Tiny to flat this weekend and most of next week with some new swell due Friday onwards.
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Tiny surf to continue with a fleeting pulse of NE swell Friday morning the only hope.
Tiny to flat surf over the coming period. Check the South Arm forecast.
No real notable swells this coming period. Maybe surf next weekend?
No major swells this period with small background levels of NE swell.
Fun S/SE groundswell tomorrow morning, easing later and further Wednesday with some small to tiny background NE swell for the rest of the period.
Small levels of southerly swell around 1-2ft across south magnets Saturday through Monday, with a better S/SE groundswell for later Monday and more so Tuesday with improving winds.
Nothing major for our coast with fading waves at south swell magnets tomorrow, with a new swell for next Tuesday morning.
Building S'ly groundswell tomorrow with improving winds, peaking Wednesday morning and then easing with offshore winds, fading through Thursday.
Poor conditions tomorrow morning and afternoon, improving later in the day with a mix of E/NE and stronger SE groundswell. Clean and easing Friday. Good S'ly groundswell mid-next week.