The United States(!) of A

factotum's picture
factotum started the topic in Thursday, 27 Aug 2020 at 11:12am

Septic Tanks are going to Septic Tank

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 7:48pm
soggydog wrote:

.@Indo “ Biden was bad enough in making it hard for Israel but she could be much worse.”

How? By supplying them with arms, money and consent? Yeah, I bet Netanyahu is really hurting!? Face palm

Yep Israel still defending themselves....
Sure Trump will be able to send even bigger bombs n bullets!

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 7:56pm



soggydog's picture
soggydog's picture
soggydog Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 7:56pm

I had to laugh the other day when SR was blowing hot air up Indo’s arse telling him he should go to university. How you going to educate someone who refuses to confront his own biases in the face of all realities. The mind boggles.

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 8:16pm



bonza's picture
bonza's picture
bonza Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 8:38pm
Roker wrote:
bonza wrote:

It “might” SHOULD be a thing but what realistically can she or her administration do about it? Genuine question?

Nothing really. Dobbs kicked it back to the states. A win for Harris with a strong pro reproductive rights element to her vote would be a strong warning/message to State Houses tho. There’s always talk about a federal ban. Trump’s against it. Vance more ambiguous. Vance as pres with House and Senate majorities and the current 6/3 court could see this happen. Unlikely but not out of the question. A big vote/win for Harris would probably knock this on the head. Most Republicans would see it as electoral poison. Who knows where the court could be after 8 years of Harris? Thomas not getting any younger. Could go back to 5/4 the other way, and maybe then they can do something about it. Sorry if stating the obvious.'s%20Health%20Organization%2C%20597%20U.S.%20215%20(,confer%20a%20right%20to%20abortion.

Thanks roker

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 8:51pm
soggydog wrote:

I had to laugh the other day when SR was blowing hot air up Indo’s arse telling him he should go to university. How you going to educate someone who refuses to confront his own biases in the face of all realities. The mind boggles.

Its insane how you and others always think you dont have biases or think that you arent stuck in your ways, meanwhile you probably think exactly how you did when you were 20 and now 60 plus.

Im not perfect but ive adapted and changed my views on all kinds of things over the years from poltical views to climate change to things around covid etc

soggydog's picture
soggydog's picture
soggydog Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 9:03pm

60+, I’m probably the same age as your self Indo. Late 40’s..
What do you think about what we mentioned above regarding Biden and Isreal. He’s funded it, supplied the arms, is heavily influenced by Aipac, and has refused to acknowledge findings and recommendations of international law institutions that the US has used itself to prosecute others. Actions don’t match the rhetoric.

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 9:00pm

..... assumption college chancellor, & dean of stwengf and powaaaa ;)



basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 9:01pm

yeh, by my reckoning, i'm 3 months either side of @indo re age. lifelong learner, like him, too.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 9:04pm
soggydog wrote:

.@Indo “ Biden was bad enough in making it hard for Israel but she could be much worse.”

How? By supplying them with arms, money and consent? Yeah, I bet Netanyahu is really hurting!? Face palm

Fick your a piece of terrorist loving trash and an ignorant uneducated one when it comes this topic.

Israel was ready to go into Raffa early in the year but Biden has bassically prevented Israel from doing so for six months.

Raffa is probably the most important operation of this war, abd many say its where Israel should have started and secured first.

soggydog's picture
soggydog's picture
soggydog Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 9:06pm
indo-dreaming wrote:
soggydog wrote:

.@Indo “ Biden was bad enough in making it hard for Israel but she could be much worse.”

How? By supplying them with arms, money and consent? Yeah, I bet Netanyahu is really hurting!? Face palm

Fick your a piece of terrorist loving trash and an ignorant uneducated one when it comes this topic.

Israel was ready to go into Raffa early in the year but Biden has bassically prevented Israel from doing so for six months.

Raffa is probably the most important operation of this war.

But capitulated in the end… what’s your point?

What label will you wear when all this is said and done?

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 9:08pm

- get to the chopper ;)


soggydog's picture
soggydog's picture
soggydog Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 9:13pm

I helped build one of those when I was a younger man. Near Laverton. Worked on the transmission site and the recieval site.

