on forums are usually FOS.

Lol…if that happened…prove it.

Post it won’t because you can’t.

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Sunday, 7 Jan 2024 at 7:15pm
burleigh wrote:
Supafreak wrote:

The dill is entertaining as always . The dill previously bragged about handling out 100 $ bills to those that were doing it tough. I admire those that help others in silence , those that brag about it on forums are usually FOS.

The Dill also wanted unvaccinated people charged with murder if his mum caught covid from them and died.
The Dill will never have any credit in these forums. good for a laugh, but that's it

Oh karenburleigh….hiding behind SF’s dress. Peaking out and commenting. Lmao

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Sunday, 7 Jan 2024 at 7:33pm
AndyM wrote:
tubeshooter wrote:
goofyfoot wrote:

An age approaching with no religion sounds much nicer to me.

I'll second that.

I know what you guys are saying but so far, what has started to fill its place looks really ugly too.

The world will be beautiful one day AndyM..
if only you will let it ; )

AndyM wrote:

So I was up checking the surf at my local yesterday.
Now I've travelled a bit, seen a few things in my time but I may have just witnessed peak (for now) fuckwittery.

I rocked up and there were two guys meditating on the headland.
Legs crossed, forefingers touching thumbs.
Quite public, ostentatious and poseur-ish but nothing too outrageous for this part of the world.
Then one of them spat a big dirty liquid stream onto the ground.
Then so did the other guy.
Every ten seconds or so, these fellas were just spitting out big streams on the ground next to them.
Then I realised they both had gobfulls of chewing tobacco.
And spitting out dirty brown muck onto the ground beside themselves, where people sit and kids play.
I turned to a group of chicks about five metres away and said "how spiritual's that! Meditating, and, spitting constantly!
I don't think they found it as fucked as I did but agreed all the same.

how to upload pictures to an album on facebook mobile

Chewbacca / Yoda love-childs?

tubeshooter's picture
tubeshooter's picture
tubeshooter Sunday, 7 Jan 2024 at 7:54pm

haha classic basesix.

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Sunday, 7 Jan 2024 at 8:30pm


I have NFI about your story and U are mixing your Jewish princesses .

U loved them .

Tootgarook was the family holiday home .
As I couldn't trash the place , no big parties .

My brothers 21st was at my Uncles 5 acre property at Rye back beach .

After my mum saw that First Aid station ( I had the bodies neatly lined up ) also included my Uncle , Parties were banned there .

The REALLY big parties were at Drum St .

The lounge room could fit 189 people , standing .

Not sure how U ended up with me BUT just us were there .

Surprised U can't remember that hand pass I gave U called Susie .

Her friend was blonde but very tall .

Surely , U also remember Inflation .

I only went there ONCE , while U ran the joint .

A mixture of Kids in control of a lollie shop and the lunatics running the asylum .

I would have gone more , but I don't like chatting with Organised Crime members girlfriends .


U were not feeling well lol , but did ok , apparently .

Compared to that crazy girlfriend of your , Susie was a 10 !


And Roady . Adam has always been a Merc Man .

I think MG sounds cool .

I could always rely on Adam .

A true , ALL weather , friend .

Mr Reliable .

adam12's picture
adam12's picture
adam12 Sunday, 7 Jan 2024 at 8:05pm

@Optimist, thank you for accepting my apology. I do see those things you mention. We've certainly stuffed up paradise. Glad you have a belief system that helps you deal with it and gives you answers. I've got neither. The key to my happiness was to strip it all down to the bare minimum and be happy with that, spend a lot of time with animals and the things I love, like surfing and a few close, old friends and what's left of my immediate family. I like to observe and interact with the other humans from afar these days, don't get too close to them , hence I've never had covid and probably why I socialise in places like this more than with the other primates out in the mad jungle like I used too.
I hope we can have more productive interactions in the future if we do, I'll try. I do like to hear what other people's answers are. even if I don't always agree.

