The United States(!) of A

factotum's picture
factotum started the topic in Thursday, 27 Aug 2020 at 11:12am

Septic Tanks are going to Septic Tank

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Friday, 26 Jul 2024 at 6:24am
Roadkill wrote:

USA thread becomes Israeli thread…such a shame as the USA thread was interesting and adult like with quality chat.

US foreign policy is entwined with Israel and heavily influenced by Israeli lobby groups. AIPAC donates huge amounts of $$ to US pollies on both side.
Here's some US citizens talking...
@burleigh would these people be lying?

Anyway I agree , let's talk about dogs.
Mine's a little legend, friendliest little mutt ever.

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Friday, 26 Jul 2024 at 7:47am






ashsam's picture
ashsam's picture
ashsam Friday, 26 Jul 2024 at 7:59am

Interesting few pages.

Don't start me on cats, just had a relo live with us for 2 years with her cat. Took over the joint.
Lucky we have a mostly placid Cavalier he just ignored it ;)

SR another dummy spit ;) Anyone that doesn't agree with him is a troll and shouldn't be on the internet. lol ;)

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Friday, 26 Jul 2024 at 8:05am





andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Friday, 26 Jul 2024 at 8:25am

burleigh's picture
burleigh's picture
burleigh Friday, 26 Jul 2024 at 8:44am

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Friday, 26 Jul 2024 at 8:54am

Reckon the Dogs are surfing better.

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Friday, 26 Jul 2024 at 9:23am

This thread sure has gone to the Dogs of War , lately .

It needs a nice shower , twice Daily perhaps , to focus on the Fight for the Whitehouse .

As TBB kindly pointed out , it's the Presidents of the US , that start wars .

I thought Trumpy would Blast the Iranian nuke facilities off the Map , 4 fn sure .

Again , he was different .

He is Up against the same OLD Democrat Party .

The Group that Stage Manages , Everything .

The Party that needs BLM , to tell them to have a democratic election for Harris ffs lol and not be a bunch of tyrants !

A party that Unanimously agreed that Biden , was their Only Delegate worthy and wanting to run , in 2024 , how handy .

He could do another 4 years , no worries !!!

They managed to get KH the VP gig .

Got Joe to Resign from running to run the country , but to keep running the country for another 6 months , as his running is running smoothly atm .

Getting their Media to say KH is cool , no Borderline Tzar .

A Clean Cat , no fur balls stuck anywhere .

They got their corrupted DOJ to hound Trump , relentlessly .

Trying to Ensure , everyone else has Trump Syndrome and views this ONE ,as the End of Elections , End of Democracy , The Last Hockaponkas haha , the end of Civization , as WE know it .

The barbarian is @ the gate , Kill or be killed .

I can't believe they get away with it .

All Hoccus poke US !

Kamala Harris , elected and selected by a Democratic Party , the Best Person to Run and Unite a wonderful Country , that Leads the whole World .

Give HER your vote , she ( we ) deserves it .

The Americans can be really gullible .

The Democrats need a Sanders or a Kennedy , not a Clinton , to clean their House .

Trump will try and clean up the Dems and Rep , Swamp dwellers .

He won't increase the numbers in the Supreme Court .

He doesn't start Wars , he is NO fn Tyrant .

IF he wins , he is gone in 4 years .

He is a Muppet , but he sure is the BEST Muppet that's Up 4 election imho .

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Friday, 26 Jul 2024 at 9:28am

2 legends here.
Justice, Equality and Peace.

AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Friday, 26 Jul 2024 at 10:28am
adam12 wrote:
seeds wrote:
adam12 wrote:
seeds wrote:

Our cat can’t accept we are not giving him anymore so he mauls the bread we forget to put away far too often.
Hungry gutted mongrel!

Ha! Thing about mine is it won't eat any meat based cat food, gotta be tuna, not salmon, fucking tuna only thanks. Gets very pissy when I grab the meat one by mistake and serve it up.
I woke up the other night to her licking me then giving me a nip, right on the neck, like I tasted good and she wanted a mouthful. If I ever had a heart attack and dropped dead, I reckon she'd be feeding on me that day! So yeah, carnivores, but quirky ones.

