The United States(!) of A

factotum's picture
factotum started the topic in Thursday, 27 Aug 2020 at 11:12am

Septic Tanks are going to Septic Tank

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 12:04pm

Sure...blame it all on Covid...

tbb shared here that he watched illegally incubating Prez Joe's Live inauguration speech!
Faultless it was & tbb was impressed and a Huge Hodad fan at the time.

tbb was concerned enough 'bout Joe's decline to Script the Presidential Ward Chart
3rd July 2024

Here's the most detailed ever Prez Ward Chart...can all read it for yerselves..

From 1st /2nd Vax Biden calls his VP Da Prez > Forgets lead Defence/VP names
Forgets Punchlines > Barks at Media > (Heat of the moment!) Now Forgets our Down Under Guy?

You'll notice his short term Live Memory is in decline...Like repeated blows to the head!

Booster 1 : Starts his (New) Right Temple Headaches...swells the Lobe so Joe suppresses the effect!
These headaches come on worse when pressed at unscripted Live Events (100's of examples!)
Gets more irritable & isolates > Swears Vax gives him super Powers > Orders Death upon Unvaxed.
Now Forgets US Sporting Legends Names

Start of 2022 declares it's 2020 > He also now Confuses Months < > Years in Economic Recall?
Now he starts mixing up Country Names > Also thinks Kamala is his First Lady (Wife).

Booster 2 : Straight after gets even stronger Right Temple Headaches
Prez Eyes start to Wander away from Foreign Leaders Attention to drift afar > Wotz Dat?
Starts making up New Words > Now relegates himself to senator!

Crunchtime : Now losing the plot > Cancels weekly meet'n'greet Vid Wraps with Kamala
Ask Kamala why The Prez & she pulled the plug...Coz he can no longer fully engage...Well Durr!

Prez is now Time Slipping > Thinks it's 1916
Holocaust Honour (vs) Gulf War Selfishness + Now he's a Cancer Survivor...

Covid ya say? He ain't even been infected up until this point.
Each time the Prez Vaxed he got right temple headaches & his cognitive decline progressed in scope.
Many LC sufferers were never once infected but suffer from PVS...Post Vaccine Syndrome!
10% of public get mRNA Headaches & 85% of them swear they never get it from any other Vax.
Reactions reflect Joe's inflamed thrombosis in Frontal Right T1 Lobe! Would indicate CIDP or CVT.
Hot Tip : The extra aluminium oxide baked into the Vials thaws to trigger the mRNA inflamed response

All there in Plants / Photographic Record & Film...None care that much to review...(tbb reviews it often!)
20 July 2024

After the Vax kicked in he went downhill with each dose > then he lost the Plot long before Covid [+]
Just saying...It's an open book for all to read...tbb awaits to verify from a peer review of his decline.
Doubt any Yank gives a shit about Vax or Da Prez to review the Archival Timeline Footage.
tbb & crew will need to wait a long long time for taboo reviews of Presidential Decline.
Just imagine the Bills Stamped after he'd checked out with Kamala's hot dates long way back! Huh!
How about someone ask Kamala when she thought about that day when she pulled the plug!

Sure the Covid effect...Yes! His Pax mutated the Virus into a 2nd infection...(All know this!)
We can't say for sure (because!) ...but seems to have targeted his brain similar but deeper for longer...
Resulting in Joe channeling Dead people in front of a Live Audience... "Speak to me Jackie!"
(Why Because!) White House Staff pretty much mothballed him thru 2023/24 Winter Hybernation

All experts agree the Vials were dipped in molten mix...for a specific reason.
After a deep freeze their brew lies dormant > A shake or two & delaminated Graphene kick starts the show!
That shit pulls the half dead troops together & rockets it to yer brain...that's it's function...well durr!
All experts are aware that each highly impact immune reaction crosses blood barrier deep into brains.
Hence the molten metal trackers baked into the Vax vials > Yes! To track Vax compliance.
Yes! They can track who has an effective full dose by waving a police the VIPs.
No! It's not a fuckin' conspiracy...please never say that...this is in every vial & dose! Free to Check!
The Graphene shards sheer thru cells / Calcium fools repeated infections / Aluminium swells organs!

