The Israel Palestine problem solving thread

stunet's picture
stunet started the topic in Tuesday, 17 Oct 2023 at 10:45am

Because the world would be a better place if leaders only listened to Swellnet commenters, we've created a forum that makes it easy for them to gather our thoughts.

Today's shit talk is tomorrow's policy.

burleigh's picture
burleigh's picture
burleigh Saturday, 3 Feb 2024 at 10:24am

USA have fired up the engines. WW3 incoming

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Saturday, 3 Feb 2024 at 11:26am

A bit premature Burls .

They didn't hit the Motherland , the Iranian Republic .

Looks like they did target the Iranian Republican Guards , though .

For the Iranian Mufti's to be brought down , their Guards will have to fall 2 .

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Saturday, 3 Feb 2024 at 11:46am

Not good ..
Things about to get ugly, uglier I should say.

soggydog's picture
soggydog's picture
soggydog Saturday, 3 Feb 2024 at 11:50am
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Saturday, 3 Feb 2024 at 1:52pm


Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Saturday, 3 Feb 2024 at 2:04pm
andy-mac wrote:

The corrupt meadjah. :)

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Saturday, 3 Feb 2024 at 2:46pm
andy-mac wrote:

I do have to say it is kind of refreshing that for once people are being cancelled for a position that aligns with a left leaning view instead of the typical cancellation of people holding right leaning views.

And if anyone should ever be cancelled it should be those who support terrorist/jihadist.

BTW. First video of his i watched for ages, i forgot how much of a fuckwitt he is with his loaded language & viewpoints.

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Saturday, 3 Feb 2024 at 2:52pm
indo-dreaming wrote:
andy-mac wrote:

I do have to say it is kind of refreshing that for once people are being cancelled for a position that aligns with a left leaning view instead of the typical cancellation of people holding right leaning views.

And if anyone should ever be cancelled it should be those who support terrorist/jihadist.

BTW. First video of his i watched for ages, i forgot how much of a fuckwitt he is with his loaded language & viewpoints.

Stick with ya Sky Indo...
Don't want to think too much and have a real journalist point stuff out that challenges your ignorance.

dandandan's picture
dandandan's picture
dandandan Saturday, 3 Feb 2024 at 3:19pm

ID, are you saying it’s refreshing to see Antoinette get the sack from the ABC? I might not be following the thread properly but is that what you mean by “cancelled for left leaning views”?

soggydog's picture
soggydog's picture
soggydog Saturday, 3 Feb 2024 at 3:23pm
indo-dreaming wrote:

This one is perfect, it's scary because its really not that far from the truth in a weird way.

Next page.

@Indo”BTW. First video of his i watched for ages, i forgot how much of a fuckwitt he is with his loaded language & viewpoints.”

Mind boggling.

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Saturday, 3 Feb 2024 at 3:54pm
dandandan wrote:

ID, are you saying it’s refreshing to see Antoinette get the sack from the ABC? I might not be following the thread properly but is that what you mean by “cancelled for left leaning views”?

It is refreshing to see her held to account…good job ABC, consistency works when it suits you and also when it doesn’t suit you.

Hypocrisy being exposed.

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Saturday, 3 Feb 2024 at 3:57pm

Axed ABC radio host Antoinette Lattouf has been accused of ‘moral yoga’ after she supported the suspension of Wallabies star Israel Folau for breaching social media rules.
(From the above article.)

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Saturday, 3 Feb 2024 at 6:29pm
dandandan wrote:

ID, are you saying it’s refreshing to see Antoinette get the sack from the ABC? I might not be following the thread properly but is that what you mean by “cancelled for left leaning views”?

I dont think i really need to explain it too much, but it's refreshing to see people canceled for left leaning views as it's always people being canceled for right leaning views.

Yeah sure it's a bit like Covid it's not a purely a left V's right issue, but the right tended to be the anti lockdown, anti mask, anti vax crowd (and BTW i was none of those, mostly cause i just wanted to get back to Indo)

This Issue is the same, while not strictly a left/right issue and you can find examples of people here or in media etc (like Covid )where the opposite is true, the left still tend to side with Palestine and terrorist and the right with Israel and IDF.


The left have a few unwritten rules but they are extremely important rules.

1. You must always side with those with those with the darkest skin, yeah sure many Jews have brown skin especially those who never left Israel or the middle east, but many Jews dont while Palestines overall have darker skin.

