That’s weird, that’s queer, that’s crazy, that deserves a long hard look.

Supafreak wrote:The expert doctor the IBA brought to the panel — Dr. Ioannis Filippatos, a former chair of the IBA’s medical committee — offered little in medical specifics, saying, at one point, “I don’t want to speak too much medicine to you.”
Asked how anyone could trust the IBA after years of judging scandals, financial corruption and other misdeeds, Chris Roberts, the organization’s secretary general, talked about bureaucratic successes that had little to do with public trust.
I’f covid taught us anything is that doctors can not be trusted and are owned by whoever pays the bills.

- geez burlz, your one track mind still seems to bring u to your knees ;)
.....relax .....don't do it ;);)

Ha ha ... im happy to say i never experienced Guys dirty hole
You know im pretty sure they are all real names.

- of course eggspurt ;)
....even a cpl named in your honour
- 'misery knob' & 'blubber head' ;);)

indo-dreaming wrote:Ha ha ... im happy to say i never experienced Guys dirty hole
You know im pretty sure they are all real names.
I wonder how many names have survived in this age of PC ……edit I get a mention too …. Boomers bottom

^ haha supa, I noticed that too
...and right next door to pensioners bush ;)

- thrush forest beside lake fanny is a concern
... & the distance between butt of liberty and the dump may require a dunnys dam detour ;)

Interesting stuff, it's been decades since I've seen a proper map of Tassie.

Classic TS

I will take Funny Knob Creek lol :)

Jelly Flater wrote:- thrush forest beside lake fanny is a concern
... & the distance between butt of liberty and the dump may require a dunnys dam detour ;)
JellyFlater. Hi mate.
My brother and I are often talking biological stuff, my parents find it very interesting.
I once asked my elderly father if he knew what the stretch of skin in ( female anatomy) between the wizzer and the dump was called, he paused and very calmly , said, ‘chin rest’.
He should have said , perineum. Men and women have one.AW

Jelly = The Dungeon ;)
Seeds = Crack Pot ;)
Supre = Pensioners Bush ;)
AW = Knut Bush Creek ^^

- sorry trashy, u may try to deny it haha are the 'stinkhole' ;);)
(& a resident of boring creek)

AlfredWallace wrote:Jelly Flater wrote:- thrush forest beside lake fanny is a concern
... & the distance between butt of liberty and the dump may require a dunnys dam detour ;)JellyFlater. Hi mate.
My brother and I are often talking biological stuff, my parents find it very interesting.
I once asked my elderly father if he knew what the stretch of skin in ( female anatomy) between the wizzer and the dump was called, he paused and very calmly , said, ‘chin rest’.He should have said , perineum. Men and women have one.AW
I heard it was called a “ fact “ and if you break it you’re in the shit and that’s a “ fact “

Big Bucks Offered for The Bare Baquette

Supafreak wrote:@indo , when you lived in tassie , did you ever come across guys dirty hole ? Just wondering if any waves up there .
Hahaha, that's gold.
Driving from St Marys down to the coast, there's this road sign 'You Are Now Entering St Mary's Pass' and back in 2003 someone had painted over the 'P'.

- haha if parts of the road were unsealed could be unsafe (gravel rash)
....or even clay in bits, could get dangerously slippery in the bog

Someone also flogged the 'R' in the Norseman sign so there was a bit of a chuckle after crossing the Nullarbor that time...

