The United States(!) of A

factotum's picture
factotum started the topic in Thursday, 27 Aug 2020 at 11:12am

Septic Tanks are going to Septic Tank

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Friday, 2 Aug 2024 at 2:54pm

^^^ that is some high grade trolling

kamala doing what she does...

<script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

it's funny this angle the dems are pushing that trump is too chicken to debate harris

my prediction: without a script, he will annihilate her...

the faithful will never see it this way... as it's hilary circa 2016 again...

but he smashed hilary, and she is smart, a good debater, and experienced

harris has her 'felon' line, and plenty of dirt to work with, but putting it together on the day is what matters

trump actually has plenty of material to work with too, kamala oozes material... his biggest challenge will be keeping it about policy and not being too nasty

gonna be a doozy I reckon

(for those that enjoy the sport of it all... team players, maybe not so much...)

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Friday, 2 Aug 2024 at 3:39pm

The worst thing that could happen is the US withdrawing support to Israel. Will never happen and we should all be thankful.

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Friday, 2 Aug 2024 at 3:47pm
philosurphizingkerching wrote:

I clicked on that link and scrolled down a bit.

Really is incredible that the whole Epstein thing.
Whole thing is just bizarre and such an obvious protection racket going on.
Yet no real leaks....

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Friday, 2 Aug 2024 at 4:33pm
andy-mac wrote:
indo-dreaming wrote:
andy-mac wrote:
indo-dreaming wrote:
andy-mac wrote:
indo-dreaming wrote:
andy-mac wrote:

"" I don’t know that the US has as much leverage over Israel as is widely assumed.""

Stop funding and supplying their weapons?? But that could stop the slaughter straight away. Won't happen as Congress is owned by AIPAC as demonstrated by Bibi's visit. It could be suggested that Israel actually have leverage over the USA??

""As long as Hamas holds hostages there will be little appetite in Israel to stop until they’ve achieved their objectives.""

Negotiate a cease fire and hostage release. It has been on the table and Israel have sabotaged it moving forward, this has been pretty well documented. Bibi doesn't want their release, hence the backlash from families in Israel. Killing lead negotiator is not going to help either.

Doesn't really matter what your personal view is now, but Israel is viewed as a pariah state by much of the world, except USA and its proxies. I reckon this will have an ongoing impact on Israel, economically and socially.

Really the only actor who can stop this shit show is the USA pulling in Israel, but do they really want to??

None of your comments make any sense.

On one hand you are basically saying that Israel shouldn't be able to protect itself and that the USA should just let Iran and its proxies destroy Israel, but then on the flip side you have a fake concern for Israel and its economy & reputation.

And then you also expect Israel to bend over and get shaffed by Hamas on totally unrealistic deals, im 100% certain you actually had no idea what the deals were.

And no of course USA doesn't want to allow Israel to be destroyed.

Yeah whatever Indo....

Lets say tomorrow USA withdrew all military support for Israel.

What do you think would happen?

Do you honestly think there would be peace?

I mean seriously dude its no secret Iran and all its proxies make no secret of wanting to destroy Israel, im not sure why you wouldn't believe them?

It would be the complete opposite of peace it would be a huge green light to Hamas, Palestine Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah, the Houthis and other jihadist groups to attack Israel and try to wear them down and exhaust their military supplies.

As for Iran they prefer to attack through proxies, but if USA stayed out of the picture the risk of direct attacks would no doubt also increase rather than decrease.

You really do just think in absolutes ey.
The USA aren't going to withdraw military support, but they could influence what is going on with the genocide, slaughter, war, Israel's right to defend itself or whatever term you wish to use.

Israel had the sympathy of the world on the 7th of Oct, now they are a pariah state. Doesn't seem to have been the best strategy, especially now if a major conflict starts and they start to experience some of what they have inflicted on the people of Gaza.

What do you think Hamas want? (or Iran & all the other Jihadist nutter groups)

Do they want USA to support Israel and supply them ammunition unconditionally and support them in destroying Hamas?

Or would they see it as a win if USA restricts ammunition and do as you suggest and just let Hamas survive ?

Restriction of ammunition and even just wavering support from the USA is a huge win and reward to Hamas especially delaying Israel entering into Raffa for so long.

And its all purely about USA politics, its just a shame this had to happen so close to an USA election, that has muddied the waters on USA support.

You really believe that Hamas can be destroyed?
Or are you supporting the ethnic cleansing of Gaza and later on the West Bank?

