The United States(!) of A

factotum's picture
factotum started the topic in Thursday, 27 Aug 2020 at 11:12am

Septic Tanks are going to Septic Tank

Juliang's picture
Juliang's picture
Juliang Saturday, 24 Aug 2024 at 2:58am

@ Seeds
The problem is , the geriatric sociopath isn’t the main architect of the project, he’s vice president JD Vance , presumably next in line , has freinds in high places who are.
Just because Trump is distancing himself from the policy now, doesn’t mean it’s not a “ Wishlist “ for others following!
Heritage is also creating a database of conservative loyalists , to fill government positions , and a program to train those new workers “
That’s not hysterical propaganda , that’s a quote directly from spykans BBC link.
Maybe you should read more champ

seeds's picture
seeds's picture
seeds Saturday, 24 Aug 2024 at 4:54am

Read more? On this subject?


Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Saturday, 24 Aug 2024 at 7:04am


U have an interesting way of looking at things .

Must B from all the Surfing U are doing , on the Net .

Kennedy said a LOT last night , but I will return to your Views on Oil and Gas .

Please give me 1 Water Table , ANYWHERE in the World , that was destroyed ( or even badly damaged ) , by Fracking .

U said there are heaps !

Could U find those SECRET Chemicals , they are using to help Frack the structures ?

U must b surfing in the wrong place !

Have a look at going Right .

Do some reading :)) !

Let me know , if no .

I can phone a friend :)

Harris wants 2 destroy the Fossil Fuel Industry , which U seem 2 agree with .

You are right , ALL the Smaller Players will get Killed first and Big Oil will benefit .

Very Big Oil , will get the benefits of Soaring Energy prices and a lack of competition .

U like Oligarchy's , really ?

The Economy , the biggest Election Issue , then suffers .

Guessing U want 2C Australia go down the same path and U hate Gladstone and the North West Shelf .

Not sure where U expect us 2 get our Gas from , then .
Qatar ?

Fair enough , if U are willing to Go through the Pain of a rushed , Green Transition , good 4 U .

Not everyone else is .

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Saturday, 24 Aug 2024 at 8:35am
sypkan wrote:


I actually find it a little scary not a single person could list a policy

and didn't seem to think that strange...

does she have any?


It's obviously a strategy to not focus on policy and avoid interviews etc, if it becomes about policy then it can be critiqued and the flaws/negatives exposed especially if quite radical.

Then the honey moon period will be over and she will fall in popularity, the strategy seems to just to run on being a happy positive women of colour against this nasty old white/orange man.

The question is can they keep that up long enough?

Will vibe alone get her over the line?

It probably will, i mean an old guy suffering from serious cognitive decline was enough last time, they even managed to convince most he was fine until the other month when during the debate it just become way to obvious to keep on denying.

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Saturday, 24 Aug 2024 at 9:17am

As Kennedy said last night , " Who needs a policy if you hate Donald Trump " .

Trump is so polarising , no debate of Policies , no interviews , nothing , is needed .

Gets no respect , 4 once being voted in as President .

Deplorable haha .

What alarms Me , is these quotes from RFK !

" What alarms me isn't how the Democratic Party conducts it's internal affairs or run it's candidates .
What arms me is the resort to censorship and media control and the weaponisation of Federal Agencies ."

That's not a free democracy , with Free Speech !

That's Deep State , running things and ensuring , anyone but The Cleaner , Trump , gets the Job .

When's Trump's next court case and is it the last , B4 the Election ?

THEY , want 2 keep him busy , paying legal fees .


Great numbers that show Trump , IS prepared this time Roady .

His first time choosing handy helpers , was a disaster .

Most worked against Trump .

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Saturday, 24 Aug 2024 at 9:14am

Here are 2 numbers. 19 & 4.

One number represents the amount of individuals who were in Trumps inner circle team when he was President and now all say he is a pos, selfish, cares only about himself, is divisive and bad for the USA. They have nothing good to say about him and are embarrassed about their previous association.

One number is those individuals who were in Trumps inner circle team and have indicated they want to be in his inner team again if he wins.

old-dog's picture
old-dog's picture
old-dog Saturday, 24 Aug 2024 at 9:18am

I see now that RFK junior has thrown his support behind Trump 5 of his famous family siblings have come out and condemned it as a betrayal of everything their father and they have ever stood for, a sad end to a sad story. The guy is a certified nut job.