Social Media Engineering
abs policy :
Is the Census Compulsory? = [YES]
There is NO Minimum Age : Children can Fill in the Form (If...)
* "If they are the person in their household who can best understand and fill out the form!"
* "There is NO Adult who usually lives at that Address"
This allows a Meconium smear the right to boycott the gender question.
That update was to placate the Inner City Green Voters!
Why different Nations set different Social Media Age Verification
May 2024 tbb 'Introduced' Timelines for the Age of Consent.
These innocent Kidz Timetables expose Social Engineering of Youth.
Crew may have noticed our Oz Govt/s gotta stack US/Oz Tech Matriarchs as Goddess Commissioners.
Our whole Cyber Defence is US infiltrated & given Universal Power to bust balls of Evil Tech Buggers.
Sure, to Scan & upgrade Civil Defence funneling clients across Gateway > Banking > Transit >Ticketing.
Crowdstrike Crash openly advertised all same Timeline City's w/e reboot jobs a month in advance!
DAVOS Queen Bee Oz e Harmony Envoy integrates Global STEM youth army to Zap Boomerz!
Oz is an obvious Choice to experiment with mass immigration of infinite Tech Savvy exotic Youth Nerds.
Oz is Looking at a cycle of a few 100 thousand Child / Teen workers on a loop.
Also because of the lack of Checks & Balances with allocating Executive Governance Power.
eg: Don't mess with US Narc Chick > Fines are $million/second...FU...yours faithfully US Lap Dog PM.
Thankfully tbb is not alone in investigating Dick Dastardly's DAVOS Department of Youth.
Senate questions DAVOS New World Robot Maiden Julie...
That's the Background...let's check the Wave of Social Media Youth Movement across the Globe
This is not definitive but can best act as a guide of readily available unified data..
There is more than enough data to draw conclusion as to why Age Verification is customized to suit!
Highest Youth Slave Wave (Cheap Labour) is directed towards [100%] English Language Populations.
US / UK / Canada / Oz always get the first pick of Largest Demographic Child Slave Labour Litter.
These Nations allow Big Tech to flex min' Age 11-13 Social Media access...
* Fast Track Free English Language Integration
* Kiss goodbye to unruly old world Parental Evil Rant Indoctrination...(No thanks Dad! Sounds daggy!)
* Cuts down on massive ongoing Budgets of upping Teacher expenditure
* Just press that fucktard Gamerry app kidz!
Child Slave Worker apps!
* Aged 11 Can Deliver Supervised Goods 6am-6pm *wk (School days 4hrs*12hrs + w/e 8hrs*38hrs)
* Banking / Tax File # = 33.3% Slave Wage Age for Corps / Big Tech / Big Pharma
* Adult Supervision via a Child Slave tracker app is the Norm
* SCC School Exemption Contracts for Employers of Parentless Child Slaves
* Age 14 My Govt Account XP app coughs up Online Medicare > EFT direct with No parent Hassles!
* Teams of 14 year Olds can then consume & dispense Big Pharma Drugs into Age Care Telehealth!"
Note : tbb can verify handing over PBS scripts / Transactions often with a 14 y/o Pharmacy Grom.
e Commissioner awards 'Youth IT Course Certs' to infiltrate & Digitize Age Care Honey Pots
[ EMPATHY ] Wanna see yer cute 'Cares about the War' pet kid again next week...of course ya do!
Then Finger Sign empathetic My Gov cartoon Telehealth Pax/Bank'n'Die seachange inheritance app!
"Empathetic Grom certificates win CEO roles for Life for each Ai Digitized Seachange Cash Cow!"
* Aged 15 Transgender / Non Binary / Non Conforming...can Join ALP (Voting is strictly for Adults)
* Age 16 Youth Study-Allowance/Disability Payment Carer-Support/Nan's PBS $1,300 Pax Drug Mule
My Govt Teen app > Aukus WMD Sales Rep + T&C on how to opt out of Child Slave Organ Harvesting.
14 y/o Social Media Age of Consent % English Language in rogue states.
[100%] Austria wish to Fasttrack Universal SM English to rid folksie Germanic / Romani Language
[98%] Spain wishes to rid Basque separatists > so intro SM early to stem weirdo Basque uprising
[98%] Italy wishes to unify 34 multi diverse lesser Languages costly compliance = (Social Media Speak)
South Americans...
Columbia is Global burdened with 65 lesser Languages > Social Media Fasttracks English for Tourism
Chile is fasttracking Cable Contracts so will obviously exploit Social Media fasttrack.
Peru 46 + Venezuela likewise speak 38 too many Languages holding back US port / canal Trade
Basically all these nations ramp younger faster Globalization to plug into West World favour!
Yes...they will gladly abort & stomp over their own kind along the way...outta my way you!
15 y/o Social Media Age of Consent % English Language in rogue states
These 2 Nations are comfortable in their own skin but wish to accommodate universal Youth options
[ 93%] France + [ 57% ] Denmark are fine to let their Native Tongue Kidz Universally mingle @ 15 y/o
16 y/o Social Media Age of Consent % English Language in rogue states...
These are fiercely proud & determined Cultures that wish to cling to Native Tongue for ID Strength
Many are wealthy because they bottle & market their Folksie Culture...Kids all are losin' it too fast!
[ 100% ] Ireland will delay Social Media until Kids learn their fast isolating rapid declining Gaelic.
[ 65% ] Germany [ 55% ] Dutch wholly endorse their Culture by delaying any Woke SM shitshow!
[ 95%] Poland [ 93%] Croatia [ 40% ] Hungary all fight doggedly to promote long hard fought Culture.
They don't want this shit Social Media but all now need it to promote their dying cultures!
Back to the beginning...the here and now...
All crew see US / UK / Oz / Canada Voter Base want to preserve Culture & Flush Social Media Void.
Sick of seeing Corps suck the souls from their Youth > these Parents wanna claw back their Local Gromz.
They wanna put pedal to metal & ramp Social Media from 11 > 13 > 16...Now they say...or else!
But DAVOS robots need Social Media Big Corp Child Slaves = to Pick Pocket Seachange Boomers.
And do Govt Slave Labour bidding for Corps!
That's the line in the sand...Battleground they now call it!
However...with Age Verification therein lies another hidden School Bully war.
What School or Teachers permit 16 y/old's Licence to Span Junior-Senior School Years 10 < 11 > 12
How the fuck does a Teacher argue fairness of Alphabet Soup of DOB rights with musical chairs.
Senior School Bully is 16y/o Troll Adam Aaron (vs) Class IT Dux 14 y/o Zali Zelda is banned from study
Age Verification LAW in a School setting, bans a random half from online study for senior exams.
Senior Year IT pass equally risks letting 14-15 y/o's view Bikini Bum Cheeks!
What of recent gains of Wonder Girls racing thru high School to they get an app exemption?
This is the very reason our e Harmony Commissioner is selling IT Certs to entrap Slave Gromz...
When each Child Slave is capable of Exampling Computer Banking they get the [Empathy] Certificate.
This way ...DAVOS can parade rosy cheek Models in Aged Care to light Up Boomer Jack Pots.
Yes! This already extends to Primary School Age Certificates to fleece Aged Care Boomers!
Crew can see how tricky the sticky wicket.
Current Policy is to ban future Youth Migration & let the Current Batch of Slave Gromz ride out the Tail.
Kinda like exploiting the Last Batch of Slave Gromz for SM Censorship Voter favour...but...
My Gov sanctions endless outsourced o/s study / sports / banking / Health / ABC apps to minors...
How to prioritize outsourced Youth well being & will SM ban extend to exploiting puppies & kittens.
Can't help but think we're looking at Censoring to garnish mandated My Gov Player's Favour.
Got an icky feeling that Govt will ban healthier choice apps to mandate DAVOS jock reward apps.
Mums : "Love my well drilled Stem Cell marching Soldier Boy...transformed him into a uniformed man!"
Can't help but notice that glazed stare in his that ticking sound in the manual!