Haha you fishy A12?
Our cat is a Devon Rex. Bloody classic breed. Dogs of the cat world.

Ha. Fishy?, probably, live alone, can go days without showering because who gives a fuck, and I also don't use soaps or shampoo and conditioner, just water. Only on my hands and face for soaps. (There is a method behind the madness.) So I probably smell more fruity than fishy, maybe a combination. I had been surfing that day so probably tasted salty to Cuddles the cat.
I have met a Devon Rex cat in the past and you are right, not quite a dog but not really very cat like either. small heads and big ears and the one I knew was quite mad. Cool cats though.

Adam12. How’s things mate ?

I hope you, your brother and your father are going ok.

Strange time in life hey, as little ones we come into the world being spoon fed and basically go out in much the same manner.
I’m sure the times with your brother and father are treasured ones at present.

Hard work looking after elderly ones, especially the ones you love.

I/you/we often look at our parents ( mine, mid 80’s) and we see in their faces all that’s gone before them, you wonder what they’re thinking, or if they are actually thinking much at all.
You periodically reflect on their lives and your own, I know I do.

I’ve come to realisation that I spend a lot of time when with them, time travelling in a rapid mental space, chronologically going back over our lives and the various stages of it. Mostly happy ones I must say.

Primary stages of being dependent on them, secondary stages becoming independent in your late teens, maturation stage as you marry, have kids, they become grandparents, another phase.

We become older men ourselves, passing 60 and in some cases becoming grandparents ourselves, underlying all this is a family connection/bond that keeps the glue together.

I’ve often thought as we look at our parents and watch their plight, I wonder what they are thinking about how their children turned out.
Did I/we do a good job, are they sound citizens and did they turn out in a way that would make them feel warm and fuzzy on the inside.

Whatever happens to your father in the future, I’m sure he would’ve been proud of his children.
From the little I know about you, you appear to be a very intelligent person who always speaks with care and purpose.
I think you are a cracking guy.

On the filth front.

Mirror, mirror on the wall. Who is the dirtiest/ cleanest of them all ?

The Adam12/AW or AW/Adam12 Chimera.

What you recently wrote about your hygiene status is straight from my template.
I live alone also, share a dog with the ex.

I’ve never fallen for all the marketing bullshit of personal cleaning or household cleaning products.
Most people buy them because of the bullshit on the usually pictorial label, peel the label off, what are you left with inside the vessel, you wouldn’t know.
Market brainwashing.

I don’t use soap, shampoo, conditioner, dishwashing liquid, clothes washing liquids, nothing. The ocean is my bath and shower.
I use basic chemistry, water is the best available solvent ( don’t believe me, take a look at the Grand Canyon/Colorado River, I rest my case).
The best cleaning product is my ‘elbow grease’, all that’s required is effort, muscle and water.

If you have to wash something, use bicarbonate soda, need something acidic, use acetic acid ( vinegar) or soak a heap of oranges for a week and strain for a cleaning fluid.
If I’ve got cooking pots that need a good scrub, I’ve a small bucket of fine white sand.

We are conned through the drug of the nation TV , magazines and radio.

Take a look under your kitchen sink and bathroom cupboards, look at all those products you’ve been conned into buying.
It’s a fair summation of one’s self.

Ah, the irony, whilst writing this diatribe, Nina Simone’s excellent song Sinnerman is playing away in the background. Life’s great.AW

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Friday, 26 Jul 2024 at 11:02am

Wonderful post AW , that will require a bit more reflection .

My mother still tries to Mother me 2 much .

She worries about me 2 much , always has .

A Fountain of suggestions , 4 all her family .

There are NO Black Sheep in HER family !

She knows Adam 12 and his brother .

The dad is just like the boys , in some ways .

The Mum , the sensible one , like so many families .

Adams brother would shower regularly , like me , at least , once a day at least , but is like Adam , cool and not smelly .

My mum would not be surprised , if Adams Cat does EAT him , if he kicks the bucket , after marinating for a few days .

The Cat has already taken a bite/taste of his neck and Pinky comes 2 mind !

