The Israel Palestine problem solving thread

stunet's picture
stunet started the topic in Tuesday, 17 Oct 2023 at 10:45am

Because the world would be a better place if leaders only listened to Swellnet commenters, we've created a forum that makes it easy for them to gather our thoughts.

Today's shit talk is tomorrow's policy.

seaslug's picture
seaslug's picture
seaslug Tuesday, 16 Jan 2024 at 6:15pm

"China/Russia/Iran are trying to push and extend the Western militaries and munitions supplies, and are showing up strains and shortfalls"

Spot on. And Ukraine shows how far you can push it.

AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Tuesday, 16 Jan 2024 at 6:22pm
indo-dreaming wrote:
AlfredWallace wrote:
Roadkill wrote:
AlfredWallace wrote:
Optimist wrote:

I hate war and agree you shouldn’t leave your turf so if you trained 1 million Australian volunteer tradesmen and women or anyone with practical skills to operate a rifle properly with training every 6 months or so and put 1 million guns in highly secure bunkers around the country controlled by the army, no one would ever bother invading us and our defence would be secure and on standby.
Secure as America but no one can take the guns home to shoot the wrong folks.
China may have a lot of troops but you still have to move them around the world …but if they keep buying countries like the Solomon’s and today Nauru I suppose they can get a bit closer by stealth.
We need to be self reliant like Israel. I’m not convinced subs are a good idea. Missiles are the go and small fast Australian made planes. We actually used to make them. ….And a swarm of little fast Aussie ones would be better than a few big expensive American ones….we need to grow up and be self dependant.

Optimist. Hi hope ya well.
Just my opinion.

Nearly choked on my lunch , we certainly DO NOT need to be like Israel, have you been wearing blinkers of late, says who, that we need to be self reliant like them ?
I/we would should never want to be like them, slain folks everywhere, all under the pretence of showing their population how aggressive they can be and won’t stop at anything, a real Netanyahu response to save his arse.
Self reliant my arse, are you forgetting that a country with a lot of Stars and Stripes on its flag has an almost metaphorical conduit to that part of the Middle East.

Aren’t we all sick of the killing, Russians, Ukrainians, Israelis, Palestinians, enough is enough, it achieves nothing but filling the pockets of global arms manufacturers.
How about Australia behave as a defence force and stop laying in bed with the yanks .
Or; Are we too far down the track with them.

This pointless killing of people is wearing me thin.AW


The world does not play by your rules, AW.

Roadkill. Hi mate. Enlighten me, what are the rules ? AW

The rule of strength and power, same as its been since the dawn of time same as it will always be.

Even if you dont use that power you need to have it so others think twice, or be aligned with others that have it, like Australia is aligned with the USA.

Your thinking is naive and idealistic, if you ran a country that others had interest in you would just get walked over and destroyed.

Other countries and leaders dont care about your ideals, they would just see you and weak and a fool and say, cheers thank-you very much


Is that so ? How interesting!, AW

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Tuesday, 16 Jan 2024 at 7:47pm

Strength and power are mythical ideals ;);)
- diplomacy and peace are attainable if desired.

We’d be just fine with AW running the joint ;)

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Tuesday, 16 Jan 2024 at 7:49pm



velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno Tuesday, 16 Jan 2024 at 7:58pm
GuySmiley wrote:

^^^ posts regarding the Pacific all brought to you by decades of foreign aide cuts/ neglect with our (and the US’) eyes off our backyard and participation in illegal wars in the Middle East and Afghanistan.

A complete and utter foreign policy failure started by Howard but continued by successive governments


soggydog's picture
soggydog's picture
soggydog Tuesday, 16 Jan 2024 at 8:15pm
andy-mac wrote:
soggydog wrote:
andy-mac wrote:
soggydog wrote:

This should be of concern to all Australians for a number of reasons. Sovereignty and the responsible allocation of tax dollars being just two of many concerns. News today that Australia will do a test run to “Prove Capability”.

ABC article fails to mention we’re getting into bed with Lockheed Martin.

Few years old and is kind of a concern.
However I reckon Australia should be planning of becoming self reliant defense wise, key word defence!
Improve our capabilities to protect our shores whether through missile defence, strong infantry capabilities suited to Australia and other such methods.
This doesn't include embedding ourselves with USA with crap like nuclear subs to patrol South China Sea miles from our own land to intimidate and aggrevate our main trading partner.

Yep and indenturing ourselves to the Military Industrial Complex. Lockheed Martin isn’t some squeaky clean company that enters into mutually beneficial relationships. There’s one benefactor in this transaction and it won’t be Australia. It further solidify’s our status as chief bitch to the US. An extension of AUKUS. Which I think is having a profound effect on Albo’s decision making in regard to support in the ME.
Amongst other things.

True, but in Albo's defense, don't reckon he has a choice. Last govt that stood up to USA didn't last very long in 74.
Reckon something similar to this goes down. ;)



Definitely. Like I’ve said before. We live with the illusion of existing in a democracy.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Tuesday, 16 Jan 2024 at 8:47pm
Jelly Flater wrote:

Strength and power are mythical ideals ;);)
- diplomacy and peace are attainable if desired.

