That’s weird, that’s queer, that’s crazy, that deserves a long hard look.

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill started the topic in Monday, 25 Oct 2021 at 7:04pm
seeds's picture
seeds's picture
seeds Monday, 17 Apr 2023 at 3:32pm

This article has her in the club earlier harassing punters. Justified? Who knows? Kicked out and then acting like oh so many, past and present, after they’re kicked out of a club.
Loose unit that’s not improving anyones cause in any arena.

burleigh's picture
burleigh's picture
burleigh Monday, 17 Apr 2023 at 4:18pm
Roadkill wrote:

Some of Lidia is just acting and mouthing off to show her voter base she is fighting for them. She is a pig of a person but makes for interesting TV and print media reporting.

Imagine a male politician rocking up to some woman outside a licensed venue and telling her she is a dog and has a huge slappey pussy.

Toadkill, this doesn't happen often, but i agree with you.

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Monday, 17 Apr 2023 at 4:32pm
seeds wrote:

This article has her in the club earlier harassing punters. Justified? Who knows? Kicked out and then acting like oh so many, past and present, after they’re kicked out of a club.
Loose unit that’s not improving anyones cause in any arena.

Sounds like when she got outside the fresh air hit her and bingo bango bongo she’s drunk as a skunk. ( I’m speaking from experience haha )

tubeshooter's picture
tubeshooter's picture
tubeshooter Monday, 17 Apr 2023 at 5:23pm

What a class act.
Can't wait for her next 'episode'.

flollo's picture
flollo's picture
flollo Monday, 17 Apr 2023 at 5:31pm

Banned for life from a strip club. Super low stuff. Imagine her in charge of something serious? Like managing a ministerial portfolio and actually running the country operationally? Jeez, I hope that day never comes.

flollo's picture
flollo's picture
flollo Monday, 17 Apr 2023 at 5:31pm

Banned for life from a strip club. Super low stuff. Imagine her in charge of something serious? Like managing a ministerial portfolio and actually running the country operationally? Jeez, I hope that day never comes.

frog's picture
frog's picture
frog Monday, 17 Apr 2023 at 5:55pm

Was one of those night club dude's vilified by LT on camera?

Called White and named as having a Small P ! - couldn't get much worse many left leaning commentators are suggesting. At the very least it was not very inclusive, said a prominent small P sporting personality who did not wish to be named.

"Vilification is saying something extremely derogatory about someone in speech or writing."

Australian Human Right Commission is rumoured to be investigating.

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Monday, 17 Apr 2023 at 5:52pm

I can’t wait until she mouths off on a plane or at an airport and is banned from Qantas, Jetstar and Virgin.

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Monday, 17 Apr 2023 at 5:59pm


southernraw's picture
southernraw's picture
southernraw Monday, 17 Apr 2023 at 6:02pm
burleigh wrote:
Roadkill wrote:

Some of Lidia is just acting and mouthing off to show her voter base she is fighting for them. She is a pig of a person but makes for interesting TV and print media reporting.

Imagine a male politician rocking up to some woman outside a licensed venue and telling her she is a dog and has a huge slappey pussy.

Toadkill, this doesn't happen often, but i agree with you.

Me too!! haha

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Monday, 17 Apr 2023 at 6:48pm
Supafreak wrote:


Obviously anyone with half a brain knows you cant just name individuals and families, it would see you end up in legal trouble and possibly a victim of violence for doing so, its been talked about often of the record for a long time by police, social worker's, nurses, locals are said to know it too.

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Monday, 17 Apr 2023 at 6:48pm

Hahaha indo you still don’t get it do ya , unbelievable.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Monday, 17 Apr 2023 at 6:49pm
Supafreak wrote:

Hahaha indo you still don’t get it do ya , unbelievable.

how ironic, you are completely clueless.

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Monday, 17 Apr 2023 at 6:52pm

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Monday, 17 Apr 2023 at 6:55pm

You should get on Twitter indo , JP has a lot of fans .