No expert has ever disputed this never happened as Glass Vial manufacturers lauded such breakthru.
All experts are aware but not one of these several cell damaging oxides is listed in Vax Ingredients.
Feel free to check why first time ever new 'deep thaw' Vial ingredients are left out of mixed equation.

Ya see each previous use of these same ingredients was tested within each Room Temp Lab Vaccine...
Only they couldn't test the Frozen deep thaw kicker brew until rollout of Vails + Freezers...Got it!
Everyone gets a different chaotic dose...Sorry! Never was any ONEOFUS...All were lab rats & still are!
Never in Lab formulation > Only when thawing > shaking Graphene gathers inert brew as Rocket fuel.
Never did any nation approve of importation of GMO brews! Highly Illegal Brew precedents EU GMO.
Germany are fuckin' stoked > We all have US GMO DNA > so let's rubber stamp GMO crops! All say Aye!
ONEOFUS! All GM Vegetables Now! Yipee!

All news has misinformed that Prez was Up 2 date with Vax (Nope! boycotted last CDC up 2 Date Call!)
Also never publically vaxed or personally verified own Vax since 2022...

News have all twice reported Prez was infected twice. (Think about that...all just follow like sheep!)
Only now are a handful correcting there own ridiculous anomaly...Correct = Prez was infected 3 times!

All US Experts / News / Media repeatedly lie & keep citizens in the dark...mostly coz they're all stupid!

swellnet stands alone with the only detailed Prez Ward Chart/s & will await decades for US Timeline!
Yes! All the while gotta correct these dumbarse MSM retards that never seem to know shit about shit!
Not havin' a crack at any speculating that it was Covid or other, coz media fuck ya'll over!

Only know tbb is prepared to submit his Ward chart for serious open debate on Presidential Decline.
Ask! How many $Gazillion Big Pharma / Media / University Empires are free to submit wot shit exactly?
All know it's a shitshow of Brain Dead Morons covering their own arses...Cowards the lot of them!

Livin' under USA Mushroom Cloud...It's a life!

wax24's picture
wax24's picture
wax24 Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 11:47am

Well, whatevs Adam and Pop. The salient point, the only point worth taking away, is that nothing is a shoo in, and we hafta do something that us humans have become so gawd awful at… we gotta wait. With patience, even. Fark.

wax24's picture
wax24's picture
wax24 Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 11:49am

The good news is that the proceedings will provide us all with plenty of opportunity to froth and not be patient at all.
Humans. Humaning.

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 11:51am
wax24 wrote:

Well, whatevs Adam and Pop. The salient point, the only point worth taking away, is that nothing is a shoo in, and we hafta do something that us humans have become so gawd awful at… we gotta wait. With patience, even. Fark.

hope the ammo shops aren't price gouging @wax24.

adam12's picture
adam12's picture
adam12 Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 12:06pm

yeah, probably take back the misogyny bit.
And didn't really score, got two bombs then blew my shoulder out again trying to duckdive all that foam I ride under a set and had to come in. Had it on ice and it seems ok today. Just waiting for the big tide to fill in to cover a little rockpile line up at the local and am going to give it a test run. Had to sit yesterday out, it was cranking.
As for Melania, why am I not surprised that you are a fan?

burleigh's picture
burleigh's picture
burleigh Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 12:16pm

Trump will eat the new chick alive in any debate. Can’t wait to watch.

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 12:16pm
basesix wrote:
wax24 wrote:

Well, whatevs Adam and Pop. The salient point, the only point worth taking away, is that nothing is a shoo in, and we hafta do something that us humans have become so gawd awful at… we gotta wait. With patience, even. Fark.

hope the ammo shops aren't price gouging @wax24.

The Republicans raffled off assault rifles at their convention. Winner takes all.

Crazy AF

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 12:26pm

Trump is already trying to weasel out of debating Harris. Excuses are flowing.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 12:35pm

I actually agree with adam12

except the managed bit...

they been managing his 'exposure' for years...

people in the tent might see what they wanna see, ...but they ain't fooling anyone on the outer...

and the 'phone call' ...sounds a pre-recorded mashup at best...

buf tough cop kamala has come out swinging

she's clearly had some coaching whilst she's been hiding the shadows

or she's gotten over her 'imposter syndrome'

but she seems quite confident and normal now, found a bit of stride in her speaking

I still think she's a totally flawed candidate

and in another awkward moment, even a compliant press gallery couldn't share in big chucky's enthusiasm for grass roots 'democracy'

<script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

but yes, kamala clearly a much desired breath of fresh air for many. the momentum with her now

I'd go as far as it's her election to lose now...

what a turnaround

all in 72 hours!

we will see...

