The United States(!) of A

factotum's picture
factotum started the topic in Thursday, 27 Aug 2020 at 11:12am

Septic Tanks are going to Septic Tank

tubeshooter's picture
tubeshooter's picture
tubeshooter Saturday, 20 Jul 2024 at 4:32pm

Secret Service are now hiring.
Do you have what it takes?

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Saturday, 20 Jul 2024 at 4:47pm

^ haha, gold tubeshooter

& as always, AW.... the voice of reason for any season ;)
- hope those waves arrive, u deserve it!

... @adam12, go well... stay strong
- all the best to u, your bro.... and your dad.

(and below.... a learning guide for the noinfo/AW embrace)



tubeshooter's picture
tubeshooter's picture
tubeshooter Saturday, 20 Jul 2024 at 4:44pm

And just on that so called 'nasty rhetoric' truce, they're all back it, all of them.
No surprise though.
The more things change the more they stay the same.

ashsam's picture
ashsam's picture
ashsam Saturday, 20 Jul 2024 at 4:48pm
Jelly Flater wrote:

- ummm ;)
..... paging the trash can (and borrowing from p 174 of this thread)

- the stinging nettle spelled it out for u clearly and concisely haha
..... yet u persist.... lingering.... loitering....
& unchanged with ya maga nappy stench ;)

- "...can you fuck off?" hahahaha


You’ll be gone before me dipstick not just from here, 6ft under lol ;)

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Saturday, 20 Jul 2024 at 4:50pm

Oh wow haha zingaaaaaaaa
- lol gololol how do u do it trash man ;)


Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Saturday, 20 Jul 2024 at 4:51pm



seeds's picture
seeds's picture
seeds Saturday, 20 Jul 2024 at 4:51pm
bonza wrote:

What the hell is wrong with TAFE?

It’s under funded.

bonza's picture
bonza's picture
bonza Saturday, 20 Jul 2024 at 6:32pm
seeds wrote:
bonza wrote:

What the hell is wrong with TAFE?

It’s under funded.

Agreed. And under valued. But I guess the jokes on those who arrogantly think one who pursues education in TAFE vs UNI is of a) lesser ability and b) results in a better education and thinking ability.

Plus there’s the cost benefit comparison. TAFE wins hands down…. Generally

adam12's picture
adam12's picture
adam12 Saturday, 20 Jul 2024 at 6:33pm
wax24 wrote:
adam12 wrote:
AlfredWallace wrote:
adam12 wrote:

Joe will go by Monday or soon after.

Adam12. Hi mate. Hope you’re travelling along the fine road.

Finally, the SC is about to reignite, about time.
I’ve got the whole week pencilled in. Itchy feet. AW

G'day AW, sorry late response, been dealing with...well, life, recently. My bro is carer for our 93yo dad and he's suffering a bit of carer fatigue so been up in shitsville helping him get a break. back home now and yep, just in time for a run of days by the looks and the calendar is free next week.
But the cold! The cold!
Scotland cold.
Macbeth cold.
Colder than a witch's tit.
(That would be a good name for a cold water surf break "witch's tit")
Hope we both get some this coming week (Waves I mean, I've been off witch's tits for a long while now, you can make up your own mind about that.)

Haha Adam! Thanx for the visual. If you wanna truly experience Witches Tit, spend a day in Guernsey, Wyoming in January. I did. Once. I swear to gawd, i looked back upon leaving and saw me in ice form, behind. It was like Lot’s wives gettin outta Sodom. Or Gomorrah. Not sure which. I’m still not sure if that was me i left behind or if i left behind a frozen me. Witches Fookin Tit, mate.

