The United States(!) of A

factotum's picture
factotum started the topic in Thursday, 27 Aug 2020 at 11:12am

Septic Tanks are going to Septic Tank

southernraw's picture
southernraw's picture
southernraw Friday, 19 Jul 2024 at 10:53pm

Ouch @wax24!!
But since you're one of my favourite Americans, i'll happily sacrifice that point.
Hope lifes treating you well over there in the cauldron mate.

southernraw's picture
southernraw's picture
southernraw Friday, 19 Jul 2024 at 10:54pm

I'm with you on that one @basesix. But don't tell your mum!

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Friday, 19 Jul 2024 at 11:00pm

hey, I promised I wouldn't come between you two, I don't get it, but I'm glad she's happy.

wax24's picture
wax24's picture
wax24 Friday, 19 Jul 2024 at 11:00pm

Hey Southern and thanx. I am doing just fine and expect that to continue. Humility, gratitude, and the resultant perspective that yields. I'm built and wired to endure.

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Friday, 19 Jul 2024 at 11:01pm
wax24 wrote:
batfink wrote:

And for those who think there were 4 wonderful years under Trump’s previous presidency, what did he actually do?

Anything. Anything at all.

He reduced taxes for the mega wealthy, increased the deficit substantially, and didn’t engage in a new war (for which I give him much props).

But apart from that, which Biden achieved more in about 3 months, what did Trump actually do?

He was just there.

He is an imbecile, unfortunately brighter than Biden who is suffering dementia, but anyone the Dems put in to replace Biden is going to own him.

Why would anyone sane vote FOR Trump?

And you can’t say Biden.

Hey Batty, from my front row, actually, somewhat, directly affected (lol) by what goes on in the Oval Office, here is a shortlist of things Trump did..... 1) he cut corporate taxes, As a result, my tax return became 25% smaller. (I have the gov't take extra out throughout the year so i can enjoy a small return. I take that and splurge on a luxury item i'd otherwise be hard pressed to afford. Sorta a gift from me to me for working all damn year. I was gettin $1200 under Obama...gettin $900 now, Biden hasn't changed it back.) 2) He partially built a wall that lies fallow now and does nothing. (btw... Mexico didn't/won't pay for it, laughable to think they would), 3) backed out of the nuclear with Iran and, what, 7 other countries? Too early to say on this being good or bad, for me. 4) he made me cringe alot for 4 years with his childish tweets unbecoming of any leader at any level. 5) yeah, no, pretty much these 4 things. Oh, one last thing.... he dissolved public trust in a bedrock democratic process (elections). So, 5 things.
There are certainly other things, i mean 4 years elapsed, but none on the top shelf that these reside on.

Hey seppo ^^ you forgot the biggin, he fucked over 200 years of political convention and your once fine and respected Supreme Court turning it into a conga line of sycophantic ultra conservative yes men for the Trump and his FNRJ cronies. That act alone should consign Trump and the future decisions of the Supreme Court to the sewer of history.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Friday, 19 Jul 2024 at 11:03pm
Supafreak wrote:
indo-dreaming wrote:
Supafreak wrote:

Problem is indo , you make assumptions based on what podcasts you have listened to from your list of “ experts “ and anyone that says differently you then attack them that they know nothing because you have been studying this at least 1 hour a day since October . Fuck me , can you hear yourself ? But yeah , I’m the cockhead .

Mate, its quite simple, if you or AW or anyone else is going to say that's not true you are makng assumptions or just throw around insults, you need to back it up with some type of counter argument.

But you guys can't because you haven't put the time in to understand even the basics of the history, the poltics, urban warfare, havent been following the conflict in any real detail.

Indo it wouldn’t matter what counter argument anybody on this planet came up with , you get obsessed as you said and you believe you are right and hell will freeze over before anyone convinces you otherwise.

And you and everyone else here is exactly the same, but a conversation based on the actual topic is far more interesting than just pointless insults or nonsense.

blackers's picture
blackers's picture
blackers Friday, 19 Jul 2024 at 11:17pm

Hahahahaha hahaha hahaha hahahahahahahahahaha
Indo, you don't do discussion or conversation or even argument in a conventional sense, you just do "I'm right".

southernraw's picture
southernraw's picture
southernraw Friday, 19 Jul 2024 at 11:12pm
southernraw wrote:
indo-dreaming wrote:
southernraw wrote:

Indo, you avoided my question.
But believe it or not, i actually asked it, not to give you shit, but so as to put a propostion to you.
I do believe you have a deep urge to learn, and i can tell you take alot of information in.
When you write off AW, you're writing off someone that i can tell, is an educated person. That might not mean alot to you but to most observers, it's laughable that you compare your hours of podcasts to a very learned individual.
So my proposition to you, and I say this with all past resentments and judgements aside, is go and get yourself an education Indo! Seriously. Enrol in uni. Don't be put off thinking you can't get in. You can!! I did. Somehow. If they let me in, they'll let you in way easier than me. Trust me. It's very doable.
Go and enroll in something that interests you and do it part time. What's the rush.
The thing with this kind of education, is, you quickly learn that there are frameworks, structure and most importantly theories that accompany thinking. Theories that have been debated upon, pontificated on and ultimately reached a grand conclusion based on, empirical research. The research that can only come from experience, vast numbers and experience that have been methodically conducted with a fine tooth comb.
I write this to you Indo, not as a pisstake, but as a genuine olive branch and extending something to you that i think would be of huge benefit to your life.
You seem to have a thirst for knowledge. You'd be a bloody good uni student. I reckon you'd love the discussion boards :-).
There are pathways in. You'll get through the bridging courses. I know you will.
Do it.
And then.....i reckon your opinions will hold some serious weight.
Hope that didn't come across condescending. It's something i've wanted to say to you for a while. I reckon you've got what it takes to do the learning....but i think purely using podcasts is limiting your knowledge base. It's one dimensional.
I believe in you Indo. Do it!