2. Religion, the left hate Christianity with a passion, yeah Judaism is not Christianity but it's what Christianity came from, the left strangely also love Islam/muslims even if it's the furthest thing from their own beliefs, this is because in the West most muslims are of colour (see rule one) and they are a minority group and see as oppressed (even if worldwide they are generally oppressors)

3. Jews are successful, the left hate people or groups that are successful, to them it means they must have had an unfair advantage somehow.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Saturday, 3 Feb 2024 at 6:42pm

Been a bit of talk that pretty much all the battalions in Khan Yunis have been destroyed.

Next stop Rafah, this is going to really hard and touchy as its a city split down the middle with Egypt and risk violating the Egypt- Israel peace plan, also streets are said to be too narrow for tanks and they cant use air attacks as much as so many gazans in this area , all this will see a longer battle and much more IDF killed and you would expect not matter what Israel do, see a lot of criticism and all at the worst time possible.

But it's also one of the most important areas to take out Hamas in and destroy tunnels that lead into Egypt.

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Saturday, 3 Feb 2024 at 6:50pm

…. and thennnnnn ^^^

- “i forgot how much of a fuckwitt he is with his loaded language & viewpoints.“

…the noinfo song just keeps on keeping on, faaaarkn ‘ell ;);)



soggydog's picture
soggydog's picture
soggydog Saturday, 3 Feb 2024 at 7:33pm

- “i forgot how much of a fuckwitt he is with his loaded language & viewpoints.“

soggydog's picture
soggydog's picture
soggydog Saturday, 3 Feb 2024 at 7:34pm

- “i forgot how much of a fuckwitt he is with his loaded language & viewpoints.“

soggydog's picture
soggydog's picture
soggydog Saturday, 3 Feb 2024 at 7:34pm

- “i forgot how much of a fuckwitt he is with his loaded language & viewpoints.“

soggydog's picture
soggydog's picture
soggydog Saturday, 3 Feb 2024 at 7:35pm

“i forgot how much of a fuckwitt he is with his loaded language & viewpoints.“

soggydog's picture
soggydog's picture
soggydog Saturday, 3 Feb 2024 at 7:35pm

“i forgot how much of a fuckwitt he is with his loaded language & viewpoints.“

soggydog's picture
soggydog's picture
soggydog Saturday, 3 Feb 2024 at 7:36pm

i forgot how much of a fuckwitt he is with his loaded language & viewpoints.“

soggydog's picture
soggydog's picture
soggydog Saturday, 3 Feb 2024 at 7:36pm

- “i forgot how much of a fuckwitt he is with his loaded language & viewpoints.“

soggydog's picture
soggydog's picture
soggydog Saturday, 3 Feb 2024 at 7:37pm

i forgot how much of a fuckwitt he is with his loaded language & viewpoints.“

soggydog's picture
soggydog's picture
soggydog Saturday, 3 Feb 2024 at 7:37pm

i forgot how much of a fuckwitt he is with his loaded language & viewpoints.“

soggydog's picture
soggydog's picture
soggydog Saturday, 3 Feb 2024 at 7:37pm

i forgot how much of a fuckwitt he is with his loaded language & viewpoints.“

soggydog's picture
soggydog's picture
soggydog Saturday, 3 Feb 2024 at 7:38pm

- “i forgot how much of a fuckwitt he is with his loaded language & viewpoints.“

soggydog's picture
soggydog's picture
soggydog Saturday, 3 Feb 2024 at 7:38pm

- “i forgot how much of a fuckwitt he is with his loaded language & viewpoints.“

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Saturday, 3 Feb 2024 at 7:39pm

^^^^ roger that

soggydog's picture
soggydog's picture
soggydog Saturday, 3 Feb 2024 at 7:40pm

“The left have a few unwritten rules but they are extremely important rules.

1. You must always side with those with those with the darkest skin, yeah sure many Jews have brown skin especially those who never left Israel or the middle east, but many Jews dont while Palestines overall have darker skin.

2. Religion, the left hate Christianity with a passion, yeah Judaism is not Christianity but it's what Christianity came from, the left strangely also love Islam/muslims even if it's the furthest thing from their own beliefs, this is because in the West most muslims are of colour (see rule one) and they are a minority group and see as oppressed (even if worldwide they are generally oppressors)

3. Jews are successful, the left hate people or groups that are successful, to them it means they must have had an unfair advantage somehow“

i forgot how much of a fuckwitt he is with his loaded language & viewpoints.“

soggydog's picture
soggydog's picture
soggydog Saturday, 3 Feb 2024 at 7:40pm

The left have a few unwritten rules but they are extremely important rules.