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 9:18pm

- to send and weceive tewowist twansmissions ;)

soggydog's picture
soggydog's picture
soggydog Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 9:35pm

Twashy twewworwist twansmitions

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 9:38pm

- just as wong as nuffing wost in twanswation ;)


basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 9:47pm

^ hoooleeee.. what a clip, @JF, not only was adelaide's media woke, but there was no fight to right that day in the city of churches, heartening stuff from the suburban heartlands, haha.

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 10:02pm

^ haha, I was gonna put "paging @basesix" at top of that post
... but some devine spiwit told me it wasn't needed ;)

- and now, intwaducing master wong!
..... coz he neva wong and he wepwesent z noinfo 'learning' curve ;)

"... well, there is no point of end becoz evewy day you are always learning sum fing new" ;);)



seeds's picture
seeds's picture
seeds Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 10:10pm

Haha that pops up in my feed regularly. Always give it a run.

da focus and da learning….

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 10:21pm

- hmmmmmm..... aaah..... wemember and no b wong :
"...coz it takes a lot of learning and a lotta time to do what you have to do" ;)

.....noinfo :

"I dont claim to be an expert but i have put in quite literally hundred of hours (possibly average an hour a day) since Oct 7 educating myself on the history, the poltics, and military aspects inparticular urban warfare."

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 10:22pm

... it's a porpoise ;);)


seeds's picture
seeds's picture
seeds Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 10:25pm

Good point.

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 6:10am
soggydog wrote:

I had to laugh the other day when SR was blowing hot air up Indo’s arse telling him he should go to university. How you going to educate someone who refuses to confront his own biases in the face of all realities. The mind boggles.

Remember the IDF are the most moral military in the world, who only use precision strikes.
If any children, women get in the way of their bombs or sniper bullets, it's the terrorists fault as they were being used as human shields.
Also note that they drop pamphlets down telling civilians to move to safe zones before the bomb. Ah ok sometimes safe zones are targeted and it's unfortunate that many innocents are killed, but the IDF obviously had info that there was a Hamas terrorist amongst the hundreds are starving families seeking refuge.
Never mind clearly identified aid workers getting targeted, even an Australian, but they were probably terrorist sympathisers, otherwise why would they be there in the first place?
Geez if you believe figures that that reputable international agencies are giving such as Save the Children, it is time you educated yourself. They are bias, as is UN, ICJ etc except if they are discussing Russia.
Hope that helps....

wax24's picture
wax24's picture
wax24 Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 7:31am
bonza wrote:

It “might” SHOULD be a thing but what realistically can she or her administration do about it? Genuine question?

Hey Bonza. Just my take, but the battleground for this issue now, if you are pro-abortion, is to keep it to the states. That way, there’ll still be safe havens. There is momentum on the right to legislate a National Ban on abortion. Her presence in the Oval Office, with it’s veto power, means that ban can’t go through. The Supreme Court will be conservative for a good while. The latest appointees are not old. A sweeping Dem win (Pres, House, Senate) could allow for an expansion of the Court. From 9 to, say, 13. Then Harris restacks the Court.
Although i am opposed to the overturn of Roe v Wade, i really hope this does not happen. The Supreme Court has been politicized enough, the blame for that lies squarely on the right. But, to expand it to “correct” it? It will’ve lost any credibility it still has at that point. Sometimes, in life, ya gotta just take the loss. Even when the other team cheated. Greater Good, and all that stuff.
So, yeah, if the abortion issue is your driving reason to vote, the vote is clear, and of great importance.'s%20Health%20Organization%2C%20597%20U.S.%20215%20(,confer%20a%20right%20to%20abortion.

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 8:29am

Great points by Roker and views from Waxy , reporting from the scene .

"If the abortion issue is your driving reason to vote , the vote is clear " .

An issue that I don't want to have a View on .

It's too hard for an old bloke like me , not Black or White .

I can understand a person , family , city , state and country having their OWN views on this life or death issue .

I believe in , my body , my choice , but Covid proved that shit !

I believe a baby in the womb , is a Life worth saving .

Then there are all the shades of grey .

This issue will bring out the Extremes , when a middle ground is perhaps the sensible spot .

It's a Religious Issue that Courts are adjudicating on .

Adam12 will have a field day and Waxy24 can give us the On Ground temperature of Trumps Achilles Heal .