Fuck off you concending kunt.

I think we can all agree some of the most uneducated people around this issue is uni students, who dont even know what river or sea they are chanting about.

AW might be smart, but he clearly has little knowledge of Israels history, or urban warfare or even been following the war.

Honestly Indo. It was in good faith. Take it as you will.

Hey Indo. Sorry if it came across condescending. It wasn't my intention. What i will say, and this may sound condescending but its not the intention, is...imagine the hours you spent on swellnet were transferred to a higher learning. Imagine where that could take you. Anyway Indo, i'm honestly just trying to help. If you want your words to really hold some weight and make a difference, there's a pathway here for you....
here's the uncondescending version of what i wrote. I

I do believe you have a deep urge to learn, and i can tell you take alot of information in.
If they let me in, they'll let you in way easier than me. Trust me. It's very doable.
Go and enroll in something that interests you and do it part time. What's the rush.
I write this to you Indo, not as a pisstake, but as a genuine olive branch and extending something to you that i think would be of huge benefit to your life.
You seem to have a thirst for knowledge. You'd be a bloody good uni student. I reckon you'd love the discussion boards :-).
There are pathways in. You'll get through the bridging courses. I know you will.
Do it.
I reckon you've got what it takes to do the learning..
I believe in you Indo. Do it![

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Friday, 19 Jul 2024 at 11:38pm

So, ummm, let's get learning yayyyyy ;)

- "And you and everyone else here is exactly the same" ....becomes ummm
..."And you and everyone else here are exactly the same" .....yayyyyy ;)

- it's just like that time trashy exclaimed:
"Let's get pumping!" .....and you did .....with much intellect and vigour ;);)


I focus's picture
I focus's picture
I focus Friday, 19 Jul 2024 at 11:41pm
wax24 wrote:

Hey Southern and thanx. I am doing just fine and expect that to continue. Humility, gratitude, and the resultant perspective that yields. I'm built and wired to endure.

Hey Wax genuine question what's your opinion on how the US political system has thrown up two people as old as Biden and Trump?

In Oz on age alone neither would get a start.

adam12's picture
adam12's picture
adam12 Friday, 19 Jul 2024 at 11:44pm
AlfredWallace wrote:
adam12 wrote:

Joe will go by Monday or soon after.

Adam12. Hi mate. Hope you’re travelling along the fine road.

Finally, the SC is about to reignite, about time.
I’ve got the whole week pencilled in. Itchy feet. AW

G'day AW, sorry late response, been dealing with...well, life, recently. My bro is carer for our 93yo dad and he's suffering a bit of carer fatigue so been up in shitsville helping him get a break. back home now and yep, just in time for a run of days by the looks and the calendar is free next week.
But the cold! The cold!
Scotland cold.
Macbeth cold.
Colder than a witch's tit.
(That would be a good name for a cold water surf break "witch's tit")
Hope we both get some this coming week (Waves I mean, I've been off witch's tits for a long while now, you can make up your own mind about that.)

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Friday, 19 Jul 2024 at 11:55pm


Even if you were its a ridiculous suggestion.

I have an interest in the topic, but it doesn't mean i want to go study middle eastern history just because one semester might be on Israel.

Not to mention, history is only one aspect, theres the poltics of Israel that is ongoing, there is the conflict that is on going and then there is the urban war aspect and the military tactics aspect etc.

You arent going to learn much of that shit at university and even the history and poltics will most likely be unreliable and stepped in bias.

In regard to podcast, they are a great resource because they are current and up to date and you can gain a variety of views, of course you need to ensure you are listening to those with proper knowlege and not just some random kids opinion.

Obiously i also read articles etc, but articles are basically two minutes of a podcast as are current news stories or daily updates they cant go into the detail that a 1.5 hr pocast can.

In regard to books, books are also just opinion based and often just one persons opinion and obviously you can't read a book about what happened yesterday, books can also become out dated for instance the use of drones in this war changes everything in regard to military tactics and is evolving all the time and even changed from day one of this war until now.

Even aspects of traditional history from books become outdated and are often opnion based.

For instance much of the traditional aspects of Israel history were based around biblical text, however today most scholars of history say there is no evidence for much of the early biblical text like exodus, new views and takes on history evolve and change based on all kinds of things like new archelogical finds, advances in tech that can put dates on certain finds etc or even help in putting together lost pieces of say the dead sea scrolls etc

To understand this better think about how our knowlege and understanding of Indigenous Australians history and culture has changed over time.

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Friday, 19 Jul 2024 at 11:57pm

& for all u uneducated peoples, check this shit out yayyy
- this.............. is ummm...... how a cat works ;);)

(spent literally hundred of farkn hrs and months just ummm as a secret clandestine cat knowledge gatherer and I follow military feline operatives like fluffy tuna tongue, the burmese bombing whisker, pawpad peta the paramilitary pouncer and long jump leroy the prominent cat bullet explosive pioneer who leads the world in the development of the latest electric powered portable cyborg cat weaponry systems)


southernraw's picture
southernraw's picture
southernraw Friday, 19 Jul 2024 at 11:57pm

I think you've severely missed the point about education.
All good.
Keep doing you.
You have your blinkers set on a certain viewpoint and that's fine. Your viewpoint is different to mine, and we both have different influences in our pasts that shape our viewpoints. Thats' just how it is. No judgement.
Personally, i see an opportunity for you going begging, what i wrote, i can see of being a huge benefit for you....but appreciate your civil response. Better than being a kunt! haha.
Not trying to stir you up and i mean that in all honesty.
Over 5 years of butting heads with you i see little point in continuing on the same tangent.
Honestly wish you well.