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Saturday, 24 Aug 2024 at 9:31am

Numbers that show Trump is now ready , Roady .

He had 2 sack , so many !

Biden should have sacked a few 2 imho haha .

I added an edit above , but wanted 2 thank you 4 showing Trump now has advisers and an Inner Circle , like Tulsi and Kennedy now , that he CAN work well with .

I'm Impressed with the numbers !

Cheers :) !

Trump is now offering the US People , a better version of Himself as President , than last time .

The Democrats are now freaking out and pulling out all stops .

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Saturday, 24 Aug 2024 at 9:35am

RFK sounds quite passionate about things.

Article below:

"RFK Jr. Tears Media, Democrat Party To Pieces In Scathing Speech; Endorses Trump

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. eviscerated the legacy media and Democrat Party in a scathing speech on Friday where he explained why he was suspending his campaign and endorsing Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.

Kennedy made the remarks during a press conference in Phoenix, Arizona, where he explained how today’s modern Democrat Party is vastly different than the party he grew up with.

“Back then, the Democrats were the champions of the Constitution, of civil rights,” he said. “The Democrats stood against authoritarianism, against censorship, against colonialism, imperialism, and unjust wars. We were the party of labor, of the working class. The Democrats were the party of government transparency and the champion of the environment.”

He noted that the party has morphed into the party of “war, censorship, corruption, big pharma, big tech, big AG, and big money,” adding that he left the party “when it abandoned democracy by canceling the primary” to hide the cognitive decline of President Joe Biden.

RFK said that the term “democracy” has “become little more than a slogan” for the Democrat Party.

“In the name of saving democracy, the Democratic Party set itself to dismantling it, lacking confidence in its candidate, that its candidate could win in a fair election at the voting booth, the DNC waged continual legal warfare against both President Trump and myself,” he said. “Each time that our volunteers turned in those towering boxes of signatures needed to get on the ballot, the DNC dragged us into court, state after state, attempting to erase their work and to subvert the will of the voters who had signed those petitions.”

“It deployed DNC-aligned judges to throw me and other candidates off the ballot and to throw President Trump in jail,” he continued. “It ran a sham primary that was rigged to prevent any serious challenge to President Biden. Then when a predictably bungled debate performance precipitated the palace coup against President Biden, the same shadowy DNC operatives appointed his successor, also without an election.”

RFK noted that Harris was “so unpopular with voters that she dropped out in 2020 without winning a single delegate.”

He said that his father and uncle would be appalled that Harris was given the nomination and has avoided all interviews and unscripted encounters with voters.
“My father and my uncle were always conscious of America’s image abroad because of our nation’s role as the template for democracy, the role model for democratic processes, and the leader of the free world,” he said. “Instead of showing us her substance and character, the DNC and its media organs engineered a surge of popularity for Vice President Harris based upon nothing: no policies, no interviews, no debates, only smoke and mirrors and balloons in a highly produced Chicago circus.”

RFK said that Democrats aren’t focused on telling voters about Harris’ policies because they are focused on casting hate onto Trump.
“How did the Democratic Party choose a candidate that has never done an interview or debate during the entire election cycle?” he asked. “They did it by weaponizing the government agencies. They did it by abandoning democracy. They did it by suing the opposition and by disenfranchising American voters. What most alarms me isn’t how the Democratic Party conducts its internal affairs or runs its candidates. What alarms me is the resort to censorship and media control and the weaponization of the federal agencies.”

“When a U.S. president colludes with or outright coerces media companies to censor political speech, it’s an attack on our most sacred right, of free expression, and that’s the very right upon which all of our other constitutional rights rest,” he continued. “President Biden mocked Vladimir Putin’s 88% landslide in the Russian elections, observing that Putin and his party controlled the Russian press and that Putin prevented serious opponents from appearing on the ballot; but here in America, the DNC also prevented opponents from appearing on the ballot, and our television networks expose themselves as Democratic Party organs.”
RFK said that legacy media companies have effectively banned him from interviews during the election in what he said was a coordinated effort with the Democrat Party that included vile smears against him.
He said that he decided to support Trump because they aligned on free speech, the war in Ukraine, and the war on children.

