The United States(!) of A

factotum's picture
factotum started the topic in Thursday, 27 Aug 2020 at 11:12am

Septic Tanks are going to Septic Tank

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Tuesday, 23 Jul 2024 at 2:23pm

I just wrote a pretty lengthy post here and deleted it, so will try again making it brief. Doh.

“Putin and the Russian elite have made it very well known they will not accept any NATO members on their border ever, even if they have to resort to nuclear weapons. This has been the case since end of Cold War.”

Russia is bordered by Norway, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Finland. All of whom are NATO states.

Ok I was incorrect and worded my thoughts wrong.
I was referring to ex-Soviet States becoming members and only Latvia and Estonia are. Finland was never part of the USSR, Norway does not border Russia.
If you look at the map you can see Ukraine has the positioned in a very strategic spot between the West and Russia, a lot more threatening than the other countries mentioned., I guess this is the final straw for Russia.
Was not Russia given assurance at the end of the Cold Was it NATO would not expand east?
Again, not commenting on the ethics, but cannot see Russia allowing Ukraine to join NATO (or win war) any more than the USA allowing a Russian base in Cuba, or a Chinese base to Mexico.
They see this expansion as an existential threat and have said they would resort to nuclear if they have to. My understanding is that all of Russia's political elite are on the same page as this.
But hey, I could be wrong.

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Tuesday, 23 Jul 2024 at 2:35pm

The Dems work on the 3 Ms.... Machine, money, message

Machine. ie the back room. They have opened up about 200 fully staffed campaign office throughout the USA. They are paying door knockers and a huge amount of people to get out all over the USA to engage with voters and to spread the word. Trump has zero office and zero paid staff.

Money. Not a problem, the funding is starting to come back. 85% of tech companies and billionaires are backing Biden..Trump has a couple off weird as fuck billionaires. Make no is more in the Dem camp.

Message. This is the thing the Dems need to work on. They have yet to find a clear message for Harris. She will probably go hard on women's issues as Trump and co have removed their rights to decide what they do with their bodies..she will kill Trump and co with this message (amongst others)

Sprout's picture
Sprout's picture
Sprout Tuesday, 23 Jul 2024 at 2:46pm

I hope Kamala picks Buttigieg as running mate for the absolute meltdown the orange manbaby and his cult will have if they lose to a black woman and a gay man.

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Tuesday, 23 Jul 2024 at 3:00pm

(nighttime. a lonely nuclear sub has surfaced in a calm sea. two figures stand topside.)

Petty Officer Johnson: "where is everyone, Captain? are we alone out here?"

Captain: (drops binoculars from his eyes) "yes, probably we are, Johnson.. I'm afraid everyone else is fighting a war. All online now, you see, Johnson."

(awkward pause)

Petty Officer Johnson: "sir...?"

Captain: "yes, Johnson?"

Petty Officer Johnson: "I still pay my bills at the Post Office when I'm ashore... with cash.."

Captain: (smiles and puts his hand on Petty Officer's shoulder) "thank you, Johnson. Thank you."

(pause. Captain looks off to the moonlit sea with an unmilitary malaise)

Captain: "I sometimes wonder what it has all been for..."

Petty Officer Johnson: "well, Captain, quite a lot of Port Power supporters got some very good jobs during construction.."

Captain: (sighs. his lips tighten) "..yes, Johnson.. and there's that as well.."

Roker's picture
Roker's picture
Roker Tuesday, 23 Jul 2024 at 2:48pm

Great stuff VJ.

I’m well out of my depth here - but that’s never stopped me before.

Some of the new conservatives seem to have a real cultural affinity with Putin. I can kinda see the broad point, but find it incomprehensible that Putin’s become a poster boy in the US - even in the culture wars.

I thought Project 2025 says get out of Europe and load up in the Pacific to keep Taiwan safe and to thwart Chinese expansionism generally? Vance quoted as saying he’s ‘a fan of AUKUS.’ Bannon really despises China.

I’ve heard it said that there was a similar sense of fatalism in Germany prior to WW1. A feeling that that war with Russia was inevitable. That they were fast transitioning into a huge industrial power.

In World Cup terms, as someone put it, war with Russia akin to getting drawn against Brazil in the round of 16. We’re gonna have to play them anyway, so better to get it out of the way early. Are things that bad now?

One theory goes that Russia allied with Serbia cos it didn’t want the Teutons encroaching further towards the Bosporus, threatening its Black Sea access to Europe. If the Teutons hadn’t’ve gone all blank check in the Balkans, limit themselves to annexing Belgrade say, fair chance the Russians stay out, like they had already done a couple of times prior, and the whole thing’s avoided.

Seems the Black Sea is at the heart of the current situation too. From the Russian pov - Europe/NATO encroaching far too close towards its key strategic and trade territory.

Are conservatives pro Russia or just realists? Who see the need to restore the balance. If Trump helps negotiate a settlement that involves Crimea, reaches some clever detente over Ukraine, might save a whole lotta trouble down the road.