Reckon this guy has balanced view of what is going on; however highlights no one can know what could happen was it spirals out of control.
Will stop writing now as this is USA thread, but this vid has a lot of foreign policy discussed.


Oh please do we really have to go through this again????

You know full well when we use the term "destroy Hamas", it doesn't need to mean cease to totally exist, the Nazis were destroyed but it doesn't mean there aren't Nazis in some form today or the ideology is dead.

If it makes you happy swap the word destroyed for severally weakened or something similar, but destroy has a much more positive ring to it and you need to shoot for the stars.

Hamas is both the government and also has a seperate military unit Al-Qassam Brigades

As a government they can be toppled although they do seem to have wide spread support among so called Palestines, i mean fuck even a proper election would be nice, at least give them a choice between a normal government that actually cares about its people to some degree and one that blows all its money on tunnels, rockets and starting wars.

As a military/terrorist group the aim would be to severally weakened Hamas to the point they are no longer a threat, the weakening of Hamas as a military force has already happened and is happening every single day, its been estimated by some Hamas as a military force has been put back about a decade, but it would be much better if they can be put back a few more decade's.

This is because fighters are killed, leaders killed, battalions dismantled, the military structures broken up.

But even more importantly military infrastructure is destroyed, rocket stores, rocket launching sites, rocket manufacturing sites and other military manufacturing sites, Hamas bases/control centres , training facilties, major tunnels, all kinds of military infrastructure.

Even after the main war is done you would expect they will still need to send dogs etc down tunnels and ensure that major tunnels and any stock piles left are destroyed, this could take as long or longer than the war itself.

As for ethical cleansing in Gaza or the Judea/Samaria(West Bank)

Gaza has already been ethnically cleansed THERE IS NOT ONE JEW THAT LIVES IN GAZA even though it's an area that Jews have had a presence in to some degree for thousand's of years.

THAT IS TRUE ETHNIC CLEANSING there is no way you can even debate its not.

There is also many other Arab countries Jews have been ethically cleansed from.

What is NOT ethical cleansing is aiming to destroy a terrorist group and going to the extents no army in history has gone to to try to avoid civilian casualties and somehow even getting close to a 1 for 1 ratio in an urban war when the average ratio is much higher even as high as 9 civilans to 1 fighter dead in some urban wars.

And those wars rarely have groups purposely using their own people as human shield's.

The only comparison to the lengths gone to by the IDF to reduce civilian casualties could be the USA in Mosul where ISIS also used very similar tactic's of human shield's but USA had the luxury of being able to move people out of the urban areas into the country side, an option not available in Gaza. (and you cant blame Egypt for not wanting to come to the party if you know where Hamas came from an Egypt's past issues.)

In regard to what you call the West Bank but for thousands of years has been known as Judea/Samaria even under times of Roman & Turkish colonisation after the land had been renamed Palestine to break the Jews who remained. (go look at a map of Palestine it will clearly still have Judea & Sameria on it and pretty much every other Jewish/hebrew town or area name)

Despite this area being the dead heart of all thing's Jewish and where Jews got their name and stepped in thousands of years of history Jews are now a minority in this area and Arab/Muslims like 99% of the middle east are a majority

The only exception though, is Area C where there is slightly more Israelis than Arabs and luckily so because its also the area that holds the most history 80% of the 3,000 antiquity sites are said to be in this area, so luckily are protected as under Israeli control.

Because yes you guessed it Palestinians sadly have a habit of destroying ancient Jewish archaeological sites, cause it kinda doesn't go well with their historic land claims, some of these sites which are twice as old as Islam and twice as old as Arab presence in Israel.

Luckily the second most important site to Jews the cave of the patriarchs (a temple built on a cave/tomb) in typical islamic fashion has been claimed as an Islamic site, so luckily not destroyed and this site is in Hebron right in the middle of the West bank and also luckily under Israeli control so everyone can visit no matter ethnicity or religion.

You know you could actually gain a far better understanding of things if you actually went and learnt some history of Judea & Samaria and do so from as neutral source as possible.

I think if you really understood the history of the area your views might change a little or be toned down.

I mean really you makes claims of ethnic cleansing but at the same time believe the West Bank should be only for Palestine/Arab controlled, id assume that means free of Jews or Israelis?

Would Jews or other Isrealis even be able to visit all their cultural and religious significant sites?