1. You must always side with those with those with the darkest skin, yeah sure many Jews have brown skin especially those who never left Israel or the middle east, but many Jews dont while Palestines overall have darker skin.

2. Religion, the left hate Christianity with a passion, yeah Judaism is not Christianity but it's what Christianity came from, the left strangely also love Islam/muslims even if it's the furthest thing from their own beliefs, this is because in the West most muslims are of colour (see rule one) and they are a minority group and see as oppressed (even if worldwide they are generally oppressors)

3. Jews are successful, the left hate people or groups that are successful, to them it means they must have had an unfair advantage somehow“

i forgot how much of a fuckwitt he is with his loaded language & viewpoints.“

soggydog's picture
soggydog's picture
soggydog Saturday, 3 Feb 2024 at 7:41pm

i forgot how much of a fuckwitt he is with his loaded language & viewpoints.“

harrycoopr's picture
harrycoopr's picture
harrycoopr Saturday, 3 Feb 2024 at 8:33pm

"The left have a few unwritten rules but they are extremely important rules.

1. You must always side with those with those with the darkest skin, yeah sure many Jews have brown skin especially those who never left Israel or the middle east, but many Jews dont while Palestines overall have darker skin.

2. Religion, the left hate Christianity with a passion, yeah Judaism is not Christianity but it's what Christianity came from, the left strangely also love Islam/muslims even if it's the furthest thing from their own beliefs, this is because in the West most muslims are of colour (see rule one) and they are a minority group and see as oppressed (even if worldwide they are generally oppressors)

3. Jews are successful, the left hate people or groups that are successful, to them it means they must have had an unfair advantage somehow.

I forgot how absolutely imbecile this InfoDreaming dick is! He can't be serious... he has to be baiting. Info where has your sad pathetic outlook arisen. Were u beaten as a child by hippy parents perhaps? The simplicity of your analysis is so amateurish and childish. A true keyboard warrior who thinks he has all the answers but is deeply deluded and actually is quite stupid.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Saturday, 3 Feb 2024 at 10:20pm

As expected lots of people triggered by some harsh truth telling and lots of insults and dissing, but not one comment proving me wrong.

Okay here is a challenge for anyone game to take it on

How about providing five examples that go against the the three rules and include at least one example from each of my three point's.

Show me one issue where the left will support the Christians/Jews over another religion.

Show me one issue where the left will support the lighter skin group over the darker skinned group.

Show me one issue where the left will support the more successful group over the less successful.

I can think of one issue where one of the rules is broken but it's because the other two rules aren't broken and outweigh it.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Saturday, 3 Feb 2024 at 10:37pm

Ive been avoiding Ben's videos the last few months on this issue, but this one keep popping up in my my feed, he answered those typical questions very well and without letting emotion get the best of him, would have been very easy to just write Andrew Tate off too, i know i would have.

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Saturday, 3 Feb 2024 at 10:40pm

Haha ;)

…as expected he ‘forgot how much of a fuckwitt he is with his loaded language & viewpoints.’

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Saturday, 3 Feb 2024 at 10:43pm



basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Saturday, 3 Feb 2024 at 11:01pm
indo-dreaming wrote:

As expected lots of people triggered by some harsh truth telling and lots of insults and dissing, but not one comment proving me wrong.

Okay here is a challenge for anyone game to take it on

How about providing five examples that go against the the three rules and include at least one example from each of my three point's.

Show me one issue where the left will support the Christians/Jews over another religion.

Show me one issue where the left will support the lighter skin group over the darker skinned group.

Show me one issue where the left will support the more successful group over the less successful.

I can think of one issue where one of the rules is broken but it's because the other two rules aren't broken and outweigh it.

what are you talking about @indo? this is going gsco-ish, with rules, dot points and forced black-and-white views..

I directed a mate to a Land Camps swellnet thread you participated in yonks ago, reams of helpful info from you, when you had sunnier concerns on your mind, and he found it very helpful in tracking some things down. Said to pass on thanks.