As for my little mate @Roadkill, let me try to pre-empt any future beef if I can. You are probably right that I talk myself up, don't know how old you are, but as you get on in years and are staring down old age and all the shit that comes with that you tend to enjoy reliving your glory days at any opportunity, and I had some fkn glorious days over the journey, plenty of shit ones too.
I'm not rich. Whatever I made, and there was a big pile of it once, I spent on having a good time with my time on Earth. Long gone. I've got a few little assets left but don't even own a house any more. I sold that to move to a little weatherboard shotgun shack on a mate's old dairy farm years ago. I never went into debt once in my life to fund myself, still go to work to keep the cash coming in but live cheap. No missus any more, no kids. My once athletic rig is fast turning to mush, huge moles and weird shit growing all over it, balding badly, my cock died on me years ago (it's gonna happen to you too brah so make the most of it), hips and shoulders on the way out, grey hair all over, at the moment I've got four teeth left in my jaw, had the rest taken out to get new Warnie looking one's this year, but keep putting that off because I'm scared of getting put under and blood clots that could give me a stroke.
Am I talking myself up enough for ya now Roady?
I do own fucking mercedes benzes though. One is still in it's barnfind condition waiting for a resto and the other is one of the rarest in Australia, a limo that was a handbuild/off production line custom order with makers marks, thirty five odd years old and only done 100K's. I don't know how to post pictures and I only use a dumb phone or I'd send you a photo but if you google picture search "Mercedes w123 250 lang" you can get a look at one.
Fuck I've spent a lot of time here "talking myself up" this weekend. Over it and out,
Stay feisty cowboy. They may call you the Dill, but you'll always be Goose to me.

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Sunday, 7 Jan 2024 at 8:19pm
Roadkill wrote:
Supafreak wrote:

The dill is entertaining as always . The dill previously bragged about handling out 100 $ bills to those that were doing it tough. I admire those that help others in silence , those that brag about it on forums are usually FOS.

Lol…if that happened…prove it.

Post it won’t because you can’t.

You want me to prove it ? You seriously want me to go through pages of old threads to prove it ? Sorry dill but it’s there for eternity if you care to look .

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Sunday, 7 Jan 2024 at 8:42pm

Flopti… way back on page 7 of this thread :

-“ The west needs to attack and wipe out the Iranian leadership.
Cut the head of the snake.”

And then earlier today :

“Perhaps it’s time to ditch anything to do with shooting, punching, hitting..”

& “There is an age approaching where there will be no war, no mma, no martial arts, no killing games, no weapons, no filthy corrupt war pig leaders…” blah blah farkn blah blah…

“…for 1000 years the earth will rest but an era of great tribulation will come first.”

Yep, sure thing ;);)
Just gotta bomb the shit outta Iran first…

So which one is it flopti ?
First you insist that it’s essential for us to attack and wipe out something… ;);)

But we shouldn’t be ‘violent’ and should follow baby jesus and some imaginary fairytale of no war etc.
- but first do war ;);)

Farrrkkk you are one confused individual.
- but there is a special place on planet heaven just for u.

Of course.
You make so much sense ;);)

All the solutions in the world but none for your own insanity haha

… carry on ;)

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Sunday, 7 Jan 2024 at 8:57pm

Hope yr good in this humidity @adam12, feels like a bit of a micky-bourne-identity-crisis weekend for you. If you wanna beer and a grovel in onshore slop, head west past AW's place, until you feel the sensation of standing on your head, find the last 1 pub town where you have to negotiate what a schooner is, and ask for Jim. He knows me ; )

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Sunday, 7 Jan 2024 at 9:11pm


That sounds fun .

IF you can work out where to go ( stand on your head , perhaps ) , pick any time ( any wind it seems so any weather ) , and I will pick U up .

When we go past AW's place ( he will be planting something , for sure ) we will toot three times to say Gday .

I know One Pub towns like AW knows his own backyard .

We will get U a Big beer and I will go a full strength Coke , big glass to .

I will have a chat with the publican and we will find Jimmy , for sure .

The surf sounds shithouse , but Jim sounds great .

I am ready , when U are .

adam12's picture
adam12's picture
adam12 Sunday, 7 Jan 2024 at 9:10pm
Pop Down wrote:


I have NFI about your story and U are mixing your Jewish princesses .

U loved them .

Tootgarook was the family holiday home .
As I couldn't trash the place , no big parties .

My brothers 21st was at my Uncles 5 acre property at Rye back beach .

After my mum saw that First Aid station ( I had the bodies neatly lined up ) also included my Uncle , Parties were banned there .

The REALLY big parties were at Drum St .

The lounge room could fit 189 people , standing .

Not sure how U ended up with me BUT just us were there .

Surprised U can't remember that hand pass I gave U called Susie .

Her friend was blonde but very tall .

Surely , U also remember Inflation .

I only went there ONCE , while U ran the joint .

A mixture of Kids in control of a lollie shop and the lunatics running the asylum .

I would have gone more , but I don't like chatting with Organised Crime members girlfriends .


U were not feeling well lol , but did ok , apparently .

Compared to that crazy girlfriend of your , Susie was a 10 !


And Roady . Adam has always been a Merc Man .

I think MG sounds cool .

I could always rely on Adam .

A true , ALL weather , friend .

Mr Reliable .