And how would you ensure the protection of these sites? or just ensure the safety of Jews etc visiting these sites?

I mean can you imagine how dangerous it would be for a Jew to visit these sites if say all the West Bank was controlled by Hamas

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Friday, 2 Aug 2024 at 4:26pm
indo-dreaming wrote:
andy-mac wrote:
indo-dreaming wrote:
andy-mac wrote:
indo-dreaming wrote:
andy-mac wrote:
indo-dreaming wrote:
andy-mac wrote:

"" I don’t know that the US has as much leverage over Israel as is widely assumed.""

Stop funding and supplying their weapons?? But that could stop the slaughter straight away. Won't happen as Congress is owned by AIPAC as demonstrated by Bibi's visit. It could be suggested that Israel actually have leverage over the USA??

""As long as Hamas holds hostages there will be little appetite in Israel to stop until they’ve achieved their objectives.""

Negotiate a cease fire and hostage release. It has been on the table and Israel have sabotaged it moving forward, this has been pretty well documented. Bibi doesn't want their release, hence the backlash from families in Israel. Killing lead negotiator is not going to help either.

Doesn't really matter what your personal view is now, but Israel is viewed as a pariah state by much of the world, except USA and its proxies. I reckon this will have an ongoing impact on Israel, economically and socially.

Really the only actor who can stop this shit show is the USA pulling in Israel, but do they really want to??

None of your comments make any sense.

On one hand you are basically saying that Israel shouldn't be able to protect itself and that the USA should just let Iran and its proxies destroy Israel, but then on the flip side you have a fake concern for Israel and its economy & reputation.

And then you also expect Israel to bend over and get shaffed by Hamas on totally unrealistic deals, im 100% certain you actually had no idea what the deals were.

And no of course USA doesn't want to allow Israel to be destroyed.

Yeah whatever Indo....

Lets say tomorrow USA withdrew all military support for Israel.

What do you think would happen?

Do you honestly think there would be peace?

I mean seriously dude its no secret Iran and all its proxies make no secret of wanting to destroy Israel, im not sure why you wouldn't believe them?

It would be the complete opposite of peace it would be a huge green light to Hamas, Palestine Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah, the Houthis and other jihadist groups to attack Israel and try to wear them down and exhaust their military supplies.

As for Iran they prefer to attack through proxies, but if USA stayed out of the picture the risk of direct attacks would no doubt also increase rather than decrease.

You really do just think in absolutes ey.
The USA aren't going to withdraw military support, but they could influence what is going on with the genocide, slaughter, war, Israel's right to defend itself or whatever term you wish to use.

Israel had the sympathy of the world on the 7th of Oct, now they are a pariah state. Doesn't seem to have been the best strategy, especially now if a major conflict starts and they start to experience some of what they have inflicted on the people of Gaza.

What do you think Hamas want? (or Iran & all the other Jihadist nutter groups)

Do they want USA to support Israel and supply them ammunition unconditionally and support them in destroying Hamas?

Or would they see it as a win if USA restricts ammunition and do as you suggest and just let Hamas survive ?

Restriction of ammunition and even just wavering support from the USA is a huge win and reward to Hamas especially delaying Israel entering into Raffa for so long.

And its all purely about USA politics, its just a shame this had to happen so close to an USA election, that has muddied the waters on USA support.

You really believe that Hamas can be destroyed?
Or are you supporting the ethnic cleansing of Gaza and later on the West Bank?

Reckon this guy has balanced view of what is going on; however highlights no one can know what could happen was it spirals out of control.
Will stop writing now as this is USA thread, but this vid has a lot of foreign policy discussed.


Oh please do we really have to go through this again????

You know full well when we use the term "destroy Hamas", it doesn't need to mean cease to totally exist, the Nazis were destroyed but it doesn't mean there aren't Nazis in some form today or the ideology is dead.

If it makes you happy swap the word destroyed for severally weakened or something similar, but destroy has a much more positive ring to it and you need to shoot for the stars.

Hamas is both the government and also has a seperate military unit Al-Qassam Brigades

As a government they can be toppled although they do seem to have wide spread support among so called Palestines, i mean fuck even a proper election would be nice, at least give them a choice between a normal government that actually cares about its people to some degree and one that blows all its money on tunnels, rockets and starting wars.

As a military/terrorist group the aim would be to severally weakened Hamas to the point they are no longer a threat, the weakening of Hamas as a military force has already happened and is happening every single day, its been estimated by some Hamas as a military force has been put back about a decade, but it would be much better if they can be put back a few more decade's.