We’d be just fine with AW running the joint ;)

Mythical ideals....wkwkkkwkkkk

Surely you are taking the piss.

Countries always try diplomacy and negotiating first it's rare for a country to want to go to war it's generally the last resort, its super costly in terms of money, life's and even can have an affect on an economy, but strength and power are everything or even just the perception of strength and power.

Countries build up strong defences forces/militaries in the hope they never use them as a deterrence to other countries

Nuclear arms are the extreme example of this, no country really would ever want to use them again, but they provide a lot of power a huge dont fuck with us or dont push us to far power factor.

Okay the reality is we probably would be fine with AW running the country only because he actually would have no choice to keep Australia aligned with the USA and to actually keep everything in regards to military and spending pretty much exactly as it is, its above the PM really they can only tinker or put off things like ordering of Subs or whatever.

Thats why you see Albo doing thing's that you guys dont like in regard to stance on Israel or military spending, reality is he has no choice but to tow the line.

Im sure he sat around when he was young with his uni mates all hip going war is bad and evil saying if i was PM i would defund the military and cut ties with the USA military wise but now he has to live and deal with things in the real world.

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Tuesday, 16 Jan 2024 at 9:09pm

You live in a world of noinfo simpleton concepts.
- strength and power are relative labels produced by human rats.

War is a last resort unless you are materially tied to it as a habit ;)

Coercion, oppression and violence are only admired by monsters.
- we are better than that.

You know nothing.
… your mind (what little of it) is consumed and governed by fear.

Nobody knows what lies ahead and nothing has been learned from the illegal and destructive forces that continue to reap hate and conflict.
- these are truths the masses can’t comprehend ;);)

Be a good lil numbnut and get back on your hamster wheel.
Anyone gaining imaginary pride from the illusionary bounty of conquest and blood is stuck in the dark ages …

Strength and power haha ;);)



Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Tuesday, 16 Jan 2024 at 9:19pm



sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Tuesday, 16 Jan 2024 at 9:53pm
velocityjohnno wrote:

My mad 2c, Trump will win the primaries, Trump will go into the election and have rallies with 10s of thousands of people attending, the election day will come, polls will close, counting will get stopped late in the evening, it will restart in the early hours of the morning, and the other guy will win.

In a way it's a good thing as at this point in time the US can't afford to oscillate in its geopolitical strategy. Playing for all the marbles has begun and the US swing from isolationism/being active in global affairs that's characterised it's reign as hegemon can't continue. Neither side will allow itself to fail at this point. And for us, who wins the marbles is very important as it dictates how our lives will look, how our children's lives will look. Do you like the kind of democracy Australia is? Could you want for something better? Could you end up with something worse?

I may seem totally pro-trump, but I actually agree with this... all of it... but this in particular...

"In a way it's a good thing as at this point in time the US can't afford to oscillate in its geopolitical strategy. "

sadly, I think the democrats are well on their way to stuff it up, their disconnect from the people and reality is just plain scary...

lucky they have their contingency plan hey :)

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Tuesday, 16 Jan 2024 at 10:00pm

re. reindustrialising... the war machine mainly...

I heard an interesting dude on abc this morning, talking about the UK, saying they are almost achieving, celebrating, and boasting about reaching their 2% GDP military spend... which he scoffed at, politely of course...

pointing out that in the lead up to conparable tumultuous times it was more like 4.5 %...

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Tuesday, 16 Jan 2024 at 10:16pm

and that's where china and russia can leave us for dead... possibly literally...

they think nothing of prioritising... well... priorities... over appeasing some unruly idealistic domestic hippies...

adam12's picture
adam12's picture
adam12 Tuesday, 16 Jan 2024 at 10:39pm

In the last great global conflict, WW2, both Germany and Japan launched surprise attacks on Poland and the USA, and Germany launched "Operation Barbarossa" on Russia in a surprise attack also.
Sure their foreign ministers were all talking to each other, talking bullshit to each other. ( Like the bullshit "Peace in Our Time" deal done with Neville Chamberlain.) Diplomacy wasn't exhausted, merely used as a facade to disguise the true intent from day one. they weren't negotiating.
Some wars start at the end of diplomatic or negotiated solutions, their breakdown, but history has shown that is the minority, many start before diplomacy and negotiation gets any traction at all.
There is an advantage to that.
Japans Foreign Minister, Kichisaburō Nomura, was kept in the dark about Pearl Harbor himself. He was meeting with the Americans when it started.
Hitler ruled Europe by not negotiating with anyone. Just attack them or tell them if they don't surrender it starts on this date.
"Countries build up strong defences forces/militaries in the hope they never use them as a deterrence to other countries "
True, but many do the opposite too.
Do you think Biden sent Blinken to do diplomacy with the Yemini Houthis, or vise-versa?
Nup. Just attack.
Keep studying though, you're getting there.

AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Tuesday, 16 Jan 2024 at 11:07pm

IndoDreaming. Hi. Opinions all around that’s fine, after all it’s a forum, ask a Greek, they invented them.

