Interesting things too


.... just part of the ongoing cultural wars

Only problem is that we idiot Aussies know better than the whole world put together.
'Hawkie' {RIP} (The 3 Blokes!) When up against it, we Aussies are real smart arses.
Pure Gold boat joke: Bertrand ('Frenchie) + Bond (Pommie) + Hawke (Aussie)

From article linked above.
Start to actively question your intuition and subjective opinions. Seek out the truth and ask for objective feedback. You should value this feedback more than your own opinions. When it comes to combatting the Dunning-Kruger effect, education and lifelong learning make up the foundation.
Truth and objectivity are some of the most important values when it comes to the development and functioning of society.
Because it can cloud our minds against objectivity, the Dunning-Kruger effect is an enemy. The main risk this phenomenon poses is that it can be contagious. So, don’t let yourself get caught up in it!
"Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge."
-- Charles Darwin
Don't think Davethe Rave would dig that.

Thanks for thinking for me freeride, that's awesome. Between you and Andy, you got me covered and yep, you know me better than I know myself now, so there's no need for me to do anyhing more except create my own reality. Now where's that bloody supermodel girlfriend of mine gone. Christ i must have been out of mind when i created her, too much bloody ego I'd say. Should have not listened to those Byron Bay hippysters.

be careful when you find your supermodel, Dave
of course this teaching could be subjective

Dave it's not so much a case of anyone thinking for you, it's more like putting your ego and your prejudices aside and considering what experts have to say.
Sure, they need to be questioned too but when the evidence is overwhelming, it's time to give it the credence it deserves.
It's ok to be honest and accept that you don't know everything and that making things up is part of the problem and not the solution.

VJ is the solution Andy. Two absolute classic shares today. I suggest you read his classic over on the Hawaiian Pro coverage today. That's the stuff I love to be inspired by, but of course I am subjective. Lighten up for God's sake.

Dave, I'm practically floating ;)
But on a more serious note, conversations with post-truthers invariably end in one of two ways - number one is "I don't care, you can't tell me what to do" and number two is "lighten up and don't take things so seriously".

Now you are seeing clearly Andy. I am pleased you did the chakra alignment that Guy Smiley so kindly supplied. John Wheeler, Max Planck, Bruce Lipton, Rupert Sheldrake, Gautama, Yeshua, Nielsen Border etc etc are all experts that quite clearly explain things. Even old mate's Eckhart and Wim, especially with many comparative studies done on him now, show that reality and constructs are a lot different to what many have been led to believe. But being a post truth, I won't take things too seriously and make it up as I go along, ha ha.
Life, no one's getting out alive.

Haha, narcissism and self-absorption full steam ahead!
Everyone else can get rooted.

Praise be to brother Dave...
tbb did maketh da' pilgrimage to thou green walls of Shambala.
Disciple Crg dared question these mysterious waves...(Cue: rumble of God effect)
Prophet Velocityjohnno did part the seas so each devout surfer got a sick barrel.
Disciple Crg reminded the prophet that parting the seas was a job for #1 Huey!
No matter the wave pool God...The 3 wise men gifted stickers for their sick barrels.
Flock are healing crippled a wave pool boss!..'good for a surf next month.'
6 years & a lifetime later.....tbb again walks on'n'wafers for whole crew.
All now feel the power of a hillsong coming on...request DJ davetherave for a Hymn

Ha Ha Ha that was a classic video link tbb.......... Oh My Deity, I remember wearing the high waisted flares and platform shoes! Waiting to be struck by lightening from the pyrocumulus (flammagenitus) clouds that are around due to all the fires!!!!!

Praise the Holy hand plane brother TBB, I feel a hymn acoming,
Re al I tee
It's all about me
Re al I tee
Y'all come along and see
Re al I tee
Come bow before me
Re al I tee
Now pay me my fee
Re al I tee
It's all about me
Re al I tee
Humour is the key
Re al I tee
I'm free to be me.
All views expressed here are not necessarily those of any deity living or deceased, fabricated or not but if you are seeking spiritual guidance there is a bloke called Brian who you should consult. Brian can be contacted through his agent, m, python, quite possibly a sinner posing as an apple seller.

Bwian is just a naughty boy......