He added that he was working to get his name removed from the ballot in 10 swing states where, if he remained on the ballot, he would be helping Democrat presidential nominee Vice President Kamala Harris."

old-dog's picture
old-dog's picture
old-dog Saturday, 24 Aug 2024 at 9:42am

Funny how the republicans are outraged and make such a big deal about how the elected president Biden was swapped for Harris calling it abandoning and a threat to democracy, and yet here in Aust. elected Prime Ministers get knifed in the back and replaced for someone more popular all the time and no one even bats an eyelid.

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Saturday, 24 Aug 2024 at 9:43am

RFK spat the dummy…he talked to the Dems and the Republicans about a future position. The Dems told him to fuck right off, so he scurried over to the Republicans. He is a kook.

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Saturday, 24 Aug 2024 at 9:44am

19. Is the number that now think Trump is a pos.

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Saturday, 24 Aug 2024 at 9:49am

Lighting of the Democratic Torch + Relay + Opening / Closing Ceremonies

De Prez Stokes up the Oval Office Eternal Flame

Oval Office Eternal Flame is ready (Cough!)

De Prez Lighting of the Torch

Ceremonial Torch is passed to next Prez runner

De Old Prez lights the Cauldron

Opening Ceremony

Closing Ceremony {R.I.P}

Torch ember after glow guides a new Teleprompter illuminati

Sprout's picture
Sprout's picture
Sprout Saturday, 24 Aug 2024 at 9:45am

RFK 3 months ago:

"President Trump scammed American workers. He promised to bring back manufacturing, raise wages, fix trade deals, close the carried interest loophole, and help small farmers. But everything President Trump achieved were things the Republican machine wanted. We got a tax cut for Jeff Bezos, deregulation for special interests, and giveaways to agriculture conglomerates.

President Trump let the Bush wing of the GOP run all his agencies. His Interior Secretary was an oil & gas lobbyist. His Defense Secretary was a Raytheon lobbyist. His EPA Administrator was a coal lobbyist. His HHS Secretary was a pharmaceutical lobbyist. And his Labor Secretary was a lawyer for mega corporations.

President Trump’s supposed support for farmers ($28 billion) all went to Big Ag conglomerates.

We had the worst rioting and looting this country had seen since the 60s under President Trump. He inflamed racial tensions and didn’t keep us safe. Instead of using federal law enforcement to stop the rioting, Trump thought it was good optics to let Democrat-run cities burn.

President Trump bragged about arming Ukraine more than Obama did. He also walked away unilaterally from the intermediate range nuclear missile treaty with Russia, destabilizing our relationship. He also exacerbated tensions between Ukraine and Russia that ultimately caused a war.

Trump appointed the worst neocons to the highest positions of power in his administration: John Bolton, HR McMaster, and Robert O’Brien. Now, Lindsey Graham is one of his top advisors and likely to be his Secretary of State.

President Trump bombed Syria, killed an Iranian general, and failed to fulfill his promise of ending the war in Afghanistan. President Trump invented lockdowns. He shut down millions of small businesses and facilitated the greatest wealth transfer to billionaires in this country’s history.

President Trump did nothing to solve the opioid crisis. It got far worse under his tenure while his appointees running HHS were in the pocket of big pharma.

If you think a second Trump term would be any different, you are engaging in wishful thinking."

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Saturday, 24 Aug 2024 at 9:54am
old-dog wrote:

Funny how the republicans are outraged and make such a big deal about how the elected president Biden was swapped for Harris calling it abandoning and a threat to democracy, and yet here in Aust. elected Prime Ministers get knifed in the back and replaced for someone more popular all the time and no one even bats an eyelid.

To be fair the two systems are very different

In Australia you are voting more for the party and the party decides the leader.

While in the USA you have the primary's where the public votes on who the leader of the party should be and then later your voting in the presidential election for that leader.

old-dog's picture
old-dog's picture
old-dog Saturday, 24 Aug 2024 at 9:56am

He is desperate to be like Putin and Kim Jong Un and wants to yield all the power with no checks and balances. There is your real threat to democracy. I hate to think what will happen if the result is too close to call and takes weeks of counting and recounting and then Trump loses. He and his disciple thugs won't accept it and will attempt a coup. What kind of American are YOU.