@Pop, sorry i missed this.
Fuck my memory is shot.
When you said Drum St. I recognised the name but fuck me can't remember much more. Maybe it was that joint down in Elwood we all used to party at, was it Bucko's joint? I remember my car got stolen one night and the cops found it two streets away because it had a hole in the cooling system so you had to fill it first and just fumes in the petrol tank. Or was it down on the MP? I definitely remember "Drum St" just can't fkn remember where it was. Fuck I was out of it back then.
And only when you just said it did I remember your brother had his 21st at the farm. I remember arriving but nothing else, did I get fucked up and your mother was there? Fuck that's a scary thought, she frightened me more than my own mother back in those days.
And yes a Suzie rings kind of a bell, short brown hair and great body? Can't remember hooking up with...oh yes I do, yes I remember her, don't remember you hand balling her and I do remember a lust filled afternoon with her but I'm sure that was Tootgarook, not a party at Drum St, maybe it was both.
And you did get me to go on a double date with a Monash J.A.P with blonde curly hair called Debbie and her friend was Malaysian , Mei Ling. I remember you tuning her in the small caf at Uni and she would only go out with you if I went with her friend. I got lucky and you didn't and then she rang me a few days later to tell me she should have probably told me she had herpes and I spent a week or so freaking out waiting to see if I had it. Seared in my brain that one.
Anyway, this is ridiculous, we really should catch up in person and not carry on our conversations in front of these knuckleheads.
I'll ring you.

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Sunday, 7 Jan 2024 at 9:15pm
adam12 wrote:

@Optimist, thank you for accepting my apology. I do see those things you mention. We've certainly stuffed up paradise. Glad you have a belief system that helps you deal with it and gives you answers. I've got neither. The key to my happiness was to strip it all down to the bare minimum and be happy with that, spend a lot of time with animals and the things I love, like surfing and a few close, old friends and what's left of my immediate family. I like to observe and interact with the other humans from afar these days, don't get too close to them , hence I've never had covid and probably why I socialise in places like this more than with the other primates out in the mad jungle like I used too.
I hope we can have more productive interactions in the future if we do, I'll try. I do like to hear what other people's answers are. even if I don't always agree.

As for my little mate @Roadkill, let me try to pre-empt any future beef if I can. You are probably right that I talk myself up, don't know how old you are, but as you get on in years and are staring down old age and all the shit that comes with that you tend to enjoy reliving your glory days at any opportunity, and I had some fkn glorious days over the journey, plenty of shit ones too.
I'm not rich. Whatever I made, and there was a big pile of it once, I spent on having a good time with my time on Earth. Long gone. I've got a few little assets left but don't even own a house any more. I sold that to move to a little weatherboard shotgun shack on a mate's old dairy farm years ago. I never went into debt once in my life to fund myself, still go to work to keep the cash coming in but live cheap. No missus any more, no kids. My once athletic rig is fast turning to mush, huge moles and weird shit growing all over it, balding badly, my cock died on me years ago (it's gonna happen to you too brah so make the most of it), hips and shoulders on the way out, grey hair all over, at the moment I've got four teeth left in my jaw, had the rest taken out to get new Warnie looking one's this year, but keep putting that off because I'm scared of getting put under and blood clots that could give me a stroke.
Am I talking myself up enough for ya now Roady?
I do own fucking mercedes benzes though. One is still in it's barnfind condition waiting for a resto and the other is one of the rarest in Australia, a limo that was a handbuild/off production line custom order with makers marks, thirty five odd years old and only done 100K's. I don't know how to post pictures and I only use a dumb phone or I'd send you a photo but if you google picture search "Mercedes w123 250 lang" you can get a look at one.
Fuck I've spent a lot of time here "talking myself up" this weekend. Over it and out,
Stay feisty cowboy. They may call you the Dill, but you'll always be Goose to me.

Wow..fucking Mercedes Benzes…plural. Cool story. But I don’t care.
Tbh..that rambling dribble was hard to read and harder to comprehend.

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Sunday, 7 Jan 2024 at 9:23pm

Optiwomble had much to say about Brittney Higgins, how his god is the only one that all other gods, spiritual belief and culture were unworthy, supported the Morrison govt and argued against the Voice! Did he also defend George Pell I can’t remember? All before he informed us of his views on the Muslim world. The guy is a religious hypocrite of the highest order, no apology warranted ever

seeds's picture
seeds's picture
seeds Sunday, 7 Jan 2024 at 9:28pm

This is where Opti is coming from. He mentioned the coming of a tribulation. Reading this explains his support for the nation of Israel because “it’s part of Gods plan”. It has to happen as one of the precursors of the rapture and the tribulation.