Haha, yep "witches fookin' tit" cold.
Wyoming sounds nice, looks nice too. Closest I'll get to it is a Clint Eastwood movie though.
Truth is, it's not that bad here. Water around 13C and air temp right now around 11C. It's doable, I'm just a cold water pussy these days. Never used to be, "embrace the cold" was my motto, but I've done 50 odd winters surfing this coast and these days get very selective about my go outs at this time of year. I do like the cold water surf afterglows though. I reckon the afterglows linger longer after surfing cold water.
Hope you are doing well, interesting times you are living in over there, and still three months to go, still more drama to unfold. I'm calling Joe will go and soon, I think the decision has already been made and they were waiting for the RNC to conclude and now for Joe to recover enough to appear in public and announce it so they can try and get control of the narrative.
Mind you a year or so ago I predicted that by now The Rock would be the Democratic nominee so I wouldn't go smelling what I'm cooking.
But whoever runs against him I think it is only Trump that could defeat himself now, that old American saying "by getting caught with a dead girl or live boy". He walked onto that podium the same old grifter con artist dumbass populist, in with a fifty fifty, maybe a bit better shot at re election and emerged a goddamn bona fide American Hero replete with his own Iwo Jima iconography readymade for t shirts, mugs, trading cards, the Trump statue and history!
I've got to give him credit, they say he is a master media manipulator, to have the ability at that moment, to grasp it, he knew what he was doing, he stopped the SS agents, trained to cover his head and move him out pronto. I don't know you could call it the great comeback because Trump was frontrunner but it's the greatest election supercharge I've ever seen. I can't see how the Dems beat him now.
Of course all that is just the lemon next to the pie. The big story for history will be the changes they will be making under Trump 2.0. The American experiment as history has known it will be over, a new version of it will be created, one that casts aside the fine balance of the exercise of American democracy between Congress, the Supreme Court and the Office of President. They are going to centralise power around the President, and the heads of your democratic organs and institutions are going to have to swear fealty not to the Constitution, not to the Office of President, but to Trump himself. The FBI and Justice Department is where they will start, when they are finished the "experiment" won't be the same one the founding fathers designed, in fact they thought they were drafting a Constitution that would prevent a President like Trump.
Your nation "conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal" will endure, to reference a true American President not as lucky under fire as Trump, just a different version of it, the Trump 2.0 version.
All my opinion of course and a good example of Australiasplaining to an American!
Stay well Waxy.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Saturday, 20 Jul 2024 at 7:05pm


If Joe goes then who replaces him?

Kamala? but her popularity is maybe worse or no better.

But if they skip her, how does that look skipping a women and one of colour?

Might upset a lot of democrat voters of colour.

Quite a few have suggested with Trumps position now, not many would want to run agaist him and would rather save themselves for a chance next time around.

Whatever happens its going to be interesting watching it play out.

It is amazing that in that moment of chaos he knew to take that risk and raise a fist and create an iconic moment, and just the peception thst creates for people as a strong leader.

Roker's picture
Roker's picture
Roker Saturday, 20 Jul 2024 at 6:55pm

Kamala’s up. Usual suspects don’t want the poisoned chalice, the fatal brand damage that comes with being the opponent of 2nd Trump, Donald the Bien Aimé. All eyeing ’28.


Democrats afflicted by same malaise as the GOP. Two antithetical factions. Nobody’s interest is served by these couplings. Republicans should split from MAGA. Bernie/Squad should split from Clintonite Dems. Each of these groups would/should win districts. Assuming universal access to super PACs, naturally. The framers were very specific about the God given right of the people’s representatives to bear super PACS.

Four blocks corresponding roughly to the way America has organised itself. If America heading down dark path, disenfranchisement at the core - give the people representatives that’ll give ‘em a better shout. The old way’s cracking at the foundations anyway. The big tents are collapsing in on themselves. Better still that this correction leads to the incorporation of PR. More democracy! Save America!

Dems could just flip it. Go for Harris/Biden. The smoothest of transitions. Business as usual. Kamala continues to ‘do the work’ as ‘unburdened’ figurehead in chief. Jill keeps doing Jill.

adam12's picture
adam12's picture
adam12 Saturday, 20 Jul 2024 at 7:00pm
Jelly Flater wrote:

^ haha, gold tubeshooter

& as always, AW.... the voice of reason for any season ;)
- hope those waves arrive, u deserve it!

... @adam12, go well... stay strong
- all the best to u, your bro.... and your dad.

(and below.... a learning guide for the noinfo/AW embrace)


Hey Jelly, thanks for that, kind words. We're all doing ok, best we can, shuffling forward. My brother is the one really, he's a saint. Given up a big chunk of his life to look after my old man who's not the easiest guy to look after these days. Believe it or not I was actually discussing you with him this week, I'd trained my youtube algorithm to only show surfing and merc car repair videos and looking at the ones you post has borked my algorithm and I keep getting this bizarre shit on my feed that I attribute to you. So when he asked why I was staring at my PC saying "fucking Jelly" I had to explain and took him through some of your work here, so he's now a big fan, particularly the 'doin your mom' series.
I'll give him your regards, he'll be stoked.
He had a pretty funny take when we were discussing the Trump conspiracy theories,
"There's another thing they are not looking at...did you realise....Trump spelt backwards is .....Pmurt!"
Got me laughing anyway, "Don't google it whatever you do" he reckons.

udo's picture
udo's picture
udo Saturday, 20 Jul 2024 at 7:05pm


velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno Saturday, 20 Jul 2024 at 7:06pm

Really good video on the shooter's location and shots on the last page - better than all media presentations afterward.

