The United States(!) of A

factotum's picture
factotum started the topic in Thursday, 27 Aug 2020 at 11:12am

Septic Tanks are going to Septic Tank

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Sunday, 28 Jul 2024 at 11:03pm
seeds wrote:

Some retrospective knowledge.

george caitlin... legend...

robert riech... doesn't just look a bit like a midget caitlin, singing from same song sheet...

'the transfer of wealth' numbers are very telling

choose your level of schooling... lectures...

netflix movie very good if you've got it


lecture pre trump


lecture post trump


sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Sunday, 28 Jul 2024 at 11:05pm

riech (and caitlin) saw all this coming...

even had answers

dems still not listening...

seeds's picture
seeds's picture
seeds Sunday, 28 Jul 2024 at 11:27pm

I’ll give em a watch tomorrow. Not that I’ll understand it.
Either way though I have a complete disdain for America.
What a shit show of a nation.
The leaders of the free world? Hehe too funny.

wax24's picture
wax24's picture
wax24 Monday, 29 Jul 2024 at 2:01am
seeds wrote:

I’ll give em a watch tomorrow. Not that I’ll understand it.
Either way though I have a complete disdain for America.

Fair enough, Seedsy. Long as you give Me a fair assessment, lol. You asked me the other day to pinpoint this current populist movement. And i gave my thoughts, such as they were, at that moment. Just gettin home from a night shift at a psych hospital. Give these vids a fair go. If i were more eloquent, this is pretty much the speeches i’d give. Go well, my friend.
What a shit show of a nation.
The leaders of the free world? Hehe too funny.

wax24's picture
wax24's picture
wax24 Monday, 29 Jul 2024 at 2:02am

(geez, i stuckbtjatvinbyjebwrimg spot. cringe. again. just settling in from psych world, lol.)

wax24's picture
wax24's picture
wax24 Monday, 29 Jul 2024 at 2:21am

Hey Syp. Thanx for posting these vids. As i said above, if i were smarter and more eloquent, this is what i’d be saying.
I dunno if this will make sense to you (i’ve tried to explain myself this way a few times a get glazed expressions, lol), but i try to take a Hot Air Balloon view of macro things, like politics. Close enough to see what’s goin on, at ground level, but detached enough to see the whole forest. I don’t like the folks who stand in front of any single tree, or even grove, screaming. That’s when real mistakes get made.
Anyways, i am in the camp of major reform is necessary. I’ve been touting Bernie Sanders ever since i first came upon him. That is my version of Solution. Recognize the problem, strengthen the system to solve it.
The current populist movement is fraught with emotion, wants to throw the baby out with the bath water, and will lead us to some very bad outcomes. The people in power of this movement are about nothing more than the seizure of power. Governance is an afterthought.
Tone down the rhetoric? Shit, that just scratches the surface, but must be done to move toward solution.
At work, we have Code Greens. That is a “psychiatric emergency.” Means a patient is losing their shit, to the point where de escalation is failing, and violence is at the door. You Run towards those. If you run with emotion, easy to do.. you’re scared, you’ll inevitably fail. Bad outcomes. You hafta run towards it but with calm. I find as i am arriving, time is slowing down. It’s a surreal feeling. Wish i could impart it to the populists.

burleigh's picture
burleigh's picture
burleigh Monday, 29 Jul 2024 at 8:56am
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Monday, 29 Jul 2024 at 9:36am


flollo's picture
flollo's picture
flollo Monday, 29 Jul 2024 at 10:12am
seeds wrote:

I’ll give em a watch tomorrow. Not that I’ll understand it.
Either way though I have a complete disdain for America.
What a shit show of a nation.
The leaders of the free world? Hehe too funny.

Every time I travel to the US I get surprised with how organised and well structured the country is. Well ahead of us in many things. (LA to be excluded from this).

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Monday, 29 Jul 2024 at 11:35am


seeds's picture
seeds's picture
seeds Monday, 29 Jul 2024 at 12:31pm
flollo wrote:
seeds wrote:

I’ll give em a watch tomorrow. Not that I’ll understand it.
Either way though I have a complete disdain for America.
What a shit show of a nation.
The leaders of the free world? Hehe too funny.

Every time I travel to the US I get surprised with how organised and well structured the country is. Well ahead of us in many things. (LA to be excluded from this).

