The United States(!) of A

hey Green Room
So much about Anglo Saxons is all over the internet now, if you want to learn it, it's there without having to go to a history department. At any rate, the Normans ruled England after 1066, the Saxons got regime-changed, and it's from the Normans so much of the ensuing history was launched.

I think he’s cured already. The ‘yo oorzee doods’ accent has disappeared.

TWUMPY how corrupt is he?

flollo wrote:seeds wrote:Interesting short about Russian propaganda becoming Trump and Maga truths. yeah, the internet’s full of this. I don’t trust anything anymore. Troll farms and propaganda are good business. And people are addicted. You can see it here in these forums, obviously.
That’s because you don’t watch
Meidastouch , and rely on your Twitter X propaganda , LoLo
Why do you think Trump won the election ?

ASX now down over 5% in past month, thanks to Trumps ideological driven tariff war sending shock waves through the world economy. He really is a clueless moron.

old-dog wrote:ASX now down over 5% in past month, thanks to Trumps ideological driven tariff war sending shock waves through the world economy. He really is a clueless moron.
So are all the Trump humping MAGA Philes
Who thought that everything would be so much better once Biden was gone
Tariff on , tariff off ,tariff up,tariff down, tariff off , tariff on , tariff in , tariff out,
No wonder the Murdoch right wing,
Wall St Journal , think that Trumps tariffs are the dumbest economic strategy ever.

VOO/SPY (S&P 500 ETFs) are -1.73% YTD. Biden crashed them by -25% in 2022 so Trump has a fair bit to go to match Biden. SCHD (Schwab dividend ETF) is +4.17% plus it returns dividends every quarter. This is a classic indication that volatile, hype driven shares react poorly to Trump’s idiotic and erratic behaviour. But those stable, traditional shares are not being hit at all. I reckon they will be and I think that Trump will match Biden as data on job losses, recession comes out. But we’re not there yet.

Confusion wrote:flollo wrote:seeds wrote:Interesting short about Russian propaganda becoming Trump and Maga truths. yeah, the internet’s full of this. I don’t trust anything anymore. Troll farms and propaganda are good business. And people are addicted. You can see it here in these forums, obviously.
That’s because you don’t watch
Meidastouch , and rely on your Twitter X propaganda , LoLo
Why do you think Trump won the election ?
I don’t have a Twitter account. And I don’t watch any media, especially hyped, idiotic videos where people yell at their public.

flollo wrote:Confusion wrote:flollo wrote:seeds wrote:Interesting short about Russian propaganda becoming Trump and Maga truths. yeah, the internet’s full of this. I don’t trust anything anymore. Troll farms and propaganda are good business. And people are addicted. You can see it here in these forums, obviously.
That’s because you don’t watch
Meidastouch , and rely on your Twitter X propaganda , LoLo
Why do you think Trump won the election ?I don’t have a Twitter account. And I don’t watch any media, especially hyped, idiotic videos where people yell at their public.
Well how do you know it’s hyped idiotic videos, if you don’t watch it derrrrrr
And how do you know anything if you don’t watch any media
Right it’s all just guessing about how you feel.
Really informative of you.
So Meidastouch is left wing bias , how terrible now that everything is going so well under Trump , even the economic right wing media is calling him dumb.
You really have things in perspective from not watching any media??

SandP...since WW 2
Over each term

Confusion wrote:flollo wrote:Confusion wrote:flollo wrote:seeds wrote:Interesting short about Russian propaganda becoming Trump and Maga truths. yeah, the internet’s full of this. I don’t trust anything anymore. Troll farms and propaganda are good business. And people are addicted. You can see it here in these forums, obviously.
That’s because you don’t watch
Meidastouch , and rely on your Twitter X propaganda , LoLo
Why do you think Trump won the election ?I don’t have a Twitter account. And I don’t watch any media, especially hyped, idiotic videos where people yell at their public.
Well how do you know it’s hyped idiotic videos, if you don’t watch it derrrrrr
And how do you know anything if you don’t watch any media
Right it’s all just guessing about how you feel.
Really informative of you.
Hey Sexxy, as per yesterday's request, just step away from the keyboard for a while.
Asking a little more firmly this time.

