The United States(!) of A

factotum's picture
factotum started the topic in Thursday, 27 Aug 2020 at 11:12am

Septic Tanks are going to Septic Tank

Hiccups's picture
Hiccups's picture
Hiccups Tuesday, 11 Mar 2025 at 7:50pm
burleigh wrote:
Hiccups wrote:

For the love of Elon, someone make these budget cuts make sense! burleigh? indo? ChatGPT?

So they shouldn’t try and save money because it makes money? Do you still live in the church basement hiccup?

Can you try and make your quote here make sense, baldy? Also, there was the "funding cut for menstruating men study" over in the Elon thread that I responded to last night that you haven't addressed yet, so pop over there quick sticks and try to dig yourself of of that clickbait hole as well plz? Ta.

Confusion's picture
Confusion's picture
Confusion Tuesday, 11 Mar 2025 at 7:45pm

Trumps Billionaire mates have lost a combined
$ 333 Billion since starring at
Trumps inauguration,
US stock markets crash after Trumps tariffs
confusion, and the likelihood of a US recession, if not depression dragging down the
Australian stock market and Australians
Superannuation funds!

garyg1412's picture
garyg1412's picture
garyg1412 Tuesday, 11 Mar 2025 at 8:01pm
Optimist wrote:

USA mercs built there were great in their day…..really good actually.

You must have lucked out with your Mercury outboards optimist. The ones I've had have only been good as a spare anchor.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Tuesday, 11 Mar 2025 at 8:09pm
mikehunt207 wrote:

Maybe dig into abit of resurch burls ,heaps of dual citizens Israeli s here that have done a lot worse stuff than just protesting against a war and occupation . But hey killing kids in the name of God and destiny doesn't matter if they aren't white right? Hypocrite

Yeah if you do your resurch on some islamist tik tok channel maybe.

Just like how you think Israeli's are all white(mentioning it twice today), you clearly havent been taking much notice of anything in the last year or so, Israeli's come in ALL colours from very dark skinned to white and at least half are shades of brown.

And if you think all Arabs or Palestinian's are brown, then you also havent been taking much notice either, some Palestinians are very light skinned some even have blondish hair or have green or blue eyes

Actually the Levant area especial Syria has a decent percentage of green and blue eyes.

Here is an example of a light skinned Palestinian Ahed Tamimi she is one of the most famous Palestinian activist in Judea/Samaria (West Bank) and she is 100% Palestinian.

And here an example of six random Israeli's, the ones murdered by Hamas last year in Raffa when the IDF were hot on the heals of Sinwar (these were the six that were with him that, got cut lose)

As you can see they arent just white, but more shades of darker features.

mikehunt207's picture
mikehunt207's picture
mikehunt207 Tuesday, 11 Mar 2025 at 8:13pm

Burls has form for racist posts ,this one no different .
Most of the flag waving pro Israel justificationn for genocide stuff going here in Aus is whiter than white indo .

mick66's picture
mick66's picture
mick66 Tuesday, 11 Mar 2025 at 9:03pm
A Salty Dog wrote:
mick66 wrote:
A Salty Dog wrote:
indo-dreaming wrote:

Hmm. i dont know you read so many different views even from so called experts on this topic.

It just seems crazy that we have these free trade agreement's with places like China import all this cheap stuff and have zero chance of manufacturing anything in Australia even just sending mineral's to China instead of processing here and adding value.

Selected tariffs to me make's sense to wind things back or try to diversify and not be so reliant on China, for USA with such a big population it make's even more sense.

Covid i thought was a wake up call, to try to bring some manufacturing back to the West.

I think there is a bit of a if Trump says black, we say white thing with this topic though.

Trumps not silly he is doing something even if it's just a way to negotiate different things through tarrifs

I think it was you who said the other week he is smarter than people think, the way he has managed Israel and Ukraine to just get thing's moving in different direction's.

Forget the lobsters Indo, look at car manufacturing.

Trump has a plan to apply 25% tariffs to automotive components. What he didn’t realise was these components can cross the Canadian and Mexican borders up to seven times before being assembled into the finished vehicle.

This article from the Cato Institute (of all people!) explains the application of tariffs in detail.

Now Trump has given the local manufacturers a few weeks to relocate all their component suppliers inside US borders. Should be easy.

Ultimately this will add thousands to the cost of a US manufactured vehicle and every car buyer will feel it.

