The Israel Palestine problem solving thread

stunet's picture
stunet started the topic in Tuesday, 17 Oct 2023 at 10:45am

Because the world would be a better place if leaders only listened to Swellnet commenters, we've created a forum that makes it easy for them to gather our thoughts.

Today's shit talk is tomorrow's policy.

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Wednesday, 20 Dec 2023 at 3:07pm
soggydog wrote:
Roadkill wrote:

When you have Gary, a law school dropout turned painter (that’s you hey, Gary?), a soggybiscuit, jellybrainburleigh and fitzroy using the sharp as a bowling ball comeback for the 150th time, working as a pack.


I’ll call the waaaaaambulance for you little tacker. Chin up.

What’s wrong with being a painter? Or a law student/painter. Sheesh man wtf have you done?

Oh soggybiscuit, you getting on your selectively outraged high horse today? Lmao

soggydog's picture
soggydog's picture
soggydog Wednesday, 20 Dec 2023 at 3:17pm


indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Wednesday, 20 Dec 2023 at 5:41pm
I focus wrote:
indo-dreaming wrote:

Now give me one decent reason why they would target civilians?

A lot of commentary around this but basically it's the strong man approach then there the killing of three shirtless hostages waving a white flag, hunting the wounded one and executing him speaks to the intent of Israeli military and political leadership.

Pretty ugly stuff.

Yeah real sad, but it doesnt prove what you think.

Its so easy to make a judgement from our devices on the other side of the world and almost all of us have no real understanding of what its like to fight in a war let alone in urban warfare which is by far the hardest kind of fighting especially when you are on the side that is trying to hunt down the enemy, it would be crazy stressful and you would barely get any sleep so tired and on edge and you are literally a split second from shooting the enemy or being shot.

A journalist who was in the same area for two days said he didn't see a civilian the whole time, and Hamas are using all sorts of dirty tactic to lure IDF into traps like pretending to be hostages even using recording of children and babies, so you can be sure that they thought they were Hamas.

Im not justifying the actions at all, they still fucked up and if possible you would expect taking Hamas as prisoners when possible is preferred to get intel and id expect for hostage swaps, but still these things are often not as simple as some make out.

The sad irony is these guys were so close to being heroes, saving three hostage, and the story would have been the biggest positive story of the war for Israel, but instead it's a major low point and instead of being heroes they will always be seen as the guys who fucked up and shot hostages, it will no doubt haunt them for the rest of their life's and highly likely fuck them up real bad mentally.

"hunting the wounded one and executing" The reports i heard didn't put it like that , but i do agree it sounded suss like they fucked up, panicked and tried to cover up the fuck up.

For perspective there has also be quite a large number of IDF killed in friendly fire, 20 out of only 110 or so IDF deaths in Gaza.

I heard the descriptions yesterday and it ranged from, guns misfiring, communication fuck ups resulting in shooting each other, to being run over by military vehicles and just random accident's

It also should be noted most of these troops aren't proper soldiers with previous experience there generally everyday Israelis just doing service, so they dont have the experience and again fighting in conditions that are the hardest of all to fight in.

southernraw's picture
southernraw's picture
southernraw Wednesday, 20 Dec 2023 at 5:38pm

Spectral knocker

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Wednesday, 20 Dec 2023 at 5:59pm
Roadkill wrote:
I focus wrote:
indo-dreaming wrote:

Now give me one decent reason why they would target civilians?

A lot of commentary around this but basically it's the strong man approach then there the killing of three shirtless hostages waving a white flag, hunting the wounded one and executing him speaks to the intent of Israeli military and political leadership.

Pretty ugly stuff.

Does the killings of unarmed civilians by Australian military personnel speak to the intent of the Australian military and political leadership?
Is it isolated incidents carried out during war/battle?

100% plus basically war like most things isn't perfect there is fuck ups.

Like i said above there has been 20 IDF die in friendly fire of only 110 IDF deaths in Gazza, obviously this doesn't mean IDF want to kill their own troops.

Id expect it's more a reflection of the type of war being fought, a very chaotic one in an urban landscape made even worst and more dangerous with the tunnel factor.