Biden’s strategy of weakening Russia by bleeding it out slowly looked like it was working, but seems to have now backfired. Looks like it’s the Ukrainian people who are dying a slow death.

I’d prefer not to have to play Brazil at all.

And I was plugging in a ColecoVision. Pretty obvious I wasn’t playing Battleship. But wish I hadn’t’ve chucked out me ColecoVision. Didn’t have PacMan, but the graphics shat all over Atari.

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Tuesday, 23 Jul 2024 at 3:02pm

- maybe a pen, a piece of paper and hangman will do
..... whether it's old school, now or in z robot future's the same game ;)

Players are rotated
- til the subs arrive ;);)

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Tuesday, 23 Jul 2024 at 3:05pm




Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Tuesday, 23 Jul 2024 at 3:09pm
Sprout wrote:

I hope Kamala picks Buttigieg as running mate for the absolute meltdown the orange manbaby and his cult will have if they lose to a black woman and a gay man.

It looks like Harris has enough support now to pick up the nomination.

Buttigieg or Shapiro will probably be the pick for running mate.

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Tuesday, 23 Jul 2024 at 3:12pm

I focus's picture
I focus's picture
I focus Tuesday, 23 Jul 2024 at 3:12pm

@VJ asked "why are all conservatives pro-Russia? "

Is part of the reason that conservatives see Western Europe as extreme left wing?

Hence Putin the savior of cultural conservative principles.

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Tuesday, 23 Jul 2024 at 3:47pm

Or is that Russia has always existed .

It's a Powerhouse ( not so much now ) that's been a powerbroker on the Earth 4 a few hundred years , boarders defined .

Guessing the people think they deserve respect and peace .

Like the Chinese , the Russians had been doing quite well , over the last 10-15 years , mainly under Putin .

That Ukraine wanted to join NATO and then get nukes , broke Russia's back .

The War was on a fuse to go off , immediately after the Olympic's in China .

The Ukrainians were sold a Lemon and have paid the Ultimate price .

Russia's ties , with everyone except NATO , have become stronger .

Russia is anti woke , as went through it with the mad commies , ask them .

Or is it , that the US , has lost it's morals and marbles atm ?

velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno Tuesday, 23 Jul 2024 at 3:47pm
stunet wrote:

It's 1984 and young kids all over are plugging in Pac-Man, except for young VJ who refuses to pack up his Battleship boardgame.

Actually Stu,

velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno Tuesday, 23 Jul 2024 at 4:03pm
Roker wrote:

Are things that bad now?

Solid post there Roker, I'm really concerned. The inevitability - it's not so much that but each event seems to solidify one camp or the other, as well as Cold War style coups and subterfuge playing out in periphery areas such as Africa, South Atlantic. Every time a big war machine has been built, be it an army or a fleet, it's been used - with possible exception the Terra Cotta soldiers :) I read of lots of preparation going on, both sides. There's a war going on in Europe too, so in a sense it's already started. If Trump were to instantly diffuse that, it would give time to feel relaxed at home once more. Wouldn't necessarily stop all the re-arming and positioning.

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Tuesday, 23 Jul 2024 at 4:25pm
velocityjohnno wrote:
Roker wrote:

Are things that bad now?

Solid post there Roker, I'm really concerned. The inevitability - it's not so much that but each event seems to solidify one camp or the other, as well as Cold War style coups and subterfuge playing out in periphery areas such as Africa, South Atlantic. Every time a big war machine has been built, be it an army or a fleet, it's been used - with possible exception the Terra Cotta soldiers :) I read of lots of preparation going on, both sides. There's a war going on in Europe too, so in a sense it's already started. If Trump were to instantly diffuse that, it would give time to feel relaxed at home once more. Wouldn't necessarily stop all the re-arming and positioning.

We should then rightly so be very concerned about the USA!
Easily out spending the rest of the world.

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Tuesday, 23 Jul 2024 at 4:31pm

Tony blows apart the swellnet Popsicle Stand Conspiracy Theory.
High Court rules Ex PM's can Drop in on any local, at crunch time, at any break!

Action Man Tony Goes with the da' House.

[2:15] Weekend @ Burnie's Hacker ~ Tony's Mini Mal > Play Pal Pike)

Longboarder Tony the Sunny Skin Shredder Snakes Poison Ivy

SUP'er Tony trawlin' for a Sea Cucumber Sponge Cake

PM Tony turns Pro to Wipe out Prez Joe

Big Wave Tour Pro Tony Fin Chops himself & Snaps it...frothin' grey army grom wets his boardies! Mine!

[ Locals Only Tony ] Teaches illegal Blow in a Lesson

Pro Tony the Chiko Chix Magnet...Vote in the News Poll : Who wants to wake up with Tony!

Action Man wins Tony Award in ministerial Surf Montage

Dumbass Oz PM Log Jamz the US Prez Basher ...thanx for the Clambake Briquette ya Kook!

etarip's picture
etarip's picture
etarip Tuesday, 23 Jul 2024 at 4:53pm
andy-mac wrote:

I just wrote a pretty lengthy post here and deleted it, so will try again making it brief. Doh.