See, I don’t go along with this whole fear program that purposely and cleverly makes its way into people’s mindsets, all over the world. It’s a clear and clever tactic, ask John Howard, him and is so called mates used it beautifully in the ‘Bush Era’.

We’ve stopped thinking for ourselves. When did that happen? We choose voluntarily or involuntarily to be held to ransom by others thought processes.

For example; Look how many iPhones are sold each year, we are all just puppets on a string. Answerable and held to large organisations while WE are just making them richer and richer annually, more fool us, clever them when you think about it.
Infiltrated our brains, that’s what’s happened.

Society has an addiction to social media , instead of reading books, we just watch what others do, what a sad life most have, Swellnet is my only social media, because most of us are surfers, of which I enjoy immensely, but I sure don’t let it control my life or let it make me anxious about posts and opinions.

Take the time to observe families when they are out together, all with heads bowed, irises and pupils leading towards myopia , take an evening at home, same syndrome, nobody is talking or singing or playing the piano or games like in the past, all those pursuits, you learnt something.

Todays electronic society is sucking the gigabyte nipple within an inch of the areola

It’s about time we awaken our brains

Start thinking for yourself, stop acquiring knowledge from someone else, unless it’s a good teacher, use your brain, read books, research topics of interest.

I never read any form of news. Because, what is it ? . It’s someone else’s take on a situation or matter. How it’s communicated to you, the method and skill by the sender to wash your brain of good thinking and then to fill it with garbage has become the normal modus operandi.

Am I any worse off on a daily basis because I don’t watch or listen to news ?
I know I’m not.

I’m often ensconced with what I’m doing with plants and bird life and often don’t surface for days from a forest, coastal scrub, rainforest or the like.
I’ve had others run up to me in hot Mulga country camp grounds stating they were about to call for rescue assistance because my car was left lock and unattended and they’d not seen me for days.
We’ve lost the ability to think and fend for ourselves.
I often head off with water and food and no compass or phone and test my mettle about finding my way home, sometimes 20-50kms from where I started, all you need is a watch with hands on it and you can find your way anywhere, we are intelligent people human beings, just gotta use the grey matter in a better way.

I asked my son one day , ‘What is News ? He had no answer!!
How does it get there ? People, watch it, absorb it, believe it, but really it was somebody or some else’s ideologies. Who is cross checking this so called news, we don’t know what’s right or wrong or truth or lies these days because sadly it’s all got a hidden agenda, at its root core, money.

Unless you are an insatiable reader, todays communications and small short bits of information , in reality, give you nothing you can store away as ‘knowledge’.

So, back to the possibilities of countries to overthrow or overrun a nation.
For my entire life, all I’ve heard from others , such and such a country could take over Australia, what a crock of shit.

Do you or we know what’s involved to actually do that ? It’s monumental in planning and the same to implement it. Again, it’s fear that drives these ridiculous thoughts and societal conversations.

All I’ve heard in the past, if it’s not the Commies, it’ll be the Japs, if not them , Indonesia, not them , maybe China. finally, could be Russia.

Indo we can flip your idea the other way, if a nation wants to overthrow a country, they too would have fearful thoughts because what if it backfires and they get more than they bargained for.

It’s a similar tenuous situation like between an employer and employee, the employee may opt to leave any day or the employer may choose to sack the employee on any day.
It’s a fine mental balance.

On that note, I’m jumping in a van with a mate and a dog tomorrow, next stop Cactus for a week, then plants and birds across the Nullarbor, Perth, then down to SW WA to Fitzgerald River National Park to look at the Kwongan flora.
Adios amigos. AW

Edit. Indo, I’m still very suspect on your statement weeks back that you are autistic or have those traits, your insatiable appetite to be heard on every matter that’s posted here paints me a picture of someone who is not that way at all.

You are a very clever writer,I hardly believe anything you write, you oppose every subject matter put forth by others, it’s like some kind of literary competition or the like , narcissistic traits, maybe, alas, you’re a contributor and you have been on here for a decade and a half, (non-subscriber, I’ll remind all others) who is it for me to say this, but I’m suss on you the whole way, you produce voluminous amounts of output on Swellnet, there’s nobody like you, ( maybe TBB is close)
For that I dips me lid.
I’ll never side with you on anything with the attitude you have towards Aboriginal Australians, your continual trash talking of them makes me a bitter pill to swallow.

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Tuesday, 16 Jan 2024 at 11:20pm

fuck me AW, what a post and sign-off! Safe travels bud, tear up some dirt and wash it off well.

AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Tuesday, 16 Jan 2024 at 11:25pm
AlfredWallace wrote:
indo-dreaming wrote:
AlfredWallace wrote:
Roadkill wrote:
AlfredWallace wrote:
Optimist wrote:

I hate war and agree you shouldn’t leave your turf so if you trained 1 million Australian volunteer tradesmen and women or anyone with practical skills to operate a rifle properly with training every 6 months or so and put 1 million guns in highly secure bunkers around the country controlled by the army, no one would ever bother invading us and our defence would be secure and on standby.
Secure as America but no one can take the guns home to shoot the wrong folks.
China may have a lot of troops but you still have to move them around the world …but if they keep buying countries like the Solomon’s and today Nauru I suppose they can get a bit closer by stealth.
We need to be self reliant like Israel. I’m not convinced subs are a good idea. Missiles are the go and small fast Australian made planes. We actually used to make them. ….And a swarm of little fast Aussie ones would be better than a few big expensive American ones….we need to grow up and be self dependant.

