The United States(!) of A

factotum's picture
factotum started the topic in Thursday, 27 Aug 2020 at 11:12am

Septic Tanks are going to Septic Tank

Heeby's picture
Heeby's picture
Heeby Monday, 7 Oct 2024 at 12:58pm

The concept of co- conspiracy liability ,
And how it applies to Trump being held criminally responsible for all the crimes of all the co - conspirators.


Fliplid's picture
Fliplid's picture
Fliplid Monday, 7 Oct 2024 at 1:40pm

At the risk of turning this into the Hutchy/ Pop Down thread,

Hutch was just a frothing grom on a rampage,

now he's Popped Up as a frothing grom out for a laugh.

Live and learn.

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Monday, 7 Oct 2024 at 3:47pm

Media are hiding Global Cost on Israel Invasion Evacuation.
tbb has been slowly unravelling true cost of Global evacuation...

[factcheck] 2006 Lebanon Evacuation
All western Govts Oz/UK/US/Canada etc paid for massive global cost of Israel Invasion Evacuation.

Bizarrely includes #1 Warmongers Bush / Howard covered all Muslim's Evacuation...Luv these guys!

[factcheck] All Media falsely allude to Western Govts freely & gallantly evacuating world citizens...
All plead commonsense...You must Evacuate Now!
So why can't they?

tbb can confirm all western nations are mandating evacuation costs upon own fleeing National Citizens.
UK locked in base $675 Price (Pay up front or die!)
US mandate $415 Loans for fixed price fare
Canada now mandate fixed priced loans
Oz pays initial $30m cost but demands Insurance and Lebanese Dual Nationals pay back the fares.
NZ offer good luck + Mandate registering where ya prefer to be Bombed!

Israel orders all cowardly Western Nations to mandate their own captive world citizen evacuations.
World now mandates imprisoned evacuees pay Global extortion demands by their own Saviours.
Whole west world are complicit in mandating evacuation of innocents to fuel horrific Israeli Invasion.
If ya can't afford yer own Govt's Israeli mandated evacuation extortion demands ya simply get bombed.

How is World's largest ever Globally mandated extortion of fleeing innocents not #1 World News?
Nope! This is not a conspiracy...feel free to check any / all of Mass Mandated Emergency Extortion.

Congratulations cruel are officially dead to tbb.
Happy Anniversary! KILL KILL's ya bill!

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Monday, 7 Oct 2024 at 4:18pm

Dont worry Iran said they will pay any bills seeing they are the ones that finance Hamas, Hezbollah & the Houthi's.

Israel is just writing up the bill now it should be arriving by airmail anytime soon.

garyg1412's picture
garyg1412's picture
garyg1412 Monday, 7 Oct 2024 at 4:24pm
Pop Down wrote:


He was a Buffon !

He was the Hardest Buffon To Buffon

AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Monday, 7 Oct 2024 at 7:03pm
Heeby wrote:

@ AW
It’s a bit ironic having my motives questioned by a 200 year old , explorer , naturalist,
philanthropist , geographer, biologist and illustrator.
And an anonymous man/woman , who claims to be a good tube rider, spykans wants to know where your evidence is for that .
As I said if you close your Swellnet subscription, you still have a profile name., so it doesn’t cost any more money
So maybe I can use 2 names for the same
reason , everyone else uses 1 or 2? fake names,
So if there possibly is ASIO or CIA or scammers watching , 2 names with different emails would be harder to trace than 1
And it gives you something to wonder about
But I could stay with 1 name if I wanted
Or indeed get another fake name.
It’s all optional.
You guys are so limited

Evening Heebiang. Hope ya well.

You win, smarter than me, I give in.

The remark about me being a great tube rider , that’s out of left field.

Not once myself or anybody else has stated that claim on here , ever.

That’s ok, you must have been Chamomile Dreaming in the wee hours of the morning over the last couple of days.

I must admit you are a prolific downloader of a lot of repetitive shit.

Has Heeby and Juliang ever had a bit of a barney over the discussion of some topics, do they actually get on with each other, I’d be interested to know ?

