The United States(!) of A

factotum's picture
factotum started the topic in Thursday, 27 Aug 2020 at 11:12am

Septic Tanks are going to Septic Tank

wax24's picture
wax24's picture
wax24 Sunday, 18 Aug 2024 at 5:40am

Hey Basey…..
i hear ya, mate.
Sadly, i hear ya.

I don’t know that the toothpaste can be put back in the tube. It’s out and clogging up the drains.

I have said this before, tho, elsewhere and here and Beloved SwellNetVille (where all are given second and third and fourth and gawd knows? umpteen chances to stop bein punters and ruffians… and still manage it… and still find Part-Of-Ness)….

I don’t give up til it’s mathematically impossible.

And tell me how anyone could measure THAT for THIS.

Nope. Tmro the sun rises, without opinion or concern.

I’ll rise with it. Without concern, but with opinion.

That opinion? Hope.

Juliang's picture
Juliang's picture
Juliang Sunday, 18 Aug 2024 at 6:43am

Well it did happen on lots of other sources apart from MSnbc , right next to the msnbc version, if you didn’t notice that you need to look better.
If you think that that’s acceptable behaviour from a presidential candidate, and not worth mentioning, read some of the thousands of comments from veterans and their relatives and normal people

Juliang's picture
Juliang's picture
Juliang Sunday, 18 Aug 2024 at 7:05am

@ Spykan I actually read many different sources, all saying the same thing, on many different topics.
So I assume it’s general knowledge and very easy to look up

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Sunday, 18 Aug 2024 at 7:24am

Biden seems still Up 4 a fight and urged supporters 2 " beat the Hell out of Republicans ".

As Joe is speaking on Monday of the Upcoming Conference ( the main hitters are on Thursday ) , the Democrats really don't think he can fight his way out of a wet paper bag ) .

Harris had given him such a heartfelt introduction , Joe felt ready to Don the Gloves and get in a ring ( or Optigone ) .

The Turkish Parliament must have taken Biden's words literally , what a Brawl .

Harris doesn't like a Physical confrontation , it seems .

She has waited way 2 Long , 2 give a "Real" Interview .

Looks like she is NOT yet ready , to fight .

Lets C if she can find some authenticity , Talk 2 someone and let US know , what SHE thinks .

Trumps sentencing is on the 18th September .

He might be fighting , from Jail ?

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Sunday, 18 Aug 2024 at 7:47am

Time Magazine came out with a fantastic drawing of Kamala on the Cover .

Very beautiful , Archibald Winning Stuff !

First time the Front Star , was NOT interviewed for the Story .

It's getting silly , people will wonder , what's Harris hiding .

Bring on some Real , Debate !

If only Serving Military Voted 4 President , do they vote 4 the Deep State and Harris , or Trump .

I think they think Trump has their back , more than Deep Dark State does , 4 sure .

Juliang's picture
Juliang's picture
Juliang Sunday, 18 Aug 2024 at 9:21am

@ pop down
I was reading somewhere that he probably won’t go to jail before the election, because he’ll automatically appeal it .
But a lot of incriminating evidence will come up about the insurrection before the vote.

old-dog's picture
old-dog's picture
old-dog Sunday, 18 Aug 2024 at 9:29am

I can't help thinking how sad it is that so many otherwise quite good people are so unhappy with their lives that they would vote for a piece of human garbage like Trump. I guess if I were on the bones of my arse living on food stamps in a trailer park I too would be desperate enough to be brainwashed into his sick cult. What's with the fake tan and those ice addict eyes.
If Trump and Kim Jon Un were world leaders in a b grade apocalypse movie you would think they were over the top and unbelievable.
If he gets in hold on tight, the world is in for a roller coaster ride of a lifetime, start building that bunker now.
Btw this is just my opinion, which I like to think I'm entitled to. Cheers.

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Sunday, 18 Aug 2024 at 9:44am

You are probably right , Juliang !

A Trial , in the middle of an Election Campaign , is a bit 2 much Deep State like , 4 my liking , though .

More Mug shots ???

Maybe some Chains , 4 effect .

The Muppet Show , on steroids .

A LOT of incriminating Evidence about the Insurrection , is STILL coming out !

I really hope , they DO really work out the TRUTH of what happened , on that day !