Don't sleep naked Adam12 ( what dreams you must have :) dirty , with a pussy imho !

Cleanliness is next too .... ( I am a Virgo ) .

adam12's picture
adam12's picture
adam12 Friday, 26 Jul 2024 at 11:43am

Thank you for those kind thoughts. I relate to everything you said, like I wrote a lot of it myself.
The boys are doing ok, considering, And yes, there is a lot of reflecting that happens watching your parents age. They nurse you into life and you nurse them at the end of theirs.
It's funny, when my mum got sick I dropped everything and went to care for her and now it is my brother doing the same for my dad. We never even discussed it, it's just the way things turned out. My dad is hard work for him at times and my brother has always been so kind and generous a person his whole life, a bit the opposite to me, and a very funny guy, no one gets a laugh out of me like he can.
It was always very important to my old man that we brothers were always good mates, my brother is and always has been my best mate, probably the only person I really trust in the whole world. It's a gift I treasure more as I get older. I know brothers whose relationships haven't lasted the journey of life, it's a sad thing to watch. I'm very lucky, there is nothing like the bond between loving brothers, I couldn't imagine my life without him.
As for soap free living, that idea actually started in my mind back in the 80's when Bob Geldolf did that Live Aid concert. I read about him not using soap, I think he didn't even shower and it stuck in my mind. I thought "Yuk, how disgusting, dude must stink like a tip". 20 years or more later I started reading about people shunning soaps and detergents and how your skin is a living organ that creates it's own bacterial protection with the underarm as the engine room, and how using soaps and detergents and shampoo etc. actually breaks down that protective layer, how underarm body odour is actually that engine room working overtime to replace what was being stripped off your skin by all the soaping and cleaning.
It was a bit of an evolution but I eventually, with a bit of research, arrived at where I am today, no soap, no shampoo, no deodorants, etc. I haven't washed my hair with those products for many years now and you know what,. it's the same as it ever was. The no soap underarming took a bit longer, you definitely stink for a while as your body readjusts and the underarm motor does it's thing, but it was amazing once it kicked in. No BO, I know many would find it hard to believe and think I'm just used to my own smell, but it's real.
So Bob Geldolf and I have two things in common, I don't like Mondays either, and we both don't use soaps
Anyway, I hijacked this thread last night and helped spin the nastiness that was going on into a discussion all can find common ground on, dogs and cats, a bit on purpose, so I should shut up now and let the boys carry on with it.
Thanks again @AW, sun's out, wind's offshore, nice straight little swell and the tide's filling in about to cover my little rockpile right at my local that I know no one, or not too many, will be on.
Hope (know) you've been getting amongst it.
Life is good!

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Friday, 26 Jul 2024 at 12:43pm


AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Friday, 26 Jul 2024 at 1:41pm
Supafreak wrote:


Supafreak. Hi mate.

I have to say I crack up nearly everytime you post these pics.

Where are they from ? The net I suppose.

You always find the ones that instantaneously make me laugh. Good stuff. AW

zenagain's picture
zenagain's picture
zenagain Friday, 26 Jul 2024 at 2:26pm

If It's about dogs or cats, I'll chime in any day.

Hygeiene-wise I haven't used shampoo for 40 odd years but I still use soap on my body. Haven't worn/bought a pair of undies for close to that too. Commando all the way.

I have a great relationship with my brothers. They're my best mates and among the few people in this world I trust.

Island Bay's picture
Island Bay's picture
Island Bay Friday, 26 Jul 2024 at 2:32pm

Don't have any brothers, but otherwise full agreement here, haha!

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Friday, 26 Jul 2024 at 3:10pm

@Aw , yeah I like a good laugh, especially at myself and I thought that last pic was appropriate for what you were talking about . Anyway how good is this kid’s school transport.

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Friday, 26 Jul 2024 at 3:36pm

Report: my Labrador smashed a bag of rubbish last night eating every piece of pealing from a vegetarian lasagna, apple cores and banana skins. Very pleased with himself he was and wasn’t having a bar of being told he was a naughty boy, licking my face as I was cleaning up the uneaten rubbish!!