Norway does not border Russia.

But hey, I could be wrong.

It does. Over 200km of land border, let alone extensive maritime boundaries through the strategically important Arctic.

But, that doesn’t detract from the strategic position of Ukraine vis a vis Russia. That is important if you’re thinking of a land invasion a la Napoleon 1812 or Hitler 1941. No NATO country, or even combination of, is capable of doing that. At least not without years of build up and preparation. Like actually physically moving millions of personnel and the equipment to support them, as well as all of the logistics behind that, to the assembly areas. Not just ‘having’ them.

NATO is closer to Moscow and St Petersburg through the Baltic states than via Ukraine.

Not that any of that matters when the primary delivery mechanism for nukes are sub-launched intercontinental missiles, not the Cold War era land-based medium range missiles.

The threat of Ukraine’s growing closeness to the West in Putin’s calculation wasn’t as much military as it was social and economic.

Putin’s war was opportunistic, not existential.

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Tuesday, 23 Jul 2024 at 4:45pm

Roker is spot on .

You are right 2 Andy-mac .

What makes it even worse , those currently making the decisions on whether to USE the weapons , want 2 , desperately .

Europe are getting ready for it , more lambs 4 the .... .

One reason is to keep their businesses flying , but the Main reason is to Cancel some Debt and Stuff up Trump .

It will add another dimension to the election , could even delay or stuff it up , completely .

So in other words , Anything could happen and we are in an UnVennable predicament , again .

Trump the Muppet , will need 2B Super Trump , faster than a speeding bullet and more Powerful than a Loco Locomotive .

I sure hope he can stop a war or 2 .

Kamala's Team , started it .

Right back to Obama and the Minsk VennAgreement .

If Europe can sign an Abraham Type Agreement and Live Up to it .

It then gives the M.E. a chance 2 .

Trump could really B the Trump Card !

An unlikely type , but a bloody chance imho .

etarip's picture
etarip's picture
etarip Tuesday, 23 Jul 2024 at 5:17pm
Jelly Flater wrote:

- good points if u wish to break it down like that el pirate
Things do change - are we the british empire.... or straya ;)

It's like our own national chauvinism
- remember when we 'liberated' iraq ;)

I’d certainly agree with that. My thoughts on the Iraq war are on record. At the time, in the military, I argued that it was geostrategic folly and not based in law.

And back to ze Russians… a couple of points:
- I’m not sure if they include the 3000 deaths of their troops from their invasion of Poland in 1939 in their overall WW2 casualties. Or are they counted in their then German allies figures…? Technicalities!
- or the 300000 casualties they took when they invaded Finland in 1939. Interestingly, it was this invasion that had them expelled from the League of Nations. Scandalous!
- somewhere in the order of 55% of the 3.6million Soviet prisoners taken by the Nazis died in captivity. Of the remainder that were repatriated after the war, almost 30% were sent to labor camps, the gulag or executed!
- part of the reason the USSR lost so many men in the war was because they had executed or exiled the majority of their competent military commanders prior to the war and so took a couple of years to build a competent army.

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Tuesday, 23 Jul 2024 at 6:13pm
etarip wrote:
andy-mac wrote:

I just wrote a pretty lengthy post here and deleted it, so will try again making it brief. Doh.

Norway does not border Russia.

But hey, I could be wrong.

It does. Over 200km of land border, let alone extensive maritime boundaries through the strategically important Arctic.

But, that doesn’t detract from the strategic position of Ukraine vis a vis Russia. That is important if you’re thinking of a land invasion a la Napoleon 1812 or Hitler 1941. No NATO country, or even combination of, is capable of doing that. At least not without years of build up and preparation. Like actually physically moving millions of personnel and the equipment to support them, as well as all of the logistics behind that, to the assembly areas. Not just ‘having’ them.

NATO is closer to Moscow and St Petersburg through the Baltic states than via Ukraine.

Not that any of that matters when the primary delivery mechanism for nukes are sub-launched intercontinental missiles, not the Cold War era land-based medium range missiles.

The threat of Ukraine’s growing closeness to the West in Putin’s calculation wasn’t as much military as it was social and economic.

Putin’s war was opportunistic, not existential.

Yep I'm wrong re border, forget about north.

Why is NATO/ USA so keen to get Ukraine on board then if no strategic value as you mentioned?

Seriously, why would Russia invade, just opportunistic? What benefit is it to them besides perceived national security?

Anyway no winners there except armament corporations.

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Tuesday, 23 Jul 2024 at 6:43pm

2nd Gentleman Doug invited Netanyahu to seat at the head of Anti Semite White House Round Table!

The Devil is in the House

The Monster has #1 US Kosher Hubby serve him up an extra heapin' helpin' Genocide Package.

Interim US Prez Netanyahu has ordered woke lap dog Trump to his White House Presidential Suite.