Trump and his “advisors” clearly have no idea how international trade works and the finer points of “Comparative Advantage”. He believes a country of 20 million should have “balanced” trade with a country of 300 million. He is a complete simpleton masquerading as a bully.

One more thing, while it is my opinion stock markets are populated with con men, shonks and shysters, the markets do act as a barometer for a countries economy. They thrive on prosperous profitable industry but above all on certainty.

Now look at what has happened to markets since Trump started to “even things up” with tariffs. Tariffs applied one day are postponed the next, and no one knows what is going on.

The markets don’t like all this indecision, not to mention the inflationary implications of tariffs. Check how your Super balance has dropped in the last six weeks, to see how it’s affected you: it’s cost me a fair slab of money.

This whole Trump thing will in my opinion, end in disaster.

More and more Americans are now realising they have elected an idiot.

In regards to your last sentence, I had interesting conversations today with 2 acquaintances who voted for Trump. The one says he's barely slept in weeks and feels incredibly guilty for voting for him. The other thinks he's intentionally trying to crater the economy to precipatate riots that will give him an excuse to declare martial law.
Not sure if this will sound believable, but I've spoken to a half dozen people in the last week who are trying to find a country they can emigrate to. None of whom had any interest in leaving the country previously.
Friends of mine who are from Latin America (here legally) say they have adjusted shopping habits. No more Walmart, as rumors are that immigration authorities are posting up there. They work, then go home. One family member goes shopping once a week, to minimize the chance of being detained.

Today Senator (and combat veteran) Mark Kelly gave his post-visit assessment of the situation in Ukraine. Musk immediately labeled him a "Traitor."

His first presidency seemed like a tiresome reality show. I imagine this is how it felt in 1922 Italy.

Hi mick66,

I formed that opinion from numerous you tube videos posted by disillusioned individuals: farmers who had lost their income due to USAID cuts and others whose positions had been terminated or who had lost social service benefits. Clearly the feelings are widespread.

I cannot imagine how your friends feel, having to minimise your public exposure for fear of being detained simply because of your appearance. That is a terrible situation to be in.

I read Kelly's assessment of the Ukraine situation. Given his service history I accept it as accurate and honest. Yet to be called a "traitor" by an unelected bureaucrat who has milked the American taxpayer for billions, is an egregious insult to a man who has devoted much of his life to the service of his country.

As for people emigrating from the US, I used to work at a public waste facility, and came into contact with thousands of people. What astounded me was the number of expat Americans who had moved here to live, ultimately took up citizenship and now called Australia home. And that was 15 years ago, when things appeared to be much better!

We are all in uncharted waters with this current plague of madness.

I wish you all well.


Thanks for the well wishes!
re: Americans who emigrated to Australia, yes I've known a few. We had started the process many years back, but seemed like we were always just shy on the points scale. On the brightside, 2 of my daughters are putting the wheels in motion. Should be visiting again in July/August for a surf trip/more recon, and looking forward to that.

mick66's picture
mick66's picture
mick66 Tuesday, 11 Mar 2025 at 9:22pm
Hiccups wrote:
mick66 wrote:

In regards to your last sentence, I had interesting conversations today with 2 acquaintances who voted for Trump.

Any idea if they believed him when he said he wasn't involved in Project 2025, cos it's off to the races.

It's hard to say in regards to Project 2025. It seemed to me that an incredibly small % of his supporters knew about it, or cared if they did. (It was featured in ads during the campaign, but it never got traction as an issue.) People here by and large aren't exactly news junkies, and statistically, his supporters are much likely to get their info from podcasts, FB, TikTok, etc. Of course if they do watch TV, Fox News is the go-to.
Overall, I would say the vast majority of his supporters would support him just as enthusiastically no matter what he does or what happens, and that includes if the economy completely craters. There are some who do or would regret their support as I mentioned previously, but I think that's a small %.

Moonah's picture
Moonah's picture
Moonah Tuesday, 11 Mar 2025 at 9:28pm

"Israeli's come in ALL colours from very dark skinned to white and at least half are shades of brown."

@indodreaming how do you know this statistic?

Hiccups's picture
Hiccups's picture
Hiccups Tuesday, 11 Mar 2025 at 10:54pm
indo-dreaming wrote:

And here an example of six random Israeli's, the ones murdered by Hamas last year in Raffa when the IDF were hot on the heals of Sinwar (these were the six that were with him that, got cut lose)

As you can see they arent just white, but more shades of darker features.