There are heaps of Life and Death ISSUES that Trump ,is different to the Status Quo .

Stopping a World War 4 1 .

burleigh's picture
burleigh's picture
burleigh Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 8:31am
soggydog wrote:

I had to laugh the other day when SR was blowing hot air up Indo’s arse telling him he should go to university. How you going to educate someone who refuses to confront his own biases in the face of all realities. The mind boggles.

He wasn't blowing hot air up his arse, he was being a narcissistic flog.

southernraw's picture
southernraw's picture
southernraw Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 8:45am

haha. No surprises 'flog' is part of Burleighs vernacular.
Sits right alongside him using 'MAGA'.

burleigh's picture
burleigh's picture
burleigh Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 8:53am
southernraw wrote:

haha. No surprises 'flog' is part of Burleighs vernacular.
Sits right alongside him using 'MAGA'.

Really, the word fits perfectly:

What is a flog in Australian slang?
The word flog is a derogatory term to describe a person considered to be. pretentious, conceited or foolish, and evidence suggests it is Australian.

As for MAGA, i stand by it. This is the USA thread after all and politics is being discussed. Like it or not, Trump will be president and the world will be better for it.

USA will be much less woke, which won't suit you.

southernraw's picture
southernraw's picture
southernraw Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 9:10am

Burleigh, for someone who's sole purpose in life seems to be to troll people on Swellnet, you're not even very good at that.
I'd imagine it's got something to do with your I.Q or lack there of.
Id challenge anyone to present an argument otherwise, that you've actually written something of insight and intelligence on these threads. Would love to be proven wrong!
From what i can recall, the most in depth thing i've ever read you write was "Trump takes no shit and is gonna smash em ay!!".
Ever considered a one way ticket to the land of the free?
MAGA flog champ, you're welcome to those words and labels if they mean that much to you.

burleigh's picture
burleigh's picture
burleigh Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 9:17am
southernraw wrote:

Burleigh, for someone who's sole purpose in life seems to be to troll people on Swellnet, you're not even very good at that.
I'd imagine it's got something to do with your I.Q or lack there of.
Id challenge anyone to present an argument otherwise, that you've actually written something of insight and intelligence on these threads. Would love to be proven wrong!
From what i can recall, the most in depth thing i've ever read you write was "Trump takes no shit and is gonna smash em ay!!".
Ever considered a one way ticket to the land of the free?
MAGA flog champ, you're welcome to those words and labels if they mean that much to you.

only one quote comes to mind when you're claiming that you've been to university Bluediamond/Southernraw/Forgot the other name that was banned:

Never confuse education with intelligence, you can have a PhD and still be an idiot.

southernraw's picture
southernraw's picture
southernraw Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 9:22am

Wow! Deep.
I'll leave you to your daily trollings champ.
Got a life to live...ya know..

bonza's picture
bonza's picture
bonza Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 9:52am
wax24 wrote:
bonza wrote:

It “might” SHOULD be a thing but what realistically can she or her administration do about it? Genuine question?

Hey Bonza. Just my take, but the battleground for this issue now, if you are pro-abortion, is to keep it to the states. That way, there’ll still be safe havens. There is momentum on the right to legislate a National Ban on abortion. Her presence in the Oval Office, with it’s veto power, means that ban can’t go through. The Supreme Court will be conservative for a good while. The latest appointees are not old. A sweeping Dem win (Pres, House, Senate) could allow for an expansion of the Court. From 9 to, say, 13. Then Harris restacks the Court.
Although i am opposed to the overturn of Roe v Wade, i really hope this does not happen. The Supreme Court has been politicized enough, the blame for that lies squarely on the right. But, to expand it to “correct” it? It will’ve lost any credibility it still has at that point. Sometimes, in life, ya gotta just take the loss. Even when the other team cheated. Greater Good, and all that stuff.
So, yeah, if the abortion issue is your driving reason to vote, the vote is clear, and of great importance.'s%20Health%20Organization%2C%20597%20U.S.%20215%20(,confer%20a%20right%20to%20abortion.