Guessing the Deep Dark State , will have their version of the Truth , well represented , same with Trump .

As the trial is in NY , we know the Outcome !

Trumps guilty !

Off with His Head !

old-dog's picture
old-dog's picture
old-dog Sunday, 18 Aug 2024 at 9:47am

Seems pretty obvious to me, Trumps ego wouldn't let him believe he lost and like a spoilt little rich brat he spat the dummy and told his disciples he was robbed, and to fight to overturn the election result at any cost.

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Sunday, 18 Aug 2024 at 10:03am

as we ramp toward the Festival of Dangerous Ideas,
here's retro wildcard, Mayor Bernie Sanders with Phil Donahue in 1981
discussing Vermont, socialism, conservatism, Reagan, capitalism..

(only a 7 min segment, on the Today Show).

Juliang's picture
Juliang's picture
Juliang Sunday, 18 Aug 2024 at 10:00am

@pop down
Yes I think they meant the incriminating evidence of Trumps involvement in the insurrection, will be coming up in his September trial.

etarip's picture
etarip's picture
etarip Sunday, 18 Aug 2024 at 10:56am

PD, are you the new Hutchy69?

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Sunday, 18 Aug 2024 at 11:53am

I would rather B a Divine Madman , although 69 does have a bit of a yin and yang , feel , eta .

The Insurrection was like the Assassination attempt .

Both should not have happened .

Can't work out How the Secret Service let Gate Crashers , into Capitol Hill .

It seems like it would have been an Easy target , 4 Terrorists to take hostages .

etarip's picture
etarip's picture
etarip Sunday, 18 Aug 2024 at 11:51am

“ If only Serving Military Voted 4 President , do they vote 4 the Deep State and Harris , or Trump .

I think they think Trump has their back , more than Deep Dark State does , 4 sure .”

They do vote. WTAF are you taking about?
Military generally conservative leaning, but I’d say as a general rule less party defined than Australia. They’re just people, drawn from across US society and reflect that societal spread. From my experience with both Australian and US militaries, I’d say the balance is actually greater in the US. At least in the rank and file.

Fuck I love the flip on this - when MAGAs and their idiot antipodean clones think that ‘the military’ is going to back Trump at the polls they’re *patriots* but if they think that they’re going to back anyone but Trump they’re *deep state*

Fucking moronic take.

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Sunday, 18 Aug 2024 at 12:04pm

Hey Eta

Was just , trying 2 , make a point that Trump has most of the Military , behind him .

I didn't use the term "Patriots " .

I did say Deep State , or the Swamp , is behind Harris .

I tried 2 say , Trump would have more concern 4 their lives , than Deep State .

But , that's not hard .

Perhaps U think Deep State doesn't exist , that it's a" moronic take" , on the State of the USA ?

Or , if It exists , that they are nicely independent .

That would B different !

etarip's picture
etarip's picture
etarip Sunday, 18 Aug 2024 at 12:42pm

PD. My point was aimed more generally at the ‘debate’ than at you personally.
Two issues here:
First, I’m not sure that he does have the majority of the US military behind him. ‘Reagan / Eisenhower’ Republicans loathe DJT.
Second, I’m sure that DJT gives zero fucks about anyone in uniform or their families.
Actually, three issues - define ‘the Swamp’ in terms of anything other than reflexive opposition to Trump?

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Sunday, 18 Aug 2024 at 1:09pm


You are right on 2 , not sure about 1. either .

Thirdly , The Swamp , which really is Deep State ( like the Evil Empire , with no single person running it , maybe ? ).

Orwell stuff .

I have Never lived or worked in a Swamp .

The Clip above , might B worth a view .

I SURE know the USA has a HUGE Swamp , the Stink over the last 8 years has been horrendous .

Politicians from Both sides , live in it and Love it .

Huge Money , in the Swamp .

The most important institutions , Judiciary , Secret Service , Media etc , are influenced , by the Swamp .

Deep State , like a Public Service , doesn't care , if it's a Democrat or a Republican , that's President .

As long as their Views , are OK , there ARE Independent ( under the radar ) .

Trump wanted 2 Clean the Swamp and it needs cleaning .

It will then take the likes of Tulsi , Years to keep cleaning .

The Swamp is after Trump , anyone but Trump !

I hate the Swamp !

If the Swamp was just in America , I wouldn't care that much .