Optimist. Hi hope ya well.
Just my opinion.

Nearly choked on my lunch , we certainly DO NOT need to be like Israel, have you been wearing blinkers of late, says who, that we need to be self reliant like them ?
I/we would should never want to be like them, slain folks everywhere, all under the pretence of showing their population how aggressive they can be and won’t stop at anything, a real Netanyahu response to save his arse.
Self reliant my arse, are you forgetting that a country with a lot of Stars and Stripes on its flag has an almost metaphorical conduit to that part of the Middle East.

Aren’t we all sick of the killing, Russians, Ukrainians, Israelis, Palestinians, enough is enough, it achieves nothing but filling the pockets of global arms manufacturers.
How about Australia behave as a defence force and stop laying in bed with the yanks .
Or; Are we too far down the track with them.

This pointless killing of people is wearing me thin.AW


The world does not play by your rules, AW.

Roadkill. Hi mate. Enlighten me, what are the rules ? AW

The rule of strength and power, same as its been since the dawn of time same as it will always be.

Even if you dont use that power you need to have it so others think twice, or be aligned with others that have it, like Australia is aligned with the USA.

Your thinking is naive and idealistic, if you ran a country that others had interest in you would just get walked over and destroyed.

Other countries and leaders dont care about your ideals, they would just see you and weak and a fool and say, cheers thank-you very much


Is that so ? How interesting!, AW

Indo. Now you’re doing vigilante behaviours, answering on behalf of someone else, in this case Roadkill, it’s an addiction, admit it, you simply can’t help yourself, it’s truly comical and sickening.
You just proved my point in my Magnus opus. at the end of this page. You’re a nutter. AW

AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Tuesday, 16 Jan 2024 at 11:29pm
basesix wrote:

fuck me AW, what a post and sign-off! Safe travels bud, tear up some dirt and wash it off well.

Basesix, just shooting the evening breeze, nice and warm here, can hear a Mopoke calling in the back paddock and my highlight today was having a Spotted Harrier fly across my walk at light this morning, what a bird, it’s worth a look on a search engine,. Keep well mate. I’m on line the whole way, Nullarbor caters for the phones of truckers these days. AW.

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Tuesday, 16 Jan 2024 at 11:31pm

Haha ;)
… AW, the voice of reason for any season.

- enjoy ya trip, hope u get some waves ;);)



adam12's picture
adam12's picture
adam12 Tuesday, 16 Jan 2024 at 11:34pm

@AW "Take the time to observe families when they are out together, all with heads bowed, irises and pupils leading towards myopia , take an evening at home, same syndrome, nobody is talking or singing or playing the piano or games like in the past, all those pursuits, you learnt something."

Spent some time in Tassie with my Mum years ago researching the family history. We visited a lot of the old colonial homes where a lot of the old families hobbies and art and such were on display. Absolutely blew my mind some of the skills they had and output produced by those people who never had a TV and were mostly illiterate, but had time to work on those things in their leisure. Or look at the art the great masters produced compared to some of the crap that passes as art today.
You are spot on I reckon.
I grew up a TV baby, probably junkie, had it on all the time at home, during dinner, we all had them in our rooms.
Don't regret that, they used to try to entertain and educate back then. Now, I think while there is still great stuff out there, streaming saw to that, but now it seems there's so much noise and crap and partisan political angertainment, particularly the news, or lack of it/selective news/agenda news. But these days I'd rather read while the sound is down or the TV is off. Plenty of browsing, I like twitter, and sometimes these forums and others, but get more from books I never read or one's I want to re-read.
And no Iphone for me ever, dumb phone all the way. The world is full of Iphone zombie junkies to me. Don't need the internet in my pocket, did fine all my life without that.
Run for PM AW, I'd vote for you, hell I'd campaign for you!
That trip sounds sweet too, wish I was a stowaway on it!
In case you are offline, my little girl has her date with eternity lunchtime tomorrow. No if's or buts. I'll be fine. Thanks for your kind words to me.
Hope you get good waves.

seeds's picture
seeds's picture
seeds Tuesday, 16 Jan 2024 at 11:41pm

AW you’re a champ. Adam I feel for ya.

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Wednesday, 17 Jan 2024 at 12:15am
seeds's picture
seeds's picture
seeds Wednesday, 17 Jan 2024 at 12:19am


Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Wednesday, 17 Jan 2024 at 6:47am

Dunning Kruger on full display. With a lot of fawning and a huge pile of fake humility. The fake humility is the best part. :)

velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno Wednesday, 17 Jan 2024 at 8:57am
sypkan wrote:

re. reindustrialising... the war machine mainly...

I heard an interesting dude on abc this morning, talking about the UK, saying they are almost achieving, celebrating, and boasting about reaching their 2% GDP military spend... which he scoffed at, politely of course...

pointing out that in the lead up to conparable tumultuous times it was more like 4.5 %...