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Saturday, 20 Jul 2024 at 12:09am

..... and, other than imagined bias and unsubstantiated 'unreliable' history ummm

..... as well as assumptions of apparent 'opinion based' stuff tainted with the perception of things being 'outdated' etc

....well .....ummm
... let's understand things better by ummm... 'learning' about ummm

- return mechanisms, trigger mechanics
..... & most important, the method of working in real conditions ;)


wax24's picture
wax24's picture
wax24 Saturday, 20 Jul 2024 at 12:20am
GuySmiley wrote:
wax24 wrote:
batfink wrote:

And for those who think there were 4 wonderful years under Trump’s previous presidency, what did he actually do?

Anything. Anything at all.

He reduced taxes for the mega wealthy, increased the deficit substantially, and didn’t engage in a new war (for which I give him much props).

But apart from that, which Biden achieved more in about 3 months, what did Trump actually do?

He was just there.

He is an imbecile, unfortunately brighter than Biden who is suffering dementia, but anyone the Dems put in to replace Biden is going to own him.

Why would anyone sane vote FOR Trump?

And you can’t say Biden.

Hey Batty, from my front row, actually, somewhat, directly affected (lol) by what goes on in the Oval Office, here is a shortlist of things Trump did..... 1) he cut corporate taxes, As a result, my tax return became 25% smaller. (I have the gov't take extra out throughout the year so i can enjoy a small return. I take that and splurge on a luxury item i'd otherwise be hard pressed to afford. Sorta a gift from me to me for working all damn year. I was gettin $1200 under Obama...gettin $900 now, Biden hasn't changed it back.) 2) He partially built a wall that lies fallow now and does nothing. (btw... Mexico didn't/won't pay for it, laughable to think they would), 3) backed out of the nuclear with Iran and, what, 7 other countries? Too early to say on this being good or bad, for me. 4) he made me cringe alot for 4 years with his childish tweets unbecoming of any leader at any level. 5) yeah, no, pretty much these 4 things. Oh, one last thing.... he dissolved public trust in a bedrock democratic process (elections). So, 5 things.
There are certainly other things, i mean 4 years elapsed, but none on the top shelf that these reside on.

Hey seppo ^^ you forgot the biggin, he fucked over 200 years of political convention and your once fine and respected Supreme Court turning it into a conga line of sycophantic ultra conservative yes men for the Trump and his FNRJ cronies. That act alone should consign Trump and the future decisions of the Supreme Court to the sewer of history.

Oh, yeah! I KNEW i'd forgotten SOMETHING! lmao

southernraw's picture
southernraw's picture
southernraw Saturday, 20 Jul 2024 at 12:24am

Jelly, i can't even tell you how many times you've had me in stitches today!
Bloody cats! haha.

wax24's picture
wax24's picture
wax24 Saturday, 20 Jul 2024 at 12:29am

Hey Focus. I think it's more the current generation of leaders than systemic. An area where it is systemic is that, more and more over time, the Supreme Court has expanded the rights of corporations, beginning, i think, in 1978, with a decision to allow corporations to spend money on state ballot initiatives. That opened a door to the expanded rights since then. Meaning that, more and more, pollies are directed by corporate interest, not the welfare of the country. Of course, all pollies have always been bought and sold, just that the degree is above critical mass. Hence, lotsa pissed off populists throwing their toys out of the cot, burning the group home down
One piece of pasta to throw at the wall, anyways.

wax24's picture
wax24's picture
wax24 Saturday, 20 Jul 2024 at 4:37am
adam12 wrote:
AlfredWallace wrote:
adam12 wrote:

Joe will go by Monday or soon after.

Adam12. Hi mate. Hope you’re travelling along the fine road.

Finally, the SC is about to reignite, about time.
I’ve got the whole week pencilled in. Itchy feet. AW

G'day AW, sorry late response, been dealing with...well, life, recently. My bro is carer for our 93yo dad and he's suffering a bit of carer fatigue so been up in shitsville helping him get a break. back home now and yep, just in time for a run of days by the looks and the calendar is free next week.
But the cold! The cold!
Scotland cold.
Macbeth cold.
Colder than a witch's tit.
(That would be a good name for a cold water surf break "witch's tit")
Hope we both get some this coming week (Waves I mean, I've been off witch's tits for a long while now, you can make up your own mind about that.)