This is because fighters are killed, leaders killed, battalions dismantled, the military structures broken up.

But even more importantly military infrastructure is destroyed, rocket stores, rocket launching sites, rocket manufacturing sites and other military manufacturing sites, Hamas bases/control centres , training facilties, major tunnels, all kinds of military infrastructure.

Even after the main war is done you would expect they will still need to send dogs etc down tunnels and ensure that major tunnels and any stock piles left are destroyed, this could take as long or longer than the war itself.

As for ethical cleansing in Gaza or the Judea/Samaria(West Bank)

Gaza has already been ethnically cleansed THERE IS NOT ONE JEW THAT LIVES IN GAZA even though it's an area that Jews have had a presence in to some degree for thousand's of years.

THAT IS TRUE ETHNIC CLEANSING there is no way you can even debate its not.

There is also many other Arab countries Jews have been ethically cleansed from.

What is NOT ethical cleansing is aiming to destroy a terrorist group and going to the extents no army in history has gone to to try to avoid civilian casualties and somehow even getting close to a 1 for 1 ratio in an urban war when the average ratio is much higher even as high as 9 civilans to 1 fighter dead in some urban wars.

And those wars rarely have groups purposely using their own people as human shield's.

The only comparison to the lengths gone to by the IDF to reduce civilian casualties could be the USA in Mosul where ISIS also used very similar tactic's of human shield's but USA had the luxury of being able to move people out of the urban areas into the country side, an option not available in Gaza. (and you cant blame Egypt for not wanting to come to the party if you know where Hamas came from an Egypt's past issues.)

In regard to what you call the West Bank but for thousands of years has been known as Judea/Samaria even under times of Roman & Turkish colonisation after the land had been renamed Palestine to break the Jews who remained. (go look at a map of Palestine it will clearly still have Judea & Sameria on it and pretty much every other Jewish/hebrew town or area name)

Despite this area being the dead heart of all thing's Jewish and where Jews got their name and stepped in thousands of years of history Jews are now a minority in this area and Arab/Muslims like 99% of the middle east are a majority

The only exception though, is Area C where there is slightly more Israelis than Arabs and luckily so because its also the area that holds the most history 80% of the 3,000 antiquity sites are said to be in this area, so luckily are protected as under Israeli control.

Because yes you guessed it Palestinians sadly have a habit of destroying ancient Jewish archaeological sites, cause it kinda doesn't go well with their historic land claims, some of these sites which are twice as old as Islam and twice as old as Arab presence in Israel.

Luckily the second most important site to Jews the cave of the patriarchs (a temple built on a cave/tomb) in typical islamic fashion has been claimed as an Islamic site, so luckily not destroyed and this site is in Hebron right in the middle of the West bank and also luckily under Israeli control so everyone can visit no matter ethnicity or religion.

You know you could actually gain a far better understanding of things if you actually went and learnt some history of Judea & Samaria and do so from as neutral source as possible.

I think if you really understood the history of the area your views might change a little or be toned down.

I mean really you makes claims of ethnic cleansing but at the same time believe the West Bank should be all Palestine/Arab muslims controlled, id assume that means free of Jews or Israelis?

Would they even be able to visit all their cultural and religious significant sites?

And how would you ensure the protection of these sites?

Friday arvo mate, have just cracked a beer.
Have a good weekend!

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Friday, 2 Aug 2024 at 4:52pm
andy-mac wrote:
philosurphizingkerching wrote:

I clicked on that link and scrolled down a bit.

Really is incredible that the whole Epstein thing.
Whole thing is just bizarre and such an obvious protection racket going on.
Yet no real leaks....

you know why don't you?

because - despite all the photos and hyperbole - a leak would implicate the machine more than trump!

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Friday, 2 Aug 2024 at 5:00pm

^^ hahaha farkn noinfo unleashed and unhinged ;)

- " Gaza has already been ethnically cleansed THERE IS NOT ONE JEW THAT LIVES IN GAZA even though it's an area that Jews have had a presence in to some degree for thousand's of years.

THAT IS TRUE ETHNIC CLEANSING there is no way you can even debate its not. "

- haha, enjoy ya beer @andy-mac, maybe treat yaself to two ;)
...two! ....that's about the same magic number of brain cells rabid noinfo has got on display ;);)


Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Friday, 2 Aug 2024 at 5:03pm

.... celebrating eggspurts ;)



andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Friday, 2 Aug 2024 at 5:08pm
sypkan wrote:
andy-mac wrote:
philosurphizingkerching wrote:

I clicked on that link and scrolled down a bit.