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Monday, 17 Apr 2023 at 8:41pm
Supafreak wrote:

It was funny that after interview the indigenous reporter guy was perplexed saying that she had basically agreed with the voice? ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Monday, 17 Apr 2023 at 8:54pm
andy-mac wrote:
Supafreak wrote:

It was funny that after interview the indigenous reporter guy was perplexed saying that she had basically agreed with the voice? ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

I don’t really like speers style of questioning, he let her tie herself in a knot and it was bit of a train wreck interview . Most people are aware of her and spuds game , just ask people at the shops , they will tell ya what spud & JP are about .

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Tuesday, 18 Apr 2023 at 11:16am Forget Dutton, Alice Springs locals say Jacinta Nampijinpa Price is the real problem
'There used to be rules around entering Arrernte country. Now we've got all these other tribes just coming into Alice Springs like it's no man's land.'

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Thursday, 20 Apr 2023 at 5:23am

Haven’t heard from Professor Petrovsky for awhile.

A shorter clip from the video

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Thursday, 20 Apr 2023 at 7:57am

I found the above video extremely interesting and thought provoking , its 100 minutes long and covers various aspects of covid and the response. If you have the time its well worth watching.

zenagain's picture
zenagain's picture
zenagain Thursday, 20 Apr 2023 at 6:06pm

She's got a lot of hatred bottled up that one.

I bet she just hates that European blood coursing through her veins.

Ironic that without it, she wouldn't exist. So welcome to country Lidia.

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Thursday, 20 Apr 2023 at 8:12pm

The silence from many is staggering. The double standards are no surprise.

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Wednesday, 26 Apr 2023 at 1:13am

Thanks a heap Supafreak for Punk Nik Vid...Origin of the mandated VIP GOF Gene Therapy!

Oz is now into our longest continually rising Covid wave of the Pandemic!
Nope! That ain't a News none give a shit ...just stays in a swellnet chat room.
Pretty much climbing near on 3 months now...way longer than all other waves...Shh!
Experts :
"Good thing no one's testing or counting any of our orchestrated mass crisis! (F.U. tbb!)"
"Recommend you Take another half a dozen Jabz & have a good lie down for next decade or so!"

{ Important data share } That Reveals the best estimate of current Oz Covid [+] cases
We gotta work at it, then test it... but we can have a crack at the Holy Grail!
UK estimated Covid have kept good solid updates by World best Covid Reporting line
9 Dec 1.45m [+] cases UK 2.2% of Pop.
5 March 1.9m [+] UK Long Covid cases 2.9%
30 March 1.9m [+] UK cases > England (Only) 2.66% [+] (Checks out with a few EU 2-3% cases)
23 April 1m [+] cases
Around (6.7%) or as few as 67,000 [+] of that 1m reported their cases.

Oz expert CB recently said as few as 10% Aussies might report cases. (That's being very generous!)

Applying current conservative UK 6.7% Testing to Oz wave to estimate Covid Symptoms.
Oz 29,679 weekly cases (UK 6.7% Test Rate ) = 442,970 [+] cases / Week or 63,281 cases / day (Base)
UK Peak Wave Data (2.66%) / Oz Pop = 97,622 / cases day...(Peak wave) As is Oz Peak now!

So we got current estimated Oz Covid wave being a low base 63,281/ day to current peak 97,622/day

We won't get a better more open estimate than from similar UK senior vaxed / Waves / cases / reporting

That's about where we currently sit if Oz pushed for "3rd party" RAT reporting of Covid symptoms.

If any still care about Covid cases then yer in for a half decent [ 2 part factcheck ] on...
Yes! tbb will double check the UK > Oz Data transfer so crew can trust these numbers...we can do that.
But also learn more as we go...
Thought we might compare the pair so to speak...won't take long to check this! You'll wanna see why!
21st April 2023 = 63,281 cases day by previous base level tests / Ongoing reported Symptoms.
Now watch this crew...(Last time Oz had over 60,000 cases / day..)
April / May 2022 = 64-67,000/ cases day...seems as if we're living thru groundhog day!
Jan 2022 = 90,000 / day similar to current rising Oz peak ....

Only Govt Health aren't Testing of any note or mandating results.
Ok! So everyone of the crew expected no different...don't hurt none to check now...does it!

tbb promised a 2nd watch this one...Oz is currently testing at 10% of Peak Jan 2022.
Yes! We can share that right here...(recall Oz Expert > As few as 10% are testing)
So all this adds up with nothin' suss...all can check it out...