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 12:38pm
burleigh wrote:

Trump will eat the new chick alive in any debate. Can’t wait to watch.

Hmm not sure wont be as easy as Joe, expect she will be a bit more switched on and have plenty of easy shots to fire.

I think Trump.will need to be careful and not attack her based on sex as that would put off some women swing voters.

wax24's picture
wax24's picture
wax24 Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 12:41pm

She is a dragon, Roady. I sure as shit wouldn’t oppose her on the same stage. Yikes. She’s also inconsistent, so…. but yeah, if she shows up prepared and on point….. time to put the ear bandages away and recommit to getting serious. It’ll be interesting Roady. I wish i had your vantage point. Mostly theater with some akin the game. A good vantage point.

wax24's picture
wax24's picture
wax24 Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 12:43pm

Hahaha! I just cracked myself up. “time to put the ear bandages away and get serious” i said.
As if governance was an interest or they even had that gear. Too funny. To me.

wax24's picture
wax24's picture
wax24 Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 12:51pm
indo-dreaming wrote:
burleigh wrote:

Trump will eat the new chick alive in any debate. Can’t wait to watch.

Hmm not sure wont be as easy as Joe, expect she will be a bit more switched on and have plenty of easy shots to fire.

I think Trump.will need to be careful and not attack her based on sex as that would put off some women swing voters.

As far as putting off swing voters based on perceived mistreatment of women…. Roe v Wade got overturned by a suspiciously stacked conservative Supreme Court. You can disagree with those sentices all ya want, Indo, but there is not a large coalition of support for Trump amongst women. You most prob underestimate the vitriol from women towards Trump. You don’t live here. You couldn’t know.
Any woman that had decided to do so, will vote Trump, regardless. Any undecided female is leaning heavily left and waiting for a solid floor. Trump can’t recall that coalition. The price of throwing red meat to the masses.

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 12:54pm

“Some Republicans have responded to Kamala Harris’s rise as the new presumptive nominee by calling her a “DEI” candidate. The acronym stands for “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion”. The implication here is that Ms Harris has attained her role because of her race and gender”

Silly stuff. Will not encourage black, Latino or female voters to go Republican and will also push voters to Harris.

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 1:03pm

If trump doesn’t win, how big will the explosion be ?

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 1:06pm

hard to not point out the obvious

the truth...

she is a DEI candidate

couldn't even make it past 1st round primaries

and now she's telling chucky she wants to 'earn' her position...


she's a parachute drop candidate


'threat to democracy!'

they squeal..

vomit again

but yes, may not be the smartest move politically

bonza's picture
bonza's picture
bonza Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 1:06pm

minor to moderate

wax24's picture
wax24's picture
wax24 Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 1:09pm

But that is what they have, for now, Roady. They’ll trumpet it until they accomplish 2 things. One, solidify the messaging that she and she alone fucked up the borders, which they will portray in nihilistic terms, and two, they’ll be scouring the most embarrassing moment of her international affairs career, such as it is, and amplifying it to a banshee shrill.

wax24's picture
wax24's picture
wax24 Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 1:10pm
Supafreak wrote:

If trump doesn’t win, how big will the explosion be ?

THAT’S the million dollar question, Supra.
Well, at least, ONE of the million dollar questions.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 1:15pm
Supafreak wrote:

If trump doesn’t win, how big will the explosion be ?

if he does win, how big will the explosion be?

same same

but different...

I just hope it's a convincing win, quell the mess...

I think kamala just upset that equation

we're back to a 50/50... hilary v trump equation...

biden v trump everyone knew the stakes

now we're back in a gloves off, emotionally charged, known unknowns, desperate, IP showdown...

a country tearing itself apart at the seams


velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 1:34pm

Sportsbet election odds update (Magic 8 Ball, who will win?)

