Nic von Rupp // Reef Road - video
And now for something slightly different, a fictional documentary of Nic von Rupp's recent journeys. 'Reef Road' is a longer watch, slower in parts with lots of scenery and tracking shots, but the surfing scenes are gold class. The German/Portuguse mongrel has scored himself a shit tonne of great waves over the past twelve months.
That long, barrelling righthander towards the end - gimme gimme! (please)
Kandui. Terrifying at 6ft let alone whatever size that was!
Niase Island Bay a bit of a no brainer there. Good waves good surfing but
really put off by the rambling chick why was she in it and what was the point?
No no, not the Nias footage. Late in the video there's a long righthander which gets smaller and tighter down the line.
Yeah, that was horrible.
'but really put off by the rambling chick why was she in it and what was the point?'
Seeing as you asked, that's just surfee culture. Foundational stuff. You can't blame her. Putting herself out there. Someone might buy it. She might make it to the top, like the Kardashians. Beats working any day. I train a girl who's just on the verge. Nice girl. Attractive, studying law too. But she's pretty up front about that path. Her video got noticed. She's made it through all the elimination processes and if she does well in Sydney in a few months, bingo! I trained another even more attractive girl who moved to Adelaide. She was studying medicine, and thinks that the other girl is crazy. Been there, done that. At 19. And she still does some of evo's car racing stuff, Gran Prix, any other big races. When she feels like it. Advertising grog in skimpy outfits. But, she's smarter, makes heaps more than that, doing even less. She works at the big casinos all over the country. Drinks waitress. Gets to travel. Wages? She just laughs at me! No! Fuck wages, who works for fucking wages! Tips! She's got them sussed. the huge tippers. Status. Like sashimi, crazy money in status! Forget John West. 'Aren't they sleazy? Aren't you worried, you are just a kid!' She just laughs! 'Fuck, compared to the sleazy cunts and bullshit in the modelling world, they are just dumb angels!'
Some may say, no need to live like that. But, they don't have the best of everything, and never will. They'll argue they still get waves, great waves too. A work, balanced life thing. Maybe a tradesman. Or FIFO. Say tradesman. Even here, $100 buck call out. Before they even start. Balance. Some poor sucker, well, the truth is millions of poor suckers are paying for that balance. Working midnight shifts, two jobs, couples, @ say $23 hour. If they are lucky. Its pretty basic maths to see the cost of that 'balance'. Basic capitalism 101. Sure, they use lots of big words and terminology. Boiled down, someone always has to pay, that's all. To make those electrical fittings, the wires, tires, fuel, jets, toilet paper, phones, lollies, just all the nuts and bolts that hold the 'balance' together. While all the while, all up the chain, their bosses are thinking, how can I pay these fuckers less to do more! So that I can do fuck all, and have the best of everything. Fucking Charlie! The 'foundation'!
I gotta stop telling the truth! Some will say its negative. But, if you have the best map in the world, and can see where you want to get clearly, you'd better know where you are on the thing! So you can move on. Like training someone with fucked shoulders, but not being 100% on the ball, and recognising all about that shoulder situation! 'Here, you can fucking do it, press that bad boy!' 'Faaaarrrk! Me shoulder's destroyed, what are you fucking doing to me!' 'Just being One, mate! Its a Spiritual thing! You know! That's what it said on the new CD! Its just a dream. A test! Surrender to Oneness! Then you'll see the value in me thinkin, and in capitalism! Where all is lurv, all is equal, all is respect! Its advanced Oneness!'
Its not though, is it. Someone always having to pay. So that girl wants to make it. Can't blame her. Good luck to her. Dog eat dog. Charlie. There was this one mob that figured it out though! Nah, they were just dumb cunts in a lucky country, like us, and just lucky it was big! Hang on, Africa was heaps bigger, fucking hell, talk about war and slaves! Ahh fuck it, just sweep it under the rug, and hope no one notices, and just move on! That works! The 'foundation'! You can always get bigger rugs! You can always get them real cheap, do a 'deal', from India if ya have to!
What's this got to do with that vid, and that girl, and surfees on a surfeeing webby! On the surface, nothing I guess. Storm in a teacup stuff.
I gotta stop tellin' the truth! OK, you win! In a swillnut shell, twinnies are fucked in the barrel! And solid waves!
Last wave- Kandui?
Definitely Kandui. Looks meaty, doesn't it!
I agree with evo surfer, that footage of his girl friend was just narcissistic, boring and so "Facebook" if you ask me, I've been on those stinking steel ferry's in Indo one time too many, there is nothing much romantic about them except for the view when you're standing in all the spit and rubbish on the outside deck trying to get some breathable air!