AndyM's picture
AndyM's picture
AndyM Wednesday, 20 Dec 2023 at 6:46pm

Nice effort you two, conflating say a Ben Roberts-Smith scenario or a few friendly fire incidents with the targeted bombing of residential buildings, a refugee camp, a family home and a public market.
Comparing moments of chaos with decades-long, government sanctioned abuses including occupation, displacement and attacks on non-military targets with resulting high civilian death tolls is disingenuous at best and savagely biased at worst.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Wednesday, 20 Dec 2023 at 7:36pm
AndyM wrote:

Nice effort you two, conflating say a Ben Roberts-Smith scenario or a few friendly fire incidents with the targeted bombing of residential buildings, a refugee camp, a family home and a public market.
Comparing moments of chaos with decades-long, government sanctioned abuses including occupation, displacement and attacks on non-military targets with resulting high civilian death tolls is disingenuous at best and savagely biased at worst.

Basically what you are saying is Hamas should be allowed to use all these areas for bases, command centres, shoot rockets from, stock pile rockets, make rockets etc and it should ensure Hamas is protected and the only time Israel should be able to attack Hamas is when they are standing out in the fields on the edge of town but only if all the farm workers have gone home. (and maybe only after crops have been harvested, because we dont want crops destroyed either because people might go hungry)

And i expect you also think after this war Israel should continue to allow people from Gaza to work in Israel, and Israel should continue to supply Gaza with everything they need including water and energy.

And Israel should also just brush off the thousand's of rockets that get fired into Israel because they have the iron dome, and if there is another 7th October happen, it's Israelis fault for not finding out about it or preventing it.

Oh and to get the hostages back they should just bow to whatever demands Hamas make no matter what they are.

AndyM's picture
AndyM's picture
AndyM Wednesday, 20 Dec 2023 at 7:51pm

Haha, for sure Indo, those are the only other choices :)

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Wednesday, 20 Dec 2023 at 8:00pm

But, what about targeted bombing of residential buildings

But, what about a school

But, what about a family home

But, what about a market

But, but, but, always buts.

Andybutbutbut, Israel didn’t target any of those places, they targeted identified targets that hide in those place and used innocent people as human shields.

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Wednesday, 20 Dec 2023 at 8:38pm

Haha farkkk ;)
- on your own u guys are tweaked…

Together haha… the lowdill inbred info bureau of bias ;)
- hasbara herders of hubris.

“Basically what you are saying is… “

- you haven’t actually understood anything being communicated so begin a response by pretending you can reinterpret/ reinvent what somebody said and replace it with stuff they didn’t say… by farkn saying ‘basically what you are saying is’…?..? Haha wtf ! ;);)

And then dillbrain exclaims a whole load of bs about ‘buts’ and andybutbutbut …
“But, but, but, always buts. “
- in reply to :

‘ Nice effort you two, conflating say a Ben Roberts-Smith scenario or a few friendly fire incidents with the targeted bombing of residential buildings, a refugee camp, a family home and a public market.
Comparing moments of chaos with decades-long, government sanctioned abuses including occupation, displacement and attacks on non-military targets with resulting high civilian death tolls is disingenuous at best and savagely biased at worst.’

^^^ …but not one ‘but’ in there anywhere ;)

- a fine example of a gumboot and a nobody on display…
Float on turds of the lowdill ;);)

Check out 2.45 mins in of this below… sign ya kids up ;)


andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Wednesday, 20 Dec 2023 at 8:47pm
Jelly Flater wrote:

Haha farkkk ;)
- on your own u guys are tweaked…

Together haha… the lowdill inbred info bureau of bias ;)
- hasbara herders of hubris.

“Basically what you are saying is… “

- you haven’t actually understood anything being communicated so begin a response by pretending you can reinterpret/ reinvent what somebody said and replace it with stuff they didn’t say… by farkn saying ‘basically what you are saying is’…?..? Haha wtf ! ;);)

And then dillbrain exclaims a whole load of bs about ‘buts’ and andybutbutbut …
“But, but, but, always buts. “
- in reply to :

‘ Nice effort you two, conflating say a Ben Roberts-Smith scenario or a few friendly fire incidents with the targeted bombing of residential buildings, a refugee camp, a family home and a public market.
Comparing moments of chaos with decades-long, government sanctioned abuses including occupation, displacement and attacks on non-military targets with resulting high civilian death tolls is disingenuous at best and savagely biased at worst.’