Can’t comment on that myself flollo.
Just what I see of their politics, politicians and the absolutely fanatical crazies that treat their side like it’s a football team etc.
The widening wealth gap as Syp’s vids go into detail of.
And the crazy amount of guns and mass shootings.
Maybe the Dems are too vested and part of the wealthy @sypkan to really want to change anything.
Interesting old mate Reich’s take on what Trump proposes won’t change a thing as in more jobs but will drive up prices worsening the gap.
Basically Trump is gaslighting those that have been left behind for his own gain.
Not much different here. This two party politics in the West isn’t bringing everyone along for the ride.
Like Reich said it’s not good if you’re working hard and still falling behind. Not good that you need a degree to even have a chance in USA. At least that’s not like that here yet or is this cost of living crisis showing we are.

ashsam's picture
ashsam's picture
ashsam Monday, 29 Jul 2024 at 1:44pm
burleigh wrote:

Can’t wait!

Trump said: “Christians, get out and vote, just this time. “You won’t have to do it anymore. Four more years, you know what, it will be fixed, it will be fine, you won’t have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians.”

He added: “I love you Christians. I’m a Christian. I love you, get out, you gotta get out and vote. In four years, you don’t have to vote again, we’ll have it fixed so good you’re not going to have to vote,” Trump said.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Monday, 29 Jul 2024 at 2:09pm

from riech and caitlin, they both make the important point about the transition of wealth up. I forget the numbers, but basically the economy has doubled or quadrupled or whatever, yet the cut of pie for plebs has stayed the same, wages are flat...

most people in oz can relate to that too

this is despite improvements in technology, efficiency, 2 income families etc.

for me, the important point they both make, is they like people - as individuals... when you ACTUALLY talk to them, groups not so much...

wax and seeds make the tree and team analogies that basically say the same, everyone yelling and blaming each other...

is it any wonder, when we're all fighting for the same smaller piece of the pie?

throw massive immigration in there and you have a hot mess

riech is right about jobs not coming back in numbers, but if you invest in local communities, rather than chasing cheap labor overseas, that still has massive local economic stimulation effects, and jobs...

as vj likes to point out, the dems are already doing this large scale (oz labor not so much) as they basically stole, and continued, trump's (and bernie's) make america work again policies

the bit where the dems are delusional, is they still vehemently bag trump, whilst stealing his policies!

which is ok... it's politics... but the salt in the wound is, the reluctance, belatedness, and outright resistance the dems showed in doing so... the only thing that moved the belligerent rock... was covid...

that belligerent rock (and it's donors) still show resistance even now...


you're right seeds, dems now the party of big money, because of tech companies, uni's, a general 'evolution' and migration to the left, and 2008 bail outs, that baked them in as the party of wall st.

so it seems they cannot give all that up, especially for a bunch of hillbilly traditional dem voters...

but there's still plenty of traditional big money with the republicans too....

so what we now have, is two big parties that don't really give a fuck about little people, but must serve them lip service every few years at election time

it really is difficult to discern which party offers little people more at this point, as the right seem more flexible with their rigid ideology than the left do with their's....

riech's argument is people need to organise and unite

which is just so obviously true...

yet so obviously difficult...

with the cultural divides that have grown as a result of such growth in equality...

cultural divides that are constantly being fanned, stoked and exacerbated with accelerants

only one's perception, culture, and opinion, determines which side one thinks is worse in this regard...

velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno Monday, 29 Jul 2024 at 2:06pm

Hey wax24, those ones are called 'code greys' in the health system I get to be part of here. Had one happen nearby once when in ED, meth dude being tackled by all the security, about 4 guys, he shrugged them off as if having superhuman strength...

velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno Monday, 29 Jul 2024 at 2:10pm
zenagain wrote:

I was thinking the same.

After all, they're only human.

Supafreak wrote:
velocityjohnno wrote:

The hot looking babes could actually be real, Supa.

I followed back the first one and got hit with, “ do you want raunchy photos and blah blah blah , just some porn sites trying to grab some dollars . After following back the first one the flood gates opened .

Haha, that reminds me, great time to post this absolute classic of the internet. Caveat Emptor, gentlemen.

zenagain's picture
zenagain's picture
zenagain Monday, 29 Jul 2024 at 2:11pm

I'd call that a code brown.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Monday, 29 Jul 2024 at 2:30pm
ashsam wrote:
burleigh wrote:

Can’t wait!

Trump said: “Christians, get out and vote, just this time. “You won’t have to do it anymore. Four more years, you know what, it will be fixed, it will be fine, you won’t have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians.”

He added: “I love you Christians. I’m a Christian. I love you, get out, you gotta get out and vote. In four years, you don’t have to vote again, we’ll have it fixed so good you’re not going to have to vote,” Trump said.

trump the master troller...

dems out there screaming...