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Sunday, 7 Jan 2024 at 9:35pm

I totally Agree YOU should NOT have fn started this .

Perhaps I mentioned it to you and U forgot .

Susie was really nice , all over .

Drum St was at Rye .

As I played football at Rye for 5 years , my mates lived in Rye and they worked ( I was a student ) .

42 Drum St was a Huge Ugly Brick mansion .

Two stories , all the bedrooms downstairs but a huge lounge room .

On one side was a spare block and the other place that seamed to be always for Rent .

When the boys moved in , I used one of their Old surfboards to put a sign , in front of the house .

Wanted It to show people driving by , the type of guys who lived in Drum St .

Wrote in Big Black letters " Live Band here tonight " .

We had many huge parties as anyone could come .

Never any fights , really loud music , byo grog and girls or wives ( anyones ) .

As the years went on they just kept getting bigger .

The Last Party was THE one .

One of the guys was turning 30 .

I had to make the speech , we had a stage , and the Music was pumping .

The place was FULL and Jumping .

The fn floor was going up and down , really .

So , those stories are clean up , so to speak .

Adam , listen .

No more stories about me .

Tell the boys how U ran Inflation with an Iron Fist .

Tell them why U gave the Greek guy control of the Upstairs Bar .

F Me , he would line heads up along the bar ( 10 ish) , trying to squirt all types of things into peoples mouths .

Money and stuff flying everywhere .

U were running around putting out fires , everywhere .

adam12's picture
adam12's picture
adam12 Sunday, 7 Jan 2024 at 9:38pm
basesix wrote:

Hope yr good in this humidity @adam12, feels like a bit of a micky-bourne-identity-crisis weekend for you. If you wanna beer and a grovel in onshore slop, head west past AW's place, until you feel the sensation of standing on your head, find the last 1 pub town where you have to negotiate what a schooner is, and ask for Jim. He knows me ; )

Ha! love it. sounds like a plan.

adam12's picture
adam12's picture
adam12 Sunday, 7 Jan 2024 at 9:43pm
Pop Down wrote:

I totally Agree YOU should NOT have fn started this .

Perhaps I mentioned it to you and U forgot .

Susie was really nice , all over .

Drum St was at Rye .

As I played football at Rye for 5 years , my mates lived in Rye and they worked ( I was a student ) .

42 Drum St was a Huge Ugly Brick mansion .

Two stories , all the bedrooms downstairs but a huge lounge room .

On one side was a spare block and the other place that seamed to be always for Rent .

When the boys moved in , I used one of their Old surfboards to put a sign , in front of the house .

Wanted It to show people driving by , the type of guys who lived in Drum St .

Wrote in Big Black letters " Live Band here tonight " .

We had many huge parties as anyone could come .

Never any fights , really loud music , byo grog and girls or wives ( anyones ) .

As the years went on they just kept getting bigger .

The Last Party was THE one .

One of the guys was turning 30 .

I had to make the speech , we had a stage , and the Music was pumping .

The place was FULL and Jumping .

The fn floor was going up and down , really .

So , those stories are clean up , so to speak .

Adam , listen .

No more stories about me .

Tell the boys how U ran Inflation with an Iron Fist .

Tell them why U gave the Greek guy control of the Upstairs Bar .

F Me , he would line heads up along the bar ( 10 ish) , trying to squirt all types of things into peoples mouths .

Money and stuff flying everywhere .

U were running around putting out fires , everywhere .

Yep, yep, gotcha now. The Rye Boys Party house.
I remember, kinda.
And if the Greek ever went behind a bar when he worked for me on King Street it was only to give away free drinks so I don't know who's money was flying around, probably mine.
End this now! I'm going mad!

AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Sunday, 7 Jan 2024 at 9:43pm
tubeshooter wrote:
AlfredWallace wrote:

@Adam12, @VJ, @JF etc.

Looks like a bit of Linoment/Deep Heat has made its way into the ring, (Boxing , that is), bit of fire and brimstone amongst the subscribers.

Swellnet regulars turned combatants. Testosterone levels maxing out. Good stuff.

I’ll stick with plants and birds for the time being. Hope you are all well. AW

Haha, nice one AW, but the kookies and maggies have just started a 'turf' war in my yard this week. The kookies have just announced the arrival or 2 new noisy little shits and would prefer the maggies stay away from the compost heap for a while.

Tubeshooter. Hi mate. Nice little preamble.

The evening call battle is usually between Kookaburras and Magpies, regardless of which state in which you live.

As you’d be aware after your great observations, the calling is all about territory and who controls it. Vocal nocturnal guardians..

