The United States(!) of A

factotum's picture
factotum started the topic in Thursday, 27 Aug 2020 at 11:12am

Septic Tanks are going to Septic Tank

Hiccups's picture
Hiccups's picture
Hiccups Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 2:16pm

Did I sound triggered? Pretty low bar you got.

sypkan wrote:

ie. I was pushing YOUR barrow

Suuuuure you were, mate.

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 2:25pm

- & when 'learning' in today's modern mash up of material device driven 'democratic' drivel..... one must consider every angle of the dangle ;)

......the cultural and multi faceted multi polarized global interweb of delusion and denial is fanned and fuelled by ballistic grade missiles of totalitarian truth backed up with hearty harmonious hubris ;);)

- right and left joining together in unison for one big wong orchestral orgy!
...(special mention to green room and ollie for the honorary orgy remark)


sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 2:41pm
Hiccups wrote:

Did I sound triggered? Pretty low bar you got.

sypkan wrote:

ie. I was pushing YOUR barrow

Suuuuure you were, mate.


my post was about why we are not seeing war coverage like at the beginning?

ie. from blanket coverage to scant coverage

and, how I'm seeing pictures as horrific as ever, and, that those pictures seem more credible than ever...

yet, many media sources have;

a) moved on

b) changed their narrative (imposed?)

c) perceived a fatigued public

d) censored

e) decided to cool rhetoric

but you interpret that as being bibi's fanboy...

good for you champ

keep a working those 'allies'...

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 2:50pm

changing narratives...

4 years ago, in the midst of the blm / antifa craziness, an article like this about donors and ngo's, and who they are... would have only appeared on something like brietbart...

and anyone who dared talk about donors, would have been instantly shut down as antisemitic..

now, look what politico is publishing

changing times...

this divide (weirdness and hypocrisy) may well be the only thing that saves trump's arse

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 2:53pm
sypkan wrote:
Hiccups wrote:

Did I sound triggered? Pretty low bar you got.

sypkan wrote:

ie. I was pushing YOUR barrow

Suuuuure you were, mate.


my post was about why we are not seeing war coverage like at the beginning?

ie. from blanket coverage to scant coverage

and, how I'm seeing pictures as horrific as ever, and, that those pictures seem more credible than ever...

yet, many media sources have;

a) moved on

b) changed their narrative (imposed?)

c) perceived a fatigued public

d) censored

e) decided to cool rhetoric

but you interpret that as being bibi's fanboy...

good for you champ

keep a working those 'allies'...

Have to agree, the media really does seem to be ignoring, or not highlighting some pretty major things with this war.
The Lancet Report went nowhere but a passing mention.
The % of child deaths in comparison to other wars not ever mentioned, hint Gaza is extremely higher than in Ukraine.
The Unity deal between Fatah and Hamas hosted by China.
And more....
Really quite remarkable...

Edit: Or maybe I missed them?

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 2:55pm

we need to talk about billionaires

all of them...

and how they have 'captured democracy'

the capital these cunts are blowing in the 'battle of narratives', could literally end world poverty overnight...

but that don't seem to be a thing anymore

where are you bob?

Hiccups's picture
Hiccups's picture
Hiccups Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 2:57pm
sypkan wrote:
Hiccups wrote:

Did I sound triggered? Pretty low bar you got.

sypkan wrote:

ie. I was pushing YOUR barrow

Suuuuure you were, mate.


my post was about why we are not seeing war coverage like at the beginning?

ie. from blanket coverage to scant coverage

and, how I'm seeing pictures as horrific as ever, and, that those pictures seem more credible than ever...

yet, many media sources have;

a) moved on

b) changed their narrative (imposed?)

c) perceived a fatigued public

d) censored

e) decided to cool rhetoric

but you interpret that as being bibi's fanboy...

good for you champ

keep a working those 'allies'...

I interpreted it exactly as how you wrote it, and also just as you explained it.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 3:05pm

so why the hostility?

you bibi's fanboy now?

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 3:10pm
sypkan wrote:

we need to talk about billionaires

all of them...

and how they have 'captured democracy'

the capital these cunts are blowing in the 'battle of narratives', could literally end world poverty overnight...

but that don't seem to be a thing anymore

where are you bob?

this shit really is obscene

from an equality perspective

equality, suffering, and sanity...

I don't give a shit which angle you come from

it's 'corruption of process' and the system of the highest order

I fear there's no turning back

we're in a billionaire imposed death spiral

seems we all need to define who (what) the real enemies are...

and hence, allies...

Hiccups's picture
Hiccups's picture
Hiccups Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 3:12pm
sypkan wrote:

so why the hostility?

you bibi's fanboy now?