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Friday, 26 Jul 2024 at 3:50pm
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Friday, 26 Jul 2024 at 4:40pm
Supafreak wrote:

@Aw , yeah I like a good laugh, especially at myself and I thought that last pic was appropriate for what you were talking about . Anyway how good is this kid’s school transport.

So good Supafreak. AW

AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Friday, 26 Jul 2024 at 4:52pm
zenagain wrote:

If It's about dogs or cats, I'll chime in any day.

Hygeiene-wise I haven't used shampoo for 40 odd years but I still use soap on my body. Haven't worn/bought a pair of undies for close to that too. Commando all the way.

I have a great relationship with my brothers. They're my best mates and among the few people in this world I trust.

Zenagain. Hi mate. I hope you and yours are fine.

Agree mate, I’m the oldest, my first youngest brother is one of my best mates of all, he’s got a similar bent (biological) to myself, he’s a school teacher and a bit of a polymath,
Teaches, English, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, ecology and so on.
Always works at a school where he can walk or ride a bike to work., has done all his working life.

Similar habits to Adam12 and myself, strips life right back to bare basics and reality. Never fooled by the marketing of the cleansing elite manufacturers .
Staunch shopper at recycled clothing shops.

Once rocked up to a wedding with a collared shirt with woven print on the lapel, Wangaratta Netball Association 1993. He simply doesn’t care what others think of him, nor do I.
Other brother lives on a Bass Strait Island, the good one. He’s much the same.

We’d only speak 3 times per year, but the trustful bond is still there. AW

adam12's picture
adam12's picture
adam12 Friday, 26 Jul 2024 at 4:54pm

@Guy. Aah, Labradors, such sweet and lovable dogs, and smart. No wonder they use them as guide dogs. But the appetite! I reckon they would eat themselves to death given the chance.

Now regarding pet dogs and the topic of this thread, it seems old mate Orange Don is having a bit of buyers remorse in relation to his new pet dog JD Vance. Seen reports Trump is not too happy with some of Vance's unhinged oratory in his recent appearances, which is saying something considering some of Don's own unhinged rambles of late. To wit, his strange obsession with Hannibal Lecter...
As Steven Colbert asked his audience the other night "Why the hell did Trump pick him?"
In an election where women's reproductive rights seems to be a very live issue, and where surveys show over 60% of Americans favor the right to choose, it seems to pick a running mate like Vance, inexperienced, from a State Trump will easily win, and a rabid pro life nutter, is not so wise a move.
When asked "why Vance?", Trumps reply was "He liked me the most".
And I say pro life nutter because he is extreme in his anti abortion views. He wants them illegal, full stop, including cases of incest and rape. No exceptions, no rights for women to determine what happens to their own bodies. He wants to jail anyone traveling interstate for an abortion and, FMD, wants to monitor women's cycles to determine if a woman is missing her periods and may be a "flight risk" to travel interstate for a procedure.
Who the fuck does this cunt think he is???
He is also advocating that people who have children should be allowed to vote extra times on behalf of their children.
There is more, there is a video of him being abusive to his wife, a leaked home security video taken in his backyard, that was circulating on twitter last year, I saw it myself when I'd never heard of him. I expect that will surface at some stage, it should, his behavior was pretty nasty. I'm surprised it hasn't come out already.
Also read that "A vast majority of Black Americans trust Kamala Harris and distrust Donald Trump – 71% compared to 5% – according to the largest-known survey of Black Americans since the Reconstruction era."
I think Trump is in trouble.
Particularly with the African Americans, latinos and women.
But mostly with women.
I think the sisters are going to end Trump.

AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Friday, 26 Jul 2024 at 5:09pm
adam12 wrote:

@Guy. Aah, Labradors, such sweet and lovable dogs, and smart. No wonder they use them as guide dogs. But the appetite! I reckon they would eat themselves to death given the chance.