^^^ …but not one ‘but’ in there anywhere ;)

- a fine example of a gumboot and a nobody on display…
Float on turds of the lowdill ;);)

Check out 2.45 mins in of this below… sign ya kids up ;)

And I thought I was the andybutbutbut ┐⁠(⁠ ⁠∵⁠ ⁠)⁠┌

southernraw's picture
southernraw's picture
southernraw Wednesday, 20 Dec 2023 at 8:54pm

ahem....sounds awfully like one or three above....

seeds's picture
seeds's picture
seeds Wednesday, 20 Dec 2023 at 9:03pm

Amen to that. Maybe a seasoning of active listening to finish off the dish!

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Wednesday, 20 Dec 2023 at 9:11pm

excellent, @southern. Interesting on RN yesterday, a guy described left and right wingers: left enjoy holding a few concepts in their head at once, right don't. Which explains why people swing right as they get older and their brain begins to atrophy. And why alt right is understandable, but people lose their shit over alt left, where there are now black and white lefties about a chosen cause.. like, 'hey, you guys are meant to be ineffectual, 'cause you like being confused about the complexities of an issue, what's with this new rigidity?'

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Wednesday, 20 Dec 2023 at 9:26pm

Good to see you finally putting a comma before a name, basesix. :)

Lots of sic the last few days.

I focus's picture
I focus's picture
I focus Wednesday, 20 Dec 2023 at 9:30pm
indo-dreaming wrote:

Like i said above there has been 20 IDF die in friendly fire of only 110 IDF deaths in Gazza, obviously this doesn't mean IDF want to kill their own troops.

Id expect it's more a reflection of the type of war being fought, a very chaotic one in an urban landscape made even worst and more dangerous with the tunnel factor.

I met a lot of Israelis after fighting in Lebanon they said training deaths and friendly fire was horrendous but they weren't doing the same killing of civilians as Gaza.

It's important to understand this is different tactics.

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Wednesday, 20 Dec 2023 at 9:31pm

aww, don't be sore, it wasn't a diss, just putting to rest the case for the Indo/RK conspiracy theory. (I'll be extra vigilant, but please feel free to jump me for grammar, you probably owe me. The realty was funny though ; )

goofyfoot's picture
goofyfoot's picture
goofyfoot Wednesday, 20 Dec 2023 at 9:44pm
indo-dreaming wrote:
I focus wrote:
indo-dreaming wrote:

Now give me one decent reason why they would target civilians?

A lot of commentary around this but basically it's the strong man approach then there the killing of three shirtless hostages waving a white flag, hunting the wounded one and executing him speaks to the intent of Israeli military and political leadership.

Pretty ugly stuff.

Yeah real sad, but it doesnt prove what you think.

Its so easy to make a judgement from our devices on the other side of the world and almost all of us have no real understanding of what its like to fight in a war let alone in urban warfare which is by far the hardest kind of fighting especially when you are on the side that is trying to hunt down the enemy, it would be crazy stressful and you would barely get any sleep so tired and on edge and you are literally a split second from shooting the enemy or being shot.

A journalist who was in the same area for two days said he didn't see a civilian the whole time, and Hamas are using all sorts of dirty tactic to lure IDF into traps like pretending to be hostages even using recording of children and babies, so you can be sure that they thought they were Hamas.

Im not justifying the actions at all, they still fucked up and if possible you would expect taking Hamas as prisoners when possible is preferred to get intel and id expect for hostage swaps, but still these things are often not as simple as some make out.

The sad irony is these guys were so close to being heroes, saving three hostage, and the story would have been the biggest positive story of the war for Israel, but instead it's a major low point and instead of being heroes they will always be seen as the guys who fucked up and shot hostages, it will no doubt haunt them for the rest of their life's and highly likely fuck them up real bad mentally.

"hunting the wounded one and executing" The reports i heard didn't put it like that , but i do agree it sounded suss like they fucked up, panicked and tried to cover up the fuck up.

For perspective there has also be quite a large number of IDF killed in friendly fire, 20 out of only 110 or so IDF deaths in Gaza.

I heard the descriptions yesterday and it ranged from, guns misfiring, communication fuck ups resulting in shooting each other, to being run over by military vehicles and just random accident's

It also should be noted most of these troops aren't proper soldiers with previous experience there generally everyday Israelis just doing service, so they dont have the experience and again fighting in conditions that are the hardest of all to fight in.