Are you pro-Palestine? I don't haunt these boards 24/7 like some, so I wouldn't know, but this quote: "shamelessly pumping essentially hamas propaganda for months" gave me pause, and reeks of, at the least, Israeli sympathising.

adam12's picture
adam12's picture
adam12 Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 3:23pm

Hey @Sypkan,
In amongst all the mayhem and bodies in your feed on X do you ever see any evidence of dead Hamas terrorists?
Israel claims they are killing thousands of them.
I've seen weapon caches and supposed control centers, countless horrific scenes of civilian death, but I ain't seen any verifiable evidence of dead Hamas.
Is there any?
Maybe @Indo has a file on this.
As for Bibi addressing Congress, what a fucking disgrace.
If the "rules based order" actually existed they would have arrested him and sent him to the Hague.
Truth is, there are rules, but they ignore them when it suits and enforce them similarly.
And any mention of "rules based order" should contain an asterisk "not applicable to Israel".
(waiting for @Indo to call me a terrorist lover in 3...2...1..)
And speaking of billionaire death spirals....
Meanwhile, another war is quietly playing out in a probate court in Reno, Nevada that could have big impacts on American and Australian politics.
The "war of the roses" in the Murdoch family has been brought forward by Rupert and looks like playing out while he is still alive. Rupert is trying to amend the "irrevocable" family trust to ensconce Lachlan in control of the Fox/News empire so James, Elisabeth and Prudence can't vote him out when Rupert dies and change direction editorially to a more liberal outlet as James has indicated they would do. It's blown up in Rupert's face and the three "liberal" siblings are suing to prevent him, they are not talking to him and none attended his recent wedding.
If Rupert fails, Lachlan is out when Rupert finally dies (although they tend to live forever the Murdochs), and Fox in America as the leading right wing news outlet would probably be no more.
In Australia, the future of mastheads like The Australian and the Herald Sun, Courier Mail and Telegraph, etc, are in play. They are already pretty much loss making vanity projects for Rupert to prop up the LNP and protect his fossil fuel interests here, some big redundancies this week* because of Meta pulling out and ad revenue disappearing. It is thought the three siblings would just close them or offload them given the chance. That would have a big impact on the media landscape here as well.
The trust and equal sibling voting rights (Rupert has deciding vote while he is alive), is supposed to be irrevocable but has a clause it can be varied to protect the interests of all the beneficiaries. Rupert has to prove that not installing Lachlan in control would damage those interests.
I've got no idea who will win, no knowledge of American probate law, but whatever the final decision is will have a big impact in the US and here, but only when the old lizard finally carks it.

*One of the more notable "journalists" to get the arse this week was the fat fuck James Campbell, the political editor for the Herald Sun, (who some may know from his arrogant appearances occasionally on Insiders on Sunday mornings and who looks like the Nazi from Raiders of the Lost Ark, except fatter), who's wife failed in the Ashton by election in Victoria last year for the LNP.
Good riddance to that cnt.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 3:31pm

well it ain't an either / or

(for some of us...)

dude, the hamas amplified propaganda at the start of the war (by media) was so obviously bullshit, it was the antithesis of anything resembling 'jounalism'

think the first hospital debacle, death tolls, etc...

but this set the stage

and it just gotten worse from there..

'truth is the first casualty...'

I'm pro a two state solution

old school UN style...

clowns shouting 'from the river to the sea' and spruiking contemporary PM inspired 'post-colonisation narratives' seem to be anything but...

they might have a point, but fuck me!

Israel ain't going anywhere...

and... 'politics is the art of compromise'

hysterical, indoctrinated, minions to contemporary narratives are prolonging this mess just as much as bibi...

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 3:31pm
adam12 wrote:

Hey @Sypkan,
In amongst all the mayhem and bodies in your feed on X do you ever see any evidence of dead Hamas terrorists?
Israel claims they are killing thousands of them.
I've seen weapon caches and supposed control centers, countless horrific scenes of civilian death, but I ain't seen any verifiable evidence of dead Hamas.
Is there any?
Maybe @Indo has a file on this.
As for Bibi addressing Congress, what a fucking disgrace.
If the "rules based order" actually existed they would have arrested him and sent him to the Hague.
Truth is, there are rules, but they ignore them when it suits and enforce them similarly.
And any mention of "rules based order" should contain an asterisk "not applicable to Israel".
(waiting for @Indo to call me a terrorist lover in 3...2...1..)
And speaking of billionaire death spirals....
Meanwhile, another war is quietly playing out in a probate court in Reno, Nevada that could have big impacts on American and Australian politics.
The "war of the roses" in the Murdoch family has been brought forward by Rupert and looks like playing out while he is still alive. Rupert is trying to amend the "irrevocable" family trust to ensconce Lachlan in control of the Fox/News empire so James, Elisabeth and Prudence can't vote him out when Rupert dies and change direction editorially to a more liberal outlet as James has indicated they would do. It's blown up in Rupert's face and the three "liberal" siblings are suing to prevent him, they are not talking to him and none attended his recent wedding.
If Rupert fails, Lachlan is out when Rupert finally dies (although they tend to live forever the Murdochs), and Fox in America as the leading right wing news outlet would probably be no more.
In Australia, the future of mastheads like The Australian and the Herald Sun, Courier Mail and Telegraph, etc, are in play. They are already pretty much loss making vanity projects for Rupert to prop up the LNP and protect his fossil fuel interests here, some big redundancies this week* because of Meta pulling out and ad revenue disappearing. It is thought the three siblings would just close them or offload them given the chance. That would have a big impact on the media landscape here as well.
The trust and equal sibling voting rights (Rupert has deciding vote while he is alive), is supposed to be irrevocable but has a clause it can be varied to protect the interests of all the beneficiaries. Rupert has to prove that not installing Lachlan in control would damage those interests.
I've got no idea who will win, no knowledge of American probate law, but whatever the final decision is will have a big impact in the US and here, but only when the old lizard finally carks it.