Hmm, is watching the only way to get informed in today’s world? Sorry, rhetorical question. You don’t need to answer, I know you don’t have the capacity.

flollo wrote:Hmm, is watching the only way to get informed in today’s world? Sorry, rhetorical question. You don’t need to answer, I know you don’t have the capacity.
I'm more interested in why Jeffy is so hard out about meidastouch. I despise Cheeto as much as the next guy with half a brain, but if I were to explain to someone what so called "Trump Derangement Syndrome" is, showing them one of these videos would do most of the heavy lifting.

I listen to meidastouch and those guys really report some fake stuff…they are the equal to Fox…but like to pretend they aren’t. It’s not balanced at all…just a Dem propaganda network.

@jef's approach definitely plays into the hands of the many who apparently need to believe there's some lefty-endtimes reality with woke people marching in the streets, losing their shit about Cheeto and responsible Cheeto-owner Elon-Wearing-a-Latex-Elon-Mask. the beanbags fucking love to think their team is annoying some other team that had it coming. why give them a team @jef? just sit back and see what will be. I know you like to feel up-to-date, but there's no need to have a sniff every time trump farts and argue about which media got the odour right. he's just one of the many boring neo-autocrats poncing about the planet decreeing things at cameras and microphones. we've a ways to go yet with the embarrassing US flailing.. pace yerself.

here y'are @jef, a pretty cooking song from adelaide's mid-coast, a land renowned for its graffitiless colourbond and galv, and its backyard succulents..
king jeff and the how are yous - preacher

We are about to live through some scary economic data over then next few months. Numbers will speak for themselves. There is no need for an ‘interpreter’. Under no circumstances will I, with my 2 degrees and 20 years of strong, international work experience, listen to some no hope YouTuber yelling at me. Go straight to the source. And if you’re not sure what it means or how to interpret it, spend some time on the learning material rather than a low life media/youtube loser trying to make a few bucks.

Heard a grab from Trump shit talking today saying Canada has been screwing USA for years with tariffs on dairy and lumber. 250% would you believe.
Is there any truth to this?

Some yanks have a sense of humor. see humour.

He really does seem like a godly type guy .

Supafreak wrote:He really does seem like a godly type guy .
Thank Zeus for that....

Missouri wins it's day in court and is awarded 24Bn in damages from the CCP for the latter unleashing covid. The CCP didn't show up.
No, I didn't know about this case, either. Missouri can now seize assets such as some of all that farmland that was bought.

He’ll blow smoke up anyone’s arse if it serves him well to do so.
I look at his mouth and see a weak sphincter. It just pours out.

Trump offers pathway to citizenship for persecuted South African Afrikaner farmers, after ceasing aid to government of SA over it's farm reclaiming legislation:

More bad news for Canada. Now China is hitting them with more tariffs. What will they do now? Not but Chinese?

seeds wrote:Heard a grab from Trump shit talking today saying Canada has been screwing USA for years with tariffs on dairy and lumber. 250% would you believe.
Is there any truth to this?
Yes that is true. But it’s above a certain quota. I don’t know how much market does the quota cover. You would need to deep dive into USMCA which BTW Trump signed in his first term. There are also quotas on many other things like the car industry.

I’m not deep diving but a quota system seems legit but 250% is nuts. This must be Canada limiting exports at a certain point? Why would they do that? To limit exports and promote domestic sales? Legit question.