Your prerogative. All the best .

( please no more pictures of Trump or Harris, my retina is beginning to detach). AW

Edit. There is this lifestyle/pastime thing called surfing, you should try it, it’s great for the body and mind. I had a little baptism today, very nice.

Herby's picture
Herby's picture
Herby Monday, 7 Oct 2024 at 7:41pm

@AW no you got that wrong
I was talking about tube shooter ,
who made a small comment under yours ,
about the tube riding , which I don’t doubt.
I thought you were supposed to be observant

I would never assume you were a great tube
rider , without evidence
Great gardener yes !
There are actually words behind the pictures, which are clickbait
But you can’t judge a book by its cover.
Yes surfing
I had to give up for 3 year's, after40 years of it
So now I’m happy I can make it out the back again !

tubeshooter's picture
tubeshooter's picture
tubeshooter Monday, 7 Oct 2024 at 7:45pm

I think he was trying to have a go at me there with the tube riding quip AW.

And FYI Heebs, the name 'tubeshooter' is actually a reference to boards designed for such a purpose, and actually nothing to do with my skill, or lack of, in the pit.

AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Monday, 7 Oct 2024 at 7:58pm
tubeshooter wrote:

I think he was trying to have a go at me there with the tube riding quip AW.

And FYI Heebs, the name 'tubeshooter' is actually a reference to boards designed for such a purpose, and actually nothing to do with my skill, or lack of, in the pit.

Tubeshooter. Hi fella. I think so.

Different kind of a cat our Heebiang, licorice all sort.

Download rates are commensurate with a recent defunct downloader, Blowin, nothing really original, just clogging up threads. AW

Herby's picture
Herby's picture
Herby Monday, 7 Oct 2024 at 8:10pm
tubeshooter wrote:

I think he was trying to have a go at me there with the tube riding quip AW.

And FYI Heebs, the name 'tubeshooter' is actually a reference to boards designed for such a purpose, and actually nothing to do with my skill, or lack of, in the pit.

No I wasn’t actually having a go at you
No one would call themselves tube shooter
If they weren’t
That’s why I said, “ which I don’t doubt “
I could tell by some of your previous comments, that you had some good experience
It’s called sarcasm or irony or something
Plus I was making the point that you guys were anonymous .
But I never criticise anyone’s skill levels, , even the surf schools
Who’s learners often look more stoked than your normal level surfer .

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Monday, 7 Oct 2024 at 8:05pm

^^ https://m.

Herby's picture
Herby's picture
Herby Monday, 7 Oct 2024 at 8:23pm


Where do you surf these days Guy?
The legend himself.

adam12's picture
adam12's picture
adam12 Monday, 7 Oct 2024 at 8:28pm

@Herby said
"Yes surfing
I had to give up for 3 year's, after40 years of it"


GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Monday, 7 Oct 2024 at 8:52pm

^^ apologies herpes I was referring to all involved not just you:()

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Monday, 7 Oct 2024 at 9:22pm
GuySmiley wrote:

^^ apologies herpes I was referring to all involved not just you:()

Shit typo my bad herbes!!

Herby's picture
Herby's picture
Herby Monday, 7 Oct 2024 at 9:23pm
adam12 wrote:

@Herby said
"Yes surfing
I had to give up for 3 year's, after40 years of it"


Very Trumpy of you
No depression after back injury,
Which I got over without pharmaceuticals and the opioid scene, which you know all about.

No I never got into the whole surfing , heavy drug scene, which was more a big city thing,
But has now gone rural , with ice etc
Why where have you surfed. ?

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Monday, 7 Oct 2024 at 9:35pm

swellnet exclusive October Surprise forecast
First ever Rocktober triple treat Hurricane Surprise Concert Tour

Strewth...[0][0]0] Hello Downunder!
Is this Ben's Tunesmiths ...we need ya to spin up a triple decker deluxe combo!

Nice try yanks...but that's not a 3 peat this is a fuckin' 3 peat...
Stand back Yank Gromz ...tbb is winding up his 3rd eye blind combo.

