All Things Religion Thread

"It’s not for me but whatever floats your boat. Just keep it to yourself and your like-minded friends and don’t try to push your beliefs on other people.
Merry Christmas Swellnetters"
Thats my view too, Australia is pretty good though, much different to say Indonesia, where you can even end up in jail for blasphemy, and religion just controls society so much, it's in your face 24/7.

Australian Jesus emerging from the manger

There's something for every one in that pic

"much different to say Indonesia, where you can even end up in jail for blasphemy, and religion just controls society so much, it's in your face 24/7."
First up Indo, the blasphemy laws in Indonesia are rarely used and when they do, it's usually for political purposes.
Secondly, Indonesia is a remarkably tolerant country in terms of different religions. There was inter-religious violence 15 or so years ago in Eastern provinces but, like the blasphemy laws, much of it was whipped up by the Suharto old-guard for political purposes.
I recommend you read "Indonesia etc..." to get a really good understanding of how religion works in Indonesia across the nation. ( 3 weeks ago )
Thanks for the learned insight Vic Local....
Got to say that condescendingly dispensing wisdom on Indonesia to a bloke with exponentially more knowledge on the place than yourself is a bold move.
Just out of spent much time in Indo , Vic Local ?

Amen to that Blowin...and gotta love those goats eh!

Aussie Virgin Mary

Wow blowin, you found one example in a country of 267 million people. And in your tiny little mind, you think that's what life is like for the average citizen across a country that is incredibly diverse.
My first trip to Indo was 30 years ago and I've been back around 20 times since then. I've been to Sumatra, Java, Bali, Lombok, Flores, Sumbawa, Sulewasi, and Timor for work, study, and play. And I also have a degree studying the language, history, politics and cultures of the country. That, my shit-for-brain friend, gives me a little more understanding of the various cultures and religions across Indonesia than the average tourist who's Bahasa Indonesia ends with satu lagi bir besar.

One example ?
ANOTHER four people are murdered - one of whom was beheaded - and you describe the situation as tolerant.
Yet you continue to smear the entire citizenry of Australia as potential right wing mass murderers due to the actions of one person with a gun let loose in New Zealand.....
PS Indo Dreaming isn’t a shit for brains tourist. He’s lived and worked in Indo , married an Indonesian and is part of an Indonesian community. You can stick that with your “ study “ in your arse . You’re just another page turning armchair expert bloke.

Oh FFS blowin, are you still on the piss?
A country can still be remarkably tolerant of multiple religions even if a few extremists commit heinous crimes.
You'll have to point out exactly where I "continue to smear the entire citizenry of Australia as potential right wing mass murderers..."
Stop posting absolute shite blowin.

You’re forever describing Australians as intolerant racist losers despite zero evidence to support this claim. Yet when there’s unapologetic murderers of innocent people in Indo it’s a big hurry to obfuscate and down grade the gravity of the situation.
Oh...sorry. You’ve got a coupe of whiny fucks telling the ABC about the time someone didn’t sit next to them on the bus and because they’ve assumed it’s due to the colour of their skin our mate Vic Stupid has jumped on the “ All Australians Are Racist Intolerant Scum “ bandwagon.
I think you just hate ( Caucasian ) Australians.

Modern Australia is the most harmonious and exemplary example of racial tolerance in the history of the world yet Vic Local continues to besmirch Australians as racially intolerant scum .
Meanwhile.....hundreds of innocent people killed in religious murders in Indonesia and Vic Local berates people who dare suggest there’s an undercurrent of religious intolerance running through the country.

Wrong again blowin. I'm forever describing you as an intolerant racist loser, because there's plenty of evidence to support this claim.
"I think you just hate ( Caucasian ) Australians."
Wrong again blowin. I just hate racists.
When it comes to racism and religious intolerance Indonesia isn't perfect, No country is. There are worrying signs in Indonesia and leaders need to be careful of organised radical Islam. Australia also has to be extremely careful with the rise of the radical right, with another arrest of a white nationalist this month. That's why I call out your racist bullshit at every opportunity.

A racist who’s been to Indo three times more than you have cause he loves the people and their culture.....but sure I’m racist.
Let’s face it couldn’t call the Melbourne Cup correctly if there was one horse in the race. You’re a dumb cunt bloke.
Admit it.
If there was a hint of nuance in anything you say I’d hesitate to say such a thing but there isn’t so a dumb cunt you are indeed. You can’t claim any form of intelligence without nuance bloke. You don’t show it so you ain’t got it. End of story.
The fact that you’ve got a degree is more a sad reflection on the lack of critical thinking required for study than it is for your mental capacity to develop knowledge beyond rote learning.

blowin you could go to Indonesia a million times, and you'd still be a racist because you post endless racist shit on this site. You wanted to round up South Koreans for immediate deportation, and a month ago you posted a meme about Chinese people eating western babies.
Just own it mate, very few people believe your denials.