And here is an example of six random photos of Palestinian children, the ones horrifically injured and disabled when they were hot on the heels of learning how to walk or begin first grade,
by the IDF, on instruction of their genocidal, war criminal, leader, Benjamin Netanyahu.

As you can see their bandages aren't just white, that boy's eye wound dressing has shades of darker features.

Confusion's picture
Confusion's picture
Confusion Wednesday, 12 Mar 2025 at 1:11am

Global Affairs Analyst
Michael Bociurkiw predicts civil war possible in the US , because of the speed of the changes


quadzilla's picture
quadzilla's picture
quadzilla Wednesday, 12 Mar 2025 at 7:25am

TWump tariffs come into effect today...25% on steel and aluminium ,Australia is included.NO EXEMPTION,thanks Albo,Thanks Rudd.

Ukraine has agreed to a 30 day ceasefire in principle,Intelligence access and Arms supplies have been restored effective immediately.

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Wednesday, 12 Mar 2025 at 7:30am
quadzilla wrote:

TWump tariffs come into effect today...25% on steel and aluminium ,Australia is included.NO EXEMPTION,thanks Albo,Thanks Rudd.

Ukraine has agreed to a 30 day ceasefire in principle,Intelligence access and Arms supplies have been restored effective immediately.

As if it has anything to do with the present govt...
Take off your partisan blinkers and see what is going on.

Confusion's picture
Confusion's picture
Confusion Wednesday, 12 Mar 2025 at 8:19am

Ah we thought Donald was our mate .

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Wednesday, 12 Mar 2025 at 8:31am
Hiccups wrote:
indo-dreaming wrote:

And here an example of six random Israeli's, the ones murdered by Hamas last year in Raffa when the IDF were hot on the heals of Sinwar (these were the six that were with him that, got cut lose)

As you can see they arent just white, but more shades of darker features.

And here is an example of six random photos of Palestinian children, the ones horrifically injured and disabled when they were hot on the heels of learning how to walk or begin first grade,
by the IDF, on instruction of their genocidal, war criminal, leader, Benjamin Netanyahu.

As you can see their bandages aren't just white, that boy's eye wound dressing has shades of darker features.

You know the difference between that photo above and this photo below?

Those kids above are a result of a war where they were used as human shields by a jihadist terrorist group, who has hundreds of kilometers of bomb shelters under their homes, but not one square metres is allowed to be used by them.

While the below photo is a result of that jihadist terrorist group just coming in and actually trying to commit a real genocide, trying to kill as many innocent people as possible and the ones they dont kill, taking them back to hold as ransom, ensuring that war doesn't stop until they are all home either alive or dead.

Anyway im totally wasting my time with you, you clearly have a lot of issues stemming from your child hood that have now made you into this brain dead walking cliche that cant think for themselves and always has to take the position that is the opposite of what their parents taught them, and the saddest thing is imagine how your parents feel knowing how you turned out, imagine the disappointment, im so glad i grew out of that stage especially now im a parent.

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Wednesday, 12 Mar 2025 at 8:51am

^^ and yet another grossly offensive example of @info breaching SN forum guidelines.

Moonah's picture
Moonah's picture
Moonah Wednesday, 12 Mar 2025 at 9:00am

How come this clearly mentally unwell guy indodreming hasn't been given the flick by now?
He comes out with some repulsive comments on here consistently and yet he's back the next day repeating the same vile vomit. its like a mix of OCD and brain damage that is stuck on repeat.

Confusion's picture
Confusion's picture
Confusion Wednesday, 12 Mar 2025 at 9:11am

So is @ Indo still happy about Trump and his
25 percent tariffs on Australian steel and aluminium exports to the US , and the drop in Australian superannuation funds, exposed to the US stock market, and the drop in the Australian stock markets. ?

Hiccups's picture
Hiccups's picture
Hiccups Wednesday, 12 Mar 2025 at 9:32am
indo-dreaming wrote:

Anyway im totally wasting my time with you, you clearly have a lot of issues stemming from your child hood that have now made you into this brain dead walking cliche that cant think for themselves and always has to take the position that is the opposite of what their parents taught them, and the saddest thing is imagine how your parents feel knowing how you turned out, imagine the disappointment, im so glad i grew out of that stage especially now im a parent.

