Wednesday morning the best of tiny bunch

Guy Dixon

Wednesday morning the best of tiny bunch

Guy Dixon

Eastern Tasmania Surf Forecast by Guy Dixon (issued Friday 11th November)

Best Days: Wednesday morning


Westerly breezes prevailed all day on Thursday keeping the line up nice and clean. There were a few nce 2ft options along the exposed beaches, however its faded back to a tiny 0.5-1ft today. The fact that the swell has disappeared is no big deal as southeasterly breeze is impacting the quality anyway.

This weekend (Saturday 12th - Sunday 13th):

Solid S'ly swell for the weekend

Guy Dixon

Solid S'ly swell for the weekend

Guy Dixon

S'ly swell is on the cards for the weekend, with Sunday being the pick due to better quality swell and more workable winds. South facing beaches with northerly protection will be the key. Early next week, open beaches will be the focus as NE windswells build to around 2-3ft by Tuesday.