Hurricane [Kirk] Rescue Crew

Expressly Messy Hurricane [Leslie]

[Milton] the Monster Hurricane

Think ya made it worse tbb....

May look like that...just rounding them up for big show tune finale!
Relax Yanks...swellnet crew got yer's wot ya do next...

Bake up some hash cookies to hook a KLM 8 miles High Pilot.
Just chill as he orchestrates all 3 Hurricanes into an exotically tame tempest.

So cool, never have dreamt that up...big thanx swellnet crew...
Reckon ya just blew our October Surprise triple threat sky high!

Nothin' Special...saving US democracy is a breeze...just wing it!

Herby's picture
Herby's picture
Herby Monday, 7 Oct 2024 at 9:31pm
Herby wrote:
adam12 wrote:

@Herby said
"Yes surfing
I had to give up for 3 year's, after40 years of it"


Very Trumpy of you
No depression after back injury,
Which I got over without pharmaceuticals and the opioid scene, which you know all about.

. ?

No depression after back injury, which I got over , without pharmaceuticals and opiates, which you obviously know about.
No I never got into the whole heavy drugs, surfing scene,
Which used to be a part of our major cities, but now has gone regional with ice etc .
Why where have you surfed ?

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Tuesday, 8 Oct 2024 at 8:34am

The press are chatting about Karine Jean-Pierre's Jacket and answers in a Whitehouse Press Briefing .

What caught Pop's attention was Her use of the interesting word , Misinformation !

Hilary hates Misinformation and wants to stop it .

Karine was asked a Question by a Fox guy .

She said the question was" Misinformation" .

Gosh , Pop could imagine armed guards coming into the Press Room and dragging out the guy .

Seems like Jean-Pierre has worked out the definition of the interesting word for US .

Juliang's picture
Juliang's picture
Juliang Tuesday, 8 Oct 2024 at 8:58am


Juliang's picture
Juliang's picture
Juliang Tuesday, 8 Oct 2024 at 9:00am

I haven’t watched clip so can’t comment on it

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Tuesday, 8 Oct 2024 at 9:29am


Now I see what the Press are worried about .

Juliang's picture does show The Jacket makes Karine look a bit like a Talking Heads member .

But I'm old fashioned and never wore shoulder pads playing League .

old-dog's picture
old-dog's picture
old-dog Tuesday, 8 Oct 2024 at 9:40am

You could fill a book with the misinformation that has come out of Trumps mouth, but the MAGA mob call it free speech. You obviously didn't wear any head protection either. ;)

Juliang's picture
Juliang's picture
Juliang Tuesday, 8 Oct 2024 at 9:49am

@ pop down
If you push the white arrow on red background,
It plays a video, or maybe you don’t have capability on your device

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Tuesday, 8 Oct 2024 at 10:13am

Very funny old dog .

I do agree with MAGA on their definition of Misinformation being Trumps free speech .

I didn't wear head protection for the same reason as shoulder pads .

I was too Hot !

I was put in shoulder pads for my first game and it was 30 C .

All I was told was to try and stop Them from touching the ball over Our Line and We had to get the ball over Their Line .

Simple 2 rules and like British Bulldog , which I had played in Melbourne .

They had the ball and I got penalised as had no idea about off side , let's get them I yelled haha .

They put me in the second row , I could push , kicked for touch and did the drop kicks .

Was eventually thrown the ball on Our try line on the wing and told to run .
Tried to run around the whole team , to fn score .

Got smashed on the opposite wing .

At half time , I nearly fainted from heat stroke ,a long sleeved jumper , pads and full head of hair being too much .
Got a bucket of cold water thrown over me :) .

Never wore any pads again and did wear a few blood noses over the journey .

I loved playing football for 30 years .

Paying for it now in many ways haha !