Don't have to wait to see who won the US Election...
White House landlord Netanyahu has requested both US Prez Candidates bring him gifts!
Joe : Welcome to your New Holy Land, It's Sick I'll tell ya!
Like Stealing The Candy Shop from the World's biggest Baby!
Everyone just give the Monster what he wants...and big babies better keep outta his way!

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Tuesday, 23 Jul 2024 at 6:55pm
Pop Down wrote:

Or is that Russia has always existed .

It's a Powerhouse ( not so much now ) that's been a powerbroker on the Earth 4 a few hundred years , boarders defined .

Guessing the people think they deserve respect and peace .

Like the Chinese , the Russians had been doing quite well , over the last 10-15 years , mainly under Putin .

That Ukraine wanted to join NATO and then get nukes , broke Russia's back .

The War was on a fuse to go off , immediately after the Olympic's in China .

The Ukrainians were sold a Lemon and have paid the Ultimate price .

Russia's ties , with everyone except NATO , have become stronger .

Russia is anti woke , as went through it with the mad commies , ask them .

Or is it , that the US , has lost it's morals and marbles atm ?

if you scratch about a bit @PopD. generalisations tend to show conflation of a diversity of real people's lived experiences (interesting list of ex-commo-country polling in the wiki below), depends who you are, where you live, and the bit of pie you got to eat. The Russians are in the minority, in that a big bunch of them, particularly the older ones, miss it:

"Russia. Polling data from the Levada Center since 1992 shows consistent rates of regret for the Dissolution of the Soviet Union, with the most recent poll in 2021 finding that 63% of Russians regret the dissolution, with only 28% saying they do not regret its dissolution."

AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Tuesday, 23 Jul 2024 at 7:12pm
Pop Down wrote:

A great discussion !

So U have eaten an Onion Waxy , that so cool .

A bit of Spanish onion is lovely in a Greek Salad .

Abbott is really out there , on the Fox Board , but is a Surfer , so crazy good imho .

Adam12 2 , he does remember the Classic Speeches and not so classic 2 :) !

The Silent Majority , I think we have 1 2 !

Maybe not as big , as the US ?

So interesting that they were able to STOP the President , going into WW2 !!!

It WAS a big mistake , but love that they were able to Enforce their View .

America was always so different , the people had power to defend themselves !

Don't Fuck with the people , be U a King or a Queen , get nicked !

This Group WILL decided the fate of the World again .

The NEOCON's will , as now shit scarred of Trump winning , REALLY try and start WW3 .

The Blocks are in place , there is Massive Government Dept to wipe Out and they don't care about the Human cost .

Something terrible , that Trump can't stop .

My guess is the Silent Majority , now KNOWS what the Establishment are up 2 .

The Establishment has gone Way too Far , being unAmerican Tyrants !

Now Not working 4 , the Silent Majority .

They did stuff UP in WW2 , the cavalry came way too late then .

THIS time THEY can show us , how to Stop the Crap and stop WW3 happening in 2-3 years , IF they can Enforce their Views again .

Bon Chance !


Watching the Web cams on SN , looking for a Flying Blue Bandicoot and about to find a new , Devine Madman's Pad .

Another interesting day , on Planet Earth !

PopDown. Howdy doody partner. (US political theme)

Love a red onion, especially on home made pizzas.
It’s worth noting that most red onions in Oz are exported from the US.

Devine and completely Mad surf today.
Day 3 didn’t disappoint at all.
4-6ft, mild weather, early North wind, mutated to NW, little windy and notably very few around.

Even around 4-5.00pm Wink Wink was doing ok for numbers

There was a guy at WW1 riding a totally blue board, he was ripping and getting barrelled nearly everytime he took off on a set bomb.
It was not me.

It’s on the cam around 3.00-4.00pm. All the best.

My Pies are cooked.

Your Demonic cavalry are still in the slow-cooker.. AW

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Tuesday, 23 Jul 2024 at 7:53pm

my 2 cents on VJ's (probably rhetorical) question of why conservatives support Russia, I know a lot of conservatives, many I respect, and their Russia sympathy stems from generational, class and cultural elements, I reckon. And respect for a sparring-partner through the space race.

They also might have studied Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, seen Dr Zhivago as a young un, hated Germany with a an-enemy-of-my-enemy-is-a-friend level passion, enjoyed the arts i.e. Diaghilev's ballet Russes or Russian classical music, or like the principles behind the Russian Revolution... or enjoyed the characters in Bond, or John le Carré novels, good, bad, or ambiguous.

US ones might even just dig their local history, had Bombe Alaska in fancy hotels, discussed the Alaska purchase from Russia, Russian royalty refugees, or their grandmother's Faberge necklace.

I know a couple of conservatives that would LOVE to visit Russia if they ever feel it is safe because 'it is like our culture, but different'.  'Our' culture meaning an anachronistic conservative, no-nonsense, non-woke version of the west.  In their head it would be like visiting a cold and austere version of the 1950s, like being in a living, welcoming, version of Shaun Tan's the Arrival..  different ways, signs, language and hats, but nostalgically familiar.  Where their dollar buys more than the locals can.

