Anzac spirit dead ?

Can't kiwis access medical treatment in OZ ?
So what happens if they're in a car crash when they're over here ?
Surely it's all free ?

Had no idea about the disparity till I checked a few links. This article has a timeline of how the visa has changed over the years:
However, it doesn't say why it's changed. The big one, the changes made in 2001 coincide with children overboard and Little Winston's people smuggling campaign so maybe it's connected with that? Boat people coming into Oz via NZ, maybe?
Whatever, the inquity is glaring.
What's your take Inzider?

Kiwis are still allowed to be used as cannon fodder alongside Aussies in ridiculous wars though ?
What more do you want ?

Sorry , NZ , but I don't believe your claim about the hundreds of U.K. people in Queenstown.
Surely 99.99999 percent of the UK is already in Perth ? I doubt there'd be hundreds left anywhere outside of WA .
Can't kiwis use the same visa path as any other nationality to get into Oz ?
Think how close we were to being a single nation !

it's pretty simple. ANZAC includes NZ. kiwis and aussies are brothers and sisters. we are one.

Maybe it has something to do with lots of Kiwis wanting to come to Australia as better pay rates etc.
While you would imagine the number of Aussies wanting to go to NZ is fairly low as wages not great but according to my Kiwi brother inlay and sister, housing and living cost are still quite high.
So there could be a problem with NZ losing skilled workers coming to Aussie.
So NZ would be happy to attract Aussies to NZ, but no offence Australia doesn't really need more Kiwis, i don't mean that in a negative way, but just that we don't need to encourage them to come here, but for NZ there could be advantages to encourage Aussies to go there. (as mentioned in particular skilled workers)
So i guess policy could reflect this instead of being a reciprocal type thing.

Additional to Stu's comment and link my memory tells me Howard wanted to crack down on the number Kiwi's coming over here and getting welfare payments. I think at the time the NZ economy was poor and Australia's was good (Hawke/Keating reforms & mining boom #1). Reckon a certain conservative media group (ok Murdoch) was running a line that great numbers of Kiwis were rocking up here and getting the dole and Howard was never one for letting a cheap political opportunity go.
Couple other points (1.) I love NZ and would happily live there. Been there many many times and always come back here wondering why I didn't stay. (2.) inzider; your new photo; with teeth like that are you sure you aren't British? ;)

Hhhhmmm maybe there is some link but Im not totally convinced on the backdoor thing if talking about refugees.
Refugees want to come to Australia because its a safe developed country with all the perks of a good social security system, medical system, education system, good employment good wages, high quality of living and much opportunity.
Doesn't New Zealand also have all these things?
(okay wages are a little lower but still very good on a world scale)
I don't see the point of a refugee bypassing NZ to get to Australia after they had already been settled there.
Our fear or our governments fear about resettling those in offshore detention in NZ when they offered to take some was more about politics and more about the effect that if we said yes, it would signal to others that if they arrive by boat and get incepted and put in detention they would get to NZ a developed country, when the reality is its more likely it would be a one off deal, but still it could easily have triggered an influx of boats and could have meant being back at square one with putting a similar amount of people in detention as we just offloaded to NZ
And yeah i guess there was probably some fear that some would eventually end up in Australia and the opposing government would use it against the party who allowed the NZ transfer, because we have said all along they wont end up in Australia.
I dont know about how refugee plane arrivals work in NZ but in Australia refugees who arrive by plane can only get a temporary protection visa which doesn't entitle them to permanent residency or to become Australian.
I don't know how NZ deals with plane arrivals but maybe there could be a fear that they could land in NZ tick all the boxes in NZ then move on to Australia and be entitled to permeant residency and citizenship..
But again I'm not sure if it would be a well founded fear seeing you would expect the refugees would have what they want or need in NZ.
But who knows?

Wasn't there a beat up about the welfare disparity being paid i.e. $100 mil paid to kiwis living in Bondi to sell drugs and $100 being paid to some Aussie lost in Queenstown?
Have met a few people who have migrated through the NZ back door and ended up in WA I think that door is being squeezed shut as well.
To be honest I think the Kiwis bring more to Oz than they take and lets face it they have better genes and aren't as hung up and those Tasmanians and we let them in why not Kiwis....

Yep Inzider 100% agree.
It's just like how Canada doesn't have the same issues that the USA has with it's southern neighbours.
It's the reason Canada and New Zealand can have very different policy on these kind of issues than Australia and USA.