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Saturday, 3 Feb 2024 at 11:03pm

Frankie won’t bondi

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Saturday, 3 Feb 2024 at 11:18pm


sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Sunday, 4 Feb 2024 at 12:50am

dude workin indo's list...

goofyfoot's picture
goofyfoot's picture
goofyfoot Sunday, 4 Feb 2024 at 6:15am
indo-dreaming wrote:

As expected lots of people triggered by some harsh truth telling and lots of insults and dissing, but not one comment proving me wrong.

Okay here is a challenge for anyone game to take it on

How about providing five examples that go against the the three rules and include at least one example from each of my three point's.

Show me one issue where the left will support the Christians/Jews over another religion.

Show me one issue where the left will support the lighter skin group over the darker skinned group.

Show me one issue where the left will support the more successful group over the less successful.

I can think of one issue where one of the rules is broken but it's because the other two rules aren't broken and outweigh it.

Really got yourself into a lather last night didn’t you Indo.
Tapping away at the phone furiously thinking how much you’re absolutely DOMINATING this discussion with your ‘strength and power’.
All fizzed up throwing down challenges and wanting examples shown.

Fucks sake give it a rest

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Sunday, 4 Feb 2024 at 8:33am
basesix wrote:
indo-dreaming wrote:

As expected lots of people triggered by some harsh truth telling and lots of insults and dissing, but not one comment proving me wrong.

Okay here is a challenge for anyone game to take it on

How about providing five examples that go against the the three rules and include at least one example from each of my three point's.

Show me one issue where the left will support the Christians/Jews over another religion.

Show me one issue where the left will support the lighter skin group over the darker skinned group.

Show me one issue where the left will support the more successful group over the less successful.

I can think of one issue where one of the rules is broken but it's because the other two rules aren't broken and outweigh it.

what are you talking about @indo? this is going gsco-ish, with rules, dot points and forced black-and-white views..

I directed a mate to a Land Camps swellnet thread you participated in yonks ago, reams of helpful info from you, when you had sunnier concerns on your mind, and he found it very helpful in tracking some things down. Said to pass on thanks.

Ha ha GSCO is okay, i like him and think he is a smart guy, i dont know why he doesn't just stick with his main profile though.

Nah just annoying when people throw around pointless abuse, but dont actually challenge the things that have been said, but in all honesty i knew my post would trigger people so expected to be dissed, even triggered Goofy, funny how people with no interest in this topic still love to pop in a diss anyone with views they dont agree with, like really why bother.

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Sunday, 4 Feb 2024 at 8:39am

^^^ more pointlessness

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Sunday, 4 Feb 2024 at 9:02am
sypkan wrote:

dude workin indo's list...

OMG how cringey.

This aligning of Indigenous Australian's with Palestine is so utterly ridiculous.

They are like complete opposites, Australian Aboriginal people are truely indigenous with one of the oldest cultures in the world, on the flip side the Palestines are possibly the most recent created ethnic group in the world, a bunch of Arabs that decided they are somehow different to other Arabs purely for political reasons, they dont even have their own language and even built a temple on the most sacred site to Jews(and has been for thousand's of years), that would be like us building the opera house on Uluru.

There is no true indigenous people of Israel/Palestine but the closest thing today is Jews a people and culture that goes back thousands of years to Israel, a people who were driven from their land by Romans who colonised them making Jews stateless refugee's and then went through one of the worst genocides (a real one) in history and now those people struggle to hold onto their land surrounded by a sea of other Arab countries full of Islamist.

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Sunday, 4 Feb 2024 at 8:45am

Hey @info, is your misses working today getting the triple time and you’ve got the kids?

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Sunday, 4 Feb 2024 at 8:47am
GuySmiley wrote:

Hey @info, is your misses working today getting the triple time and you’ve got the kids?

Bang on the money, but only until lunch, and in a minute im going to go take the kids down to Cat Bay to go look for some shells.

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Sunday, 4 Feb 2024 at 9:15am

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Sunday, 4 Feb 2024 at 9:20am
GuySmiley wrote:

^^^ more pointlessness

100% when noideaGuy posts…100% pointless is involved.

Guy “Stu, Stu, Stu…where is stu? I demand you respect my authoritah, Stu.”

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Sunday, 4 Feb 2024 at 9:33am

Twiddle dumb and twiddle dumber ^^^

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Sunday, 4 Feb 2024 at 9:38am
GuySmiley wrote:

Twiddle dumb and twiddle dumber ^^^

I surrender to your authorath, officerGuy.

Look at you go, Guy. Lol.