However! From the Top > Only now the waves last longer with equally high infection rate...shh! one wishes to they now...go ask Albo or Chinese Nat Cab!

PS : Experts say to get ready for bigger Winter Wave...well let's just hope this one settles first...

tbb can also track that for those still wanting the full Covid review right up to the day...can do that!
No longer need to sniff out State Govts burning all their science books...can jump ahead of their Censors!

2020/21/22 share all 3 seasonal Autumn waves > Peaks within these dated weekly stamps!
Sure...tbb was equally surprised to dig out this Seasonal Time Table with 0/1/2/3 > 4/5 vax.
Please just don't tell anyone as they'll think yer a fuckin' nutter like tbb...comes with the Job!

2020/21/22 (All same seasonal waves) + their corresponding Autumn *Peaks
Low 14-21 Feb > *14-21 March > Low 9-17 April > *21-26 April > Low 25-30 April > *15-17 May
Exactly...that's how the virus waves roll thru Autumn each year apart from current 2023?
Sure! We got weekly Data now...but as shown it still should wave a similar motion...but it keeps rising!

2023 Watch to a perfect start...matching up 20/21/22 All say Aye...

Low 17 Feb on time but rises over 2 Low tide @ 25-30 April we gotta smash on that shore
If not...this wave is rising as largest wave of Covid chasing down a 3rd peak wave breaking all records!
2023 Wave is washing over all 3 solid waves with 60,000/day peaking at 90,000/day
If Experts are right then we could be rising to meet similar record peak of Jan 2022 > 100-150,000/day

All data shown is reported & matched as is from UK / Oz Data Experts in News Media.
tbb changed nothing...simply shared what is common to UK / Oz media...alarming as it is! Shh!
All can see tbb did 3x checks on this Data...not saying it's Top Notch just better than our censored data!
Happy to share what our Govt Health wish so desperately to hide...take care Oz!

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Wednesday, 26 Apr 2023 at 2:22am

Should we need to panic about this rising wave...
Ok! Just an afterthought to not scare the crew about that.
Here's wotz different about 2023
* Mostly Oz is getting Covid despite cases falling elsewhere.
* Weekly Reporting
* Record Low 10% Testing
* No longer waves of Covid but a constant rise in Covid
* Wave Rising from early in the Year up until now...

There is a simple explanation...
* Govt record migration
* Exaggerated Student intake
* Mixed nationalities
* Mixing a world of New Vaccine Combos
* Mixed Vax combos will pressure immune escape with more mutations.
* We all die faster from New Oz Planet of the Apes Strain.

Oz is brewing the fastest largest Gain of Function Gene Therapy Cocktail in the World.
All science books are ripped up...we're goin' comando!
Nowhere is importing as many new Lab Rat vax combos at such record speed with zero checks.
Not long ago mixing just 2 of 3 was a sin > Now TGA brew up Hot Shot Cocktails of 100's dirty shots!

Pretty sure we'll be right...
Coz this shit happens all the time Right...
Like Joe will send aid packages of mRNA Anecdotes to Oz...we know that!
Experts will know wot to do when ya mix 20 million Mysterious Experimental Vax combos! Right!

Albo : Just remove the labels then Rubber stamp a Patent on every mixed combo ya dumbarse fuckers.
Outta my way Experts...Like this...
Stamp their foreheads with this...[ BLOODY IDIOT ]
Fark! Just hurry up & remove the fuckin' Turnstyles!

So yeah...Who needs experts when ya laddle out Mystery Fruit Punch as Oz #1 Health brew!

Welcome to The Island of Dr Albanese

burleigh's picture
burleigh's picture
burleigh Wednesday, 26 Apr 2023 at 9:25am

Roadkill better keep his mum away from cafes.

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Wednesday, 26 Apr 2023 at 7:39pm

In the video I put up with Professor Petrovsky , he said the one big mistake that health authorities around the world made was to claim the mRNA vaccines to be safe & effective for all . He went on to say an individual assessment is needed when giving vaccines or drugs to people but government agencies took the one size fits all approach . This is why doctor patient relationships are so important . Not all the vaccine injured are faking it .