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Saturday, 24 Aug 2024 at 9:58am

Is it reasonable to say that if trump doesn’t win he faces the real prospect of jail?

old-dog's picture
old-dog's picture
old-dog Saturday, 24 Aug 2024 at 10:00am

I believe in most states only registered party members can vote in the primary.

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Saturday, 24 Aug 2024 at 10:47am

Hello Old dog .

I think you are still barking up the wrong Tree with Trump the Dictator , 4ever , lines .

He is ONE Man , against the Rest , 4 4 years , though .

We are talking about the US , not North Korea or a religious appointment in the ME .

With all the Legal Fights and pre nup with Melania , he sure knows about cheques and bank balances .

Surely seeing the Impeachments and raid on his home , shows Trump never gets his Own Way , all the time .

I think U can relax re a Military Coup 2 :) !

Deep State will look after that .

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Saturday, 24 Aug 2024 at 11:06am

"@spykan “US politics influences our lives, both directly and indirectly in so many ways “ Spykans quote.
Ha ha your flip flopping and backsliding is becoming increasingly predictable, in so many ways."

you got a funny idea of flip flopping juliang...

taking the (rational) position a trump election won't directly lead to tapping oil in the bight is not flip flopping

I think the resistance to that is strong enough, and I believe it was a norway oil company anyway

I get it dude, you're a two issue voter... you don't want trump to drill the bite. and you're angry trump almost said some mean things about veterans...

here's a tip dude, if want some material for your second issue... google harder...

I'm a big picture voter, my issue is the democrat party ,and the wider corruption of the left of politics

I'm against the overt censorship

the weaponisation of the judicial system

I'm against the MIC

against all the corruption of process covid exposed

the general and abysmal disrespect the left show for voters - 'low info voters' ...bahahaha... fukn clowns!

I hate how popd talks of fracking, but he's a reasonable and seemingly nice rational man so I don't hassle him, and his wider point is correct... energy security is of utmost importance in our now and increasingly insecure world...

it's an unfortunate position to need to take, and one I thought I never would... but shit's a mess atm...

if you don't know what I'm talking about, google australia's oil reserve, and think russia, china, their reserves... and agendas...

both dems and oz labor are being beyond irresponsible in this regard

I'm against big money in politics, lobby groups, anti science dogma, nastiness, and ideological loopiness... all things that have infiltrated and overtaken the dems... and labor... the left...

but you go mate...

trump's a meany, and he's gonna tap the bight... enjoy your hill...

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Saturday, 24 Aug 2024 at 11:01am

bottom line is the dems are full of shit

dangerously so

propaganda, lies, warping of realities and language...

and seemingly ignorant everyone now has an encyclopedia in their pocket, and can check their shit in real time

if a 'low info voter' has the inclination to do so...

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Saturday, 24 Aug 2024 at 11:36am

Hello sypkan

As soon as humans worked out the Power of fossil fuels , we were away .

We then worked out , how to extract things from Underground .

Nearly every Mineral Mined , requires Treatment with Chemicals , including Lithium .

Acid and other Stuff , all being used to make Everything humans want 2 make .

Normal Oil uses all sorts of Chemicals ( very easy to look up , like Fracking Chemicals ) , when drilling .

Different Structures require different Techniques and Chemicals .

All Mining is Dangerous , especially Underground Mines .

An Explosive industry , usually Boom and Bust .

Fracking is a newer form of Drilling . especially for Gas , that's just sitting in easy 2 get 2 , Coal Seams , underground .

Have Stuff Up's been made , 4 sure .

Juliang can't name 1 Water Table destroyed .

I don't think Mother Earth is worried about us Fracking around , 4 a while .

Her planet has seen Much worse !

They pump water , sand , acids , etc into the Seams , 2 enable the good gas , 2 flow into our homes .

We use acid all the time :) !

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Saturday, 24 Aug 2024 at 11:37am
sypkan wrote:

bottom line is the dems are full of shit

dangerously so

propaganda, lies, warping of realities and language...

and seemingly ignorant everyone now has an encyclopedia in their pocket, and can check their shit in real time

if a 'low info voter' has the inclination to do so...

And the Republicans aren’t?

Both have many similarities.