'trump just confirmed he will be a dictator'

'you need to vote this time or we will lose our chance to vote again'

'trump is threat to democracy'

blah blah blah...


when - in context - it was clear trump was talking about voter apathy, saying... we need you all to get out and vote this time, another four years everything will be fixed... and you can return to apathy...

but dems triggered and hysterical again...

manipulated - and manipulating - by a media sound bite

he gets them every time!

only mystery is... whether they do actually believe it...

some are whipped into such a media driven hysterical frenzy...

they clearly do

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Monday, 29 Jul 2024 at 3:36pm
Supafreak wrote: Important to read the comments to get the gist . BN looked a bit unsteady though

This is why Twitter, Instagram, Tik Tok, Facebook etc are terrible sources of information, short snippets like this are often very misleading and taken out of context and of course intentionally so to just spread misinformation and propaganda

It's obvious from the instagram poster that he wants you to think Trump is talking about Israel, of course he is talking about Hamas and other groups who have screwed over the so called Palestinian people.

The poster of the video also wants you to think its from Bibi's recent visit to USA.

ITS NOT, ITS FROM 2020 when Trump was in power and proposing a peace plan.

You can watch the whole video from 2020 here and see in what context things are talked about, you can also bet that the views and approach of Trump after 7th Oct and current war and 8 Americans still held captivate might not be the same as it was in 2020.

BTW. 2020 was also a pretty good year with less than 200 rockets fired at Israel from Palestine terrorist groups, although it didn't last long in 2021 they fired almost 4,000 rockets at Israel.

Oh and if you actually want to educate yourself a little about Trumps Peace plan for the region, here is a basic place to start if you cant be bothered watching the whole video.

"The Trump peace plan, officially titled "Peace to Prosperity: A Vision to Improve the Lives of the Palestinian and Israeli People", was a proposal by the Trump administration to resolve the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. President Donald Trump formally unveiled the plan in a White House press conference alongside Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on 28 January 2020. "

adam12's picture
adam12's picture
adam12 Monday, 29 Jul 2024 at 3:42pm

@Sypkan, nice contextualization there.
I posted that quote here days ago and... nothing.
@ashsam puts it up and out you come putting it in "context".
Maybe I post so much shit here I get skipped past or skim read, not worth reading maybe. Probably.
It took the MSM a few days to pick it up too.
I saw the speech, that wasn't my take out.
I take him at his word, if you can't see the pattern that has emerged in this man and his dangerous authoritarian bent, and that quote is just one of many, then I think you need to take the "mmm Dems, are bad mmmkay' sunnies off IMO.
Fortunately this deranged cnt is so fkn stupid, vain and greedy that he'd make a shit dictator if given the chance and fuck it up like the vast majority of his speeches, businesses, marriages, relationships, and his fkn Presidency. "Oh, he didn't start any wars."
Nah, just a fkn American insurrection because the baby man can't stand losing.
And he started trade wars, and to him it's all war, it's all grievance, it's all "vote for Trump to save America". From what?
"Radical Marxist Fascists blah blah bullshit"
(By the way, how can they be Marxists, and Fascists? Nonsensical bullshit that people just let fly, maybe because they don't understand the meaning of either as well.)
Or it's these magical "elites".
And you talk about old money propping up the GOP, what about Thiel and Musk?
There's elites all over, the billionaire class moulding democracy to their needs, fuck everyone else, both sides over there, unlike here in petrostate Australia, where they all sit on the right.
I'm sick of this prick bending reality and getting away with things that wouldn't be tolerated in anyone else, why? Because he's "news", he gets clicks and eyeballs?
He's a joke, of a man, a husband, a businessman, a father and a leader.
Trained up by none other than Roy Cohen himself, architect of McCarthyism, and schooled by such luminaries as Steve Bannon, currently in prison, and that fkn weasel little nazi piece of shit Steven Miller.
Has the whole world gone batshit fucking crazy?
Have I ?
I'm sick of people making excuses for the man.
He's a fkn train wreck, the last type of individual that should have any say or power in the direction of American democracy and the leadership of the free world, or the nuclear codes. Fuck me!
He is actually insane if you step back and have a look at the cnt.
So the left in America is flawed, I get it, we all get it.
But fuck me dead, have a look at the right!
Sold out their democracy and fell in line behind a man they all, all of them, thought was a joke and said so until they got that whiff of power he could deliver them and flipped.
McConnell, Cruz, Vance, Rubio, Collins, Graham, all of them, except Mitt Romney, bent over against their own beliefs about the man and lined up like the spineless power mad fuckers they are and have turned the Party of Lincoln into the Trump disaster. A disgrace.
How about you turn your critical eye on them and this fucking Trump moron and his moron VP pick, (not a couch fucker by the way, that's where they are at, who has expressed more divergent opinions on everything than the number of times he's changed his name.)
You are a smart guy Sypee, I like you, nothing personal, you are smarter than me.
But this line you take gets a bit boring, tedious, and is lop sided.
And if you can't tell, I'm in a filthy mood right now, having a bad day which is unusual for me, so sorry for my abrasiveness, but I do want you to cast that critical eye of yours in as much detail over the other side more.
There's a lot more material there.
I'd like your take on them as well.
I love your world view, but...