Really is incredible that the whole Epstein thing.
Whole thing is just bizarre and such an obvious protection racket going on.
Yet no real leaks....

you know why don't you?

because - despite all the photos and hyperbole - a leak would implicate the machine more than trump!

Probably so.....

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Friday, 2 Aug 2024 at 5:09pm
Jelly Flater wrote:

^^ hahaha farkn noinfo unleashed and unhinged ;)

- " Gaza has already been ethnically cleansed THERE IS NOT ONE JEW THAT LIVES IN GAZA even though it's an area that Jews have had a presence in to some degree for thousand's of years.

THAT IS TRUE ETHNIC CLEANSING there is no way you can even debate its not. "

- haha, enjoy ya beer @andy-mac, maybe treat yaself to two ;)
...two! ....that's about the same magic number of brain cells rabid noinfo has got on display ;);)

Just had a delicious red IPA... :)

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Friday, 2 Aug 2024 at 5:12pm
Jelly Flater wrote:

^^ hahaha farkn noinfo unleashed and unhinged ;)

- " Gaza has already been ethnically cleansed THERE IS NOT ONE JEW THAT LIVES IN GAZA even though it's an area that Jews have had a presence in to some degree for thousand's of years.

THAT IS TRUE ETHNIC CLEANSING there is no way you can even debate its not. "

- haha, enjoy ya beer @andy-mac, maybe treat yaself to two ;)
...two! ....that's about the same magic number of brain cells rabid noinfo has got on display ;);)

Just had a delicious red IPA... :)
Sorry double post... :/

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Friday, 2 Aug 2024 at 5:14pm

probably probably so...

<script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Friday, 2 Aug 2024 at 5:16pm

- wtf andy-mac : "Just had a delicious red IPA... :)"

..... a red one!
- u must be a commie ;)

(quick adjustment to eggspurt mode)


andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Friday, 2 Aug 2024 at 5:33pm
Jelly Flater wrote:

- wtf andy-mac : "Just had a delicious red IPA... :)"

..... a red one!
- u must be a commie ;)

(quick adjustment to eggspurt mode)

Haha that cracked me up!
It's ok though, onto a lager now .. ;)



blackers's picture
blackers's picture
blackers Friday, 2 Aug 2024 at 8:52pm

Noooooo. Not Fourex! The horror.

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Friday, 2 Aug 2024 at 9:01pm
blackers wrote:

Noooooo. Not Fourex! The horror.

Na, was a dummy pass.... On a local Sunny Coast craft...
We may miss out on waves, but not quality local brewed beers. :)

blackers's picture
blackers's picture
blackers Friday, 2 Aug 2024 at 9:07pm

Good man. The red IPA sounds tasty (and commie). Having a blood orange NEIPA meself.

Sprout's picture
Sprout's picture
Sprout Friday, 2 Aug 2024 at 9:36pm

@andy-mac Moffat Beach Brewing just released a fresh batch of Iggy Hop IIPA. Got into craft beer 15 years ago and it's still my favourite drop.

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Friday, 2 Aug 2024 at 9:56pm
Sprout wrote:

@andy-mac Moffat Beach Brewing just released a fresh batch of Iggy Hop IIPA. Got into craft beer 15 years ago and it's still my favourite drop.

That is a great beer. Delicious.
Will try and track some down tomorrow.
On tap at brewery?

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Friday, 2 Aug 2024 at 9:57pm
Sprout wrote:

@andy-mac Moffat Beach Brewing just released a fresh batch of Iggy Hop IIPA. Got into craft beer 15 years ago and it's still my favourite drop.

That is a great beer. Delicious.
Will try and track some down tomorrow.
On tap at brewery?

Sprout's picture
Sprout's picture
Sprout Friday, 2 Aug 2024 at 10:14pm

Yeah mate on tap at both breweries and in 4 pack cans around the place.

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Friday, 2 Aug 2024 at 10:15pm
Sprout wrote:

Yeah mate on tap at both breweries and in 4 pack cans around the place.