That's a good point Sypkan. When it was 4.5% the cold war was in full swing, so there was an identified threat for many years (USSR) and they were tasked with both the North Atlantic anti submarine role, very real with Soviet subs; and the European land response to assumed Soviet invasion of Europe, which was a big commitment. Now they are realising that globalism wasn't taken seriously by everyone, there is a war of territorial expansion in Europe once more, and the world is dividing more like the old cold war.

After Harold Wilson's 1966 decision to wind back their role 'east of Aden' they effectively ran down their carrier fleet, which was excellent in the 1960s. Given the anti-submarine role, they were very lucky the navy got through an order for some 'through-deck cruisers' (Invincible class) of which one was ready in 1982. They'd recently scrapped the much more capable Ark Royal (III) with it's Phantoms and Buccanneers and it can be argued if they had it, no Falklands invasion would have occurred in 1982.

The biggest threat seems to be their own Treasury. In 2010 a disasterous white paper was released and it's seen a reduction in capacity to the point where they are almost getting rid of their amphibious heavy lift capability, and laying off ships to the point of not being able to field a strike force.

In Australia we've been a lot better funded over the last decade, I'd argue.

If you go back to the 1930s, which is a comparable time for military escalation, even though Neville Chamberlain cops a lot of flak for 'peace in our time', his government was frantically re-arming (in ships this included the excellent Southampton class, the Illustrious class carriers and the 5 KGV battleships) and history showed this action prudent, given what happened next.

Why put this on the thread? I'm a history grad, I've seen this kind of thing in my studies, I'm saying it's happening again, no matter what we individually think about it.

velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno Wednesday, 17 Jan 2024 at 9:09am
adam12 wrote:

In the last great global conflict, WW2, both Germany and Japan launched surprise attacks on Poland and the USA, and Germany launched "Operation Barbarossa" on Russia in a surprise attack also.
Sure their foreign ministers were all talking to each other, talking bullshit to each other. ( Like the bullshit "Peace in Our Time" deal done with Neville Chamberlain.) Diplomacy wasn't exhausted, merely used as a facade to disguise the true intent from day one. they weren't negotiating.
Some wars start at the end of diplomatic or negotiated solutions, their breakdown, but history has shown that is the minority, many start before diplomacy and negotiation gets any traction at all.
There is an advantage to that.
Japans Foreign Minister, Kichisaburō Nomura, was kept in the dark about Pearl Harbor himself. He was meeting with the Americans when it started.
Hitler ruled Europe by not negotiating with anyone. Just attack them or tell them if they don't surrender it starts on this date.
"Countries build up strong defences forces/militaries in the hope they never use them as a deterrence to other countries "
True, but many do the opposite too.
Do you think Biden sent Blinken to do diplomacy with the Yemini Houthis, or vise-versa?
Nup. Just attack.
Keep studying though, you're getting there.

Von Ribbentrop, the London ambassador, apparently assured Hitler that if he took Poland, the French and British would do nothing as they had done nothing before. Big miscalculation...

And for the Japanese, the only way they would get the materials of the 'Southern Area' to make the 'Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere' a reality was to take the Dutch, British and American interests ---> ergo they'd have to fight ---> better to strike first in a massive 'Port Arthur' style blow (look that one up, the first 'Pearl Harbour'). That was premeditated by a very militaristic government.

Reality did not confirm to their plan of battle. They had envisaged attacking the Philippines, and as the US Pacific Fleet steamed to defend them they would wear it down with air and torpedo attacks (their torpedos and destroyer night fighting was light years ahead of western navies, it was remarkable) - and the remnants of the US forces would be crushed by Japanese battleships in a final battle reminiscent of Togo's victory at Tsushima in 1905. In the end with the formation of the 'First Air Fleet' (concentrating their 6 biggest aircraft carriers) they had effectively created a new form of weapon which could swat existing forces and made the battleship lines obsolete as arbiters of a conflict. I'm not sure they really understood what they had created, but by decimating the US battleship line at Pearl Harbour they forced the Americans to use their carriers, and the Americans were quick learners.

Bonus question: guess what Australia's role in said 'Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere' was?

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Wednesday, 17 Jan 2024 at 9:14am
bonza's picture
bonza's picture
bonza Wednesday, 17 Jan 2024 at 9:52am

disclaimer: no rappers or actors feature in this article.

soggydog's picture
soggydog's picture
soggydog Wednesday, 17 Jan 2024 at 9:56am

Hope you get some waves on the south coast AW. Few options where you’re heading. Happy Trails.

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Wednesday, 17 Jan 2024 at 9:57am


bongo fury's picture
bongo fury's picture
bongo fury Wednesday, 17 Jan 2024 at 10:03am
AlfredWallace wrote:

IndoDreaming. Hi. Opinions all around that’s fine, after all it’s a forum, ask a Greek, they invented them.

See, I don’t go along with this whole fear program that purposely and cleverly makes its way into people’s mindsets, all over the world. It’s a clear and clever tactic, ask John Howard, him and is so called mates used it beautifully in the ‘Bush Era’.