I’d say your little avian battle is all about the ‘food supply chain’ when there’s young ones around. Keep us informed, good stuff. AW

adam12's picture
adam12's picture
adam12 Sunday, 7 Jan 2024 at 9:54pm

One final one
"Wow..fucking Mercedes Benzes…plural. Cool story. But I don’t care.
Tbh..that rambling dribble was hard to read and harder to comprehend. "

Yeah right Goose.
You care so little you keep inserting yourself into it.
Just shut the fuck up then eh?
Or enlighten us with some cool stories of your own.
I bet that well is dry.
Run along now little cowboy, your pony is calling you for a ride.

AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Sunday, 7 Jan 2024 at 10:15pm
velocityjohnno wrote:

Well done guys, great to hear your retorts that stressed the truly good qualities that come out of your love of martial arts. Learning discipline and learning learning itself is valuable. Strength and self respect would flow from it as well. If it was your way to better things, well done.

Physical fighting for me is coloured by my childhood, against my bro and at my early schooling, and I'm not into it and wish I could take back what I did, or what I copped This was before any training. For many people it's violence and thuggery - kind of like what's going on in Gaza.

I think I like shooting most in that type of martial skill. Rounds on targets as I abhor the killing of anything. Accuracy.

Old systems of fire control in the ship & historical context are fascinating too - they had mechanical computers over a century ago.

AW a couple of the baby currawongs have survived and we are getting to watch them grow up. Mrs Magpie sends them off when she enforces her turf!

VelocityJohnno. Hi fella , hope you are well.

Grey or Pied Currawongs ?

Great to hear a couple have made it.
It’s oxymoronic to be excited by the development of baby Currawongs, as we all know by nature, they are nest raiders of other birds young .

Currawongs have a role to perform even though they are natural born killers. The fittest birds that survive the raid probably go on to pass on their genes and the gene pool integrity, keeps on rolling on.

Just plonked myself in bed after a fascinating day in the field, I’m completely fucked.

Up at 3am, into Geelong to a mates house, departed at 4.00am, heading to an area north of the Grampians in a farming area north of Horsham.
3 1/2 hours drive.

Searching for elusive Elegant Parrots
Arrive in a potential area of a recent sighting. NOTHING for most of the day.

All around, massive thunderstorms and heavy rain periodically, hot with little to no wind. Saw loads of other birds but not the goose with the golden egg.

Around 3pm, I suggest an adjacent area on the southern boundary of Little Desert National Park. Venture to its nearest edge and it was ‘on like donkey kong’

Before you know it, Elegant Parrots show their faces, co-mingled with Blue Winged Parrots,( both types of Neophema sp.) numbers get up around the 80 mark, high fives are given.
I then spot a Diamond Firetail finch ( big bird compared to other finches) having a full on bath in the water at the edge of a dam, amazing to see all it colours.

Turn back to the dead stag trees where both species of Neophema are still present and we both see our very first Turquoise Parrot.

All the while there are Southern Whiteface calling and showing themselves, White Browed Babblers are hissing and chatting as well, in the end 28 species of birds in one hour. Decided doesn’t get any better than that, got in the car at 4pm, chuffed and drove back to Geelong.

Motto, never give up, regardless of your pursuits. A great day. AW

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Sunday, 7 Jan 2024 at 10:49pm

AW… ;)
- never give up giving us your wonderful and insightful posts here…

Always a pleasure to read your stuff.
… refreshing and informative, adventurous and knowledgeable ;)

- and @adam12, you’re a gem!
Faaark… don’t pay any attention to that fuckstick toad dill ;);)

What a farkn negative piece of useless nobody.
- tries to comment on anything that’s got nothing to do with him, and got nothing to offer but bs and hebitch hubris…

- can’t comprehend his uselessness, let alone thinking he can even contribute anything worthy or interesting.
Golden farkn goose ;)

The post to flopti was genuine and a pleasure to read.
- and then the cunt tried to exclaim he thinks deeply (wahahaha) and goes onto say he gets abused on here because he has a different belief system to the ‘global suicide squad’ …. haha wtf?

Apparently… according to lawd fraud flopti: “If you want peace, pursue it, even if everyone calls you an idiot” ;);)

Haha… but the west should attack Iran etc and Israel should go all out and fuck those Palestinian kids up in the glorious name of jesus ;);)

It’s a hypocrite’s playground of pissweak pretenders with the dill and flopti…
- but they’ll float on together in delusion and fantasy just for entertainment.

They are gifts that keep on giving ;)

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Sunday, 7 Jan 2024 at 11:09pm
AlfredWallace wrote:

Just plonked myself in bed after a fascinating day in the field, I’m completely fucked.

Up at 3am, into Geelong to a mates house, departed at 4.00am, heading to an area north of the Grampians in a farming area north of Horsham.
3 1/2 hours drive.