Australia is so , connected 2 the US , now .

5 Eyes .

I don't want a Deep State telling US ,our PM or OUR government , what 2 do .

It's unAustralian !

Juliang's picture
Juliang's picture
Juliang Sunday, 18 Aug 2024 at 2:34pm

According to @jelly flatter video, the deep state is apolitical, and Wall st is one of its main backstops
So you’d wonder why Wall Street would be going left.

Although the video is out of date, a bit

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Sunday, 18 Aug 2024 at 2:53pm

wall street went left when obama went right... 2008....

'socialism for the rich, capitalism for the poor'

that was the beginning of the end...

Juliang's picture
Juliang's picture
Juliang Sunday, 18 Aug 2024 at 2:58pm

I think Trump apologist should take an ice bath if they’re brave enough to watch his latest Pennsylvania “talk”
Ben Meiselas , YouTube

Juliang's picture
Juliang's picture
Juliang Sunday, 18 Aug 2024 at 3:08pm

His main policy is that “he’s better looking than Kamala Harris”

Island Bay's picture
Island Bay's picture
Island Bay Sunday, 18 Aug 2024 at 3:11pm

Sorry to state the obvious, but that's called having a sense of humour.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Sunday, 18 Aug 2024 at 3:28pm

left versus right is now a massive misnomer...

especially if considering the so called deep state...

politics are now the anti-establishment versus the establishment

you yourself mentioned the republicans for harris...

google the lincoln project, republican anti- trumpers, liz cheney, and you might get a glimpse of what is actually happening...

woke neoliberals versus the dirtbag left

open borders left versus Bernie bros.

koch bros. conservatives versus trump's 'right' alliance

globalists versus nativists

the deep state is the status quo

the bush bush legacy plus clinton / obama's versus trump

it's not that long ago bush 1 & 11 felt the constant ire of 'the left', much like trump does today...

now team bush and team clinton/obama hang out like besties...

and trump is the devil

something I find personally perplexing and ironic, when one considers the bush record, and unhinged demonising of the bushes in the past...

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Sunday, 18 Aug 2024 at 3:17pm

ie. trump is more democrat than either bush could ever be...

yet somehow the woke left are so triggered and deranged by trump, we are led to believe he's the incarnation of the devil and a threat to the very basis of democracy

he's a threat alright...

to established power structures and norms

(which all sounds rather left actually...)

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Sunday, 18 Aug 2024 at 3:24pm
Island Bay wrote:

Sorry to state the obvious, but that's called having a sense of humour.

once upon a time, 'the left' had the best of senses of humour too...

Roker's picture
Roker's picture
Roker Sunday, 18 Aug 2024 at 4:07pm
sypkan wrote:
Island Bay wrote:

Sorry to state the obvious, but that's called having a sense of humour.

once upon a time, 'the left' had the best of senses of humour too...

These few seconds of what's his name, that used to be good, pretty well sums it up. Sums up a fair bit, actually.


Juliang's picture
Juliang's picture
Juliang Sunday, 18 Aug 2024 at 4:11pm

@ Island Bay , Sorry to state the bleeding obvious, but I’m pretty sure he was serious, and then the amount of time he spent whining about Kamala Harrises picture on the cover of Time magazine, he really has his priorities worked out ?

Juliang's picture
Juliang's picture
Juliang Sunday, 18 Aug 2024 at 4:23pm

@ Island Bay , It doesn’t actually matter whether he was serious or not, the point being that’s about as close as he got to policy.

Juliang's picture
Juliang's picture
Juliang Sunday, 18 Aug 2024 at 4:28pm

He obviously wouldn’t make it as a stand up comedian, that’s why he’s running for president again lol

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Sunday, 18 Aug 2024 at 5:20pm
Juliang wrote:

He obviously wouldn’t make it as a stand up comedian, that’s why he’s running for president again lol

Same thing lately

Juliang's picture
Juliang's picture
Juliang Sunday, 18 Aug 2024 at 5:41pm

Not sure what else you can say really?

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Monday, 19 Aug 2024 at 6:38am

Rogan and Dennis Quaid had a recent chat , pondering the question " Who is running Our Country " ?

They don't think Joe , Jill or Hunter , are involved .

Afroman's funny song " Hunter got High " ( sorry can't link it ) , mentions the Whitehouse being closed , 4 funny business .