Shopping tomorrow.

seeds's picture
seeds's picture
seeds Friday, 2 Aug 2024 at 10:17pm

Coopers is my poison but xxxxBitter is alright.
Gold, nah. Shake my head at this Great Northern popularity. Cat’s piss. Worse even. 90% of bozos marching out of bottlos are carrying a 30 box. It’s disgusting!

seeds's picture
seeds's picture
seeds Friday, 2 Aug 2024 at 10:22pm

Trump and his hand movements?
Those bloody hand movements!!!

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Saturday, 3 Aug 2024 at 7:20am
seeds wrote:

Coopers is my poison but xxxxBitter is alright.
Gold, nah. Shake my head at this Great Northern popularity. Cat’s piss. Worse even. 90% of bozos marching out of bottlos are carrying a 30 box. It’s disgusting!

Agree, Great Northern is pretty much undrinkable.
XXXX Gold bit of a fridge filler, ok cold and low alcohol. But yeah not great.
I like Coopers, but don't mind dropping the coin every now and then for Black Hops pale ale, or moffs.
Larry's can go down ok, few friends drink that

etarip's picture
etarip's picture
etarip Saturday, 3 Aug 2024 at 8:19am
seeds wrote:

Trump and his hand movements?
Those bloody hand movements!!!

“The invisible acccordian”

etarip's picture
etarip's picture
etarip Saturday, 3 Aug 2024 at 8:22am

One thing we seem to have taken from the Seppos is craft beers that start at 5% ABV and go up from there. Sucks when you’re the desig driver when you go to a brewhouse and they only have one, crappy, mid-strength on the menu

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Saturday, 3 Aug 2024 at 8:35am
etarip wrote:

One thing we seem to have taken from the Seppos is craft beers that start at 5% ABV and go up from there. Sucks when you’re the desig driver when you go to a brewhouse and they only have one, crappy, mid-strength on the menu

Q. What has American beer and making love in a canoe got in common?

A. They're both fucking close to water...

Monty Python not talking about West Coast IPA's....

etarip's picture
etarip's picture
etarip Saturday, 3 Aug 2024 at 9:07am

Yeah: the standard ‘lite’ beers in the US, Bud, Coors, Miller etc are terrible.

The craft beer culture there has been strong for decades. Was a Thing there well before it was here. When I was living in the States I went to a number of craft brewing events. They were huge.

GreenJam's picture
GreenJam's picture
GreenJam Saturday, 3 Aug 2024 at 2:51pm

the 'Maggie mid' I tried the other day was definitely not crappy. Check out the brewery if ever on the island. They've got one called 'dank IPA' or something like that, based on the West Coast IPA thing, head brewer is from there

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Saturday, 3 Aug 2024 at 5:32pm

this is hilarious

not least how they all stand around like there's nothing 'weird' happening...

puppet democracy

2 puppets...

<script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

etarip's picture
etarip's picture
etarip Saturday, 3 Aug 2024 at 5:47pm

Fuck you’re a one track zealot Syppo.

Chill mate.

Or at least have a modicum of balance.

etarip's picture
etarip's picture
etarip Saturday, 3 Aug 2024 at 5:49pm
GreenJam wrote:

the 'Maggie mid' I tried the other day was definitely not crappy. Check out the brewery if ever on the island. They've got one called 'dank IPA' or something like that, based on the West Coast IPA thing, head brewer is from there

I’ll check it out Jammy. Always in the market for a decent mid-strength. Don’t drink much, or often, these days. But it’s nice to have an option to have a couple at a BBQ and drive. Or have a couple more at home and not buckle myself the next day.

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Saturday, 3 Aug 2024 at 7:15pm
etarip wrote:
GreenJam wrote:

the 'Maggie mid' I tried the other day was definitely not crappy. Check out the brewery if ever on the island. They've got one called 'dank IPA' or something like that, based on the West Coast IPA thing, head brewer is from there

I’ll check it out Jammy. Always in the market for a decent mid-strength. Don’t drink much, or often, these days. But it’s nice to have an option to have a couple at a BBQ and drive. Or have a couple more at home and not buckle myself the next day.

Try moffat beach brewery Social Jam.....

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Saturday, 3 Aug 2024 at 10:01pm
etarip wrote:

Fuck you’re a one track zealot Syppo.

Chill mate.

Or at least have a modicum of balance.

well mr. rip

do you offer any balance on anything trumpy?

it just bloody funny mate

hilariously so, all those crew standing around trying to stage manage a situation...

another one...

on top of another nother one...

biden is cooked, too cooked to be held accountable for his 'crimes'...

yet we're supposed to accept he's still running the show?

he's a puppet, being replaced by another (non elected) puppet

yet trump is a...