Searching for elusive Elegant Parrots
Arrive in a potential area of a recent sighting. NOTHING for most of the day.

All around, massive thunderstorms and heavy rain periodically, hot with little to no wind. Saw loads of other birds but not the goose with the golden egg.

Around 3pm, I suggest an adjacent area on the southern boundary of Little Desert National Park. Venture to its nearest edge and it was ‘on like donkey kong’

Before you know it, Elegant Parrots show their faces, co-mingled with Blue Winged Parrots,( both types of Neophema sp.) numbers get up around the 80 mark, high fives are given.
I then spot a Diamond Firetail finch ( big bird compared to other finches) having a full on bath in the water at the edge of a dam, amazing to see all it colours.

Turn back to the dead stag trees where both species of Neophema are still present and we both see our very first Turquoise Parrot.

All the while there are Southern Whiteface calling and showing themselves, White Browed Babblers are hissing and chatting as well, in the end 28 species of birds in one hour. Decided doesn’t get any better than that, got in the car at 4pm, chuffed and drove back to Geelong.

Motto, never give up, regardless of your pursuits. A great day. AW

Faaaark me, if that wasn't an epic day well spent. Shit hot, AW!!

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Sunday, 7 Jan 2024 at 11:39pm

base 6

U had a real crack ( of dawn ) yesterday ( almost for me ) !!!

I hope U were able to take a few photos .

I would like to see any "On like a Donkey Kong " type birds , if U have any .

What did U dream of , I wonder .

Elegant finches , Diamond Parrots or Southern Babblers , perhaps ?

Well done :)


I am slow , just worked out what you meant by ON and Kong and donkey .

Bit rude haha lol .

edit 2

I have really stopped wondering about , what U are dreaming of now , now !!!

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Sunday, 7 Jan 2024 at 11:46pm

So. A SN game. Every time @Pop mistakes an identity, or misrepresents a subscriber, that subscriber can request a forfeit, in the form of an @Pop story from @adam12. It is a long-run kindness to @Pop (and probably to @tubeshooter, no longer being mixed up with tbb, or gettin lotsa wins).

@adam12. I request an @Pop story. Love ya Pop!

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Monday, 8 Jan 2024 at 12:48am

I’m just glad that some can still see the humour in posts , life’s too short for some of us , enjoy.

Optimist's picture
Optimist's picture
Optimist Monday, 8 Jan 2024 at 5:53am

I see guy the lying muppet is back. Let’s address the accusations.
Turns out Brittany and Bruce are a pair of lying scoundrels with the only difference being one got their payday thanks to Albos clever plan and the other is looking for one.
It’s true I believe there is only one creator God and all the rest are pagan nonsense.
Most pagan cultures that hear the gospel of Christ respond positively to it.
It’s true I liked the Morrison government people but not really Morrison and would have preferred Josh frydenburg as leader but he never got the chance.
Untrue that I was against the voice , but I was against Albo telling us to vote for his lovely smile and please trust me I’m a politician. You don’t need to know anything.
And George Pell, everyone on here including guy the lying muppet knows I despise the Roman world order and the people that run it.
There I feel better now….optimist out…again.

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Monday, 8 Jan 2024 at 8:18am

I am an early bird but there a few things I will not do early , regularly .

Like fishing , golf and bird watching .

I do know , what is like to be fixated , to want to see a particular living species .

I went to Africa and wanted to see a Leopard .

I looked in EVERY tree for three weeks , really carefully .

A guide and I tracked one for an hour .

I always think about going back , and having another look .

I was always Up for Every game drive and Every walk as I loved seeing the animals ( and the trees ) .


I got up early to go rafting in a river .

The Zambezi at Vic Falls .

Shit , that was a story of Adventure esp Stairway to Heaven .

I tried to duck dive a 5 meter raft , really .

It worked , really ( its on film ) .

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Monday, 8 Jan 2024 at 9:01am

@ Optimist

I wouldn't bother, Guys a troll, dont feed him.

BTW. Have you ever read about the Merneptah Stele in Egypt, its an 3,200 year old Egyptian tablet that mentions Israel and the Jews.

"The Merneptah Stele (or Israel Stele) is an engraved stone slab which describes Pharaoh Merneptah’s military victories in 1207 b.c.e. The stele itself is dated to the year 1205 b.c.e. Renowned British archaeologist Flinders Petrie discovered this two-meter-tall, inscribed granite monument in 1896 at Thebes. It contains the earliest undisputed extra-biblical reference to Israel to date.