I didn't understand the angle and the head-turn's significance until seeing that. RIP to the fella who died. Snipers in that camera angle were covering a completely different part of the venue.

adam12's picture
adam12's picture
adam12 Saturday, 20 Jul 2024 at 7:10pm
indo-dreaming wrote:


If Joe goes then who replaces him?

Kamala? but her popularity is maybe worse or no better.

But if they skip her, how does that look skipping a women and one of colour?

Might upset a lot of democrat voters of colour.

Quite a few have suggested with Trumps position now, not many would want to run agaist him and would rather save themselves for a chance next time around.

Whatever happens its going to be interesting watching it play out.

If I were trying to find them a path to victory I would go with a Harris/Newsom ticket.
If Joe goes it has to be Harris, the optics of stepping over a woman of color would be worse than just letting Joe mumble on and prey for a miracle.
It's still three months out and there is still a path for the Dems to win, anything can happen as we have seen this week, but right now it looks over no matter who the Dems put up. Maybe Batman, maybe he could do it, maybe time to send up the Batsignal!.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Saturday, 20 Jul 2024 at 7:15pm

Agree that would seem.the most sensible option for them.

velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno Saturday, 20 Jul 2024 at 7:20pm
adam12 wrote:

Of course all that is just the lemon next to the pie. The big story for history will be the changes they will be making under Trump 2.0. The American experiment as history has known it will be over, a new version of it will be created, one that casts aside the fine balance of the exercise of American democracy between Congress, the Supreme Court and the Office of President. They are going to centralise power around the President, and the heads of your democratic organs and institutions are going to have to swear fealty not to the Constitution, not to the Office of President, but to Trump himself. The FBI and Justice Department is where they will start, when they are finished the "experiment" won't be the same one the founding fathers designed, in fact they thought they were drafting a Constitution that would prevent a President like Trump.

This is very interesting and it's tempting to reach for historical parallels; though they won't fit precisely. The other big switch to watch for will be the withdrawing from international engagement and return to isolationism, which seems to switch on and off when viewed over time.

wax24's picture
wax24's picture
wax24 Saturday, 20 Jul 2024 at 7:49pm
adam12 wrote:
wax24 wrote:
adam12 wrote:
AlfredWallace wrote:
adam12 wrote:

Joe will go by Monday or soon after.

Adam12. Hi mate. Hope you’re travelling along the fine road.

Finally, the SC is about to reignite, about time.
I’ve got the whole week pencilled in. Itchy feet. AW

G'day AW, sorry late response, been dealing with...well, life, recently. My bro is carer for our 93yo dad and he's suffering a bit of carer fatigue so been up in shitsville helping him get a break. back home now and yep, just in time for a run of days by the looks and the calendar is free next week.
But the cold! The cold!
Scotland cold.
Macbeth cold.
Colder than a witch's tit.
(That would be a good name for a cold water surf break "witch's tit")
Hope we both get some this coming week (Waves I mean, I've been off witch's tits for a long while now, you can make up your own mind about that.)

Haha Adam! Thanx for the visual. If you wanna truly experience Witches Tit, spend a day in Guernsey, Wyoming in January. I did. Once. I swear to gawd, i looked back upon leaving and saw me in ice form, behind. It was like Lot’s wives gettin outta Sodom. Or Gomorrah. Not sure which. I’m still not sure if that was me i left behind or if i left behind a frozen me. Witches Fookin Tit, mate.