Now regarding pet dogs and the topic of this thread, it seems old mate Orange Don is having a bit of buyers remorse in relation to his new pet dog JD Vance. Seen reports Trump is not too happy with some of Vance's unhinged oratory in his recent appearances, which is saying something considering some of Don's own unhinged rambles of late. To wit, his strange obsession with Hannibal Lecter...
As Steven Colbert asked his audience the other night "Why the hell did Trump pick him?"
In an election where women's reproductive rights seems to be a very live issue, and where surveys show over 60% of Americans favor the right to choose, it seems to pick a running mate like Vance, inexperienced, from a State Trump will easily win, and a rabid pro life nutter, is not so wise a move.
When asked "why Vance?", Trumps reply was "He liked me the most".
And I say pro life nutter because he is extreme in his anti abortion views. He wants them illegal, full stop, including cases of incest and rape. No exceptions, no rights for women to determine what happens to their own bodies. He wants to jail anyone traveling interstate for an abortion and, FMD, wants to monitor women's cycles to determine if a woman is missing her periods and may be a "flight risk" to travel interstate for a procedure.
Who the fuck does this cunt think he is???
He is also advocating that people who have children should be allowed to vote extra times on behalf of their children.
There is more, there is a video of him being abusive to his wife, a leaked home security video taken in his backyard, that was circulating on twitter last year, I saw it myself when I'd never heard of him. I expect that will surface at some stage, it should, his behavior was pretty nasty. I'm surprised it hasn't come out already.
Also read that "A vast majority of Black Americans trust Kamala Harris and distrust Donald Trump – 71% compared to 5% – according to the largest-known survey of Black Americans since the Reconstruction era."
I think Trump is in trouble.
Particularly with the African Americans, latinos and women.
But mostly with women.
I think the sisters are going to end Trump.

Adam12. Hi. Trump, gonsky.

You could say,…..,,,,,,,,,

“The Sisters are Doing It For Themselves “. AW

zenagain's picture
zenagain's picture
zenagain Friday, 26 Jul 2024 at 5:11pm

All true Adam, but they have to get off their arses to vote first.

I reckon it'll be a Trump win (not that I'm advocating that) and it'll come down to 'but i thought you voted?'

Your lab sounds like a beauty Guy. We just have to stay on top of the cat toilets cause the brown Ninja has a thing for cat nuggets.

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Friday, 26 Jul 2024 at 5:31pm

^ haha @zen.... 'the brown Ninja', it's amazing what they'll seek out ;) Cat nuggets are particularly potent, what a beast!

- my mate's brown lab has a penchant for consuming plastic bags wtf? .... he's eaten plants, probly coz of fresh fertilized soil, gone thru a bag of raw potatoes (wtf again) and even a hesham sack.

- had to take care of our neighbour's wolfhound for last school hols and the thing ate roo poo like pacman hitting dots.... We were amazed - two big families of roos take over our front lawn each evening and leave a good minefield of nugs - the mutt hoovered a 20 x 40m patch of lawn in bout 2mins flat for brekky.

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Friday, 26 Jul 2024 at 5:48pm

Cat “truffles” are a well known Lab treat @zen :( … along with rabbit and possum poo :((

A neighbour’s Lab nickname is Hover because of his dietary habits!!

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Friday, 26 Jul 2024 at 5:46pm
adam12 wrote:

@Guy. Aah, Labradors, such sweet and lovable dogs, and smart. No wonder they use them as guide dogs. But the appetite! I reckon they would eat themselves to death given the chance.

Now regarding pet dogs and the topic of this thread, it seems old mate Orange Don is having a bit of buyers remorse in relation to his new pet dog JD Vance. Seen reports Trump is not too happy with some of Vance's unhinged oratory in his recent appearances, which is saying something considering some of Don's own unhinged rambles of late. To wit, his strange obsession with Hannibal Lecter...
As Steven Colbert asked his audience the other night "Why the hell did Trump pick him?"
In an election where women's reproductive rights seems to be a very live issue, and where surveys show over 60% of Americans favor the right to choose, it seems to pick a running mate like Vance, inexperienced, from a State Trump will easily win, and a rabid pro life nutter, is not so wise a move.
When asked "why Vance?", Trumps reply was "He liked me the most".
And I say pro life nutter because he is extreme in his anti abortion views. He wants them illegal, full stop, including cases of incest and rape. No exceptions, no rights for women to determine what happens to their own bodies. He wants to jail anyone traveling interstate for an abortion and, FMD, wants to monitor women's cycles to determine if a woman is missing her periods and may be a "flight risk" to travel interstate for a procedure.
Who the fuck does this cunt think he is???
He is also advocating that people who have children should be allowed to vote extra times on behalf of their children.
There is more, there is a video of him being abusive to his wife, a leaked home security video taken in his backyard, that was circulating on twitter last year, I saw it myself when I'd never heard of him. I expect that will surface at some stage, it should, his behavior was pretty nasty. I'm surprised it hasn't come out already.
Also read that "A vast majority of Black Americans trust Kamala Harris and distrust Donald Trump – 71% compared to 5% – according to the largest-known survey of Black Americans since the Reconstruction era."
I think Trump is in trouble.
Particularly with the African Americans, latinos and women.
But mostly with women.
I think the sisters are going to end Trump.