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Thursday, 27 Apr 2023 at 3:20pm

haha, WS... and one of your other threads.. the nfsa... what a magnificent institution!
One of their greatest achievements was frankensteining together Aussie film classic Wake in Fright from a Pittsburgh skip! It went on tour to regional cinemas - what a stunningly beautiful film relic from an amazing novel... big ups and long live nfsa!

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Thursday, 27 Apr 2023 at 3:44pm

beautiful.. : ) there's a scene that I wish I could find. It shows the bloke getting a glass of water on a train, from a communally-used cup that hangs on a chain at one end of the carriage.. those historic details are priceless. There's a couple of pages at the beginning of the novel that highlight the ABC radio's importance in regional Australia too.. love it.

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Thursday, 27 Apr 2023 at 3:54pm

the cars, the swimsuit, the beer, the houses...

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Sunday, 30 Apr 2023 at 4:51pm

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Sunday, 30 Apr 2023 at 10:20pm

Covidiot box outsmarts itself!
Bumper edition is Boosted with exclusive Oz breakthru data!

Oz longest underscored wave continues without notice or care...

Censorship Campaign Highlights (Current List of Expert's Health / Science Journals on the bonfire)
12 Feb NSW end Weekly [+] Rate data signalling a new migrant wave of covid...(Can we say that!)
17 March SA end Data Spike on 6% weekly Vax boosted Hospital Cases
24 March Feds unplug 1/2/3/4 dose No's % to deny proof of State Boosted [+] Hospitals > Deaths
Cont...J.Leask : "Aged Care stopped reporting Vax coverage of 4/5 doses > only 6mth [+] Shot tallies.
11 April Tas ends Vax breakdown data to hide rising Boosted Death rate. 2023 No vax 2 / Boosted 50
27 April Prof Esterman : "Very difficult to get data > Wastewater Reports completely Stopped!"

Expert Motto : Covid Data Censorship is essential for the Health of the Nation...Go Team VIP!

Extra Dose of Vax News
20 March AZ Last Dose Rolls out.
1/2 April Govt Vax / Anti Viral Campaigns
24 April Moderna {Full Approval} TGA Gold Standard Rubber Stamp
1 July ATAGI (50% Replacement)
24 Dec 2022 - 25 July 2023 NovaVax [cic] Covid / Influenza / RSV Combo
Big Pharma standard sinister plan is to backdoor Govt Health Flu Jabs to lock in Covid kids Vax!)
Phase 1 (US) No more harm than Flu Jab > Phase 2 Oz Trial 35 Locations 1,579 take 20 combos!
24 Dec 2023 Completion Date (Can read which 35 Oz Cities / Labs taking Part...)

Rescinding Vax Mandate News :
WHO Emergency > Vaxing kids is a low Priority!
Big Pharma HQ Swiss no longer recommend Vax.
UK / Denmark / Sweden / Norway no longer recommend Vax for Kids
11 May US ends Covid Emergency & opens borders

Imposing further Sea Border Mandates
12 March WA Notifies that Cruises cases were included spiking "Higher than usual case numbers!"
Got that! WA Health notify that Fully Vaxed Cruises result in higher than expected cases!
27 April Eastern Seaboard & WA Cruise Protocols Vax Mandate is reinforced.
(76% of cruise pass dislike the thought of unvaxed coming near their seaside or ever leaving Oz shore!)
Fed Govt/State Experts argued over who can or should do anything...All knew nothing so did nothing!
Govts simply obeyed Oz #1 highly infectious (f) pensioners...just do as they say...or else!

Aged Care Vax / Cases Anomaly (Tests 3days or 2/week-Current Green light) Daily in Amber!
So that cuts down current cases to register as only 1/3 of Amber Light Wave.

Pensioner Cruisers actually believe their shit don't stink & more Vax = Less Covid (Cough!)
Experts are concerned over Low Aged Care Vax but all totally ignore lowest vax NT has zero Covid!
2023 (Vax Total) NT Only 3.9% of eligible Vaxers got their booster resulting in lowest 4.2% Boosters.
Current Oz wide Aged care Data > (NT = Outbreaks 0/375 > Cases 0/1,866 > Staff 0/795)
NT community Covid cases has doubled thru outbreak yet 4.2% Boosted Aged care are cruisin' thanks!