For someone who admits to having no real understanding of what it’s like to fight in a war you certainly have a lot to say about it.
This has become like the Indigenous thread. Relentless.

AndyM's picture
AndyM's picture
AndyM Wednesday, 20 Dec 2023 at 9:54pm
andy-mac wrote:
Jelly Flater wrote:

Haha farkkk ;)
- on your own u guys are tweaked…

Together haha… the lowdill inbred info bureau of bias ;)
- hasbara herders of hubris.

“Basically what you are saying is… “

- you haven’t actually understood anything being communicated so begin a response by pretending you can reinterpret/ reinvent what somebody said and replace it with stuff they didn’t say… by farkn saying ‘basically what you are saying is’…?..? Haha wtf ! ;);)

And then dillbrain exclaims a whole load of bs about ‘buts’ and andybutbutbut …
“But, but, but, always buts. “
- in reply to :

‘ Nice effort you two, conflating say a Ben Roberts-Smith scenario or a few friendly fire incidents with the targeted bombing of residential buildings, a refugee camp, a family home and a public market.
Comparing moments of chaos with decades-long, government sanctioned abuses including occupation, displacement and attacks on non-military targets with resulting high civilian death tolls is disingenuous at best and savagely biased at worst.’

^^^ …but not one ‘but’ in there anywhere ;)

- a fine example of a gumboot and a nobody on display…
Float on turds of the lowdill ;);)

Check out 2.45 mins in of this below… sign ya kids up ;)

And I thought I was the andybutbutbut ┐⁠(⁠ ⁠∵⁠ ⁠)⁠┌

They call me Andy the Usurper.

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Wednesday, 20 Dec 2023 at 9:54pm

true dat, @goofy, I've had sting's 'russians' flick through my head over the past weeks..
'there's no such thing as a winnable war, it's a lie we don't believe anymore'
'there is no monopoly of common sense on either side of the political fence'
'we share the same biology regardless of ideology'
These topics sure attract round and round discussion. Just hope we can keep it calm and compassionate.

AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Wednesday, 20 Dec 2023 at 9:55pm
goofyfoot wrote:
indo-dreaming wrote:
I focus wrote:
indo-dreaming wrote:

Now give me one decent reason why they would target civilians?

A lot of commentary around this but basically it's the strong man approach then there the killing of three shirtless hostages waving a white flag, hunting the wounded one and executing him speaks to the intent of Israeli military and political leadership.

Pretty ugly stuff.

Yeah real sad, but it doesnt prove what you think.

Its so easy to make a judgement from our devices on the other side of the world and almost all of us have no real understanding of what its like to fight in a war let alone in urban warfare which is by far the hardest kind of fighting especially when you are on the side that is trying to hunt down the enemy, it would be crazy stressful and you would barely get any sleep so tired and on edge and you are literally a split second from shooting the enemy or being shot.

A journalist who was in the same area for two days said he didn't see a civilian the whole time, and Hamas are using all sorts of dirty tactic to lure IDF into traps like pretending to be hostages even using recording of children and babies, so you can be sure that they thought they were Hamas.

Im not justifying the actions at all, they still fucked up and if possible you would expect taking Hamas as prisoners when possible is preferred to get intel and id expect for hostage swaps, but still these things are often not as simple as some make out.

The sad irony is these guys were so close to being heroes, saving three hostage, and the story would have been the biggest positive story of the war for Israel, but instead it's a major low point and instead of being heroes they will always be seen as the guys who fucked up and shot hostages, it will no doubt haunt them for the rest of their life's and highly likely fuck them up real bad mentally.

"hunting the wounded one and executing" The reports i heard didn't put it like that , but i do agree it sounded suss like they fucked up, panicked and tried to cover up the fuck up.

For perspective there has also be quite a large number of IDF killed in friendly fire, 20 out of only 110 or so IDF deaths in Gaza.

I heard the descriptions yesterday and it ranged from, guns misfiring, communication fuck ups resulting in shooting each other, to being run over by military vehicles and just random accident's

It also should be noted most of these troops aren't proper soldiers with previous experience there generally everyday Israelis just doing service, so they dont have the experience and again fighting in conditions that are the hardest of all to fight in.

For someone who admits to having no real understanding of what it’s like to fight in a war you certainly have a lot to say about it.
This has become like the Indigenous thread. Relentless.