2016-2024 Land Forces WMD Piss Ups invite Mega devastation.
How is it possible to mix Grog & Mega Tonne Weapons in our Cities.
Seen enough of this Shit Show > Decorated Soldiers getting sloshed amongst City WMD.
Please someone arrest these Drunken Bums Tinkering with Time Bombs in our Cities,
Sack every careless pissed bastard promoting & operating & selling Mass Killing Machines.
None of these shitheads can defend Melbourne in the Drunken state they're in.
Oz prays to the Enemy to rightfully remove our own weapons from our City Defence...
Please save us from our own Sky high Theatre of War.
In the event of an emergency or City Fire > ADF can't even remove their Tanks until they sober up...
Whole city will Blast to the Moon & leave a Massive Crater.
Fucking disgusting pathetic untrustworthy dangerous Defence force are #1 Threat to Oz cities.
Piss them off & strip all their positions & medals then deport them for trying to blow up our Cities!
Even our most hated Enemy presents less of a risk than our own Idiots!
What pissed Army dude can keep Secrets & sign Weapons contracts while they can't stand up!
What kind of Defence Parks Massive Weapons in City then Gets on the Beers...are you kidding!
These Piss Ups are the work of that grub defence Minister Pyne...who else! A Fucking Disgrace!
Take care not let pissed Aukus crew near your City's Ticking Time Bomb.
2023-24 Qld Aukus Devastation...we won't reach 2025 unless Aukus stops attacking us!

This would get your heart rate up.

Request Date Check...
Sunday 22nd Sept 2024 Calendars / Online Calendars
Monday 23rd Sept 2024 Qld : 2x TVs + Computer Clock
+ Search comes back stating it's [ Monday 23rd Sep 2024] Qld Time...
[See above right] Time stamp dated Mon 23 Sept
Requesting if today is actually Monday & not Sunday?
Coz that means today is the Day tbb lost the plot...
Swear it's Sunday...obviously seriously lost all sense of time...not good!

I couldn’t watch the whole video . Bewildered that someone that inherits a fortune and empire , tries to satisfy his life with risky business schemes that will make him more money , instead of kicking back and enjoying life . What makes these people happy ? So many options , to choose a life that has less pressure , could even help so many others less fortunate. Where was the pressure coming from to make billions more than he already had ? It’s weird how some people believe to be successful in life you must have more than enough. He’s a product of his environment but I find it hard to have empathy for him . Bit harsh of me I know as I don’t personally know the bloke . Depression and anxiety are deliberating conditions but we have choices . In my opinion it comes down to priorities .

I thought it a good watch the other night.
If nothing else it shows poor mental health does not discriminate.
Pressure and expectations of living up to his old man’s success and standards would be enough to tip most people over.

I ended up watching the whole clip and regret commenting without having seen the whole thing , poor judgement by me .

All good Supa. It’s a bitch of thing that’s hard to grasp for those that haven’t experienced it.
Being born into those families could be a curse for some.
Look what happened to Trump’s older brother for example.