Thanks wax.

old-dog's picture
old-dog's picture
old-dog Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 9:59am

From old-flog himself, I've always considered flog to mean to masturbate furiously,
i.e. flogging a dead horse, about the only thing pure blood burls is the master of. ;)

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 10:46am

.....relax, don't do it
- when u wanna go to it ;)


Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 11:39am

What’s he going to be like when fully cooked ? IMG-7978

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 11:46am

.....deja vu for the guns, drugs and money co op ;)
- bibi once again spewing lies of guarantees and 'victories' etc

...the show must go on ;);)




Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 12:40pm

... then, and now ;)

"If you take out sadaam, sadaam's regime, I guarantee you that it will have enormous positive reverberations on the region. And I think that people sitting right next door in iran, young people and many other people will say the time of such regimes, of such despots, is gone. There is a new age. Something new is happening."

^ wtf ;)

&".....The more victories you amass, the easier the next victory becomes. " ;);)

And fast forward to today :
- "When we fight Iran, we're fighting the most radical and murderous enemy of the United States of America," Mr Netanyahu said.
"Our fight is your fight, and our victory will be your victory," he added.

- now ummmm..... the guaranteed positive reverberations on the region since the original bibi address two decades ago are ummm???
...where again??? hahaha, please..... do go on ;);)

...and this 'new age' & this 'something new is happening' that has apparently happened that has now morphed into another ummm... 'our fight is your fight'....???..... is it the new age of new weaponry?... is the 'something new' a reference to more precision strikes and ummm new protocols of transparency and ummm adherence to international law ;);)
- coz ummm... wemember 'our' victory is also 'your' victory ;);)

So..... this guaranteed 'new age' has produced nothing new, no positive reverberations in the region and nothing 'new' is actually happening, other than increased military intervention and escalation ;)
..... and those 'victories' ummmm... where are they exactly? And when? ;)

Kinda interesting in the sense that the opposite to what has been guaranteed has occurred, and is continuing that way. Facts ;)
- and off we go again trying to be encouraged to gather momentum towards another manufactured and manipulated murder spree!

.....'western values' and 'rule based orders' ;);)

- what a fucking profoundly disgraceful display allowing bibi to address congress again...... a slimy and pathetic standing ovation given by american lawmakers to a true despot of a dictator.

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 12:41pm

Hey Jelly

Biibi is just a good Mouth Piece for Israel imho .

No Dictator as will be shown the door at the next election .

Like Biden , his record is terrible .

Biden has said he is still at the Top of his Game , didn't want to pull out , but Democrats changed their mind about him , after giving him the nomination .

For the sake of Democrat Unity , to keep Democracy lol , he reluctantly decided to pull out of the Race .

We have ALL seen a Mirage , Kamala is right and Joe is Fine , after all .

Or is it Trump Syndrome ? :)

The Cheatle pull out of the Secret Service Race , that was a Big Rolling Head being lopped off .

We are not even into August , the real knifing season .

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 12:47pm


- "no question whatsoever" hahahaha



....fresh batch of hasbara soup disguised as orange juice on z boil ;);)


Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 12:56pm

- same same ;)



andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 1:06pm
Jelly Flater wrote:

... then, and now ;)

"If you take out sadaam, sadaam's regime, I guarantee you that it will have enormous positive reverberations on the region. And I think that people sitting right next door in iran, young people and many other people will say the time of such regimes, of such despots, is gone. There is a new age. Something new is happening."

^ wtf ;)

&".....The more victories you amass, the easier the next victory becomes. " ;);)

And fast forward to today :
- "When we fight Iran, we're fighting the most radical and murderous enemy of the United States of America," Mr Netanyahu said.
"Our fight is your fight, and our victory will be your victory," he added.

- now ummmm..... the guaranteed positive reverberations on the region since the original bibi address two decades ago are ummm???
...where again??? hahaha, please..... do go on ;);)

...and this 'new age' & this 'something new is happening' that has apparently happened that has now morphed into another ummm... 'our fight is your fight'....???..... is it the new age of new weaponry?... is the 'something new' a reference to more precision strikes and ummm new protocols of transparency and ummm adherence to international law ;);)
- coz ummm... wemember 'our' victory is also 'your' victory ;);)

So..... this guaranteed 'new age' has produced nothing new, no positive reverberations in the region and nothing 'new' is actually happening, other than increased military intervention and escalation ;)
..... and those 'victories' ummmm... where are they exactly? And when? ;)

Kinda interesting in the sense that the opposite to what has been guaranteed has occurred, and is continuing that way. Facts ;)
- and off we go again trying to be encouraged to gather momentum towards another manufactured and manipulated murder spree!