Gf. He knows no other way, it’s a sickness. Definitely needs help.AW

goofyfoot's picture
goofyfoot's picture
goofyfoot Wednesday, 20 Dec 2023 at 10:05pm

It’s certainly interesting basesix and AW, I’d love to get a psychologists (psychiatrists?) break down of the personality types that comment on here. Myself included. I’ve been a dickhead more than once on here.
But yeah, some people really latch on to a subject and don’t let up.

soggydog's picture
soggydog's picture
soggydog Wednesday, 20 Dec 2023 at 11:31pm

I don’t use social media gf, I’m probably getting the endorphin hits. I had a cracker surf this arvo. Got heaps of waves. Loving the board under my feet. Thinking,” fuck you’re a goose” re. This stuff. Hot one and a cold one and here I am.

AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Thursday, 21 Dec 2023 at 6:01am
goofyfoot wrote:

It’s certainly interesting basesix and AW, I’d love to get a psychologists (psychiatrists?) break down of the personality types that comment on here. Myself included. I’ve been a dickhead more than once on here.
But yeah, some people really latch on to a subject and don’t let up.

GF. We’ve all been a dickhead on here at some stage, sometimes overstepping the mark, sign of a good person is knowing when to stop. AW.

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Thursday, 21 Dec 2023 at 6:26am
soggydog wrote:

I don’t use social media gf, I’m probably getting the endorphin hits. I had a cracker surf this arvo. Got heaps of waves. Loving the board under my feet. Thinking,” fuck you’re a goose” re. This stuff. Hot one and a cold one and here I am.

“I don’t use social media gf”
Ahem..SN is social media.

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Thursday, 21 Dec 2023 at 7:57am
AndyM wrote:
andy-mac wrote:
Jelly Flater wrote:

Haha farkkk ;)
- on your own u guys are tweaked…

Together haha… the lowdill inbred info bureau of bias ;)
- hasbara herders of hubris.

“Basically what you are saying is… “

- you haven’t actually understood anything being communicated so begin a response by pretending you can reinterpret/ reinvent what somebody said and replace it with stuff they didn’t say… by farkn saying ‘basically what you are saying is’…?..? Haha wtf ! ;);)

And then dillbrain exclaims a whole load of bs about ‘buts’ and andybutbutbut …
“But, but, but, always buts. “
- in reply to :

‘ Nice effort you two, conflating say a Ben Roberts-Smith scenario or a few friendly fire incidents with the targeted bombing of residential buildings, a refugee camp, a family home and a public market.
Comparing moments of chaos with decades-long, government sanctioned abuses including occupation, displacement and attacks on non-military targets with resulting high civilian death tolls is disingenuous at best and savagely biased at worst.’

^^^ …but not one ‘but’ in there anywhere ;)

- a fine example of a gumboot and a nobody on display…
Float on turds of the lowdill ;);)

Check out 2.45 mins in of this below… sign ya kids up ;)

And I thought I was the andybutbutbut ┐⁠(⁠ ⁠∵⁠ ⁠)⁠┌

They call me Andy the Usurper.

Haha Ok I'm cool with that. :)

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Thursday, 21 Dec 2023 at 8:08am

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Thursday, 21 Dec 2023 at 8:19am

You know being autistic @info #theresalwaysanother comment ought to go on Hard Quiz, people on the spectrum usually clean up but the show wouldn’t make it to air with @info disagreeing with Tom on every question he got wrong.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Thursday, 21 Dec 2023 at 8:32am
goofyfoot wrote:
indo-dreaming wrote:
I focus wrote:
indo-dreaming wrote:

Now give me one decent reason why they would target civilians?

A lot of commentary around this but basically it's the strong man approach then there the killing of three shirtless hostages waving a white flag, hunting the wounded one and executing him speaks to the intent of Israeli military and political leadership.

Pretty ugly stuff.

Yeah real sad, but it doesnt prove what you think.

Its so easy to make a judgement from our devices on the other side of the world and almost all of us have no real understanding of what its like to fight in a war let alone in urban warfare which is by far the hardest kind of fighting especially when you are on the side that is trying to hunt down the enemy, it would be crazy stressful and you would barely get any sleep so tired and on edge and you are literally a split second from shooting the enemy or being shot.