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Monday, 29 Jul 2024 at 3:43pm
adam12 wrote:

@Sypkan, nice contextualization there.
I posted that quote here days ago and... nothing.
@ashsam puts it up and out you come putting it in "context".
Maybe I post so much shit here I get skipped past or skim read, not worth reading maybe. Probably.
It took the MSM a few days to pick it up too.
I saw the speech, that wasn't my take out.
I take him at his word, if you can't see the pattern that has emerged in this man and his dangerous authoritarian bent, and that quote is just one of many, then I think you need to take the "mmm Dems, are bad mmmkay' sunnies off IMO.
Fortunately this deranged cnt is so fkn stupid, vain and greedy that he'd make a shit dictator if given the chance and fuck it up like the vast majority of his speeches, businesses, marriages, relationships, and his fkn Presidency. "Oh, he didn't start any wars."
Nah, just a fkn American insurrection because the baby man can't stand losing.
And he started trade wars, and to him it's all war, it's all grievance, it's all "vote for Trump to save America". From what?
"Radical Marxist Fascists blah blah bullshit"
(By the way, how can they be Marxists, and Fascists? Nonsensical bullshit that people just let fly, maybe because they don't understand the meaning of either as well.)
Or it's these magical "elites".
And you talk about old money propping up the GOP, what about Thiel and Musk?
There's elites all over, the billionaire class moulding democracy to their needs, fuck everyone else, both sides over there, unlike here in petrostate Australia, where they all sit on the right.
I'm sick of this prick bending reality and getting away with things that wouldn't be tolerated in anyone else, why? Because he's "news", he gets clicks and eyeballs?
He's a joke, of a man, a husband, a businessman, a father and a leader.
Trained up by none other than Roy Cohen himself, architect of McCarthyism, and schooled by such luminaries as Steve Bannon, currently in prison, and that fkn weasel little nazi piece of shit Steven Miller.
Has the whole world gone batshit fucking crazy?
I'm sick of people making excuses for the man.
He's a fkn train wreck, the last type of individual that should have any say or power in the direction of American democracy and the leadership of the free world, or the nuclear codes. Fuck me!
He is actually insane if you step back and have a look at the cnt.
So the left in America is flawed, I get it, we all get it.
But fuck me dead, have a look at the right!
Sold out their democracy and fell in line behind a man they all, all of them, thought was a joke and said so until they got that whiff of power he could deliver them and flipped.
McConnell, Cruz, Vance, Rubio, Collins, Graham, all of them, except Mitt Romney, bent over against their own beliefs about the man and lined up like the spineless power mad fuckers they are and have turned the Party of Lincoln into the Trump disaster. A disgrace.
How about you turn your critical eye on them and this fucking Trump moron and his moron VP pick, (not a couch fucker by the way, that's where they are at, who has expressed more divergent opinions on everything than the number of times he's changed his name.)
You are a smart guy Sypee, I like you, nothing personal, you are smarter than me.
But this line you take gets a bit boring, tedious, and is lop sided.
And if you can't tell, I'm in a filthy mood right now, having a bad day which is unusual for me, so sorry for my abrasiveness, but I do want you to cast that critical eye of yours in as much detail over the other side more.
There's a lot more material there.
I'd like your take on them as well.
I love your world view, but...

“ I love your world view, but...

Pot meets kettle.

velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno Monday, 29 Jul 2024 at 4:19pm

Code brown is taken Zen, iirc that one is a major health alert,, last time I saw it was when a dry front went through and there was a huge spike in asthma in the Melb hospitals so got told by the nurses that they had issued that with so many people in trouble.

with the code greys you can follow the rampage sometimes by the different departments mentioned over the PA as they go on...