But it's not Asia or the Middle East.  Still Christian, as many have stated above.  And Certainly not China. It is still the West.

Obviously, strategic too, but I'm just talking 'everyman' conservatives.

My first introduction to the place, was to know it was somehow funny when the tubby bald guy with a purple splotch on his head was on the cover of Mad Magazine..

(^ holy cow, AW, is that correct re US red onions??)

wax24's picture
wax24's picture
wax24 Tuesday, 23 Jul 2024 at 7:39pm
indo-dreaming wrote:
old-dog wrote:

Calling Tony a surfer is a bit like calling Middleton a point break. It could be seen as technically correct by some, but far from reality. I lived and breathed surfing for years and became reasonably proficient before I felt comfortable to call myself a "surfer". I guess these days every 9 year old chick with a pink softie in the corner of their bedroom is a surfer. Cheers.

Its an interesting thought, when does one become a surfer.?

Ive seen articles and pics of him surfing proper peeling waves and at proper spots, even a pic of him on an overhead wave and read in an article where he is going for his third surf in a day and surfing pretty much daily while on holidays.

Id say he passes as a surfer but yes 100% a kook.

Whenever anyone calls me a surfer, i mildly correct them and say, "no, i'm a guy who surfs."
Part to do with Old-Dogs perspective, and part to do with i just don't want the pressure of representing whatever that means to that person.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Tuesday, 23 Jul 2024 at 7:47pm
adam12 wrote:

@VJ asked "why are all conservatives pro-Russia? "
Great question.
Maybe not all the GOP, but it's had me puzzled since Trump won the first time.
Maybe some of our resident conservatives can enlighten us.
Maybe @Sypkan? (not a conservative, but cluey about such things)

Conservatives are definitely not all pro Russia, i always thought most are against Russia and side more with Ukraine as Russia has always been the enemy.

But im just going by what i see on social media and some social/poltical commentary from channels like Triggernometry(one of the guys is Russian but anti Russian)

But yeah there is some conservative figures that seem to be leaning towards Russia, and then there is Trumps position.

In USA i think its more an attitude of supplying/supporting Ukraine is kind of seen as pointless especially at this stage almost three years in, the attitude being Russia can just hang in there and outlast them in $ and troops, and that money would better spent at home or even in Israel.

But yeah it's not something i've followed much.

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Tuesday, 23 Jul 2024 at 7:49pm
etarip wrote:
andy-mac wrote:

I just wrote a pretty lengthy post here and deleted it, so will try again making it brief. Doh.

Norway does not border Russia.

But hey, I could be wrong.

It does. Over 200km of land border, let alone extensive maritime boundaries through the strategically important Arctic.

But, that doesn’t detract from the strategic position of Ukraine vis a vis Russia. That is important if you’re thinking of a land invasion a la Napoleon 1812 or Hitler 1941. No NATO country, or even combination of, is capable of doing that. At least not without years of build up and preparation. Like actually physically moving millions of personnel and the equipment to support them, as well as all of the logistics behind that, to the assembly areas. Not just ‘having’ them.

NATO is closer to Moscow and St Petersburg through the Baltic states than via Ukraine.

Not that any of that matters when the primary delivery mechanism for nukes are sub-launched intercontinental missiles, not the Cold War era land-based medium range missiles.

The threat of Ukraine’s growing closeness to the West in Putin’s calculation wasn’t as much military as it was social and economic.

Putin’s war was opportunistic, not existential.

""But for politicians and pundits to chortle that Putin’s war was “unprovoked” is simply wrong. We clearly played a role in provoking this war and only the United States could provide the security guarantees to both Ukraine and to Russia that would end it. ""

wax24's picture
wax24's picture
wax24 Tuesday, 23 Jul 2024 at 7:51pm
velocityjohnno wrote:

So Joe has not decided to run, a requiem. His team did some very good things, they continued Trumps trade positions (which were a revolutionary slap and needed by a country that had lost 5 million manufacturing jobs), they intensified them and then did some real work to support their own industry, such as giving Intel the helping hand when they fell behind the semiconductor curve, such as the Inflation Reduction Act's making it attractive for the worlds tech/green tech to head to the States, increasing the tariffs to avoid dumping as the Chinese have tried to pivot from RE to exporting excess for growth. I even heard of new steelmills being built in the States, unheard of! Good employment for working people, with much lower house prices than here as they successfully tamed inflation in a way we haven't been able to. Imagine that. The price of this was extra debt, measured in the trillions.

They gathered and collected their allies, very important right now, and much better than pissing them off. They continued the pivot to the Pacific begun under Obama, continued under Trump. They funded against Russian expansion into Europe - why are all conservatives pro-Russia? If you ignore them now, you will have to deal with them later in a much weaker position - or they will deal with you. We're at that stage now, sorry. Other things Biden and team stuffed completely - countries have borders. The woke wars alienate the silent majority. And the 2020 election was very weird in places.