Perhaps it doesn't matter , who is the President of the USA ?

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Monday, 19 Aug 2024 at 7:27pm

Such a pity Tulsi aint Trumps vice president, she's as tough as nails and would really have provided some balance, like Trump she is also not your typical politician, Vance seems a terrible choice that brings little.

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Monday, 19 Aug 2024 at 10:38pm

Advancement of portable Civic Radar draws warfare into city populace.
It's no accident that each night we see more cities of innocents being slaughtered.
Govts tick Warmongers to embedded Bomb components & now defence radar within our communities.
Everyone boarding a Bus or Tram even crossing a bridge are now 'Legitimate' targets.

Ok! This took some time to suss why complete innocents in Gaza / Ukraine / Russia are being targeted...
It came by the way of a slip of the tongue by a US / Euro Institute...
Centre for European Policy Analysis (Based in Washington)
17th June 2024 "Ukraine's Nuclear Folly"
(CEPA) : "The Kremlin has not directly targeted these sites, presumably because of the political fallout and uncertainty surrounding the spillover damage to Russia that might result. However, Ukraine's Nuclear Plants depend on Power from external sources to remain operational, and in the event of loss of such power, would be forced to shut down!"

Ok! So if not Russia...then Who the Fuck keeps shooting at Nuke Plants

Zaporizhzhia Nuke Plant Ukraine has being targeted endless times & been hit 14x
Kurchatov Nuke Plant Russia has been hit 6x
Both are currently being targeted by Ukraine as many now openly admit...well durr!
IAEA have personally witnessed Attacks while they're inspecting & aware of recent Ukraine attacks!
They invite Russia to hand back the Plant if they want Ukraine to stop shelling the Nuke Plants

Sounds insane don't it...(Come back to the reason in a second!)
Stealing back a Nuke plant that ya Build & Run is Evil but blowing it up is cool!
All know Ukraine blow up Nuke Plants each month but blame Russia even if it's their's or not!
Can blow up Gas Lines / Bridges / Dams / Nukes you can choose if ya like!
Often are connected & one of the same missions...this goes with that, either either will do...not fussy!

US are horrified at Ukraine's use of their weapons to intently target & slaughter Russian innocents.
tbb has read about many & it's horrific...but there is a contorted twisted theme as to why..
Look, no one's saying Russia don't do the same as we see exact same innocent slaughter on the News!
tbb is least defending nor excusing either...
Being honest...tbb read some comments on this...fucking blow you away!
Be surprised how many nutters say it's fine to blow up Russian Nuke Plant...not joking...Kill Kill Kill!

So who has been targeted in Russia...
Drivers of Tams/Buses/ Baker-Farm Vans + Monk Monastery / Bus Stop + Old lady in an apartment.
All fucking blasted away not by gunfire but drones & Missiles...see ya later Mother Fucker...Gulp!
Putin says Neo Nazis slaughtering his innocents + Huge anti Nazi War Commemoration in Kursk soon!

How to explain Ukraine's bombing of Border Bridges / Euro Gas Meter Station / March on Nuke Plant.
Russians are battling to hold out Ukraine storming their Kurchatov Nuke Plant...don't do it!

Many point to EU giving Ukraine Weapons then turn the other cheek to steal their Gas...
All know Ukraine are pissed having to buy $600m 10 yr old Russian Nuke Reactors from Bulgaria.
So wot choice if ya can't breach sanctions...Huh!
All feel Ukraine are bombing Kursk Gas lines & Nukes to fuck them all off & re open their shut lines!
Steal everyone's Gas lights match ...Fuck you all!
Many would support that also.

Ukraine leader says he wants Russian Nuke Plant & Gas Meters ( Swap ) Zaporizhzhia Nuke + Kharkiv.

tbb bought into all of that...all checks out why EU / US swear their not backing this murderous sabotage.

Here's the thing...the Ukraine Leader says it's only temporary...but Russia says fuck his negotiation? much checks out but none play out to the end game...

What would drive Ukraine to launch gang buster raids blow the joint apart then fuck off...why do that?
News says it's only making Russia go harder to take more Territory...not slowing down..

Now! All see news of both peoples saying the forgot about us on these frontlines...Huh! Wotz with that!
Why do both Leaders abort their own residents on both frontlines...none of this rings true!

