~ Spotted ~ Gumtree ~ Ebay ~ Facey ~

Nah, he's not the best communicator (classic FB marketplace interaction ha) but I get the impression he needs to clear his stuff out.

Message sent. Cheers Udo.

udo wrote:Visser 9'2"
Tailpad and placement WTF

udo wrote:Visser 9'2"
Tailpad and placement WTF
Probably needs the tail pad a little further up the board to allow for alternate foot placement when jumping out of a Hercules.

Can't get your foot all the way back on a big gun. Here are big Pete Mel's Mavs guns:

Thanks for the heads up, Udo.

Holy shit…epic bargain.

Different shape to both. Though more similar to Gearbox.
Maybe an earlier version? Would make sense as Sanded are on the Cenny Coast.

The thirty minute ride report:
It's a bulbous old thing, is the Jughead Model Wiztsix. Jump aboard and that globular nose steals the view, while to duckdive you gotta grip the blocky rails and push. 33 litres. Six more than usual for me, but at 5'8" it's four inches less length, and the volume is in different parts of the board - around the stringer, under the chest. So it's short and wide and corky. Paddles like a chief.
The board gives up it's formless looks after takeoff where it becomes a quick-witted cad. All the planing speed care of volume turns into acceleration built upon a long deep concave - just keep pumping and it'll keep powering, irrespective of wave size. I think I've found my summer board. Down back, the double flyer reduces the tail area for hold, though it wasn't enough at times. Rode it as a quad, might be better as a Thruster.
A sharp swallow completes the spectrum. From orbital nose to barbed tail. Both ends serving their function well.
$100 on Gummy. Front and back deck grip included. No dings. There are five Albums downstairs, each with a sticker price of $1,350.

Ha, score!!

Excellent work. Well done on the haul.

not a bad deal, and I'm looking for a summer log.

nah, been down that Mini Sim path.
want something that surfs "cross-country" in actual longboard style waves

freeride76 wrote:nah, been down that Mini Sim path.
want something that surfs "cross-country" in actual longboard style waves
Wish you could have a go on my 8'6 Webby thing, that you kindly picked up for me. Not sure what to call it: a long board, but not a longboard? A mini glider? A fun gun? surfed it tons since we got back from OZ, and it's good from knee high to proper 2 x OH. All that rail and length is addictive.

deffo that would work IB, had some fun on Webby's perso glider in front of the pub.
I do like hanging toes on nose, is all.

The road to perdition, Steve...

What dimensions I.B?
Reckon I’ve got something similar and it’s a heap of fun.

Yep, I remember seeing your one. Red rails?
Mine's 8'6 x 22 1/4 x 3, and 63L. Surprisingly capable in solid waves.

Yeah red/burgundy rails, 8'6", 22 1/2, 3 1/4, 67 litres.
Had many people admire its lines and how capable it is in smaller waves.
Yet to surf it in overhead stuff but like you say, it'd be fine.
Problem is, it's so versatile there's a risk that you'd never get off it.
Steve's got a point though, if on those summer days you want to surf perfect Pass at one foot, or take off out in the middle of the river and go through under the bridge, a 10ft by 4 inch thick log is the ticket.
Add a deck chair and you're laughing.

Back in the late nineties, before retro collecting of logs was really a thing as far as I’m aware, I bought a longboard off a brickie for a carton down Albany way. It was easy nine foot plus and many inches thick. Full D fin. It was proper old school longboard. Maybe early 60s?
We called it the Mary Celeste cause it went the same with or without a rider. Too the beach every time. Unwieldy and a mission to alter course. That thing could ride the wake of a tinny no worries.
It certainly had its place in a quiver. Being too hard to transport, it’s no on my mate’s wall in WA. Or maybe be he sold it…
The thing was indestructible

There was a certain style of board made in Byron in the 80's - pre longboard revival.
I think Bob McTavish started it, probably using windsurfer blanks.
8ft or so, flat as an ironing board, soft rails and nice rounded square tail with single fin.
Really trimmed out beautifully in tiny surf but you could turn them off the generous outline curve.
You could have great fun in 1ft NE windswell.
I still keep my eye out at garage sales for one.

Trimming in tiny waves is a joy.
Shaped myself a 12' double ender out of insulation foam, and even with three stringers it flexed a lot, and eventually so much it snapped. That thing could just glide and glide.
As Andy hinted at, you get addicted/lazy, and I started taking it out at my local reef in OH waves. Very exciting as once you committed to a wave you were locked in. Hard to kick out on a fast wave.


udo wrote:Byrning Spears Twinnie
Nice out line

Thats a good price for that board, cheers Udo

Nother cheap log for you FR.


Brand new ghost.
$500 buy it now.

That's a bargain and a half.


udo wrote:Nice eh...
A comment from Camel re Outer Island Flex Tails
ive seen a guy at g-land making impossibly fast waves, next level untouchable speed down the line .
No doubts there, it was possibly the fastest thing ive seen .
When ya ride a flex tail in suitable waves you learn what a surfboard is capable of.
Bargain Boards - Fins - ETC - spotted - wanted