Haha Adam! Thanx for the visual. If you wanna truly experience Witches Tit, spend a day in Guernsey, Wyoming in January. I did. Once. I swear to gawd, i looked back upon leaving and saw me in ice form, behind. It was like Lot’s wives gettin outta Sodom. Or Gomorrah. Not sure which. I’m still not sure if that was me i left behind or if i left behind a frozen me. Witches Fookin Tit, mate.

ashsam's picture
ashsam's picture
ashsam Saturday, 20 Jul 2024 at 6:07am
southernraw wrote:

Indo, you avoided my question.
But believe it or not, i actually asked it, not to give you shit, but so as to put a propostion to you.
I do believe you have a deep urge to learn, and i can tell you take alot of information in.
When you write off AW, you're writing off someone that i can tell, is an educated person. That might not mean alot to you but to most observers, it's laughable that you compare your hours of podcasts to a very learned individual.
So my proposition to you, and I say this with all past resentments and judgements aside, is go and get yourself an education Indo! Seriously. Enrol in uni. Don't be put off thinking you can't get in. You can!! I did. Somehow. If they let me in, they'll let you in way easier than me. Trust me. It's very doable.
Go and enroll in something that interests you and do it part time. What's the rush.
The thing with this kind of education, is, you quickly learn that there are frameworks, structure and most importantly theories that accompany thinking. Theories that have been debated upon, pontificated on and ultimately reached a grand conclusion based on, empirical research. The research that can only come from experience, vast numbers and experience that have been methodically conducted with a fine tooth comb.
I write this to you Indo, not as a pisstake, but as a genuine olive branch and extending something to you that i think would be of huge benefit to your life.
You seem to have a thirst for knowledge. You'd be a bloody good uni student. I reckon you'd love the discussion boards :-).
There are pathways in. You'll get through the bridging courses. I know you will.
Do it.
And then.....i reckon your opinions will hold some serious weight.
Hope that didn't come across condescending. It's something i've wanted to say to you for a while. I reckon you've got what it takes to do the learning....but i think purely using podcasts is limiting your knowledge base. It's one dimensional.
I believe in you Indo. Do it!

Hopefully your doing psychology ;)

wax24's picture
wax24's picture
wax24 Saturday, 20 Jul 2024 at 6:17am

Hey Ashy. G’mornin to you too Sunshine. See if you can get through a whole 24 hour day without being a troll. Too late today. Try tmro.

burleigh's picture
burleigh's picture
burleigh Saturday, 20 Jul 2024 at 6:36am

Southern the self proclaimed philosopher. I’ve heard it all now. Indo you keep doing you, Southern your comments about uni are laughable.

burleigh's picture
burleigh's picture
burleigh Saturday, 20 Jul 2024 at 6:36am
wax24 wrote:

Hey Ashy. G’mornin to you too Sunshine. See if you can get through a whole 24 hour day without being a troll. Too late today. Try tmro.

The irony of the comment

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Saturday, 20 Jul 2024 at 7:14am
southernraw wrote:
southernraw wrote:
indo-dreaming wrote:
southernraw wrote:

Indo, you avoided my question.
But believe it or not, i actually asked it, not to give you shit, but so as to put a propostion to you.
I do believe you have a deep urge to learn, and i can tell you take alot of information in.
When you write off AW, you're writing off someone that i can tell, is an educated person. That might not mean alot to you but to most observers, it's laughable that you compare your hours of podcasts to a very learned individual.
So my proposition to you, and I say this with all past resentments and judgements aside, is go and get yourself an education Indo! Seriously. Enrol in uni. Don't be put off thinking you can't get in. You can!! I did. Somehow. If they let me in, they'll let you in way easier than me. Trust me. It's very doable.
Go and enroll in something that interests you and do it part time. What's the rush.
The thing with this kind of education, is, you quickly learn that there are frameworks, structure and most importantly theories that accompany thinking. Theories that have been debated upon, pontificated on and ultimately reached a grand conclusion based on, empirical research. The research that can only come from experience, vast numbers and experience that have been methodically conducted with a fine tooth comb.
I write this to you Indo, not as a pisstake, but as a genuine olive branch and extending something to you that i think would be of huge benefit to your life.
You seem to have a thirst for knowledge. You'd be a bloody good uni student. I reckon you'd love the discussion boards :-).
There are pathways in. You'll get through the bridging courses. I know you will.
Do it.
And then.....i reckon your opinions will hold some serious weight.
Hope that didn't come across condescending. It's something i've wanted to say to you for a while. I reckon you've got what it takes to do the learning....but i think purely using podcasts is limiting your knowledge base. It's one dimensional.
I believe in you Indo. Do it!

Fuck off you concending kunt.

I think we can all agree some of the most uneducated people around this issue is uni students, who dont even know what river or sea they are chanting about.

AW might be smart, but he clearly has little knowledge of Israels history, or urban warfare or even been following the war.

Honestly Indo. It was in good faith. Take it as you will.

Hey Indo. Sorry if it came across condescending. It wasn't my intention. What i will say, and this may sound condescending but its not the intention, is...imagine the hours you spent on swellnet were transferred to a higher learning. Imagine where that could take you. Anyway Indo, i'm honestly just trying to help. If you want your words to really hold some weight and make a difference, there's a pathway here for you....
here's the uncondescending version of what i wrote. I

I do believe you have a deep urge to learn, and i can tell you take alot of information in.
If they let me in, they'll let you in way easier than me. Trust me. It's very doable.
Go and enroll in something that interests you and do it part time. What's the rush.
I write this to you Indo, not as a pisstake, but as a genuine olive branch and extending something to you that i think would be of huge benefit to your life.
You seem to have a thirst for knowledge. You'd be a bloody good uni student. I reckon you'd love the discussion boards :-).
There are pathways in. You'll get through the bridging courses. I know you will.
Do it.
I reckon you've got what it takes to do the learning..
I believe in you Indo. Do it![

Enrol in an International Relations related degree or degree which involves this or political science.
IR were my favourite subjects at uni, fascinating stuff. You can even specialise in a area, mine was Indonesian language and culture which I am sure you would love Indo.
Even a couple subjects part time. Expensive these days but very worthwhile.
As my mum always says, no education is wasted.
I went back to uni as a adult wanting to study Indo related stuff after spending a lot of time there in my 20's.
Best thing I ever did.

ashsam's picture
ashsam's picture
ashsam Saturday, 20 Jul 2024 at 7:31am
wax24 wrote:

Hey Ashy. G’mornin to you too Sunshine. See if you can get through a whole 24 hour day without being a troll. Too late today. Try tmro.