*One of the more notable "journalists" to get the arse this week was the fat fuck James Campbell, the political editor for the Herald Sun, (who some may know from his arrogant appearances occasionally on Insiders on Sunday mornings and who looks like the Nazi from Raiders of the Lost Ark, except fatter), who's wife failed in the Ashton by election in Victoria last year for the LNP.
Good riddance to that cnt.

James Campbell, what an odioius individual he is....

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 3:34pm

@adam12 :

.....Truth is, there are rules, but they ignore them when it suits and enforce them similarly.
And any mention of "rules based order" should contain an asterisk "not applicable to Israel".

^ how dare you!!?? ;);)


Hiccups's picture
Hiccups's picture
Hiccups Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 3:48pm
sypkan wrote:

well it ain't an either / or

(for some of us...)

dude, the hamas amplified propaganda at the start of the war (by media) was so obviously bullshit, it was the antithesis of anything resembling 'jounalism'

think the first hospital debacle, death tolls, etc...

but this set the stage

and it just gotten worse from there..

'truth is the first casualty...'

I'm pro a two state solution

old school UN style...

clowns shouting 'from the river to the sea' and spruiking contemporary PM inspired 'post-colonisation narratives' seem to be anything but...

they might have a point, but fuck me!

Israel ain't going anywhere...

and... 'politics is the art of compromise'

hysterical, indoctrinated, minions to contemporary narratives are prolonging this mess just as much as bibi...

Well, definitely more than just sympathising then. Always the same with these, I don't have a side/agenda, devil's advocate people such as yourself.

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 3:45pm
sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 4:07pm

"...In amongst all the mayhem and bodies in your feed on X do you ever see any evidence of dead Hamas terrorists?
Israel claims they are killing thousands of them..."

can't say I do

but, I have 'gamed' my algorithm to show the palestinian side...

hence, the arms, legs, charred bodies...

so they aren't gonna show / concede that

but tbh, it just ain't that simple... war is messy...

a couple of points:

hamas clearly intimidates civilians to submission

someone bombing the fuck out of you for months tends to foster certain alliances

people are indoctrinated - wherever you live...

videos of unrwa doing this are pretty damning

so, define 'hamas terrorists'..

I will say one thing, I have seen plenty of vids of these so called 'persecuted journalists' and the like being found with guns...

the whole thing is just a fucking mess

Israel clearly has not shown 'proportionate force'

and, where the fuck hamas ends and civilians begin is highly subjective

I will agree with indo on one thing though, leaving rafah as the last stronghold was a massive mistake

bordering with egypt, and having access to all those tunnels, means this shit will never end / have a very messy ending...

egypt might play coy / good cop / disinterested player... but there be lots of sympathisers hanging around that border region...

also prolonging the war into eternity...

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 4:04pm
Hiccups wrote:
sypkan wrote:

well it ain't an either / or

(for some of us...)

dude, the hamas amplified propaganda at the start of the war (by media) was so obviously bullshit, it was the antithesis of anything resembling 'jounalism'

think the first hospital debacle, death tolls, etc...

but this set the stage

and it just gotten worse from there..

'truth is the first casualty...'

I'm pro a two state solution

old school UN style...

clowns shouting 'from the river to the sea' and spruiking contemporary PM inspired 'post-colonisation narratives' seem to be anything but...

they might have a point, but fuck me!

Israel ain't going anywhere...

and... 'politics is the art of compromise'

hysterical, indoctrinated, minions to contemporary narratives are prolonging this mess just as much as bibi...

Well, definitely more than just sympathising then. Always the same with these, I don't have a side/agenda, devil's advocate people such as yourself.

ok mr. moral compass...

please explain this vision you have for a decolonised israel...

seriously, how does it look?

and how do you get there?

please please please!

someone lay it out...

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 4:04pm


Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 4:10pm




Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 4:11pm



sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 4:13pm


means... ends...

good / bad


<script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Hiccups's picture
Hiccups's picture
Hiccups Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 4:12pm
sypkan wrote:
Hiccups wrote:
sypkan wrote:

well it ain't an either / or

(for some of us...)

dude, the hamas amplified propaganda at the start of the war (by media) was so obviously bullshit, it was the antithesis of anything resembling 'jounalism'

think the first hospital debacle, death tolls, etc...

but this set the stage

and it just gotten worse from there..

'truth is the first casualty...'

I'm pro a two state solution

old school UN style...

clowns shouting 'from the river to the sea' and spruiking contemporary PM inspired 'post-colonisation narratives' seem to be anything but...

they might have a point, but fuck me!