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Tuesday, 8 Oct 2024 at 10:28am
Juliang wrote:

@ pop down
If you push the white arrow on red background,
It plays a video, or maybe you don’t have capability on your device

@PD every other day

Juliang's picture
Juliang's picture
Juliang Tuesday, 8 Oct 2024 at 12:29pm

@ philophosizing
My phones having issues with the tunes thread .
I remember crossing the Nullarbor listening to this album.
After buying some green stuff from the desert locals. .
Good trip


sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Tuesday, 8 Oct 2024 at 12:34pm

haters are gonna hate...

(and in turn, not hear a single word)

but, this is the first time I've heard anyone talk so flippantly about 'the list'

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Tuesday, 8 Oct 2024 at 1:07pm

The Haters can't hate Trump any more so he was wise to say he will release "The List" .

Diddy's "list" of Party mates are petrified of being outed .

Epstein's Island List is the ONE party that No one can afford to have attended .

Epstein's Black book starts will the B's , Clinton and Gates .

Could be a Who's Who !

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Tuesday, 8 Oct 2024 at 3:43pm

funny...I bet Trump redacts his own name off the list prior to publishing.

would be interesting to get the full facts on Epstein and his mates and those who partook in the Island's trafficked victims

etarip's picture
etarip's picture
etarip Tuesday, 8 Oct 2024 at 6:45pm


etarip's picture
etarip's picture
etarip Tuesday, 8 Oct 2024 at 6:47pm

No comment.


etarip's picture
etarip's picture
etarip Tuesday, 8 Oct 2024 at 6:52pm
sypkan wrote:

haters are gonna hate...

(and in turn, not hear a single word)

but, this is the first time I've heard anyone talk so flippantly about 'the list'

Wait, what’s your point?

That Elon is flippant about “the list”? Does he have a point? Do you have a point?

Do you really think that DJT will release ‘the list’? Or are you that gullible? Like all the other promises he’s made “if I’m elected”

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Tuesday, 8 Oct 2024 at 7:02pm

I will comment on above .

The attractive tall blonde only has eyes for Trump and Epstein is really pissed .

Scary !

Trump looks non plussed , unaffected .

etarip's picture
etarip's picture
etarip Tuesday, 8 Oct 2024 at 7:16pm

That’s your comment?
Nothing else on the pattern of salacious behaviour, the clear and documented friendship between DJT and JE, the self-admitted penchant for ‘young’ ladies?

Who was president when JE mysteriously died in prison?

Fuck you’re a tool.

The point of this whole discussion, fwiw, is that it is a poor substitute for actually articulating a case for releasing or suppressing this information, rather than just baseless allusions to ‘senior’ Democrats and ‘billionaire donors’ by a ‘billionaire GOP donor’.
Fact is that there are more photos of DJT and JE than any of the inferred ‘guests’ to the island. It’s just pre-election bullshit.

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Tuesday, 8 Oct 2024 at 7:16pm

Musk said Trump would release Epstein's list .

Trump's name is obviously not on this List , that is Already Out There somewhere .

Musk says the names on Epstein's list are similar to Kamala's friends and associates .

He has seen the list .

And Eta , who hates Trump , goes Trump hunting for saying he will release a list of high profile deviates .

Normal pathetic behaviour imho .

Go eta !

etarip's picture
etarip's picture
etarip Tuesday, 8 Oct 2024 at 7:26pm

Elon says he’s seen the list!

Really? How? When? Where?

Trump’s name is not on the list? How do you know? His name IS on the flight logs for Epsteins jet.

But, you’ve never been big on facts or truth now have you PD? You’re a habitual and unrepentant BS artist.

Now, I don’t know if Trump went to Epstein’s island any more than you know that Bill Clinton did. I don’t care either way. Whoever was involved in sex-trafficking, child abuse, whatever criminal activity occurred, should be held accountable.

But that’s cool. Your origin story on how you came to Swellnet you shared was rough. I get it, you’re looking for community. This is, generally, a pretty good community of relatively like-minded folks. But even within these groups we don’t have to accept continual BS. We all know them in a group. I guess you’re comfortable with being that guy on Swellnet.

Good for you. Have a good night.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Tuesday, 8 Oct 2024 at 8:36pm
etarip wrote:


You know how misleading this is, you could do the same for anyone that is rich and famous, rich and famous people socialise and network etc

I dont know if he went to that Island or whatever, but just because people dont like Trump doesn't mean he is a pedophile .