I think most people can agree that most of the West has become too reliant on places like China for much of our goods (highlighted more than ever during covid) and that ideally it would be a positive thing that countries like USA and Australia become less reliant on places like China for goods and aim to start manufacturing many things again at home. (for USA it's more realistic with such a large population)
Is it possible to bring this change without serious tariffs??????
BTW. Im not saying that is Trump's only aim, (revenue and politics also) but i personally cant see how we(as in the West) can become less reliant on imports and make it more realistic to manufacturer thing's at home without serious tariffs.

seeds wrote:Whoaa
I’m not deep diving but a quota system seems legit but 250% is nuts. This must be Canada limiting exports at a certain point? Why would they do that? To limit exports and promote domestic sales? Legit question.
You would do this to control and protect domestic production. It artificially keeps the prices high which enables healthy margins for local producers. There would be more to it than this (quality management) but in essence, this is the reason.

Perhaps a bit of metaphor in the following:
Very mixed feelings about such a grand ship being a dive wreck. Good because it doesn't cost to maintain, and new generations can see her as part of an adrenaline-adventure experience. Poor, because she's there right now, in need of some reconditioning, and they have the skills to do so, just not the money or resolve (despite printing more money than ever).
The ship itself: a marvel. Built by the US as the ultimate answer, after the great transatlantic rivalry between Queen Mary and Normandie in the 1930s (remember - no cheap air travel), the Americans put the powerplant of an Iowa class battleship into this liner, and at 36 knots it smashed the Blue Ribband time and got the coveted award (fastest transatlantic crossing). Built back in the day when they really built solid stuff.
Now to be sunk. Of all the great liners, Queen Mary still exists in Long Beach.

velocityjohnno wrote:Missouri wins it's day in court and is awarded 24Bn in damages from the CCP for the latter unleashing covid. The CCP didn't show up.
No, I didn't know about this case, either. Missouri can now seize assets such as some of all that farmland that was bought.
You would think other states will follow Missouri’s lead , surely this has set a precedent and if China doesn’t bother turning up to court well then it’s money ( farm land ) for jam . Will the rest of the world also follow ? I believe there’s also countries suing various pharma companies, that might be more difficult with their get out of jail free card .

Twumpy ?is he an American or a DefectO russian?

Supafreak wrote:velocityjohnno wrote:Missouri wins it's day in court and is awarded 24Bn in damages from the CCP for the latter unleashing covid. The CCP didn't show up.
No, I didn't know about this case, either. Missouri can now seize assets such as some of all that farmland that was bought.
You would think other states will follow Missouri’s lead , surely this has set a precedent and if China doesn’t bother turning up to court well then it’s money ( farm land ) for jam . Will the rest of the world also follow ? I believe there’s also countries suing various pharma companies, that might be more difficult with their get out of jail free card .
The whole concept is bizare, like as if China is going to take things seriously, but yeah it's a great way to just claim Chinese's land.
But isn't this land owned by private Chinese companies?

'adroit cudgel'
bags drums.

basesix wrote:'adroit cudgel'
bags drums.
thumb up emoji !

On The Rest is Politics USA podcast.
Lobsters caught in the USA get sent to Canada for processing +20% tariff, then they get sent back to the US for sale (another) +20% tariff.
This sort of thing is happening all over the place.
Trump has NFI about what he is doing…has NFI about the ramifications involved in what he is doing…has zero fucks to give to those who are affected.
Musk in the same boat as Trump.
The US voter anger will only grow. The sad thing is the Dems. Change is wanted and needed but the old Dems are still the same and won’t fix anything. The Dems need a thorough clean out and new blood. Or just more of the same old same old.

Project 2025… is only getting started.

Some like him , some despise him , he makes a lot of sense to me .

who cares about lobster?
(roadkill and the fancy japanese restaurant, that's who)
but seriously, it's clearly not a priority... seems trump is using tariffs to encourage (force) a lot of things, compliance, border security, self reliance, and investment...
I dunno how trumped up trump's figures are... probably bigly... but it would appear in terms of manufacturers moving (back) to the US, the tarrif thing is a success...
big investment, including Japanese- very bigly, and tech companies choosing US over china to avoid tarrifs on products
but yes roadkill, the question is the little people, who have developed a taste for cheap goods and exotic tastes...
maybe they will just forgo their avocado toast in the depths of a snowy winter?
no more canadian club bourbon?
(hardly sounds like the end of the world)
farmers and local food and the picking is the big unknown for trump I reckon, could destabilise him
but yeh, you're dead right, let's not forget what got us to here...
the dems are woefully and abysmally hopeless
weak and unpopular