Israel ain't going anywhere...

and... 'politics is the art of compromise'

hysterical, indoctrinated, minions to contemporary narratives are prolonging this mess just as much as bibi...

Well, definitely more than just sympathising then. Always the same with these, I don't have a side/agenda, devil's advocate people such as yourself.

ok mr. moral compass...

please explain this vision you have for a decolonised israel...

seriously, how does it look?

and how do you get there?

please please please!

someone lay it out...

I don't pretend to have the answers, but I don't think kowtowing to the current Israeli GENOCIDERS or the pipedream of a peachy two state solution's gonna do the trick. Do you? Really?

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 4:16pm

best of a bad bunch...

of options

go nuclear righteous if you want...

(be careful what you wish for)

burleigh's picture
burleigh's picture
burleigh Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 4:27pm
Hiccups wrote:
sypkan wrote:
Hiccups wrote:
sypkan wrote:

well it ain't an either / or

(for some of us...)

dude, the hamas amplified propaganda at the start of the war (by media) was so obviously bullshit, it was the antithesis of anything resembling 'jounalism'

think the first hospital debacle, death tolls, etc...

but this set the stage

and it just gotten worse from there..

'truth is the first casualty...'

I'm pro a two state solution

old school UN style...

clowns shouting 'from the river to the sea' and spruiking contemporary PM inspired 'post-colonisation narratives' seem to be anything but...

they might have a point, but fuck me!

Israel ain't going anywhere...

and... 'politics is the art of compromise'

hysterical, indoctrinated, minions to contemporary narratives are prolonging this mess just as much as bibi...

Well, definitely more than just sympathising then. Always the same with these, I don't have a side/agenda, devil's advocate people such as yourself.

ok mr. moral compass...

please explain this vision you have for a decolonised israel...

seriously, how does it look?

and how do you get there?

please please please!

someone lay it out...

I don't pretend to have the answers, but I don't think kowtowing to the current Israeli GENOCIDERS or the pipedream of a peachy two state solution's gonna do the trick. Do you? Really?

Don't act like hamas doesn't carry some responsibility for what is happening. October 7 was horrific and don't forget they are still holding hostages since that date.

Roker's picture
Roker's picture
Roker Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 4:38pm

Rashida Tlaib quietly holding up a little sign? Nah. Ilhan Omar issuing a carefully worded statement? Nah. Otherwise dropped off the map. Nah.

The Squad, ‘Pallywood’ et al in strategic retreat. For a while now. The sunbelt states and the rust belt states the two states that matter, in the moment of the existential election. Assume a quid pro quo. Add in the measured, coordinated Pelosi led boycott. Assume a big shift in relations with Israel, a time line with the threat of meaningful sanctions, if the Dem candidate wins.

Hiccups's picture
Hiccups's picture
Hiccups Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 4:34pm
burleigh wrote:
Hiccups wrote:
sypkan wrote:
Hiccups wrote:
sypkan wrote:

well it ain't an either / or

(for some of us...)

dude, the hamas amplified propaganda at the start of the war (by media) was so obviously bullshit, it was the antithesis of anything resembling 'jounalism'

think the first hospital debacle, death tolls, etc...

but this set the stage

and it just gotten worse from there..

'truth is the first casualty...'

I'm pro a two state solution

old school UN style...

clowns shouting 'from the river to the sea' and spruiking contemporary PM inspired 'post-colonisation narratives' seem to be anything but...

they might have a point, but fuck me!

Israel ain't going anywhere...

and... 'politics is the art of compromise'

hysterical, indoctrinated, minions to contemporary narratives are prolonging this mess just as much as bibi...

Well, definitely more than just sympathising then. Always the same with these, I don't have a side/agenda, devil's advocate people such as yourself.

ok mr. moral compass...

please explain this vision you have for a decolonised israel...

seriously, how does it look?

and how do you get there?

please please please!

someone lay it out...

I don't pretend to have the answers, but I don't think kowtowing to the current Israeli GENOCIDERS or the pipedream of a peachy two state solution's gonna do the trick. Do you? Really?

Don't act like hamas doesn't carry some responsibility for what is happening. October 7 was horrific and don't forget they are still holding hostages since that date.

ssshhhh, child. Semi-adults are arguing.

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 4:42pm

Obama & Tay Tay are endorsing Genocidal War Crimes Fugitive Bibi for US Prez
All know Trump & Kamala together can't remove Bibi from Doug's White House!

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 4:56pm
burleigh wrote:
Hiccups wrote:
sypkan wrote:
Hiccups wrote:
sypkan wrote:

well it ain't an either / or

(for some of us...)

dude, the hamas amplified propaganda at the start of the war (by media) was so obviously bullshit, it was the antithesis of anything resembling 'jounalism'

think the first hospital debacle, death tolls, etc...

but this set the stage

and it just gotten worse from there..

'truth is the first casualty...'

I'm pro a two state solution

old school UN style...

clowns shouting 'from the river to the sea' and spruiking contemporary PM inspired 'post-colonisation narratives' seem to be anything but...

they might have a point, but fuck me!