Only answer is both sides know exactly what the other side is doing & letting them do it...(Correct!)
Maybe coz both sides know it's a quick in/out sorry 'bout the dead bodies see ya next week!
Coz Ukraine have their hands on some Vital EU/Russian Power Utilities & can now trade up! So...

So wotz the bigger picture here...
Here it is...wot tbb was referring to at the start...
Bordertown's Pleasantville Mobile Radar is winning Putin's War & clocking Ukraine's every move.
Ya see all these toy town Trams & Bread vans are one giant mobile radar...that spies on the neighbour!
Wotz new in Radar...(Reads 200km triangulation sweep with 3 of these tiny receivers on anything.)

UK is providing Sub Drones to blow up Gas Lines / Dams / Bridges + Particle Sat' Radar detectors.
NATO are trialling All these toys in this a candy store for Buyers & sellers! Yeah! Sick alright!

So! Wot ya don't see is Neo Nazis armed with Anti Radar Guns sweeping bugs from Border Towns...
Note how UK/US say they don't know shit as mass media ride up front...these hidden ads of sorts!
US/UK know what & why but don't wanna share that their wars are now your your towns!

#1 Tram Radar + Driver BOOM Stick a flag that big Gaping hole!
#2 Bus Stop Radar + Kid (Boom!) Pass another Flag for their makeshift bus stop...that'll work!
#3 5th Floor Open Door on the Balcony Radar + Old Lady (Kaboom!) Like a monster chewed at it!
#4 Pipeline Meter Office (Boom) Pass the Duct Tape!
#5 Bridge is a Main Frame Glowing Red Hot Radar Antenna {Kaboom!} Should grow back Ok!
#6 Nuke Plant hoists another fucking Radar > Stand back Mr Atomic Inspector > { Kaboom } Incoming!
This last one is so common...
Once ya take note & list the Lame Nuke Targets > Labs / Wires / Sub Stations / enviro Gear
Russia only run min power by default ...Just there for Radars > Ukraine keep blowing the radars up!

World News : Ukraine Leader : Russia are Bombing >>> Choose anything with a radar...(That simple)
West have been told to excuse Ukraine / Israel for blowing shit up & killing heaps if they got a Radar.
See the same thing all over even in Gaza > Kmart Radar that's Hamas...Blow the Kindy Up! 100 dead!
As said...that's the last thing they want us to pick up on...Like Hey! That could happen in our town! Fark!
Stop them...NOW!

Ok! Now ya know why ya see these Penthouses with chunks missing...Radar / Kabooom!
Big hole where the Kindy tree-house was...(Radar!)
Hospital Ward > Sorry...nothin' personal (Kaboom!)

So! We All on the same page now...(Same the world over...blast the fuck outta Radars!) 100 dead!
Better them than us! Just like that! All now can be equally as evil as soon as someone flicks the switch!
Radar...lights bigger than a Shoe Box ...Starlink zeros in..Zap! Pile of questions asked.
Think it was the Food Van...or was it the Pizza Boy...

Now ya got it...these Radars are now compact enough to bug an innocent to take one for the Team.
Too bad so sad! Really thought we were gonna get the Donuts thru this time...Where Fucked!

Next time ya turn on the Telly & see another innocent target...they know why...even if you don't.
You got Radar! Don't care how ya got it...Coz you are Fucked....54321 Food Van turns to dust!
Obliterated...just doin' my job mam! Like wotz the bid deal...just a radio with some skin & bones!

All of our cowardly leaders are sticking targets on our Homes and Utilities to save their arses...
PM : Hi Mr Terminator...It's not here...
I tossed the radar watch over the neighbour's ya go...go Zap them...good Intercept...Ouch!
PM Dusts off his the empathetic live response...
"Love thy Neighbour...such a Waste..."
Beep Beep [ Read Teleprompt NOW..."We decide...ONEOFUS!" = 0.02% Poll bounce ] My Lucky Day!

Roker's picture
Roker's picture
Roker Monday, 19 Aug 2024 at 10:59pm
Pop Down wrote:

Rogan and Dennis Quaid had a recent chat , pondering the question " Who is running Our Country " ?

They don't think Joe , Jill or Hunter , are involved .

Afroman's funny song " Hunter got High " ( sorry can't link it ) , mentions the Whitehouse being closed , 4 funny business .

