The Occ-Cast with Ozzie Wright - video
One of the great things about Occy's web series is that he puts a mic in front of surfers we don't usually hear from. A few months back it was Gordon Merchant, whose company is ubiquitous in surf media while he himself has been largely invisible.
This time around it's Ozzie Wright who for half his life has been paid to surf, and to paint and play music I guess, but rarely do you hear him voice an opinion.
Ozzie had a few awkward moments in there. He's obviously way more comfortable surfing and painting then talking on camera and it shows.
He lives just the next street over from me...always in the water...never drops in...always friendly and up for a chat...really nice guy.
That's my (limited) experience as well. Surfed with him a few times in Indo and NSW, and he's a pleasure to be around. You know how one person can turn a session sour in a minute? Ozzie is the complete opposite, lifting the mood and making others chill out, too.
Havent listened to this yet, but not long ago his band "Goons of Doom" blatantly ripped of Tumbleweeds stoned single artwork, drawn by Tumbleweed band member Lenny.
Like WTF?....they would have known where this artwork came from and who Tumblweed are i mean they were one of the biggest Aussie bands of the early 90,s and even toured Oz with Nirvana.