Trump 1.57, Harris 2.37, we have a contest.

Interestingly Kanye at 251 is twice as likely as Taylor Swift at 501, wouldn't have picked that.

Can you imagine Kanye as President dressed in his unique style, with Bianca dressed in less as his first lady?

burleigh's picture
burleigh's picture
burleigh Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 1:45pm

Harris seems like a horrible public speaker. Trumps marketing team will pull her apart and USA will eat it up.

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 2:09pm
sypkan wrote:

hard to not point out the obvious

the truth...

she is a DEI candidate

couldn't even make it past 1st round primaries

and now she's telling chucky she wants to 'earn' her position...


she's a parachute drop candidate


'threat to democracy!'

they squeal..

vomit again

but yes, may not be the smartest move politically

Yes, she is DEI. She ticked the boxes… female and coloured.

But you can’t win votes by attacking her for that in the current environment…. All it does is lose you votes from similar groups

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 2:15pm
wax24 wrote:

But that is what they have, for now, Roady. They’ll trumpet it until they accomplish 2 things. One, solidify the messaging that she and she alone fucked up the borders, which they will portray in nihilistic terms, and two, they’ll be scouring the most embarrassing moment of her international affairs career, such as it is, and amplifying it to a banshee shrill.

If I was Republican strategist I would be hammering her everyday on the borders and immigration. It’s a real fuckup. Staggering to watch people flow into the US in the numbers they are.

That could lose them the election by itself

wax24's picture
wax24's picture
wax24 Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 2:32pm

They’ll be on that, Roadster. Don’t “worry.”

adam12's picture
adam12's picture
adam12 Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 2:59pm
Roadkill wrote:
wax24 wrote:

But that is what they have, for now, Roady. They’ll trumpet it until they accomplish 2 things. One, solidify the messaging that she and she alone fucked up the borders, which they will portray in nihilistic terms, and two, they’ll be scouring the most embarrassing moment of her international affairs career, such as it is, and amplifying it to a banshee shrill.

If I was Republican strategist I would be hammering her everyday on the borders and immigration. It’s a real fuckup. Staggering to watch people flow into the US in the numbers they are.

That could lose them the election by itself

Yes Roady, they will be hammering it. But it's misinformation really. She was labeled the "Border Czar" by the GOP not by Biden. He tasked her to find out the root causes of why people were leaving South America, not to solve the border crisis. But it's a truth easily discarded in the noise and fury. I don't think it would necessarily lose the election. It will lose them votes but they will pick up votes on issues like abortion rights and Gen Z looking for younger leadership, and don't underestimate women wanting a female President, it got Hillary, who was way more unelectable than Harris is, the most votes in 2016.
Like @Sypkan says, a lot has changed in a short space of time and it appears today like it is her election to lose.
As for another insurrection should Trump lose a close one, it's different this time, the Dems are in control of the response not Trump who was the instigator last time and let it run.
It would be put down swiftly this time around.
They won't be having another civil war.
And @ Burls, Harris is a former prosecutor and attorney general, she can debate. Trump is a lightweight on his feet, rambling, bullshitting, nonsensical.
He's scared of her.
He challenged Biden to a debate every week. Watch him try to avoid debating Harris.

AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 3:07pm
Roadkill wrote:
wax24 wrote:

But that is what they have, for now, Roady. They’ll trumpet it until they accomplish 2 things. One, solidify the messaging that she and she alone fucked up the borders, which they will portray in nihilistic terms, and two, they’ll be scouring the most embarrassing moment of her international affairs career, such as it is, and amplifying it to a banshee shrill.

If I was Republican strategist I would be hammering her everyday on the borders and immigration. It’s a real fuckup. Staggering to watch people flow into the US in the numbers they are.

That could lose them the election by itself

Roadkill. Hi mate.

Staggering, hey. Do you need a Bex and a lie down ?

I find it very interesting and intriguing, the situation that exists between USA and Mexico.
The lower portion of California and other SW areas of the USA stole land from the Mexicans.

The irony is, it’s ok for US residents to travel over the border, enjoy the spoils, as in our case surf, find cheap places to stay, cheap food, all on a day trip or extended holiday.