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Monday, 29 Jul 2024 at 4:16pm
indo-dreaming wrote:
Supafreak wrote: Important to read the comments to get the gist . BN looked a bit unsteady though

This is why Twitter, Instagram, Tik Tok, Facebook etc are terrible sources of information, short snippets like this are often very misleading and taken out of context and of course intentionally so to just spread misinformation and propaganda

It's obvious from the instagram poster that he wants you to think Trump is talking about Israel, of course he is talking about Hamas and other groups who have screwed over the so called Palestinian people.

The poster of the video also wants you to think its from Bibi's recent visit to USA.

ITS NOT, ITS FROM 2020 when Trump was in power and proposing a peace plan.

You can watch the whole video from 2020 here and see in what context things are talked about, you can also bet that the views and approach of Trump after 7th Oct and current war and 8 Americans still held captivate might not be the same as it was in 2020.

BTW. 2020 was also a pretty good year with less than 200 rockets fired at Israel from Palestine terrorist groups, although it didn't last long in 2021 they fired almost 4,000 rockets at Israel.

Oh and if you actually want to educate yourself a little about Trumps Peace plan for the region, here is a basic place to start if you cant be bothered watching the whole video.

"The Trump peace plan, officially titled "Peace to Prosperity: A Vision to Improve the Lives of the Palestinian and Israeli People", was a proposal by the Trump administration to resolve the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. President Donald Trump formally unveiled the plan in a White House press conference alongside Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on 28 January 2020. "

@indo , just curious if you worked it out from memory or read the comments , as everything you have said was in the comments . I agree with you that those social media outlets you mentioned are full of misleading short clips, but the comments normally alert people to this if people care to read them .

Hiccups's picture
Hiccups's picture
Hiccups Monday, 29 Jul 2024 at 4:19pm

Who's George Caitlin?

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Monday, 29 Jul 2024 at 4:53pm

I didn't bite adam12 because I don't like dismantling everything you post, as I appreciate your take too

but, as you say, the media have picked it up and ran with it

as I said, he's a master troller...

he says the most outrageous things, lines and lines and lines of bullshit, then drops one little subtle diffuser line...

a little get out of jail free card

he gets his media reaction he is seeking... then has his little clause to fall back on...

he's been doing this for 8 years!

and the media are baited every time!

thats how he got 1000's of hours of free coverage election 2016

I forget who said it, and the exact words, but this description was spot on circa 2016...

'his followers don't take him seriously, and his enemies take him literally'

this still rings true today, the media have gotten wiser, and their is a known concerted effort not to amplify his every indiscretion due to 2016, so he has to play harder to even get coverage now, but he does

he plays em

his 'dictator for a day' played out exactly the same...

with the media going all... 'trump just admitted he'll be a dictator!!'

blah blah blah...

but - the context again - was... I'll be a dictator for day one to overturn biden's executive orders 're. the border and fix the problem...

he didn't say it'll stop, but he did clearly said for day one too

re. vance, and the never trumpers jumping on board... sure, there is self interest involved...

but also, I've seen it reported that trump sees this as an asset. is....

these people genuinely changed their position on him (some of them)

vance, cruz, et al... greg gutfield, david rubin, etc etc... ....even our own indod... have said...

words to the effect...

'...I thought he would be a disaster, I feared his first presidency... but he was actually alright, despite what the media claimed... he was good, the world didn't end, there was no new wars, and he actually did some good things...'

this isn't ridiculous... apparently a majority of people in the US actually agree with his policies - they just cannot stand the man...

re. me... I couldn't really give a shit at this point, I think he has served his purpose as a massive disruptor... he put the important stuff dems were in denial about on the political stage...


-china (pre covid!!!)


-globalisation generally

-woke stuff

-the MIC and endless wars!

he's served his purpose from my perspective - if only the dems could chill and get on with governing...

but they cannot!

they're still hysterical

still deranged

still doubling down on the ridiculous

still so fucking full of hypocrisy they are infuriating...

trump is trump... until you accept he has had a point or two, and was actually way ahead of the curve on a couple of things...

the division will never end

the dems opposing and reversing things purely because they were trumpy... just continues to bite them on the bum...

e.g iran deal, the border, immigration generally, nato, even energy now with the ukraine disaster

he's actually not dumb... considering him dumb was / is one of dems biggest mistakes...

especially when they are pushing kamala...

and before that, biden...

neither of them are that bright, biden even pre dementia...

they are no obama!

nor hilary...