Cruise Experts that Infect Darwin Port : Yeah / Nah nuthin' but more unhealthy lies!
Please grow up & stop slinging VIP Mud Pies!
Low Vaxed aged care here or aboard have lowest cases > increasing by Vax % > 100% Vax low cases.
Evolving Virus is naturally attracted to fastest evolving Mass Vaxed immune escape or it starves.
Oz Aged wave res 198% staff 222% (NSW res 211% staff 322% mix Vaxed Wave of Migrant Staff)
Again...we dare not mention Migrants or Question Mass Mixed Vax...even if it ramps 1,000%.

NSW Health Staff furloughing is rising 23.9% week to 16 April @ 549 [+] (Next will peak higher)
Expected to come in under lowest Age Care figure for current Wave...if not...ignore this prediction!
Further Hospital (Expert said only 1/3 enter Hospital with Covid > 2/3 Test [+] While on wards!)
All recall Massive Global stories of getting Covid in Hospital then most Dying from it.
This Data gets censored in 3 weeks > Hospital (with/due) [+] > Hopefully freeze this set in time...Maybe!
15 Dec 2021 > 8th April 2023 Total with 3,695 due 1,315.
So to correct...we're talking about Sick people that never tested then are tested [+] once admitted.
Not necessarily uninfected becoming infected but delayed testing of unwell infected it!
Helluva Headline...(Qld health did once say 50% of Hospital [+] got infected there...incl Staff / Trades.
Highest vaxed Site also has highest [+] Rate...well durr! Don't believe it...tbb will send you flowers!

Pretty easy choice = Choose No Vax or 100% Vax (Exactly wot every Aged Care Data shows...Shh!)
Considering 100% vax Quest failed resulting in a Mass Vax Health Crisis...just stop vaxing...All say Aye!

Battle of the sexes! (Women have 20% more infection than men?)
tbb recently shared Women's 20% PCR increase / 30% Rat increase of as to men!
Kicks in around aged 20yrs > (Peak Rat 40-45yrs) > 70yrs
Natcab orchestrated Peak Election Test to rig / Cull AEC's booths for lowest Day turnout on record.
Testing then went off the Menu...Albo never said Test again...
Also enquired as to why no one ever questioned this Health Crisis...Happy to say they do now care!
WA Health finally tripped over this very same Anomaly & now Gazette an explanation under data.
WA : "Increased propensity for women to seek Testing rather than any difference in infections!"
Only problem is that WA Covid testing dropped from AEC 100,000 > Now 4,500. (Not more > Less)
Crew can help...It'd be more that us Men aged 20yrs (Peak 40-45yrs) >70yrs are refusing to Test!
Correct...Ain't none gonna poke that Hornet's Nest...ya know where ya can stick ya Test mate...
Albo ain't got the balls to man up to #1 Men's Health Crisis! No one gives a RATs.

Govts reduce Testing Rates to lower Covid Peak wave in the community!
Many reports of Govts exploiting testing to either Scare to promote Vax or reduce current Vax Spike.
15 April..[+] are significantly lower than actual [+] due to dwindling Test Rates! (April '23 Tests > 5%)
20-27 April SA cases up 3.2% to 11.74% (Highest since 1st week of Jan 2023) RATs up 9.2%
SA Govt Health Response : Reduce PCR tests by 25% to reduce current Covid Wave peak.

Mass importation of worlds biggest Exotic Mass Vaxed Mass Migration Strain.
A Year ago today Oz had just 2 strains > Oz is now #1 importer of 14 exotic Mixed Mass Vax Strains.
One new strain each month > Albo : "Get an Exotic Strain up yer Straya!"
Non Oz NSW 11 Feb 1,446 [+] > 15th April 3,093 [+] = 26.8% of NSW Covid.
NSW Health PCR registers 39.2% Migrant [+]
15th April However NSW supplies UNI / Age Care with less RATs 7.3% [+]
That's around half of Aussie 20-70yr current [+]Testing rate in NSW community
Meaning : Migrants / Students are importing over 50% of NSW Covid. (All new & varied combo Strains)
Not one Health Expert addresses this coz they'd get the sack on the spot...Migrants are Godz!
Also NSW classifies & fools as non vaxed offsets 20-30% booster rise in infections Win! Win! (Pros!)

