That’s weird, that’s queer, that’s crazy, that deserves a long hard look.

watched this last night, the lost children, plane crash in colombia,
clunky rendering in some ways, but good story, spot on review:

The deportations have begun and Trump is yet to take office.

When in Rome .

In the Italian mafia, the capo de tutti capo's reputedly often get their captains and soldiers to drink their piss to prove loyalty, wanna be American mobsters it appears, prefer to make them eat Shitty Mickey D's and sit next to coked up idiot sons.
And poor little Christofascist Mike, hovering in the background, after all the arse kissing and protecting the brand, doesn't even get a seat at the table or a meal by the looks. If it was a disaster movie (which it will probably end up being), I reckon poor Mike might be the first one killed in the script looking at that photo.
But at least Trump now has a First Lady that will sit next to him and smile without having to pay a negotiated contract fee first

Look I know next to next to f all but Trump holds power as President but don’t you think he’ll piss Elon off in the end just from pure insecurity. Elon is successful. Trump is a failed business turd that won’t flush. Trump won’t be able to handle his inner negative talk when dealing with Elon. His fragile ego will wet its diapers. Maybe even number 2’s

He seemed to go through staff and Cabinet members like he was eating pretzels last time, can't see it lasting for whatever reason.
Here's a breakdown of his last term compared to a few others going back to Reagan.

Let’s face it. Trump just needed to be seriously punched the fuck out in his formative years. Now I’m not condoning this for the average Joe but these nepo pissants need a taste of the real world when young. Lesson learnt once.
And no this isn’t bullying! It’s the bully having his personality changed for the better by the absolute realisation I ain’t shit without Daddy.

blackers wrote:He seemed to go through staff and Cabinet members like he was eating pretzels last time, can't see it lasting for whatever reason.
Here's a breakdown of his last term compared to a few others going back to Reagan.
Unlike the others though he was totally new to politics and had no idea who he could trust, that's why he is appointing people who are on the same wave length or loyal to him
This time is going to be far more interesting, he now knows how it all works and has had years to work things out.
Although I do agree Musk wont last, him and Trump will clash at some stage, i dont know if Tulsi will last either.

Bugger this Seppo shit
These poor young people dieing of methanol poisoning is tragic. Young Aussie lady just succumbed. This is tragic.

seeds wrote:Bugger this Seppo shit
These poor young people dieing of methanol poisoning is tragic. Young Aussie lady just succumbed. This is tragic.
Yes very sad story and her friend is just holding on .

It’s so terrible. On all fronts.

RFK and Pete Evans teaming up? someone better send burls a six pack of Vaseline.
Who needs science and experts when you've got these two snake oil clowns.

Oh shit, spat my drink on reading that old-dog.

seeds wrote:Oh shit, spat my drink on reading that old-dog.
It’s gotta be a joke.
Both charlatans. I’m firmly convinced.
Do you think RFK will go with a mullet as well ? AW

Well credit where credit is due. RFK got a good head of hair for a 70 year old. I’m sure he could grow it out. At least a skullet for sure.

I wonder if the relationship will progress after the cookbook.
It certainly is interesting to watch. What are we watching though?
Strange days indeed. I’m enjoying it. Watching it all unfold.
This thread is full of hot air though. I can’t imagine if I had the education and the knowledge of such things that I’d waste it territorially pissing on Swellnet.

It’s official , the world has gone bananas.

Haha shit hey I’m not even realising what thread I’m posting in.
Supa you’ve just made me realise I’m in the there are some real stupid carrot cakes out there thread.
How ridiculous is that shit.

mmmmm.... bananas.
I love banana bread, banana pudding, banana milkshakes, banana everything. Even bananas themselves.
Never thought of duct taping one to a wall..... (isn't it gonna rot?)

Oh Wax you gotta read the articles on this the last couple of days. I thought it was a pisstake.
Humans hey! Dumb coonts
I googled Dan Quayle. What was his story? If you know. Politics late 90’s 2000’s

This one deserves a long hard listen , slip of the tongue ?