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goofyfoot's picture
goofyfoot's picture
goofyfoot Monday, 29 Jul 2024 at 4:54pm
etarip wrote:


This is our little lady when we rescued her from a farm. She’d fallen behind her litter in training and wasn’t able to catch up.
Farmer was going to have to ‘get rid’ of her.

24/7 on that chain?

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Monday, 29 Jul 2024 at 5:10pm

@goofy , are you heading to gland anytime soon ? Looks like a month of continuous swell with some biggly days thrown in .

etarip's picture
etarip's picture
etarip Monday, 29 Jul 2024 at 5:15pm
goofyfoot wrote:
etarip wrote:


This is our little lady when we rescued her from a farm. She’d fallen behind her litter in training and wasn’t able to catch up.
Farmer was going to have to ‘get rid’ of her.

24/7 on that chain?

GF, I don’t think so. I hope not.
She’d been moved between two farms to try and get her the work she needed.
That was the photo I was sent by the guy who knew the farmer. We picked her up a few days later and the animals all seemed well looked after and she wasn’t chained up.

goofyfoot's picture
goofyfoot's picture
goofyfoot Monday, 29 Jul 2024 at 5:20pm
etarip wrote:
goofyfoot wrote:
etarip wrote:


This is our little lady when we rescued her from a farm. She’d fallen behind her litter in training and wasn’t able to catch up.
Farmer was going to have to ‘get rid’ of her.

24/7 on that chain?

GF, I don’t think so. I hope not.
She’d been moved between two farms to try and get her the work she needed.
That was the photo I was sent by the guy who knew the farmer. We picked her up a few days later and the animals all seemed well looked after and she wasn’t chained up.

Phew, what a ripper.

goofyfoot's picture
goofyfoot's picture
goofyfoot Monday, 29 Jul 2024 at 5:22pm
Supafreak wrote:

@goofy , are you heading to gland anytime soon ? Looks like a month of continuous swell with some biggly days thrown in .

Second week of September supa, it’ll probably go flat by the time I get there :-(
What an epic year they’ve had.
From my perspective anyway

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Monday, 29 Jul 2024 at 5:36pm
goofyfoot wrote:
Supafreak wrote:

@goofy , are you heading to gland anytime soon ? Looks like a month of continuous swell with some biggly days thrown in .

Second week of September supa, it’ll probably go flat by the time I get there :-(
What an epic year they’ve had.
From my perspective anyway

I’m heading sumba /rote for 2 months from 19 august. Yes it’s been a pretty good year and swells bound to keep coming so I reckon you will score .

etarip's picture
etarip's picture
etarip Monday, 29 Jul 2024 at 5:40pm
goofyfoot wrote:
etarip wrote:
goofyfoot wrote:
etarip wrote:


This is our little lady when we rescued her from a farm. She’d fallen behind her litter in training and wasn’t able to catch up.
Farmer was going to have to ‘get rid’ of her.

24/7 on that chain?

GF, I don’t think so. I hope not.
She’d been moved between two farms to try and get her the work she needed.
That was the photo I was sent by the guy who knew the farmer. We picked her up a few days later and the animals all seemed well looked after and she wasn’t chained up.

Phew, what a ripper.

She’s an absolute legend.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Monday, 29 Jul 2024 at 6:03pm
Supafreak wrote:
indo-dreaming wrote:
Supafreak wrote: Important to read the comments to get the gist . BN looked a bit unsteady though

This is why Twitter, Instagram, Tik Tok, Facebook etc are terrible sources of information, short snippets like this are often very misleading and taken out of context and of course intentionally so to just spread misinformation and propaganda

It's obvious from the instagram poster that he wants you to think Trump is talking about Israel, of course he is talking about Hamas and other groups who have screwed over the so called Palestinian people.

The poster of the video also wants you to think its from Bibi's recent visit to USA.

ITS NOT, ITS FROM 2020 when Trump was in power and proposing a peace plan.

You can watch the whole video from 2020 here and see in what context things are talked about, you can also bet that the views and approach of Trump after 7th Oct and current war and 8 Americans still held captivate might not be the same as it was in 2020.

BTW. 2020 was also a pretty good year with less than 200 rockets fired at Israel from Palestine terrorist groups, although it didn't last long in 2021 they fired almost 4,000 rockets at Israel.

Oh and if you actually want to educate yourself a little about Trumps Peace plan for the region, here is a basic place to start if you cant be bothered watching the whole video.