A journalist who was in the same area for two days said he didn't see a civilian the whole time, and Hamas are using all sorts of dirty tactic to lure IDF into traps like pretending to be hostages even using recording of children and babies, so you can be sure that they thought they were Hamas.

Im not justifying the actions at all, they still fucked up and if possible you would expect taking Hamas as prisoners when possible is preferred to get intel and id expect for hostage swaps, but still these things are often not as simple as some make out.

The sad irony is these guys were so close to being heroes, saving three hostage, and the story would have been the biggest positive story of the war for Israel, but instead it's a major low point and instead of being heroes they will always be seen as the guys who fucked up and shot hostages, it will no doubt haunt them for the rest of their life's and highly likely fuck them up real bad mentally.

"hunting the wounded one and executing" The reports i heard didn't put it like that , but i do agree it sounded suss like they fucked up, panicked and tried to cover up the fuck up.

For perspective there has also be quite a large number of IDF killed in friendly fire, 20 out of only 110 or so IDF deaths in Gaza.

I heard the descriptions yesterday and it ranged from, guns misfiring, communication fuck ups resulting in shooting each other, to being run over by military vehicles and just random accident's

It also should be noted most of these troops aren't proper soldiers with previous experience there generally everyday Israelis just doing service, so they dont have the experience and again fighting in conditions that are the hardest of all to fight in.

For someone who admits to having no real understanding of what it’s like to fight in a war you certainly have a lot to say about it.
This has become like the Indigenous thread. Relentless.

Ive been following quite a few Youtube military channels run by X military that are pretty neutral, i think its good to get their perspective.

My father is a Vietnam Vet, i ask him questions like his thoughts on those kidnapped shot and other aspects, things he has most likely already discussed with his Vietnam vet mates so often a combined view point.

BTW. Im definitely not the number one poster here Jelly has posted here far far more than anyone else spreading as much Hamas anti Jew propaganda as possible

So wheres your criticism of him?

Just like anyone else im allowed to have an interest in a thread or topic, and yes when i do latch onto a topic i often then try to suck up as much information as possible, Guy can make fun of me possibly being on a autistic spectrum but this is actually a common autism trait.

And why are you even in this thread if you have no interest in the topic?

I mean you didn't even have the very basic knowledge about the 7th October attack that villages were attacked, and the main target, you thought it was only an attack on a music festival, that most agree Hamas probably didn't even know was going to be on and sadly more likely just got lucky in their sick eyes.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Thursday, 21 Dec 2023 at 8:52am
AndyM wrote:

Haha, for sure Indo, those are the only other choices :)

So please tell us how IDF are expected to

Destroy Hamas fighters
Destroy Tunnels
Destroy bases and command centres.
Destroy rocket stocks
Destroy areas rockets are made etc

Without destroying the civilian buildings, mosque, medical facilties, schools etc that are over the top of or combined with the above sites, that have civilians there if havent moved.

Its impossible and its Hamas number one tactic, the instances of Hamas infrastructure or even Hamas themselves being away from these thing's is very rare, the only areas like this is the big tunnel exposed the other day that goes right up to the Israel/Gaza border or other small tunnels intro these areas.

AndyM's picture
AndyM's picture
AndyM Thursday, 21 Dec 2023 at 9:15am

Jeez mate, you should contract yourself out to the IDF, would pay for your next trip to Indo.

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Thursday, 21 Dec 2023 at 9:34am

Haha… spot on andy… the lowinfo bs train continues ;)
- and fark… he’s had another karen outburst into the usual deny and deflect ;)

“ BTW. Im definitely not the number one poster here Jelly has posted here far far more than anyone else spreading as much Hamas anti Jew propaganda as possible “

Now… this is where you are a real dickhead.
- I challenge u to provide anything anti jew or pro hamas that I’ve posted ;)
… go on.