Upon completion of whatever duration the stay is, hop back in your big car and cross over safely back into the arms of the good’ol USA, the land of ‘milk and honey’, yeah right.
More like the land of guns, drugs and money.

Mexicans who have managed to settle in the US, especially service workers have historically been shafted on low pay rates, I’ve spoken to many and it’s appalling what they get paid.
They perform shit jobs, in essence the US economy wouldn’t survive without them as a lot of that economy is based on cheap Mexican labour.

If you search global companies, check out how many use Mexico as manufacturing bases, then export direct to the world.

I find it all appalling and how would we/you/ or I like that if we treated people in such a manner.

So I say, good on them if they are able to cross the border , why not, the USA did.

Fucking hippocrates. The not as smart as you think you are country, AW

adam12's picture
adam12's picture
adam12 Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 3:24pm

I said above "He's scared of her."
Here's some proof.

etarip's picture
etarip's picture
etarip Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 3:38pm

Before we launch on the DEI ‘parachute’ not experienced enough line. Harris was the VP on the 2020 ticket. She’s been through the mill as a candidate and as VP. Of course she’ll have to manage the questions about her time in the seat, but it’s not off a cold start.
Oh, and Harris debated Pence before the 2020 election, and won handily according to 538.

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 3:43pm
adam12 wrote:

I said above "He's scared of her."
Here's some proof.

Trump is 100% scared of woman. Imagine her making him look like an idiot…he just can’t handle that sort of thing.

I hope he is man enough to debate her.

Hiccups's picture
Hiccups's picture
Hiccups Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 4:08pm
burleigh wrote:

Harris seems like a horrible public speaker. Trumps marketing team will pull her apart and USA will eat it up.

Bro here is parroting something he saw on a highly edited video, I guarantee it. Don't ever change, berleigh.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 4:15pm
bonza wrote:

Interesting read, honestly i have real concern for Israel if she gets in, Biden was bad enough in making it hard for Israel but she could be much worse.

AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 4:33pm
indo-dreaming wrote:
bonza wrote:

Interesting read, honestly i have real concern for Israel if she gets in, Biden was bad enough in making it hard for Israel but she could be much worse.

IndoDreaming Hi , How things ?. Still in Indo ?

I wouldn’t mind coming to stay at your business in the Telos whilst you are there, we could have a few surfs together and some great conversations.

What time of the year do you generally go ?

Re: Above.
Well, wouldn’t you say that may give Israel the chance to harden up a bit and for just once , prove to itself it can stand alone in a global democracy and cease hiding behind others protection and being backed by ‘protectors’.
Food for thought . AW

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 4:42pm

This thread is so interesting , as things change so quickly .

A few days ago , Adam and Eve , thought Trump a Shoo In 4 Pres .

48 hours later , Kamala is now a Shoo Inn , with an Election 2 lose .

The only Shoe In , is if Kamala throws one at Trumpy , during the debate and it gets stuck in his pierced ear .

The World still has Trump derangement syndrome .

Anyone but Trump .

The Only thing the Democrats want to do , is Stop Trump , ANY of his views are Off limits .

The Convention sign Off on its candidate , on August 19 .

Kamala's approval rates better soar , or else , Democrats will know She can't beat Trump either .

Then they wonder , who Can beat Trump and immediately go searching !

Wonderful Waxy lyrics from Basey 6 , re Tolstoy and Dr Ziv , Cossacks Dancing was always cool and glad not many of them are surfers .

Imagine a boat load of Russian Surfers , turning up in the Maldives !

Buy ALL the Vodka in Playgrounds and give it to them .

They would go off , quickly imho .

AW and Adam 12 surfing good waves in Winter is really cool .

The Wetsuit seems to be holding Adam 12 together , or it's his exercise routine .

Dee's need a miracle turn around

Seeing our old 2nd ruck man , running rings around us on the weekend , made me realise we are not Premiership Material atm .

Everything would have to go Right , but seldom does in footy or in Politics !

AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 4:41pm
Pop Down wrote:

This thread is so interesting , as things change so quickly .

A few days ago , Adam and Eve , thought Trump a Shoo In 4 Pres .

48 hours later , Kamala is now a Shoo Inn , with an Election 2 lose .

The only Shoe In , is if Kamala throws one at Trumpy , during the debate and it gets stuck in his pierced ear .