Haha, yep "witches fookin' tit" cold.
Wyoming sounds nice, looks nice too. Closest I'll get to it is a Clint Eastwood movie though.
Truth is, it's not that bad here. Water around 13C and air temp right now around 11C. It's doable, I'm just a cold water pussy these days. Never used to be, "embrace the cold" was my motto, but I've done 50 odd winters surfing this coast and these days get very selective about my go outs at this time of year. I do like the cold water surf afterglows though. I reckon the afterglows linger longer after surfing cold water.
Hope you are doing well, interesting times you are living in over there, and still three months to go, still more drama to unfold. I'm calling Joe will go and soon, I think the decision has already been made and they were waiting for the RNC to conclude and now for Joe to recover enough to appear in public and announce it so they can try and get control of the narrative.
Mind you a year or so ago I predicted that by now The Rock would be the Democratic nominee so I wouldn't go smelling what I'm cooking.
But whoever runs against him I think it is only Trump that could defeat himself now, that old American saying "by getting caught with a dead girl or live boy". He walked onto that podium the same old grifter con artist dumbass populist, in with a fifty fifty, maybe a bit better shot at re election and emerged a goddamn bona fide American Hero replete with his own Iwo Jima iconography readymade for t shirts, mugs, trading cards, the Trump statue and history!
I've got to give him credit, they say he is a master media manipulator, to have the ability at that moment, to grasp it, he knew what he was doing, he stopped the SS agents, trained to cover his head and move him out pronto. I don't know you could call it the great comeback because Trump was frontrunner but it's the greatest election supercharge I've ever seen. I can't see how the Dems beat him now.
Of course all that is just the lemon next to the pie. The big story for history will be the changes they will be making under Trump 2.0. The American experiment as history has known it will be over, a new version of it will be created, one that casts aside the fine balance of the exercise of American democracy between Congress, the Supreme Court and the Office of President. They are going to centralise power around the President, and the heads of your democratic organs and institutions are going to have to swear fealty not to the Constitution, not to the Office of President, but to Trump himself. The FBI and Justice Department is where they will start, when they are finished the "experiment" won't be the same one the founding fathers designed, in fact they thought they were drafting a Constitution that would prevent a President like Trump.
Your nation "conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal" will endure, to reference a true American President not as lucky under fire as Trump, just a different version of it, the Trump 2.0 version.
All my opinion of course and a good example of Australiasplaining to an American!
Stay well Waxy.

Broadly speaking, Adam, i agree. Google "GOP Platform 2024" if ya wanna see more specifically what they are planning

wax24's picture
wax24's picture
wax24 Saturday, 20 Jul 2024 at 7:53pm

They will reimagine, i imagine, the Dept of Justice and FBI as Immigration Control, whatever they name it. Deporatations, dunno what scale. Those who are speculating about the Dem ticket who reference the '28 election (including myself), should take care to realize that there may not be one. Not as they have been, anyway.

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Saturday, 20 Jul 2024 at 8:03pm

youz guys are welcome to use our cool-as-nutz term 'Border Force' - we upgraded the previous 70-year-old woosie little girl name 'Department of Immigration and Border Protection' in 2015 to metaphorically shirtfront the flotsam and jetsam.

wax24's picture
wax24's picture
wax24 Saturday, 20 Jul 2024 at 8:07pm

Hey Base. Border Force. I like it. Hollywood will, too. Red Hats and bandages will be required for the uniform.

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Saturday, 20 Jul 2024 at 8:15pm

mm, there's been a bit of chat about your interesting cat Teddy Roosevelt on here. His most famous quote in this area was turned on its head in Aus, to read something like : 'speak loud and aggressive, and carry a stamp and a $300 fine'.
I think we got the jump on you guys there.

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Saturday, 20 Jul 2024 at 8:15pm


wax24's picture
wax24's picture
wax24 Saturday, 20 Jul 2024 at 8:30pm

Base, we like our big sticks here. Specially the ones that go BANG!
That is very funny Supa (genuine).
China has had a growing interest in investing a bit in Mexico. Let's em get around whatever tariff the U.S. would like to apply.

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Saturday, 20 Jul 2024 at 8:39pm

fyi @wax, China tariffs hit our wine, crayfish/lobster, timber, etc. industries quite hard for a bit. Didn't hit as hard as China had hoped, other countries wanted our raw stuff badly, we exported our crays to New Zealand, who sold them on to China.. wine is struggling though, they're recommending alternate crops to vignerons, (which would actually be pleasing and timely to some of our population). Taught us important lessons in diversity, pivoting, and being less lazy and reliant on one big market.

wax24's picture
wax24's picture
wax24 Saturday, 20 Jul 2024 at 8:46pm

What are the alternate crops proposed? I'm interested, as i live in Wine Country, which used to be hops country (lower case, lol.) Along with pears, apples, prunes. I think the grapes are seasonally beautiful, but miss, and prefer the orchards that were replaced by the vineyards.

burleigh's picture
burleigh's picture
burleigh Saturday, 20 Jul 2024 at 8:47pm
udo wrote:

No matter where you stand he's right about trans athletes and the only one not scared to say it. MAGA...... actually... make the western world great again

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Saturday, 20 Jul 2024 at 8:52pm
wax24 wrote:

What are the alternate crops proposed? I'm interested, as i live in Wine Country, which used to be hops country (lower case, lol.) Along with pears, apples, prunes. I think the grapes are seasonally beautiful, but miss, and prefer the orchards that were replaced by the vineyards.

