The United States(!) of A

burleigh wrote:lol:
Is this similar to the transgender mice?

Roadkill wrote:burleigh wrote:lol: this similar to the transgender mice?
And don't forget "The Enola Gay" whose place in history is being eliminated under the DEI purge.

Optimist wrote:You won’t believe this… wife’s Acer computer just crapped itself….just over 2 years old……1 years warranty……all her photos on it….not backed up.
I flipped it over and read the bottom….MADE IN CHINA.
Yep I’m guilty as charged……never again…..
Hey opti you can buy a cable, take out the old hard drive which is easy enough to do, connect it to another computer and all her photos and files should still b there. Ive done it w 2 laptops that carked it and it worked fine.

^ Another promising tall tale. (You won’t believe this…..)
Even got some believing in the sacrament of a laid cable.

I like the conspiracy that Trump announces tariffs , then market goes down , then Trump & mates buy stock on the low , then Trump pauses tariffs for a month , makes a profit on stocks when they come back up , then repeats cycle. Surely there is a YouTube video about it ……isn’t there ?

tearymasseuse wrote:^ Another promising tall tale. (You won’t believe this…..)
Even got some believing in the sacrament of a laid cable.
eh? Just trying to help. That a crime?

Nothing directed at you southern, your remedy works.
The original “optimistic” tale I’m betting is fraudulent, just going on the author’s imaginative prose.
But hey, no proof, so you’d have to just believe it.

ah ok. My bad. Sorry. No probs.

Supafreak wrote:I like the conspiracy that Trump announces tariffs , then market goes down , then Trump & mates buy stock on the low , then Trump pauses tariffs for a month , makes a profit on stocks when they come back up , then repeats cycle. Surely there is a YouTube video about it ……isn’t there ?
Great theory. Have you purchased stocks?

@burleigh shouldn't you be slithering back into your little hole. You've made an absolute fool of yourself last few days. Laughing stock of SN and surfing community and easily the dumbest commenter in it's history.

southernraw wrote:@burleigh shouldn't you be slithering back into your little hole. You've made an absolute fool of yourself last few days. Laughing stock of SN and surfing community and easily the dumbest commenter in it's history.
Randomly attacking me on three seperate forums now. Kinda weird Southern, you're obsessed.
Tension building stage in full swing.

Just doing what you do on the daily to everyone else.
Noticed you completely wimped out when you were confronted with facts on the Goldy situation.
Not that it matters. I don't believe you're a real person. Nobody could be that stupid.
But the question is..why?? Yep i'll keep trolling you, as that seems acceptable these days on Swellnet. Gonna go reply to the crew who had trees falling on their house on the other thread or have those balls you bragged about shrivelled up?
This is a good site ruined by trolling by you.

Speaking of the Goldy or Goldie how's the erosion.
I blame Trump, no actually Elon,,,yeah Elons fault all the emission from those Tesla's caused it


Septic Tanks are going to Septic Tank