~ Spotted ~ Gumtree ~ Ebay ~ Facey ~

Cheers udo, trying to keep things lean in the surfboard department. But they look like an absolute bargain.

https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/959311668097483/?ref=search&re... very nice 5'10 Petal to the Metal

udo wrote:WoW
How's the tail on that!

Just picked up a Free Flight Hydro Tail Thruster in fairly good nick, and at the right price too.
The ding on the underside near the tail looks much worse than it is, and the fins are all original.

Nice one, Stu.
Tempted to pounce on this. Squash tail thruster in good nick.

how nicely are those numbers written

Old school. In the nicest way.

that reminds me...how are things going with the dog, stu? settled down a bit?

No. Not one bit. Max is still a fuckwit; a gormless prisoner of his monkey mind and bottomless pit of a stomach.
Good fella but.

Stu love to hear some feed back about the free flight hydro channel above ...had a few of those with the round channels......awesome boards back then wonder about now....

simba wrote:Stu love to hear some feed back about the free flight hydro channel above ...had a few of those with the round channels......awesome boards back then wonder about now....
Yeah will do. Gotta clean it up a bit this weekend. I'm really looking forward to sanding it back.
I sent some photos over to Phil via Facebook but he couldn't respond as he's in the Naughty Corner...again.

hahaha, he loves his beefs on Facey.

Damn, I'd be all over that one!

udo wrote:https://www.gumtree.com.au/s-ad/lorne/surfing/derek-hynd-custom-surfboar...
$2000 for a 2nd hand board shaped by Derek Hynd? Lol.

udo wrote:https://www.akewatu.com.au/surf/surfboards/michael-peterson-vintage-7-0/...
I wonder how they prove the provenance on the claims made?

6'8" Rawson, never been surfed, $550?
It's a buyer's market alright.

udo wrote:Sure is ..@ 30 litres so suitable for surfer up to 75kgs ?
What a Beautiful Cheap Step-Up.... 8 ft G-Land anyone...
30L up to 80kgs easy

udo wrote:Interesting......
Looks fun but buyer beware : "....barely ridden". So perhaps not so much "interesting" but difficult or worse?

Do any of you live at Avalon? I'm messaging a guy about a board at the moment but he isn't keen to hold on to it until I get there in two weeks, trying to find someone to pick it up for me sooner.
Bargain Boards - Fins - ETC - spotted - wanted