same here, all our wine growing regions were pegged by early european settlers and were thriving fruit orchards and almond groves, then replanted for fortified wine grapes, then table wine grapes from the 1970s. Be the same in napa, etc.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Saturday, 20 Jul 2024 at 9:03pm

I actually don't think it's as in the bag as the general consensus paints it

trump's speech was largely bagged, despite obvious conference unity

all the dems need to do is get their candidates sorted and it's game on

that means overriding kamala - she's fucking useless - and... 'unburdening themselves today, from tomorrow's burden that was yesterday, and what could have been...'

it would change the whole game...

james carville pushed having a lightning fast open primary, open it right up, get all the heads in there, get them debating spruiking, lying ...and fighting... the process would dominate the media, get the names out there, and energise a pretty flat and defeated party faithful...

it'd also be a very 'democratic' primary process

how it is supposed to be... how it was... before the corruption set in...

it would also empower the electorate, and kerb the excesses of influence from big donors...

you might say they need big donors... but they're already pulling funds, leaving biden and the main campaign high and dry...

they've literally got nothing to lose... why wouldn't they do it?

well, because the party is corrupt to the core that's why, and whenever given a choice... they choose nefarious means at every junction...

but given the oncoming so called nightmare they perceive...

why wouldn't you?

another mystery contributor to a possible win, is the 11 million migrants the dems have facilitated across the border. ...whilst it's portrayed as 'conspiracy' ...sigh...

it's real, they have aided and abetted these people at every opportunity, ffs biden even has a welcoming app for their phones!

they have gotten them documents, accomodation, bussed and planed them around the country, and some states have introduced and encouraged no ID required to vote laws...

now, if the dems are smart (they are sometimes) ...and have moved these people into swing states, the 3 or 4 that were won by only 20 - 30 000 votes the last two elections... this alone is a game changer...

it's certainly not over yet

dems just need to pull themselves together

this seems their biggest problem

not without good reason...

they are demoralised

they did it to themselves...

velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno Saturday, 20 Jul 2024 at 9:24pm
basesix wrote:

mm, there's been a bit of chat about your interesting cat Teddy Roosevelt on here. His most famous quote in this area was turned on its head in Aus, to read something like : 'speak loud and aggressive, and carry a stamp and a $300 fine'.
I think we got the jump on you guys there.

That's because our moment of rebellion (Eureka 1854) was put down in the night.

We're the cousin that made the other choice.

tubeshooter's picture
tubeshooter's picture
tubeshooter Saturday, 20 Jul 2024 at 9:24pm

I'm still calling Biden won't budge.
He's dug in like a tick and anything short of the 25th will fail imo.
In his head, he's the man still.
Stubborn and deluded.
He couldn't give a rats what his crew thinks. It's his wheelhouse and everyone can get the fark out, iceberg be damned.

We'll see though.
This U.S election seems like a write off any way you slice it.
Hopefully 2028 will look brighter.
For all our sakes.

wax24's picture
wax24's picture
wax24 Saturday, 20 Jul 2024 at 9:51pm
sypkan wrote:

I actually don't think it's as in the bag as the general consensus paints it

trump's speech was largely bagged, despite obvious conference unity

all the dems need to do is get their candidates sorted and it's game on

that means overriding kamala - she's fucking useless - and... 'unburdening themselves today, from tomorrow's burden that was yesterday, and what could have been...'

it would change the whole game...

james carville pushed having a lightning fast open primary, open it right up, get all the heads in there, get them debating spruiking, lying ...and fighting... the process would dominate the media, get the names out there, and energise a pretty flat and defeated party faithful...

it'd also be a very 'democratic' primary process

how it is supposed to be... how it was... before the corruption set in...

it would also empower the electorate, and kerb the excesses of influence from big donors...

you might say they need big donors... but they're already pulling funds, leaving biden and the main campaign high and dry...

they've literally got nothing to lose... why wouldn't they do it?

well, because the party is corrupt to the core that's why, and whenever given a choice... they choose nefarious means at every junction...

but given the oncoming so called nightmare they perceive...

why wouldn't you?

another mystery contributor to a possible win, is the 11 million migrants the dems have facilitated across the border. ...whilst it's portrayed as 'conspiracy' ...sigh...

it's real, they have aided and abetted these people at every opportunity, ffs biden even has a welcoming app for their phones!

they have gotten them documents, accomodation, bussed and planed them around the country, and some states have introduced and encouraged no ID required to vote laws...

now, if the dems are smart (they are sometimes) ...and have moved these people into swing states, the 3 or 4 that were won by only 20 - 30 000 votes the last two elections... this alone is a game changer...

it's certainly not over yet

dems just need to pull themselves together

this seems their biggest problem

not without good reason...

they are demoralised

they did it to themselves...