"The Trump peace plan, officially titled "Peace to Prosperity: A Vision to Improve the Lives of the Palestinian and Israeli People", was a proposal by the Trump administration to resolve the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. President Donald Trump formally unveiled the plan in a White House press conference alongside Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on 28 January 2020. "

@indo , just curious if you worked it out from memory or read the comments , as everything you have said was in the comments . I agree with you that those social media outlets you mentioned are full of misleading short clips, but the comments normally alert people to this if people care to read them .

Bit of both, i was pretty sure it wasn't a recent comment as id have come across it it would have made Israel/trump news, so yeah read the comments that supported that it was an old clip. so figured it would be around his peace deal period and yep same setting same clothes on both Trump and Bibi.

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Monday, 29 Jul 2024 at 6:39pm

@indo , has trump said anything lately about how he would handle hamas or a solution for gaza ? I know you follow the situation closely so just wondering what you may have read/heard .

zenagain's picture
zenagain's picture
zenagain Monday, 29 Jul 2024 at 6:45pm

Onya Eta, good man.

I know she's in good hands.

Adam, Syp et al enjoying the posts.

Mal Caithness1's picture
Mal Caithness1's picture
Mal Caithness1 Monday, 29 Jul 2024 at 9:04pm


Mal Caithness1's picture
Mal Caithness1's picture
Mal Caithness1 Monday, 29 Jul 2024 at 8:58pm
adam12 wrote:

@Sypkan, nice contextualization there.
I posted that quote here days ago and... nothing.
@ashsam puts it up and out you come putting it in "context".
Maybe I post so much shit here I get skipped past or skim read, not worth reading maybe. Probably.
It took the MSM a few days to pick it up too.
I saw the speech, that wasn't my take out.
I take him at his word, if you can't see the pattern that has emerged in this man and his dangerous authoritarian bent, and that quote is just one of many, then I think you need to take the "mmm Dems, are bad mmmkay' sunnies off IMO.
Fortunately this deranged cnt is so fkn stupid, vain and greedy that he'd make a shit dictator if given the chance and fuck it up like the vast majority of his speeches, businesses, marriages, relationships, and his fkn Presidency. "Oh, he didn't start any wars."
Nah, just a fkn American insurrection because the baby man can't stand losing.
And he started trade wars, and to him it's all war, it's all grievance, it's all "vote for Trump to save America". From what?
"Radical Marxist Fascists blah blah bullshit"
(By the way, how can they be Marxists, and Fascists? Nonsensical bullshit that people just let fly, maybe because they don't understand the meaning of either as well.)
Or it's these magical "elites".
And you talk about old money propping up the GOP, what about Thiel and Musk?
There's elites all over, the billionaire class moulding democracy to their needs, fuck everyone else, both sides over there, unlike here in petrostate Australia, where they all sit on the right.
I'm sick of this prick bending reality and getting away with things that wouldn't be tolerated in anyone else, why? Because he's "news", he gets clicks and eyeballs?
He's a joke, of a man, a husband, a businessman, a father and a leader.
Trained up by none other than Roy Cohen himself, architect of McCarthyism, and schooled by such luminaries as Steve Bannon, currently in prison, and that fkn weasel little nazi piece of shit Steven Miller.
Has the whole world gone batshit fucking crazy?
Have I ?
I'm sick of people making excuses for the man.
He's a fkn train wreck, the last type of individual that should have any say or power in the direction of American democracy and the leadership of the free world, or the nuclear codes. Fuck me!
He is actually insane if you step back and have a look at the cnt.
So the left in America is flawed, I get it, we all get it.
But fuck me dead, have a look at the right!
Sold out their democracy and fell in line behind a man they all, all of them, thought was a joke and said so until they got that whiff of power he could deliver them and flipped.
McConnell, Cruz, Vance, Rubio, Collins, Graham, all of them, except Mitt Romney, bent over against their own beliefs about the man and lined up like the spineless power mad fuckers they are and have turned the Party of Lincoln into the Trump disaster. A disgrace.
How about you turn your critical eye on them and this fucking Trump moron and his moron VP pick, (not a couch fucker by the way, that's where they are at, who has expressed more divergent opinions on everything than the number of times he's changed his name.)
You are a smart guy Sypee, I like you, nothing personal, you are smarter than me.
But this line you take gets a bit boring, tedious, and is lop sided.
And if you can't tell, I'm in a filthy mood right now, having a bad day which is unusual for me, so sorry for my abrasiveness, but I do want you to cast that critical eye of yours in as much detail over the other side more.
There's a lot more material there.
I'd like your take on them as well.
I love your world view, but...

FFs, unhinged TDS on steroids here. Take a Bex & lie down Boomer. RUOK? Chillax. Not everyone, thank fvck, agrees with ur banter.

AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Monday, 29 Jul 2024 at 9:19pm

Ah, the Oral Almanac from the west has chimed in with his usual word wizardry.
You can barely string a few words together.

What award has been bestowed upon oneself this week ?

Surely you’ve done something heroic, said something heroic or know some legendary hero/es Mal.

By all means, add something to this discussion, won’t happen, because it’s not about you.
That’s the only reason you chime in, Ding Dong. AW

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Monday, 29 Jul 2024 at 9:25pm



wax24's picture
wax24's picture
wax24 Tuesday, 30 Jul 2024 at 4:19am
velocityjohnno wrote:

Hey wax24, those ones are called 'code greys' in the health system I get to be part of here. Had one happen nearby once when in ED, meth dude being tackled by all the security, about 4 guys, he shrugged them off as if having superhuman strength...

Hey VJ. Yup, they’re called Code Greys here, too, in some hospitals. In others, such as mine, they’re Code Greens. Dunno why. But they’re a real hoot, lemme tell ya.

wax24's picture
wax24's picture
wax24 Tuesday, 30 Jul 2024 at 4:26am
flollo wrote:
seeds wrote:

I’ll give em a watch tomorrow. Not that I’ll understand it.
Either way though I have a complete disdain for America.
What a shit show of a nation.
The leaders of the free world? Hehe too funny.

Every time I travel to the US I get surprised with how organised and well structured the country is. Well ahead of us in many things. (LA to be excluded from this).

Yeah, Flollo, if anything positive about anything ever gets said, it will be proper to add (LA excluded from this…) lmao.
Dunno if you know, but LA and SF are bitter rivals on all fronts. The dags. lol

Mal Caithness1's picture
Mal Caithness1's picture
Mal Caithness1 Tuesday, 30 Jul 2024 at 7:52am
AlfredWallace wrote:
DAndrews Sictoria fanboys triggered much?
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Tuesday, 30 Jul 2024 at 9:30am



Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Tuesday, 30 Jul 2024 at 9:52am

Hahahaha JF , sent my two older sisters the queen clip . Waiting for a response .

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Tuesday, 30 Jul 2024 at 12:49pm



Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Tuesday, 30 Jul 2024 at 12:55pm

Harris raises $200 million and signs up 170k extra.

adam12's picture
adam12's picture
adam12 Tuesday, 30 Jul 2024 at 12:57pm

@MalCaithness1 said
"FFs, unhinged TDS on steroids here. Take a Bex & lie down Boomer. RUOK? Chillax. Not everyone, thank fvck, agrees with ur banter."

Yo Mal, thanks for the advice, I'll take it on board.
Yep, went a bit over the top there.
Had a bad day yesterday, had to vent a bit.
While we're handing out unsolicited advice, had a look at a photo of you standing next to a motorbike on Facebook just now.
Here's my tip.
If ya stand on a box you might have a better chance of getting your leg over it.

It's always the midgets that have the biggest mouths ay Mal.
No wonder they call you big wave Mal.
Pretty much everything must be overhead to you.
Good to chat Mal.
Let's do it again.

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Tuesday, 30 Jul 2024 at 1:05pm

^ haha, careful now ;)
- word on the street (from the backstreet boys) is that the mad malfunctioner has leather feathers and knows a few moves ;);)


Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Tuesday, 30 Jul 2024 at 1:07pm

170k extra *volunteers

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Tuesday, 30 Jul 2024 at 1:09pm
adam12 wrote:

@MalCaithness1 said
"FFs, unhinged TDS on steroids here. Take a Bex & lie down Boomer. RUOK? Chillax. Not everyone, thank fvck, agrees with ur banter."

Yo Mal, thanks for the advice, I'll take it on board.
Yep, went a bit over the top there.
Had a bad day yesterday, had to vent a bit.
While we're handing out unsolicited advice, had a look at a photo of you standing next to a motorbike on Facebook just now.
Here's my tip.
If ya stand on a box you might have a better chance of getting your leg over it.

It's always the midgets that have the biggest mouths ay Mal.
No wonder they call you big wave Mal.
Pretty much everything must be overhead to you.
Good to chat Mal.
Let's do it again.

Attacking a persons physical looks and stature.

Is poor form.

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Tuesday, 30 Jul 2024 at 1:11pm

^ but you both have such good taste in ummm tracksuits n stuff ;)


.... & the leather feather boss is certainly a multi skilled midget ;)
- whether it's standing on boxes, shitting on desks..... or just suckin his own dick ;);)
