There's a steady supply of tiny W/SW swell on the way but winds are tricky. A fun new swell is due early next week.
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Easing surf with workable winds over the coming days ahead of a tiny run of swell.
The first half of next week still looks fun.
Friday will see developing SE tending S/SW gales, as the low crosses through Bass Strait.
Strong onshore winds associated with this cut-off low are likely to dominate the start of the weekend.
Although the core of the low will be positioned off NE Tasmania, with the strongest winds just outside the South Arm’s swell window, the fetch will reach maturity overnight Sunday and it’ll also extend a reasonable distance to the south.
Forecast data looks uninspiring for the rest of this week, but we should see small leftover waves for the next few days thanks to a trailing polar low/front below the state yesterday that’s generating some minor S/SW swell for our region.
Give tomorrow a miss and aim for a surf over the following days when cleaner conditions and fun surf is still expected.
Tiny surf for the coming days ahead of some new swells into the weekend but with poor conditions. There's one window next week.
The coming week will be small to tiny size wise ahead of a stormy S/SE swell this weekend.