It now looks like Trump will win, and he's ready to reshape those institutions which defied him. A weird isolationism will develop, more bellicose to China and going easier on Russia - while the two work together. How will US allies be treated? A hugely important question as of the enormous rearmament going on in the former Soviet nations and their allies.

Cheers, VJ. The Dems are awful at boasting about what they've gotten right. That vacuum has been filled by shrieking populist voices. Of course, they've gotten stuff wrong, too,, some of which you touch on. The problem I have with Trump (well one of the problems), is that he does not craft Foreign Policy so much as he Makes Deals. The Art Of The Deal. Wasn't that the name of his book? He sees the world as all deals, some good some bad. That doesn't work when you "do a deal" that, as it stands alone, is a "good one," but that actually backs you out of previous deals/promises. That is what i believe the US's foreign posture may look like.

wax24's picture
wax24's picture
wax24 Tuesday, 23 Jul 2024 at 8:13pm
Sprout wrote:

I hope Kamala picks Buttigieg as running mate for the absolute meltdown the orange manbaby and his cult will have if they lose to a black woman and a gay man.

I know, right?! Hilarious.
But, does anyone here believe the maga fucks will just let Harris/Whomever win the election? I mean, they were poppin the celebratory champagne there at the GOP convention. If they lose, it can ONLY be the result of cheating. That is what they'll think. It gets dangerous. I'm not looking forward to whatever is coming, in that case.

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Tuesday, 23 Jul 2024 at 8:45pm

- the bromance of donny and mr pootin forming a possible future strategic partnership due to a shared threat would be a sight to behold..... russian and american interests can change and have been united together in the past in order to save each other's collective bacon ;)

It's a wild prospect..... but - as proven on more than a few occasions - the don is unpredictable, prone to absurdity and very willing to undertake and incite desperate measures when in survival mode. Foes can become friends and vice versa.

- after all, when jesus returns (& happens to be chinese) and unintentionally sparks mass hysteria that zombies are real, as well as china then claiming superior rights to being god's chosen ppl well, faaark..... alliances may well change ;)

... fortunately, more than a few russians also share common interests with our yankee brothers in arms ;);)





etarip's picture
etarip's picture
etarip Tuesday, 23 Jul 2024 at 8:49pm

Listened to a great podcast that discussed Russia and Ukraine, from an academic that challenges a lot of the standard positions on this issue.

His point is that we’ve got to realise that Russia is European in culture, but not Western in its outlook - politically, economically, socially or geostrategic, nor aligned with the generally held ‘Western’ vision of the future. He contrasted it with Japan, for instance, which is not European culturally but firmly of the West in the second definition.

Our projection of western values onto a ‘European’ actor is understandable but not really useful if they don’t share our worldview.

Anyway, good podcast. It’s about an hour. First of a series of 4 on the Ukraine war.
The European /Western discussion is at the 55 minute mark, but I’d recommend the whole thing.

Second one is on nuclear strategy generally in the post-Cold War world and what / how / why Putin and others might threaten (or bluff) or use nukes. Spoiler - it’s hard to see the benefit outweighing the cost… the Putin bit is from about 22 min.

No clear answers from either of the contributors. Which I like, because nothing is Simples.

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Tuesday, 23 Jul 2024 at 9:00pm






tubeshooter's picture
tubeshooter's picture
tubeshooter Tuesday, 23 Jul 2024 at 9:05pm

Introducing Kamalas' speech writer.

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Tuesday, 23 Jul 2024 at 9:24pm



truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 12:32am

X revealed Biden's [+] Covid Test & Joe was furious and ratted out on Musk bankrolling Trump!
X was Biden's first choice to broadcast his Resignation Letter...(All openly say so!)
X was also the first to reveal Biden backing Kamala (Again all say Aye!)
Dems Prez dismisses Democratic process to hang his dirty Laundry on X like some punk junkie!

X was also used by Oz Govt to inform the World & Aussies of Crowd Strike Crash

All...always X is tipped off well ahead of the pack!

We all here are led to believe that Dems & ALP wouldn't spit on X & want it offline & fast.
So why do they line up to slot their 2 bob into the X Pinball machine.
tbb admits to once or twice playing the Kiss Pinball Machine...low as ya go! Gonna Vomit!

Being honest here...
Qldurrz including Brizzos & Goldie Council Dashboards still run the twitter bird & bumps ya out of X.
It is the least relevant anything & dead thing on Qld Civic www. (1% access)
tbb is nearly always locked out of X in searches > rarely ever get access onto X ...(1% of occasions!)

But can share each of these biggest ever ticket scalps run open & if Musk is takin' the piss!
Can openly visit all these high profile X accounts to share these world shock quakes!
Musk don't care if he can only hook 2 or 3 geeks on some Bully Blog.