Basically what i said, Syp. If i had to bet my hard earned money, i'd bet Trump. Obviously. But, it's not a shoo in or done deal. But, the Dems have been asleep for at least 15 years. Now, they're gonna pull themselves together?

seeds's picture
seeds's picture
seeds Saturday, 20 Jul 2024 at 10:24pm

Trump’s next presidency?


I focus's picture
I focus's picture
I focus Sunday, 21 Jul 2024 at 12:51am
wax24 wrote:

Hey Focus. I think it's more the current generation of leaders than systemic. An area where it is systemic is that, more and more over time, the Supreme Court has expanded the rights of corporations, beginning, i think, in 1978, with a decision to allow corporations to spend money on state ballot initiatives. That opened a door to the expanded rights since then. Meaning that, more and more, pollies are directed by corporate interest, not the welfare of the country. Of course, all pollies have always been bought and sold, just that the degree is above critical mass. Hence, lotsa pissed off populists throwing their toys out of the cot, burning the group home down
One piece of pasta to throw at the wall, anyways.

Cheers Mate

ashsam's picture
ashsam's picture
ashsam Sunday, 21 Jul 2024 at 7:52am

Would rather listen to trump than whiny Albo lol ;)
The worst Australian public speaker in politics ever ;)

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Sunday, 21 Jul 2024 at 7:58am
Fliplid's picture
Fliplid's picture
Fliplid Sunday, 21 Jul 2024 at 8:30am

“Hopefully 2028 will look brighter.“ Maybe Trump will ask ‘his’ supreme court to re- interpret the limit on terms served. From what I have read there weren't any limits placed in the original ‘founding fathers’ document, that was changed in modern times. President for life, that’s something to get excited about

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Sunday, 21 Jul 2024 at 9:48am

In 2028 , Trumps agenda to Drain the Swamp , will probably , maybe B swamped and he won't be running .

The Establishment , that has taken over the DOJ , FBI , Tax Office , Media etc etc , will not be Cleaned Up and will need more purging of it's putrid waters .

The Establishment has the Ultimate Boarder Force , protecting their Turf .

They will Never stop fighting and Demonising , Trump !

The US could take a leaf out of our former PM , Muppet Tony Abbott re our Boarder Security , though imho .

I bet Abbott would have been cool in Trump's shoes , he sure is a fighter .

Also like Trump , in that he was terrible at appointing advisers , when getting the top job .

Waxy , he also ate a raw onion , on live tv when visiting an onion farm , really !

He's tough !

Everyone thought , except Tony , People Smugglers would always be able to Penetrate our boards with Boats from Indonesia .

The people wanted the Boats stopped , so voted The Mad Monk in .

Our porous Boarder , made Australia a Magnetic Island ,

Tony , he must have :) , set up , as Base 6 said , the Coolest Boarder Force .

Cool bad arses , think Clint Eastwood crossed with Dame Edna .

He also sent our Navy , no Carriers , to stop the boats at the source , Indo .

To ensure , no one got to Australia , ugly offshore detention facilities , were organised .

Australia lost the Pull magnet and the Boats , thankfully , stopped coming .

Boarder Force is so cool , they have , apparently got their own TV Station and Stars !

Great new uniforms , everyone has actor training , including agents K 9's .

Lots of new Electrical Gadgets at Customs to help the Flow , with Photo's & fingerprints .

Biden's replacement , will eventually , be asked about Immigration .

ashsam's picture
ashsam's picture
ashsam Sunday, 21 Jul 2024 at 1:27pm
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Sunday, 21 Jul 2024 at 5:13pm

Vance sold himself out for power. Hypocrite and sold himself to the highest bidder.

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Sunday, 21 Jul 2024 at 5:27pm

Hey Roady

To possibly become , the 2nd most Powerful person in the US , Vance has had to sell himself .

To his Republican Electorate ( just ) and to Trump ( the ONLY bidder :) .

Same party , so not a hypocrite !

He got the gig for VP , which gives him a great chance of becoming President , in 2028 .

So like Trump , Vance can sell an idea .

Thanks Roady .

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Sunday, 21 Jul 2024 at 6:03pm

Vance wants to drop the Ukraine in it. Will stop funding.

Vance wants to devalue the $us.

Is an isolationist.

Your 12 / 13 / 14 etc etc year old daughter gets raped by an unknown or by incest and becomes pregnant. Vance wants the child forced to carry to full term. No exceptions.