Let’s leave this thread to those who are interested in the topic eh?

Goofy ....the irony in claiming that religious proselytisers should have their own space free from the intrusion of regular discussion is perfect.
But I’ll respect your wishes.

OK goofy footer.
Bit of a topic change. I was hanging out with a young Christian man in Flores about 18 years ago and we discussing the inter-religion violence in Ambon. He was saying it was criminal gang and politically motivated. If anything happened like that in Flores, he was part of a Christian group who were going to the mosque to protect it. There was a Muslim group who were tasked with protecting the church. For more info about the violence in Ambon check

Couldn’t give two shits to be honest but there’s probably been enough threads clogged up from you two going at each other

Pray for us Goofy

blowin , you are very racist and you also continually religiously vilify people of faith.
I have to say Vic local makes a lot more sense than you do .
But when you post it seems all about your point of view and no-one elses .....your opinions are based on a very narrow view and are mostly only relative to you....sad but true......

@Vic Local
Indonesia is more tolerant to different religions than many other islamic dominated countries, the national motto basically translates to unity in diversity but there is still a lot of intolerance, and on a much different level than Australia.
A lot of it is just day to day stuff that isn't international news worth, just a lot of churches forced to close down, or christian market owners forced not to sell pork anymore.
My wife family are catholic and to keep them happy I've gone to church and where she lives the church has army security with automatic riffles guarding the doors, obviously not just for decoration.
In the last ten years Islam in Indonesia has also been much more influenced by middle east forms, so while in the west Christianity in general is having less and less of an influence in our society, in Indonesia it seems the opposite and Islam is having more of an influence on things like politics or just society in general. (not just my opinion plenty of articles on the topic)
And like i said religion there is in you face 24/7 no matter what the religion, Bali it's Hindu, most of Indonesia it's Islam with hijabs and calls for prayer blaring out everywhere, and then in Christian areas there seems to Churches everywhere.
Anyway my comment wasn't suppose to stir up conversation or debate.

You've never told me you had a uni degree V.L?
Which uni was that?

Brutus - I still remember stumbling over the dunes at Waroora and finding the ASL on location edition tents at the lagoon. You and your ego had found ( secondhand ) what you you described to Ross Clarke Jones as “ The last frontier in Australian surfing “ . You got on the blower and called in everyone available to blow the joint out so you could put the BRUTUS name up in lights and make MORE MONEY. Whilst everyone else who knew about the joint just put their heads down and enjoyed it for its natural beauty you only saw EGO and DOLLARS.
Cash and ego , ego and cash .
But it was really all ego wasn’t it Brutus ? So why don’t you keep your little parables of humility to yourself brother ? Maybe learn your lesson whilst it was relevant like every other fucker instead of trying to convert yourself into the IMMACULATE and VIRGINIAL Brutus in your later years ?
I totally appreciate your efforts to stem the tide of Money ( ego ) before Place as you’re trying to do at Bells but it would’ve been a deeper appreciation if you hadn’t acted in the same manner as the crew wanting the walkway in times past.
I hold no grudge against you and I’ll excuse your insulting and patently false accusations of racism cause it’s Chrissy. But I recommend sorting your own shit out before you start flinging the mud around at others. If you want to line yourself up with the obviously insane Vic Stupid then knock yourself out.
PS Religious vilification.....pffft.
Just cause I don’t agree with your point of view doesn’t make it vilification brother.
Racism / Religious vilification......time to sort your shit out before you totally debase these legitimate concerns by continued and baseless applications to everyone you have beef with.

"false accusations of racism"
Oh please blowin, just stop it.
2 weeks ago you posted a meme about Chinese people eating western babies.

Vic’re a cunt to everyone and anyone who dares show even the slightest deviation from your opinions.
You’re a fucken proper misanthrope you clown. You hate fucking EVERYONE and freely offend EVERYONE everyday of the week so spare me your sanctimonious twaddle about offending others.
You are the spirit animal for rude , obnoxious fuckwits the world over but you somehow convince yourself that a meme posted in jest rivals your casual , systematic and entrenched misanthrope.....FFS.

I can’t remember which book or article I read this in ( so sorry there’s no link ) but it was about a house of worship built in Lombok and another existed in East Java . They were built and shared by muslim’s , christians and hindu’s over 100 years ago . They shared the building and respected each other’s time of ceremonies and preaching. On the special religious days they had the other two faiths would bring gifts to whoever was holding a special religious event. It was hard to believe that this actually happened and I wonder if it still exists in these two separate places today.