Israel ain't going anywhere...

and... 'politics is the art of compromise'

hysterical, indoctrinated, minions to contemporary narratives are prolonging this mess just as much as bibi...

Well, definitely more than just sympathising then. Always the same with these, I don't have a side/agenda, devil's advocate people such as yourself.

ok mr. moral compass...

please explain this vision you have for a decolonised israel...

seriously, how does it look?

and how do you get there?

please please please!

someone lay it out...

I don't pretend to have the answers, but I don't think kowtowing to the current Israeli GENOCIDERS or the pipedream of a peachy two state solution's gonna do the trick. Do you? Really?

Don't act like hamas doesn't carry some responsibility for what is happening. October 7 was horrific and don't forget they are still holding hostages since that date.

Yep, it all started on Oct 7th......
How many hostages are Israel holding?
Ah sorry I meant prisoners.....

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 4:59pm
Hiccups's picture
Hiccups's picture
Hiccups Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 5:00pm
andy-mac wrote:
burleigh wrote:
Hiccups wrote:
sypkan wrote:
Hiccups wrote:
sypkan wrote:

well it ain't an either / or

(for some of us...)

dude, the hamas amplified propaganda at the start of the war (by media) was so obviously bullshit, it was the antithesis of anything resembling 'jounalism'

think the first hospital debacle, death tolls, etc...

but this set the stage

and it just gotten worse from there..

'truth is the first casualty...'

I'm pro a two state solution

old school UN style...

clowns shouting 'from the river to the sea' and spruiking contemporary PM inspired 'post-colonisation narratives' seem to be anything but...

they might have a point, but fuck me!

Israel ain't going anywhere...

and... 'politics is the art of compromise'

hysterical, indoctrinated, minions to contemporary narratives are prolonging this mess just as much as bibi...

Well, definitely more than just sympathising then. Always the same with these, I don't have a side/agenda, devil's advocate people such as yourself.

ok mr. moral compass...

please explain this vision you have for a decolonised israel...

seriously, how does it look?

and how do you get there?

please please please!

someone lay it out...

I don't pretend to have the answers, but I don't think kowtowing to the current Israeli GENOCIDERS or the pipedream of a peachy two state solution's gonna do the trick. Do you? Really?

Don't act like hamas doesn't carry some responsibility for what is happening. October 7 was horrific and don't forget they are still holding hostages since that date.

Yep, it all started on Oct 7th......
How many hostages are Israel holding?
Ah sorry I meant prisoners.....

Clueless gonna clueless

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 5:10pm

- "Yep, it all started on Oct 7th......
How many hostages are Israel holding?
Ah sorry I meant prisoners....."

^ gold @andy-mac




burleigh's picture
burleigh's picture
burleigh Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 5:16pm
andy-mac wrote:
burleigh wrote:
Hiccups wrote:
sypkan wrote:
Hiccups wrote:
sypkan wrote:

well it ain't an either / or

(for some of us...)

dude, the hamas amplified propaganda at the start of the war (by media) was so obviously bullshit, it was the antithesis of anything resembling 'jounalism'

think the first hospital debacle, death tolls, etc...

but this set the stage

and it just gotten worse from there..

'truth is the first casualty...'

I'm pro a two state solution

old school UN style...

clowns shouting 'from the river to the sea' and spruiking contemporary PM inspired 'post-colonisation narratives' seem to be anything but...

they might have a point, but fuck me!

Israel ain't going anywhere...

and... 'politics is the art of compromise'

hysterical, indoctrinated, minions to contemporary narratives are prolonging this mess just as much as bibi...

Well, definitely more than just sympathising then. Always the same with these, I don't have a side/agenda, devil's advocate people such as yourself.

ok mr. moral compass...

please explain this vision you have for a decolonised israel...

seriously, how does it look?

and how do you get there?

please please please!

someone lay it out...

I don't pretend to have the answers, but I don't think kowtowing to the current Israeli GENOCIDERS or the pipedream of a peachy two state solution's gonna do the trick. Do you? Really?

Don't act like hamas doesn't carry some responsibility for what is happening. October 7 was horrific and don't forget they are still holding hostages since that date.

Yep, it all started on Oct 7th......
How many hostages are Israel holding?
Ah sorry I meant prisoners.....

You think before October 7 Isreal were holding innocent civilians (not associated to Hamas) in their jails?

seeds's picture
seeds's picture
seeds Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 5:18pm

Children even, Burliegh

burleigh's picture
burleigh's picture
burleigh Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 5:19pm
seeds wrote:

Children even, Burliegh

I bet you also believe the death toll they report.

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 5:20pm

^ faaaaaaark hahaha
- that semi u got for the don has really blown your mind into factual oblivion ;)


Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 5:25pm

- hmmm..... ooooops ;)
...beliefs ...tolls ...reports ;);)

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 5:26pm
soggydog wrote:
indo-dreaming wrote:
soggydog wrote:

.@Indo “ Biden was bad enough in making it hard for Israel but she could be much worse.”

How? By supplying them with arms, money and consent? Yeah, I bet Netanyahu is really hurting!? Face palm

Fick your a piece of terrorist loving trash and an ignorant uneducated one when it comes this topic.