Yet he can't shake nerdy leaders hangin' at his pinnie parlour in their gang jackets!
Just plays with whateva leader as if he has them in his pocket...

tbb don't know as much but has a feeling Musk bankrolls all equally & well to get #1 access!
Coz all stats sill point to X being low on the uptake so why is the bad guy gifted #1 Crisis Headlines?
Why do world leaders despise him but feed off him!
Only askin' coz this is the scummiest thing tbb can think of to research...
Even if tbb ashamed to share as it really don't register as a hill of beans...
Just thought is tbb readin' too much into Cult of Personalty...Is that really a thing!
Must all gutless leaders jelly wrestle in Musk's Shark Tank...just coz it's there?

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 1:20am

speaking of joe quitting via X...

a lot don't add up here

yep, why X?

the letter: looks suss, no white house letter head...

white house: has photographers for just such an occasion, like proof of joe signing letter, no photo...

suss (live) phone call to kamala harris, sounds pre recorded...

some saying AI

definitely sounds recorded

rumour is joe super crook

other rumour is he's already carked it

I'll go with rumour one, I reckon they cooked him propping him up for his last hurrah one month tour of duty

dems are the masters of stage managing... they've pretty much stage managed his whole presidency...

but this looks like something at another level

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Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 1:37am

It was reported recently that Biden had covid . From my personal experience, my mother’s dementia skyrocketed when she got covid . She had no symptoms as in runny nose , headaches or aches and pains but she suddenly couldn’t string a sentence together. It was very stressful to witness . Biden was having trouble stringing a sentence together before he got covid so may well be a basket case at the moment . I wish him a speedy recovery as dementia is a cruel disease .

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 1:55am

scary if true...

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sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 1:56am

sloppy too

ashsam's picture
ashsam's picture
ashsam Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 7:47am
Supafreak wrote:

It was reported recently that Biden had covid . From my personal experience, my mother’s dementia skyrocketed when she got covid . She had no symptoms as in runny nose , headaches or aches and pains but she suddenly couldn’t string a sentence together. It was very stressful to witness . Biden was having trouble stringing a sentence together before he got covid so may well be a basket case at the moment . I wish him a speedy recovery as dementia is a cruel disease .

I am hearing you supre it's terrible, both my in-laws had it, MIL was worse.

Biden must be ok saying he is giving a live statement tomorrow.

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 9:01am
sypkan wrote:

speaking of joe quitting via X...

a lot don't add up here

yep, why X?

the letter: looks suss, no white house letter head...

white house: has photographers for just such an occasion, like proof of joe signing letter, no photo...

suss (live) phone call to kamala harris, sounds pre recorded...

some saying AI

definitely sounds recorded

rumour is joe super crook

other rumour is he's already carked it

I'll go with rumour one, I reckon they cooked him propping him up for his last hurrah one month tour of duty

dems are the masters of stage managing... they've pretty much stage managed his whole presidency...

but this looks like something at another level

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Rumours happen because people repost them…much like you are doing.

He’s carked it?

Jeeze..Sypkan you might say you’re just reposting but it is posted as having validity.

Stage managed even?

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 9:37am

Hey roady

So U don't think things are being "Managed" lol haha .

The Democrats sure do try 2 Manage Things .

There was a rumour 2 months ago , that Biden was seriously Going to Run for a second term .

He didn't HAVE to debate Trump and set this Plan in motion .

Someone Managed Biden into this premature debate and very late , retirement .

That's the Rumour , anyway :) !

Maybe the same group , that's been managing to run the US , during the Biden/Harris Term .

The same group Managing Harris , now .

It either Managed or Unmanageable .

Roady , think Venn and humans managing things .

That's the Big Difference .

It's not Trump against Harris .

Harris has The Group ( all the Establishment 2 ) telling her , what 2 do .

One man against almost Everything , with The People cheering him on .


Unfortunately , if Clinton or Obama , didn't like a Harris View , it would Never see the Light of Day .

With Trump , what you see , is what U get , Trumps views trump , anyone else's .

edit 2

I'd trust Trumps ability and instincts , to "Wing It" , over Harris's , every day of the week .

Trump is ONE of a kind !

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 9:25am





sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 9:54am

my point was about procedure

quitting via X... really?

when, as tbb points out, they all supposedly hate it, and elon... just cannot ween themselves of it...

the letter, the MIA, the 'live call ' to kamala (really odd and awkward)

if they did use AI... we just entered a whole new realm of stage managed...

I actually feel sorry for the old guy, he reminds of my old man, who looked and acted pretty much exactly the same as Joe at 81, had to take the keys off him eventually... and break it gently...

and the last month or so was a gruelling schedule for old Joe, after locking him away for years... they had to wheel him out.. day after day...

they ran the old dude to the ground

propped up and pepped up to meet their needs...

the whole charade's a bloody shambles

and more than a bit wrong

wax24's picture
wax24's picture
wax24 Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 10:30am

So, just on a broadly speaking plane, i feel like a mistake is made over and over in SwellNetVille.
The Dems are not madly twisting their collective mustaches to contrive their next evil gambit. They are WAY too inept at politics to pull that off.
What they are is a party caught unawares and unprepared for what was a decade or more in the making.
Clutching at straws, at times. Fark yes.
Choreographing complex politico scenarios at the turn of a dime?
Fun chatter, yeah.
Damaging chatter, yeah.
Not true, yeah.

wax24's picture
wax24's picture
wax24 Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 10:32am

(and a good piece of projection, too)

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 10:51am
Pop Down wrote:

Hey roady

So U don't think things are being "Managed" lol haha .