So funny, imagine Trump thinking you are unhinged. That is comedy gold.

Trump thought he had it in the bag about a week ago.

Don jnr picked Vance and sold him to Don snr.

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Friday, 26 Jul 2024 at 5:52pm

... @Guy that same lab I mentioned also takes care of the truffles their american staffy drops (just keeping with an american flavour)

- resourceful scavenger the lab, brown or not ;)

adam12's picture
adam12's picture
adam12 Friday, 26 Jul 2024 at 5:52pm
zenagain wrote:
All true Adam, but they have to get off their arses to vote first.

I reckon it'll be a Trump win (not that I'm advocating that) and it'll come down to 'but i thought you voted?'

Your lab sounds like a beauty Guy. We just have to stay on top of the cat toilets cause the brown Ninja has a thing for cat nuggets.[/quote\

@Zen, my previous dog Preston, RIP, used to have a thing for brown bombs. Cat's nugs, other dog nugs, his own. Used to make me dry retch. The vet told me to let him do it, they use it to balance their digestion. Fricken disgusting though, I still tried to stop him.

tubeshooter's picture
tubeshooter's picture
tubeshooter Friday, 26 Jul 2024 at 5:59pm

Another thread turning into shit. :)
I'm eating here guys.

burleigh's picture
burleigh's picture
burleigh Friday, 26 Jul 2024 at 6:32pm
Roadkill wrote:
adam12 wrote:

@Guy. Aah, Labradors, such sweet and lovable dogs, and smart. No wonder they use them as guide dogs. But the appetite! I reckon they would eat themselves to death given the chance.

Now regarding pet dogs and the topic of this thread, it seems old mate Orange Don is having a bit of buyers remorse in relation to his new pet dog JD Vance. Seen reports Trump is not too happy with some of Vance's unhinged oratory in his recent appearances, which is saying something considering some of Don's own unhinged rambles of late. To wit, his strange obsession with Hannibal Lecter...
As Steven Colbert asked his audience the other night "Why the hell did Trump pick him?"
In an election where women's reproductive rights seems to be a very live issue, and where surveys show over 60% of Americans favor the right to choose, it seems to pick a running mate like Vance, inexperienced, from a State Trump will easily win, and a rabid pro life nutter, is not so wise a move.
When asked "why Vance?", Trumps reply was "He liked me the most".
And I say pro life nutter because he is extreme in his anti abortion views. He wants them illegal, full stop, including cases of incest and rape. No exceptions, no rights for women to determine what happens to their own bodies. He wants to jail anyone traveling interstate for an abortion and, FMD, wants to monitor women's cycles to determine if a woman is missing her periods and may be a "flight risk" to travel interstate for a procedure.
Who the fuck does this cunt think he is???
He is also advocating that people who have children should be allowed to vote extra times on behalf of their children.
There is more, there is a video of him being abusive to his wife, a leaked home security video taken in his backyard, that was circulating on twitter last year, I saw it myself when I'd never heard of him. I expect that will surface at some stage, it should, his behavior was pretty nasty. I'm surprised it hasn't come out already.
Also read that "A vast majority of Black Americans trust Kamala Harris and distrust Donald Trump – 71% compared to 5% – according to the largest-known survey of Black Americans since the Reconstruction era."
I think Trump is in trouble.
Particularly with the African Americans, latinos and women.
But mostly with women.
I think the sisters are going to end Trump.