Anti union. Anti worker but pro owner and rich people.

Etc etc

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Sunday, 21 Jul 2024 at 6:05pm

Mitt Romney once quipped, “I don't know that I can disrespect someone more than J. D. Vance.”

Because he is a sell out and sold all his beliefs for power.

He will fit in maga camp 100%

AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Sunday, 21 Jul 2024 at 7:28pm
adam12 wrote:
wax24 wrote:
adam12 wrote:
AlfredWallace wrote:
adam12 wrote:

Joe will go by Monday or soon after.

Adam12. Hi mate. Hope you’re travelling along the fine road.

Finally, the SC is about to reignite, about time.
I’ve got the whole week pencilled in. Itchy feet. AW

G'day AW, sorry late response, been dealing with...well, life, recently. My bro is carer for our 93yo dad and he's suffering a bit of carer fatigue so been up in shitsville helping him get a break. back home now and yep, just in time for a run of days by the looks and the calendar is free next week.
But the cold! The cold!
Scotland cold.
Macbeth cold.
Colder than a witch's tit.
(That would be a good name for a cold water surf break "witch's tit")
Hope we both get some this coming week (Waves I mean, I've been off witch's tits for a long while now, you can make up your own mind about that.)

Haha Adam! Thanx for the visual. If you wanna truly experience Witches Tit, spend a day in Guernsey, Wyoming in January. I did. Once. I swear to gawd, i looked back upon leaving and saw me in ice form, behind. It was like Lot’s wives gettin outta Sodom. Or Gomorrah. Not sure which. I’m still not sure if that was me i left behind or if i left behind a frozen me. Witches Fookin Tit, mate.

Haha, yep "witches fookin' tit" cold.
Wyoming sounds nice, looks nice too. Closest I'll get to it is a Clint Eastwood movie though.
Truth is, it's not that bad here. Water around 13C and air temp right now around 11C. It's doable, I'm just a cold water pussy these days. Never used to be, "embrace the cold" was my motto, but I've done 50 odd winters surfing this coast and these days get very selective about my go outs at this time of year. I do like the cold water surf afterglows though. I reckon the afterglows linger longer after surfing cold water.
Hope you are doing well, interesting times you are living in over there, and still three months to go, still more drama to unfold. I'm calling Joe will go and soon, I think the decision has already been made and they were waiting for the RNC to conclude and now for Joe to recover enough to appear in public and announce it so they can try and get control of the narrative.
Mind you a year or so ago I predicted that by now The Rock would be the Democratic nominee so I wouldn't go smelling what I'm cooking.
But whoever runs against him I think it is only Trump that could defeat himself now, that old American saying "by getting caught with a dead girl or live boy". He walked onto that podium the same old grifter con artist dumbass populist, in with a fifty fifty, maybe a bit better shot at re election and emerged a goddamn bona fide American Hero replete with his own Iwo Jima iconography readymade for t shirts, mugs, trading cards, the Trump statue and history!
I've got to give him credit, they say he is a master media manipulator, to have the ability at that moment, to grasp it, he knew what he was doing, he stopped the SS agents, trained to cover his head and move him out pronto. I don't know you could call it the great comeback because Trump was frontrunner but it's the greatest election supercharge I've ever seen. I can't see how the Dems beat him now.
Of course all that is just the lemon next to the pie. The big story for history will be the changes they will be making under Trump 2.0. The American experiment as history has known it will be over, a new version of it will be created, one that casts aside the fine balance of the exercise of American democracy between Congress, the Supreme Court and the Office of President. They are going to centralise power around the President, and the heads of your democratic organs and institutions are going to have to swear fealty not to the Constitution, not to the Office of President, but to Trump himself. The FBI and Justice Department is where they will start, when they are finished the "experiment" won't be the same one the founding fathers designed, in fact they thought they were drafting a Constitution that would prevent a President like Trump.
Your nation "conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal" will endure, to reference a true American President not as lucky under fire as Trump, just a different version of it, the Trump 2.0 version.
All my opinion of course and a good example of Australiasplaining to an American!
Stay well Waxy.

AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Sunday, 21 Jul 2024 at 7:29pm
adam12 wrote:
wax24 wrote:
adam12 wrote:
AlfredWallace wrote:
adam12 wrote:

Joe will go by Monday or soon after.

Adam12. Hi mate. Hope you’re travelling along the fine road.