Cute that you get to decided what a "real genocide" is, and come up with an answer that is not what we've seen happening in Palestine. Also cute that you assume what my parents taught me and how they feel about me now. My mother, who bailed on religion around the same time my parents split, is a social worker who's main area is dealing with the fallout of family violence, and although I've given her plenty of reasons to not be proud of me, though she is, having a moral compass is not one of them. My father and I disagree on plenty of things, but we still get along, and I couldn't give a flying fuck if he's not happy with my views on social issues. There are plenty of things that he does admire about me, plus he taught me to surf and still likes Black Sabbath.

The insane irony and lack of self awareness of you calling me braindead and that I can't think for myself is so wild. You eat up bullshit with a spoon, and then have a big bowl of idiot ice-cream with bin-juice as topping for dessert.

Any other weird fantasies you have about my family relationships? That's a dangerous question to ask, I know, seeing as I was raised in Tasmania, but I'd love to hear them. It's not an on-the-nose and creepy af pastime for you to be indulging in at all. Might actually send the old girl your psychoanalysis of me and see what she says. Should be good for another laugh at your miserable expense.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Wednesday, 12 Mar 2025 at 10:27am
GuySmiley wrote:

^^ and yet another grossly offensive example of @info breaching SN forum guidelines.

Here is the Swellnet guidelines

"Code of Conduct

Use common sense. Have respect, don't break the law, don't do anything that could get the website hauled before the courts. If it's defamation in real life, it's also defamation here.

Don't create social chaos. If we ask you to cut out some shit you're doing, do as we say.

You mustn't post anything that violates the laws of Australia.

Don't post any commercial spam.

No self promotion of your personal website anywhere except your profile (you may put your website url in your profile) or in the context of a discussion.

No personal attacks against other users. Make your point without making things personal or insulting other people, even people who don't visit this website (see Point 1).

All users are entitled to their anonymity. If you know someone's ID don't share it unless you have their permission.

Don't expose sensitive waves by identifying them in words or photos. Everyone has a different idea of what constitutes a secret spot so please be concious of that and err on the side of caution.

Don't accuse Swellnet moderators of having an ulterior agenda. Our only agenda is to maintain the best surf site experience that we possibly can.

Swellnet is a small business, so the office isn't staffed 24/7.

If we encounter any problems, we'll try to respond to them as soon as possible but bear in mind that we don't spend all day watching the forums. However if you need to contact us urgently, send an email to and we'll do our best.

We want you to enjoy the site. You're welcome to express your opinions within the website's Code of Conduct.

Note: If we ask you to leave and you continue to use the forums or register new accounts, you may be breaking the law.

Note: Illegal activity will be reported."

So what code of conduct am i breaking?

Personal insults? from an assessment on why i think he is how he is? yeah well i guess i made it personal, but lets be real people get personal here all the time and in regard to personal insults sadly that is common here and you too are guilty of both.

In regard to causing social chaos, you like many rarely engage in proper constructive conversation, you spend almost all your time here just trying to bait and provoke me with some hope i will blow up and get banned, because you dont want to hear views that challenge your own.

You even complain to Stu about how you think every thread you dont like should be banned or put on the back page because they are political, meanwhile you keep on commenting on every political related thread there is, even just posting negative stuff about people like Jacinta price or Elon etc again clearly with the aim of trying to provoke a reaction from me, and then often if ignore the post like i did the Jacinta price thing the other day, you come back and repost it trying to dangle some more bait, thinking i didnt see it the first time.

You do this time after time.

And yes in this case, i just ignored it again, because i know you game, you are just trying to bait me.

If i offend you then great you offend me too, i find your's and others views disgusting, but hey thats life.

Anyway im going to go do some work and when i come back do my best to ignore Hicups and his ridiculous offensive insults aimed at me like eugenicsdreaming and just try to ignore all the hate he spews towards Jews and Israel that yes i find deeply offensive

Hiccups's picture
Hiccups's picture
Hiccups Wednesday, 12 Mar 2025 at 10:34am
indo-dreaming wrote:

Personal insults? from an assessment on why i think he is how he is?

Bro, you don't have the mental capacity to assess my psychological makeup, especially from your limited knowledge of me garnered by what, looking at my FB profile, opinions of a mutual acquaintance who I haven't seen for at least 15 years, and that I oppose most of your political views and sadistic defense of the indefensible conduct of Bibi Nets and the IDF? You even thought I had children even though I've said several times that I do not, so although you are a creepy stalker, Sherlock Holmes you ain't.

Btw, just saw your edit. Can you point me in the direction of me spewing hate towards jews, cos you'll be searching a while. I will gladly and steadfastly spew hate towards zionists, but as I shouldn't have to point out AGAIN, that is not the same thing as antisemitism. Get a grip.