NSW Health could supply equal RATs to Students / Health Workers...said could!
However it would cost 2x money + reveal Migrants are fuelling over 50% of never ending Covid wave.
So Oz just rolls over & lets the World spread Exotic covid Down Under!
tbb earlier revealed Chinese simply detoured a 2 week NZ holiday to bypass Covid Test!

Long Covid
24th April Qld Premier says Long Covid is no worse than Man Flu...Suck it up Princess! Polls plummet!
Natcab bankroll $50m (MRFF) National Long Covid Research (PASC) + Wide Range Summit

Covid Deaths
Just repeating Tas data was falling but Nat Cab had them cut their Data over creeping Booster Deaths!
Fav Media Expert : "2023 Deaths are lower than in 2020 and 2021" (Fails to share it's only April...durr!)
2020=909 R.I.P > 2021=1,330 R.I.P > 2023 = 1,540 R.I.P (4mths) x3 = 2023 Approx 4,500 deaths!
Same expert says we're "Between Waves" So called off season alone will eclipse 2020 deaths.
Expert's between waves hasn't stop climbing & breaks all records as neverending wave...well durr!
Anyhow...that ends another decent Value exclusive insightful Covid wrap...Stay Healthy crew!

Bonus NZ Wave Set
Peaks : Cases 11 April > Hospital 16 April > ICU 23 April (Now) > Deaths 23 April rising
Wastewater 16 April (Falling)
Finishing with Ditch Test Comparison NZ Women 55% Covid (vs) Men 45%

Summing up with the RAT firing order...
Cruiserz > Health > Chix Oz-Kiwi > Men Kiwi-Oz > Aged Care-Staff > Uni students > 80+ > Teens-Kidz

Andrew P's picture
Andrew P's picture
Andrew P Monday, 1 May 2023 at 2:39pm

I got Covid for the first time last week. Didn’t sleep a wink Friday night, tested positive Saturday. Fevers, chills, headache, sneezing and lethargy. Developed a spicy cough Sunday. Didn’t eat a thing for 24 hours and haven’t got my appetite back yet. Still snotty, dizzy, lethargic, sore muscles etc. can hardly walk up stairs. 4x vaxxed (Pfizer) with latest booster last month. Geez I’d hate to have got this without vaccination! It’s bloody awful!

crg's picture
crg's picture
crg Monday, 1 May 2023 at 2:50pm

Just a question Andrew P…why glad? How are you sure that whether it would be worse or better with/without the Vax. Seems to me that the only consistency in this whole thing is every experience with Covid is different for everybody.

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Monday, 1 May 2023 at 3:10pm

Yeh, AP, mwah mwah mwah, how can you be SUUUUUURE???
(maybe we won't need vaccines or antibiotics anymore with these awesome vedic medicare rebates... it is about time tax$$ went into supporting the vital work of those who work 10 hours a week encouraging people to eat some spice & veg, scrape their tongues, have a scrub and rub some oil about the place)

Andrew P's picture
Andrew P's picture
Andrew P Monday, 1 May 2023 at 4:02pm
crg wrote:

Just a question Andrew P…why glad? How are you sure that whether it would be worse or better with/without the Vax. Seems to me that the only consistency in this whole thing is every experience with Covid is different for everybody.

There’s no way to ever know that Crg, so I guess the question is a bit misleading. . I’m a scientist, and trust the research that goes on developing vaccines and medicines is done in good faith by professionals.

I’m glad I’ve been vaxxed cos it hit me like a ton of bricks! I’ve had flu vax most years, and one year I caught the flu (proper) before I got my vax and was knocked out for 2 weeks solid. For me, the flu vax works. Hence I would also reckon that the covid vax helped reduce symptoms and severity of the virus. Occam’s Razor - the simplest explanation is the most likely

Michael Adam's picture
Michael Adam's picture
Michael Adam Monday, 1 May 2023 at 4:56pm

I prefer Elon’s mate’s version of Ockham’s Razor: the ironic answer is usually the one.