We’ve stopped thinking for ourselves. When did that happen? We choose voluntarily or involuntarily to be held to ransom by others thought processes.

For example; Look how many iPhones are sold each year, we are all just puppets on a string. Answerable and held to large organisations while WE are just making them richer and richer annually, more fool us, clever them when you think about it.
Infiltrated our brains, that’s what’s happened.

Society has an addiction to social media , instead of reading books, we just watch what others do, what a sad life most have, Swellnet is my only social media, because most of us are surfers, of which I enjoy immensely, but I sure don’t let it control my life or let it make me anxious about posts and opinions.

Take the time to observe families when they are out together, all with heads bowed, irises and pupils leading towards myopia , take an evening at home, same syndrome, nobody is talking or singing or playing the piano or games like in the past, all those pursuits, you learnt something.

Todays electronic society is sucking the gigabyte nipple within an inch of the areola

It’s about time we awaken our brains

Start thinking for yourself, stop acquiring knowledge from someone else, unless it’s a good teacher, use your brain, read books, research topics of interest.

I never read any form of news. Because, what is it ? . It’s someone else’s take on a situation or matter. How it’s communicated to you, the method and skill by the sender to wash your brain of good thinking and then to fill it with garbage has become the normal modus operandi.

Am I any worse off on a daily basis because I don’t watch or listen to news ?
I know I’m not.

I’m often ensconced with what I’m doing with plants and bird life and often don’t surface for days from a forest, coastal scrub, rainforest or the like.
I’ve had others run up to me in hot Mulga country camp grounds stating they were about to call for rescue assistance because my car was left lock and unattended and they’d not seen me for days.
We’ve lost the ability to think and fend for ourselves.
I often head off with water and food and no compass or phone and test my mettle about finding my way home, sometimes 20-50kms from where I started, all you need is a watch with hands on it and you can find your way anywhere, we are intelligent people human beings, just gotta use the grey matter in a better way.

I asked my son one day , ‘What is News ? He had no answer!!
How does it get there ? People, watch it, absorb it, believe it, but really it was somebody or some else’s ideologies. Who is cross checking this so called news, we don’t know what’s right or wrong or truth or lies these days because sadly it’s all got a hidden agenda, at its root core, money.

Unless you are an insatiable reader, todays communications and small short bits of information , in reality, give you nothing you can store away as ‘knowledge’.

So, back to the possibilities of countries to overthrow or overrun a nation.
For my entire life, all I’ve heard from others , such and such a country could take over Australia, what a crock of shit.

Do you or we know what’s involved to actually do that ? It’s monumental in planning and the same to implement it. Again, it’s fear that drives these ridiculous thoughts and societal conversations.

All I’ve heard in the past, if it’s not the Commies, it’ll be the Japs, if not them , Indonesia, not them , maybe China. finally, could be Russia.

Indo we can flip your idea the other way, if a nation wants to overthrow a country, they too would have fearful thoughts because what if it backfires and they get more than they bargained for.

It’s a similar tenuous situation like between an employer and employee, the employee may opt to leave any day or the employer may choose to sack the employee on any day.
It’s a fine mental balance.

On that note, I’m jumping in a van with a mate and a dog tomorrow, next stop Cactus for a week, then plants and birds across the Nullarbor, Perth, then down to SW WA to Fitzgerald River National Park to look at the Kwongan flora.
Adios amigos. AW

Edit. Indo, I’m still very suspect on your statement weeks back that you are autistic or have those traits, your insatiable appetite to be heard on every matter that’s posted here paints me a picture of someone who is not that way at all.

You are a very clever writer,I hardly believe anything you write, you oppose every subject matter put forth by others, it’s like some kind of literary competition or the like , narcissistic traits, maybe, alas, you’re a contributor and you have been on here for a decade and a half, (non-subscriber, I’ll remind all others) who is it for me to say this, but I’m suss on you the whole way, you produce voluminous amounts of output on Swellnet, there’s nobody like you, ( maybe TBB is close)
For that I dips me lid.
I’ll never side with you on anything with the attitude you have towards Aboriginal Australians, your continual trash talking of them makes me a bitter pill to swallow.

bongo fury's picture
bongo fury's picture
bongo fury Wednesday, 17 Jan 2024 at 10:04am
bongo fury wrote:
AlfredWallace wrote:

IndoDreaming. Hi. Opinions all around that’s fine, after all it’s a forum, ask a Greek, they invented them.

See, I don’t go along with this whole fear program that purposely and cleverly makes its way into people’s mindsets, all over the world. It’s a clear and clever tactic, ask John Howard, him and is so called mates used it beautifully in the ‘Bush Era’.

We’ve stopped thinking for ourselves. When did that happen? We choose voluntarily or involuntarily to be held to ransom by others thought processes.

For example; Look how many iPhones are sold each year, we are all just puppets on a string. Answerable and held to large organisations while WE are just making them richer and richer annually, more fool us, clever them when you think about it.
Infiltrated our brains, that’s what’s happened.