Perhaps it doesn't matter , who is the President of the USA ?

Dennis Quaid doing the rounds, also did an excellent interview with Ben Shapiro.
Dennis says he’s an independent. And that’s exactly how he comes across. His insightful takes on Reagan, playing Reagan, Hollywood, acting in general, cocaine and addiction, America then, America now, were all very rational, down to earth and sensible. Very centrist. He's like - genuine middle America! Dennis says that the Reagan era was the best of times, and that Democrats and Republicans need each other to fend off the extremes. That he wants Americans to believe in themselves and in each other again.
And yet he’s voting for Trump. Because of the weaponising of the justice system.

I think the Democrats’ descent into lawfare pissed so many people off, tipped so many people over the edge and into the warm bosom of The Donald.
Maybe someone will do a Fani Willis biopic. I reckon that will make a great movie, a comedic mini Goodfellas. The biggest RICO case ever, probably the most dubious, and yet bumbling Fani is still using her boyfriend to skim off the top. Wonder what she was up to when the eyes of the world were not on her? I hope someone is digging.
Dennis says his dream screen project is to tell the story of the Lakota Sioux through the oral histories of Crazy Horse and his ancestors and descendants. That would make for a great series. That he moves from Reagan to the genocide of the Plains Indians with such ease and equal passion seems to sum him up. Dennis sure aint no MAGA acolyte, don’t think even Hillary would  dare refer to him as a deplorable. At least not in public.
Dennis should probably have a word to The Donald though, if he really wants him to win, and let him know that it's high time for him to get his Crazy Horse on. While Don is slurring his words, being rambling and indecisive, unable to decide on a battle plan, he more resembles a drunk Colonel Reno than a formidable Warrior. He sounds crazy, but not in a good way. More Crazy Bernie than Crazy Horse. And his constant whining about not getting proper credit for the size of his crowds, that the media loves Kamarla and not him, make him look more like an embittered and jealous Captain Benteen. All of that ends in slaughter.
Dennis should let The Donald know that he needs to put the current state of the fight, the bad polls, out of his mind. Put on his warpaint. Commune with the Great MAGA Mystery. Then get back on his horse and come out fighting like Crazy Horse. With faith in the certainty of his power to lead his people to a great victory over the ever encroaching Deep State Establishment.
If he still has the power to muster his powers. The common ground between Ronald and Donald that Dennis was reaching for more what he didn't mention - that The Donald is following the same trajectory as The Ronald, but only mentally, or as they say, cognitively. That The Donald is not the formidable warrior he was in 2016. That the line the fake news media is pushing is not all base propaganda.

We will see, at the Great Debate, if The Donald’s arrogance, his refusal to take advice, his propensity to gallop off on ill advised charges of his own, his belief in his own mythology, ends up like everyone always said it would, and turns into the inevitable bloodbath known to all as The Donald’s Last Stand.

etarip's picture
etarip's picture
etarip Tuesday, 20 Aug 2024 at 12:42am

Someone slipped some crack into whatever you’re all drinking?
Regardless of where you sit on the political spectrum, 95% of what’s written in the 2 posts above ^^ is high grade lunacy.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Tuesday, 20 Aug 2024 at 1:13am


the lunacy is the scripted fake-land that now passes as contemporary politics

this is a movie, curated, crafted, and edited...

and kamala a bad actor

but, it's working...

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etarip's picture
etarip's picture
etarip Tuesday, 20 Aug 2024 at 3:40am

Yes, yes of course it is.
A campaign… scripted? What will they think of next?

Trump blacker than Kamala? Of course he is. So much in common with your urban black voters, right?

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Tuesday, 20 Aug 2024 at 6:48am

Hey Etarip

Most Election Campaigns and this One , have to have some bits , that are not scripted .

Debates , Town Halls and Media interviews , are normal Unscripted events , where Voters hear a Candidate .

We seem 2 B C'ing the Muppet Show , with the Ending , well known .

Many scenes will have surprises , like Kamala going to Freeze Price's .

Even the Washington Post thought it a Communist sign , from a candidate that will be Called , a Commie .

The only end of the US Muppet Show , is Get rid of Trump .

etarip's picture
etarip's picture
etarip Tuesday, 20 Aug 2024 at 7:23am

Jeeebus, you’re running the ‘communist’ line too? There’s nothing communist in the USA. The left of the left is technically, at most, centre left in comparison with any western liberal democracy.