I can’t remember which book or article I read this in ( so sorry there’s no link ) but it was about a house of worship built in Lombok and another existed in East Java . They were built and shared by muslim’s , christians and hindu’s over 100 years ago . They shared the building and respected each other’s time of ceremonies and preaching. On the special religious days they had the other two faiths would bring gifts to whoever was holding a special religious event. It was hard to believe that this actually happened and I wonder if it still exists in these two separate places today.

Supafreak - Indo does do well with its cohabitation of religion . I just object to the RACIST cultural relativism employed by Vic Stupid.
The bloke shits his pants if an Aussie cracks a whip at the Chinese consulate then double dumps into his nappy of another Aussie claims that it’s a legitimate protest . Instead Vic Stupid thinks that is evidence of ingrained racism. Never mind the overt and malicious aggression of the Chinese government towards Australia......
But then Vic Stupid can overlook hundreds of homicides throughout Indonesia committed in the name of religion and still vouch for Indonesian tolerance......WTF ?
One person defends a legitimate protest = Irredeemable racist Judges Australians as generally and unquestionably racist.
Hundreds of disputes , hundreds dead and Indonesia = tolerant.
Think how many times you’ve read Vic Stupid carrying on about the threat of White Supremacists in Australia despite fuck all actual violence whilst hundreds of dead are deemed as a laudable display of tolerance.
That’s dumb cunt stuff.

"Vic’re a cunt to everyone and anyone who dares show even the slightest deviation from your opinions"
No blowin, I'm just a cunt when people post racist shit and promote dangerous medical opinions. Other than that you can post pretty much whatever you want.
Take for instance Supafreak. He's posted some really interesting comments lately and I fully respect his contribution. If he goes back to pushing unproven medical advice that can be harmful, I will call him out for it. Same with you blowin. Post all the fishing stuff you want and I won't give you a hard time. Post racist memes and then claim they were a joke, and I'm calling you a racist liar every time.

Vic Stupid you abuse everyone in every post with no regard for proportionality or appropriateness. You’re a fucking serial pest who bolsters their low self esteem by purposely and intentionally offending everyone you possibly can.
Google Swellnet / Vic Local and find the post where Vic Stupid isn’t intentionally offending someone without any reason whatsoever.
Most times he will posit a transparently incorrect justification for his offending others but the spirit of the matter is plain for all to see.
Vic’re a cock and you live to offend. Drawing a line in the sand stating the offending someone for their race is unacceptable whilst simultaneously endeavouring to offend everyone else for any slight and imagined transgression is the act of an ultimate fuckwit. You are that fuckwit Vic Local.

Rightio fellas, behind the bike shed after school.

If me posting current data and recommendations from doctors who are leaders in their field is interpreted as me pushing unproven medical advice well what can I say , this isn’t the thread for it.

Andy .....I’ve been ignoring the unprompted insults and overlooking the sniping , slagging and flat out bullshit for three months at least. I have barely responded to the antagonism and constant slander.
A week left in the year and I thought there was a bit of payback due.
The clown is back on ignore. As you were people.
Worthy of note is that Vic Stupid is the only offensive fuck left on the site. Shut him up and it’s clear skies. Everyone else is capable of disagreement without devolving into insult . At the current time no one can even post a differing opinion on anything - particularly anything political - without being forced to endure his offensive diatribes.

Religion on boxing day eh? Sure to be a cracking forum. Alot of online abuse here. I haven't much to add except I just challenged a dude to a box on with me...he was being disrespectful..i think I'm a nice person...never hurt anyone in fact go out of my way to make people feel at ease . But if someone is blatantly disrespectful...I go into attack mode. Funny in reflection to see i challenged him to a box on on boxing day. Bug bustard too. What's my point? He's a Christian from a family of devout Christians acting in a very un Christian way. Seems to b a common theme. Anyway happily nothing became of it cos I seriously hate that shit...but what's a man to do?

I'm not even convinced he's a real person Blowin, no one can be that one dimensional and ridiculous can they?

Bluediamond- that’s me to a tee as well.
You thought I wasn’t cause I was responding to that other clown’s relentless antagonism . Now this bloke.....
Wait till you post something of depth which may generate a reaction and see the weirdos come out of the woodwork . At the moment you’re all positivity and sikjoy. The site is fun like that but if everyone censored their thoughts and only contributed non- controversial opinions it’d be very boring indeed.
Talk shit get hit is my response to the inappropriate and continuing personal attacks.
Andy- Thanks for saying that. Most others just indulge / humour the clown. No way he’s all there if it’s not parody.

Hey Blowin. Really not in the mood to go down that road. I often wonder what a more productive place these forums could b without the personal attacks.

*meaning you'd probably have more crew willing to impart their own viewpoints without fear of copping a whack from a select few.

Full. Sent it twice again. Shit internet in the sticks!!