Israel was ready to go into Raffa early in the year but Biden has bassically prevented Israel from doing so for six months.

Raffa is probably the most important operation of this war.

But capitulated in the end… what’s your point?

What label will you wear when all this is said and done?

A reply here is pretty much pointless, seeing you clearly dont under the very basic principle of time in a war and how important time is, or support or lack of support from an aly is perceived by an enemy like Hamas.

Hiccups's picture
Hiccups's picture
Hiccups Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 5:25pm
burleigh wrote:
andy-mac wrote:
burleigh wrote:
Hiccups wrote:
sypkan wrote:
Hiccups wrote:
sypkan wrote:

well it ain't an either / or

(for some of us...)

dude, the hamas amplified propaganda at the start of the war (by media) was so obviously bullshit, it was the antithesis of anything resembling 'jounalism'

think the first hospital debacle, death tolls, etc...

but this set the stage

and it just gotten worse from there..

'truth is the first casualty...'

I'm pro a two state solution

old school UN style...

clowns shouting 'from the river to the sea' and spruiking contemporary PM inspired 'post-colonisation narratives' seem to be anything but...

they might have a point, but fuck me!

Israel ain't going anywhere...

and... 'politics is the art of compromise'

hysterical, indoctrinated, minions to contemporary narratives are prolonging this mess just as much as bibi...

Well, definitely more than just sympathising then. Always the same with these, I don't have a side/agenda, devil's advocate people such as yourself.

ok mr. moral compass...

please explain this vision you have for a decolonised israel...

seriously, how does it look?

and how do you get there?

please please please!

someone lay it out...

I don't pretend to have the answers, but I don't think kowtowing to the current Israeli GENOCIDERS or the pipedream of a peachy two state solution's gonna do the trick. Do you? Really?

Don't act like hamas doesn't carry some responsibility for what is happening. October 7 was horrific and don't forget they are still holding hostages since that date.

Yep, it all started on Oct 7th......
How many hostages are Israel holding?
Ah sorry I meant prisoners.....

You think before October 7 Isreal were holding innocent civilians (not associated to Hamas) in their jails?

Mate, you can't even spell the place correctly. Go sit in the corner.

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 5:29pm

- haha yes ;) the corner u go, noinfo is waiting

- playing a love song of 'learning' ;);)


andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 5:33pm
burleigh wrote:
andy-mac wrote:
burleigh wrote:
Hiccups wrote:
sypkan wrote:
Hiccups wrote:
sypkan wrote:

well it ain't an either / or

(for some of us...)

dude, the hamas amplified propaganda at the start of the war (by media) was so obviously bullshit, it was the antithesis of anything resembling 'jounalism'

think the first hospital debacle, death tolls, etc...

but this set the stage

and it just gotten worse from there..

'truth is the first casualty...'

I'm pro a two state solution

old school UN style...

clowns shouting 'from the river to the sea' and spruiking contemporary PM inspired 'post-colonisation narratives' seem to be anything but...

they might have a point, but fuck me!

Israel ain't going anywhere...

and... 'politics is the art of compromise'

hysterical, indoctrinated, minions to contemporary narratives are prolonging this mess just as much as bibi...

Well, definitely more than just sympathising then. Always the same with these, I don't have a side/agenda, devil's advocate people such as yourself.

ok mr. moral compass...

please explain this vision you have for a decolonised israel...

seriously, how does it look?

and how do you get there?

please please please!

someone lay it out...

I don't pretend to have the answers, but I don't think kowtowing to the current Israeli GENOCIDERS or the pipedream of a peachy two state solution's gonna do the trick. Do you? Really?

Don't act like hamas doesn't carry some responsibility for what is happening. October 7 was horrific and don't forget they are still holding hostages since that date.

Yep, it all started on Oct 7th......
How many hostages are Israel holding?
Ah sorry I meant prisoners.....

You think before October 7 Isreal were holding innocent civilians (not associated to Hamas) in their jails?

Don't think, know. It's well documented.

burleigh's picture
burleigh's picture
burleigh Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 5:34pm
andy-mac wrote:
burleigh wrote:
andy-mac wrote:
burleigh wrote:
Hiccups wrote:
sypkan wrote:
Hiccups wrote:
sypkan wrote:

well it ain't an either / or

(for some of us...)

dude, the hamas amplified propaganda at the start of the war (by media) was so obviously bullshit, it was the antithesis of anything resembling 'jounalism'

think the first hospital debacle, death tolls, etc...

but this set the stage

and it just gotten worse from there..

'truth is the first casualty...'

I'm pro a two state solution

old school UN style...

clowns shouting 'from the river to the sea' and spruiking contemporary PM inspired 'post-colonisation narratives' seem to be anything but...

they might have a point, but fuck me!

Israel ain't going anywhere...

and... 'politics is the art of compromise'

hysterical, indoctrinated, minions to contemporary narratives are prolonging this mess just as much as bibi...