It’s only u that keeps flogging this bs accusation ;)

And meanwhile… here’s some examples of your idiocy (these are just from this page… there is a farkn archive here of your moronic assumptions on display)

- Your comments are ill informed and often baseless representations of what you think in regard to particular situations. You continually defend the killing of civilians and in the case of the idf murdering their own hostages, somehow - in response to another person condemning these actions - you respond (with simply an opinion) by asserting that :

- ‘… it doesnt prove what you think.’
And yet what you say proves what you think ??
- understand the contradiction? See the insane superiority complex u try to enforce on others when it’s simply your version vs theirs… why do you assume u are correct or that your version has any more legitimacy?
Coz it doesn’t ;);)

And then this gem in regard to why they accidentally murdered their hostages on purpose ;)

- ‘… so you can be sure that they thought they were Hamas.’
But how do you know that ? How can you even be sure and then exclaim that others can be sure too ? That’s just fucken simplistic and total fantasy ;);)

And to top it off you then throw out another contradictory accusation of :

- ‘… these things are often not as simple as some make out.’
And yet that is exactly what you are doing ;)
… you are making simple assumptions and providing speculative conclusions pretending they are factual, whilst saying things are ‘not as simple as some make out’ … haha wtf ;);)

So try keep arguing ya case…
- keep floating in your confused state of dumb fuck gumboot interpretation.

But while u chase the hummus with ya head up ya arse…
- it is more than appropriate to consider this fact ;)

It’s the truest comment about lowinfo … it’s indisputable ;);)

- “ He knows no other way, it’s a sickness. Definitely needs help “

Heed the advice, you aren’t fooling anybody but yourself ;)

…carry on


Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Thursday, 21 Dec 2023 at 9:35am



Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Thursday, 21 Dec 2023 at 9:43am
AndyM wrote:

Jeez mate, you should contract yourself out to the IDF, would pay for your next trip to Indo.

Hamas spokesman AndyM.

AndyM's picture
AndyM's picture
AndyM Thursday, 21 Dec 2023 at 9:46am

Haha, let me guess, I'm anti-Semitic?

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Thursday, 21 Dec 2023 at 9:49am

Wahaha ;)
Beware of floating turds and their false accusations andy ;);)

- the lowdill combo… aka bibi’s loyal ‘but’ plugs

Haha… someone call a waaaambulance ;);)




Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Thursday, 21 Dec 2023 at 9:58am

Speaking of Elephants..This is a worthy baby youtube clip.

This is the largest Elephant rescue and orphanage in Africa.
They rescue elephants and integrate them into their herd.

This is their latest rescue.

It's a great organisation...runs off donations.

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Thursday, 21 Dec 2023 at 10:03am

“ Idealism isn’t realty…problems need to be dealt with within realty. “


Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Thursday, 21 Dec 2023 at 10:10am


Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Thursday, 21 Dec 2023 at 10:13am
AndyM wrote:

Haha, let me guess, I'm anti-Semitic?

I don’t know if you are.

I do know you chuck it out and accuse others of being anti Islam.

AndyM's picture
AndyM's picture
AndyM Thursday, 21 Dec 2023 at 10:22am


AndyM's picture
AndyM's picture
AndyM Thursday, 21 Dec 2023 at 10:25am

I expect if they had really dark skin Indo might have a problem with them but apart from that, when have I accused someone of being anti-Islam?

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Thursday, 21 Dec 2023 at 11:02am
AndyM wrote:

I expect if they had really dark skin Indo might have a problem with them but apart from that, when have I accused someone of being anti-Islam?

and now you are chucking it out that Indo doesn't like dark people. All dark people or just dark people from a certain race?

you're on a roll

AndyM's picture
AndyM's picture
AndyM Thursday, 21 Dec 2023 at 11:11am

I think it was particularly Australian Indigenous and PNG.
At least, they were the ones he mentioned.

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Thursday, 21 Dec 2023 at 11:35am
AndyM wrote:

I think it was particularly Australian Indigenous and PNG.
At least, they were the ones he mentioned.

If you’re comfortable calling someone a racist, I guess that’s up to you.

AndyM's picture
AndyM's picture
AndyM Thursday, 21 Dec 2023 at 11:43am

So, umm, when have I accused someone of being anti-Islam?
Not saying I haven’t, but I don’t recall.

goofyfoot's picture
goofyfoot's picture
goofyfoot Thursday, 21 Dec 2023 at 11:57am
indo-dreaming wrote:
goofyfoot wrote:
indo-dreaming wrote:
I focus wrote:
indo-dreaming wrote:

Now give me one decent reason why they would target civilians?

A lot of commentary around this but basically it's the strong man approach then there the killing of three shirtless hostages waving a white flag, hunting the wounded one and executing him speaks to the intent of Israeli military and political leadership.

Pretty ugly stuff.

Yeah real sad, but it doesnt prove what you think.