Yo Blowin', never forget.... it's all about you man. Every thread, every post, it's you that becomes the topic. That guy, he's mental, a retard. Ignore him and let's all focus on you. Even on a thread for the God-botherers.
Don't change Blowin. Don't change man. Keep the focus. You call out the shit.

He's on "operation ignore"
5 minutes later, blowin is ranting again.
Ha Ha.

Adam12 I can’t remember a single thing you’ve ever contributed to these forums. Not even one opinion or perspective beyond shitposting about others.
Maybe it’s you who needs to change your ways ?

"I can’t remember which book or article I read this in ( so sorry there’s no link ) but it was about a house of worship built in Lombok and another existed in East Java . They were built and shared by muslim’s , christians and hindu’s over 100 years ago . They shared the building and respected each other’s time of ceremonies and preaching. On the special religious days they had the other two faiths would bring gifts to whoever was holding a special religious event. It was hard to believe that this actually happened and I wonder if it still exists in these two separate places today."
Hmmm never heard of that place.
There is a few Churches right next to M'osque in Indo, one in my wife's home town, it is surprising, you hear mixed stories of how that works.
Hindu and Buddhist always had a good history of tolerance with each other, even some odd kind of mixed temples, one in Bali forgot the name.
In Java, traditional Javanese beliefs often tie in different religious elements buddhist, hinduism, islam and even animistic aspects.
Indonesia is full of contradictions though and sometimes things seem like they are going along smoothly then bang, personally i think there is a lot of tension bubbling between religious groups that could explode at anytime in Indonesia.

AndyM 100% agree

Hey Adam 12. I was just told i post nothing of substance too by this serial online bully. Ouch. Hey blowin, here's a link to a little substance i posted on swellnet.
You might not agree with it, it might be flawed.....but i'd say it at the very least has substance.
I happily put my own name out there to all and sundry, so i'm not scared to say what i say. Its what i would say to some one face to face.
I remember clicking on swellnet on christmas eve and saw on their home page something blowin had written. The two lines i saw were something about VL being a cum swallowing whatever and dropping the c bomb. I'd imagine kids would be clicking on swellnet to check their christmas forecast and seeing stuff like this posted. Perhaps others are doing it, too...not saying they aren't and not saying it's just blowin...but the fact these crew are blatantly tarnishing a good honest website put together to help us ultimately get more waves and get more wave stoke....what a fucking disgrace. You folk should be ashamed of yourselves. Come on. I thought surfers were at the frontier. Not the bottom of the cellar.

Bluediamond- serial online bully ? Whatever mate. I respond to shit talk exactly the way you described a minute ago. Does that make you a serial bully cause you challenged that fella to a box ? Go through all of my posts and you’ll never find a personal insult which wasn’t in response to something aimed at me first. Not once.
I never saw your casino abattoir post because you didn’t put a bump post under it to put it on the home page. I’m always interested in crew who have something to say . That worth a lot more to my Swellnet experience than someone who is boringly pleasant. I can get boringly pleasant with a flat white at the Macca’s drive through. I never said you didn’t post anything substantial I said you never post anything controversial such as a political opinion. Perhaps your abattoir post is controversial ? I’ll read it now.
Regardless of its content, thanks for posting something of yourself. That’s always appreciated.
Guy ....nice work. Cheers.

Yeah indo I can’t recall where I read it , possibly in Ring of Fire , not sure but when I asked my good friend Agung ( a English teacher from klungkung ) he was the one that told me about the one in East Java , it sounded unlikely to me but Agung confirmed it, I’ll send him a message to see if I can find out more.

Yo Blowin. Long story short, i got no grudges and i'll only attack when attacked. You would do well to put alot more research into your opinions (as per my above link) and allow others to express their opinions without such aggressive attacks from yourself. I honestly reckon you ruin this site,...that's just my opinon.. And keep in mind, next year the government is gonna throw big fines at online bullies. Swellnet might want to think about that too before allowing alot of your comments.

“I’ll only attack when attacked.....”
“ ruin this site “
Yeah . Nice one.
Here you go optimist
Not sure my instinctive need to stick up for the secret desire to be one day honoured rightfully with the role of Forum moderator (expecting a call any day)...
But anyway I couldn't help but read your troubles on another thread...unfortunately I found myself siding with everyone's posts...other than your own...except for the part where you were told you can't post here!
So I put my low IQ mind to coming up with a solution that suits all...and here it is...a safe place if you like
You can post anything you like about your beliefs...and no one has to read it unless they want! Easy peasy...
maybe you could even get Jesus, fat Buddha, Mohammed, and friends to converse in adult conversation here
Solving the world problems, one at a it taking a shovel as a way of moving that mountain
All the
PS...I actually was born again once, but I grew up, and grew a brain of my own...and realised it was all a load of shit!