Good morning Mr Seppo, maybe learn what troll means.
Have a read up on your culture lol ;)
Written by your about to be 2IC ;)

ps met a nice young guy from your area surfing Angourie yesterday, said we are not missing out on anything living here lol ;)

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Saturday, 20 Jul 2024 at 7:31am

hey! ho! let's go!

ashsam's picture
ashsam's picture
ashsam Saturday, 20 Jul 2024 at 7:36am

lol^ what a mean looking troll ;)
JF when he comes out of his basement lol

ashsam's picture
ashsam's picture
ashsam Saturday, 20 Jul 2024 at 7:35am
burleigh wrote:

Southern the self proclaimed philosopher. I’ve heard it all now. Indo you keep doing you, Southern your comments about uni are laughable.

Bet he hasn't set foot in a Uni. (online course on how bad white Australians were probably) lol
Hope he Gets a good Hex debt and not tax payer funded ;)

southernraw's picture
southernraw's picture
southernraw Saturday, 20 Jul 2024 at 9:28am
burleigh wrote:

Southern the self proclaimed philosopher. I’ve heard it all now. Indo you keep doing you, Southern your comments about uni are laughable.

Burleigh, you'd probably benefit from a TAFE course or something.
I wouldn't set the bar any higher though...champ.

southernraw's picture
southernraw's picture
southernraw Saturday, 20 Jul 2024 at 9:31am
ashsam wrote:
burleigh wrote:

Southern the self proclaimed philosopher. I’ve heard it all now. Indo you keep doing you, Southern your comments about uni are laughable.

Bet he hasn't set foot in a Uni. (online course on how bad white Australians were probably) lol
Hope he Gets a good Hex debt and not tax payer funded ;)

Another lovely comment from you.
Believe it or not, my post was with good intentions.
But you somehow overlooked that.

southernraw's picture
southernraw's picture
southernraw Saturday, 20 Jul 2024 at 9:33am
andy-mac wrote:
southernraw wrote:
southernraw wrote:
indo-dreaming wrote:
southernraw wrote:

Indo, you avoided my question.
But believe it or not, i actually asked it, not to give you shit, but so as to put a propostion to you.
I do believe you have a deep urge to learn, and i can tell you take alot of information in.
When you write off AW, you're writing off someone that i can tell, is an educated person. That might not mean alot to you but to most observers, it's laughable that you compare your hours of podcasts to a very learned individual.
So my proposition to you, and I say this with all past resentments and judgements aside, is go and get yourself an education Indo! Seriously. Enrol in uni. Don't be put off thinking you can't get in. You can!! I did. Somehow. If they let me in, they'll let you in way easier than me. Trust me. It's very doable.
Go and enroll in something that interests you and do it part time. What's the rush.
The thing with this kind of education, is, you quickly learn that there are frameworks, structure and most importantly theories that accompany thinking. Theories that have been debated upon, pontificated on and ultimately reached a grand conclusion based on, empirical research. The research that can only come from experience, vast numbers and experience that have been methodically conducted with a fine tooth comb.
I write this to you Indo, not as a pisstake, but as a genuine olive branch and extending something to you that i think would be of huge benefit to your life.
You seem to have a thirst for knowledge. You'd be a bloody good uni student. I reckon you'd love the discussion boards :-).
There are pathways in. You'll get through the bridging courses. I know you will.
Do it.
And then.....i reckon your opinions will hold some serious weight.
Hope that didn't come across condescending. It's something i've wanted to say to you for a while. I reckon you've got what it takes to do the learning....but i think purely using podcasts is limiting your knowledge base. It's one dimensional.
I believe in you Indo. Do it!

Fuck off you concending kunt.

I think we can all agree some of the most uneducated people around this issue is uni students, who dont even know what river or sea they are chanting about.

AW might be smart, but he clearly has little knowledge of Israels history, or urban warfare or even been following the war.

Honestly Indo. It was in good faith. Take it as you will.

Hey Indo. Sorry if it came across condescending. It wasn't my intention. What i will say, and this may sound condescending but its not the intention, is...imagine the hours you spent on swellnet were transferred to a higher learning. Imagine where that could take you. Anyway Indo, i'm honestly just trying to help. If you want your words to really hold some weight and make a difference, there's a pathway here for you....
here's the uncondescending version of what i wrote. I

I do believe you have a deep urge to learn, and i can tell you take alot of information in.
If they let me in, they'll let you in way easier than me. Trust me. It's very doable.
Go and enroll in something that interests you and do it part time. What's the rush.
I write this to you Indo, not as a pisstake, but as a genuine olive branch and extending something to you that i think would be of huge benefit to your life.
You seem to have a thirst for knowledge. You'd be a bloody good uni student. I reckon you'd love the discussion boards :-).
There are pathways in. You'll get through the bridging courses. I know you will.
Do it.
I reckon you've got what it takes to do the learning..
I believe in you Indo. Do it![

Enrol in an International Relations related degree or degree which involves this or political science.
IR were my favourite subjects at uni, fascinating stuff. You can even specialise in a area, mine was Indonesian language and culture which I am sure you would love Indo.
Even a couple subjects part time. Expensive these days but very worthwhile.
As my mum always says, no education is wasted.
I went back to uni as a adult wanting to study Indo related stuff after spending a lot of time there in my 20's.
Best thing I ever did.