The World still has Trump derangement syndrome .

Anyone but Trump .

The Only thing the Democrats want to do , is Stop Trump , ANY of his views are Off limits .

The Convention sign Off on its candidate , on August 19 .

Kamala's approval rates better soar , or else , Democrats will know She can't beat Trump either .

Then they wonder , who Can beat Trump and immediately go searching !

Wonderful Waxy lyrics from Basey 6 , re Tolstoy and Dr Ziv , Cossacks Dancing was always cool and glad not many of them are surfers .

Imagine a boat load of Russian Surfers , turning up in the Maldives !

AW and Adam 12 surfing good waves in Winter is really cool .

The Wetsuit seems to be holding Adam 12 together , or it's his exercise routine .

Dee's need a miracle turn around

Seeing our old 2nd ruck man , running rings around us on the weekend , made me realise we are not Premiership Material atm .

Everything would have to go Right , but seldom does in footy or in Politics !


I enjoy your afternoon Gazette, it’s like getting the old arvo paper.

Well, everything has been going right since Sunday, waves that is, on again today.

No left handers around here of note under these conditions, you need to find the mean between Points, Lonsdale and Nepean.
Trouser Snake Point. AW

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 5:11pm


I know I sound goofy , but am a Natural .

I love going Left , easier to pop up , but love Facing a wave more .

You are in Right Seal Surfing HQ , no banks required , u can bank on it .

I am not surprised its uncrowded , either .

Its Brass Monkey season .

You can have a cold Trouser Snake ? , 2 yourselves .

I also enjoyed Waxy 24 giving himself a laugh .

I thought a Border Protection agent , a cross between Clint and Edna hilarious 2 .

So , A funny bad arse is hard to get behind , 4 others .

It didn't cause a stir .

We will have the poor bloke Voting , next .


You are right Base 6 .

Our man Waxy24 , reporting from the Coal Face !

No Cone of Silence required

Over !!

Its very cool !

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 5:03pm
indo-dreaming wrote:
bonza wrote:

Interesting read, honestly i have real concern for Israel if she gets in, Biden was bad enough in making it hard for Israel but she could be much worse.

Not if her 2IC is Jewish. Could be quite balanced.

AW, your PopD analysis is amaaaazingly apt, it's like he's delivering the Daily Express in Nutwood Village - super comforting.

I agree, @PopD, with @wax's input, this current iteration is the most interesting thread i've seen on swellnet regarding international political stuff..

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 5:08pm

Show me the money . When Peterson pressed Musk for why he was switching to Trump, after long voting Democratic, Musk said that Democrats had become the party of censorship.

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 5:38pm

- land of the free ;);)



burleigh's picture
burleigh's picture
burleigh Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 5:50pm
Hiccups wrote:
burleigh wrote:

Harris seems like a horrible public speaker. Trumps marketing team will pull her apart and USA will eat it up.

Bro here is parroting something he saw on a highly edited video, I guarantee it. Don't ever change, berleigh.

Here he is. Hiccup is like that lingering fart stuck in an elevator.

AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 6:04pm
basesix wrote:
indo-dreaming wrote:
bonza wrote:

Interesting read, honestly i have real concern for Israel if she gets in, Biden was bad enough in making it hard for Israel but she could be much worse.

Not if her 2IC is Jewish. Could be quite balanced.

AW, your PopD analysis is amaaaazingly apt, it's like he's delivering the Daily Express in Nutwood Village - super comforting.

I agree, @PopD, with @wax's input, this current iteration is the most interesting thread i've seen on swellnet regarding international political stuff..

Ohhh. Wax24, he’s our man. He’s a human facsimile machine spitting out data 24/7, be it at the start of his shift or at the end of it.

There’s no evidence or side effects to his intelligence considering he’s from the primary US city where early 60’s psychedelics were spread on ya toast like Vegemite is here.

He’s no White Rabbit that’s for sure, he’s just an energiser bunny depositing aniseed balls of politico humus in a gracious slick!!!.

Do we all think he’s possibly a Bot. You’d never know

On the ground at the coal face,( with early onset emphysema) that’s our man, don’t mess with or put heat on Wax24, he’ll drip all over you. AW

tubeshooter's picture
tubeshooter's picture
tubeshooter Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 6:25pm

BLM calling out the DNC over installing Kamala. Didn't see that one coming.