Its so easy to make a judgement from our devices on the other side of the world and almost all of us have no real understanding of what its like to fight in a war let alone in urban warfare which is by far the hardest kind of fighting especially when you are on the side that is trying to hunt down the enemy, it would be crazy stressful and you would barely get any sleep so tired and on edge and you are literally a split second from shooting the enemy or being shot.

A journalist who was in the same area for two days said he didn't see a civilian the whole time, and Hamas are using all sorts of dirty tactic to lure IDF into traps like pretending to be hostages even using recording of children and babies, so you can be sure that they thought they were Hamas.

Im not justifying the actions at all, they still fucked up and if possible you would expect taking Hamas as prisoners when possible is preferred to get intel and id expect for hostage swaps, but still these things are often not as simple as some make out.

The sad irony is these guys were so close to being heroes, saving three hostage, and the story would have been the biggest positive story of the war for Israel, but instead it's a major low point and instead of being heroes they will always be seen as the guys who fucked up and shot hostages, it will no doubt haunt them for the rest of their life's and highly likely fuck them up real bad mentally.

"hunting the wounded one and executing" The reports i heard didn't put it like that , but i do agree it sounded suss like they fucked up, panicked and tried to cover up the fuck up.

For perspective there has also be quite a large number of IDF killed in friendly fire, 20 out of only 110 or so IDF deaths in Gaza.

I heard the descriptions yesterday and it ranged from, guns misfiring, communication fuck ups resulting in shooting each other, to being run over by military vehicles and just random accident's

It also should be noted most of these troops aren't proper soldiers with previous experience there generally everyday Israelis just doing service, so they dont have the experience and again fighting in conditions that are the hardest of all to fight in.

For someone who admits to having no real understanding of what it’s like to fight in a war you certainly have a lot to say about it.
This has become like the Indigenous thread. Relentless.

Ive been following quite a few Youtube military channels run by X military that are pretty neutral, i think its good to get their perspective.

My father is a Vietnam Vet, i ask him questions like his thoughts on those kidnapped shot and other aspects, things he has most likely already discussed with his Vietnam vet mates so often a combined view point.

BTW. Im definitely not the number one poster here Jelly has posted here far far more than anyone else spreading as much Hamas anti Jew propaganda as possible

So wheres your criticism of him?

Just like anyone else im allowed to have an interest in a thread or topic, and yes when i do latch onto a topic i often then try to suck up as much information as possible, Guy can make fun of me possibly being on a autistic spectrum but this is actually a common autism trait.

And why are you even in this thread if you have no interest in the topic?

I mean you didn't even have the very basic knowledge about the 7th October attack that villages were attacked, and the main target, you thought it was only an attack on a music festival, that most agree Hamas probably didn't even know was going to be on and sadly more likely just got lucky in their sick eyes.

“ I mean you didn't even have the very basic knowledge about the 7th October attack that villages were attacked, and the main target, you thought it was only an attack on a music festival, that most agree Hamas probably didn't even know was going to be on and sadly more likely just got lucky in their sick eyes.”

you got me there Indo, can’t believe I missed that. What a dunce I am.
Carry on legend.

AndyM's picture
AndyM's picture
AndyM Thursday, 21 Dec 2023 at 2:11pm

How good is the post-truth world?
Not wanting the slaughter of civilians is now "Hamas anti Jew propaganda".

Fuggin bewdy!

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Thursday, 21 Dec 2023 at 2:54pm

G’day @info earlier today you thought I was making fun of your possible autism. My bad as I was trying to make light of potentially serious issue. I apologise if you were offended by my comment. What I was trying to do was to ask the rhetorical question is it good for you especially or anyone else to be engaged in the sort of heated debates here given your possible situation, that’s it I’m shutting up now

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Thursday, 21 Dec 2023 at 5:04pm
Roadkill wrote:
AndyM wrote:

I expect if they had really dark skin Indo might have a problem with them but apart from that, when have I accused someone of being anti-Islam?

and now you are chucking it out that Indo doesn't like dark people. All dark people or just dark people from a certain race?

you're on a roll

Yep such a weird thing to say he is either being purposely disingenuous or really didn't understand any of the previous conversations and points made, maybe a mix of both.

Its pretty funny really because in truth it's actually the complete opposite of whats true.

Anyway its all really not important.