That's good news hopefully in time we can close the detention centres and move on, now we have learnt our lesson.

hello every body,
i heard that, 30% of bloody kiwi's, live here in Australia ?, ( for God's sake don't quote me on that ). workin around like i do, i have come across,.... more than one kiwi, some of the white one's, try & tell me that, us Australian's, don't know how good that we have it, well i know more than one Maori/ kiwi, & not one of them have dribbled that crap to me. it sound's like abit of a switharoo, to me, ( again don't quote me on that ). i reckon us Australian's should head to NZ for a holiday, instead of stinkin bali.

as soon as some idiot, tries ta say to me, that there is a skill shortage in Australia, i know instantly, that they are, uneducated, out of touch, & a complete fuckin liar. take that back... or simple go back to New Zealand & let my Maori mates deal with ya.

I would guess that the disparity in access to education/welfare was, at the time, a mutually agreeable between AUS and NZ governments.

na, i don't think so ! it's more like kiwi's lookin for a easier, way of life. well guess what ? it has all switched around............. ya may find afew Aussie's tellin ya how it actually is... like now, & for real..... switcharoo.... ya should of stayed at home ... & done the right thing to begin with...... like years ago... it's alittle late now eh ....champ. alot of kiwis are scared to go back home, cause of fines & fuck ups that they have created..... yeah, those dramas are still waitin for ya back home, in lovely NZ. ya cannot even hide in our north/west anymore champ! oh shit yeah. NZ crank's & the waves are great.... eh champ.

just as i suspected.... another baker.............. how are the sheep goin, shall we round them up..... ya got ya gum boot's on there champ, grab a shovel, let us watch ya dig....

and what did we learn?

What surprises me about New Zealand, from what i hear from my sister and brother inlay is that property prices are crazy and still rising. (maybe not all areas?)
They lived here in Oz moved back a few years ago for the lifestyle and bought a place, but they just found the cost of living to high compared to what they were earning so moved back to Oz, so they sold their place for a lot more than they paid last year, but apparently since then things have risen even higher.
So whats driving these property price increases?
Do they allow negative gearing? or foreigners to buy?

Speculative bubble underpinned by large scale immigration and foreign buyers.
Same as here.

And i thought Aus was becoming an expensive place to live....hate politicians.......cuntz

It's called globalisation .
This situation is not an unintended consequence.

it might be a consequence of neoliberliasm, not globalsisation.
at least that's what the hundred odd essays i'm marking at the moment claim -- neoliberalism is a better term to describe what is often referred to as globalisation.
anyway, i better get back to it...hope the rest of you are enjoying this supposedly glorious long weekend.

Yep you gotta link globalisation with neoliberalism in this context.

Did someone mention globalisation and neoliberalism?
Tribes? the plonkers at One Nation are now polling 18% of the vote in Queensland thanks to the bleeding of votes from the two majors.
ps the dawn patrol was tasty today

And it won't stop there if they don't get a clue soon.
More Sally McManus , less Bill Shorten for Labor.
LNP can just fuck right off.
Sweet rain here today for the first time in months. Surf was glassy , but I'll let the holiday punters have it.

Reckon One Nation's base is and will be for the foreseeable future the party of the plonkers from FNQ.
They failed dismally in the recent WA election where their preferences flowed 60/40 to the Liberals and Labor.
This high court citizenship testing for Malcolm Roberts. By all accounts he's gone and the next number down for One Nation now has bankruptcy issues disqualifying him from parliament!
If anyone cares to read their website they will see its been clagged together by a preschooler with a talent for cut and paste and some broken crayons.
I wish One Nation was a credible 3rd force with properly considered policies but they aren't.
Speaking about FNQ & poor thinking .... 4 Corners tonight exposes Adani to be the environmental vandals they are in India.

Guy said -" I wish One Nation was a credible 3rd force with properly considered policies but they aren't."
So do I .
It's like choosing between shit , piss or vomit for dinner.
Quite often I'll be talking to someone and we'll be stunned at how the USA , a country of 320,000,000,000 people was reduced to the choice between Trump and Clinton as their leader. Neither of whom you'd consider trusting with the takings from a scout group car wash , let alone to run the country.
But then you realise that Australia has put itself into this position where our choices are not too dissimilar.
How did this happen ?

if that red head/ air head, gets into, even state power, i am going to NZ, & never comin back. i reckon we could convince that poor excuse for a polly, to jumb in that dodgy little airplane of, ( HERS ) & fly it ta bali..... tell that moron to fly into the clouds.... no that's not volcanic dust love keep flyin....

checkmetypo..... jumb.... classic stuff. i was mean't ta say jump.... but" jumb", maybe, word of the month..... watch it catch on........... poetry in motion.......