Israel is mentioned by name in three different 9th century b.c.e. artifacts: the Mesha Stele, Tel Dan Stele and the Kurkh Monoliths, but the 9th century is still 400 years after the dating of the Merneptah Stele.

The mention of Israel in this 3,200-year-old document suggests, at the time of its inscription, the nation of Israel was an established power and not a nomadic people who had just recently entered the land of Canaan. Before the discovery of the stele, many dated the Exodus much later, but now they are forced to reconcile with the fact that Israel was already an established power in Canaan in 1207 b.c.e.

Continued here

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Monday, 8 Jan 2024 at 9:08am

Kind of surprised to see USA still being very clear and straight to the point with their language about their support for Israel in this war and eliminating hamas, which is so important for Israel.

Optimist's picture
Optimist's picture
Optimist Monday, 8 Jan 2024 at 9:37am

Thanks indo, good article. I knew their history previous to and after their 400 years stay in Egypt but didn’t realise there had been this extra historic find in Thebes.
Perhaps the Islamists can now agree that the Israelis are the indigenous people of the land and leave them alone to live in peace. The saudis and Egyptians acknowledge these historic facts but the Iranians and their proxy’s just want them all dead.
A woman today in Iran just got lashed 74 times for being caught without her head scarf as well as fined. These are the people Israel are up against.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Monday, 8 Jan 2024 at 10:09am

As a kid i was forced to learn about these bible stories at Sunday school and I hated it, but its interesting now to learn more about the area and history and have that basic understanding from those bible stories its like yeah okay thats what that was about, it kind of all falls in place.

Ive always had an interest in Egypt and will watch any Egypt docco and always wanted to go there just once, but im now finding just the whole Biblical era history of the area really interesting, Israel now is also definitely on the list of go visit places.

Hopefully by then Gaza will be under a new government one that cares about its people and rebuilt and people flourishing and we will be able to go on some guide tour seeing the ruins of the Hamas tunnels.

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Monday, 8 Jan 2024 at 10:09am

Morning cockwombles

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Monday, 8 Jan 2024 at 10:21am

Hey Alfred
Just the other night I witnessed a possum fighting off a massive bird in the tree outside my bedroom window.

The possum making the most hideous noise woke me and when I got up to investigate there it was the biggest bird I’ve seen in my backyard flapping its wings just above the possum, my guess it was a powerful owl as they are in the area. No sooner than I realised what was happening the bird silently flew away.

If it were a powerful owl that is the second sighting in the last year for me.

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Monday, 8 Jan 2024 at 10:55am

Any old stories OR Wives Tales Or Books , that have stood the proverbial test of time , are ALL worth listening to and considering .

I have just found out ( thanks VJ ) that Atlantis may have existed after all , amazing imo .

And the Flood did happen ( Global warming caused the Ice Caps to melt forming huge dams that burst , some say sea levels rose 30 feet in one day , a few times ffs ) .

From the link VJ provided I read this and wrote it down ( my memory ) .

Plato - " I grow in learning as I grow in age " .

Another sage , U all know , who I also listen to , said .

"Whatever will be , will be ."

All good stuff for ME to consider .


Please look up .

U miss my point , they all COULD be fact , so I keep my mind open ( shit falls out as a result a bit , sorry ) .

And often , they are given , to just get us to think about what COULD be another message , and especially , REMEMBER .

I used to tell my kids fairytales all the time .

They ( under 7 so believe everything , fact ) loved them and probably thought me a bit insane ( still do ) .

edit Noah

The ARK !!!

I thought this story , perhaps , crazy , when I was a younger bloke ( a few days ago ) .

Now I think the story has a meaning which I NOW get .

Very Cool imo !

The Great Flood was mentioned in NOT just the Bible !!!

Lots of messages and stories .

seeds's picture
seeds's picture
seeds Monday, 8 Jan 2024 at 10:35am

Yes Pop, learning what the real story behind these myths is interesting. Believing these myths, as they are written, as fact is insanity.

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Monday, 8 Jan 2024 at 11:13am

Flopti hahahaha…
- you know more than most about being a lying scoundrel ;);)

Check this all time gem of absolute lies and complete made up bullshit.
… it’s worth another run just for the sheer ridiculous scale of true garbage ;)

If anyone can attribute any logic or truth to it as being anything other than fantastical ideas of a lying scoundrel…. then please …go ahead ;);)

From the flopti book of lunacy, self delusion and projected piffle :

“There are actually 3 heavens in translation, the sky above is the first, space is the second and planet Heaven the third. ( paul talked about the third heaven) You get to planet heaven after your spirit leaves your body. When you die your spirit descends into the heart of the earth and waits. Then if approved by God you are lifted up and go through the tunnel which is probably like a wormhole in Sci Fi. If unapproved you will wait for judgement but there is no time there so you wouldn't know if you've been there a year or a hundred years. At the end of the tunnel you will be greeted by The Christ Himself in His glorified form and put on planet Heaven, a very beautiful and physical place and in your brand new physical body. Earth will also be renewed after the great tribulation so for a time there will still be two seperate habitations and eventually just one.
It is comforting to know that on my death, my heavenly father will still look after me and guide my spirit or "actual person" through the maze of death and to the renewed and promised life.
Also, If anyone is interested in the time of the end and the mark of the beast etc. I think I can answer that for you, as I have a theory which has been playing out exactly correct over the last few years.”