Hiccups's picture
Hiccups's picture
Hiccups Wednesday, 12 Mar 2025 at 10:38am

Anyway, any thoughts on how under Biden's administration (and I'll say it again, I'm not a Biden or Democrat fan) violent crime reached 50-year lows, stocks reached record highs, and unemployment reached 50-year record lows?

How's everyone think those stats are gonna look after 4 years of the Trumpian clusterfuck?

A Salty Dog's picture
A Salty Dog's picture
A Salty Dog Wednesday, 12 Mar 2025 at 10:42am
mick66 wrote:
A Salty Dog wrote:
mick66 wrote:
A Salty Dog wrote:
indo-dreaming wrote:

Hmm. i dont know you read so many different views even from so called experts on this topic.

It just seems crazy that we have these free trade agreement's with places like China import all this cheap stuff and have zero chance of manufacturing anything in Australia even just sending mineral's to China instead of processing here and adding value.

Selected tariffs to me make's sense to wind things back or try to diversify and not be so reliant on China, for USA with such a big population it make's even more sense.

Covid i thought was a wake up call, to try to bring some manufacturing back to the West.

I think there is a bit of a if Trump says black, we say white thing with this topic though.

Trumps not silly he is doing something even if it's just a way to negotiate different things through tarrifs

I think it was you who said the other week he is smarter than people think, the way he has managed Israel and Ukraine to just get thing's moving in different direction's.

Forget the lobsters Indo, look at car manufacturing.

Trump has a plan to apply 25% tariffs to automotive components. What he didn’t realise was these components can cross the Canadian and Mexican borders up to seven times before being assembled into the finished vehicle.

This article from the Cato Institute (of all people!) explains the application of tariffs in detail.

Now Trump has given the local manufacturers a few weeks to relocate all their component suppliers inside US borders. Should be easy.

Ultimately this will add thousands to the cost of a US manufactured vehicle and every car buyer will feel it.

Trump and his “advisors” clearly have no idea how international trade works and the finer points of “Comparative Advantage”. He believes a country of 20 million should have “balanced” trade with a country of 300 million. He is a complete simpleton masquerading as a bully.

One more thing, while it is my opinion stock markets are populated with con men, shonks and shysters, the markets do act as a barometer for a countries economy. They thrive on prosperous profitable industry but above all on certainty.

Now look at what has happened to markets since Trump started to “even things up” with tariffs. Tariffs applied one day are postponed the next, and no one knows what is going on.

The markets don’t like all this indecision, not to mention the inflationary implications of tariffs. Check how your Super balance has dropped in the last six weeks, to see how it’s affected you: it’s cost me a fair slab of money.

This whole Trump thing will in my opinion, end in disaster.

More and more Americans are now realising they have elected an idiot.

In regards to your last sentence, I had interesting conversations today with 2 acquaintances who voted for Trump. The one says he's barely slept in weeks and feels incredibly guilty for voting for him. The other thinks he's intentionally trying to crater the economy to precipatate riots that will give him an excuse to declare martial law.
Not sure if this will sound believable, but I've spoken to a half dozen people in the last week who are trying to find a country they can emigrate to. None of whom had any interest in leaving the country previously.
Friends of mine who are from Latin America (here legally) say they have adjusted shopping habits. No more Walmart, as rumors are that immigration authorities are posting up there. They work, then go home. One family member goes shopping once a week, to minimize the chance of being detained.

Today Senator (and combat veteran) Mark Kelly gave his post-visit assessment of the situation in Ukraine. Musk immediately labeled him a "Traitor."

His first presidency seemed like a tiresome reality show. I imagine this is how it felt in 1922 Italy.

Hi mick66,

I formed that opinion from numerous you tube videos posted by disillusioned individuals: farmers who had lost their income due to USAID cuts and others whose positions had been terminated or who had lost social service benefits. Clearly the feelings are widespread.

I cannot imagine how your friends feel, having to minimise your public exposure for fear of being detained simply because of your appearance. That is a terrible situation to be in.

I read Kelly's assessment of the Ukraine situation. Given his service history I accept it as accurate and honest. Yet to be called a "traitor" by an unelected bureaucrat who has milked the American taxpayer for billions, is an egregious insult to a man who has devoted much of his life to the service of his country.