whilst - as evidenced above - we get a pretty negative take on all things trumpy...
seems his congress address was a real winner
and sour faced dems just compounded their problem
this chick's comments are always full of ex-dems, and it doesn't bode well for democrats...
the dems problem is so systemic and just so fucking weirdo off, it's hard to see them becoming remotely electable any time soon
(aside from trump being trump)

sypkan wrote:whilst - as evidenced above - we get a pretty negative take on all things trumpy...
seems his congress address was a real winner
and sour faced dems just compounded their problem
this chick's comments are always full of ex-dems, and it doesn't bode well for democrats...
the dems problem is so systemic and just so fucking weirdo off, it's hard to see them becoming remotely electable any time soon
(aside from trump being trump)
I posted a s few pages back that I couldn’t believe the dems didn’t applaud the peace that looks like coming between Ukraine and Russia , I was thinking what the fucks wrong with these people . After reading the comments in above article in seems I wasn’t on my own there . Many people around the globe would have possibly thought the same .

Supafreak wrote:Some like him , some despise him , he makes a lot of sense to me .
Yeah i watched his whole speech the other night.
Definitely gave me pause to stop and think.
Good post above btw @roadkill.

Roadkill wrote:On The Rest is Politics USA podcast.
Lobsters caught in the USA get sent to Canada for processing +20% tariff, then they get sent back to the US for sale (another) +20% tariff.
This sort of thing is happening all over the place.
Trump has NFI about what he is doing…has NFI about the ramifications involved in what he is doing…has zero fucks to give to those who are affected.Musk in the same boat as Trump.
The US voter anger will only grow. The sad thing is the Dems. Change is wanted and needed but the old Dems are still the same and won’t fix anything. The Dems need a thorough clean out and new blood. Or just more of the same old same old.
Im confused
You just gave us an example of an area where tarrifs are needed, how ridiculous is it that lobsters caught in USA are then sent to Canada to be processed and then sent back to be sold in the USA.
If USA put's tariffs on them and Canada does the same it means those lobsters become too expensive and stop getting sent to Canada to be processed and start getting processed in USA.
Sure tariffs are also used for revenue or politics etc but isnt this the basic premise of what tariffs should be about.??? (protecting local industry and jobs)

indo-dreaming wrote:Roadkill wrote:On The Rest is Politics USA podcast.
Lobsters caught in the USA get sent to Canada for processing +20% tariff, then they get sent back to the US for sale (another) +20% tariff.
This sort of thing is happening all over the place.
Trump has NFI about what he is doing…has NFI about the ramifications involved in what he is doing…has zero fucks to give to those who are affected.Musk in the same boat as Trump.
The US voter anger will only grow. The sad thing is the Dems. Change is wanted and needed but the old Dems are still the same and won’t fix anything. The Dems need a thorough clean out and new blood. Or just more of the same old same old.
Im confused
You just gave us an example of an area where tarrifs are needed, how ridiculous is it that lobsters caught in USA are then sent to Canada to be processed and then sent back to be sold in the USA.
If USA put's tariffs on them and Canada does the same it means those lobsters become too expensive and stop getting sent to Canada to be processed and start getting processed in USA.
Sure tariffs are also used for revenue or politics etc but isnt this the basic premise of what tariffs should be about.??? (protecting local industry and jobs)
Clearly you don’t understand how specialised supply chains work. Tbh, I doubt you even understand how basic supply chains and/or logistic channels work between countries that share borders.

Sure i understand it's not always that simple but whatever way you want to spin it, your example is a terrible example and a perfect example of where tariff's would work.

indo-dreaming wrote:Sure i understand it's not always that simple but whatever way you want to spin it, your example is a terrible example and a perfect example of where tariff's would work.

Yeah tarriffs will MAGA... haha
Good luck.
Septic Tanks are going to Septic Tank