'threat to democracy'

fark off

the charade is now so ridiculous it is dangerous

sure, turn a blind eye for your own ideological comforting...

if you must...

but I will not...

I honestly cannot understand how an intelligent educated person such as yourself can...

etarip's picture
etarip's picture
etarip Saturday, 3 Aug 2024 at 10:13pm

Syppos on a rant. Night mate.

seeds's picture
seeds's picture
seeds Saturday, 3 Aug 2024 at 10:29pm

Ha, when isn’t he.
His last line sums it up.
Maybe intelligence is the opposite. Sometimes at least.
Probably most times.

adam12's picture
adam12's picture
adam12 Saturday, 3 Aug 2024 at 10:52pm
sypkan wrote:

this is hilarious

not least how they all stand around like there's nothing 'weird' happening...

puppet democracy

2 puppets...

<script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Dude just got back on the plane to thank the air crew.
Like the "wandering Joe" bullshit where they cropped the frame to make it look like he was wandering off on the NATO airstrip, when he walked over to talk to a parachutist.
Yes he's an old man, although just had a pretty significant diplomatic moment.
He's not 25th amendable.
Who are the puppets?
You really fall for bullshit like this?

ashsam's picture
ashsam's picture
ashsam Sunday, 4 Aug 2024 at 8:02am
seeds wrote:

Ha, when isn’t he.
His last line sums it up.
Maybe intelligence is the opposite. Sometimes at least.
Probably most times.

Not smart enough to be able use capital letters and paragraph lol ;)

lomah's picture
lomah's picture
lomah Sunday, 4 Aug 2024 at 9:37am

Ben/stu/craig do you guys use noaa data currently in your models? There are some articles floating around on the web to the effect that the project 25 charter is suggesting monetising weather data eg noaa. Thought you guys might be interested.

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Sunday, 4 Aug 2024 at 10:34am
lomah wrote:

Ben/stu/craig do you guys use noaa data currently in your models? There are some articles floating around on the web to the effect that the project 25 charter is suggesting monetising weather data eg noaa. Thought you guys might be interested.

Yeah Lomah, we've seen that come up through P25, however it's so deeply driven by ideology that it's hard to see it getting over the line. NOAA does far more than take measurements for climate forecasts - AGW is Project 25's main gripe. For instance, a hurricane is making its way up the Florida coast now and most of the information gleaned regarding its movements and hence evacuation measures, originate from NOAA instruments.

Appreciate the heads up.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Sunday, 4 Aug 2024 at 3:50pm

We all know Iran will have no choice to give a reply to Israel sometime in the near future and it could get very messy and the USA will be involved in some way to help buffer the attack that will likely be from Iran, Hezbollah, Houthis .

The whole debate of that aside.

If things escalate and USA has to get involved in some capacity.

Who does it favour Trump or Kamala?

And to what extent?

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Sunday, 4 Aug 2024 at 4:42pm


Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Monday, 5 Aug 2024 at 3:00pm



flollo's picture
flollo's picture
flollo Monday, 5 Aug 2024 at 9:36pm
indo-dreaming wrote:

We all know Iran will have no choice to give a reply to Israel sometime in the near future and it could get very messy and the USA will be involved in some way to help buffer the attack that will likely be from Iran, Hezbollah, Houthis .

The whole debate of that aside.

If things escalate and USA has to get involved in some capacity.

Who does it favour Trump or Kamala?

And to what extent?

I don’t think it favours either. Both will provide support to Israel at all costs. Kamala could have some issues within her party as some see Israel as their ideological enemy. Trump wouldn’t have those issues. But regardless, none of this would have a serious impact on the end result. Israel and the US are staunch allies.

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Monday, 5 Aug 2024 at 10:07pm

- plenty of opportunities to ummm... do a deal ;)


- nothing quite like ummm... a good deal... with guarantee$$$ ;);)
... then and now.


seeds's picture
seeds's picture
seeds Monday, 5 Aug 2024 at 10:55pm

The carrot cake of carrot cakes must have internally laughed at the big orange carrot cake during his tenure.

etarip's picture
etarip's picture
etarip Tuesday, 6 Aug 2024 at 7:04am


Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Tuesday, 6 Aug 2024 at 1:05pm




Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Tuesday, 6 Aug 2024 at 1:06pm