As for people emigrating from the US, I used to work at a public waste facility, and came into contact with thousands of people. What astounded me was the number of expat Americans who had moved here to live, ultimately took up citizenship and now called Australia home. And that was 15 years ago, when things appeared to be much better!

We are all in uncharted waters with this current plague of madness.

I wish you all well.


Thanks for the well wishes!
re: Americans who emigrated to Australia, yes I've known a few. We had started the process many years back, but seemed like we were always just shy on the points scale. On the brightside, 2 of my daughters are putting the wheels in motion. Should be visiting again in July/August for a surf trip/more recon, and looking forward to that.

Are your daughters coming here on an extended working holiday or are they looking at a permanent move? Either way they will love it.

Our daughter worked in the US for about three years in the mid 2000's : Peterborough in New Hampshire, Vermont, Minnesota (in winter!!!)and a stint at a lodge in the Denali National Park and had an absolutely fantastic time.

The Aussie Dollar is cheap at present, only US63 cents, so your cash will go a long way. Hopefully you can meet up with some of us Swellnutters !!


GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Wednesday, 12 Mar 2025 at 11:03am

anyone heard how @wax24 is travelling? Last time I saw a post from him he appeared to be struggling a tad …. chin up @wax24

Confusion's picture
Confusion's picture
Confusion Wednesday, 12 Mar 2025 at 11:06am

The economy crashing , markets tanking and Trump keeps lying and does a Tesla ad for Musk .
Maybe Musk is in trouble financially and could bring Trump down with him.


Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Wednesday, 12 Mar 2025 at 11:32am

Anyone think the maga republicans will go out a buy a Tesla? No chance, and the other side of Tump’s supporter base can’t afford them.

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Wednesday, 12 Mar 2025 at 11:34am
GuySmiley wrote:

anyone heard how @wax24 is travelling? Last time I saw a post from him he appeared to be struggling a tad …. chin up @wax24

100% agree.
Stay sane, Wax. It will all be over in 4 years.

quadzilla's picture
quadzilla's picture
quadzilla Wednesday, 12 Mar 2025 at 11:36am
andy-mac wrote:
quadzilla wrote:

TWump tariffs come into effect today...25% on steel and aluminium ,Australia is included.NO EXEMPTION,thanks Albo,Thanks Rudd.

Ukraine has agreed to a 30 day ceasefire in principle,Intelligence access and Arms supplies have been restored effective immediately.

As if it has anything to do with the present govt...
Take off your partisan blinkers and see what is going on.

LOL, when KRUD. and Sleezy openly criticise trump, his elephant memory kicks in...just a dose of reality, did you blinker and miss it?

mikehunt207's picture
mikehunt207's picture
mikehunt207 Wednesday, 12 Mar 2025 at 11:40am

Got to wonder what the fuck egomanic malcom turdballs agenda was throwing his 2 cents in just before this decision, what a fuckstick ...

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Wednesday, 12 Mar 2025 at 11:44am
quadzilla wrote:
andy-mac wrote:
quadzilla wrote:

TWump tariffs come into effect today...25% on steel and aluminium ,Australia is included.NO EXEMPTION,thanks Albo,Thanks Rudd.

Ukraine has agreed to a 30 day ceasefire in principle,Intelligence access and Arms supplies have been restored effective immediately.

As if it has anything to do with the present govt...
Take off your partisan blinkers and see what is going on.

LOL, when KRUD. and Sleezy openly criticise trump, his elephant memory kicks in...just a dose of reality, did you blinker and miss it?

Turnbull more recently had a bit to say also, so I'll blame the Libs then using your logic.
Here's a hint, the tariffs would have happened regardless of who is running the show in Canberra.

Confusion's picture
Confusion's picture
Confusion Wednesday, 12 Mar 2025 at 11:56am
quadzilla wrote:
andy-mac wrote:
quadzilla wrote:

TWump tariffs come into effect today...25% on steel and aluminium ,Australia is included.NO EXEMPTION,thanks Albo,Thanks Rudd.

Ukraine has agreed to a 30 day ceasefire in principle,Intelligence access and Arms supplies have been restored effective immediately.

As if it has anything to do with the present govt...
Take off your partisan blinkers and see what is going on.

LOL, when KRUD. and Sleezy openly criticise trump, his elephant memory kicks in...just a dose of reality, did you blinker and miss it?

What part of no exemptions don’t you get,
Trumps own power trip is much more important than the US and Australian economies.
Last time Trump wasn’t a lame duck president, hell bent on authoritarianism .