He said he will release the list if elected, which is an indication he isn't on the list.

etarip's picture
etarip's picture
etarip Tuesday, 8 Oct 2024 at 8:59pm

Yeah, that goes to the heart of what I’m saying. If you’re going to vote for [insert candidate] because someone else says that he knows whose on the list and [insert candidate] is going to release that list, then you’d better hope that [insert candidate]’s name isn’t on any lists.

Also, that image doesn’t say that Trump is a pedophile.

I’m entirely indifferent about Kamala tbh. You’re right though. I don’t like Trump.

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Tuesday, 8 Oct 2024 at 9:16pm
indo-dreaming wrote:
etarip wrote:


You know how misleading this is, you could do the same for anyone that is rich and famous, rich and famous people socialise and network etc

I dont know if he went to that Island or whatever, but just because people dont like Trump doesn't mean he is a pedophile .

He said he will release the list if elected, which is an indication he isn't on the list.

However he is a convicted sexual abuser/rapist.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Tuesday, 8 Oct 2024 at 9:34pm

getting a bit fired up and feisty there eta...

and dare I say, peddling bullshit

you're right though, it's all a bit speculation, innuendo, and rumour... atm...

I'll say a couple of things that are widely accepted as true though, or seem to be...

1. what indo said... they were all running in the same circles (when trump was still a democrat at least...)

2. epstien was running an elaborate philanthropic schindig that focussed on the sciences, hence gates and various other tech. nerds...

3. trump is on epstien flight logs for flying to various other destinations - but seems adamant he never visited the island... clinton ain't so adamant...

4. trump distanced himself from epstien when/before the seedyness became apparent/public... prince andrew, gates, possibly clinton, and others cannot make such claims...

4. trump had a falling out with epstien - about a young girl and epstien at mar-a-lago... be that ironically or not...

the significance of musk's comments are the 60 culpable big donors crossover with epstiens top 100 list... we'll see... maybe...

I'll probably make myself wide open here... but... the pedo charge is probably a stretch and/or total exaggeration...

they were all messing around with vulnerable young girls, I'd argue not technically paedophilia...

but nonetheless seedy as fuck, and nasty manipulative power tripping shit...

the real dirt seems to be about the trafficking and under age girls, of which epstien was definitely guilty

maybe trump had the wisdom and/or morals to not go to seedy island... who knows?

I can't see the photos you posted (an indo thing I think) but I can guess what they are... most people have seen them hundreds of times, as dem propagandists do exactly what you're blaming others of... ie. dirt, rumour, innuendo, smear...

from what I've read, they're all guilty of some thing, but trump definitely ain't the main seed dog...

not even close...

Mal Caithness1's picture
Mal Caithness1's picture
Mal Caithness1 Tuesday, 8 Oct 2024 at 9:58pm

Boom tish.

etarip's picture
etarip's picture
etarip Tuesday, 8 Oct 2024 at 10:02pm

Not fired up or feisty at all syppo.

In fact, probably a bit low energy after tweaking my knee at the skatepark trying to keep up with the grommets. Should know better.

so. when's this list coming out? after the election?

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Tuesday, 8 Oct 2024 at 10:08pm

You what makes me think Trump isn't on the list or never went to the Island.

If he had im sure they some how would have exposed it by now to stop him from being president again.

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Tuesday, 8 Oct 2024 at 10:10pm


indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Wednesday, 9 Oct 2024 at 5:09pm

Trump has edged back out in front.

Trump 50.9

Harris 47.7

"What are Trump's odds of winning the election? Here's why they just got better"

flollo's picture
flollo's picture
flollo Wednesday, 9 Oct 2024 at 5:10pm

@indo the most important poll is the one conducted in Pennsylvania. Whoever wins there wins the election.

It’s even and unpredictable on 538.

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Wednesday, 9 Oct 2024 at 5:16pm


Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Wednesday, 9 Oct 2024 at 5:50pm