poo-man's picture
poo-man's picture
poo-man Monday, 1 May 2023 at 4:57pm

And that's exactly the problem with the whole situation in that no one has bothered to do any research on the outcomes for vaxxed versus unvaxxed. Every vaxxed person that I know thats had covid bad swears it would have been worse if they were unvaxxed. I think I might have mentioned it before but my workplace has kept a bit of a running tally on how bad people have had it. 250 staff and around a third unvaxxed. And by and large there's no real difference between the severity of covid for the vaxxed versus unvaxxed. Not exactly scientific but it's the only sample size that I have. For the record I haven't had any vax and I've had covid twice and both times it was a single day of the shivers and then I was all good. Some of the worst cases of covid in our workplace have been the boosted ones too. But as others have said there's not much discernable difference either way

crg's picture
crg's picture
crg Monday, 1 May 2023 at 5:31pm
Andrew P wrote:
crg wrote:

Just a question Andrew P…why glad? How are you sure that whether it would be worse or better with/without the Vax. Seems to me that the only consistency in this whole thing is every experience with Covid is different for everybody.

There’s no way to ever know that Crg, so I guess the question is a bit misleading. . I’m a scientist, and trust the research that goes on developing vaccines and medicines is done in good faith by professionals.

I’m glad I’ve been vaxxed cos it hit me like a ton of bricks! I’ve had flu vax most years, and one year I caught the flu (proper) before I got my vax and was knocked out for 2 weeks solid. For me, the flu vax works. Hence I would also reckon that the covid vax helped reduce symptoms and severity of the virus. Occam’s Razor - the simplest explanation is the most likely

Thanks for your the reply Andrew…it was a genuine question without any bias attached…the more positive discourse on this topic the better.
With all the difficulties with discussing the topic I hope we haven’t missed opportunities to find better solutions.

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Monday, 1 May 2023 at 5:52pm

apologies AP and crg for interrupting a nice exchange earlier, I was in an airport in the middle of a 7 hour plane delay, and had a frustrated moment. Carry on..

burleigh's picture
burleigh's picture
burleigh Tuesday, 2 May 2023 at 9:26am
Andrew P wrote:
crg wrote:

Just a question Andrew P…why glad? How are you sure that whether it would be worse or better with/without the Vax. Seems to me that the only consistency in this whole thing is every experience with Covid is different for everybody.

There’s no way to ever know that Crg, so I guess the question is a bit misleading. . I’m a scientist, and trust the research that goes on developing vaccines and medicines is done in good faith by professionals.

I’m glad I’ve been vaxxed cos it hit me like a ton of bricks! I’ve had flu vax most years, and one year I caught the flu (proper) before I got my vax and was knocked out for 2 weeks solid. For me, the flu vax works. Hence I would also reckon that the covid vax helped reduce symptoms and severity of the virus. Occam’s Razor - the simplest explanation is the most likely

You're 4 times vaxxed and it still hit you like a ton of bricks + you still have faith in the science! fuck me all you can do is laugh at this point.

The world is in trouble with people like you around

mikehunt207's picture
mikehunt207's picture
mikehunt207 Tuesday, 2 May 2023 at 9:42am

Watch out ! Andrew has just given burls a stiffy!
here we go.... again

burleigh's picture
burleigh's picture
burleigh Tuesday, 2 May 2023 at 11:24am
mikehunt207 wrote:

Watch out ! Andrew has just given burls a stiffy!
here we go.... again

Andrew P. When science and faith collide....... what could go wrong?

Andrew P's picture
Andrew P's picture
Andrew P Tuesday, 2 May 2023 at 6:15pm
burleigh wrote:
Andrew P wrote:
crg wrote:

Just a question Andrew P…why glad? How are you sure that whether it would be worse or better with/without the Vax. Seems to me that the only consistency in this whole thing is every experience with Covid is different for everybody.

There’s no way to ever know that Crg, so I guess the question is a bit misleading. . I’m a scientist, and trust the research that goes on developing vaccines and medicines is done in good faith by professionals.

I’m glad I’ve been vaxxed cos it hit me like a ton of bricks! I’ve had flu vax most years, and one year I caught the flu (proper) before I got my vax and was knocked out for 2 weeks solid. For me, the flu vax works. Hence I would also reckon that the covid vax helped reduce symptoms and severity of the virus. Occam’s Razor - the simplest explanation is the most likely

You're 4 times vaxxed and it still hit you like a ton of bricks + you still have faith in the science! fuck me all you can do is laugh at this point.