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Wednesday, 12 Mar 2025 at 1:58pm

Bernard Keane in Crikey:

'Australia now needs to implement a Digital Services Tax against the (predominantly) US tech platforms, with the revenue from that tax going straight to defence spending.'


sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Wednesday, 12 Mar 2025 at 2:37pm
mikehunt207 wrote:

Got to wonder what the fuck egomanic malcom turdballs agenda was throwing his 2 cents in just before this decision, what a fuckstick ...

I think you answered your own question

donny cut him down to size with a cutting remark regarding china

and he be dead right, malcolm was still selling us out when it was beyond patently obvious it was a stupid and dangerous thing to still be doing...

Hiccups's picture
Hiccups's picture
Hiccups Wednesday, 12 Mar 2025 at 2:40pm
sypkan wrote:
mikehunt207 wrote:

Got to wonder what the fuck egomanic malcom turdballs agenda was throwing his 2 cents in just before this decision, what a fuckstick ...

I think you answered your own question

donny cut him down to size with a cutting remark regarding china

and he be dead right, malcolm was still selling us out when it was beyond patently obvious it was a stupid and dangerous thing to still be doing...

It's become an extreme source of amusement to see who you sit fit to relay information from via twitter. Avi Yemini now? FFS.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Wednesday, 12 Mar 2025 at 3:26pm

your amusement is an extreme source of amusement

it really is...

just bizarro, that you think attacking a source has any merit whatsoever, when that source is just conveying truthful information or an event

the indoctrination is wild

kick it dude!

even obama has called it out...

Hiccups's picture
Hiccups's picture
Hiccups Wednesday, 12 Mar 2025 at 3:38pm
sypkan wrote:

your amusement is an extreme source of amusement

it really is...

just bizarro, that you think attacking a source has any merit whatsoever, when that source is just conveying truthful information or an event

the indoctrination is wild

kick it dude!

even obama has called it out...

I'm aware it's just showing a real life tweet that was sent, but I'm also aware that sharing content from a known grifting con-artist and wife beater can increase their engagement, and that shit-stain deserves nothing, nor do numerous other of your online sources. I can't believe I have to spell this out tbh.

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Wednesday, 12 Mar 2025 at 3:40pm

Hey @sypkan you really ought to know by now that Avi the wife bashing grifter isn’t your source for dodgy incoherent half baked FRWNJ ideological bullsplattering crap to quote here!! Very poor form there on your part nosing in on @lilbuddy’s turf like that, its just plain wrong!!

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Wednesday, 12 Mar 2025 at 4:01pm

I seriously don't give a fuck

never even consider it

if I played by your rules, I'd be as ignorant as you...

which don't seem so blissful


you guys actually seem constantly triggered and bewildered, by reality

up to you...

back to the guardian boys

Hiccups's picture
Hiccups's picture
Hiccups Wednesday, 12 Mar 2025 at 4:07pm
sypkan wrote:

I seriously don't give a fuck

never even consider it

if I played by your rules, I'd be as ignorant as you...

which don't seem so blissful


you guys actually seem constantly triggered and bewildered, by reality

up to you...

back to the guardian boys

He doesn't think he's ignorant! That's precious. You just keep on being a "centrist" or whatever you consider yourself, despite being out there on the right.

old-dog's picture
old-dog's picture
old-dog Wednesday, 12 Mar 2025 at 4:14pm

Another shocker on the ASX today and now down 8.5% in the past month.
Under Biden my super kept going up despite drawing a healthy pension from it. (self-funded)
Since trump got in I'm watching my hard earned super disappear into thin air, and he couldn't give a shit.
Everyone should check their super balances to see how much Trumps stupidity has cost them so far.

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Wednesday, 12 Mar 2025 at 4:27pm
old-dog wrote:

Another shocker on the ASX today and now down 8.5% in the past month.
Under Biden my super kept going up despite drawing a healthy pension from it. (self-funded)
Since trump got in I'm watching my hard earned super disappear into thin air, and he couldn't give a shit.
Everyone should check their super balances to see how much Trumps stupidity has cost them so far.

1 mans shocker is another man’s opportunity.

We were due a correction and it’s no big deal and is overdue. We need a strong downwards trend to open some good buying opportunities. I would love to see the ETFs have 40%/50% pullbacks. I have been sitting on cash for a year or so waiting for a big drop.

The sun will come up tomorrow.

velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno Wednesday, 12 Mar 2025 at 4:28pm

Does your fund have an option to switch to cash when you perceive the time is right to do so?