Well, definitely more than just sympathising then. Always the same with these, I don't have a side/agenda, devil's advocate people such as yourself.

ok mr. moral compass...

please explain this vision you have for a decolonised israel...

seriously, how does it look?

and how do you get there?

please please please!

someone lay it out...

I don't pretend to have the answers, but I don't think kowtowing to the current Israeli GENOCIDERS or the pipedream of a peachy two state solution's gonna do the trick. Do you? Really?

Don't act like hamas doesn't carry some responsibility for what is happening. October 7 was horrific and don't forget they are still holding hostages since that date.

Yep, it all started on Oct 7th......
How many hostages are Israel holding?
Ah sorry I meant prisoners.....

You think before October 7 Isreal were holding innocent civilians (not associated to Hamas) in their jails?

Don't think, know. It's well documented.

On Al Jazeera?

burleigh's picture
burleigh's picture
burleigh Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 5:35pm
Hiccups wrote:
burleigh wrote:
andy-mac wrote:
burleigh wrote:
Hiccups wrote:
sypkan wrote:
Hiccups wrote:
sypkan wrote:

well it ain't an either / or

(for some of us...)

dude, the hamas amplified propaganda at the start of the war (by media) was so obviously bullshit, it was the antithesis of anything resembling 'jounalism'

think the first hospital debacle, death tolls, etc...

but this set the stage

and it just gotten worse from there..

'truth is the first casualty...'

I'm pro a two state solution

old school UN style...

clowns shouting 'from the river to the sea' and spruiking contemporary PM inspired 'post-colonisation narratives' seem to be anything but...

they might have a point, but fuck me!

Israel ain't going anywhere...

and... 'politics is the art of compromise'

hysterical, indoctrinated, minions to contemporary narratives are prolonging this mess just as much as bibi...

Well, definitely more than just sympathising then. Always the same with these, I don't have a side/agenda, devil's advocate people such as yourself.

ok mr. moral compass...

please explain this vision you have for a decolonised israel...

seriously, how does it look?

and how do you get there?

please please please!

someone lay it out...

I don't pretend to have the answers, but I don't think kowtowing to the current Israeli GENOCIDERS or the pipedream of a peachy two state solution's gonna do the trick. Do you? Really?

Don't act like hamas doesn't carry some responsibility for what is happening. October 7 was horrific and don't forget they are still holding hostages since that date.

Yep, it all started on Oct 7th......
How many hostages are Israel holding?
Ah sorry I meant prisoners.....

You think before October 7 Isreal were holding innocent civilians (not associated to Hamas) in their jails?

Mate, you can't even spell the place correctly. Go sit in the corner.

i'm not your mate.

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 5:43pm
burleigh wrote:
andy-mac wrote:
burleigh wrote:
andy-mac wrote:
burleigh wrote:
Hiccups wrote:
sypkan wrote:
Hiccups wrote:
sypkan wrote:

well it ain't an either / or

(for some of us...)

dude, the hamas amplified propaganda at the start of the war (by media) was so obviously bullshit, it was the antithesis of anything resembling 'jounalism'

think the first hospital debacle, death tolls, etc...

but this set the stage

and it just gotten worse from there..

'truth is the first casualty...'

I'm pro a two state solution

old school UN style...

clowns shouting 'from the river to the sea' and spruiking contemporary PM inspired 'post-colonisation narratives' seem to be anything but...

they might have a point, but fuck me!

Israel ain't going anywhere...

and... 'politics is the art of compromise'

hysterical, indoctrinated, minions to contemporary narratives are prolonging this mess just as much as bibi...

Well, definitely more than just sympathising then. Always the same with these, I don't have a side/agenda, devil's advocate people such as yourself.

ok mr. moral compass...

please explain this vision you have for a decolonised israel...

seriously, how does it look?

and how do you get there?

please please please!

someone lay it out...

I don't pretend to have the answers, but I don't think kowtowing to the current Israeli GENOCIDERS or the pipedream of a peachy two state solution's gonna do the trick. Do you? Really?

Don't act like hamas doesn't carry some responsibility for what is happening. October 7 was horrific and don't forget they are still holding hostages since that date.

Yep, it all started on Oct 7th......
How many hostages are Israel holding?
Ah sorry I meant prisoners.....

You think before October 7 Isreal were holding innocent civilians (not associated to Hamas) in their jails?

Don't think, know. It's well documented.

On Al Jazeera?

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 5:48pm
andy-mac wrote:
Jelly Flater wrote:

... then, and now ;)

"If you take out sadaam, sadaam's regime, I guarantee you that it will have enormous positive reverberations on the region. And I think that people sitting right next door in iran, young people and many other people will say the time of such regimes, of such despots, is gone. There is a new age. Something new is happening."

^ wtf ;)

&".....The more victories you amass, the easier the next victory becomes. " ;);)

And fast forward to today :
- "When we fight Iran, we're fighting the most radical and murderous enemy of the United States of America," Mr Netanyahu said.
"Our fight is your fight, and our victory will be your victory," he added.

