Slow outlook with a fun sized N/NE groundswell for Friday, fading through the weekend, with a small W/NW swell for mid-next week.
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A lack of normal north-west swell energy for this time of year, with swells from the N/NE and NE due over the coming period.
XL swell for the weekend, large in Micronesia, with a reinforcing pulse through the following week and another large swell event late week.
Easing W/NW swell tomorrow, with a reinforcing NW swell for Wednesday, fading into the start of the weekend. XL W/NW swell arriving later Saturday, peaking Sunday on the North Shore.
Easing surf over the coming days, with an inconsistent W/NW groundswell for Monday on the North Shore. Better waves in Micronesia with larger surf across the reef breaks.
Large easing N/NW groundswell tomorrow, further through Friday with light offshore winds. Fun new swell for Monday, nothing thereafter.
Easing NW swell tomorrow, with a good N/NW groundswell building Wednesday, easing Thursday, slow next week. Fun waves across Micronesia and PNG over the coming days, with a new swell late next week.
Small to tiny and fading surf across the North Shore ahead of a new W/NW groundswell Sunday, easing slowly early next week. Follow up NW swell later in the week. Good N/NE-NE groundswell event for Micronesia and PNG.
Small easing surf on the North Shore, with a new large W/NW groundswell for Sunday. Large N/NE groundswell for Micronesia early next week.
Good NW groundswell pulses for the North Shore over the coming days, slow into next week. Similar across Micronesia and PNG.