Wahaha ;);)
- and you still retain the pathetic childish ability of forming judgement on others whilst assuming you can pass your complete bullshit off as facts…. and even try assert that your imagined detachment from reality is …ummm …an actual certainty !
This is the true definition of a lying scoundrel ;)

….and notice how noinfo mention being ‘forced’ to learn about these bible stories haha ;);)
- get that bit…. ? …’forced’ haha

That is the only way this shit is perpetually allowed to indoctrinate innocent and naive minds….. minds void of any ability whatsoever to comprehend a distinction between myth and historical fact.

You two are a real combo of divine dickhead ;);)
- no different to a kid insisting they have an imaginary friend and then labelling anyone countering the wild fantasy as being wrong.

To entertain such wonderful bullshit is fine if you wish to use it as impetus to form a genuine moral code of love and acceptance . However, flopti has provided ample evidence he is a fraud and cares about nothing more than trying to force the shit on others - akin to a pedo saying they are doing nothing wrong.

Hypocrisy of the highest order.

Time to observe how to make a real sandwich gents ;)


Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Monday, 8 Jan 2024 at 12:07pm

Hey Flatty

I was , sort of , forced to do Maths , History and English .

Eat properly ( as defined by my mother ) , to .

At the time , thought is a waste of MY time .

I wanted to go surfing .

A lot of things I was forced to do , when I was young I feel SO important now .

Eg Going to Funerals .

U really don't need to point out all the strange Old Language and Views in ANY Scriptures .

We could fill Library's with all the stuff .

I get the message .



U have NO idea who will go to MY definition of Heaven .

I don't !!!

Don't guess imho .


And Oppy , I buried ( with help from my nephew ) my father .

I conducted a , sort of ceremony .

Can't remember using the word heaven .

I know I didn't say the word God .

The wind blew ashes Everywhere , as usual .

Dad was cremated so we only dug a small hole .

The main speeches were before the Burial .

I just went and grabbed a shovel , grabbed my nephew , and people just followed .

No fuss .


Shit , perhaps I am making this up ?

A Family burial spot on a farm ?

It's bull shit ?


Flatty , can I come , please , to the BBQ Spit ?????

That is Unreal imho !

Optimist's picture
Optimist's picture
Optimist Monday, 8 Jan 2024 at 11:47am

My theory on heaven seems to rattle you Jelly as you keep re posting very old posts of mine and seem fixated on this one especially.
You needn’t be concerned though, because people like you will never see heaven ( you know the one talked about at every funeral) as the idea of a paradise is to exclude all the nasty evil people.
Wherever heaven is, planet or not , through the tunnel or not , we will not meet there jelly unless you change your ways…there’s currently another place for you when your spirit passes from your body.

adam12's picture
adam12's picture
adam12 Monday, 8 Jan 2024 at 11:51am

adam12's picture
adam12's picture
adam12 Monday, 8 Jan 2024 at 11:58am

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Monday, 8 Jan 2024 at 12:01pm

Haha nothing rattled me bout your theory flopti ;)

As you just stated… it’s a theory ;);)

But keep making shit up to suit your insane theories.

They have nothing to do with me, nor anyone else. That’s the point you’re missing.

(Like the part of your brain that an adult will develop, where fantasy and reality are separate)

You are ‘fixated’ on something you even admit is a theory. Everything you try to pass off relative to this is nothing but the musings of your own cruel self denial and pathetic sense of self worth ;)

Try enjoy a sandwich in reality ;);)

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Monday, 8 Jan 2024 at 12:12pm

Ever been ‘rattled’ by something u find to be humorous ?
…or by a child’s take on a story ?
- or just plain old silly ridiculous insane ‘theories’ ?




green room's picture
green room's picture
green room Monday, 8 Jan 2024 at 12:18pm

Alright, gotcha, crystal clear. They're all just one dude! A single messed-up, mentally sick, toxic, pathological internet forums junkie addict loser, living in his mom's basement:
Jelly Flater
...prob a few more...