Great stuff @andymac.
Yep i reckon with the amount of hours Indo spends researching for his posts on swellnet, he could actually come away with a great degree putting those hours into some real study, and give the forums a much needed breather from his 'educated' perspective. Him and his podcasts are a bit like Burleigh and his instagram posts. Not alot of depth.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Saturday, 20 Jul 2024 at 11:02am

Thanks for the suggestions on courses but im kind of busy with working for myself and raising a family.

I have a few choices when im working.

1. If on a site with other tradies, listen to Triple M and hear Khsan for the 500,000 time.

2. Listen to the radio or music, that i sometimes do, headphones if need be.

3. Silence that i sometime enjoy, if no others around as no longer employee anyone cause too much headaches.

4. Listen to podcast and keep up to date on news of the day or just subjects that interest me.

I listen to a whole range of podcast from music, to news, to political and social to surfing to history to military, to Collingwood podcast that ive been skipping listening to of late :(

And i get my news from a wide range of podcast from ABC news daily, to the Guardian, to the New york times to Fox news to the Australian, to the Times of Israel(actually slightly left leaning)etc

Anyway im going surfing before resort boats turn up.

burleigh's picture
burleigh's picture
burleigh Saturday, 20 Jul 2024 at 11:35am
southernraw wrote:
andy-mac wrote:
southernraw wrote:
southernraw wrote:
indo-dreaming wrote:
southernraw wrote:

Indo, you avoided my question.
But believe it or not, i actually asked it, not to give you shit, but so as to put a propostion to you.
I do believe you have a deep urge to learn, and i can tell you take alot of information in.
When you write off AW, you're writing off someone that i can tell, is an educated person. That might not mean alot to you but to most observers, it's laughable that you compare your hours of podcasts to a very learned individual.
So my proposition to you, and I say this with all past resentments and judgements aside, is go and get yourself an education Indo! Seriously. Enrol in uni. Don't be put off thinking you can't get in. You can!! I did. Somehow. If they let me in, they'll let you in way easier than me. Trust me. It's very doable.
Go and enroll in something that interests you and do it part time. What's the rush.
The thing with this kind of education, is, you quickly learn that there are frameworks, structure and most importantly theories that accompany thinking. Theories that have been debated upon, pontificated on and ultimately reached a grand conclusion based on, empirical research. The research that can only come from experience, vast numbers and experience that have been methodically conducted with a fine tooth comb.
I write this to you Indo, not as a pisstake, but as a genuine olive branch and extending something to you that i think would be of huge benefit to your life.
You seem to have a thirst for knowledge. You'd be a bloody good uni student. I reckon you'd love the discussion boards :-).
There are pathways in. You'll get through the bridging courses. I know you will.
Do it.
And then.....i reckon your opinions will hold some serious weight.
Hope that didn't come across condescending. It's something i've wanted to say to you for a while. I reckon you've got what it takes to do the learning....but i think purely using podcasts is limiting your knowledge base. It's one dimensional.
I believe in you Indo. Do it!

Fuck off you concending kunt.

I think we can all agree some of the most uneducated people around this issue is uni students, who dont even know what river or sea they are chanting about.

AW might be smart, but he clearly has little knowledge of Israels history, or urban warfare or even been following the war.

Honestly Indo. It was in good faith. Take it as you will.

Hey Indo. Sorry if it came across condescending. It wasn't my intention. What i will say, and this may sound condescending but its not the intention, is...imagine the hours you spent on swellnet were transferred to a higher learning. Imagine where that could take you. Anyway Indo, i'm honestly just trying to help. If you want your words to really hold some weight and make a difference, there's a pathway here for you....
here's the uncondescending version of what i wrote. I

I do believe you have a deep urge to learn, and i can tell you take alot of information in.
If they let me in, they'll let you in way easier than me. Trust me. It's very doable.
Go and enroll in something that interests you and do it part time. What's the rush.
I write this to you Indo, not as a pisstake, but as a genuine olive branch and extending something to you that i think would be of huge benefit to your life.
You seem to have a thirst for knowledge. You'd be a bloody good uni student. I reckon you'd love the discussion boards :-).
There are pathways in. You'll get through the bridging courses. I know you will.
Do it.
I reckon you've got what it takes to do the learning..
I believe in you Indo. Do it![

Enrol in an International Relations related degree or degree which involves this or political science.
IR were my favourite subjects at uni, fascinating stuff. You can even specialise in a area, mine was Indonesian language and culture which I am sure you would love Indo.
Even a couple subjects part time. Expensive these days but very worthwhile.
As my mum always says, no education is wasted.
I went back to uni as a adult wanting to study Indo related stuff after spending a lot of time there in my 20's.
Best thing I ever did.

Great stuff @andymac.
Yep i reckon with the amount of hours Indo spends researching for his posts on swellnet, he could actually come away with a great degree putting those hours into some real study, and give the forums a much needed breather from his 'educated' perspective. Him and his podcasts are a bit like Burleigh and his instagram posts. Not alot of depth.

You’re at stage two, leading into stage 3 of your standard cycle of abuse.

Just get it out so we can enjoy the honeymoon faze.

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Saturday, 20 Jul 2024 at 12:23pm

# Pass the Bong Joe

bonza's picture
bonza's picture
bonza Saturday, 20 Jul 2024 at 12:22pm

What the hell is wrong with TAFE?