So funny, imagine Trump thinking you are unhinged. That is comedy gold.

Trump thought he had it in the bag about a week ago.

Don jnr picked Vance and sold him to Don snr.

If Harris wins, i will never post here again, if trump wins you never post here again.

Take the bet Dill.

adam12's picture
adam12's picture
adam12 Friday, 26 Jul 2024 at 6:38pm

As predicted, Trump is already trying to avoid debating Harris, his reason "I already have enough votes, I don't need to do it". Vance has released a statement saying " Kamala Harris is a Marxist fraud who cannot beat President Trump, and they are still holding out for someone "better", therefore it would be inappropriate to schedule things with Harris because Democrats very well could still change their minds."
Knew it.
These two are pussies.
Running scared.

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Friday, 26 Jul 2024 at 6:40pm
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Friday, 26 Jul 2024 at 6:56pm

Vance is a special creep. Perfectly suited to Trump. Trump is pretend religious and Vance brings full hardcore religious waffle.

burleigh's picture
burleigh's picture
burleigh Friday, 26 Jul 2024 at 6:59pm
Roadkill wrote:

Vance is a special creep. Perfectly suited to Trump. Trump is pretend religious and Vance brings full hardcore religious waffle.

Are you taking the bet?

burleigh's picture
burleigh's picture
burleigh Friday, 26 Jul 2024 at 7:00pm
adam12 wrote:

As predicted, Trump is already trying to avoid debating Harris, his reason "I already have enough votes, I don't need to do it". Vance has released a statement saying " Kamala Harris is a Marxist fraud who cannot beat President Trump, and they are still holding out for someone "better", therefore it would be inappropriate to schedule things with Harris because Democrats very well could still change their minds."
Knew it.
These two are pussies.
Running scared.

Or maybe, just maybe, Trump has the votes......... he does

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Friday, 26 Jul 2024 at 7:39pm

Stomach like a labrador, brain like a poodle, hair like David Lee Roth.

AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Friday, 26 Jul 2024 at 8:15pm
stunet wrote:

Stomach like a labrador, brain like a poodle, hair like David Lee Roth.

Stu. What a dude, classic. He’s everything you described.AW

ashsam's picture
ashsam's picture
ashsam Friday, 26 Jul 2024 at 8:16pm

Our dog has no teeth now so on the soft food, still eats clods of dirt in the garden, bark, paper.
Best was a block of lindt chocolate out of my daughter’s school bag, left the foil somehow, straight to the vet got a morphine tablet under his eye lid and threw it all up. $140 block of choc lol ;)

adam12's picture
adam12's picture
adam12 Friday, 26 Jul 2024 at 8:19pm
stunet wrote:

Stomach like a labrador, brain like a poodle, hair like David Lee Roth.

And smiles for the camera!
Good looking dog there Stu

tubeshooter's picture
tubeshooter's picture
tubeshooter Friday, 26 Jul 2024 at 8:26pm

^Life is Good.
Looks to be getting that Pothole Syndrome one of my dogs had,, always in the road.

AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Friday, 26 Jul 2024 at 8:28pm

Here’s my mate.

Pretty good on the books and the tools. AW


GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Friday, 26 Jul 2024 at 8:43pm

^^ nice fellas
Here’s mine stonkered from a day on the beach

AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Friday, 26 Jul 2024 at 8:45pm
GuySmiley wrote:

^^ nice fellas
Here’s mine stonkered from a day on the beach

And a garbage back full of scraps.AW

blackers's picture
blackers's picture
blackers Friday, 26 Jul 2024 at 8:51pm

Good to see the thread back on track. Recent photo of nutso the wonder dog.

AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Friday, 26 Jul 2024 at 9:02pm
blackers wrote:

Good to see the thread back on track. Recent photo of nutso the wonder dog.

Blackers . Hi mate.

Wow, lean machine there.

Looks like the dog has been on that gym apparatus in the background. AW

blackers's picture
blackers's picture
blackers Friday, 26 Jul 2024 at 9:11pm

Cheers AW. He likes to run, hard.

AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Friday, 26 Jul 2024 at 9:16pm
blackers wrote:

Cheers AW. He likes to run, hard.

He’s beautiful.

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Friday, 26 Jul 2024 at 9:25pm

Dem Hustler's Honey Traps ended nearly every dozen or so Celeb Republican's Prez ambitions.
Dem's Hollywood Lawyer's Sex Lies Video Tape of every Vote Pulling Republican VIP Prez candidate.
Don't even think about's ya Video Tape...
Oooh! That's some nasty sure that's me...fark! So ya want $3m here's $5m keep the change!

Dem candidate Porn Star Stormy recycled Kiss'n'Tell extortion thru 4 Trump Prez election Campaigns.
Dem Extortionist wins the case declaring he paid her ransom demand via the Prez Campaign Kitty!
Dem Pornstar Pro Extortionist Candidate : My Democratic ransom money is fuckin' crook!
Now I Gotta sue my pathetic repeatedly targeted Presidential Class stalking victim...
Only in fucked up Hollywood People!

So ... is a little reverse Psychology Republican Payback at play?
Admittedly tbb knew shit about this but all deadhead road signs lead back to this Gummy Bear Trap!

Back Story : Tay Tay endorsed Kamala back in 2020...Luv all my Sisters > Lock it the Teenie Vote!
All teenies are crying...Where's Tay Tay ...Why she not Blow Kissing Kamala...Why indeed little ones!

July 2023 New Heights Pod > Big Bear Kelce Bros...(Hot Tip > Blokey Closet Trumpsters...Shh!)
True : Travis refuses to Visit Biden in The White House > Happy to see me Bro Trump in Da House!
Shit hit the Fan when Trav' 'Like' some Republican TV Pop Tart...Tay Tay Teenies...'Boo! Not cool Trav'
They all convince themselves that Tay Tay will wave her wand & mute her Big Cuddly Bear!

So the GOP Nigerian Love Scam goes a little like this...

Trav 'loves' the Eras Tour & wanted to give Tay Tay a Friendship Bracelet with his Phone # Cry! Cry!
Ok! Sounds like a piss take > Only that Daft Tay Tay is stupid enough to fall for it! (Fuckin' Desperate!)
Sept 2023 Tay Tay attends Trav's Chiefs game > Confirms she's dating her #1 Big Cuddly Mascot?
It's cool Sisters...he's under my thumb & I Keep him on a tight leash! ROARRR!

Did Republicans deploy Big Tay Tay Bear #87 to Tight End Tay Tay's Dream Teen Dem' endorsement.

So! Tay Tay endorses Kamala & Polls Sky Rocket 18.99% (Correct!)
And the Dems Coloured Girls go..."Doo do doo do doo do doo..."

It's that simple it is...but for one vitally important Chix Thingy!
1st Year Goin' Steady Anniversary draws a line in the sand...and that line divides the love birds! Huh!
Wot if her Big Cuddly Bear Mascot #87 is Tight Ending her!

'Agree to disagree all Politics aside in love & war ...
But if you cross that shitty little Teenie Campaign line of yours little lady...
Then you'll be looking for a new Soft Hearted Big Man Mountain Bear Hugger!'

Sounds like Tay Tay was sucked in by one of them Boyfriends from Hell!
Trav : "Takin' the Piss ...Oh I hope Tay Tay accepts my Token Gesture Cry daft Diva!"
Get real! Wot do ya think this is Huh!

1 Millionth time :"All said not to date the creep! You chicks never listen & gotta learn the hard way!"

Power Couple Powder Keg!
Tay Tay Fans > You big brute...give our pop tart her sugar!
The Real Game is only just beginning in 54321...{Kaboom!}
Reckon Biden wanted them Tay Tay ai xxx pics outta the Campaign for a reason.

Trump Hero Cards (vs) Tay Tay xxx Footy Cards...put yer money on that shit!

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Friday, 26 Jul 2024 at 9:31pm

Hey AW, your fella looks very alert and just guessing would take his ute and tools guarding duty seriously and blackers again looks like a very fit working dog, cheers

Edit hey Stu yours was also a rescue from memory, all good settled in well?