Society has an addiction to social media , instead of reading books, we just watch what others do, what a sad life most have, Swellnet is my only social media, because most of us are surfers, of which I enjoy immensely, but I sure don’t let it control my life or let it make me anxious about posts and opinions.

Take the time to observe families when they are out together, all with heads bowed, irises and pupils leading towards myopia , take an evening at home, same syndrome, nobody is talking or singing or playing the piano or games like in the past, all those pursuits, you learnt something.

Todays electronic society is sucking the gigabyte nipple within an inch of the areola

It’s about time we awaken our brains

Start thinking for yourself, stop acquiring knowledge from someone else, unless it’s a good teacher, use your brain, read books, research topics of interest.

I never read any form of news. Because, what is it ? . It’s someone else’s take on a situation or matter. How it’s communicated to you, the method and skill by the sender to wash your brain of good thinking and then to fill it with garbage has become the normal modus operandi.

Am I any worse off on a daily basis because I don’t watch or listen to news ?
I know I’m not.

I’m often ensconced with what I’m doing with plants and bird life and often don’t surface for days from a forest, coastal scrub, rainforest or the like.
I’ve had others run up to me in hot Mulga country camp grounds stating they were about to call for rescue assistance because my car was left lock and unattended and they’d not seen me for days.
We’ve lost the ability to think and fend for ourselves.
I often head off with water and food and no compass or phone and test my mettle about finding my way home, sometimes 20-50kms from where I started, all you need is a watch with hands on it and you can find your way anywhere, we are intelligent people human beings, just gotta use the grey matter in a better way.

I asked my son one day , ‘What is News ? He had no answer!!
How does it get there ? People, watch it, absorb it, believe it, but really it was somebody or some else’s ideologies. Who is cross checking this so called news, we don’t know what’s right or wrong or truth or lies these days because sadly it’s all got a hidden agenda, at its root core, money.

Unless you are an insatiable reader, todays communications and small short bits of information , in reality, give you nothing you can store away as ‘knowledge’.

So, back to the possibilities of countries to overthrow or overrun a nation.
For my entire life, all I’ve heard from others , such and such a country could take over Australia, what a crock of shit.

Do you or we know what’s involved to actually do that ? It’s monumental in planning and the same to implement it. Again, it’s fear that drives these ridiculous thoughts and societal conversations.

All I’ve heard in the past, if it’s not the Commies, it’ll be the Japs, if not them , Indonesia, not them , maybe China. finally, could be Russia.

Indo we can flip your idea the other way, if a nation wants to overthrow a country, they too would have fearful thoughts because what if it backfires and they get more than they bargained for.

It’s a similar tenuous situation like between an employer and employee, the employee may opt to leave any day or the employer may choose to sack the employee on any day.
It’s a fine mental balance.

On that note, I’m jumping in a van with a mate and a dog tomorrow, next stop Cactus for a week, then plants and birds across the Nullarbor, Perth, then down to SW WA to Fitzgerald River National Park to look at the Kwongan flora.
Adios amigos. AW

Edit. Indo, I’m still very suspect on your statement weeks back that you are autistic or have those traits, your insatiable appetite to be heard on every matter that’s posted here paints me a picture of someone who is not that way at all.

You are a very clever writer,I hardly believe anything you write, you oppose every subject matter put forth by others, it’s like some kind of literary competition or the like , narcissistic traits, maybe, alas, you’re a contributor and you have been on here for a decade and a half, (non-subscriber, I’ll remind all others) who is it for me to say this, but I’m suss on you the whole way, you produce voluminous amounts of output on Swellnet, there’s nobody like you, ( maybe TBB is close)
For that I dips me lid.
I’ll never side with you on anything with the attitude you have towards Aboriginal Australians, your continual trash talking of them makes me a bitter pill to swallow.

southernraw's picture
southernraw's picture
southernraw Wednesday, 17 Jan 2024 at 10:05am

Epic post yesterday AW re. the forum(s) oxygen thief.
Happy and safe travels. I'll keep an eye out for a camo hat and bino's popping out of random shrubbery round these parts.
All the best to A12 too. Feeling for ya.

bongo fury's picture
bongo fury's picture
bongo fury Wednesday, 17 Jan 2024 at 10:13am

Enjoy FRNP AW. Delay your arrival as long as practical, Current wind regime out of the E/SE is out of control. Shame you're not here in spring the orchids are the highlight . After Easter for now though will do, the place has is crawling with campers.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Wednesday, 17 Jan 2024 at 10:41am

This topic is almost pointless to have as is so ridiculous its insane, i cant believe someone like AW is actually a grown man rather than a young person who doesn't understand the wider world yet.

I guess this naivety at his age is really just a result of us being very lucky to live in a country free from war and free from invasion (well free from invasion since the 40's)

But luck isnt the right world, we are not under threat from other countries because there would be a huge consequence for a country that attacked us, because we have our own military and we have strong allies like the USA.

Also power and strength is no longer just about military might, its also held over other countries in other ways like trade embargoes and sanctions etc which would also be used against a country invading us by many countries around the world..

If we lived in countless other countries around the world like Ukraine or Israel, then we would understand how important power and strength is and how important a military is.