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Saturday, 20 Jul 2024 at 12:31pm

Pass the Torch...this is awkward!

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Saturday, 20 Jul 2024 at 1:27pm

Such an amazing moment in history , Biden is under unprecedented pressure , to resign and pass the torch , the baton , to Nobody , at the End of the Presidential Race !

Let Nobody , take over Biden , you're too old to finish the race , mate , the Democrats are now saying lol .

Biden can't compete with even a nobody , with such scrutiny .

The only Democrat that could run , get a Finishing Burst DONE , with the Establishments and donors help and have a go at taking Trump ON , is Hilary .

It doesn't matter what barbs Trumps land on her thick skin and she could rescue the election , from being a landslide .

Think Rudd , the dud !

Hilary won't unite the country , but she will Unite the Leadership of the Democrats , 4 sure !

I can't think of anyone else , that would Test Trumpy !

The move to Hilary , would have been planned 4 August , the killing season convention .

This is just " the quiet waiting time , before the Storm " , Biden is thinking "it's 2 quiet" !

The Muppet show has got NOISEY a bit too early !

Hilary might have to come out of the shadows , a bit early M Bethy like ?

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Saturday, 20 Jul 2024 at 1:26pm
batfink wrote:
sypkan wrote:

well, if you really need to ask...

there's not much point in writing it all out again is there?

The question is, have you got a case, or are you just Facebook and Sky news posts?

Again, a genuine question.

I’ve been watching US and Australian (and world) politics for 40 years. I have no idea what you are talking about when you refer to Democrat “corruption of processes” etc.

Are you full of piss and wind, or do you have a substantive case?

It’s a genuine question. I very much doubt that you can stack up even a modicum of a scintilla of a harbinger of a case showing how the Dems have become corrupted and have demonstrated a “corruption of process”.

Hit me with your best shot. I’ve been watching, more closely than you. Tell me something that was substantively reported in the The Times, The Washington Post, the Sydney Morning Herald, the New Yorker, the Australian even, that wasn’t a pisstake from Sky News or Facebook.

Hint. If you say that the US has been sliding towards socialism, I’ll know you’re an imbecile.

Convince me. Seriously. Just give me anything substantive to research.

dude, we been talking about this shit for years, I laid out a rudimentary list a few pages back. the links from sasha stone and matt taibi did the same

"...Tell me something that was substantively reported in the The Times, The Washington Post, the Sydney Morning Herald, the New Yorker, the Australian even.."

if that's your list of acceptable sources...

I see your problem...

no fixing that

"Hint. If you say that the US has been sliding towards socialism, I’ll know you’re an imbecile."

imbecile indeed!

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Saturday, 20 Jul 2024 at 1:25pm
batfink wrote:

If your case is that both sides are completely fucked up, I’m all on board. Both are completely bought and sold by their corporate supporters. None more than the GOP which was bought by the Koch Industries brothers 30 years ago ( glad you’ve caught up).

But, make your case. These bullshit shorthand - well if you don’t get your news from Facebook you have no idea - are laughable. The antithesis of the disinterested observer.

You have something to offer Sypkan, but I have no idea what it is.

aloof much?

have you read (that's absorbed) anything I've ever said?

2008: the beginning of the end

koch brothers: yeh thanks brains for enlightening me...

tell is brains, how's their buying of donald trump going?

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Saturday, 20 Jul 2024 at 1:31pm
truebluebasher wrote:

Pass the Torch...this is awkward!

dean was my man 6 months ago

but got squeezed out by... errr... cough cough corruption...

the only dem not all in on the MIC as far as I'm aware

he'll get nowhere...

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Saturday, 20 Jul 2024 at 1:52pm

it really is astounding how defiant biden is...

one could argue he's just old, and slipped into that stubborn, autistic like, late stage of life where one lacks any self awareness at all

but really, anyone following proceedings knows , it's jill and hunter calling the shots now...

and their defiance is more unhealthy than a full joe biden nappy

Roker's picture
Roker's picture
Roker Saturday, 20 Jul 2024 at 2:07pm

You know... 'the Black man'. The dementia removing the artifice. He's always had the whiff of a Southern Democrat.

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Saturday, 20 Jul 2024 at 2:09pm


I think Jill and Hunter's powers , have gone out with Joe's .

Biden has bunkered down and will wait for the inevitable knock on his front door , from Barak perhaps ?

A meeting to ensure Joe goes out in style , The Defiant One haha lol .

Then Hilary , Bill , the Obama's , Pelosi etc , come together again , 2 get Trump , whatever it takes .,

AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Saturday, 20 Jul 2024 at 2:28pm
indo-dreaming wrote:
AlfredWallace wrote:
indo-dreaming wrote:

In regard to Trump and Hamas

No matter who is president i doubt we will see a huge change now but it cant be worse than under Biden.

If Trump was in power from the start there would be much more focus on the American hostages and Israel would have been allowed to go into Raffa much earlier and the war would be much further down the track which means closer to ending, Biden has only ensured the war goes on longer than needed and bassically tied one of Israels hands behind its back purely based on USA poltics.

Trump would have also dealt with Iran much differently running up to Oct 7th and after and funding for Hamas via UNRWA etc the whole situation would be far far better under Trump.

Same deal with Houthis ect

Disagree if you like, but the reality is it never happened under Trump.

Indo . Hi , hope you and your family are well.

That’s a lot of here say there fella. Reads like you’ve made it up.

Did you attend ‘Assumption College’ in your scholastic years.