Naughty word page cleanse

Interesting Roadie.
I worked for a few of the world's richest back in the day, including the guy who was then purportedly Russia's wealthiest.
After nearly a decade in that industry, my major take-home was simply that people generally live a richer and more fulfilling life without the confusion and distraction of extreme wealth.
Imagine not knowing who your real friends are, imagine feeling that everyone was a yes-man and was out to use you and take advantage of you.
Imagine knowing the price of everything and the value of nothing (generalisation).
You don't want to live in poverty but extreme wealth is also a curse as far as I saw.

I don’t envy the super wealthy, I admire those that do something that benefits the community and do so without wanting anything in return , including a tax break . Looking at James Packers case , the need to prove himself to others that he could be as good or better businessman than his father and grandfather has been his undoing and his health has suffered as a result . I’m not in his shoes and don’t know what type of childhood he had . I’ve experienced depression in different stages of my life ( runs in the family ) and learnt how to best manage it and understand the warning signs . I’ve never experienced manic depression . JP had a choice when he took over the empire , he’s paying the price for his choices now. I wonder how he would be if he wasn’t previously obsessed with business building and had taken a philanthropist role in life instead . Some people get a kick out of giving ( especially anonymously ) others just need to take.

AndyM wrote:Interesting Roadie.
I worked for a few of the world's richest back in the day, including the guy who was then purportedly Russia's wealthiest.
After nearly a decade in that industry, my major take-home was simply that people generally live a richer and more fulfilling life without the confusion and distraction of extreme wealth.
Imagine not knowing who your real friends are, imagine feeling that everyone was a yes-man and was out to use you and take advantage of you.
Imagine knowing the price of everything and the value of nothing (generalisation).
You don't want to live in poverty but extreme wealth is also a curse as far as I saw.
Nailed it @AndyM. And Roady/Supa.
Money can never buy health and intrinsic joy.

Your health is your wealth, that’s all there is to it. AW

Yes, but people of all walks of life and different wealth levels are afflicted by mental health issues.
Discussion has become a bit skewed by “wealth”

Dinner out ^ sounds great. Close family makes a big difference I’d imagine.

Roadkill wrote:We went out for dinner with my family and my wife’s family when they were visiting from NZ. We both have 3 kids 18-22 is the age range …1 long table and we had a great time….I looked down the table and all the 6 kids/cousins were laughing and chatting away and we all had a great time. It was just a moment in life that really resonated in me. money can’t buy that happiness. I will remember that moment for ever.
Wealth is not about money.
Yeah love this. Epic.

seeds wrote:Yes, but people of all walks of life and different wealth levels are afflicted by mental health issues.
Discussion has become a bit skewed by “wealth”
I think you’ve interpreted my statement a different way.
What I meant to convey was I think your health is way more important than your wealth.
Looking back at my statement it can be misconstrued the other way.
It’s interesting how us as people can read the same literature and come up with different interpretations, that’s human nature as we know it. AW

No, all good I get ya. No truer saying.
I’m saying it is often said what have the rich got to be depressed about.
Plenty, just like the rest of us.
It’s a two edged sword mental health. The mind is not well and most coping mechanisms are unhealthy also. Worsening the mental health

seeds wrote:No, all good I get ya. No truer saying.
I’m saying it is often said what have the rich got to be depressed about.
Plenty, just like the rest of us.
It’s a two edged sword mental health. The mind is not well and most coping mechanisms are unhealthy also. Worsening the mental health
Seeds. Hi mate.
As you’ve suggested, mental health problems don’t discriminate any particular tier of life.
You work in a field close to your heart, externally I find that very admirable. Keep up the great work all of your fraternity does. AW

stunet wrote:From The New Yorker.
"“Once formed,” the researchers observed dryly, “impressions are remarkably perseverant.” haha. This line cracked me up. The fact they added 'dryly' haha.
Great Friday morning read with my coffee Stu and lots of interesting concepts pulled into the one article.
Something i think gets overlooked in the theory of confirmation bias and taking the path of least resistance along with everyone else (as a byproduct of that type of thinking) is that alot more thinking goes into going against the grain. Alot more mental anguish, having to think for yourself and research more. This means using more of the brain, hence using more glucose. Which means you need more fuel to keep feeding the brain. Which in turn makes for more physical output (from an evolutionary perspective of hunter/gatherer). So to not think, to go along with other and form groups that can confirm our beliefs saves thinking, saves energy and saves physical output to feed the brain.
Also what i liked about the article was that it concluded that age old Lennon quote 'there are no problems, only solutions'. True true. When you set people about the task of solving a problem, the intensity of a belief tends to slide away.

"When you set people about the task of solving a problem, the intensity of a belief tends to slide away."
I wonder if the old adage of existential problems overcoming petty tribalism and ideologies still holds true.

Where’s the teeth ?
Influencer being an influencer.