Finally, the SC is about to reignite, about time.
I’ve got the whole week pencilled in. Itchy feet. AW

G'day AW, sorry late response, been dealing with...well, life, recently. My bro is carer for our 93yo dad and he's suffering a bit of carer fatigue so been up in shitsville helping him get a break. back home now and yep, just in time for a run of days by the looks and the calendar is free next week.
But the cold! The cold!
Scotland cold.
Macbeth cold.
Colder than a witch's tit.
(That would be a good name for a cold water surf break "witch's tit")
Hope we both get some this coming week (Waves I mean, I've been off witch's tits for a long while now, you can make up your own mind about that.)

Haha Adam! Thanx for the visual. If you wanna truly experience Witches Tit, spend a day in Guernsey, Wyoming in January. I did. Once. I swear to gawd, i looked back upon leaving and saw me in ice form, behind. It was like Lot’s wives gettin outta Sodom. Or Gomorrah. Not sure which. I’m still not sure if that was me i left behind or if i left behind a frozen me. Witches Fookin Tit, mate.

Haha, yep "witches fookin' tit" cold.
Wyoming sounds nice, looks nice too. Closest I'll get to it is a Clint Eastwood movie though.
Truth is, it's not that bad here. Water around 13C and air temp right now around 11C. It's doable, I'm just a cold water pussy these days. Never used to be, "embrace the cold" was my motto, but I've done 50 odd winters surfing this coast and these days get very selective about my go outs at this time of year. I do like the cold water surf afterglows though. I reckon the afterglows linger longer after surfing cold water.
Hope you are doing well, interesting times you are living in over there, and still three months to go, still more drama to unfold. I'm calling Joe will go and soon, I think the decision has already been made and they were waiting for the RNC to conclude and now for Joe to recover enough to appear in public and announce it so they can try and get control of the narrative.
Mind you a year or so ago I predicted that by now The Rock would be the Democratic nominee so I wouldn't go smelling what I'm cooking.
But whoever runs against him I think it is only Trump that could defeat himself now, that old American saying "by getting caught with a dead girl or live boy". He walked onto that podium the same old grifter con artist dumbass populist, in with a fifty fifty, maybe a bit better shot at re election and emerged a goddamn bona fide American Hero replete with his own Iwo Jima iconography readymade for t shirts, mugs, trading cards, the Trump statue and history!
I've got to give him credit, they say he is a master media manipulator, to have the ability at that moment, to grasp it, he knew what he was doing, he stopped the SS agents, trained to cover his head and move him out pronto. I don't know you could call it the great comeback because Trump was frontrunner but it's the greatest election supercharge I've ever seen. I can't see how the Dems beat him now.
Of course all that is just the lemon next to the pie. The big story for history will be the changes they will be making under Trump 2.0. The American experiment as history has known it will be over, a new version of it will be created, one that casts aside the fine balance of the exercise of American democracy between Congress, the Supreme Court and the Office of President. They are going to centralise power around the President, and the heads of your democratic organs and institutions are going to have to swear fealty not to the Constitution, not to the Office of President, but to Trump himself. The FBI and Justice Department is where they will start, when they are finished the "experiment" won't be the same one the founding fathers designed, in fact they thought they were drafting a Constitution that would prevent a President like Trump.
Your nation "conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal" will endure, to reference a true American President not as lucky under fire as Trump, just a different version of it, the Trump 2.0 version.
All my opinion of course and a good example of Australiasplaining to an American!
Stay well Waxy.

Roker's picture
Roker's picture
Roker Sunday, 21 Jul 2024 at 7:38pm

Deputy Commissar JD Vance’s address to the RNC lifted word for word from the pitch deck for the eagerly anticipated and long awaited sequel - Roger and Me Too: How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Mid-Western Working Class All Over Again.

Wouldn’t really have been a surprise if Michael Moore himself was next batter up. Shuffling out to the podium in his suspiciously faded and well-worn trademark MAGA cap. A little sheepish, all, ‘I know, I know…’

And why not comrade Crazy Bernie as well? Expounding on the hot topic at the 2024 RNC - dialectical materialism. Comrade Goofy Elizabeth Warren's joined the party too, there she is, revelling in the solidarity of it all, leading the Trumpamaniacs in a rousing rendition of The Internationale.

Preaching to - the converted?


truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Sunday, 21 Jul 2024 at 10:06pm

Drill Drill Drill

Drill Baby Drill

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Monday, 22 Jul 2024 at 4:27am
ashsam's picture
ashsam's picture
ashsam Monday, 22 Jul 2024 at 6:57am

Too excited to sleep supre lol ;) 2:27am ;)

ashsam's picture
ashsam's picture
ashsam Monday, 22 Jul 2024 at 7:08am