If Ukraine or Israel took on AW attitude and didn't defend themselves with military action and have support from allies like the USA, they would be taken over in a short period of time, and in Israel's case you would quickly learn what from the river to sea really means and learn the true meaning of genocide.

You can pretend the world is different and that countries spend billions on military because they just like spending money or some crazy conspiracy theory , but its not the reality of the world, never has been never will be, power and strength is everything.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Wednesday, 17 Jan 2024 at 10:53am
bonza wrote:

disclaimer: no rappers or actors feature in this article.

Interesting read

flollo's picture
flollo's picture
flollo Wednesday, 17 Jan 2024 at 11:02am
indo-dreaming wrote:
bonza wrote:

disclaimer: no rappers or actors feature in this article.

Interesting read

You might like this one too, some interesting details in here.

bonza's picture
bonza's picture
bonza Wednesday, 17 Jan 2024 at 11:51am

yep that's good flollo thanks

southernraw's picture
southernraw's picture
southernraw Wednesday, 17 Jan 2024 at 12:32pm
indo-dreaming wrote:

This topic is almost pointless to have as is so ridiculous its insane, i cant believe someone like AW is actually a grown man rather than a young person who doesn't understand the wider world yet.

As expected, in one ear, past all the flies buzzing around the big pile of shit, and straight out the other.
Intelligence and active listening are key to a discussion. Thats why indeed, its pointless as you correctly pointed out, attempting one with you.
AW nailed it. Perfectly.

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Wednesday, 17 Jan 2024 at 12:33pm

Yep, 2 good articles.
Someone must be going after the Palestinians stolen money the Hamas cowardly leadership holed up in Qatar have hidden away. It should go back to Gaza to rebuild.

Qatar seem to be getting off lightly in all this.

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Wednesday, 17 Jan 2024 at 12:37pm

21.5 million of taxpayer money going to terrorists. It seems there is reward for murder.

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Wednesday, 17 Jan 2024 at 1:47pm

^^^ dunning kruger dill ;)

- "Israel has received about $3 billion annually, adjusted for inflation, for the last 50 years, and is the largest historical recipient of US security aid."

Security aid = thousands of dead innocent kids.
- there I$ reward for murder.

Well done kill dill ;);)

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Wednesday, 17 Jan 2024 at 1:53pm




Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Wednesday, 17 Jan 2024 at 1:55pm

No surprise how much money Gaza has received is ignored. Or how the leaders have pilfered it away from the intended recipients.

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Wednesday, 17 Jan 2024 at 1:57pm

^^^ haha ;)
- and again.

"...when a person's lack of knowledge and skill in a certain area causes them to overestimate their own competence."

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Wednesday, 17 Jan 2024 at 2:53pm
flollo wrote:
indo-dreaming wrote:
bonza wrote:

disclaimer: no rappers or actors feature in this article.

Interesting read

You might like this one too, some interesting details in here.

Does your head in reading these articles, everything around the issue is so complex.

You can kind of seperate things into group's and each of those things is super complex and then sorting out the BS is even harder.

You have

1. The long extremely complex history of things in the Israel region going back thousand's of years.

2. The more recent 20th century history that goes back way before 1947 actually back into 19th century when Jews started returning buying up large areas of land.

3. Then more localised history of each area, each actually having very different histories and issues, for instance Gaza strip issues and history is really very different to West Bank or Golen heights. (some just like to paint it all with one brush)

For example: Apart from understanding Israeli disengagement from Gaza in 2005 it's also important to understand what has happened since and then to understand other things like Egypt's position and stance, and the history of Egypt occupation of Gaza and the history of Israel - Egypt relations and things like The occupation of the Sinai Peninsula and withdraw and peace treaty, and the Muslim brotherhood aspect in relation to Hamas etc

3. Then there is these other long histories and politics of other key players in the region like Iran and Qatar and all the complexes around these aspects (like these articles) you can even throw in the history and influence of USA etc in this.

4. Then you have the war itself which is a very unique war because of Hamas strategy that has pretty much been unseen in history.

5. Then you have the politics of Israel itself, that you aren't going to understand unless you listen to Israelis media both left and right.

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Wednesday, 17 Jan 2024 at 3:08pm

Mighty fine cuttin n pastin there boy

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Wednesday, 17 Jan 2024 at 3:15pm

Haha ;)

... it's a miracle
- he can count to five ;);)



Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Wednesday, 17 Jan 2024 at 3:20pm

- 'sorting out the BS' ;)



GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Wednesday, 17 Jan 2024 at 3:56pm

Ever alert and alarmed ….

adam12's picture
adam12's picture
adam12 Wednesday, 17 Jan 2024 at 5:09pm

@Wax24,@AlfredWallaceEsq.@basesix@Sypkan@Southern@Jelly@seeds@supa@soggy@theandys@GuySmiley@goofy@VJ@Pops,(even)@Indo and I'm sure others I forgot, lots of @'s to remember, so you too if I forgot you.

I've just written a few words over on the "Vale...and thanks" thread, didn't think it was appropriate here, much better over there.
If you get a minute I'd be stoked if you could duck over and have a quick read, I wrote them to/for you guys so hope you get a chance.