That’s weird, that’s queer, that’s crazy, that deserves a long hard look.

Hehe SF

Never seen this before.
King Charlies bodyguard wearing the latest bodyguard apparel, fake arms.

There's something fascinating about Ned Kelly's armour, I haven't seen it in person since i was a kid, i think i need to make an effort to go see it again.
It's so weird that it's at the state library and not the museum though.

Yeah a nephew has regular heart appointments now. He's in his prime.

burleigh wrote:
Do you really get your "facts" from the Daily Mail Burls? Faaarkgenhell
I'll give you 10 points for perseverance anyhow .

Not wanting to downplay the side effects from the jab but to get a balanced view you need to read the whole article to the end and not just the first click bait section.
It states that the nRMA vaccine saved approx. 10 million deaths from covid, 3 mill in the US alone.
It is a small non peer reviewed study and many of the effects can be attributed to many conditions including covid itself and so it is impossible to prove that the jab is the cause.
Even the Yale experts doing the study say PVS is a work in progress and caution is needed before jumping to conclusions.
I also see where burls hero RFK jnr. is urging people to get the measles vaccination.

You have got to be farking kidding me , this “ dad “ needs to have someone throw him over niagara falls and see if he enjoys the ride .
nah it’s not real but had me going.

Supafreak wrote:You have got to be farking kidding me , this “ dad “ needs to have someone throw him over niagara falls and see if he enjoys the ride . nah it’s not real but had me going.
haha had me for a second too @supa.
And tbh, i kinda rated it!!

Supafreak wrote:You have got to be farking kidding me , this “ dad “ needs to have someone throw him over niagara falls and see if he enjoys the ride . nah it’s not real but had me going.
Got me first watch....
Influencer being an influencer.