The world is in trouble with people like you around

Yes burls it knocked me around initially. But now on day 5 I am back working as a scientist (from home so I don’t spread if still contagious), am contributing around the house (3 kids) and eating and drinking as normal. That’s way better than being in bed, hospital or a respirator don’t you think?

No I can’t prove that I would’ve been worse off had I not had the vaccination, but going on my previous experiences with vaccinations (ones you probably got and benefitted from as a newborn, infant, child) I would prefer the coverage science has shown to be effective to be on my side rather than run the gauntlet. That is my decision.

It’s people like me who get vaxxed, observe lockdown rules and be general good citizens that have got us to this point with the Pandemic.

I don’t think I’d want to go through a pandemic in Burlsville!

Andrew P's picture
Andrew P's picture
Andrew P Tuesday, 2 May 2023 at 6:20pm
burleigh wrote:

The world is in trouble with people like you around

And Burls, if it wasn’t clear in my previous post, I find this statement offensive.

burleigh's picture
burleigh's picture
burleigh Tuesday, 2 May 2023 at 6:53pm
Andrew P wrote:
burleigh wrote:
Andrew P wrote:
crg wrote:

Just a question Andrew P…why glad? How are you sure that whether it would be worse or better with/without the Vax. Seems to me that the only consistency in this whole thing is every experience with Covid is different for everybody.

There’s no way to ever know that Crg, so I guess the question is a bit misleading. . I’m a scientist, and trust the research that goes on developing vaccines and medicines is done in good faith by professionals.

I’m glad I’ve been vaxxed cos it hit me like a ton of bricks! I’ve had flu vax most years, and one year I caught the flu (proper) before I got my vax and was knocked out for 2 weeks solid. For me, the flu vax works. Hence I would also reckon that the covid vax helped reduce symptoms and severity of the virus. Occam’s Razor - the simplest explanation is the most likely

You're 4 times vaxxed and it still hit you like a ton of bricks + you still have faith in the science! fuck me all you can do is laugh at this point.

The world is in trouble with people like you around

It’s people like me who get vaxxed, observe lockdown rules and be general good citizens that have got us to this point with the Pandemic.

Modern day hero. Thanks for your service.

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Tuesday, 2 May 2023 at 7:54pm

Shining a positive light on mRNA Gain of Function Gene Therapy Mass Overdose.
Still good...Expert orchestrated mRNA Rollout...
(This is very real & sourced from current recommendations of expert mRNA reviews!)
What is shown is Experts amended mRNA dosing prescription for any future Pandemic.

mRNA 1st dose 100ug = Too High > Lasts too long in the body.
Expert > New Prescription = 1st dose reduced to 20ug (max).

mRNA 2nd Dose (3 > 4 > 6 > Now 8 wks)
Expert > New Prescription = (Weeks > Months are too soon > 2nd dose Cancelled)

mRNA Booster (4-6 mths 100ug)
Expert > New Prescription = (6 mths is way too soon > 1 year min > 100 reduced to 20ug Max)

High Risk Groups
mRNA Extra Extra Doses 1/2/3/4/5/6/7....
Expert > New Prescription = [ Warning -Do Not use mRNA Vax on High Risk Group ]

mRNA Kidz Vax ( 2x 50up)
Expert > New Prescription = Don't use mRNA Vax on Kidz

Standard 4,000% mRNA IgG4 Overdose Detox = (Borax)
Expert > New mRNA Detox Prescription = Glucocorticoids (Sold Out)

tbb swears he never made that up...this is our Expert's best shot at future use of mRNA.
Recapping...this is recommended by mRNA Experts in favour of mRNA overdosed Rollout...
Basically...80% less mRNA Vax is 80% less the Vax loving Experts have us believe.
Clearly the whole world just overdosed 4,000% on IgG4 and Experts say it's just a small hiccup!

Breaking News : Somewhere in the world, some fool still believes in Expert Vax [factcheckers]
[Factcheck]...The last Expert Factchecker just said to make that None!

poo-man's picture
poo-man's picture
poo-man Tuesday, 2 May 2023 at 9:22pm

Hey TBB, where did you get that info from? Interested in the source of that