The Democrats sure do try 2 Manage Things .

There was a rumour 2 months ago , that Biden was seriously Going to Run for a second term .

He didn't HAVE to debate Trump and set this Plan in motion .

Someone Managed Biden into this premature debate and very late , retirement .

That's the Rumour , anyway :) !

Maybe the same group , that's been managing to run the US , during the Biden/Harris Term .

The same group Managing Harris , now .

It either Managed or Unmanageable .

Roady , think Venn and humans managing things .

That's the Big Difference .

It's not Trump against Harris .

Harris has The Group ( all the Establishment 2 ) telling her , what 2 do .

One man against almost Everything , with The People cheering him on .


Unfortunately , if Clinton or Obama , didn't like a Harris View , it would Never see the Light of Day .

With Trump , what you see , is what U get , Trumps views trump , anyone else's .

edit 2

I'd trust Trumps ability and instincts , to "Wing It" , over Harris's , every day of the week .

Trump is ONE of a kind !

Simplistic word salad. There are levels you really don’t understand.

Managing a politician is completely different to stage managing. The context sypkan was alluding to read as stage managing a planned coverup.

And BTW, what you see and hear with Trump is not what you get. And if you would trust trumps ability and instincts in any way…that’s says more about your lack of ability to understand the finer points of politics and current Republican politics.

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 11:13am

You are so Right sometimes , Roady !

More like a Simple Fruit Salad and there is so much Stuff , I don't understand .

Human Nature , has a remarkably funny way , of repeating itself .

Time will tell .

I definitely don't understand , Australian Road Kill .

You see so much of IT , driving on our Highways , but none of the Other animals , seem at all THAT interested .

None are taking advantage of the ugly Feast , no Goanna's turning Komodo , Birds going Bannannanna's , Fly's Over's etc etc . .

A Mystery of Australian evolution , Selective , perhaps ?


It's ok roady , the Onion fruit salad , was not 4 U :) !

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 11:06am
Pop Down wrote:

You are so Right sometimes , Roady !

More like a Simple Fruit Salad and there is so much Stuff , I don't understand .

Human Nature , has a remarkably funny way , of repeating itself .

Time will tell .

I definitely don't understand , Australian Road Kill .

You see so much of IT , driving on our Highways , but none of the Other animals , seem at all THAT interested .

None are taking advantage of the ugly Feast , no Goanna's turning Komodo , Birds going Bannannanna's , Fly's Over's etc etc . .

A Mystery of Australian evolution , Selective , perhaps ?

I really have no idea what you are on about.

adam12's picture
adam12's picture
adam12 Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 11:13am

Down the rabbit hole.
Biden is dead.
Biden's voice was AI.
Some dark force, "the Establishment", pushed Biden into dementia, it's managed behind the scenes.
He used X, oh my God!
You're all tripping.
And Laura Loomer is an American idiot.
Here's my take. Kamala has come out of the blocks strong, she looks and sounds ready and there is an electorate ready for her. It's a contest now, a generational and gender contrast, and despite what I said the other day about Iwo Jima Donald being untouchable, some of the things I've seen and read in the last few days make me think she can win.
Not ready to call it yet but the landslide loss is not going to happen, I'm willing to call that.
I think you guys are underestimating her and her appeal.
The next few weeks polling is going to be interesting. If she can build momentum and doesn't make a misstep, she could do it. The DNC could give them that momentum boost.
It will be interesting to see if they debate. Trump has demanded Fox hold it which he knows will be a non starter for the Dems. On paper, she should cream Trump in a live debate.
(And the GOP need to be careful with the sexist and racist attacks. They have done a lot of work and had success in attracting black male voters, who may have been willing to sit out Trump attacking Hillary, a white woman, like that, but they won't put up with Trump doing it to Kamala).
I think she's going to engage a lot of voters who weren't.
And I think there's a bit of misogyny evident in the Kamala dissing going on here.

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 11:41am

Hey Adam 12

U must have copped a knock 2 the noggin surfing and have your head full off Sea Water .

Misogyny Card played ???

Gosh , Kamala was snuck in the Back Door getting the VP gig , many Democrats were not happy .

They thought it was a Woke Winner , Black Female , VP .

Unfortunately , KH was not the Best person 4 the job .

She will smash Trump on Abortion !

Trump will smash her , on her Record , as VP .

The Press and Establishment will like her and She WILL get a Huge boost in the Polls imho .

Then the Silent Majority will Give their View .

Maybe not a Landslide , but an Avalanche !

And good , the Place needs a Big Change , 4 all our benefit .

The Status Quo , is crap .

I hope you scored :) !!!!


Also Trump has Melina !

She wears the Pants and keeps Trump in line .

She is the Really amazing one , Trumps only Kryptogoodnite imho .

I really like her :) !!!