Roker's picture
Roker's picture
Roker Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 6:33pm

Democratic establishment boosters in the media gushing over saviour Kamala. Valiantly trying to accord her some substance. Show she’s made of the right stuff. Not coming up with much.

Constant fallback refrain is that - post Dobbs - she’s been a fierce advocate for women’s reproductive rights. Seems a bit twee, preaching to the converted on abortion is surely politics 101 for any self respecting California liberal.

But could be something in it. Polls say it’s on suburban women’s minds. It’s a thing. Especially with JD on the other ticket.

Would be the supreme irony tho. The stacking of the Supreme Court being the one thing the shambolic Trump administration carried off with military precision. Thanks to its own version of the deep state, the Federalist Society.

The evangelicals held their noses. Trumps not godly but he’s been sent to us by God. To smite Roe. The chosen one’s acolytes on the Court gave the faithful Dobbs. Hallelujah.

But, alas, evil abounds - pleased to meet you, hope you guess my name - Dobbs provokes the heathen masses to rise up and strike down the Orange prophet for all eternity.

The one thing he did good’s gonna be the thing that buggers him in the end. If you pay any mind to the ‘fake news’ media.

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 6:33pm

Exclusive: Harris leads Trump 44% to 42% in US presidential race, Reuters/Ipsos poll finds don’t ya love a poll to stir things up ?

soggydog's picture
soggydog's picture
soggydog Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 6:58pm

.@Indo “ Biden was bad enough in making it hard for Israel but she could be much worse.”

How? By supplying them with arms, money and consent? Yeah, I bet Netanyahu is really hurting!? Face palm

adam12's picture
adam12's picture
adam12 Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 6:52pm
Roker wrote:

Democratic establishment boosters in the media gushing over saviour Kamala. Valiantly trying to accord her some substance. Show she’s made of the right stuff. Not coming up with much.

Constant fallback refrain is that - post Dobbs - she’s been a fierce advocate for women’s reproductive rights. Seems a bit twee, preaching to the converted on abortion is surely politics 101 for any self respecting California liberal.

But could be something in it. Polls say it’s on suburban women’s minds. It’s a thing. Especially with JD on the other ticket.

Would be the supreme irony tho. The stacking of the Supreme Court being the one thing the shambolic Trump administration carried off with military precision. Thanks to its own version of the deep state, the Federalist Society.

The evangelicals held their noses. Trumps not godly but he’s been sent to us by God. To smite Roe. The chosen one’s acolytes on the Court gave the faithful Dobbs. Hallelujah.

But, alas, evil abounds - pleased to meet you, hope you guess my name - Dobbs provokes the heathen masses to rise up and strike down the Orange prophet for all eternity.

The one thing he did good’s gonna be the thing that buggers him in the end. If you pay any mind to the ‘fake news’ media.

Roe v Wade was overturned in 2022.
American women (and men) haven't had the chance to vote about it until now.
It's gonna be a "thing" alright.

bonza's picture
bonza's picture
bonza Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 7:15pm

It “might” SHOULD be a thing but what realistically can she or her administration do about it? Genuine question?'s%20Health%20Organization%2C%20597%20U.S.%20215%20(,confer%20a%20right%20to%20abortion.

Roker's picture
Roker's picture
Roker Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 7:48pm
bonza wrote:

It “might” SHOULD be a thing but what realistically can she or her administration do about it? Genuine question?

Nothing really. Dobbs kicked it back to the states. A win for Harris with a strong pro reproductive rights element to her vote would be a strong warning/message to State Houses tho. There’s always talk about a federal ban. Trump’s against it. Vance more ambiguous. Vance as pres with House and Senate majorities and the current 6/3 court could see this happen. Unlikely but not out of the question. A big vote/win for Harris would probably knock this on the head. Most Republicans would see it as electoral poison. Who knows where the court could be after 8 years of Harris? Thomas not getting any younger. Could go back to 5/4 the other way, and maybe then they can do something about it. Sorry if stating the obvious.'s%20Health%20Organization%2C%20597%20U.S.%20215%20(,confer%20a%20right%20to%20abortion.