.....'western values' and 'rule based orders' ;);)

- what a fucking profoundly disgraceful display allowing bibi to address congress again...... a slimy and pathetic standing ovation given by american lawmakers to a true despot of a dictator.

My guess is that if Israel instigates a full-scale war with Hezbollah, never mind Iran, it will no longer exist as a viable State.
Lebanon and Iran may well be destroyed, but so will Israel.
The economy will fold, any dual citizen will bail and the country's infrastructure will be destroyed. The guy is a genocidal nut.
If the USA go into Iran they will have as much success as they did with Iraq and Afghanistan, but with more body bags returning to the USA draped in a flag.
FFS call a cease fire and start negotiating a return to peace with a 2-state solution.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 1:19pm


they better beef up their dome

a dome can only dome so much...

a bit scary this current trajectory

seems doesn't matter which stooge in the whitehouse...

I think the only grace is the people of iran don't seem to support the regime

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 1:36pm

an interesting observation re. the current war / media / narratives...

we now don't really see many pics, stories from main media sources

we went from - the usual suspects shamelessly pumping essentially hamas propaganda for months...

to a bit of a correction and balance when a few media / academia scandals were exposed...

to now -at about the 9 month mark... where unless you look outside your bubble... one could believe the war is essentially a non event..

whereas my twitter is (still) full of pictures of abhorrent damage, conditions, and injuries...

almost worse than before - as it seems the pallywood / propaganda scenes are now less - and it is clearly now real images and instances...

not looking for an argument, or pushing any angle - I just find it amazing how these 'narratives' change...

amazing, odd, and suss...

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 1:33pm

And speaking of odd, suss, and 'narratives'

I've seen these white busses before...

(no name bus co.)

<script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 1:35pm

- bibi is doing anything to prolong and grow the conflict for his own self interest, to protect the failures of the zionist regime and to deflect from his corruption charges. He's knows it..... he's going to jail, so further escalation keeps that saga at arms length.

.....pity he'll go to any length to get more arms ;)

A corrupt liar, career war criminal and deluded hypocrite
...this statement of his is incredibly sly, he's taking the absolute piss here :

- "There is no room for political violence in democracies" ;);)

^ (unless you are aligned with those who do it and get away with it)
- it also depends on how u define 'violence', 'victory' & ...'democracy' ;)

.....coz without having to face any repercussions for instigating genocide you're.... ummm..... you're 'winning' ;);)

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 1:40pm

sorry, jf, I know this is a well established angle...

bb prolonging and avoiding jail time...

but, I don't buy it, NO ONE is that psycho!

it's bigger than bb

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 1:41pm



Hiccups's picture
Hiccups's picture
Hiccups Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 1:51pm
sypkan wrote:

an interesting observation re. the current war / media / narratives...

we now don't really see many pics, stories from main media sources...

...whereas my twitter is (still) full of pictures of abhorrent damage, conditions, and injuries...

syppy doesn't know about algorithms lolol

"shamelessly pumping essentially hamas propaganda for months" PFFFFFTTT

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 2:04pm
Hiccups wrote:
sypkan wrote:

an interesting observation re. the current war / media / narratives...

we now don't really see many pics, stories from main media sources...

...whereas my twitter is (still) full of pictures of abhorrent damage, conditions, and injuries...

syppy doesn't know about algorithms lolol

"shamelessly pumping essentially hamas propaganda for months" PFFFFFTTT

I'm talking TV etc. champ...

I know well about algorithms

I broke it...

thats why I'm still getting pictures of arms, legs, and dismembered bodies...


TV, normal media sources... not so much...

you're so easily triggered (again...) you totally missed my point...

ie. I was pushing YOUR barrow

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 2:05pm

- other than the dire threat of the woke mind virus, algorithmic propaganda, marky marx and the funky bunch, virtual venn diagrams and a climate induced transgender bender transition back towards green beans..... well, furiously consuming hasbara soup is gonna leave an empty space for nothing to exist in anyone's head but..... ummm :