Mum: Your father was a Roman Brian, his name was Naughtius Maxiumus, Promised me all the gold I could eat...........
Brian: What you were raped?
Mum: Errr at first, yes...
Classic stuff


Who wouldn't commit attrocities if they knew they could get away scot-free?

That's exactly my philosophy with chocolate biscuits in the house, but I think they may have cottoned on to me.
&tbb: does that mean you can surf on a board again? Well done, if so.

Interesting article Facto.
Libertarianism is a "teenage fantasy that we need to outgrow" - couldn't agree more and that applies across the whole political spectrum.

Ha ha .......because it worked so well in the Soviet Union?
"I think it not only depends on it but in fact the whole purpose of libertarian socialism is that it will contribute to it. It will contribute to a spiritual transformation — precisely that kind of great transformation in the way humans conceive of themselves and their ability to act, to decide, to create, to produce, to enquire — precisely that spiritual transformation that social thinkers from the left-Marxist traditions, from Luxembourg, say, through anarcho-syndicalists, have always emphasized."
Sounds like a quote from Trotsky.

So is libertarianism good or bad?
I see it as very close to the positive view of anarchism
a view Im quite partial to...
but chomsky is right, humans aren't bright enough for that yet
Yet its being thrust upon them through technology with the internet. developing somewhat organically. a phenomenom chomsky didn't see coming
but its facilitating chomsky's vision, but I dare say, just not how he'd like it to
the leftys the rightys, the business interests, the governments, the woke folk, the wankers, they all have totalitarian tendencies
and the people are rejecting them all.... thankfully....

libertarianism is being thrust upon us by the internet?
I'll have what you're smoking.
the internet is facilitating the exact opposite: the techno-surveillance state.

Its a battle between the two freeride, the powers have lost control of the narrative
they're now desperately trying to reign that loss in, unsucessfully, embarrassingly unsucessdully. the cats out of the bag. its only gonna become more about the clean 'accepted' vesion of events versus the version of the subversive pirate types
its just gonna be more like the china model sadly
cyberwarfare within countries

and just for the record
I find your average garden variety internet libertarian quite annoying
really really annoying actually

Not really flowing on from the comments above, but whatever, this is MY SPACE and I can say whatever I WANT!
I always figured Libertarianism to be the opposite of Guevara's quote about trembling with indignation at every injustice, as it considers each person a separate unit cut off from society, and therefore without empathy for others. The extremes being Ayn Rand and those who believe poor and oppressed people deserve their fate.
That's the other thing, how many poor or dispossessed Libertarians are there? It's a luxury of the well off. A way to assuage good fortune and put it all down to hard work.

Ummm, Stu, I’ll do the intermittent caps lock shouting around here if you don’t mind.

Actually that reads more like petulance than Libertarian, doesn't it?
Sorry to step on your toes.

Can I get an example of a libertarian opinion. Still not sure if I’m grasping the concept ? Who, if anyone, would be defined as libertarian on here ?
A stereotypical recreation of a standard post will be just the ticket if anyone’s game.

It’s very hard to avoid stepping on the toes of the petulant. Their toes are extremely large and eminently sensitive.
I myself am forced to wear size 24 shoes.

Mate, I don't care if it is Gnome Chomsky.

a very valid example stunet
but I reckon there's many kinds of libertarianism, and its more a trend rather than a thing
"Can I get an example of a libertarian opinion. Still not sure if I’m grasping the concept ? Who, if anyone, would be defined as libertarian on here ?"
discostu, david koch
long gone, mysteriously, surprisingly, with trump doing all that winning

Blowin, I'd be Libertarian on here, money wise at least.
Let the people decide what holds value and what is a form of exchange. Let the people decide the time-value of money (aka the interest rate, or conditions of lending for enterprise). Let the people place value on things through their human action between each other - ie establish pricing; on everything from chocolate bars to real estate to financial assets.
It's definitely a different philosophy to what we have now; where governments decide by fiat the medium of exchange; where central banks (chapter 5 in "the Communist manifesto" is the need for a central bank) set the rate of interest; where currency (in the form of a loan) is established at the click of a computer button when you sign up; and where QE funny munny is juiced out of thin air and inflates bubble after bubble in RE, stockmarkets, commodities, classic cars, art etc etc etc
How about something more honest? Nothing teenager about it, it's been done again and again over the last 5000 years.
For when one interesting things thread isn't enough.