- now ummmm..... the guaranteed positive reverberations on the region since the original bibi address two decades ago are ummm???
...where again??? hahaha, please..... do go on ;);)

...and this 'new age' & this 'something new is happening' that has apparently happened that has now morphed into another ummm... 'our fight is your fight'....???..... is it the new age of new weaponry?... is the 'something new' a reference to more precision strikes and ummm new protocols of transparency and ummm adherence to international law ;);)
- coz ummm... wemember 'our' victory is also 'your' victory ;);)

So..... this guaranteed 'new age' has produced nothing new, no positive reverberations in the region and nothing 'new' is actually happening, other than increased military intervention and escalation ;)
..... and those 'victories' ummmm... where are they exactly? And when? ;)

Kinda interesting in the sense that the opposite to what has been guaranteed has occurred, and is continuing that way. Facts ;)
- and off we go again trying to be encouraged to gather momentum towards another manufactured and manipulated murder spree!

.....'western values' and 'rule based orders' ;);)

- what a fucking profoundly disgraceful display allowing bibi to address congress again...... a slimy and pathetic standing ovation given by american lawmakers to a true despot of a dictator.

My guess is that if Israel instigates a full-scale war with Hezbollah, never mind Iran, it will no longer exist as a viable State.
Lebanon and Iran may well be destroyed, but so will Israel.
The economy will fold, any dual citizen will bail and the country's infrastructure will be destroyed. The guy is a genocidal nut.
If the USA go into Iran they will have as much success as they did with Iraq and Afghanistan, but with more body bags returning to the USA draped in a flag.
FFS call a cease fire and start negotiating a return to peace with a 2-state solution.

Can you please just answer one question?

Let's say so called Palestinians(really just Arabs) agreed to a two state soloution,(two state delustion) why do you think Arabs would then be happy and satisfied and not attack Israel and Jews? (In what is left of Israel)

Do you honestly think all these radical jihadist group's are going to go, oh cool we are happy now we will let jews, christians, atheist live in peace next door?

Or do you think its more realstic that they go great now we want the rest of Israel gone and all Jews gone.

burleigh's picture
burleigh's picture
burleigh Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 5:51pm
andy-mac wrote:
burleigh wrote:
andy-mac wrote:
burleigh wrote:
andy-mac wrote:
burleigh wrote:
Hiccups wrote:
sypkan wrote:
Hiccups wrote:
sypkan wrote:

well it ain't an either / or

(for some of us...)

dude, the hamas amplified propaganda at the start of the war (by media) was so obviously bullshit, it was the antithesis of anything resembling 'jounalism'

think the first hospital debacle, death tolls, etc...

but this set the stage

and it just gotten worse from there..

'truth is the first casualty...'

I'm pro a two state solution

old school UN style...

clowns shouting 'from the river to the sea' and spruiking contemporary PM inspired 'post-colonisation narratives' seem to be anything but...

they might have a point, but fuck me!

Israel ain't going anywhere...

and... 'politics is the art of compromise'

hysterical, indoctrinated, minions to contemporary narratives are prolonging this mess just as much as bibi...

Well, definitely more than just sympathising then. Always the same with these, I don't have a side/agenda, devil's advocate people such as yourself.

ok mr. moral compass...

please explain this vision you have for a decolonised israel...

seriously, how does it look?

and how do you get there?

please please please!

someone lay it out...

I don't pretend to have the answers, but I don't think kowtowing to the current Israeli GENOCIDERS or the pipedream of a peachy two state solution's gonna do the trick. Do you? Really?

Don't act like hamas doesn't carry some responsibility for what is happening. October 7 was horrific and don't forget they are still holding hostages since that date.

Yep, it all started on Oct 7th......
How many hostages are Israel holding?
Ah sorry I meant prisoners.....

You think before October 7 Isreal were holding innocent civilians (not associated to Hamas) in their jails?

Don't think, know. It's well documented.

On Al Jazeera?

Israel in not taking innocent women and children hostage. While Hamas committed war crimes by taking hostages.

seeds's picture
seeds's picture
seeds Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 5:51pm

Not talking about Gaza war Burliegh.
West Bank Palestinian Territories.
Also about 140 Palestinians killed there this year by settlers, backed by the IDF, whilst they stole their houses and land.
ICJ judgement again this week about the illegality of it.

southernraw's picture
southernraw's picture
southernraw Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 6:06pm

Burleigh displaying his lack of IQ for all to see again plus a side dish of gaslighting at anyone that actually presents facts to him.

burleigh's picture
burleigh's picture
burleigh Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 6:11pm
southernraw wrote:

Burleigh displaying his lack of IQ for all to see again plus a side dish of gaslighting at anyone that actually presents facts to him.

Should i go to Uni?

Look, i won't pick a side in the Israel/Gaza war, but if Hamas is calling western people that are supporting them useful idiots, then you need to re-evaluate who you're verbally supporting.

You support them, but if you somehow ended up in Gaza, Hamas would kill you and your family and dance on your bodies with no remorse. That's not something you should be ok with.

Those woke colourful hair fruitloops protesting against Israel would be slaughtered in seconds.

seeds's picture
seeds's picture
seeds Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 6:13pm

Oh my, this shit again. No one supports Hamas!