If people are getting upset about the energy companies exporting our LNG and forcing us to buy it back at world's highest prices , wait till we are facing the similar situation only it's food being exported to the world whilst Australians are paying through the nose at the checkout .....if we are lucky.
China's stake in Australian an agricultural land has increased 1000 percent in a single year. Worse than multinational companies that are about cash , they are state owned and are all about furthering Chinese interests before Australia's interest , regardless of profit margins.
Good luck getting your Minister - on - the - take du jour to negotiate with them once the deals are done and Australian's are looking at food shortages.
And that 1000 percent increase ?
That's with the foreign ownership programme whereby registration is based on the honesty system. Fines for non compliance to a whopping $9000 . You just know that the Chinese state would be shitting themselves over a $9000 deductible of course.

so true, every time we hear a polly, talking about handing stuff over to the private sector, we all know that they are being paid off, & being bloody lazy. simply palming off, high quality resources, land, food etc, to one of there " pretend mate's". just alittle hand shake & a re feathered nest, for acouple of scammer's. the export market sux shit, when was the last time ya ate some abalone, or a crayfish ? yep, prices, will continue to go up, due to out of touch pollys ,& mismanagement .

Nationalism & Patriotism are basically dead in general across all of oz and the ANZAC spirit died with it.
A combination of globalization, piss weak governance and a failure from our leadership at addressing divisions that exist in our country and making hard decisions killed it off. If they lead by example and give us a something we can be proud of maybe it'll return.
I'm clueless as to why NZ isn't celebrated as family, I get the impression that NZ is doing all the heavy lifting in the relationship.

The attempt to kill nationalism and any feeling of identity associated with being an Australian was a premeditated attack on the solidarity of our society.
Divide and conquer the people and they're easier to manipulate.
It's a strategy in action throughout most Western nations.
That's why China et al are powering - a sense of national unity.
The completely farcical straw man argument that nationalism is a direct path to the utter abhorrence of fascism as represented by nazi Germany is swallowed by the gullible , unfortunately.
Despite the glaring success of every other nation to not succumb to Nazi style politics , this tactic is still peddled by those that would divide us.
No one mentions the 500 odd indigenous nations when discussing the disgusting bigotry of nationhood . Funny that.

"The attempt to kill nationalism and any feeling of identity associated with being an Australian was a premeditated attack on the solidarity of our society."
No it wasn't, it was the result of globalisation and adopting an outward looking worldview.
Be careful invoking China as a model to aspire to, unless oppression, state control, and forced civil servitude is also on your agenda.

It's a slippery slope isn't it. When people hark back to the good ol' days of grand nationalism 50,80,100 years back there was obviously the glare of propaganda floating through the whole mess. China uses the same tool today and censorship is obviously the only thing that allows it to work in the digital age.
I'd like to think we have a better eye for it these days, but hey I could be wrong. I'm spoonfed the same drivel as everyone else at the end of the day.
Rather than political "leaders" we seem to be more likely to receive "managers" these days. And the quality of those is obviosuly questionable also. A whole parliament full of slippery fish sharing the same spine amongst themselves.
I can't imagine today's youth getting behind this nation/government when its thrown them off the proverbial cliff.

And you think globalism wasn't premeditated ?
It's possible to have an outward looking worldview , even overt multiculturalism without attacking the sense of identity associated with the defined community that the concept of a nation promotes.
Celebrate our commonality rather than our divergence.
Take pride in the collective achievements of our nation rather than despising it for its shortcomings.
One doesn't have to be blind to the positives or negatives of Australia or its history, in fact it's beneficial to acknowledge and learn from every situation.
It's evenhandedness that's required.

@blowin - agree completely on the "whitenoise" strategy of dumbing us all down. 3 hours of reality tv every goddam fucking night and the saddest bit is people are actually watching it. Rather than "divide & conquer" I'd go as far as "distract & conquer". It's so effective its embarrassing.

China is in no way a political system to emulate . But I think the collective focus of China is an inarguably benefit to its society.
And do you think that it's nationalism that is responsible for oppression , state control and civil servitude ?
I'd contend that just as Australia moves from nationalism we are edging closer to all of those things.
A kiwi can live in Australia on a special category visa with literally less rights than a refugee, An Australian can rock into NZ and have access to healthcare, education, welfare and after 12 months of residency can vote. I feel the Anzac spirit is dead at a federal level.
Why has this happened
I have my own ideas on how this evolved, any swillnutters care to share their opinion.