Hiccups's picture
Hiccups's picture
Hiccups Wednesday, 12 Mar 2025 at 4:31pm


flollo's picture
flollo's picture
flollo Wednesday, 12 Mar 2025 at 4:49pm
old-dog wrote:

Another shocker on the ASX today and now down 8.5% in the past month.
Under Biden my super kept going up despite drawing a healthy pension from it. (self-funded)
Since trump got in I'm watching my hard earned super disappear into thin air, and he couldn't give a shit.
Everyone should check their super balances to see how much Trumps stupidity has cost them so far.

But did you have super in 2022? We got killed in 2022. I guess ASX didn’t swing as much as the US indexes, it’s less volatile. Nasdaq dropped to 10k which was a 35-40% drop. S&P500 tanked 25%.

old-dog's picture
old-dog's picture
old-dog Wednesday, 12 Mar 2025 at 6:00pm

I have had super since the 80's but after you retire nothing is going in so you arent buying at lower prices so once it's gone it's hard to claw back. If you swap to all cash you are locking in the losses and could miss out if it rebounds. Everyone I know is getting more nervous by the day.
If panic sets in we could see a bloodbath, this is Trumps new world order.

flollo's picture
flollo's picture
flollo Wednesday, 12 Mar 2025 at 6:07pm

Unfortunately, I think it will go down a lot more. I expect S&P500 to drop below 5,000 (another 10%) and maybe even below 4,500 (25% from the peak). Some bad economics data will come through over the next few months.

flollo's picture
flollo's picture
flollo Wednesday, 12 Mar 2025 at 6:13pm

And the strength of the USD is one of the most critical metrics in the whole thing. You can absorb tariffs and eliminate inflation with the stronger currency. But then you suffer in exports. And USD being a global reserve currency means it stays overvalued. Not everyone wants this. There’s a very, very narrow way out of this.

blackers's picture
blackers's picture
blackers Wednesday, 12 Mar 2025 at 7:06pm

It's a tough one old dog. Unfortunately I think flollo is right, we are in for a bumpy few years. I may have to defer my own retirement while the storm passes. In the bigger picture, an extended global downturn due to the whims of a barely coherent sociopath is not going to be good for many.

A Salty Dog's picture
A Salty Dog's picture
A Salty Dog Wednesday, 12 Mar 2025 at 7:12pm
old-dog wrote:

I have had super since the 80's but after you retire nothing is going in so you arent buying at lower prices so once it's gone it's hard to claw back. If you swap to all cash you are locking in the losses and could miss out if it rebounds. Everyone I know is getting more nervous by the day.
If panic sets in we could see a bloodbath, this is Trumps new world order.

Hi old-dog!

Like you, we are also self funded.

We are with Hostplus who provide various investment options you can choose from to suit your personal situation.

Firstly, we don’t need to make 10% plus a year; it would be nice but chasing higher returns comes with higher risk.

We allocated our funds between CPI+ or cash, International Shares and Australian Shares and changed the relative values depending on the outlook. We didn’t always get it right but it went reasonably well.

About a month ago the ASX200 peaked and the S&P500 was close to a new high. At that point there is a greater likelihood of a fall than continued new highs so we increased our cash component. As Trump became increasingly erratic we continued to increase our cash component and late last week we were 100% cash. Our balance has dropped but had we not done anything it would have been tragic.

We will stay in cash until things settle down, which could take some time, then increase our Shares component by say 5% at a time. There’s no need to jump in boots and all.

I’m not as pessimistic as Flollo but believe the S&P500 could drop to 5200 or so and the ASX200 to around 7300.

Read up on what you fund provides and understand where and how they invest. And remember international investments are subject to exchange variation, which is good if the Aussie dollar falls, not so if it rises. Some funds though offer a hedged option for international shares. Once you gather that information you should be able to make investments appropriate for you.

But yes, Trump has been an absolute disaster for the stock market and all this despite what has been a rather good reporting season in the US. Stock markets prosper on certainty and this no longer exists under Trump.

All the Trump fanboys should take a long hard look at the decline in their super balance before singing his praises.

Hang in there!

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Wednesday, 12 Mar 2025 at 7:13pm

get the bike now though @blackers. will give a little spark to working longer.

blackers's picture
blackers's picture
blackers Wednesday, 12 Mar 2025 at 7:19pm

May just do that b6, but if I do it ain't gonna be a Buell or Harley.