Syppy, which party, this election cycle, is worse in your opinion?

soggydog's picture
soggydog's picture
soggydog Saturday, 24 Aug 2024 at 11:39am

Why would we risk it when as Australians we see so little of the profits and all of the risk. See if you can word salad around that one PD.
You had an epiphany a few weeks bag that the gas cartels where ripping us off blind. What makes you think they’d run other parts of their operations ethically or not completely driven by compounding profits each year.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Saturday, 24 Aug 2024 at 11:52am

Whats all this talk of gas & oil in Australia and even the bight got to do with USA & Trump?

I thought i had missed something but numerous google searches come up with nothing.

What the USA do in regard to gas or oil is up to them.

soggydog's picture
soggydog's picture
soggydog Saturday, 24 Aug 2024 at 11:53am

Where do you think the profits go to Indo?

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Saturday, 24 Aug 2024 at 12:10pm

hello soggy

We need the Gas 4 home use and export .

The Offshore Royalties should B fixed , but WE desperately NEED this industry and should B Self Sufficient with fossil fuels .

Mining is a Risk we need to take , 4 our own sake .

It is Extremely regulated , takes 10 years plus , to get a Mine up .

More Environmental hoops to jump through , than U can poke a stick at .

We need More gas , not less !

Electricity prices are already way 2 high , IF U want the Economy 2 grow .

old-dog's picture
old-dog's picture
old-dog Saturday, 24 Aug 2024 at 12:34pm

Hi Pop Down, how about explaining this tin foil hat "Deep State" you keep referring to. It seems like anything Trump and the republicans don't agree with is conveniently blamed on this clandestine faceless group of civil servants in the CIA, FBI, and DOJ. etc. who they claim are pulling all the Govt's strings. Trump says he will dismantle this "Deep State" and replace it with his own stooges. So basically, he just wants this so-called Deep State to do his own bidding instead of the democrats. Cheers.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Saturday, 24 Aug 2024 at 1:01pm
soggydog wrote:

Where do you think the profits go to Indo?

Are you suggesting that the top five gas/oil companies in Australia that are i believe all Australian owned profits all go to the USA?

Someone even mentioned the bight oil/gas even trying to link that to Trump, but that was Equinor a Norway owned company and its no longer going ahead.

It just seems like this whole oil/gas conversation is only really relevant to this thread if we are purely talking about USA fracking etc.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Saturday, 24 Aug 2024 at 1:17pm

republicans totally are roadkill

always have been...

dems not so much

they always appeared the more rational, honest, scientific of the two

now not so much...

more dogmatic and religious about everything!

as a whole...

lying about everything

ffs, that chick that runs pbs or npr in the states even openly admitted

'truth gets in the way of the agenda'

it's a new paradigm, an indoctrination from contemporary education...

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Saturday, 24 Aug 2024 at 1:28pm

and the internet has triggered them off the deep end...

lost control of the narrative

so they just go harder than ever

I'll still vote for em...

but fuck me, the disrespect and disdain they display for the general public is next level

the mask has fallen

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Saturday, 24 Aug 2024 at 1:30pm


we need it

for transition

but also because of russia / ukraine and china

we can do it without fracking

much infrastructure already in place

just need albo to not be a pussy

and labor not be climate change cult populists...

if trump... (and now kamala... now there's a flip flopper!) want to frack the environment...

good luck to em

we don't need to

soggydog's picture
soggydog's picture
soggydog Saturday, 24 Aug 2024 at 1:43pm

Much of the profits go straight into foreign coffers, Chevron, Exxon, Shell. They use US hegemony to protect their interests at the expense of local economies. That’s why AUKUS and allowing troop build up in Australia is a problem. Not only do they control the flow of wealth from our natural resources they are increasing their military presence and ability to protect it.
I believe that agency’s and especially the CIA are not really acting in the National interests more so the protection of assets acquired and co-operating governments of foreign nations for the sole purpose of wealth extraction. On behalf of corporations not US citizens. ( look into Allan Dulles and John Foster Dulles if you need to know the origins)
That’s not even getting into the woods in regard to the danger this increased military buildup and anti China, Russia, Iran rhetoric from the US is placing Australians in.
That’s just what I think.

So who’s addressing that. Trump? Kamala? Nobody?

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Saturday, 24 Aug 2024 at 2:30pm

easy to write off kennedy as a crackpot

also, easy to appreciate he's seen how the inner workings of washington power works and knows a thing or two...

pretty hard to disagree with any of this

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indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Saturday, 24 Aug 2024 at 2:36pm

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Saturday, 24 Aug 2024 at 2:47pm

Hello Old Dog

U seem 2 have the Deep State worked out , quite well .