Roadkill wrote:This will be an interesting watch..scam artist and snake oil natural medicines and gullible
/ desperate people hoping for a miracle.
right up my ally, that kinda series, I'll watch it tonight, cheers (says an old mate from Adelaide did the music, too, I like his stuff, he did Glitch and the Newsreader).

The dork that paid 6.2 million $ for a banana taped to a wall , ate the banana , what a absolute shameful way to show your wealth. With so many people doing it tuff , this guy has taken being a tosser to a new level .

Gordon Gecko said “ greed is good “ …..until ya get caught that is . Adrian Portelli charged with multiple counts of conducting an unlawful lottery by an Adelaide court.

Look what hawk tuah girl has spat out , left a bad taste in some mouths .
“ pump & dump “ classic wording .
What a piece of shit.

Here is his Instagram. What a creep

burleigh wrote:
What a piece of shit.
Burleigh. Thanks for posting.
An outright piece of shit for sure, makes my blood boil when I see or hear of incidents of this nature. He needs a complete flogging by a bunch of heavy’s and locked up for a long time.
A smear on society as well as the good surf coaching fraternities who operate and conduct themselves at a very high and expected, community standard.
When you drop your kids off to those activities , you depart feeling your kids are having fun and in good hands, alas, in rare instances they’re not. AW

burleigh wrote:
What a piece of shit.
and got bail.

burleigh wrote:
What a piece of shit.
OMG! I came very close to giving this bloke a clip in the line up bout a year ago! If he wasn't with a young kid pushing him into waves I would have, overzealous wanker thought he owned the waves that day, far out I'm blown away, and to think I came home and thought I'm getting too stressed out in small waves and need to chill out for even thinking about giving this bloke a crack in the jaw, geez serve him up to me now

Haha that’s great SF.
Keith has made the world a better place. Those guys haven’t.

Yeah. Keef is a classic.
His book is definitely worth a read.

Peter Reynolds wrote:burleigh wrote:
What a piece of shit.
OMG! I came very close to giving this bloke a clip in the line up bout a year ago! If he wasn't with a young kid pushing him into waves I would have, overzealous wanker thought he owned the waves that day, far out I'm blown away, and to think I came home and thought I'm getting too stressed out in small waves and need to chill out for even thinking about giving this bloke a crack in the jaw, geez serve him up to me now
Hopefully the grub gets what’s coming to him.

Skinny little young blond paedo - imagine what would happen to him if he did time in general population.
Or don't.

mattlock wrote:Yeah. Keef is a classic.
His book is definitely worth a read.
Yes , I loved his book , changed my ill informed opinion of him , same with Mike Tyson .

Supafreak wrote:mattlock wrote:Yeah. Keef is a classic.
His book is definitely worth a read.Yes , I loved his book , changed my ill informed opinion of him , same with Mike Tyson .
Tyson is a fascinating character I reckon.
One of those people who have lived a life that 99.99 % of people could never even start to comprehend.
His childhood sounds so fucked up and traumatic that it’s no wonder he turned into such a savage.
I’m gunna hunt down his book.

Supafreak wrote:mattlock wrote:Yeah. Keef is a classic.
His book is definitely worth a read.Yes , I loved his book , changed my ill informed opinion of him , same with Mike Tyson .
It's a fantastic autobiography (the Keith Richards one). Certainly came away thinking differently.

AI is getting scary , the lip sync looks perfect.

Noticed this on the front page of reddit
unbefriggenlievable. Just in time for chaos in next Trump presidency.

velocityjohnno wrote:Noticed this on the front page of reddit
unbefriggenlievable. Just in time for chaos in next Trump presidency.
Yeah I saw a snippet on instagram and thought, is this for real or just hyped up media ? Didn’t look any further .

Additional victims and more charges laid:
Only Stabmag covering this so far...... sad really
Influencer being an influencer.