I don’t regard either Biden or Trump fit for fight, but really, four big assumptions from your post.

Trump . What’s he got to do with the Israel v Palestinian war ?

It never really happened under anyone until the two aforementioned engaged in warfare.

I simply don’t get the relevance of your post. It’s void of specific content to say the least.
Just my opinion. All the best . AW

My post is in regard to the discussion above and on last page about Trump and Gaza, and yes Trump is relevent to the discussion because USA is Israels most important ally, they can either support or hinder Israel.

I listen to middle east military and poltical experts i listen to them because thats what they live and breath and have for years and im not talking fringe youtubers im talking guys like Joe Truzman & Bill Roggio and others that have served and advised on these matters and widely published and respected.

Im not sure how i could be more specific?

If Trump gets in he wont be able to magically change anything at this stage, the war just has to play out, its only been 9 months most wars last years look at Ukrainian what are we three or more years in?,

Its a slow chip by chip but every week Hamas get weaker only this week military chief Mohammed Deif is said to have been killed he was said to be one of the masterminds behind 7th Oct.

While you cant say 7th Oct and following war woudnt have happened under Trump, Trump would not have allowed the funding that Biden has to Iran and to groups like UNRWA, this makes Hamas stronger.

Thats not hearsay Trump cut funding to UNRWA when he was president.

And he wouldnt have been holding one of Israels hands behind its back, and putting off going into Raffa that should have happened
six months ago when Israel was ready to go, Raffa is a key location to control because it controls what comes in and out of Gaza via tunnels.

Many millary experts say it should have been the first location to control and secure, but id expect Isreal feared upsetting Egypt and it would also mean they would have even more pressure on them to bring in aid via Israel border istead of allowimg aid in via Egypt.

And on the whole ideology nonsense Hamas is only one of many terrorist groups in Gaza, but they are more powerfully than Palestine Islamic Jihad and the other groups in Gaza because they are also the government, they can do as they wish and are well funded.

In regard to what you call my four assumptions.

1. You disagree and think Trump can make a difference in this war now?

2. You honestly think Trump would deal with Iran and Hamas in the same way Biden has? History shows this is not true.

3. You honestly think Trump would not be focussing more on the USA hostages? (That we barely hear about)

4. You really think Trump would have been preventing Israel goimg into Raffa?

Stick to plants and surfing, you dont understand wars or Israel matters, becsuse you dont have an interest in it and haven't put the hours in needed to understand it all.

IndoDreaming. Hope ya well.

Thanks for your reply, I’m not surprised by the intensity of it, alas, it is your view and I respect that.

They are still assumptions, you can’t think how you think others are going to act, it’s that simple.

This is not condescending by any means, you’re are an intelligent guy, there’s no doubting that, your writing, your grammar , expression, , thorough detailed insights of subject matter, consistently framed and easy to understand.

Has it ever occurred to you , that I throw friendly barbs so as to get a reaction. It’s a deliberate ploy.

If you’ve understood me by now, I’m all for learning, in any capacity, I can learn more myself, I know it.

Tame the time to look at how many responses have quickly banked up on this forum matter since I responded to you, pages of the stuff.

Look at the positives, for all of us, for a moment, forget the subject matter, look at how much dialogue is generated. This in turn is aiding others, spelling, grammar, rapid researching ( the net), books , oral expression.

Don’t you think it’s enlightening? I do.

Look at all the contributors, combative, enraged at times, polar opposite views etc.

But in the end, we are on these forum topics because it provides an outlet to vent your view, thoughts and some anger.

In reality, we are all just worthy friends. Without malice. AW

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Saturday, 20 Jul 2024 at 2:35pm

his time is definitely nigh popd

they'll get him one way or another

not sure about hilary though, she's one flawed candidate

people in the know saying dems cannot possibly bypass kamala...

the $$$... but more importantly, they've backed themselves into a no win identity politics corner


planet america on abc: been right on the money for all things trumpy for 8 years now, surprisingly balanced for abc...

chas said wednesday, he thinks dems will lose, be it biden or kamala... but at least kamala can put a floor under how devastating that loss will be...

the irony is... (no one does irony like dems) ...that if they hadn't made such hysterical desperate and misguided calls to take trump out with the 25th amendment 6 years ago...

they'd be able to (and should) use it now

biden is so clearly incapacitated this whole charade beggars belief

he will only get worse

they (he) should have moved 12 months ago...

it's such a shambles now, it's pure damage control

(bring back hilary!

...debates be great if trump v hilary and vance v kamala...

purely from an entertainment perspective...)

philosurphizingkerching's picture
philosurphizingkerching's picture
philosurphizing... Saturday, 20 Jul 2024 at 2:59pm

Best illustration so far of the bullet trajectories.
The first bullet wings Trump then goes through the bloke in the black t shirts stomach.
Still hard to tell whether it was the first or second bullet that hit the JCB telehandler forklifts hydraulic hose.

ashsam's picture
ashsam's picture
ashsam Saturday, 20 Jul 2024 at 3:31pm

Here’s one for you belly fat, enjoy, lol ;)


GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Saturday, 20 Jul 2024 at 4:15pm


Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Saturday, 20 Jul 2024 at 4:30pm

- ummm ;)
..... paging the trash can (and borrowing from p 174 of this thread)

- the stinging nettle spelled it out for u clearly and concisely haha
..... yet u persist.... lingering.... loitering....
& unchanged with ya maga nappy stench ;)

- "...can you fuck off?" hahahaha


Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Saturday, 20 Jul 2024 at 4:30pm