The best thing that can happen is Trump gets fucked off, the GOP resets, and both sides of politics have a good hard look at what a rock show this has become.

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Tuesday, 20 Aug 2024 at 7:33am

But Eta , it was the Washington Post , that rolled out the obvious .

The idea has been tried in Socialist countries , some Liberal ones 2 , but has Never worked .

Always makes goods scarcer , always has and always dropped , eventually .

Interesting that it was her first Economic Policy announcement , interesting script :) !

etarip's picture
etarip's picture
etarip Tuesday, 20 Aug 2024 at 7:36am

Standard current media coverage of this campaign: drill into the detail of every single policy the Dems propose / give a free pass to the inane and insane shit that Donald shoots off with. Zero analysis.

There is nothing communist about any of the major political parties in the US.

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Tuesday, 20 Aug 2024 at 7:38am
etarip wrote:

Standard current media coverage of this campaign: drill into the detail of every single policy the Dems propose / give a free pass to the inane and insane shit that Donald shoots off with. Zero analysis.

Standard coverage here on Swellnet too.

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Tuesday, 20 Aug 2024 at 8:14am

U must be talking about the Standard media here , Eta , as the current media coverage , has been kind 2 Kamala .

Biden/Harris policy is being drilled into , it's Running/Ruining the country , in some peoples opinion .

On SN , not much discussion of Trumps Policy's , takes place at all , by anyone .

He Must have some bad ones lol !

What Insane or inane Trump Policy , should We bag and analyse , Eta or Stu ?

etarip's picture
etarip's picture
etarip Tuesday, 20 Aug 2024 at 8:19am

I guess you’ve got a point. There is blunt socialism in play:

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Tuesday, 20 Aug 2024 at 8:48am

A One Off ( lol ) Wealth Tax on Everyone with $21.8 million , IS probably needed 2 pay for the 2.2Trillion Inflation Reduction Act and Ukraine Aid , 4 Sure !

Money is Flying Everywhere !

Tax the Rich More , Off with 15% of their Net Wealth / Heads , very socialist .

They have 87000 new IRS investigators , so that ARE ready 2 start chopping .

Let's Equalise Net Wealth , not Rights !

Can also imagine Trump telling them to F off , No Tax on Tips either .

U may not like Trumps response Eta , but it's Not insane imho .

etarip's picture
etarip's picture
etarip Tuesday, 20 Aug 2024 at 8:49am

I don’t disagree with the policy. Tbh.
But there is / was zero discussion of it in the media. It’s from 2020.

And if Kamala presented it now…

etarip's picture
etarip's picture
etarip Tuesday, 20 Aug 2024 at 9:08am

If you’re going to frame the question / proposition that I made, what’s a Trump Vance 24 ‘policy’ that’s been subjected to any level of detail in the MSM?

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Tuesday, 20 Aug 2024 at 9:09am

Eta , I am slow and thought it was a current Harris Policy .

As I mentioned , a One Off Wealth Tax , is very Liberal and Harris/Walz are already branded Ultra Liberal , by Trump .

It sure would , add fuel 2 that fire .

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Tuesday, 20 Aug 2024 at 9:59am

Pundits ask why Kamala reads exact same script each conference & never does live interviews.
Now say that's coz she pulls twice the number to her gigs...none can afford her road show!
Recall this circus was before she was in the running...

This is how ya roll into town said...just to read from exact same teleprompter as last gig!

Hey Hubbie...All can pimp the Air Force One ride to my's all Kosha.
Family lockdown their own Air Base...that's nice waste of another $Gazillion.

Check when they hit on just one street corner...for her shindig
No city can afford a downtown interview at a radio station = $ Gazillion/hr

Wot! Really wanna see The Prez shitshow...

#1 US Brat wore out the seat of her pants runnin' ragged doped out on world #1 Trip out.
Like...Wot U all freaks staring at...never seen a VIP Grandaddy Pimp Show before....Holy Shit!
Nothin' & You! Asked you a Question..."Said Nuthin' carry on shakin' dat thing little lady!"

Tay Tay : "Hot Damn! Luv to get that Gig... Trav' honey...could ya loosen my collar a little!"