They sure are a Shady lot !

If Trump puts in Kennedy , as Head of the CIA , Kennedy may stay there 4 a while and Change its culture .

Trump then has to Go , in 4 years .

Imagine if we had The Deep State , running the show here .

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Saturday, 24 Aug 2024 at 5:40pm

Don’t hold your breath waiting for PD to answer anything, old-dog. He word salads a lot but anything of substance or an educated reply is out of PD’s ability. Its just classic avoidance.

old-dog's picture
old-dog's picture
old-dog Saturday, 24 Aug 2024 at 6:04pm

He seems harmless enough despite his total butchering of the English language.

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Saturday, 24 Aug 2024 at 6:26pm

Not really a lot of policy put out by team Harris. Kind of matching not a lot of policy put out by team Trump. An election based off personality.

Juliang's picture
Juliang's picture
Juliang Saturday, 24 Aug 2024 at 8:31pm

@ Seeds ,
No I should have clarified, someone else told me I should read more, even if they only had BBC opinions

Juliang's picture
Juliang's picture
Juliang Saturday, 24 Aug 2024 at 8:39pm

@ Popdown
Its not just me who wants to see an end to fossil fuels
It’s the rest of the world who see glaciers melting, Barrier reefs dying,sea level rising , beach erosion, houses toppling.
Yes you’re right it is a waste of time, debating this with someone who is perennially trying to disprove what is actually happening.

Juliang's picture
Juliang's picture
Juliang Saturday, 24 Aug 2024 at 9:02pm

@ Spykans
I’m not saying Trump wants to drill the Bight, but he’s policies will make fossil fuels more viable for investors into the future .
Oil companies have definitely been looking at the Bight in the past, and who’s to say they won’t have another look , depending on world politics?
If you don’t think global warming is one of the most important issues of our time, then maybe you should spend more time looking into it

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Saturday, 24 Aug 2024 at 9:13pm


U are right !

In loo of any jots POPPING Down, I will try to field this...

on his B half - thank U

PD thinks a global crisis is NOT seeing the TRUE world Vu

like, now the rain has gone, as they may say !

(PD has been wrong, and artesian basins keep faces clean, important, IMHO)

She loves us seeing UP her ever giving cloaca !

Legs spread, waiting for us to inhale... Crazed God Gifts !

Euphrosyne gives us an Unending Ocean of generosity

We R just a plaything ! and there is nothing SHE likes more

Than positivity, smoke, hellfire and piffle IMHO !

(^ just playing @PD, no disrespect, just a boring-evening exercise (choir song posted you might dig) xxb6 : )

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Saturday, 24 Aug 2024 at 10:35pm

dang. missed the spaces between commas and full stops. was a fun try tho. you sure got a style @PoppaD ; )

Juliang's picture
Juliang's picture
Juliang Saturday, 24 Aug 2024 at 10:54pm


@ Spykan says Trump almost disrespected US veterans. Take it up with these guys then

Juliang's picture
Juliang's picture
Juliang Saturday, 24 Aug 2024 at 11:13pm

@Spykan skilfully changes the subject from gas to Kennedy , when he’s challenged, like Lionel Messi zig zagging around defenders!

Juliang's picture
Juliang's picture
Juliang Saturday, 24 Aug 2024 at 11:24pm

@ basesix
Totally agree with the points that I understood,

seeds's picture
seeds's picture
seeds Saturday, 24 Aug 2024 at 11:40pm
Juliang wrote:

@ Seeds ,
No I should have clarified, someone else told me I should read more, even if they only had BBC opinions

All good. I was picking up what you were putting down!

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Saturday, 24 Aug 2024 at 11:41pm

nice of you @ juliang, not sure I understand Pop Down's drift sometimes, just playing about with his stylised syntax tonight. @Pop Down is a refreshing aberration to some of the tribalism that goes down here, he has very firm outlooks and world views, but also reflects, concedes, and compromises in the spirit of fellowship. And total surfer; takes time to say nice, calm things to people when he thinks they might appreciate it.

wax24's picture
wax24's picture
wax24 Sunday, 25 Aug 2024 at 12:01am
